The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 24, 1895, Page 3, Image 3
THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE-THUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 24, 1895. 3 Remainder Norton's Fire Stock at "snap" prices to close. Tine pressed, Ivory finish Wall hangings, Ingrain papers, plain and figured, tine gilt papers, Room and Frame Mouldings, Blank Hooks, etc., Will be sold at any reasonable price to clear them out the old store, which is now being renovated and rebuilt ' and the balance of the tire stock must be moved out the way of the mechanics by . February i, hence "snaps" await those in want of the articles uamed, at 3.2 Lackawanna ave. M. NORTON. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co. E OF CHI THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B.&CO. IMPRINTED OK EACH CIGAR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hernia n specialty. Wo.l known Soranton physicians in chares. SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., MIL, 203 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. Smith rt. Mott, accountant, will return home today. George II. Shonk. of Wllkes-liarre, vis ited friends In the city yesterday. XV. 13. Curtis, of the firm of Curtis & Co., Bhoe manufacturers of Huston, is in the city. Miss Margaret Geary, of Franklin ave nue. Is visiting her friend, Miss Mary Mor rison, of Carbondale. Attorney A. J. Colborn, jr., has been selected for the position of responding to the toast. Robert Hums," nt the anni versary banquet of the Plttston Cale donian club at Kugle hall tomorrow nlttht. The I'lttston club comprises nearly SMI members and Is one of the largest and most Influential Caledonians clubs in the fnlted Slates, and the distinction ac corded thus to Scranton's brilliant lawyer-orator is no humble one. BROWMKS IN FAIRYLAND. Tho Tickets for It Arc Selling Very Rap idly. "The Rrownles In Fairyland" is more popular this year than last. Several boys, and girls have sold over 100 tickets each. The one selling the greatest num ber will receive a gold watch. Tho stage will be decorated In colors lo represent different flowers of the queen's attendants. , . The music will be furnished by Con rad's orchestra, which has been specially arranged by Pulmer Cnx for hls cantata and is of the most popu lar kind. The brownies will tender the fairies a reception and banquet In the parlors after the Saturday matinee. "ANOTHER WEEK FREE." HlMlKKIlS GOING TO Sl-K HIM. An Kmincnt I'hyslclun Who Tells Disease at a Glance Without Asking Questions, Looking ut the Tongue or reeling the I'ulse. Dr. Andrews, the most remarkable diagnostician and most powerful mag netic! healer, will give his time and ex amine patients entirely "FUEE" all this week. persuu nuiiuiu uocior any rurther; nor take any more medicine before con sulting Mm. His examinations nre so perfect that he will describe and point out the most hidden disease, place tils finger directly upon any spot where pain exists ond tell tBie patleint precisely .how they feel, even better than they can themselves. Out of thousands examined, no mis takes are made, and hundreds of the flick, deaf, blind land crippled are cured. The doctor Will give "free test" exam inations again all this. week. OiHoe, Hotel Westminster. Hours of recep tion, from 9 a. m. to 8 p. in. dally. Henry SehoenhaU, foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlo -Oil with his men for sprulns, cuts, bruises, chupped hands, etc. It Is the best. . When Baby was sick, we gave her Cutorla, . When the was a Child, the cried for Ctutorla. When (he became Mlas, she clung to Castor!, Whan she bad Children, she gare thea Uaatorlft SnowMe THE CRIMINAL TRIAL LIST Cases That May Ik Called I'p at the Approaching Term. HUNKER HILL MURDER CASE It Heads the Trial List for the I list Week of the Tcrm-Trlul of W. U. Bute mua and John S. Luce Fixed for lcb. 7. District AiOtprney" John B. Jones yes turday completed the work of preparing his Hist 'trkU Hat for the term of court whiilcli begins on Monday, Feb. 4. The first oaisa ou .the list is thai against Joscplh Bvisuhlno, who Is charged with fhe murder of Francesco Confortl at Hunker Hill, a few months ago. The trial 'list for it'he second week is headed by 'the Archbald murder cases. Cases sut down for trial 'dut'lng ithe 'two weeks are: Kirst Week-Monday, 1'cb. . I. Joseph HoschUno, murder; John J. Shea. :!. ClilToid Phillips, gambling house; William Knight. a. Thomas Orofton, a. and b. ; Ellen Crofton. i. Peter I.entes, John Shamber, a. and b.; Catharine Huchclt. 5. Jolin Fanning, a. and b.; Samuel Reynolds, G. Richard Richards, a. and b.; Michael Cassamere. 7. Patrick Gallagher, u. and b.; Michael Cassamere. 8. Hubert Alexander, a. and b.; Lena Dickelivlck. V. John It. Reese, mutilating show bills; Arthur Frothlnglinm. 10. -Martin Maingan, a. and b.; Joseph Huddy. II. ilk-heal Lyman, a. and b.; Mrs. William 11. Oullum. VI. Margaret Harry, selling liquor without license; Hannah McDonnell. 13. Margaret Harry, Belling liquor to minors; Hannah McDonnell. 14. Hugh Maloy, 1. and r.; William T. Simpson. 15. Michael Padden, 1. and r.; Cath arine MoN'ulty. lt. Michael Padden, 1. and r.; James Ruthtford. 17. Evan Davis, u. and b.; Paul Mc Kela. IS. Mary Foy, 1. and r.; Micheal Hc-ne-han. 1. Michael Langan, f. and b.; James Ward. 20. David James, f. and b.; Minnie Hickler. Tuesday, l cb. S. 21. Mall D. Itfby, 1. and r, Pardon Covey. 22. Mary Moran, 1. and r.; Schmidt. 23. Os.-'ar Blackmore, larceny Ada by bailee; M.iry Carey. 24. John Balaule, mal. mis.; Max Roseliblalt. 2'). John Balazle, carrying concealed weapons; Max Rosenblat. 26. E. Edwards, alias E. Cooper, 1. amd r. ; William T. Simpson. 2". E. Edwards, alias F,. Cooper, lar ceny by bailee, William T. Simpson. 28. E. Edwards, alias E. Cooper, de frauding boarding house, Frederick It. White. 2. David Pugh, 1. and r.; William T. Simpson. SO. Samuel Davis, agg. a. and b.; Martin Lach. 31. John Jennings. John Jennings, Jr., exiling liquor without license; Patrick O'Hiien. . 31 John Jennings, John Jennings, Jr., selling liquor on Sunday; Patrick O'lMen. 33. Peter Jones, rape; Mary Brefka. 34. Samuel Soloman, Charles Soloman, forcible entry and detainer; J. Green burg. 35. M. B. Smith, selling liquor on Sun day; Alton Comstock. 36. M. D. Kimlth, selling liquor on Sunday, Alton Comstock. 37. Willlaim llealy, false pretence; Mary Connell. 3S. Patrick J. Gilroy, false pretence; Elizabeth Klapaskl. 30. Mada Ringo, felonious wounding; Stephen Sandore. 40. Fiank Postro, 1. and r.j John Hilling. Wednesday, Feb. t. 41. L. P. Williams, forgery: G. W. Goddard. 42. L. P. Goddard. Williams, forgery; O. W. 43. L. P, Williams, fraudulently ob taining Insurance policy, etc.; G. W, Goddard. 44. John Shamber, obstructing execu tion legal process, J. F. Woelkcrs. 43. Charles Thlel, Catharine Thlei, keeping bawdy house; J. W. Clark. 4.',i. Charles Thlel, keeping bawdy house, John Gilbrlde. 40. James Uoland, obstructing execu tion legal process; Joseph Pool. 47. James Boland, agg. a. and b. ; Joseph Pool. 48. James Pollard, Mary Pcdlard, Jane Boland, a. and b.; Joseph Pool. 49. Fred R. Jenkins, embezzlement, R. T. Howells. 50. Fred R. Jenkins, larceny by bailee; R. T. Howells. fd. Susan Peters, alias Susan Bur gess, adultery; H. E. Washburn. 52. Joseph Mlglln, perjury; John Merskl. 53. John Griswold, attempt nt arson; W. T. Simpson. 54. E. D. I.athrope, William M. T.ath dope, C. E. I.athrope, libel; 11. J. Bren nan. 55. Jasper Silvles, false pretence; II. II. Hoffecker. TbursJay, l-'ch. 7. 56. W. G. Battman, John S. Luce, setting fire with Intent to burn build ing;. W. T. Simpson. 5J. William Ready, John .Brogan, 1. and r.; John Ward. 5S. William Ready, John Brogan, 1. and r.; John Ward. 5. William Healy, robbery; Mary Connell. 60. Michael Kosrt, larceny by bailee; Wassnl Hodgnnlts. 61. J. H. Miller, mlsdeamor In office; Q. S. Brock. 62. N. J. Baker, rape; Mary E. Baker. 63. John llanlon, wilfully, etc., furn ishing false statement to reporter; John R. Coslett. 64. Gomer Jenkins, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 65. Daniel Pembrldge, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 66. WHllamPembrldge, 1. and r., Jane Thomas. 67. Frank Howen; -1. and r.j Jane Thomas. 68. Howell Richards, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 69. Morgan Richards, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 70. William J. Jones, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 71. R. J. Bowen, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. 72. Harry H. Evans, 1. and r.; Jane, Thomas. 73. Thomas Morgans, 1. and r.; Jane Thomas. I'riday. Feb. 8. 74. Hermnn KrlMnbaum, larceny by bailee; Louis Feldman. 75. Charles Searls, James Vandusiyi, 1. and r. ; George Barton. 76. William H. Moran, embezzlement; W. II. Shoop. 77. Anthony Keturakls, Anthony Ket urakls, Jr., Ueorge Kuperttnas, Joseph Kazlanckus, felonious wounding; Charles Black. .78. Evnn Semratt. Mike Semratt, Itarry Semratt, RIU Semratt, Stephen Yurkoskey, Alex. Knous, Wassal Mlsh beck. John Pranko, robbery; William Goodman. 7'J. Evan Semratt, Mike Semratt, Harry Bemnrtt, Rltz Semratt, Stephen Yurkoskey, Alex. Knous, Wassal, John Prnnko, robbery; William Goodman. 80. Andrew Smith, Joseph Keturlsh, felonious wounding; George Smith. 81. Bernard Koerner, Henry Koerner, felonious wounding; William Munke Miller. 82. Max Kohler, felonious attempt; John Situs. 83. Joseph Gereskie, felonious at tempt; John Situs. 84. John Gereskie, felonious attempt; John Situs, 85. Jacob Gereskie, embezzlement; Stephen Tunstall. 86. Michael J. Walsh, embezzlement; Stephen Tunstall. 87. Ferdinand Arlgoul, embezzlement; Salvutore Aneello. Suturduy, Feb. I). 88. Kate Hughes, surety; George W. Bond. 8'J. Stanislaus Sclmlin, surety; Abra ham Glazier. DO. Kitty Wood, surety; Mary Mont gomery. 91. William Stein, Burety; Caroline Stein. 92. John Shlvak, surety; Rosa Glazier. 93. Thomas Cuvanaugh, surety; Han nah Cavanaugh. 94. Michael Burke, desertion; Ann Burke. 95. Reese Davis, desertion; . Celia Davis. 96. N. J. Baker, surety; 'Mary E. Baker. 97. John Richards, surety; Ann Gam mon. 9S. Michael McNally, surety; John O'Malley. 99. William Faddcn, desertion; Mls souia Fadden. Vio. Owen Moran, surety; John Gil brlde. 101. John II. Most, surety; Mary Most. 102. William J. McAndrew, surety; Mary Ann McAndrew. 103. Bridget Illckey, surety; Mrs. J. J. Rogers. 104. George Rosen, surety; Charles Hartiuan. Second Week-. Monday, Feb. 1 1. 105. Joseph Renilnsky, murder; Will iam Dougher. 106. John Sylvestro Rostoskey, mur der; William Zurves. 107. Patrick Munley, a. and b.; Mar garet Swift. 108. Andrew Begasla. Joseph Nnrlal, u. and b. : Mary Carp. 109. John Shivak, a. und b.; Abraham Glazier. 110. Patrick Moran. a. and b.; Michael Dougherty. 111. Thomas Loftus, a. und b.; Patrick Roadie. 1,12. James Dunleavy, agg. a. and b.; Michael Noonan. 113. Thomas Roland, assault; Mary Roland. 114. William Stein, malicious mischief; Caroline Stein. 115. William Stein, a. and b.i Caroline Stein. 116. Mike Ruskofskl, tippling house; Joseph Soloman. 117. Mary Maholko, a. and b.; Paulina Dehofskl. 118. Joseph Bedochas. Anthony Bunos, Motta Muskunas, malicious mischief; Agnes Krustoskl. 119. August Miglin, felonious wound ing; Joseph Blddock. 120. Joseph Evans, a. and b.; William Peck. 121. John Sherreck, tippling house; Matthew Bean. 122. II. I. Jacoby, selling liquor on Sunday; Annie Minmick. 1,23. H. 1. Jacoby, selling liquor to minors: Annie Minmick. 124. William Peck. malicious mischief; Mrs. David Waymiin. 125. Benjamin Plotlo.l. and r.; Charles Westowsky. 126. John Bendock, Joseph France, Jacob oroboth, malicious mischief; Micluiel Munley. 127. Mike Wargo, alius Joseph Mo-tt-shka, larceny by bailee; William Moyher. 128. James Possoro, a. and b.; Samuel Angottl. 129. Adam Bush, tippling house; Michael Suel. Tuesday, Feb. 1 2. 130. James Knight, robbery; William T. Simpson. i:il. Plus Suskl, 1. and r.;Joseph Boyd. 132. John Moran, Bridget Moran, Bridget llennlgan, a. and b.; James Leonard. 133. Michael Costantocnvage. Wash ock Mushack. a. and b.; John Sernock. 134. John Hoban, f. and b.; Sophia Ktaufrnam. 135. Anthony Harmonskl, felonious wounding; Frank Kerwoskey. 136. George Prokopovitz. unlawfully rtlllling registered bottles; P. F. Leon ard. 137. AVIllinm Mltteman, unlawfully re filling registered bottles; A. M. Morse. 13S. Alick Shinto, unlawfully refilling registered bottles; A. M. Morse. 139. William Axon, embezzlement; H. Shubert. 110. James Sheridan, Jr., John Sheri dan, I'atrick Maloy.Jr., Timothy Moran. jr., John Moran, Daniel Moran, a. and b.: James Leonard. 141. Martin ltotoszack, a. and b.: Andrlzvf Staiiak. 142. Martin Farrel, malicious mischief; Catharine Walsh. 143. George Chabra, Peter Bashtska, felonious wounding; Powell Mynick. 144. Michael Morrison, 1. and r.; Eliza Flack. 145. George GallotUi. tippling house; Joseph Mihalko. 146. Philip Heiisley, bigamy; William Regallle. 147. Catharine Ryan, common scold; Thomus Benson. Wcdncsidny, Feb. 13. 14S. Louis Marino, robbery; Bridget Rodlk. " 149. Charles A. Wiley, perjury; David A. Ryan. 150. Reese Davis, adultery; Matthew Evans. 151. John Chester Peck, burglary; Dnvid Wayman. 152. William Grlskn. Joseph Gudjunla, malicious mischief; Joseph Flesher. 153. John Grlllln, Clarence Depew, Louis Glnbb, nuisance; Thomas Moore. 154. Anthony Duffy, rape; Kate Marten. 155. Albert Bucta, tippling house; Bernard Davis. 156. Albert Bucta, tippling house; Bernard Davis. 157. Abraham Glazier, selling liquor on Sunday; John Shivock. 158. John Hnzetsky, agg. a. and b.; Catharine Krotky. Thursduy, Feb. 14. 159. A. U. Martin, libel; T. V. Pow uVrly. 160. August Gable, Lena Gable, rape; Verando Andrews. 161. Valentine Haas, a. and b.; John W. Howells. 162. John Howells, Thomas Dodds, Samuel Thomas, Howell Davis, aiding prisoner to escape; V. R. Haas. 163. Michael Lavelle. John Lavelle, George aalliighan, riot; George Star ner. 104. Oarby Clncnvlch, Peter Bron sconskl, Peter Shlnkavlch, breaking fence; John Duffy. 165. Daniel P. Byrne, selling liquor to minors; Margaret Hull. 166. Michael Krotkay, tippling Iioubp; John Kntzctsky. 167. John iuknn, Mary Lukan, tip pling house; Albert Buchtn. 168. John Nancarrow, Mary Owens, tippling house; Jacob Pprlntek. 169. Valentine Haas, felonious wound ing: Thomas Jone. ' 170. Thomus Powphry, false pretence; H. Goodman, 171. William Teck, a. and b.j Joslah Evims. 172. Edward Dunstnn, attempt nt rape; Pu'trlck Cosgrave. Friday. Feb. 15. 173. CharleB- Pruce, Adam Fredrick, Anthony Miller, John Mlllsky, a. and b.; George Dejunes. 174. Etilu-d Davis, adultery; Matthew Evans. 1,75. Pnul Bilskl, felonious wounding; Samuel Menhanek. 176. Thomus Loftus, agg. a. and b.; P. Roach. 177. Henry Burgess, seduction; Mary Knott. 178. Michael K rat key, agg. a. and b.; John Kozetzkl. 179. William Nancarrow, false pre tence; Andrew Wittko. 180. Paul Derbln, tippling house; John Coppurcunsky. 181. ' Charlotte Snyder, a. and b.; Mary Tracy. 182. Daniel Shea. Patrick Maloney, Thomas Brenmin, a. and b.; Julia Hart nett. 183. Simon Mlglln, a. and b.; Rosa Glazier. Suturday, Feb. 10. 184. John Jennings, Jr., surety; Pat lick O'Brien. 185. Jane Connelly, Burety; Patrick Connelly. 186. Frank Heffron, desertion; Mamie Heffron. 187. Joseph Yorefetch, Burety; Michael Jabelco. 188. Charles Merkel, desertion; Vic toria Merkel. 189. William Davis, surety; Emma Davis. 190. Stephen Mussler, surety; John Sutku. 191. Henry Harmer, desertion; Louise Hurmer. 1,12. Charles T. Evans, desertion ; Nora C. Evans. 193. Jacob Boes, desertion; LIna Boes. 194. Thomas E. Richards, desertion; Hannah Richards. 195. Cesaro Mossle, surety; George S. Flore. NEWS OF THE RAILROADS. Five new enginos of special design ihave beta ord tired for the Wyoming di vft lon of the Ltlhlg'h ralley road. The new IXtowaire, Lackawanna and Weaarn brt'.iker, on the e'at side, at Plymouth, is culled (he Auc-hilnloss breakin', Hhe name of a son-in-law of President Sam Hhxui. An interesting 'meeting will be held on Sund iy aftei'iiTOn at the usual hour at 'line association rooms, w hen the ser vtis will be conducted by flremon. Hoiuce I'Vm-ll, A. Alboiit, Henry God sall und ethers will apslat. M. J. Coyne, baggagwnaisitor at the Dollaiwure and Hudsion depot, Is gaining strength lu.pldly after UU recent 111 iilss. Mr. Coyne is a llrat clo.33 musl oluu, hais an excellent voles and can perform on almost any Instrument. William- StU'iiton. son of ex-Judge StuiUon, abends all the ra,llrcu.d noon meetings and lacoompu'iiles t'he Gospel hymns on his cornet, of w'hloh he la an exi client player. Mr. Stanton's fallih ful'tiss Is HiilgHily appreciated by the boys of Clie nhops. While Edward McIIale, a Delaware, Laickawanna and We.-itern biukeman, was engaged In coupling oirs ait the Notch yesterclay morning his left hand was caught biltiwttn the bumpers. Three of ithe lingers were seriously erusihed. He was 'taken ito his home on Pleasant Street. Fiedi-i'irk Tidies, a clerk In the office of Dl.spU'tciher Colonel B. F. Haines, at Port Morris, for the Delawiare, Lacka wunnu and AVerttcrn road, was struck by an engine a few dtiy ago while cron:ng t'he tracks and fears are emter tu'lnod tlhtilt he will not recover from the Injuries received. A large 'number of will re gret to leairn that th Riallrcid Youn? Men's ChilsWam assoolufion of Bing ham ton tod InveMted over $1,000 in the Merchants' bank, Whose failure wias re cently announced. The InveHtment was the pioceeds of 'the entertainment course for which 'the members had worked laboriously. Special Spellman, of the Dela ware and Hudson depot. Is a most gal larnt and courtoous offlefal, yet his patience has been much 'taxed of late by young ladles wtho persist In convert ing ithe waiting rooms inilo flirtation parlors. The same girls are seen with great regulao-ity every day, although they h ive been warned to desist from loitening.ln the depot. The lint Income of the New York, Susquehanna and Western railroad for t'he past twelve month is stated to, be $560,000. The Increase in expenses was largely due to tihe aped'al work required to put the property in Mlfape to handle the ciul from the Soi'anton valley and also from tine Wyoming valley to be re ceived from 't'he Wilkes-Ba.rre and Mast em luilioad. The net earnings of the Wilkes-Bane und lOaiitern railroad alnce ( tut. 1 exceed $50,000. The following patents pertaining to railway appliances have been issued lvcenltly: Switch working meohumlsm. J:umes MctJhee und Charles McGhee, Sandy Valley, Pa.; electric block signal ing system, J. Wilson, Port Chester, N. Y.; brake for railway cih, Augustus F. Lotson, Buffalo, N. Y.; r.ill fastening. George A. Weber. New GOOD TIME As imy to not a Watch. Wo wnt to talk toduy about n good, relia ble tlmoplecu that we soli so many of. of course, wo hnvo tliem nt nil prices, IukIi mid low, but for tune tow Wutclu-e bunt this una. $ 3.90 Solid Nickel Ci Anierlonn 7 Jeweli'd Movement, Stem Wind, Worn Bet nnd Wurrnuted livery CO.. 213 1.uckuwnnnu Ave. Picture Frames- Made at short notice. High Class In every respect. Inside Decorating in all its tranches. PRATT'S i Lackawanna Avenue, 1 i ' " 4 REXFORD JEWELRY York, N. Y.; life guard for oars, Jacob Scfhmelder, New York, N. Y.; car fender, Allonzo D. Smith, Newark, N. J.; car axle, Relnhold Bettermnn,' Johnstown, Pa.; entrance guard for open cairs, John A. Brill, Philadelphia, Pa.; eleoU-lc IlgbJtii'n'g system for railway oairs, Mor ris Moskowiitz, Nwwark, N. J.; railroad nail, Anthur J. Moxlhaim, Johnstown, Pa. Yesterday's noon meeting at the ma dlilne Elhop was largely attended, and an excellent address wias given by Seoretary Pdairsall, whose theme, "Five Steps to Rest," Was based on the OliiUlty sevemth psalm. He divided his liecuds upon the following quotations from 'tlhe psalm: "Fret not," "Trust in the Lord," "Delig'ht itfhyself In the Lord," "Com mit thy ways unto Him" and "Rest in the Lord." Throughout t'he address was earnest and brimful of sound, practical advice, and the -Illustrations were apt and striking and were evidently ac ceptable to the audience. The singing Is a great feature, as the hymns are taken up In . h?urty congregational aind above all, a manly man nor. It is not to be surprised at Phait the meet ings are a recognized feature In the lives of t'he men and are anticipated with coiiFldeiuble Intorcitit. There Are a Number of Nice And Novelties In Our Window TOUR CHOICE fOR I9C I There are no Trashy goods. liy Monday next we will have bar gains iu odd pieces White China Covered Dishes, Platters, etc. You had better come. We may have just what you want. y If we have you will save oig money. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, (IB WYOMING AVENUE. gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK gt'HANK JCHANK CIIANK gCHANK (CHANK CHANK gCIIANK gCHANK gCIIANK gCHANK gCHANK gCHANK jCIIANK CHANK gCHANK gCHANK III NEW. NEW STORE, NEW COODS, NEW PRICES. LOWERIHflNEVERBEFOREi IF. You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. 410 Spruce St. Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Clippers, Alligators, Self-Steering Sleighs, Steel Sleighs, Iron Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleighs In Clippers unci Hunt Wood Knees und the Gun Tubing Sleighs. We have over 100 dozen in stock and will sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. A Podded Mora In tlia RkatM trade hat set In nn1 It III pny you tu examine tho Mock of .IURlSCH'8, at43S tjpruce atreet. Fine linenf auperior pocket cutlery, rnsora, etc. for Hull (Uy trad. Ouna and ammunition at bottom liifiiren. Alo anme aerond hand wbeola at prlcoa that will Mtonlnb Tou.KcoIng la believing HOPSING. Tho Chinese LAI NKKVMAN Haa moved from th Old I'ontolllco ulliltnB to new and larnor qtiartera, I'M Ponn ivenuo. Family vfaeuliig and Ironing don at reason able price. . HOP SING, i:!ronn Ave. AFTER DINNER COFFEES mwm ubllrlltri 0 store ENJOY LIFE BY BUYING OUR $10 ULSTER MArKiNTncurc ill ri l ll 1 e very desirable property large variety. Are in MARTIN & DELANY Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. THE :. FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. OUR ANNUAL LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Will Begin on Monday, January 21st. These goods are all new, well niude and handsomely trim- mcd, and are offered at prices charged. Our assortmeut is visit of inspection. .CORSET COVEKS FOK ...lie ate. m :oo. tv Sl.HO air 1.S5 ..4Hc- l.&l i'JC 1.7.J TV S.Oil tuc ;wc , iisc ric. il.1.1 T.. ei.ncj l.M) 1.S5 ...!!'jc 1 .75 asc fiOo. , 4lll- VtK. tl 41 t II It 4t ..N1UHT GOWNS FOR I t It lli. II It II II II II ' II II I II 1 II II ! DRAWERS FOR lUC. Si.uo HAIR CHAINS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Something nice for a Christmas Gift. some dear mend's hair. .Leave orders as early as possiDie. E. M. HETZEL, ONE MIGHT AS WELL TRY to lift hlmnoif in a bushel banket, as to I'NUICKSKI.L I'S on Kkutes, gymnasium unci uttilctlu booiIs. We do not make a hK blow or blimter about being hetul (liiitrters in tliis line because we do not have to. one Klance at our store In enounh to convince one that there Ih ONLY ONE SI'OUTINa UOODS llOirSB in the city. Come unci we for yourself. C. M. FLOREY. v- Wyoming Ave. IT'S TO YOUR TO VISIT US Many thousand persons have been made happy since its inauguration. I AND DON'T ALLOW YOUR Five Dollars As Ten with PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 1 tw this weather. We have them I SPRING SALE OF one - third less than those usually very large, and well worth a ..SKIRTS FOR II II I It I I M I .CHEMISE FOB.... II II i :: ' i .I .CORSETS FOR.... Chains made out of your own or 230 Lacka. Ave. 1U XTIXG FOR BARGAINS is profitable as well as amusing Ffiort. To make it pay, though, hunters must look for gume where (tame Is. or lish where there are fish, to catch them. Wide awuku buyers have bugged more bar gain game In our stock thun ever veteran hunters found In any forest. CONRAD, HATTER and FURNISHER 305 LACKAWANNA AVE INTEREST DURING NEIGHBOR TO OUTDO YOU. Goes as Far Us at Present. AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE. 5!k! 17 Wo (llf Ve 1 I $11"" ? ? V "aui! h i.2i ml m V S i ill II