The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 28, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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A pure cream of tartar
Pure and Sure.
It does more work and finer work than any other."? If you do
not find it exactly as represented you can return ..itto your 'grocer
and he will pay you back your money. r
'Clevtlaml Baking Prw&r Co., Ntw J'cri, Suacstor tj Clewlauct Hrj.'Herl.
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Aro and Inrain-
devout l.iglita In
Dearly all purtfl
of the city.
Our IncuudoBcc-ut System Is absolutely safe
Improvements used ia doing
The AVide Renowned
Laundry work of
The special privutc sale of choice
Turkish and Persian Rugs, uow in
our store, will be closed the first
of February. Those who came
last week got real Bargains. There
are still many rare specimens
which will be offered at lowest
prices during this week. Parties
intending to purchase should not
miss this opportunity.
So many complaints of irregular
delivery have reached us, which
we have traced to stolen papers,
that we now offer $5 reward for
information that will leud to the
conviction of any person caught
stealing The Tribune from the
doorsteps of regular subscribers.
The third week of common pleas court
begins thin morning.
Newton Jackson ha.s rentPil the Oonrion
house, (Mil Ailams avenue, for next year.
The lee at the Driving park was (loo'hal
last night; skating should be good today.
Slush- tonight.
"The Lost Paradise" was produced at
tho Frothtiixham Saturday aftornoon anl
evening before large and highly pleasi;J
Tho oratorio cantata, "Tho Holy City."
will be produced In tho I'rovldi-nef- Pres
byterian church tonight under the direc
tion of Prufessor T. J. Jjavlos. The
chorus will Consist of thlrty-llvo voices.
The exchanges at the Scranton C'l. arini?
house during thH wet-k wer: .Mmiilav,
S147,r.92.84; Tuesday, $ljl.4Jj.!; Wount-ylav.
i33,7).0S; Thursday, Jll.siT.W: Krlilav,
S10O.4OD.41; Saturday, $115,J1J.;i; total,
Rev. T. IieWitt Talma fee, of Brooklyn,
N. Y., will lecture at the KrnthliuTliain
IVb. 14, on "My Trip Around th World."
The platform will be occupied by a num
1k of Scrntitnii divines tind the lecturer
will be Introduced by ltev, Ijr. Charles
oblnson, of tho Second Presbyterian
He Will Glvo Scenes from .Viillerc's (ircut
It will ho lonfr lPfnre Scranton will
lift favored again with such an oppor
tunity an will he offered on Tuesday
evening. Fib. ii. In Charles Kohlf's re
cital In Young Men's Christian Associa
tion hall for the benefit of the Young
Women's Christian association!.
He has few peers In his power of
dispensing with Kcenic effects without.
a conscious limto his audience of thes(
accessories. The programme here will
Include Mollere's great comedy, "The
Physician In Splto of Himself," two of
the mot liowerful scenes from
"Merchant of Venice," and ono of Mrs.
Ilohlf's (Anna Katharine Oreen) heroic
Confirmed hy tho Court.
On Saturday court made nn onli-r com
mitting to the Home for the Friendless
Marshal and Ilertha Hull, children of
Charles Hall, who had been living witti
their father and step-mother In a ills,
reputable resoi't In Ituymoinl court. The
child saving committee of the Hoard of
Charities were Instrumental In rescuing
the children from their dangerous sur
roundings. F.lcctric Cor Goes Skating,
The motorman of an electric car de
scending the Pino street hill Saturday
morning lost control of It on account of
slippery rails and at Plnn street and
Madison avenue tho car refused to round
the curve. It left tho rails and dashcl
down the hill to Jofforson avenue, whore
Its career was stopped by a lire hydrant.
No one was Injured.
Mr. House's Deposition Taken.
The deposition of John W. House, on
Important witness against Kdwards, I he
typewriter thief, was taken Saturday by
Assistant District Attorney John M, Har
ris. Mr. House Is seriously III anil may
not recover, hence his tostlmony whs
aken at this time that It may be tisd
against Edwards at his trial In the event
of the death of Mr. House.
City Scavenger.
Business promptly attended to, and
prices reasonable. Charles Cooper, 710
Bcranton street.
tOt P5x vac
Tcmpcranvo Societies .Making Prepara
tions for Ills licccption.
Itov. A. I. Doyle, of New York, gen
oral secretary of tho Catholic Total
Abstinence Unlmi of America, will
come to Scranton on Suturday, Feb. "1,
under the combined auspices of ltev.
K. J. Melk-y, spiritual director of the
Diocesan union, und the olllclul board
of the- Second district, which comprises
the temperance societies of the city.
Father Doyle is said to be without u
peer on the lecture platform on the
subject of temperance. He is a gifted
orator anil his HIV work Is devoted
to the advancement of the cause in
which he is laboring.
A committee of arrangements met
yesterday afternoon at St. Paul's ar
mory on the West Side to ajjree upon a
suitable reception to Father Doyle. J.
C. tlallaglier, president of the Second
district, is chairman of the committee,
and Timothy McCoy is secretary. The
rest of the committee is made up of a
delegate from each society if the dis
trict. They did not complete their
work and will meet, again next Thurs
day iilfjlit at 7.110 at .the ollice of C. O.
Uoluml in the Ueptiblicaii building.
Father Doyle will arrive on an after
noon train on the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western, and he will be met
at the depot. Just what the programme
will be for his reception is not decided
upon, but it is thought thai a repre
sentation from each society will be
present and the reverend gentleman
will be escorted to the pastoral resi
dence of Kev. K. J. Mclley. on. the South
Side, whose guest he will be while in
the city. Father Doyle will remain in
the city six days and during his stay
he will speak in the different parts of
the city.
He will read late mass on Sunday,
Feb. ".", at St. John's church, and he
will preach a sermon. In the evening
at 7. :!0 be will lecture In the church on
his chosen subject. On Monday night
he will be heard at Holy Rosary church
In t!i Xortli Knd; Tuesday night, at
St. Patrick's. West Side; Wednesday
night, at the Cathedral, and his last
lecture will be at St. Paul's church,
(liven nidge, on Thursday night.
Father Doyle wiil leave for home on
Friday evening, March 1.
- - -
Thomas Cunavau So Informed the Park
Commissioner Saturday Night.
A meetirsr of the park commissioners
wa.s held Saturday evening in the otlice
,-f Colonel K. II. Ripple, a member of
the board. The proposed acquisition of
la n.l for an artificial lake near Nay
Aus falls was discussed, pursuant to a
resolution recently introduced in coun
cils by Mr. Muir, of the Ninth ward.
Tile resolution directed the park cmi
missiomrs to Investigate the cost an l
a.lvsa.l'llity of securing land on each
side of Roaring near Myrtle
street and ClevtUind avenue, with the
.bj..-t of making an artilicia.1 lake for
bathing purposes. The land is includ. d
ia t'.w t 'ana van i state. Thomas Cau
avatl was at the meeting and was nr.
companif.l by 'his attorney. P. W.
Ht.di. s. nn. I Civil Knglneer K. V. Hew
itt. Park Commissioners T. J. Moore
ami Colonel Hippie were present. After
n discussion invoicing the area of land
reiiured and oilier details Mr. Cana
van announced that he would soon
furnish the commissioners a proposi
tion, which will be presented tu cu un
ci Is.
- -
linrnic Has done Home.
Manager William llarnie, of the Scran
ton club, returned to his home in lirook-
Ivn Saturday afternoon. In the morn
ing he had a conference with Jack Hess,
of last sr.. son's Wilkes-liarre club, who
was reserved by that club. If Willies
J Jarre do. s not sl-n him Jaek may wear a
Scranton uniform next season.
A SI 75 llcmity.
can be seen until Wednesday next
Jnrlsch's, 4.".". Hpruee street. It Is a Scott
Premier Automatic I lainniei less (imi
tinest grade and was built to the order
Mr. II. 1 1. Swartz. It Is without u.u
Hull thu tinest gun In this valley.
Rev. X. F. Stahl, pastor of the C.reen
P.i.lge Presbyterian church, accompanied
by his wife, will leave next month for n
Journey to Asia.
pisl.llng Kl.ler (.reached an
excellent sermon at the Park Place .Meth
odlsl KpiHoopal church yesler.iay morn
ing, his text being "Sir, We Would See
lt. v. Tt. S. Jones, 1 .!., of the Welsh
Cnngregalional church, occupied the pul
pit of thu North Main Avenue liaptist
church la 1 night, owing to the Miners of
llcv. W". li. Walkins.
Mrs. L. 11 ughes-Prundage sang at the
Perm Avenue liaptlst church yesterday,
having undertaken tho dutfcs of so
prano soloist. Mrs. Huglies-Hrunilage
has u delightful voice and Is welcomed
back to her old position.
Chorister J. T. Watklns hns been ap
pointed baritone soloist at the meetings
of the Wyoming and Htisipielumna Coun
ties' Musical alliance, which will be held
at Nicholson opera house on Thursday
and Friday. Dr. Palmer, of New Yolk,
will preside.
Kev. J. Philip Tl. Pendleton, of Schenec
tady. N. V., who was a former rector of
St. Luke's, was expected to preach to his
former parishioners yesterday, but was
prevented from attending. Mrs. Pendle
ton Is staying with her sister, Mrs. A. 1.
Holland, ail I Mr. Pendleton Is expected
during the week.
Memorial services were hell yesterday
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion rooms, when Impressive addresses
were delivered with reference to the late
Miss Mary Doersnm and Miss Ida Davis.
Miss Ha rnh C. Krlgbiiuin conducted tin
services nn.l wns assisted by .Miss Haw
ley, Miss Nlchollsnnd Miss Raul).
At tho quarterly meeting of tho Pari:
Place Methodist episcopal church held on
Haturday evening the following stewards
were elected: (icorge It, Clark, Lublel
Cu:inter. James e'rancs. A. W. Jiulsch,
The mas H. Jones, Kd Mill, ( eorge H.
Rutty, Horace (1. Tvltong and F'ira Whlt
tikor. James W. N ull wai chosen record
h'g secretary.
During the Bcrl"H of special revival ser
vices at (he Simpson Memorial church
Professor W W. Jones provided excellent
muslu for the service of song. He has
adopted one commendable feature In dili
gently teaching tho Importance of voice
culture As Air. Jones Is a successful
pupil of James tiauvugo he Is well quali
fied to do this.
Rev. P. II. Hawxhurst, D.D., of tho
Park Place Methodist Episcopal church,
is preparing another series of educational
lectures which have proved Bticli a vnl
unblo feature In his church work. On
Friday evening (ho llrst of tho series will
bo delivered, when tho subject will be
"Oroat Hnttles of the Civil War." Store,
optlcon views will be used to illustrate tho
Address liy Cornelius Uckliardt, of the
Star Newspaper, 'asliiii(ton.
Tho Pastor's Critics Discussed- Claims
of the Lutheran ( limcli-llcr Position
Defined -- Liturgical Service Defended-
1 11(11 rc of l.utlicriinisiu.
Last evening an admirable address
was deliveivd by Cornelius Kckhardt at
the Holy Trinity Lutheran church on
Adams uvenue to tho members of the
local Luther league. Mr. Kckhardt is
a member of the staff of the Star news
paper, Washington, D. C, and is well
known for his great services to the
Lutheran b'ague In the States. During
his address lie -ali.1:
To have and to hold tn. nihechlp In
the Lutheran church, the Church of
Christ, isto my mind an honor oftio Utile
moment. To know the Lutheran church
and her dts.-brltii.jt IhiM'otigMy Is Id
knw ih? very M.Jsencc of Chris tk'i.n My,
and to feed thtf vast membcryhip on
Mils cisenve I the constant aim of our
great church. It Is gratifying indeed
to note the great Interest manil'i'Sted
everywhere in our church and hew well
she lias In e.t bruitgll to the fiant dur
ins'the pa si few years. If 'it wvre n i't
for .the pU'i'e an l fipotless history she
has made lor 'hws. ll' this Interest
would die out. Her doctrines have
sto.j',1 the test these centutles an l re
main unch.inge.l. Th" Lutheran chu ell
will bt ir the cluswl investigation. This
is wh it we wa.nil and this is what we
have been ge'iig through w.lth for the
past ffW yeai'S and! that Is why .the in
terest is ever ell the llK-rcase.
If these Is any one thing an em
ployer Hpprc.-Htes more than another,
It is the uninterrupted attention to
buy! !.?. 5l.!itl intonst In his bit -dues
on the part of his .employes. Where
j'ltch a state of affairs exist, good ro
fult.i nui-t snivly follow. In this you
will all. no doubt, uvee with me. Why,
then, cannot this be a.pplied to the re
l.ntiuinshiip hptweon pa.-itor and peopl.''.'
We, .TS laymen, tm members of the
church, seleat a p:isti;r. we employ him
and yet I dhJliUc tha.t word in this con
nection. Forget That lie Is Human.
We expert him 'to do ithe very b;st
h? ar.d sjme tiir.-s more; yt s, very
. fteii we are d-ridodly unreasonable.
We l'eTgct that he is .human, awfully
humati, aiiid tliat he ctamot possibly do
Just the thing to i!(h.u all of us, all
the time. We very ot 01 find fault over
some trilling 1m ppcnintf, t ha t is not worth
a moment's coii-ide: jtion, und what
does all this lead to? A general dis
satisfaction; an 1 why'.' do you ask. Hc-cau.-ii
Mr. has a liitle grievance
and at the llrrft opportunity must go to
Mr. Jones, relate it and in turn h.-ar
one from him: th. n comes Mr. Smith
with another, and so on until the entire
membership has but cue object in com
ing' to church, and that not the tight
one. Tills lis Jay activity, but, my
friends, tile wrong kind. Turn a de if
ear itrilles a ml II' you have any
thing; to njy about your n.istor, be man
ly enough to Hay Jt to him, und to lilm
alone; it concerns no one else.
Jf you havtin't anything to do In the
church go to your pastor; he will find
sMmtithitng for you, and until he dot s
llnd something do what Is reiiulred
cf jmu a coiiri.tent member of thn
chureh, take ptirt in the services, King
out Hin the hymns, and pay close it
tent'lon to the sennon, t? home mind
prollt by It. The Juther league topic
for this date. "Tint King Curing Dis
ease." is a very isuggestive nni- .in this
conh.ectien. Tlvia cwitinuul fault find
ing ban grown to be a disease with
many, and Hi? sooir-r w rid our.sclws
of It the b. tier for the church
When once we lcc.t a pastor It Is our
boundeii duty to lender him fill the aid
po.-i lble, and this can be done, oh, In
i ti".iny ways. You a.'k iti.nw; by
lroinpt iund regular atti mlancc, 'by
giving our undlvld-d ntlentlon to the
sermon, by Kinging with our whole souls
and m t 1 MVilng tills Inipoiitu nt pa.rt
.!' th i wui.-hlp lo the choir; by regular
ly and promptly paying our contribu
tion to Hi pa.'-tor's salary an l thu ex-j.ii.i-
s of the church, land hint, but not
le.'i-t, by properly bridling our tongues.
1 m. an by 'this that we should be -x-tn
mely cail.-iful as to how mi l when
and w lu re we speak of, not only our
pastors, but of one 'another as members
of the thurcli, ii.iul especially of our
p.uifoii s In the presence of chlklit n.
In their piHw nice we should never speak
but In ithe highest term!', and, n.s 1 mid
a, f. w moments ago there Is no occasion
for anyt'hlng else.
A (iood Choir Appreciated.
Having just spoken of the clmlr and
l.ft 1 should be inlsHini'derstood In that
dircclloti, 1 want to say ithat J appre
ciate the b rvlros of n good choir. I
was once a tucnih'eir of a choir myself,
and nolturtiMy (have a, kindly felling
toward them, but I do not bnlleve that
we .should be f'ltlsfled to let the choir
do all of the singing, i'.y .the older of
service laid down forottr church worship
there is an abundance of time tillotied
tht in for yperlal winging, so that we
should not feel as though we were nn
croachlng m tin Ir rights when we take
part and hotp tli"m otrt. A return to
the times of Lulher Is iKrcwary and
hi ire nuiiy be iiioted one of his choleo-it
saylngs,"Muslelstheartof the prvphets
tint only art which can calm tho agita
tion of the soul.
A mlnishr who will thoroughly pre
pare liinifrnilf for tlie ipulplt oam In from
twenty to thirty minutes give his con
Iti'i gait km an entire week's foml for
thought. A wrvice for the rt,plo ns
wi II us the tnlnlster Is the only proper
form r wotlsiup, amd that Is why our
beautiful comnuni wrvlce Is rexvilvlng
so much mttentilon 'utud Is o easily and
n adily Introduc d when once consid
ered from the correct atnndpolnt.
In passing I want to say a few words
on the oyster supper and Ice cream fes
tival craze for raising money. This d
cldedly iinscrlptural and In many ways
(lestional)le manner of raising money
for church work should not claim n
moment of our time. The church Is not
a kitchen or an Ice cream saloon, but
a place set iipart and dedicated for the
worship of Almighty (tod, ami ns mioli
should be used and for no other pur
poses. Ab a good Lutheran friend of
mine, prominent in the church and In
public iifTalrs, the Hon. M. D. Hurler,
a representative from Ohio, In ft recent
address delivered In lialtlmore, well
said: "You would not come Into my
house and expect to- find the refrigera
tor In the parlor and the piano In the
cellar." Most certainly not, and yet
with tho chtiroh constantly advocated
bv some people for the holding of such
affairs will, In the course of time, give
rise to many a doubt ns to whether
this or that structure net apart for the
worship of God Is In reality a church
or an lee cream saloon or an oyster
They Dlsgmec the Church,
ltlsadlsgraceonus as members of the
church of Christ, and it makes no dif
ference w hether it is held in the church
or in some other place, so long as it is
held or given in the name of the church,
the evil still exists, although in not
quite so bad it form as when held In
the church. As tills great evil Is iil
most entirely in the control of the laity,
let us rise up und Fay No! these tilings
cannot be. (live as commanded by the
Sacred Word and do not draw forth
a clngle penny by an appeal to the appe
tite. Remember, "It !h more blessed to
give than to receive," and bear In mind
that when you pay -5 cents for an
oyster supper and receive full
value for your money you are
not supporting the gospel In the
proper manner. Then again they
are trouble breeders of the worst
kind, und the sooner we git rid of all
the better. I know the ladles will wel
come the day when these things are
no more, tlive, give freely, according to
your ability, only give.
To my mind uuotlier very serious
drawback to the work of our church
Is this continual prutter of the ex
tremely liberal clement In our church
for in tcr-denoiiiina llonal work, so-called,
und who bee! grieved to think that
very hiuny of our best and ablest min
isters will not unite with them In tills
work, und who refuse to lock arms
with every new comer In ids efforts to
spread the gospel. It has often been u
matter of great surprise to me that
.hese extremists never seem to realize
that to be so ready and willing to have
others do the work Is demonstrating
the fact ideally that they are not equal
to the work. It Is certainly a tacit ad
mission on their part of their Inability.
The great majority of our Lutheran
ministers, 1 am glad to say, are op
posed to such things, and in this they
need ' our hearty co-operation und
should . have It. Your place and my
place Is at the church to which we be
lon;.T, and If we do our duty there, we'll
never have time to think of going out
side, ami an long as we are members
of a church the membership or wnien
fur exceeds Unit of any other Protest
unt denomination in the world today,
and whose teachings ure so firmly
planted on the word of Cod, why look
for anything else to do.
Plenty of Work to Do.
There is any amount of work for us
to do all the time; the causes of home
missions und church extension alone
are now demanding more time and at
tention than we give to them and it
Keems to me, that ill so noble a cause,
we should (ill the more glory In our
own work and constantly push it for
This address would be Incomplete
should 1 not refer to the Sunday school
and societies connected with the church.
Without a doubt the most Important
of these Is the Sunday school. As lay
men we cannot give the pastor and
supoi lntendent too much support in
this line of the work. Mere tin- cnu
dren are moulded for life, and as they
eventually become the members of the
church, they should in addition to the
regular lesson be instructed thoroughly
In tin; use of a service. ..) nunuuy
school can be conducted successfully
without one. All this talk against
forms has had its day. and those most
bitterly opposed to forms as laid down
bv the" church ure usually the greatest
sticklers for foi nis of their own, which
are at times narrow in the extreme. 11
docs not make anv diflerence whether
the pastor, church council, teacher and
o Ulcer of the school have decided opin
ions on these questions or not. The
very fact that they do agree and unite
in the adoption ot an order oi service
makes said order of service, no matter
how scriptural or simple, ritualism.
Fneourage the Luther league, my
friends, for certainly if the Lutheran
e.hni-ch In tills country is to lie u.ilteii.
and 1 trust it may not be long, the
Luther league will do it. And then
with what rejoicing and good will can
we sing:
My Chureh! My Church! my dear old
My fathers' und my own!
On Prophets and Apostles built,
And Christ the Corner Stone!
Mrs. Cathcrhio Winton Iirinus Suit
Kccovcr $1 A.:i()7.0'J.
A law suit involving a big sum of
money for coal royalties was Instituted
In court Saturday by Mrs. Catherln
Winton through her son, Attorney A.
II. Winton, against Coal Operator (). S.
Johnson. It arises from a dispute ns to
the amount to be paid. Between Mrs,
Winton's claim and Mr. Johnson's
stati ment tin re Is a difference of $1,(1,
ilto.OL', and that is the amount sued for
On Sept. 20, ISSi, Mrs. Winton leased
twenty acres and 152 perches uf coal
land In Green Ridge to L. A. Watres,
K. N. Willurd and O. R. Johnson, for
the sum of $1,000 annually. This amount
was payable in monthly instalments.
Again on Aug. 12, lss.'i. Mrs. Winton
leased to O. S. Johnson, Individually,
nil the. balance of the land in the same
tract, and the provisions of this lease
were that Mr. Johnson should pay u
royalty on 1.1,000 tons of coal, whether
that amount was mined or not. An ad
ditional provision was made in the
lease subsequently, whereby Mr. John-
Bon agreed to pay $C..r.00 annually while
operating under the two leases, because
then It was stated in the lease that
the Interests or 10. N. Wlllard nnd L. A
Watres hud been assigned to Mr. Joint'
son. Mrs. Winton ullegcs that under
tills lease she Is entitled to $:i2.r.00, whlcli
Is the total for live years at the rate
of Jti.MO annually.
On Jan. 12 of this year Mrs. Winton
received, says she received, u statement
from Mr. Johnson showing a balance In
her favor of $IO,i:i2.0S. On the strength
of this statement the suit Is brought.
Dickens' Christmas Carols.
Leland Powers will give one of the en
tertiihiinentH of the Young Men's Chris
thin iiNsoelallnii course In Die hall tomor
row evening. He will recite Dickens'
"Christmas Carols." There is probably
no other entertainer before the public to
day who has the uhllity to become bo
thoroughly Identltled with the character
he assumes as Mr. Powers. Ills work la
wonderfully clever und artistic.
If you have property or a good
reference, you may open an ac
count ami pay every 30 tlllJS.
Evervtliiit sold on the lowest
CASH BASIS. No extra charge
for delivering. All freight charges
paid under 100 utiles.
And guarantee satislaetioti. or
money refunded, and are not com
plaining of "bard times."
E. Q. Coursen
Leading Grocer N. E. Fa.,
I'rince und Ouccn Led the 'av to the
noy nrownlesanJ Girl Fairies of the Y.
M. C. A. Brownie Show Dine Just Like
Grown Folks-Occurred After
Saturday's Matinee.
"Prithee, Queen Flora, let us sup,"
paid Prince Aldtbaran to the goddess
of the flowers.
'Surely,' prince, I shall be quite
pleased to do so," coyly responded the
willing maiden.
Wheieup Prince Aldebaran gallantly
proferred her his urm .und called out
in a loud, commanding voice, "What
ho, my brave followers, to the feust!
to the feast!" And every follower
rushed about to capture a winsome
charmer most suited to his fancy. They
llled up to the banquet hall und were
soon in the midst of a toothsome Bpleud
uf all manner uf good things.
This didn't happen many, many years
ago nor in a far away und sunny clime.
It nil happened Saturday evening In the
Young Men's Christian Association
building, when, after the i'.rownle show
of the afternoon, the charming Utile
fairies and Palmer Cox's queer or.-a-
turos sat down to a supper provided for
tiliem In the dining mom on the third
floor. Mrs. T. H. Watklns, Mrs. Q. K.
Surdam uind some other ladles con
ceived the Idea und the fast and furious
fun which followed well repaid Ulem
fur their pains.
They Deserved the I east.
The little folks had worked hard In
preparing for the Urownie entertain
ment, which was llrst presented on Fri
day evening. After the matinee of Sat
urday afternoon it was exuected they
Would be fatigued, so the supper was
hit upon as a nappy plan for spending
the interval preceding the night's per
forma nee.
The juvenile feast.-rs were in their
stage costumes und were of all ages
from 5 to M years. Sentiment was
added to the nupper by the announce
ment that it was given by the lirownles
to the Fairies. Whether any of the
llirtatlons assumed serious proportions
or not dues not appear anyhow, they
had fun, und didn't have to tramp home
to eat, which were the two objects of
the spread.
It was an enjoyable feature of the
three entertainments, which netted
about $2'i0 for the association's furnish
ing fund, amused and instructed its
fifty performers and pleased u large
number of grown-up folks.
1'lctisunt Sleighing. Party That Went to
1. Unburst Saturday.
Colonel F. (1. Schoonmaker took a
party consisting of representatives of
newspapers of the city over the Houle
vurd to Klmhurst for a slelghride Sat
u:day. It proved a most enjoyable out
ing. The sleigh was whisked around
the curves on the Poulevard at a lively
pace, disclosing many bits of pictur
esque winter scenery. The sun shone
brightly, but a sharp northwest wind
gave u bracing quality to the air that
sharpened appetites for the delight
ful lunch that awaited the party at
Sc-hiebel's hotel, near the Klmhurst end
of the Houlevard.
The pariy started for Scranton at
5.-0, und an hour later were at the court
house square. The ride from Klmhurst
to Scranton over the Houlevard at dusk
reveals some of the prettiest nnd most
picturesque views in the country.
Tax Collector lias Not Settled.
An execution was l.-sued Saturday by
the county commissioners on the bond of
Ferdlnund Zwlek, collector of plate and
county taxes in the Nineteenth ward for
the year lss.'i. lie still owes the commis
sioners V",'.i.i on his duplicate. Charles,
Fisher und Henry Winkler are his bonds
men. Damage Done by the Wind.
Tho high wind early Saturday morning
did considerable damage lit the lllllslil"
home. The piggery, a good sized building,
was lifted up and carried Into an adjacent
Held, fences were blown down and slates
torn off the buildings. At Uunmore con
slderuble damage was also done by the
liny tho Weber
and get tho best. At Guernsey Bros
Flllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17, MM but reU a day.
Dr. (iihbons,
of New York city, will be In his Scranton
ofllce, 411 Wyoming avenue, every Mon
day from S In the morning until 9 In the
v. p. s. c. i:.
Have your topic cards printed at The
Tribune ofllce, where It will be done bet
ter und at fairer prices than elsewhere.
There are many reasons why your patron
nge should tie placed with the newspapers
und many mure why It should be pjaeed
with us.
D! ID.
DKACOX.-In Scranton, Jan. M, Frank,
youngest son of J. 11. and I.l.xle Den
eon, aged 2 years and tl months. Funeral
from the residence, t;i;t Webster ae
nue, Monday afternoon at 2.110 o'clock.
Your watch run for
ever without having it
cleaned and repaired.
Take it to
Who has repaired
watches and clocks
for over 25 years.
417 Lackawanna Ava,,
Including tb Mtnlm axtraeting of
tooth by an entirely now proem
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
The reports of the freeze in Flor
ida presented to some wholesale
Irttit dealers a line opportunity of
ttiiiki hi; some money, und they
i in mediately advanced prices on
what stuck they had on hand at
least 50 per cent. They now tiud
that in order to mow the goods
they have to mala concessions
from their high prices. We have
just had a shipment of Large Na
val Fruit that we arc olieritig at
$2.25 A BOX, OR 30c. A DOZEN
These figures are lower than any
we have been able to ttajic at any
, previous time this season on this
class of fruit. They are entirely
free from frost, and while not the
very finest orange grown, are still
very nice fruit, and the price only
about half what is being asked
for no better goods. We have only
about 50 boxes, and will not lie
able to procure any more to sell
at any such rates.
F. P. PRICE, Agent.
Till You've Seen
We have offered bargains before, but
' what do you think of these :
2 quart tin pail with cover only 5c
A full size Earthen Decorated
Cusnidore onlv 10c
j Htng handle Carving Knife and
i Fork, large size 1 Oc cuch
! White handle, Sheffield, Carving
I Knife and Fork 10c each
K-itich heavy White Soup Plates, 5c
' Full si.u, plain white Cup and
! Saucer for 5c
Japautse Napkins, assorted colors,
5c. per duz
Imported white handle Table
Knives and Forks 5c each
Enunmliue Stove Polish . 3c per box
Hardwood Toothpicks (2,500 in a
box) only 3c per box
Japanese Toothpicks 3c per box
Cedar Lead Pencils 3c per doz
Pjrown handle Table Knives and
Forks, full size 3c each
Curling Iron, large size 3c each
O-inch Tin Pie Plate, deep or shal
low 3c euch
Mack Japanned Fire Shovels, 3c each
Large assortment of Sheet Music,
only 1c. per copy
Green and Gold Store Front
Ira at rmont th Meet Popnlar and frtrtrrtd br
Iita.lms Aruaii.
Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument,
200 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
All Kinds
Music Dealer,
134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, v
Clearing Sale
Alaska Feal Kacoues. full skirt and
large 8leeve8,$2'25.0(), formerly $300.03
Alaska Seal Bacqucs, full skirt and
large8leeves,$I85.00, formerly $250.00
Alaska Seal Bacques, full skirt and
large sleeves, $ 1 50.01), formerly $200.00
Klectrio Seal Hucques, full skirt and
large sleeves, $75.00, worth $123.00.
Anlrakhau Kacques, full skirts and
large sleeves, $70.00, worth $120.00.
Alaska Seal Circular Capes, 30-inch
loiifr, $173.00, worth $250.00.
Hudson Hay Otter Circular Cupes,
30-iuch lonsr, $130.00, worth $100.00.
Hudson Jlay Kable Circular Capes.
30-inch long, $75.00, worth $123.00.
Persian Lamb Circular Capes, 30
inch long, $(0,(10, worth $95.00.
Labrador Mink Circular Cape, with
C inch mink tail trimming, $1GO,00,
worth $2i0.00.
Eastern Mink Circular Cape, 30-inch
Ioiik, $05.00, worth $115.00..
Monkey Circular Cupes,30-inch long,
$'25.00, worth $15.00.
Electric Seal Circular Capes, 30 inch
loug, superior quality, $25.00, worth
$45 00.
Astrakhan Circular Cape, $9.00,
worth $18.00.
BaTTTiU is the greatest offer of Furs
that ever was ottered In Eastern Penn
sylvania. NVe guarantee every gar
uteut, as we are the only manufacturer
in the city ol'Scruntou.
Have your Furs repaired by the only
Practical Furrier in the city.
1 38
When the advertising atmosphere is so
heavily charged with exaggeration, it
is well to remember who the honest
advertisers are. Windy assertions about
GREAT reductionsadvertising goods
at impossible prices, find no lodging
place in the minds of intelligent people.
Dull trade throughout the legitimate
business season may make necessary,
wild statements from some clothiers to
(attract trade, lut the schemers will
have to scheme harder and lind new
disguises for their lame excuses before
they can stop the people from coming
to this store for honest values. The
triumph of this store is the triumph of
intelligence, and you have made it so.
Trade has been up to the mark here,
yet there's a touch of attractiveness ia
the stvles and assortments. We've add
ed another and more taking attraction
REDUCED PRICES, natural order of
things here at this season; LOWER
PRICES 'thanvoi7 lind ELSEWHERE?
Clothiers, MersFurnisnera
Miss A
Will Explain the Advantages and
Fit the
Week Commencing Monday,
February 11, ut
of Rubbers.
Ml haIs
P Dunn's