TIIE SCItAXTOX " TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY' -3, 1S95.' 8 GORMAN'S HI DEPOT SPECIAL SALE OF FINE Ml At Exceedingly Low Prices. January Is one of lha Important months to inircii:isi'is of muslin unilerwrur, for the rensun thnt the uoods wore conuaeti'il for anil mailt) liuriiiK the very dull neasoii. Tho prices aro reduced to such low lin ures .is will Insure a quirk sale. The goods aio all new ami of the choicest. CORSET COVERS dailies' Kino Muslin Corset Cover, hiiili neck, trimmed with embroidery. '.M Fine Cunibrlu Corset Cover with V Heels, trimmed Willi embroidery ojC Fine Cumlirle Corset Cover, loW neck, trimmed with embroidery Wo Fine Camliili: Corset Cover. V neek, trimmed with Valenciennes laee back und ;front 45c Fine Cambric Corset Cover with neck, buck ami front trimmed with very tine embroidery ,49c Fine Cambric Corset Cover with lnick and square front, trimmed with insertion and embroidery SSc Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V luck, back and front, trimmed with embroidery and Valenciennes laee 7jC Fine Cambric Corset Covers, low square neck, Dimmed with line em broidery 8jC Fine Cumlirle Corset Cover, V back :md from, trimmed with pointed em broidery 9Sc Fine Cambrie Corset Cover, low round neck, trimmed with line inser tion and embroidery 8lc Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low round neck, trimmed with embroid ery and iinht blue ribbon $1.23 GOWNS. Pure Muslin Gown with Mother Hub- liard yoke, with tucks and cambric ruf lle round neck and down the front 30c Fine Muslin (Sown, trimmed with Wide hemstitched rullle round neck und jdeeves 73c Fine Muslin Gown, Mother Hub bard yoke, with tucks and insertion und embroidery eduini; S5c Fine Muslin Gown with V neck, trimmed with wide embroidery und torchen lace 89c Fine Cambric Gown. Kmplre style, trimmed with Insertion and rullle of t'tnbrotdery 9Sc Fine Kmbroldery Gown, with solid emboldery yoke, trimmed with em broidery edin $1.19 Fine Muslin down. Knipiiv style, trimmed with solid embroidery and vide embroidery round neck anil sleeves $1.23 Fine Cambrie Gown, with round tucked yoke, trimmed with narrow edinir round neck and wide embroid ery rullle round yoke and sleeves $1.30 DRAWERS. Muslin lrawers. with tucks 2.ic Fine .Muslin Drawers, with cluster of fine tin ks 33c Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of tucks and wide rutllc of embroidery... 43c Fine Muslin Drawers, with double Hosier of tucks and wide embroidery ruffle 38c line Muslin Drawers, with cluster of tucks and Louis Fuller rullle of em broidery S9c Fine Cambric Drawers, with cluster of tine tucks, trimmed with rullle of embroidery with lace edtim; 9Sc SKIRTS. Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of tucks and wide hem 43c Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of tin ks and cambrie rullle 30c Fine Muslin Skirts, with clusters of flue tucks with wide embroidery ruf lle 8.V Fine .Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric rullle with Insertion and tucks S'c Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric imiT fe with clusters of tinks, trimmed With tin- laee !Kr DR, -:- REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Ir. lteeves has had lonir and varied ex perience In hospital and private practice and treats all ucuto and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. He, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose ami throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature "Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous fiooiiuy, eniarrn, tumors, cancers, erup tions, lilnod-polsonlnK, lits, epilepsy, in discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula. Ht. Vtus dance, usthma, diseases of the heart, lungs. iivlt, Kinney, uiaouer, siomacn, eic. Vonnn Alcn Positively (aired Offer to tho 1'nblic for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who Mshes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVK Dill, LAKH. Tho doctor has discovered 11 speeltle for this dreaded disease. You ran treat and euro yourself and family with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment Iree. iir-KicK nut its-Daily, 9 a. m. to 9 p. jii., ouimuys, 1U 1U 16 uuu i 10 1. ANNUAL I Prices Cut in Half See our Show Be Convinced. Window to J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. N. B. Spring Wall Papers no open. 1 I'or a Purpose. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. . Harry You've not a lot of powder on your fuce. Mabel Thnt'B nil liKht. I put It there Fo it could do battle with your mustache and maybe win the eiiKUKement. Klieuiniitism Cured in a Hay. "Myetlc Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to S days. Its action upon the system la remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease Immediately dlsap' pears. , The first dose greatly benefits, cents. Sold by C. M. Harris, 125 Penn nve liue und Carl Loreni, druggists, Scranton CLEARING AND Highest of all in Leavening Power. Mm Absolutely pure NEWS OF IBIS VICINITY TUMtHANNOOK. Mrs. I'iiilip Marks remained with To- waaiilu relatives after the funeral of Mi til r child, and Mir. Marks, has caused the lvmoval of their household goods from Mile 'rooms they ocupled to t he rear his store. The home Is Virtually broken up by the death of their only hild, sum! tihey are the subjects of 'the tenderest sympathy. life size flg-ure of a fireman In dress puitude uniifvirm occupies the window at tlampbell's barber shop. It whs (jot- ton up to Advertise the coming concert of Tpjton Hose company. For tlhe benefit of numerous Inquir ers, and others who may be interested. we will state that duplicate remon strances, protecting asalnst the repeal of the billiard luw, directed to the sen ate and house of representatives, have been drawn up dn lesal form and print ed, rowdy for slgrnatures. Anyone may obtain thorn free of charge by address ing 1!. AV. Lewis, Tunkhannoek. An U'eoinpanylnir loiter of InftrucUions ffoes with tlhom. It would be better for Imtircsteil parties to obtain these bla nks tihttn to it mat to drawing one up for themselves. These petitions are merely for the qualified voters to sitrn. rhe Tunkhannwk Women's Christian Temperance union is also Kitting one up for the kulieis, particulars concern- ing which may be obtained of Mrs. Theodore Strecter, Tunkhaniiock. Kt'antis, an adopted son of Charles McCi'ossen, of Doollttle Hill, while p Hay ing Un the bairn a few thiys since, fell about four feet and at.ruck the back f his neck across a manger, inflicting such Injuries th'at he died therefrom. He was about 12 years old, and was re puted to be a blight, kind'hearted lad. A local Sunday school association will be held at West Auburn, Fob. 1!:!. Adelbert Harford ,was brought Into court yesterday morning and sentenced to pay a fine of $50 and undergo im prisonment at tihe eastern penitentiary at Philadelphia for a term of one year und six months at sepaittite and soli tary confinement at labor. Judge Dun ham, 'in addressing him (before passing sentence, gave him some very excel lent counsel. He told the prisoner that Ms own personal feelings would prompt him to make the sentience as light as possible, but reminded him that public safety required that the laws be en forced and justice meted out. He called his attention to the fact that the fatal deed was done when his mind was louded and judgment perverted by drink, and advised him when he should once mure be a free man to abstain from further indulgences of that sort. when he migiht become a useful mem ber of society. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hliglht were called to Wilkes-Harre yesterday to attend the funeral of a relative, Mrs. Vanscoy. The Ltihlgh Valley now runs a sleep ing car from Itoehester to Xew York. Th" Keeler house has been leased to Xewman and Stephen Filch, who will take possession April 1. The new pro prietors are sons of Ather Fitch, of Falls, and are spoken of as enterpris ing young men. A. K. lletts was yesterday appointed eonst-able in tlhe First ward to fill the icancy caused by the reJigtiatlon of M. A. Itjcm. The Democratic borough caucus will bu held at the court house at 7 o'clock this evening. Friends here were notified yesterday of th'j deait'h of John, the youngest child in the family of Mr. and Mrs. F. Allen, at Me.iioppen. The funeral will beiheld Thursday at 2 p. m. A special so-.-tion of court will be held Fell. 21, rut Which several cases fur ar gument will be presented. The returns from the eongro-.-iKmal election will lie inspected at that time, also. Court Notes. Williams vs. Williams. Depositions In o.ise taken ibefore J. Wood IiaLt di rected to be taken by the pnnlionotiary, settled and kept In that condition until directed to be opened by the court. Commonwealth vs. John 11. Gray. Capias directed to liisue. Commonwealth vs. L. (J. Nlovons; In- dicitment, embracery. Grand lurv re turn not a true bill, and prosecutor. Henry Waterman, to pay costs. Commonwealth vs. Allen Javne; charge, larceny. Grand jury find true bill and case continued to next term. In re. Hale of real estate of Uiley U10- mis, deceased. Heal rotate directed to be sold at the court house and bonds approved in the sum of JH.Onrt. In re. Inquest of Marllla Rastwvind. Approved by court. In re. inquest on the body of man tin know. Inquest approved. Same ac tion with regard 'to Inquest on body of (ienrgo v. Kelley. , -.urns town-snip poor district vs. I'.iaum township poor district; rule to show oause filed. Jn re. bridge in Tunkhnmnock town plrip nearlhouso of T. (. Walter; return of the grand Jury approving the rowirt of the viewers is approved by the court Petition of F.aton (Independent school district No. 2 filed. Commonwealth vs. S. E. Wleklster; de fendant enters ball for appeurance at next term. Commonwealth vs. Ilennle limine charge, assault and battery, two cases. Defendant enters ball for appearance. William Urown vs. Davltna Himwii; de cree In divorce granted. Commonwealth vs. A. H. Russell nnd Charles Itussell. At November ses (flora grand Jury found not o, true bill and prosecutor, J. I). Clark, to ifciy costs. Now motion Is made that county pay costs. Motion made by W. K. Little to change the rule of court from the pay ment of one-fourth of 10 per cent, etc., to 10 per cent. Application of Monroe townshlpHchool dilsttiet for leave to barrow money and Issue bonds filed. Llzsile Kinner vs. George Klnner; de cree in divorce granted upon, puymenl of costs and attorney fees. Derh'ammor vs. Denhitummer; libel In divorce. ApNlntment of S. F. Majors, of Noxen, as commissioner to take testimony. Ellen Brown by Wnext frlond vs, Frank Drown; divorce. J. Wood Piatt appointed to take teatimony. Ida O. SchtMley vs. D. D. Sdhooley; divorce. J. Wood Piatt appointed .Ui take testimony. I In re. Independent school district Monroe township; report of viewers rof ferred ba?'k, with -Instructions t') report Latest U.S. Gov't Report whether natural or physical obstacles necessitate the creation of the district. Morris K. Dacon vs. Clara J. Itacon; divorce. H. J. Dardwell appointed to take testimony. 1 . Joslah Miller vs. Lizzie Miller; di vorce, r . p. Drake appointed to taKe testimony. In estate of Peter S. Stroh; partition. W. K. Little apiKrinted an inudltor to aiscertialn and report laniotmt of costs, amount and terms of recognizance, etc. AKCJUSALI). The Young Men's Literary and Soclnl club obsonod Its fourth -anniversary by .holding 11 grand banquet and social on Monday evening, wihuii wan un doubtedly the most enjoyable otiiI fash ionable affair or its nature ever held In this borough. The guests of the club, numbering about 100, tnsembled in the club rooms early In the evening and proceeded In a body to Father Mathew hall, where, for a few -hours, they danced ,to the merry music of Hayes' orchestra. The hall was very beauti fully decorated, and the charming cos tumes of the ladles, the tasteful ap pearance of the gentlemen and the en tnaiK'iing music made a scene of beauty und pleasure rarely w,ltncsHed In these parts. Never before was there, In this borough, pimh a large assemblage of the youth und beauty of the valley. The granil march began at 0 o'clock, and at 11 the guests repaired to the banquet hall of the Valley House, where they did ample justice to the bounteous ami well-prepared menu provided by Proprietor W. 11. Hall. Hayes' orchestra of ten pieces, seated la a bower in tihe rear of the hall, dis coursed their sweetest music during the progress of the feast. At Its con clusion T. J. Swift, who was toast master, rose 4ind, after briefly and aptly stating the purpose of the ban quet, introduced the president of the dub, W. T. Cummins. Mr. Cummings vety appropriately outlined the pur poses for which the club was organized, dwelt upon its accomplishments in the pa-st and Its prospects for the future. T. P. Moran ably rfsponded to the toast, "Our Country," and told how and why we should loveilt. P. J. Klelty ppoke of "The Ladies" in a happy vein and gave advice to his fellows which they would do well to heed. T. W. Lol'tus paid a high compliment to "Our Public Schools." He spoke llat teiiingly of the -wot k that they had done and iMu even greater good It is possi ble for them to do. J. II. Melvln re sponded to the toast "Our Flag," nnd shown! that he pu?sessed oratorical powers of a rare order. Ills address was one of the features of the evening. J. A. Foote spoke brielly and entertain ingly on "Music," and P. A. Pbilbin spnke of "The Press." After the ban quet the guc'ts returned to the hall where tiny jp -ut several pleasant hours moving In the graceful meas ures of the dance.. The affair was ad mirably conduct) 1 throughout and re ts much credit on the club and par ticularly on the energetic young men who manage It. While the previous an nual socials of the dub 'have always ten gnat successes, that of Monday veiling far eclipsed iny of them, and will be long remembered by those who had the good fortune to be present. Among -the guests from out of town were: Misses Mary Iteedy, Nellie Cur ran, Ti ssie Magee. May Moran, May and Jess-ie Mctlouldrick, Fannie Magee, Jessie Cavanagli, Jennie Gavin and Annie Mcllale, of Scranton. .Mothers! .Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnnlow's Soothing Syrup ha been used for over fifty yenrs by mil lions of mothers for their children wbllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is tho best remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of tho world. l!o mire and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," tnd tnko no other kind. Tweiily-livu ccnU a bottlu. olitTiaxt. The funeral of Mis. Andrew Hayes will take place from the family resi dence, on Susquehanna street, tomor row afternoon at S o'clock. He v. J. A. Evans will ollielate. Interment will be made In 1'nlon cemetery. Mrs. Henry Spencer, of GrecnfleM, is visiting friends in this place. The Young Men's Christian tin-loin will give 11 "taffy pull'" In their rooms on Scot street .tomorrow evening. file funeral of the "i-yenr-old child of Thomas Ferguson, of Dunniore street, will occur this a fleriioon at I! o'clock. It will be Interred in the Catholic ceme tery. llev. P. J. Murphy, of St. Patrick's church, tendered the Hlessed Virgin's sodality a (-ielghtide to Carbondale yesterday. Supper was served at the Hotel Anthracite. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Frew enter tained a large number of their friends at their -home on the West Side lnst evening. The Catholic Mutual Henevolent as sociation of this place turned Its society Into a beneficial organi zation at the last meeting. Fol lowing are the branch officers: Clvan oellor John Lnvin; president, J. C. Car blue; first vice-president, Charles llob Inson; jecond vice-president, Patrick Heap; recording secretary, A. II. Mc Connic; llnanclnl secretary, M. J. Lav In; treasurer, 11. T. Hrennan; mar shal, M. J. O'Holleran; gun-rd, M. D. O'Malley; trustees, William Itoland, and J. C. McLaughlin. The Republican primaries of tho bor ough took place last evening In O'Hiien'a trail. The following were nominated: For burgess, S. J. Matth ews; auditors. John Ptitchnrd nnd Thonws C. Edwards! assessor, John Pfinirfan; Justice of the pence, Richard Petllgrtiw; high constable, Benjamin Wuugh; whnol director from Second ward, T. D. Evans. FOKKST CITY. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fleming, Mis Eva McLaughlin, Miss Lizzie McLaughlin, II. Edward Taylor, John Matty, F. Cunningham, and Oliver Coyle wit nessed "A Trip to Chinatown" at the Grand Opera House, In Carbondale, Monday evening. 1 J. T. Evans and John Evans, of Clif ford, were In the borough, yesterday. The revlvuls tluls week are being held Jn the Methodist church.' Monday even ing,' Kev. J. R. Kgan, of the Haiptlt church, preached, choosing for his text Luke xlv, IS, "And they all with pne I consent began, to make excuse;' sub- ject, "The Excuses." In the course of his remarks the speaker said: "This good man spoken of In the parable was under no obligations to give this. -supper. The supper Is a type of the mar riage supper of the. Lamb, and tiutse who refuse to come show their Ingrati tude to the one who Invited them. An excuse Is something manufactured for the occasion." The Second ward Democrats will hold their caucus tomorrow evening nit the election return room in the basement of the Fleming House at 8 o'clock for the purpose of transacting such busi ness us may properly come before lit. The First wurd Democrat voters Willi meet In McDonald's ball at 7.30 o'clock to nominate borough officers to be chosen In the February election. " CAItltONDALE. At the Methodist parsonage on Mon day evening Edward 11. Whitman and Miss Lima L. Simpson, both of Dundnff, were united in marriage by llev. Will iam Edgar. The newly wedded couple returned to Dundalf yesterday, where they will reside. Mrs. E. W. lily, of Corning, N. Y.p Is visiting her sons In this city. Miss Maggie Leary, of Scranton, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Thompson, of lielmont street. T. J. Thomas Is around again after a brief Illness. Miss Flora Allen, of Forest City, was Miss Charlotte Giles' guest yesterday. The Imperial quartette, composed of Messrs. J. Harry Itowlson, Ed. Yarring ton, D. L. Crane and H. M. Shepherd, were In Moosic last evening, where they sang at an entertainment in the Presbyterian church. An entertainment will be given at the home of Mrs. G. M. Patterson, on Lin coln avenue, on Wednesday evening of next week. Tills evening the Carbondale Fire de partment will give a complimentary so cial in the W. W. Watt building to the young ladies who assisted them in their recent fair. Mrs. Dr. Havice, of Fort Wayne, Ind., returned home Monday from a visit with her parents In this city. Announcement is made of the com ing marriage of Henry W. Kelly, of South Main street, and Miss Nellie O'Connor, of South Wyoming street, the event to be celebrated In St. Hose church In the morning of Wednesday, Jan. uO. Miss Etta Iloyles, of Susquehanna, Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Cillls. NICHOLSON. Moses Shields, jr., is confined to the house from a fall which he received at Montrose last week. Edward Graves will be a candidate for justice of the peace at the coming Democratic borough convention. Misses Hrookficlds, of New York, are visiting their sister, Mrs. W. C. Will iams. F. N. rtoyle and N. L. AValker were attending congressional county conven turn at Tunkhaniiock Monday last as delegates from this borough. , llliam Shields, of Springville, was In town Monday last. Mrs. Hawks and son, Anthony, from Tunkhannock, were callers In town Saturday l ist. Harry Hurko has secured a contract from the commissioners of Susquehan na county for line markers between Susquehanna and Lackawanna coun lles. The stone to be used Is know n s the "Stevens' stone." A Christian Endeavor social will be held at the home of A. P. AVIlcox this evening. Ice cream and cake will be served. Johnnie Nlven, the reliable and oblig ing Tribune carrier, will deliver all pa pers promptly. Give him an order. In thousands of eases the cure of n rough is the preventive of consumption The surest couj.il medicine In the world Is Dr. Wood's .Norway line Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of sutlsfni lion. rmeiwunci. The St. Thomas' church fair was largely attended last evening. The en tertaltiment was greatly apluvclated by all present. The politicians of this place are be ginning to hustle. The coming contest will be one of the most Interesting elec lions ever held in the borough. The managers of the Novelty Iron works of this place are preparing to enlarge their shops. They intend to manufacture furnaces. Tills will be boom for this place, as a large number of men will be employed. John llawke nnd party entertained a large number of friends last evening with their musical and vocal selections. George Wlnton, of Ilniondale, visited friends here yesterday. William Connelly, of Honesdalc, vis Ited friends here yesterday. William Saves Is using all bis elo quonee against the corruption of politic In our borough. He says, "The men Who should be elected nre defeated because an holiest man's service is not required on the council. Miss Ella Johnson, Cured of Catarrh Feels Like A New Woman Since Taking Hood's Indigestion and Sick Headaches Also - Relieved. "C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, llass.t " I have been taking Hood's Sarsnparllla slue last December lor Indigestion, caturrli and sick lieiiilitulie, and It tins tnailo Ino feel llko a new woman. When I roninienceillnklnR It I did not bine any iippetlte mid lor years 1 had to bu very careful aliotil my tllet Now I can oat any kind ot food w ithout uny distress ii(trviird.i. 1 hudn nvcro fuse of cutnrrli, nnd this with my Indiges tion hrnuitht tin freipii'iit attacks ot slek lieiul nclio. They liotlicred me very much. Hut since titkiug several battles of Hood's barsupurllli 1 All Is Changed. It lias cured me ot catarrh anil my othet troubles. I hoiio 'every one similarly nf. fllctcd will try Hood's Sarsupaiilla and he Hood'sCures oouvinccd ol Its merit." Mibb Ella Joum o.n, U15 Alder Street, Philadelphia, Ienn. ' Hood's Pills ore lmnd tn:ule, und pei.'sol In iiroportlou and ayuearauua, 23c. it bo; Miss EHa. Johnson DIPHTHERIA Too uiuuy homes bear this fcar-iusplr-ing placard, denoting the prevalence of that most insidious und dreaded of all diseases Diphtheria. U is to-day :i recognized fact among tho best practitioners that nine out of tea cases formerly considered hopeless may be brought to a liuppy termination by the use of tlial great original raw iood product, Jjoviiilne. This great blood-generating, life-main taining, strength-developing, and flosli producitig product of lean, raw meat, contains tltu greatest uinottnt of life preserving qualities in tho least pos sible bulk of any preparation known. In cases ot Diphthenu, liovinme has special advantages. In this disease, as in others, the rapidity with which it is assimilated gives to it a preference over all oilier foods, passing, as it does, Into the system immediately, without causing the digestive organs to perform any labor. Aim considering the lact that the lesions in the throat prevent the swallowim? of solid food, It becomes an absolute ueces- sity. In the worst cases, where even liquids cannot be taken by the mouth, lioviuine Saves Mfe by being used as an Injection, Above all, Hovlnlne is in Itself a germicide, and in all such diseases as Diphtheria, caused by microbes, It not only performs Its greatest mission ot maintaining life, but antidotes the existing bacilli. Bovinine lias done wonders in thousands of cases of Diphtheria. When your doctor uses it you may ceaso to worry, and lie assured of a speedy recovery. To neelect Its use may mean years ot remorse in the feeling that some loved one might still he with you if everything possible had been done, tsovlnine is sold by all Druggists. We Give Away Strona values in Clothing this week at weak prices an instance: to sell the remainder of the Bank rupt Stock from the Hyde Park Clothing store, we oiler FOR BOYS. SUITS, 2 KNEE PANTS, 60. For 25c. Boys' double breasted suits, also Boys' warm and durable Cape Overcoats; regular mice. $2 and '.".: Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48 Boys' Eeefers, with deep sailor or velvet collars, nicely braided: value. S3 aud Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.85 Boys' fine, all-wool Suits, also Boys' Overcoats and Ul sters: value. 5: Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.88 FOR GEtlTIBB A Lot of Pants 8Jc. A Lot of Vests 4Sc. Men's singlo nnd double breasted Suits; also black and blue Overcoats and Ulsters; value. $S aud SD: Bankrupt Sale Price, $4.70 Men's all-wool Suits; also black and blue Kersey Over coats: value. 12; Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65 Men's Cassimere and Wors ted Pants, equal in lit and iiuisli to regular $5 rants; Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.43 f) u 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN The Acknowledged Kxnert in Horseshoeing nnd Dentistry, is Now Permanently Locuted on West I.uckawannu Ave., Near the Bridge. m. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quullty for domestic lisa, nnd of all bIzoh, dillvorcd in any pan or in city at iowpsi price. Ordor loft nt my Ofllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Rear room, first, floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to tho nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contract! will be mnio for till lata uul delivery or Uuckwheut L'oal. WM. T. SMITH. MmnmmmTOimmmiiy Mil ftilill 1. j g" $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No- tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods,nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' Wear, &c, The steadv increase of our business 1 1 compels ns to enlarge anu remociei me en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the wav I mi, aii ii y E 1 I The Kir, 1 .SEE 400 and 402 Lack Ave., 3 2n Scranton, Pa. 5UUUuWUUUUUUUUUil? dee (urtdins We commence today, and shall continue through out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of Irish Point aud Tambour Lace Curtains, 2,i and 4 yards long, at one third off former prices. A fine liue of Brussels Points have also been put in with this lot of Curtains, on which we have put prices that will surely please you. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, al; $1.50 aud $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 respectively. SILK PLUSH In a splendid line of yard. TABLE COVERS In all sizes and qualities, at moderate prices. re Q G) 9 406 and 408 ra THERE'S A CERTAIN ATTRACTION ABOUT. ECONOMY'S ODD Al El -AND REM That attracts shrewd buyers, and always re suits in highly satisfactory transactions. IT'S NOT NECESSARY TO YOU HOW Prices have been "Chopped," ''Slaughtered "Butchered," "Razored," "Cut, Etc., Etc. SUFFICE TO Prices of motive success the result. OUR EQUITABLE CREDIT SYSTEM PREDOMINATES In All Departments. tJr3"AU our goods yours for the promise to pay.", 1 1 1 .1 colors, $1.50,' worth 2.50 per BEE? 1 GO, Lackawanna Ave. NANT SALE TELL SAY power have been used, and v.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers