The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 23, 1895, Image 1
1 1W 5 flMttt SCllANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOTCNIXG, JANUARY' 23, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. EIGHT PAGES 30 COLUMNS. OUR LAWMAKERS AT WORK Proceedings of the Senate and House of Keprescntativcs. BILLS PASS THIKD READING Mr. Grlggsby, of Lancaster, Introduces a .Measure in the Interest of I'na duller uted Spirituul Ucfrcshmont-Pro-vlJinR for Boiler Inspectors. Bpeclal to the Seranton Tribune. Ilarrisburg. Jan. 22. A bill providing for the appointment by the governor of a board of boiler inspectors, consisting of one or more from each judicial dis trict, to inspect all steam boilers in their respective districts not subject under the laws of the United States, and to grant certificates of license to persons iiaullfled to be entrusted with the care and management of boilers and machinery, was introduced by Rep resentative Lawrence, of Washington. The bill provides that the inspectors shall hold office for four years, unless removed by the governor, and that they shnll not be eligible to appoint ment unless they have served eight years us a practical engineer. Two months after the passage of the proposed act the Inspectors are to meet in this city to establish rules and regu lations for the inspecting of boilers. The bill prescribes the methods of test ing boilers and empowers the inspectors to administer oaths In the performance of their duty. Whenever un owner or user of boilers is aggrieved on account of the decision of an Inspector he may appeal to a board of thtve inspectors of adjoining districts, whose decision in tke matter shall be final. It is made a misdemeanor, punishable by a heavy fine, to use boilers after they have been condemned and before they have been repaired and approved by the Inspector. It is also made a misdemeanor to carry frreater steam pressure than allowed by the certificate of the Inspector; in case of an engineer such violation of the proposed law shall cause his license to be revoked. Persons licensed are graded and clas sified in three grades, the first grade to lie composed of chief engineers, who shall be competent to take charge of a boiler of any kind: second grade, a boiler from 100 to 3UU horse power, and third grade, a boiler from 1 to .10 horse power. The inspectors are to be paid $3 for Issuing a certificate of inspec tion of one boiler and $2 for each addi tional boiler. They are also to be paid a small fee for the examination of applicants for license. The proposed law does not apply to railroad engineers and makes owners of portable saw mills, threshers, water Wells, oil, gas and farm boiler and engines respon sible for damage to life and property. Senate Proceedings. The senate met at 11 o'clock this morning'. After the reporting of a number of bills from committee, the following bills were introduced: By Mr. Mitchell, of Jefferson Appro plating H."i.i( to the Adrian Hospital as sociation, of Jefferson county. Hy .Mr. Fllnn Providing for the annex ation of cities of the second class and cities, boroughs und townships to cities of the second class. Hy Mr. ireen Appropriating $:w,0W to the Reading hospital and Xr,im to the Kutztown Unite Normal school. P.y Mr. I.aubach Appropriating $2,500 to the Home for Aged Infirm Women of ton. By Mr. Snyder-r-Preventlng physicians of less than two. years' actual practice from having the charge of the Indigent In sane. Senator Gobin offered a resolution which was agreed to providing for the appointment of a committee to investi gate the present status of the claims of mechanics and laborers a.t the Wer nersville hospital, who, by reason of the failure of the contractor, have not been paid three months' wages. The senate began the consideration of hills on the calendar, and passed finally the bill creating a banking de partment and Ithe bill repealing the act fixing the compensation of Lebanon county's sheriff for boarding vagrants. A communication from the governor announced thp appointment of the fol lowing managers of the Huntingdon reformatory: Alexander Port, of Hunt ingdon; A. S. Landis, Holllilaysburg. The senate went Into executive ses sion and confirmed these nominations and several notary publics, and at 1 o'clock adjourned until tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock. Work in the House. The house met ait 11 o'clock this morning. Petitions were received from nearly every county in the state asking for the appointment of a state fish and game commissioner. Bills were read In place as follows: ' By Mr. Cotton, of Allegheny Repealing the umcmhnent to the marriage license act, upproved June 23, ISttH, which will re quire persons to be married In the county In which they take out a license. Hy. Mr. Lemon, of Allegheny Appro priating $9n,00ti to the Mercy hospl'al, 1'lttsburg. By Mr. ailbertson, of Allegheny In creasing the salaries of tipstaffs In courts of any city having a population less than GO.OUO to $1,000 and not exceeding $1,200 per annum. Hy Sir. Rhode, of Ilerks Appropriating $Xi,mi0 to tho state normal school at Kutztown. Hy Mr. Rickey, of Allegheny To carry out the provisions of the act of June M, JhS3, relating to the treatment of the in digent Insane, and uppropriutlng $050,000 for the same. Hy Mr. Wilcox, of Erie Amending the Haker ballot law changing the time ami manner of making the registry of voters, and defining the duties of registers and as sessors. It provides that the registration Shall bo mii'le In June. By Mr. Grlggsby, of Lancaster To pre vent the adulteration and selling of ailul teraled liquors and prescribing penalties lor the same. By Mr. Smith, of Jefferson Appropriate Ing $4ri,000 to tho Adrian Hospitul asso elation of Jefferson county. By Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia Providing for the licensing of liquor dealers other than retail, flxlngan annual license of ll.Otifl for brewers, distillers and other whole salers. By Mr. Rlter, of Philadelphia Appro priating ViOO.ooO to the trustees of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. By Mr. Raymond, of Erie Enlarging the duties of the state food commissioner, and authorizing him to enforce ull laws. By Mr. Llltley, of Philadelphia Appro priating $27G.OTK to the Deaf and Dumb asylum, Philadelphia. Tor I'nlvcrslty of Pennsylvania. The bill Introduced today by Mr. IU , er, making an appropriation to the trustees of the University of Pennsyl vania, for general educational 'purposes, provides that no part of the .money ap propriated whall become available until the treasurer of tine University of Penn sylvania shall luave certified, under oath, to the auditor general, that at least it'he sum of $250,000 from private subscriptions shall have been lKiid to the trustees of the University of Penn sylvania, for the general purposes of the said University of Pennsylvania, from and after the first day of January, 1S05, and on or before the first day of June, lSUti, and that a total sum of at least $"00,000, from private subscrip tions, for said general purposes, shall have been pa'ld to the s:Ud trustees on or before the first day of June, 1S9". Hills Passed Finally. The (house took up the calendar of bills on third reading and the following bills parsed finally: Providing for an additional law Judge in Washington county. Providing for benedefal organization of coiin oils in cities of the second class. Providing for an additional law Judgj in Westmoreland county. Providing for the trial together of suits for damages brought by husband and wife. After ome debute over Its alleged unconstitutionality, the bill authoriz ing a sheriff to require a plaintiff to furnish satisfactory Indemnity against loss from fire or removal of goods from his custody pending actions to stay execution, was postponed for the pres ent. At 1.20 the house adjourned until 11 o'clock tomorrow .morning. .MRS, DRAYTON WILL FIGHT. She Will Deny Her Husband's Charges with l inpliasls. By the United Press. Trenton, X. J., Jan. 22. Counsel for Mrs. Coleman Drayton today obtained from V ice Chancellor Green an order extending to Jan. 23 the time in which she may file her denial to the specific charges of Infidelity made in her hus band's bill for divorce. Mrs. Drayton Is now on her way to this country, and is due to arrive In New York on Thurs day. Her counsel, It. V. Llndulmay, of Elizabeth, declares that Mrs. Drayton will not only make a strong denial of the charges of intimacy with Hallett AIsop Iiurrowe, but that she will light the application for divorce to the end. The taking of testimony before a master In chancery Is thus delayed once more, and It is not likely to begin for a month or more, as under the order she has until Jan. 29 to file an amended answer. It is quite likely that It will the: be taken in private, as nearly all the prict idings so far have been quiet I ly conducted. - - - . . VIOLETS FOR HAYWARD. .t Subject for the Fool killer Makes Her Appearance at the Murder Trial. By the fniteil Press. Minneapolis .Minn., Jan. 22. One more juror, making three hi tilt, was secured to try Harry Hayward. Before the regular business of examining jurors was taken up, W. W. Krwin addressed the court relative to Hay ward's alleged connection with the con spiracy to break Jail. Mr. Krwin said that aibout three weeks ago a fellow prisoner Invited Hayward to join la the conspiracy. Hayward, so Mr. Kr win declared, brought the matter be fore his attorney, who In turn notified the jail authorities, nnd a search re vealed a well developed scheme for a jail delivery. Heyond this Incident there was noth ing of Interest In the case today except when a young lady created a scene by attempting to present Hayward with a buncih of violets. SUICIDE AFTF.R A REVIVAL. Woman Saturates Her Clothing with Oil. Then Applies a Mutch. By the United Press. Huntingdon. Pa., Jan. 22. Miss Amanda Harkman, aged 40. the daugh ter of n prominent farmer residing near here, became demented after attending several religious revivals, and went Into an outhouse and saturated her clothing with a gallon of kerosene oil. She then applied a match, and when discovered was burned almost beyond recognition. - Administration Condemned, By the I'nlted Prcns. Indianapolis, I ml., Jan. 22. A resolu tion was presented to the legislature toilay condemning the Hawaiian policy of Pres ident Cleveland's administration In Its ev ery phase anil recommending mat a war ship be kept nt Honolulu in order to pre vent any other nation from gaining n foothold there. It passed by a strict parly vote. (us I'lunt Destroyed. By the United Press. Huntingdon, Pa., Jan. 22. The entire plant of the Huntingdon (ius Light com pany was destroyed by fire this morn ing. The fire originated from an explosion of one of the generators. Total loss, $12,- OUO; no insurance. Senator from Texas. Ily the United Press. Austin, Tex., Jun. 22. At noon toduy the Texus legislature elected Horace Chilton (Democrat) to succeed lllchard Coke us United States senator. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. The Colorado blizzurd is rapidly mov ing eastward. Arthur M. Forester, well known In Irish revolutionary circles, died at Boston yes terday. Myrtle Townsend, Elsie Hughes and ucorgn iTosuy, young sKaters, were drowned ut Fort Mudlson, la. The president of tho defunct American Casualty company. William 10. Mldgley, was Indicted for grand larceny In New York for misappropriating $2l,ouo. In a battle between Mexican soldiers nnd bandits led by Murron de Liiiiu, near Victoria, one of the latter, Nicolas Vena, was killed und two soldiers were wounded. Abbott's once famous baritone, Hlgnor Campiibcllo (Honry Campbell), hns been Blind for divorce by Clrace Porter Campbell, the wife he deserted as soon as he learned that she was not rich. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. While Edward Plutto, of near Hunting don, was coasting his sled run into a stone fence und his skull was crushed. William Lane, of Bradford, was rrushed to death between the coal slnite und the tender while coullng nn engine ut Lime's Mills. Owing to the prevalence of scarlet fever nnd diphtheria nt Huntingdon Kurnucc, Huntingdon county, the town has been quarantined. Owing to a difference between the Mill ernl Mining company nnd the Pennsyl vnnia Coal compuny, the new shaft ut Bcott, iU) feet deep, hus been ubundoned, AN OFFICIAUfllLLENnlUM Ex-Governor l'attison's Promised Kc' in Philadelphia. HIS LETTER OP ACCEPTANCE Present Hcploruble Condition of the (Juukcr City os Compared with Its Hi IS lit Future in Event of a Penrose I'prlsing. By the United Press. Philadelphia. Jan. 22. Ex-Governor Ptiti:!son in his letteraoe-epting the Dem oci'Ati'c nomination for mayor of Ithls c lit y Bays: The entire expenditure of the stato gov ernment of Pennsylvania, In receipt of profuse revenues, aggregate about $12,000. ihw, of which amount more than one-half Is appropriated to public school ami char ities. The expenditures of tho govern ment or Philadelphia for the year IK'.U were $32,WU,00i, an average per capita for each voter of over JhV). For the year 1SS7. the tlrst year under the new charter. Ihey were $17.('.SS,aol. Eor this enormous In crease, It Is venturing nothing to say no adeiiimte return has been received. Prom ises of better and cheaper gas, of purer and more abundant water, of splendid street Improvement, and other public ben efactions, have been clamorously kept to the ear ami have been persistently broken to the hone. Improvident contracts have wasted the substunce of the people. Lavish salaries have rewarded placemen holding sine cures, while 2U,0W school children are to day denied lit accommodations. The va rious departments of the city government and their armies of employes have Inju riously Interfered to control the politics of the city. Municipal officers have he trayed their trust to the great shame of tho city and to the loss of millions of the nubile moneys. Profligacy has quicKiy succeeded extravagance and the revenues of the people have become spoils of the un su"VMous. . .ie then refers to the law of 1S95 "to provide for the better government" of the city, which, in his opinion, vests in the mayor all power and authority ne cessary to secure honest, economical and efficient administration and de clares that he will accept the nomina tion upon the express condition and understanding that If it should be rati fied by a majority or our fellow citi zens In his election to the chief magis tracy, he -will enforce the law without fear or favor or affection. Merit, Only, Shall Be Kewarjed. Merit and merit only shnll he considered In malting nppolntments, anil no removals shall be made except for cause as contem plated by the letter and spirit of our municipal charter. I will not only not permit the participation of the officers and employes of the city government In polities, but I will absolutely prohibit and prevent It. 1 will require the members of the police force, the lire and every other department of the city government nb- stentloii from ull displuy of party feel ing or Interest, and from every manner of Interferenee in political affairs. 1 will re quire of them constant. Impartial and fear less exercise of their duties to the public. I will cause the ordlnunces of the city and the laws of the state to be executed and enforced. 1 will endeavor, as fur as lies within the power of the executive, to maintain the high character ami to en hance the efficiency of the common school system, which Is tne urignesi ornament oi our American Institutions, and I will en deavor to secure for all the children seek ing to avail themselves if Its benefits ade quate facilities for public instruction. I will promote und enforce economy In the departments. 1 will oppose the granting of municipal privileges and franchises, except for lim ited periods, und upon the best terms und conditions for the city of Philadelphia that can lie reasonably asked and obtained. If, then, with this statement of my con victions nnd purposes, the party which yon represent and the public call me to the high office to which your convention has designated me, I will accept the responsi bilities of such appointment, relying humbly on the aid of Divine Providence, and endeavoring to do my purt to secure to our great city the beneficent results of a wise, honest, and economical govern ment. Prom this purpose I shall not be swerved by any Interest or Inllucnce w hatever, political, corporate or personal. WILL SETTLE FOR A HORSE. Indian Woinnn Docs Not Place a High Vuluc on Her f eelings. By the United Press. Chamberlain. S. D., Jan. 22-From Pine lildge ugency conies the story of a case of domestic Infelicity which is out of the usual run. Julia flolng Is the name of nn Indian woman who resides on the Pine Klilgo rcHcrviunui, muiie time ago she consented to reside with n Mexican living near Pine lildge agency. The Mexican had previously been mar ried, but had never procured a divorce from his lawful wife. These facts were known to the woman nt the1 time she consented to live with him, but it was understood that they should be lawfully married as soon as the Mexlcun had procured the divorce. liecently he toll the Sioux woman that ho would not marry ner nt nn. She has Just written to the I ntteU States authorities asking thnt the Mex ican be compelled to make reparation for Ills duplicity or be punished. She estimates that her feelings have been In lured to the amount of about $300, and this she Is willing to cull Bquare If the authorities compel tho Mexican to give her a $.'100 horse which he now has in his possession. ELOPES WITH AN ACTRESS. Sophie Harrison, nn Amcrlenn Pliiycr. Captures n men .oeie, Ily the United Press. Berlin, Jan. 22. A sensation hns been crented In Berlin society by the an nouncement that Count F. W. Benstorff, nn ex-cavalry officer In the Clerman army, und a member of a wenlthy nn prominent family In Berlin, has eloped w ith Soplue Harrison, un American per former. In the Winter Oai'don Varieties theater. It Is understood the couple will be married In London. SMITH STILL SICK. It Is Thought Thnt He Will Not Hecover lilt II Tried for l-:mbczleincnt. r.y the United Press. Luncnstpf, Pa., Jan. 22. When the case of K. K. Smith and C. K. Oray bill, who composed the banking firm of K. K. Smith & Co., of Columbia which failed a few years ago, with large liabilities nnd no assets, was called for trial today, Smith failed to appear. The court at once ordered his bull forfeited aJ directed the sheriff to bring lilm Into court as soon ns pos sible. The charge against the twu i embezzlement, and the case has been continued several times because of the 111 health of Mr. Smith, and there has been much indignation expressed over the postponements. It was stated this morning that Smith Is still sick, but the court directed that he be brought in In as humane a manner as possible, and that a physician would be allowed to accompany him. BORROWED ON HIS JEWELRY. Ir Carver Likely to Lose 1 2 .",000 Wort h of Presents. By the United Press. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 22. Over a year aigo, Dr. Carver, the world-renowned rifle shot, borrowed $15,000 from W. II. Boone, of Cincinnati, to put his show, "The Scout," on the road, depositing as security with Boone a large amount of jewelry, which he Claimed was worth $125,000. Carver stranded In the south west, amid ,1s now giving rllle exhibitions in Chicago. The time of the loan ex pired, and Hotme communicated with Carver, who replied that lie was unable to redeem the lloan, and for Mr. Poone to sell the Jeweilry, take his $15,000 and Interest and send the balance to him. The jewels were presented to Dr. Car ver by admirers in this country and Europe. One ring, consisting of a pure opal surrounded by large dinmonds'ftvas pre sented by the Due D'Oiieans. In Merlin an elegant diamond scarf ring was presented to him. In Vienna, Puda-Pesth, in fact, all over Europe, Carver was showered with gifts. Upon his arrival In America, his cowboy friends presented Mm with a ring, con sisting of an opal two Inches In diame ter, surrounded by diamonds far out doing one of a similar kind given him in France, and a. chain of pure goild, six teen feet in length. Cincinnati friends of Carver are try I nig to suve the jewels. DELANEY SAFF. IN PARIS. Fled with $100,001) und a Woman with $70,000 Is to Join Him. By the Unjted Press. Cleveland. ()., Jan. 22. A woman has been forced to disclose the whereabouts of W. K. Dclancy, of the Pennsylvania Land and Lumber company, at Pitts burg, the fellow who conducted a gi gantic swindling scheme and lied to avoid arrest. He is In Paris, says Mrs. Matilda Gerst, who was Intimately as sociated with him, nnd who was In Cleveland on Monday last. Before leaving for Paris to Join Dclancy, Mrs. Gerst told Attorney Irving Ilershey tin? secret, as in order to carry out her plans she had to tell somebody, fhe s.ild Delaney was In Paris and had been there ever since lie left Pitts burg. She had $111,000 In a safety de pot It vault in Pittsburg which ."he wuntel to draw, and she also wanted her little daughter, who was In Alle gheny. She intrui-ted Iiershey with the task of securing both.' He left Monday or Pit tsburg, and Tum lay morning re turned here with the gh'l and the money, the latter pricked lu u satchel. Mrs. 13 erst left Cleveland with both f her children ami about $70,000 in cash, most of wh'ic-h the drew front banks In Canada. She wint east, and Thursday s.-v'led for Paris. Siie told ,awyer Heii-'iey that Dulaney would emaln In Paris, and that he probably had $100,000 In his possession. KINK AID'S R ECRF ITS. Utprcscnlntive of lliooklyn Traction Companies Secure Men in Pittsburg. By the I'nlted Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 22.-C. S. Kln- kaid, representing the Brooklyn Trac tion railway companies, arrived in Ittsburg last evening. Mr. Klukabl opened an employment office and this morning applicants began to nrrive. Mr. Kinkald employed as assistant nn experienced motoi'man ami all appll- ants were subjected to a rigid exami nation. M noon over forty experienced men had attached their names to the agree ment. Mr. Kinkald expects to send 100 men east tonight. (ieorgo l.olunun's Will. By the United Press. Wilkes-Ilarre. Jan. 22.-Tho will of tleorgu Lohmann, the well known restaur unteur, who committed suicide because ho had not the money to pay to keep up his Insurance policies, was probuted today. The entire estate, $90,000, Is left to his wife. Sage Again Lscupcs. Ily the United Press. New York, Jan. 22. This morning the Jury In the Laldlaw-Sage case came Into court, und nfter they had declared they could not ugree, were discharged by Judge Patterson. The Jury stood 9 to 3 In favor of the plaintiff. Could Not llluff the King. By the United Press. Athens, Jan. 22. The Creek ministry hus resigned because the king refused to acceilo to their request to dissolve parlia ment as the best way to solve the econ omic problem. , i Hunker Serenaded. Hy the United Press, Milan, Jan. 22. A bomb was exploded near the residence of u certuln bunker In this city toilay. No damage whs done, l.uter un tincxploded bomb was found. -,' bourgeois. Cublnct-.Mukcr. By the United Press. Purls, Jan. 22. After an extended Inter view today with Prusldent Knure M. Bour geois definitely agreed to make another ut tempt to construct a cabinet. WASHINGTON COSSIP. President Cleveland und Senator Sher man went out rlillng together on Sunday. Mr. Itlchardson, of Tennessee, has been elected speaker pro tern. In the absence of Bpruker Crisp. The wife of ex-Secretary John W. Fos ter has received n telegram announcing his urrlvul nt YoKoluimu, Japan. The Semite yesterduy confirmed the nomination of C. I). Chirk to bo Judge for the eustern und middle district of Ten nessee. Tho president hns commuted to three years und six months tho sentence of six years In tho penltentlury Imposed upon M. C. Hull for breaking Into a number of postofllces In Pennsylvania. The house committee on military af fairs bus ordered favorably reported I substitute for the senate bill, reviving the grade of lieutenant generul In the army, when In the opinion of the president nnd the senate It shull bo deemed pror to acknowledge distinguished services, Tho houso pension committee has ileclil ed to report favorably two bills giving pensions of HA a montn each to Mrs, Isabel V. Jett and Mr. Elisabeth It. Btrathcr and tho widow and dependent daughters of Major John Huberts, a Vir ginia soldier of the revolutionary war. AI Seventh Keqitnent Pires Upon Mob with Patal Effect. SITUATION GK0WS SERIOUS Tho Troops Unable to Preserve Order. Mayor Schiercn Issues u Proclama tion in the Interest of Law and Order Trouble Ahead. By tho United Press. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 22. Mob vio lence continued In the presence of the troops lu Brooklyn todny. Troops fired upon the mobs tonight. The 7,000 men of the First and Second brigades have not restored order, und the Third bri gade has been notified to be In readi ness to proceed to the scene of strife on short notice. Adjutant CJeneral McAlpln. sent by Governor Morton from Albany to ascer tain the exact situation, has been here and gone to report to the governor tonight. " The mayor has issued an additional proclamation as follows: "Law and order must prevail first in this com munity, must be respected by all, must Ue enforced upon all, even If it takes the entire force of the state." The situation has grown more serious during the day. Tonight the outlook Is most grave. The breach between the striking employes of the trolley lines and the companies has been widened by the day's doings. Master Workman Martin J. Connelly declares that the troops of the Seventh regiment raided a peaceable assem blage of workingtnen, seized their papers and records, nnd ran things with a high hand. The militia admit throw ing out a cordon of soldiers for two blocks from the llldgewood depot and Incidentally penning 200 strikers in Odd Fellows' hall for two hours while the cars were operated on the elates Ave nue line. They deny seizing books nnd papers. Fifteen linemen who went on strike on their own accord early In the day had been ordered back to work by Con nelly. When he heard of the affair at Odd Fellows' hall he ordered all linemen to quit work tomorrow morning. If the men obey there will be few cars oper ated until their places are filled, If they can be filled. A Council of War. Mayor Schiercn, Adjutant fleneral McAlpln, Brigadier Ciciiernl McLeer, und all the high officials of the civil and military authorities, held what may be termed a council of war. The result may develop In action by tho governor sending more. The car companies made some prog ress toward resuming traflle. More cars were run on the lines which have been open for three or four days and two i new lines Were opened. In one case troops and police lined the route for blocks and shot at people In windows, who throw missiles, and In the other Troop A charged with drawn sabres to rescue a car In the Hiands of the mob. Both these affairs, In which troops fig ured, took place In broad daylight. Minor disturbances were reported from various parts of the city. There were only a dozen arrests in all that hail con nection with the disturbance. Police Commissioner Welles Issued a general order threatening any ollleer with dis missal who failed to elo his full duty. Strikers captured many men hired by the companies to fill their place's. In some cases they used moral suasion und in others it is y.iid tSiey used force to kidnap the non-union men. Tonight the Srveiilh regiment tired on a gang of men who stood opposite the Halsey street car houses, near Broad way. Two men In the crowd were se rlosly injured, and it Is reported that the crowd carried away others who were, wounded by bullets from the sol diers' guns. Lncounternt llalscy Street. A charge was made by the military nt Broadway und llalscy streets at 11 o'clock tonight. Some small boys had bi'en Jeering the soldiers and there was but few men about. A drunken man from New York started from John Con way's saloon on the coiner to, cross Halsey street. Hi was flreil upon nnd hit In the face, sustaining a cniMiund fracture of the Jaw. His name is Thomas Alms. He will elle Mr. Mitchell, of the Brooklyn City railroad, was shot In the arm. Two of the bullets from Hie guns of the nillltla went through the .large plate glass window of the candy store of John Kekoff, ut 1)m7 Broadway, narrowly missing the clerks behind the counter. Mr. Kckoff's daughter, Sophie, who was standing In front of the store, was Just missed by a bullet. Dr. Wilson at tended the wounded man and wan an eye witness of the shooting, lie says there was but few people about nnd much less excuse for the shooting than last night, when a large crowd at the same place crented nulte a disturbance. Ait 11.40 Hlho neighborhood was almost deserted, but the few men tuhout were excited over the occurrence. There weTe hiss tihan twenty men present when tlhe shooting occurred. The companies did not attempt to run cars until nilditlgiht. They accomplished consldinnble by running at ull after dark. Some of the last cars In 1iad rough experience'. The shotting was done by live of ,t:he men of the picket line which the Sevonth regi ment had established along Halsey street to guard the enr -hotise. A dozen people on the strei-t liad narrow cs capis. At 1 o'clock this morning reports re colved at police heidiuairte'rs from the various depots stuted that ull was quiet, FORKST CITY CAUCUS. Republican Voters .Mnko Nominations at Davlcs' Hall. Special to tho Seranton Tribune. Forest City. Jan. 22. The qualified Hepubllcan voters of the Second ward met in Davie's' null this evening to nominate candidates for borough ollb ces and to ohoose two delegate's to at' tend the county convention at Mon trose, Thursday, Jan. 24. The nominees for councllmen wore W. A. Watts and J. H. Hudd; Judge of election, N. E. ltrundage; member of the coumtye vigilance committee, George K. Esmay; delegates to the county con. ventlon, W. II. Wlldenberger and Ben jamin K'chnrda were chosen. In the First ward J. A. Brown was nominated for Judge of elctlon; J. C. Waters, in spector; assessor, W. P. Jones; auditor, for three years, H. W. Brown; school director, for one year, In the Second ward, M. D. Evans; school director, for two years. Dr. Knapp; school director, for three years, T. J. Pentecost; school director, for three years, from the First ward, L. H. May; poor director, W. H. Bates; high constable, W. I. Bates. Delegates tol the convention are J. M. Brown and T. C. Manzer. ELIJAH EMERICK GUILTY. The Jury Kcnders a Verdict as Above lu His Cass. By tho United Press. PottsMille, Pa., Jan. 22. The Jury In the case of Elijah Emer-lck, ex-stewiard of the county almshouse, charged by the oounty auditors with improper re lations wilth Maggiie Noon, rendered a verdict of guilty this morning. The defense moved for a. new trial, and the defendant was pliaiced under ball. This ils only one of a number of cases brought by the auditors. One of tlhese Is agailnsit the present steward, Well ington Hairtmati, who is charged wlith Impropriety by Lizzie O'Brien, who was an Inmate of tlhe almshouse. The case will be ibrougiht before the next grand Jury. SMART BOY FLOGGED. An Indiana School-Ma'am Preserves Or. dcr In Her Department by Whipping a Hoy Dig I'.nough to Grow Whiskers. By tho United Press. Indtanapolls, Jan. 22. The sensation al encounter -between Professor Crow ley, of Uhe grammar department of the Clayton (Hendricks county) high school, and an ih ate parent, In which the teacOi er was badly cut and the parent and his son thrown down a flight of stta,lrs, has revived Interest In a prosecution that is pending 'in the same village agaiinst tlhe principal nd Crowley Cor flogging a young man named Wills. Miss Belli! Mills Is the principal or the village high school. A few weeks ago Miss Mills noticed ttfat a spirit of In subordination was becoming manifest among some ef the larger pupils. Un der her charge are a number of young men ranging from 10 to 20 years of age. She noticed that when one of the larger pupils was ordered to do anything obedience was followed by Jeers and taunts, wih;lch Indicated contempt on the part of the pupils for one who will ingly submitted to rules Invoked by a woman. One day young Wills found a hand- Kere'nier upon line Hour ami inuug u i upon the chanelelier. Miss Mills or dered him to take it down. The com mand was repeated two or three times and he finally obeyed and put the handkerchief Into his pocket. After the noon recess Wills walked to the tlh'.mdelicr mud hung the soiled haml ke'iertilef upon It again. The presump tion was that the older boys had guyed h'lin at recess for taking the handker chief down, nel he had been thus wrought up to the point of making a content wltHi his teacihi't'. Miss Mills promptly ordered him to take down the handki'rchlef, but he refused to elo so and persisted iln his re fuswl, though he refraini'd from impudence and main tained a respectful demeanor. Miss Mills sent for Professor Crowley, who has charge eif the Intermediate or gram mar department, and aiked him to get some swlti'hes. She also reeiuested him to remain In the room, as she Intended to whip young Wills. Crowley secured three large switches and took a posi tion .neiif the teacher's desk, presum ably to lend a helping hand should Wills offer resistance or Hny of the other pupils come to his rescue1. Sho lluildled the hip Well. Standing the disobedient young man up in front of Oicr, Miss Mills entered upon a castlgation that he will remem ber to his Uylng day. The -news of the whipping create'd tremendems excite ment In the village', and the hoy's father promptly swore out a warrant for Miss Mills' arrest, charging her with assault and battery. The order-loving people; of the community came to 'her rescue, and public sentiment was decidedly In her favor, but the Wills -family are prominent In the community and were not without tilielr partisans In the con troversy. Ex-State Senator Hays, of Ore-encastle, wa employed by Miss Mills to defend ber nnd a day was con sumed In a trial before a Jury of Hen. diirks county farmers, some of whom we ! patrons of the school. The Jury failed to agive, and the case is to be tried again. Miss Mills Is described ns being a sweet-tempered young lady, an en thusiast In 'her profession and painstak ing in her care of the Interests of those lull listed to her charge'. That she was not too severe was demonstrated, her friends Bay, In the trial, for, though rhiTp. were marks eif the Bwilteihes on Wills' back and legs the skin was not lnoketi nor blood drawn at any place. DASTARDLY OUTRAGE. An Attempt Is Mode to Blow l p a Charit able Institution with Dynumite. By the United Press. Sault Ste Marie, Mich., Jan. 22. An nttmept was made to blow up the Res cue Home of the King's Sons and Daughters early this morning. Dyna mite was usi'd and the rear end of tho building was badly demolished. It was evidently the Intention to In jure Evangelist Whltnker, who has suc ceeded In weeding out disreputable houses, thereby making himself ob noxious to the tough element. Mr. Whltaker lives In another house across the street nnd thereby escaped. The lives of several Inmates of the home Were eiiilangered. FORKKJN SNAP SHOTS. Italian troops have occupied Hurras en route to Massowuh. Voters In Kveshnm, England, hud to go In bouts through tlooeled stie'ets to the polls. Tho American artist, Waller Ony, has been createel a chevalier of the Legion of Honor, In 1'iirls. Hamburg's dynamite firm, Alfred Noble & Co., will mnke good out of its reserve fund the $37,!iU0 recently embcnlud by Its manngtng clerk, Carl Zander. The I.ondon Times advises Newfound, hind to become a crown colony, get finan cial aid from an English bunk and organ Iso a navul recruiting station, WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania; fair; slightly colder; west winds. pNLEY'S Opening of Embroideries Thursday, Jan, 24th. We will have open our And the largest stock we have ever shown. The character of the line of these goods we carry is so well knowu that it i3 Heedless for Us To Specify Styles, But Merely Say WE HAVE THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES AND SPECIAL DESIGNS And the entire stock at The New Tariff Prices.1 FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR (I u THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. LEWIS, REILLY & DAYIES. HONEST SHOES. The boys and girls must have "the best Leather and Rubber Shoes. We have them. They don't cost much, either. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIS, Closed Evenings Except Saturday, THE WEICHEL, Is doing the business. POPULAR GOODS, POPULAR PRICES, Aud the population of Scran ton know where to go for popular goods at popular prices. , Ml VVEICHEL, 408 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR DIME BANK. NEW EMBROIDERIES f3 4 2bi ii IW W