The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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At Exceedingly Low Prices.
January Im one of tho Important months
to pui'i lium-va of muslin iiiicli-iweiir, for
the I'euHon that the kooJm were oontracti'il
lor anil inudo iluriiiR tho very dull waaon.
The price are reiiuueil to HUrh low UK
lires uh will liiBiiro a quick nul Tha
KouiIh uro all new and of the choicest.
Ladles' l-'lne .Muslin Corset Cover, .
lilirh nerk, tiimnied with f mliroMery. "M
Klne Cunibrlo Corset Cover with n.
Heck, trimmed with einlirolilery wc
Flue Cambric Corset Cover, low
Heck, trimmed, with embroidery 9
Kine Cambrle Corset Cover, V neck,
trimme d with vulciiclcimes laee back
end front 45c
Fine Cambrle Corset Cover with V
reek, back and front trimmed with
very llnu embroidery 49c
Fine Cambrle Ci-et Cover with V
lack and siiuure (Yoiit, trimmed with
insertion and embroidery 58c
Flue Cambrle Corset Cover with V
neck, back and front, trimmed with
embroidery anil Valenciennes lace 7Dc
Fine Cambrle Corset" Covers, low
Fiuare neck, trimmed with lino em
broidery Kc
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, V back
ntul front, trimmed with pointed em
broidery 9So
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with lino Inser
tion mid embroidery S9c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with embrold
try and li;;ht blue ribbon ....$1.25
Pure Muslin llown with Mother lTub
lard yoke, with lucks and cambric ruf
lle round neck and down the front EOo
Fine Muslin down, trimmed with
Wide hemstitched rullle round neck and
fdceves 75c
Fine Muslin Clown, Mother Hub
burd yoke, with tucks unit Insertion
and embroidery edKiriK fwe
Flii Muslin C.owu with V neck,
trimmed with wide embroidery and
torchen lace 89c
Fine Cambrle Clown, Kinpire style,
1'immcd with Insertion and rutllo of
t-rnbrolilery 98c
Fine Krnbroidery Oown, with solid
rmbotdcry yoke, trimmed with em
broidery ednlnt; $1.19
Fine Muslin llown, Kmpire style,
trimmed with solid embroidery and
vide embroidery round neck and
Fl.eves $1.23
Fine Cambric llown, with round
tucked yoke, trimmed with narrow
edyinir round neck and wide embroid
ery rullle round voke and sleeves $1.50
Jluslin I rawers. with tucks 25c
Fine .Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
fine tucks 35c
Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
tucks and wide rutlle of embroidery... 45c
Fine .Muslin Drawers, with double
rluster of lucks and wide embroidery
rullle Mc
Fine Muslin Dr awers, with cluster of
tucks nnd Louis Fuller rullle of em
broidery S9c
Fine Cambric Druwcrs, with cluster
of line tucks, trimmed with rullle of
embroidery with lace eriirlni; 98c
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks nnd wide hern 13c
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks and cambric rullle COc
Fim Muslin Skirts, with clusters of
flue tucks with wide embroidery rul
lle 85c
Flue Muslin Skin, with whin cambric
rutile with insertion and tucks 85c
.Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric ruf
fle with flusters, of tucks, trimmed
with fine la.-e 9Sn
D r7-R E EV E S,
412 Spruce Street, 5cranton.
Dr. Reeves has had low? nnd varied ex
perience In ho.ipttnl anil private practice
and treats nil aeute anil chronic diseases
of men, women nnd children.
lie, with his Raslstants, treat nil dls
mres of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, prematuro
wcikness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-polsonini?, tits, epilepsy, in
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, ec;;enia, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance,
B-thma, diseases of tho heart, lunss,
luer, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Young Men Positively Cured.
Offer to tho Public for Catarrh.
Any ono Btiffcrlnt; with Catarrh who
Wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured mny receive three monlha
treatment for only FIVK DOt,I.,All3. Tho
doctor has discovered a speellli: lor this
dreaded disease. You can treat nnd euro
yourself nnd family with It at home. It
Lever falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICK HOTRS-nnllv, 9 n. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Prices Cut in Half
See our Show Window to
Be Convinced.
J. Scott Inglis
N. B. Spring Wall Papers noo
' MIsb Gertie Itunillu hns been confined
to her home for severnl -days with a
severe attack of quinsy,
Charles Cluyne, of Hulberton, N. T.i
has been vlslititifr Mr. nnd Mrs. Dnnlcl
Price, of Ilrook street.
The Hev. Thomas Kills filled the pul
pit In pluce of Pastor Llndemuth Sun
day morning and evening.'
Harold, the young son of W. R. Man
ner, who was severely bitten by a doff
last week, Is linurovhiff.
4 wwimz&easgi&e&szi
Carl Rhlnehardt lias returned from
the Wilkes-Ilurro huspltal in an im
proved coiulltlou.
The Meshoppen Methodists are hnld
Insr revival meetings, it is reported,
with marked success.
George MiKown visited at Berwick
over Sumluy.
U. II. Holland nnd daughter. Josle,
of Wyaluslng, visited the former's sis
ter, Mrs. H. 11. llrown, over Sunday.
The nominations of the Second ward
Itepublicnns are as follows: Town
council, S. W. Eysenbnch; judge of
election, Mjirtln Kelfer; inspector,
James L. Vose: constable. C II.
Burgess; high constable, Unmet Gard
ner; auditors, C. M. liurlow, W. M.
Mr, nnd Mrs. n. H. Atkinson nnd
Mrs. C. J. Iteed will be a trio of passen
gers for the south on the noon train
today. Mrs. Iteed goes to Fort Mead,
Florida, to join her husband, who Is en
gaged In orange culture, and Mr. and
Mrs. Atkinson go to Lenoir, N. C, to
visit their son, J. li. Atkinson, trustee
nnd general mnnager for the 'Wilson
Lumber company, of Sernnton,
Funeral Director Stre.J T was called
to Coxton yesterday to 'prepare the re
mains of Mrs. Haines, who died at the
home of her son-in-law, Arthur Harder,
for burial. She was 60 years of age nnd
well known and widely respected here.
The funeral wli;i be held at Coxton
Wednesday and the remains brought to
LaGiange on Lehigh Valley train No.
13 for burial.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Chlrstian Temperance union will lie
held at the residence of Mrs. I,. T.
Mums Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock
The Iloptnsophs have secured the
Grand Army hall as a permanent meet
ing place, and their first meeting will
be held there tomorrow evening.
At Saturday's meeting of Tunkhan
nock Grange, No. 2W, the annual re
ports were read, which Indicated that
the society Is In a nourishing condition.
They have purchased and paid for an
organ during the year and have a com
fortable balance in the treasury. Four
applications for membership were read
at Saturday's meeting, degrees con
ferred on two or three candidates, and
the balance of the otlicers Installed.
Ten prisoners languish in the county
Humor has It that a cut-glass factory
is to be established on Gravel Hill the
coming spring by some parties from
New England. If orected at all it will
be adjacent to F. P. Avery's machine
shop and the motive power conveyed
George Philllpson has perfected a silk
spool that is exceedingly line In ap
pearance and seems to meet the wants
of the silk manufacturers. He contem
plates starting themanufactureof them
Adelliert Harford, convicted of man
slaughter, will appeal for a new trial
and sentence is deferred pending the
The organization of the Republican
county convention at Pratt's Opera
house yesterday afternoon was effected
by electing Charles Gardner, of Fac-tory-viHo,
chairman; C. K. Frear and
Fred J. Wheelock, secretaries, and Dr.
J. W. Denlson, reading clerk. After
credentials had been presented and a
series of resolutions adopted Chairman
Gardner stated that the object of the
meeting was to name a candidate for
the congressional nomination, and to
elect a delegate to the state conven
tion. A resolution was offered declar
ing K. J. Jorden as the chojee of Wyo
ming county for congressman, and em
powering him to choose his own con
ferees. It was unanimously adopted.
Ktifus P. Northrop, (. M. Matthewson
anil Stephen Ingham were proposed as
deli-gates to the ntate convention. The
first ballot resulted in a victory for
Mr. Northrop. There being no further
business, Mr. Jorden was called before
the convention and made a brief speech,
thanking the convention and the county
for the honor conferred upon him, and
promising to use all honorable means to
secure the nomination and election,
after which the meeting adjourned.
A donation party for Hev. C. H. New
Injf will be held ut Mill City Thursday
evening, Jan. 31, at the Lake Wlnola
uariin nturoevant, or Aim city, was
found dead in his bed yesterday morn
ing when the family went to awaken
him. He had been In poor health for
some time.
Triton Hose company will give a con
cert at Pratt's Opera house Tuesday
evening, Jan. 20. Among those who
will assist lira: Miss Anna Culllng
worth, of Chester; Miss Adela Break
stone, of Wyoming seminary; Profes
sor John Turn, of Falls; Mrs. James 13.
Frear, the Wall known violinist, and
Mrs. Ellen P.roughton has returned
fiom Meshoppen, where she has been
In-lplng to nurse the youngest child of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen, who is dan
gerously 111.
William 8. Rosencrans a;id Martha J.
Bates, both of this borough, have em
bniked on the sea of matrimony.
Tho court deferred sentence upon
John H. Gray and he was released, to
appear nt next term of court.
The Yielding sheriff sale was post
poned to Feb. 0.
Martin Kills, a Meshoppen Jubllante,
Is serving a seven days' term In the
ct.unty Jail for creating a disturbance
upon the street.
The Catholic church society will hold
a festival at the Opera house Wednes
day evening, Feb. 13,
Hon. Nelson Lee Is still on the mend.
Mothers! Mothers!! .Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Boothlng Ryrnp hn
been used for over fifty yonrs by mil
lions of mothers for their children wlillo
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens tho gums, allays all
ualn: cures wind colic, and Is tho best
remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists
In every part of tho world. Ho sura and
skfor "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and tuks uo other kind. Twenty-live cents
u bottle.
Misses Jennie Jones and Ruth Euth
returned home Saturday from Nantl
eoke. N. P. Clausen and Miss Anna Jones
enjoyed ii 0lulghrl.1e toi WIlkes-Bnrre on
Mrs. Wiialen, of Avaca, spent yester
day with her daughter, Mrs. Geary
Harry Workhelser spent Sunday with
his uncle at West I'ittston.
Dr. Hlslop waa a visitor here yester
day. There will be a caucus at eot'h of the
tlhree school houses on Saturday be
tween 6 and 9 p. m.
The Acme orchestra will 'hold a mas
querade ball on Friday Jilght at Sing
er's hall. I
The oyster supper at the Baptist
church last evening waa well "attended
considering the disagreeable weat'h?r.
Harry Lloyd, of Wyoming, la visiting
frhnds here.
Miss Lr.mb, of WllUss-B.-trro, was the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Gallagher, on
The Adonis club will give a social at
Pullman hall timlg'ht.
The many friends of Miss Lulu Har
man gave her a surprise party on Sat
urday evening, and all that attended
liad a very pleasant time.
Miss Winnie Durkin, of Mill Creek, Is
visiting friends here.
This evening (Tuesday) the following
young people will comprise a slelgh
ride party who will enjoy a ride to
Wnymart, where they will spend a few
hours at the home of Miss Alta Buck
land: Misses Allie Price, Sadie Lewis,
Mary liryson, Mabel Fuitz, Maggie
Boyd, Sarah Davis. Bailie Phillips,
Lulu Phillips, Edith Hawkins, Anna
Evans, Lottie Madden, Nellie Haven
strine, Gertie Moyles, Mary J. Evans,
Messrs. Albert Mlrkett, Alexander
Mitchell, Heuben Klnback, Frank
Jones, Wallace Hlsted, William Dlmock,
Fred Hanstein, Fred Swingle, John
Norrbt, Kay Clifford, Thomas Davis,
Charlie Johnson, Arthur Johnson and
Eddie Roberts.
Miss Anna Berry, of Terrace street,
spent Sunday with friends In Blakely.
Emmons L. Peck, of Emmons, Sulli
van county. Pa., waa the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Peck, of
Washington street, on Sunday.
Misses Francis and Josephine Davis,
of Jermyn, were Carbondale visitors
Miss liertha Powell, of Scranton, will
recite nt an entertainment at the Con
gregational church la this city on
Wednesday evening.
The annual election of officers of the
Cermuiiia Singing society resulted as
follows: President, Michael Niesen;
vice president, Alfred A. Engle; secre
tary, August Niesen; treasurer, John
Van Beck: financial secretary, Henry
Buchert; ling carriers, John P. Beck
and Max Meiscl.
Miss Jean Lewis, of AVest Plttston,
Is the guest of Miss Grace Smith, of
Garilcld avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bennett, of Scran
ton, spent the Sabbath with relatives
In this city. f
B. A. Kelly Is In Pittsburg this week
in attendance at the meeting of the
trustees of the Grand council of the
Catholic Mutual Benevolent associa
tion of Pennsylvania.
William A. Brecse, of Lincoln avenue,
spent Sunday with friends in Forest
F. I'. Dunrkle, of Plttston, passed the
Sabbath In this city.
otto, the Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
XV. H. Shelley, of Park street, died
Sunday of laryngitis. Funeral will be
held this morning at 10 o'clock.
A. ii. Morgan, of Hyde Park, has
purchased of Frank P. Ball his prop
erty at 3 Jeffrey street. Consideration,
$l,f,00. Mr. Morgan will remove to this
city nnd occupy his newly purchased
residence on April 1.
Mrs. I. S. Graves, of Jermyn, spent
Sunday with iher parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Page.
Thomas Warne spent Sunday with
rel-atlvisat Nanticoke.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Huff, of Provi
dence, called on their many friends
here last Sunday.
Sylvanlus Smith is asking for the
nomination of constable In the Third
XV. S. Bloes has decided to offer hl.-i
name before the voters of the First
ward Republican caucus for the ofllce
of councilman.
George Treverton is doing jury duty
thU week.
Miss Ida Cobb, who has been visiting
Mrs. W. S. Bloes, ;has returned to 'her
home at Elmhurst.
James, the 7-year-old child of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Brunduge, who died of scar
let fever last Saturday morning, was
burled In Prospect cemetery Sunday af
ternoon. Arthur lodge, No. 707, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, will hold a spe
cial meeting this evening for to make
arrangements for the funeral of Mrs.
David Hughes.
The Presbyterian church will not be
dedicated on Friday us announced yes
terday, but on a later date.
The nfiicers of the Sunday school of
the Calli nder Memorial church were
elected lint Sunday nfternoon. Super
intendent, Mrs. David Williams; as
sistant, James Nute; secretary, Mrs.
Samuel Arnold; treasurer, Mrs. Hugh
Craig; librarian, Miss Jennie Williams;
organist, Miss Carrie Kenyon.
Mrs. David Hughes, formerly Llllle
Wilcox, died at her home on Hickory
street last Monday morning of diph
theria. Further notice will appear in
tomorrow's Tribune.
The employes of the Ontario and
Sturges shaft will be paid today.
Khcumutism Cured in a liny.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days.
Its action v:on the system Is romarkabla
oud tuystirious. Jt removes nt once, tho
canso and tho disease Immediately disap
pears. Tho llrst dose greatly benefits, 75
cents. Sold by O. Al. Harris, 12.1 Penn ave
nue and Carl Lorenz, druggists, Scranton.
J Kit 31 YX.
On account of IHiipfs of the rector,
Ui iv. Mr. Ilowelis, there was no service
iin the KilKcoi.U church Sunday.
A. F. A. Battenberg 'transacted busi
ness In Scranton yesterday.
Mis. Grace Mavles began a
svr'.i. nf revival services In 4 he Meth
odise 10p:f7;ui;:il church, Sunday. The
meetings will continue about two
The falls of the Sacred Heart church
and of the Clt'lzena' band cfmtlnue to
attract large civnwdn, and will, without
doubt, prove very sucesKfully linan
clally. "
Klolghrides continue nil the rage. One
load which went to Wavurly left here
etX li.30, nriiivlug 'there at 12, tippet idx
times, and, after numeious other mls, arrived home ,t 7.30 a. in.
Mj:y Ellen Merrick fell on the ilce
Saturday, breaking h.-r nnn.
J.jhn Scymuur dloil of pneumonia
Sunday afternoon. The funeral will
take place from the Mi thodlnt Episco
pal church Wi'divcfdny afternoon.
Ths PiK-itime lancln class will hold
a ooclail Thursday evening hi Entcr hall.
On account of lark nf business our
only ntilomey-jit-law, J. Albert B.ix
tressor, has returned to his home In
The Secret Art of Beauty lies not In
cosmetics, but Is only In pure blood, and a
healthy performnneo of tho vital func
tions, to be obtained by using Burdock
Blood Bitters. ,
Margaret Zanner, the lR-year-old
daughter of Frederick Zanner, died
suddenly of apoplexy Saturday even
ing. Miss Zanner was employed at the
Florence Silk mill, where she was at
work Saturday morning when (the wns
suddenly Belzed with convulsions. She
was taken to her 'home and physicians
summoned. It waa at first supposed
that sine was suffering from hysterics,
but later the more serious symptoms
developed from which she died. De
et'ased was a member of Grace Episco
pal church and Sunday school. She is
survived by a father, brother and sis
ter. Funeral today at 2 p. m. from t'aa
house. The services will be conducted
by Rov. John M. Lewis. . ...
II. Z. Russell attended the funeral of
the late John B. Smith, at Dunmore,
Noah Bruner, of Rldgeway, Pa., is
visiting relatives here.
Miss Maud Wilgley, of the graded
selic'dls, treated .her little pupils to a
sir Ighrldo Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Knapp is at East Lemon
nursing her brother, Charles Rice, who
la quite 111.
Mrs. J. T. Hush will ppend a few
weeks In New Kork state visiting rela
tives and friends.
Th? (-'pedal meetings at the Baptist
and Mi.thodif t church are productive
of f many good re.'tiKs that they will
be continued the prt:cut week. . .
The way hor?. s are abused by some e 'In our town Is Eh.imeful, and It
would be a good plan to have a Society
fur liie Prevention of Cruelty to Horses.
Messrs. F. A., amd G. B. Reynolds
have computed Mrs. Perinelia Green's
new cottage, and it is one of the llntot
now on the Southwest Side.
Principal Chau'les Walters, of the
high school, gave a -reception Friday
evening to the pupils of the eighth
grade. A very enjoyable time was had
by all present.
Several large dt Ighloads of our
town's people went to Waverly Satur
day evening to Rev. An-ni Shaw
lecture, but were disappointed in the
non-appearance of Mrs. Shaw.
Harry Llnd:-ey-had the misfortune to
have h!s hand badly mashed while
gathering lee on Caryl's pund, at Caryl
Owing to .the shoi t notice of the meft
)n;r called for the ariaiiglng for an
oiganlzatlon of the ladles of the Grand
Aainiy of the Republic at Mrs. II . N.
Capwell's last Saturday, the meeting
was postponed one wack. All Of the
moth!'!-?, wives, sisters and daughters
of honorably discharged soldiers, sail
ors and marines of the late war are
larnenlily requested to be present next
Saturday at 3 p. in., ut Mrs. Capwell's
and assist In the organization of this
On Friday afternoon and evening the
Christian Endeavor societies of Nichol
son. Dalton. Waverly nnd Factoryvllle
will inset at the First Baptist church of
this place. A programme of this meet
ing will appear rln The Tribune on Fri
day mottling. Everyone is welcome to
Charles Gardner and John Read
were delogatts to the county congres
sional convention at Tunkhannock,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henwood, of
Scranton, passed Sunday with W. B.
Henwood and family.
Frank A. and George B. Reynolds are
building a large ice house on the prop
erty of Thomas Reynolds; later a
creamery will be built, all to be used
as a supply station for Conrad's cream
ery at Scranton. Thomas Reynolds,
who has been engaged with the Scran
ton creamery for t veral years, will re
move here and .have charge of the
creamery. It is expected to open up
about April 1 with a dally supply of
1,201) quarts of milk.
Reports on the condition of J. M.
Courtright, who is seriously sick with
typhoid fever, still continue favorable.
Walter Mathews tend his sleighing
party spent a short time at Maple
Croft, here, on Thursday evening last.
Mrs. Ida White, of Benton, Is a visi
tor at the home of iher father, 0. Chap
man. Ernest Mott was taken seriously sick
last week with symptoms of diphtheria.
The meetings being held In the Bap
tist churxla have been largely attended,
and much interest Is shown. They will
continue through this week.
Frank Phillips and family were call
ers at their future home, now occupied
by Major A. I. Ackerley.
Several of our townspeople attended
the funeral on Thursday afternoon last
of the late Mrs. J til hi A. Stone.
His Enemy
dyspepsia Causes Much
Pains and Diatro39 Aftor Eating Re
lievod by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" I mast prulso Hood's Sarsaparllla for tin
good It lata (lone mo. I was troubled with (iyi
p,') i!a. 1 had scvero pains In my heart, and tin
swelling of my Btomach nnd distress after c.-.t
iin; caused ino much sulleriai.'. 1 tried dlflVrer:
remedies without getting relief. Mindly I r?
lilc.l to glvu Hood's Nai'snparillu a trial. !.rl:
lire llrst ono la town to Uko it. After tukl:.,
llvo botllcs, I felt perfectly well anil liavo enjoyri!
Roinl health ever since. Many of tho tours
people have asked me about tiro lueccss ci
Hood's Sarsaparllla, nnil I have cheerfully lee
Dlnineaded It feeling Indeed Ki atefnlforthe goer!
It has done me. Krlends aim relatives liavo ulsc
taken Hood's Hsrsapiii'llla with good results.'
Mll.l.Alili A. Utiiim:, Strlaestown. I'h.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constlpHtlcn,
lillluuautjj, Jaundice, sick licadache, iudlKCStlov
Standard Instruments In every sensa of
the term as appllod to Pianos.
Exceptional In holding their original ful
ness of tone.
Fifth avenue. V
US Adams Ave., New lolenliono Illdg.
A dime's worth of Quaker
Oats will build up more
nerve and muscle than a
dollar's worth of meat.
Sold only in 2 lb. Packages.
Strong values in Clutbin this
week ut weak prices au instance:
to sell the remainder of the Bank
rupt Stock from the Hyde Park
Clothing store, we offer
For 35c.
Boys' double breasted suits,
also Boys' warm and durable
Cape Overcoats; regular
price, $2 and $3;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48
Boys' Keefers, with deep
sailor or velvet collars, nieely
braided; value, 83 and $4;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.95
Boys' fine, all-wool Suits,
also Boyi' Overcoat3 ani Ul
sters; value, 5;
Bankrupt Sale Pries, $2.88
A Lot of Pants A Lot of Vests
89c. 4Sj.
Men's single and double
breasted Suits; also black and
blue Overcoats and Ulsters;
value, $8 and $9;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $4.75
Men's all-wool Suits; also
black and blue Kersey Over
coats; value, $12;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65
Men's Cassiniere and Wors
ted Pauts, equal in fit and
finish to regular 85 Pants;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.48
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Atlantic Refining Go
Manufacturers and Doitlort In
Linseed Oil, Nnpthna and Gaso
lines of all KnioV'H. Axle Uiviihc,
I'lnlon Urease and Colliery Com
pound; also a largo line ot l'ar
ufflne Wait Candles.
We handle the Famous CROWN
ACMK OIL, the only family ufoty
burning oil In tho inurkut.
Win. Mason, Manager.
Ofllce: Coal KxchriKne, Wyoming Avb.
Works at Fine 1 1 look.
The World Renowned and Old Reliable
Dr. Campbell' Great Magic Worm
Sugar and Tea,
Erery bos arurrante?d to clre tlsfartlon
or money refunded. Full printod llractioim
from A ebild to u icrown pornon. It is purely
vi'tfotuuloand cannot posilivolv Imrni tlio most
tender Infant, limlst on having Dr, Camp
bull's; accept no otuor. At all DrusgUts, 23a,
BotiTit BrnANToN, Pa, Nov. I0L 1SW.
Mr. U W. Campbell-Dear Blr: I have
given my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, aome of
Dr. Campbell's Manic Worm 8ugar and Tea,
and to my surprise this afteruoou about S
o'clock be paeeed a tapeworm measuring
about 85 feet in length, bund and all. 1 have
It lu a bottle and any parson wishing to see
It can du so by calling at my store. I had
tried numerous other remedies recommended
for taking tapeworms, but al! fnilt'd. In my
estimation Dr. Campbell's la tho greatest
worm remedy In existence.
Yours Tarv resnei'tfully.
FRED HEFFNER, 783 Beeeh St
Note The above is what everybody says
after once nsing. Maanfactured by C. W.
Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. bucceuor to Dr.
John Campbell Boa
I mi flini ml j
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No- g
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing g
s Goods,nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'.
fZ. Wear, &c,
S . . sa
CS -
4i .
The steady increase of our business
ta$ compels ns to enlarge and remodel the en
gjn tire store for spring trade, and as the stock
aZ WM ke in the way
t? - -...vr4..T-:--I
1 18 I
inc r
400 and 402 Lacka. Aw.,
Scranton, Pa.
We commence today, and shall continue through
out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of
Irish Point and Tambour Lace Curtains, 33 and 4
yards long, at one third off former prices.
A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put
in with this lot of Curtains, 011 which we have put
prices that will surely please j'ou.
Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, at $1.50
and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 re
spectively. SILK PLUSH
In a splendid line of colors, $1.50, worth $2.50 pe?
In all sizes and qualities, at moderate prices.
That attracts shrewd buyers, and always re
sults in highly satisfactory transactions.
Prices have been "Chopped," "Slaughtered,"
"Butchered," "Razored," "Cut," Etc., Etc.
Prices of motive power have been used, and
success the result.
In All Departments.
1SC&"A11 our goods yours for the promise to pay."