THE SCKANTON TRIU!N.K-M()N1AY MORNING. JANUARY 28, 1895. Remainder Norton's Fire Stock at "snap" prices to close. Fins pressed, Ivory finish Wall hangings, Ingrain papers, plain and figured, fine gilt papers, Room and Frame Mouldings, Blank Hooks, etc., Will be sold at any reasonable price to clear them out the old store, which is now being renovated and rebuilt and the balance of the lire stock must be moved out the way of the mechanics by February i, hence "snaps" aw ait those in want of the articles named, at 32J Lackawanna ave. M. NORTON. ( o A Foe to Dyspepsia -o GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY TiieWesloniilOo. m THE CE3IUIRE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE WiTHLS G. B. &CO. IMPRINTED ON EjCHflGAfl.. Garney, Brown &. Co. Mfr's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hernia a specialty. Well known Scrauton physicians in chargo. SCR ANTON GERMAN RDPT6RS CURS CO., LIB., 203 Washington Avenue. teusoxal. H. W. Mldclleton, Jr., of Philadelphia, Was here yesterday. Miss Kva Kays, of fireen IShlne, is vis iting friends at Washington, L. t .Michael .McDonnld, iof Carhondale, called on Scvanton friends Saturday. Mr. ami Mrs. Wank Lewis, of Klvcr street, VVIlkes-lturro, spent Sunday with friends in this city. J. W. lioyee, formerly of this city, who has been unending colleito at MurysviUc, Tenn., Is vcrioiisly ill of pneumonia. Thomas lieiillein, Scranton rejie?cnli IIvp of Normllc liros., the shoe dealers, Bpent yesterday at Ills homo in Uinuhiti.i tun, Colonel 1". !. Sehoonmakei' will leuvo In Bliout three W eeks lor Florida, w here lie will spend the remainder of tile wilder, lie will ko by water from Xuw York to Savannah. M. K. O'.M.illey and Klwnrd O'.Malley, Of the I'nlted States Kxpress company, spent yesterday nt Xlatiara Kalis, view ing the wonders that the frost king lias created at the great eutiiiiicl. Lieutenant of Police John liavU Is 111 with threat trouble ami Is routined to his home on ihe West Side. His position U lieintc temiiorarily lllled hy Desk Serueant Itoliert I deter, whose regular (dace Is oc cupied by i'atrolinnn Harry JlaiiR. James 11 Watklns, of Taylor, was ad mitted on Saturday to the bar of Lacka wanna county, and jimoiiir the yourie; law yers he will be one of the brightest. Jir. Wutkins lias elivudy attained much prom inence in politics mid has been on several occasions the central (inure In Itepulnl can conventions of the Third legislative district. At present he occupies a re sponsible and remunerative position, that of reiidlnir clerk In Ihe state leftlslutut e, I''our years bko he registered In the otllcn of (Vltrien i Kelly, mid he lifted himself for the law. while he taught as principal of one of the Krammiir schools of Hid I''oi'Ke. He also spent a year at ihe T'nl Verslty of I'eiinsylvania In I lie law de partment. His ne Is 27 yi urs. .Mr. VVut kln.'i comes from u family of musicians. He Is a brother or John T. Watklns, of this city, and Will Wntkins. the I'llceburit driiKKist, both well known Milliters of null. "ANOTHER VLKK FREE." IIINDKIDS (il)IN(i TO Sl.i: HIM. An l inlncnt Miysicliin Who Tells Ills cases ut o (ilance V Itlmut Asking Ques tions, Looking nt the Toiikiio or l et I itiR the Pulse. Dr. Andrews, the most eminent physi cian, remarkable diagnostician mid powerful rmiKnetlc lienler. will give his time and examine patients entirely "KriHH"' asaln this week. Kvery person -who takes treatment dnrlnir this week will receive all profes Blonail services entirely "l-'ree" until cured. His examinations are so perfect that he will describe and point out Ihe most hidden disease, pia?e Iii.i fliiKer directly tipon any spot where pnln exists and tell the patients precise ly how they fcell even better than they can tlienisulves. Out of thousands examined, no mis takes are made, anil hundreds of the elck, deaf, blind and crippled are cured. No person should doctor any further; ior take any more medicine before con- suiting him. The doctor will give "free test" con ulUtlons ami free service to every one who calls this week. All are welcome; none need stay away. Office, Hotel Westminster. Hours of reception, from to., m. to 8 p, m. dally. TWO VALUABLE FEATURES Civil Government Talks uml Enter tainments at the Y. . C. A. SCKANTOX 1EX TO LECTIKE Lxjudyo Alfred Hand, J. A. Scrauton, Major tCvcrett Wnrrcn, James II. Tor re y und Others Will Talk About Government und Law. There was a- time when public asso ciations like the Young Men's Chris tian association wore content to offer only one or two main features for the benefit of members. In the old days the gymnasium and library furnished the nucleus of the organization's ad vantages. Whil" these functions still exist, but ill an expanded and more complete form, there have been added many new things for theinstriiotion and bcnellt of thousands of young men. In the last ten years business has changed In methods, politicians have adopted now arguments, finance has changed everything ncirs a. different color, and the inclination nowadays Is toward the practical order. To hold its great prestige and power, has the Young lien's Christian association kept pace with the World at large? It seems :o. llight here in Scrauton the local association has for several seasons shown its up-to-dateness In the way of high grado entertainments; and Just now there are preparations afoot for GREAT MEETJNGAI DALTON Conducted liv Members of the It. K. Y. M. C. A. uf This Citv. IT WAS MOST ENTHUSIASTIC Held in the .Methodist l.piseopal Church at Dulton, VV hieh V, us Crowded, Names of Those Who Went from This City. Dalton will long remember the glorious nn-ctlng of last evening which the members of the Itallroad Young Men's Christian association conducted with such fervor and enthusiasm. It is not to be wondered that Invitations are pouring In from ministers In the neighborhood begging them to assist In carrying on the good work. Yesterday's meeting was acknowl edged to be the greatest success of all. Alter tho afternoon meeting tit the association rooms the boys sit down toa tea which was provided In the social room and passed the time In singing the favorite hymns until Secretary I'carsall cave the marching order at 6.1.1 p. m., when the following tilled up the special cir provided by Oeneral Manager llallstead: Train Master C. M., At. V. Case. I VV. I'ear sail. .1. It. Truck, A. II. Masters, VV. S. Krosslrr, VV. I). Krcysler. James .1. Riley, Hugh Jeffery, James U. Wilbur, II. M. llrewer, J. S. Mnnn. W. A. Stan ton, David John. A. F. liledleman, C. 10. Weidman, Kdward Doud, Luther Docker,.!. K. Masters, John S. Vanhorn, Frank llief, 10. J. Harnes, F. A. S'tewa.rt, Will Whitman, A. Albert, Harry Cod shall, W. F. Curry, Kdward K. I'feifcr, D. J. Ivl, Thomas Parrot, Juslo Ilod ugin .. Archie lirisblng. W. J. Murray, M. V. We-sley, J. W. Hornbacher, II. Dunant, Wblteford I:ortibaeher, V. S. Davey, Daniel Swnrtz. Thomas Jeffries, A. T. lOvans, 0. llrown. A. Hull, F. H. I'.rown, J. II. llartnian, Charles Fisher, V. Jones, VV. Long, J. Francis. Kdward Fisher, VV. Kichstead, 11. Men und Frank Glover. Sung With l'cror. It would be easy to Imagine that this corps of men continually engaged In religious work would present u long visaged nnd sour-faced exhortors, but what u sad mistake such a conclusion would be. No Jollier set of men could be nn-t, as In the crowded car they lustily sang the hymns which they have sang at their numerous meetings. The destination wns soon reached nnd these "Soldiers of the Cross" trooped Into the pretty Methodist Kplscopul church ut Dalton to find that It would he a matter of difficulty to accommodate all with seats. Willing hands, however, soon provided chairs and benches which were placed In thu aisles, and after Homo- necessary delay the meeting opened by singing, "Wc Are Journeying on to Ion." The manner in which the sturdy railroaders attacked the chorus made one .think of the old saying "that the roof was not In a, safe place." The question was then submitted, "Why should a railroader be a Chris tian?" The following took part In the dlsousslon: ThomHS Parrot, F. W. Pearsnll, Conductor Masters, Fireman JSYalcy, Frank Glover, llev. J. It. Angel, and many striking arguments were ad duced. After this the meeting was thrown open to discuss the second ques tion, "Is It possible for a railroad man to be u, Christian?" Immediately It was announced there was a contest among those In the audience to relate their experience. One related how, In the days of not long ago, trainmen kept whisky In the cabimso w'here the Bible now occupied the place. Another related how, not long ago, an engineer in the Dolmwnre, Lackawanna and Western depot was offered a bottle of whisky by a passenger, and taking the bottle smashed It on the ground and threw his arms around the passenger, exclaiming: "Ood bless you, sir, give it imwiwW& fffvyMm hMmKS giving Its educational department the beuelit of talks upon civil government and law matters of in'.erest 'to young men. The men whose services have been solicited and given are among tin; bet't known in the city, and this fact Is weighty evidence of the worth of the association which Is 'to be benelltled thereby. They Would lie Impossible. It is said unite truthfully that the enormous business done by such v.'eli known lyevum bureaus as Hedpath's and the Star would be Impossible but for the patronage, they receive from Young Men's Christian associations. Approximately, 1,000 of the associations have lecture and entertainment courses. To this fact Is due In part the ere.uHon of lyceum bureaus. It then follows that they depend for support largely upon Ihe associations. To illustrate; The Scrauton assocla- Glimpse of the Keecptlon lioom. tion arranged for a course of si:: enter tainments this winter. Three have been given as follows: John Thomas Con cert company, Nov. li'; The Mechlem's musical entertainment. Nov. SG, and the Tableaux d' Art company, of I loston, Dec. 4. The three entertainments to folh.vv are: Leland T. Powers, In Dickens' Christmas carols, tomorrow night; Tem ple quartette, of I'.uston, Feb. 14, and II. II. Itagan, in "Footprints of Wash ington," March ". Kach of these at tractions costs the association from $15 to Si'.lit, and yet tickets for the course have been sold for Jl'.,"ii, about 4o cents each f ir witnessing some of the best things In today's lyceum amusement world. In tills the association cmtiha sizes Its position that it Is not giving an entcrtainmenlcoursc to make money, up; It will kill you in this world and In the next." Another new convert stuted that six months ago, despite the earnest pleading !' a heart-broken wife, he drank each evening to excess, but now he had the happiest home in Scranton. I xperience of Others. A machine simp man, who was an infidel four months ago. made a striking address, and was followed by one who, after leading a dissolute life which led him into heavy debt, reformed two years ago and was now it he happy pos sc.'sor of Moo. The next announced that a short time ago he was "Hill Nobody," but now he was "Hill Somebody," with money where there was debf, and happi ness irr place of poverty. Another followed by declaring that It was the happiest day of Ills life, as he was celebrating the Ilrst month of his Christian life, which had been a veritable month of pureand unadulterated happi ness. Several others related similar ex periences, and It was with 'dllliculty that tho meeting was brought to a close The engine attached to the special cat Issued a few warning "toots" and the party scurried to their seats for the re turn Journey, which was passed in pleasant singing. The quartette de serve special credit for the excellent music provided during the evening.. NEWS OF THE RAILROADS. That old engineer. He v. J. It. Angel, was deeply affected by the enthusiasm of the boys. The history of his narrow escapes sent a thrill through the audi ence. .T."K. C.issidy, Delaware, Lackawanna anil Western station agent .'it New Mil ford, has been appointed to the agency of the Ontario and Western at Trout Urook, N. Y. Great crdlf Is due to the firemen for the method In which they conducted the gospel meeting yesterday afternoon. The addresses were ull to the point and full of Interest. J. It. Troch's address last night elec tiilled his hearers. lie has the secret of gaining the attention of his audience at once. "Johnny" will soon quit the "oab" for the platform If he continues to score such successes. Brakemnn lilchard James,' who Is well known to Dola.wlire, Lackawanna and Western employes, met with a seii oui accident at Kingston on Friday owing to his slipping between two cars. He was severely crushed and his head was also badly hurt, lie was taken to his home nt Kilwardsvllle, where he lies In a precarious .ondltidn. 1). J. Levi la a Welshman, although a resident of many years In "the land of the free and the home of the brave." He speaks Welsh fluently. Is a groat lover of music and well up in the folk lore of the land of song. His uncle. Rev. Thomas Levi, of Aberystwyth, is a celebrated Welsh divine and the edi tor of the well known monthly, Trys orfa y Plant. The next undertaking that tho boys are going to place on Secretary Pear Rail's shoulders Is the formation of a singing Instruction class. They never seem tired of singing the sweet Oospel hymns, but a little tuition would insure a marvelous change. "Where there's a will there's a way," and Frank Glover has plenty of will and thera Is plonty of material. Secretary Pearsall Is the man to show the way. The accounts of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western company for 1S9I show the following figures: Gross earnings, 11,0.18,862, a decrease of $5, 732,111; operating expenses, :i0,00!l,19.1, being a decrease of $4,r2l,377; net earn ings, $7,0I!,667, a decrease of $1,203,734. After payment of dividends a deficit of llHG.Cfifi, as compared with a surplus ot $1,053,1111 In !S!3. The report shows a surplus of accounts receivable over ac counts payable of $l,24X,l!l)2, The net earnings for1Sl4 were 6.24 percent., be Ins 11.4 per cent. In 1SU3; 7,822,478 tons ot coal were transported during the year. t Imt to furnish members, patrons and friends wholesome und enjoyable enter tainment at cost. In view of this statement of cost, the public will fully appreciate the fact that .the association will soon make the entertainments a membership privilege. Ileginnlng next season each ttttracton will appear 'two nights, one a free night for members and the other a pay night for patrons. Addresses of practical Value. Recently there appeared in The Trlb uiie some information concerning the educational classes. Additional im portance might have been attached to the article If It had contained the In formation that ex-Judge Alfred Hand, Joseph A. Scranton, Major Kverett Warren. City Solicitor James H. Torrey and others had been asked to address the educaitlonal classes on civil govern ment and municipal law. The associa tion believes that a proper knowledge of civil matters Is Just ns essential to good citizenship as book learning. For that reason the assistance of the gentlemen mentioned and others lias been asked.. Among tliesiibjicts for discussion are: "l'oroiigh Township and County (lov ernnients," "Municipalities," "The Commonwealth." "The National fiov ernmeiit," divided into 'three talks which will include the executive, the legislature and the judicial branches. Stated even so brielly and without coloring an idea may lie had nf only two features which the Scranton Young Men's Christian association has or will put in practice. How it does such a work, or when- it gets its pecuniary means, are questions which may be discussed at another time. IX LOCAL THEATERS. Professor Sainrl S. and Mrs. Raldwln and their superb company of society cut', rtaine'-s b, gin a six nights' en gagement at the Frothingham tonight, with a bill that promises to be made up with startling novelties. Leading newspapers and magazines have de Voted pages of comment to the strange and bewildering features that will be given 'here, and scientific minds have been puzzled in efforts to find the means hy which these marvelous re siiUs are i.'ol. lined. Clergymen and men of li iti i's iiave wtitten commenda tions of the I'aMwiiM, ami Investiga tion proves that their presentations have as much attraction for the stage theater-goers as for lite orthodox oil u re lima n or seekers after truth. All Mils must not be construed into a no tice of a heavy, monstrous show, for tills is a light u ii I biiuiu one and Just ripples with fun of that kind that has a lasting quality. Aside from the liald wiii.i are several society entertainers who have achieved success on both sides of the Atlantic. Senor Manuel Lopez, Spain's greatest mandollnlst; Miss Kate Russell, in quaint mimicry; Kly, the future dude, and a one act comeditta, "My I'ncle's Will," char acters by Mis.s Adelaide Alexander, Al bert Phillips and-l'Mgar Kly. ! I, ; . What wi'Il, it is safe to say, constitute one of the brightest events of our amusement season, will ictui' ut tin Academy of Music next Thursday even lug. the occasion being the appearance of Charles Ft oilman's company In t he presentation of the 'humorous play which, for the past four months, has bfen the reigning comedy sensation uf New Voik "The New Hoy," slyk.l a companion play to "Charley's Aunt" and described us containing all the rol licking good humor of tiiiat play, but as occupying a higher place In the realmu of farce comedy. The company Is the strongest ever gathered together for this class of play, the principals being James T. Powers. Frederick Robinson, George P.ackus, W. R. Shlrey, Charles Green, Rachel Itoeth, Helen Klnnaird, mien Gardiner, anti-others, nnd is ex actly the same that appeared during the 110 nlg'hts' run of the piece In New York. I! II II Today the original KUInwoods play ers will begin a week's engagement at Davis' theater In the beuutlful drama, "Lymwuod." The Kldnsado band and solo orchestra tire a feature with the organization that will be appreciated by tho patrons tf Manager Davis' popu lar house. Matinees will be given dally and there will be no advance In prices. Miss Lillian Payer will appear as "Lu cille," one of her strongest characters, and specialties will he Introduced by Hairy Hums and others. Don't Miss Seeing the great Poultry and Pet Stock Rhow, to bo held Jan. 22-H2, In Armory hall, Pituton, Doors open from 7 a. in. to 10 p. m. Ad mission, adults, lac,; children, 10c. Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class in every respect. Inside Uccoratiittf lu all iU branches. 1 312 Lackawanna Avenue. WHAT BRINGS RELEASE WHY, DON'T APOLIO THLY 1IAVK CONSOLIDATED. AU'eting of the St. Vincent de Paul Soci eties for That Purpose. Hereafter there will be but one St. Vincent de Paul society in this city, as a meeting of representatives from all the branches of the society met last night in College hall and formed a consolidation. This was done ut the suggestion of Rev, J. A. O'Reilly, rector of the cathedral, who became convinced that better effort could be accomplished by one society with membership from all parts of tiie city. W. J. P.urke, president of the cathe dral branch, called the meeting to order, and after Rev. Father O'Reilly had stated the purpose, Mr. P.urke vacated the chair and by common consent all the organizations disbanded and the meeting at once proceeded to elect of ficers to govern the consolidated so ciety. The following were chosen to serve for the current year: President, John V.. Roche; vice president, P. J. llonan; secretary, M. II. Grillln; treas urer, Chailes Tropp; llnancial secre tary, David M. Rellly. In all St. Vincent de Paul societies there Is a standing entertainment com mittee, and Chairman Roche appointed the following: John J. O'lioyle, John J. Rrown, W. C. Conwell, H. K. Leon ard, William Dawson and W. J. Rurko. It was agreed, that the meetings ef the soclity wilt be held In future on every other Sunday evening eif the month at 7.30. There will be a meeting of all the disbanded local branches next Sun day evening, and each emit will wind up Its business affairs unel If the're re mains any moneys In any of the treas uries the amounts will be handed over to Treasurer Tropp of the new organ ization, or if there shall be any liabili ties the new organization will assume them. Financial Secretary Reilly will have power to draw orelcrs for relief upon the recommendation of any members of the society. Father O'Reilly announced that a mass will be read every Sunday of this year for the spiritual benefit of the members ef the society, und the meeting adjourned until Sunday, Feb. 10. THEY ARE BARGAINS, DID YOU KNOW IT? If you don't there lias been hundreds who have. ANY ARTICLE IN A flft THE WINDOW FOR MANY ARE WORTH 50C. We will continue this sale as long as the goods last. If you are wise you will take advantage of it. We have other bargains inside, of odd pieces. WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE. gCHANK CCHANK ! CHANK CHANK CIIANK gUHANK JsjcHANK CHANK jCHANK CCHANK gCIIANK gCHANK JCHAMK ClIANK CHANK CHANK CHANK CJIANK jCHANK CI TANK CUANK NEW. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. 1 Fan mi 'aKSEgy ' You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. 410 Spruce St. A Decided Move In tho Rkiti Irnno linn not In nnil It v 111 pny you to pxnnilne thu Rtoek ot JITKISRH'8. RtfrA Rprue.Ktre.Bt. Fine litieof Kiipnrlor pocket cutlery, razor, eta. for llnll dny trncie. Ouns unel Ammunition nt bottom fliurmi. Also wmie ncrond IirikI v henU at prices that will astonish you.Hoolnii is believiug HOP SING, Tlio Clilnene LAINDHYMAN Una moved from tha Old Poatoffloo Building to new and larger quartern, I'M Fenn avenue. Family w iu,btug and ironing dono at rcuon ablu pi ke. II0rsIXG,136PennAve. FROM DIRT AXI) GREASE? YOU KNOW? II China Hal rifrni f it e 1 1 b 1 n i , 1 111 IIM I Rllblll U LUV U K L Llinill I1U 0(?IJ'0 M ENJOY LIFE BY BUYING OUR 0 UL MACKINTOSHES Are very desirable property this weather, iu large variety. MARTIN & DELANY Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. 0 lilt ( 308 Lackawanna Avenue. OUR ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Will Begin on Monday, January 21st. These goods arc all new, well uiude and handsomely trim med, and are ollcred at prices one-third less than those usually charged. Our assortment is very large, and well worth a visit of inspection. IDe... '.lie. !i!V. f.Uc. lille-. . , Jl no i.a IcVl IT.". 2.00 COKSET COVERS .SWllT OOW'NS FOK. il'Jc DRAWERS FOR... fine. HI CHAINS FOR dlSTiS PRESEN1 Bometbing nice for n Chiistmiu Gift, some dear frienei'H hair. Leave E. M. HETZEL, - ONE MIGHT AS WELL TBI to lift himself In a bushel ba3kot, as to UNDICK.SELLi VS on skates, gymnasium and athletic goods. We do not make a blit blow or bluster about being head quarters In this line because we do not buvo to, one Klance at our storo Is enoiiKh to convince one that there Is ONLY O.N'I' SPOUTING OOODS liOl'SU In the city, Come and see for yourself. P M CIHDCV Y. .m. c.a. nni.KiSG. U. III. ILUIIL.I, Wyoming Ave. IT'S 10 Mi IB 10 VISIT B HSiaS El Many thousand persons have been made happy since its inauguration. AND DON'T ALLOW YOUR Five Dollars Goes as Far As Ten with Us at Present, PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 We liave them tide SKIRTS FOR :: 1j T.'ic. " " 6 Jo l!5c " " Tio :'; I.::.. " " fcdj ..!le 1,51 " " fcSc Wi: 1.7j " " 11.1-5 7.5.T !i IK) " l.o'J K'- Wie- CHEMISE FOR 28o IK; ijlle. " " ollc, 81.1.5 7.5c. " " 4'.C l.l'.l $1.0) " " 7.5u lr.eli .:. ' ' !o ....'5(i 175 " " $1 'i5 Xm rk- CORHET3 FOR '! 4.-1 7ii:. " " Oo 7io i J1.U0 " " 'M 1 1 t'halnn made out of your own or orders as eurlv a possible. 230 Lacka. Ave. HINTING FOR BARGAINS fs prontabls as well aj amusing sport. To malio It .ny, though, hunters must look for game where game is, or tlsh where theio are npli. to catch them. Wide Rwako buyers have bulged mors bar caln Kamo in our stock than sver vt'.erar, hunters found In any forest. COfiRA HATTER i and FURNISHER SOS LACKAWANNA AVL CI OL ILL NEIGHBOR TO OUTDO YOU. ' rtj BUYERS AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE,