G THE SCRAXTOX TKIBUXE TUESDAY MORXTXG, JAXUAItY 22, 1894. 400402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. FA THE R I pJdry goods, furnishing GOODS, 1 MILLINERY, CLOAKS, ETC, g H Must Have Plenty of Room Before H . Commencing' Changes, ;s I IF 1TOTJ NEED JLIsTYTMIMG- COME HERE AND SAVE MONEY. EWSBSH FOR BARGAINS 2 S3 R ipssni FA R sS58r FOR BARGAINS RECOLLECTIONS CAPTAIN W1LKIE By A. CONAN DOYLE. (These short serlr.l stories ere copy righted by Bacheller. Johnson & Bachel or, nnd aro primed lu The Tribune by ppeclnl arrangement, simultaneous with their BPfifamnca In the leading (luliy Journals OS the large cities). "We both lay still, though fooling pretty considerably small, us you may im:i7ln. It's mil rlfjht: I soe you,' he con tinund. 'Why, I have been waitinff be liiml that lilac bush every night for the last week, expecting to see you. I know you couldn't resist goinff up that ladder, when you found the windows were to much for you Joe! Joe!' "Yes, sir,' said a voice, and another m'.in came from anions the bushes. " 'Just you keep your eye on the roof, will you, while 1 ride clown to the elation and fetch up a couple of con stables? Au revolr, ftonilomon! You don t mind waiting, I suppose?' And 'nl. Morley for it was the owner of ithe house himself strode off; and In a few minutes we heard the rattle of his Jiorse's hoofs going down the avenue. "Well, sir, we felt precious silly, as you may Imagine. It wasn't so much having been nabbed that bothered us, its the feeling of being naught In euoh ft simple trap. We looked at oach other In lilumk disgust, and then, to save our lives, we couldn't lielp bursting Into laughter at our own fix. However, It was no laughing matter; so we set to work going round the roof, and seeing if there was a likely water pipe or any thing fflwit might give us a chance of escape. We hud to give It up as bad J(jj; so wo sat down again, and made H'P our minds to the worst. Suddenly fin Idea flashed Into my howl, and I proped my Way over the roof until I felt wood under my feet. I bent down nml found that the colonel had actually forgotten to secure the padlock! You will often notice, ns you go through life, that It Is the shrewdest and most cunning man who falls Into the most Absurd mistakes; and this was an ex ample of It. You may guess that we did not lose much time, for we expected to hear the constables every moment, "Wo dropped through Into the lumber room, slipped downstairs, tore open the library Mhutters, nnd were out and away before the astonished groom could make out what Wad happened. There wasn't time enough to take any little eouvenlr with us, worse luck. I phould (have liked to have seen the colonel'H fare when he came hack with the constables and found that the birds were flown." "Did you ever come across the col onel again?" I asked. "Yes; we skinned him of every bit of plnte he had, down to Bhe salt spoons, a fow ytrs later. It was partly out of revenge, you see, that we did It. It was a very well-managed and daring thing, one of the best I ever saw, and Rll done In open daylight, too." "How In the world did you do It?" I asked. "Well,, there were three of ud In It Jim was one; and we set about It In till way; ' We wanted to begin by got ting the colonel out of the way, so I wrote him a note purporting to cyme from Squire Brotherwick, who lived about ten miles away, and was not al ways on the best of terms with the master of Morley hall. 1 dressed myself up as a groom and delivered the note n.yself. It was to the effect that the squire thought ho was able to lay his hands on the scoundrels who had es caped from the colonel a couple of years before, and that If the colonel would ide over they would have little dif ficulty In securing them. I was sure time to see a bulsness-llke closed car drive up to the door. One of my pais while Jim. with an official-looking hat, was sitting very demurely on the box; sprang out and bustled Into the hall. ' 'Now, then," I heard him say, 'look sharp! What's for the bank? Come on'.' " 'Walt a minute, sir,' said the butler. "'Can't wait. There's a panic all over the country, and they are clamor ing for us everywhere. Must drive on to I-ord lilackbury's place, unless you are ready.' " 'Don't go, sir!' pleaded the butler. "You'll Never Have Any More Ttouhlo with It." that this would have the desired ef fect; so, after handing It in, and re marking that I was the squire's groom, I walked off again, as If on the way back to my master's. "After getting out of sight of the house, I crouched down behind a hedge; and, as I expected, In less than a quarter of an hour the colonel came swinging past me on his chestnut mare. Now, there Is another accomplishment I possess which I have not mentioned to you yet, and that Is, that I can copy any handwriting that I see. It is a very easy trick to pick up If you only give your mind to it. . I happened to have come across one of Colonel Mor ley"s letters some days before, and I can write so that even now I defy an expert to detect 0' difference between the hnnds. This was a great assistance to mo now, for I tore a leaf out of my pocketbook and wrote something to this effect: " 'As Squire Brotherwick has seen some suspicious characters about, and the house may be attempted again, I have sent down to the bank,, and or dered them to send up their bank-cart to convey the whole of the plate to a place of safety. It will save us a good deal of anxiety to know 'that It Is In absolute security. Have It packed up and ready, and give the bearer a glass of beer.' "Having composed this precious epistle, I addressed it to the' butler, and carried It bnck to the Hull, saying that their masteri had overtaken me on the way and asked me to deliver It. I was taken in nnd made much of down stairs; while a great packing-case was dragged into the hall, and the plate stowed away, among cotton-wool and stuffing. It was nearly ready; when I heard the sound of wheels upon the gravel, and' sauntered round Just In 'There s only this one rope to tie. Tiicre; It is ready now. You'll look after It, won't you?' " 'That we will. You'll never have any more trouble with It now,' said Jim, helping to push the groat case Into the car. " 'I think I had better go with you and see It stowed away in the bank,' Buid the butler. " 'AH right," said Jim, nothing abashed. 'You can't come In the car, though, for Lord Hlackbury's box will take up all the spare room. Let's ce It's 12 o'clock now. Well, you U wailtlng at the tank door at half-pawt 1, and you will Just catch us." " 'AH right half-past 1,' said the but ler. " 'Oood-day,' cried my chum; and away went the oar, while I made a bit of a short cut and caught It around a turn of the iroad. We drove right off tmto the niexit county, got a. down-tivuln to (London, and toefora midnight the coloniil's isllver was fused Into a solid lump." I could not help laugWng n.t the ver satility of the old Kcntidrel. "It was a danlng game to play," I said. "It Is always the daring game which BUcoeeds 'best," he answered. At this point the (train began to show symtoms of flowing down, and my companion put on his overcoat and gave other signs of being neair the end of his Journey. "You are going on to Dover?" ho maid. , "Yes." "For the continent?" "Yes."' "How long do you intend to travel?" "Only for a week or so," "Well, I mut leave you here. (You will remember my name, won't you? John WillUle, I ant pleased to have mot you. Is my umbrella behind you?" he added, stretching across. "No; I beg your pardon. Here it Is in the corner;" and with tin affable smile, the ex eraeksman stepped out, bowed, and disappeared among the crowd upon the platform. I lit another cigar, laughed as I thought of my late companion, and lifted up the Times, which he had left behind him. The bell had run, the wheels were already revolving, when, to my astonishment, a palld face looked in at me through the window. It was so contorted nnd agitated that I hardly recognized the features which I had been gazing upon during . the last couple of hours. "Here, take It," he said "take It. It's hardly worth my while to rob you of seven pounds four shillings; bin I couldn't resist once more trying my hand;" nnd he Hung something into the carriage and disappeared. It was my old leather purse, with my return ticket, nnd the whole of my traveling expenses. His newly awak ened conscience had driven Mm to in stant restitution. (The Knd.) Gilnwre's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion. enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the tit). The latest improved furnish ings ant apparatus fur keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, m Clippers, Alligators, ' Self-Steering Sleighs, Steel Sleighs, Iron Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleighs In Clippers and He nt Wood Knees and the Montrose (just Tubing Sleighs. We have over 100 dozen in stoek and will sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THE FROTHINGHAM mid Saturday Jlutiino Jan. 25 and 26 Engagement of tlio Talented Young Actor, MR. WILLIAM MORRIS, In H. C. Du.Millu's Great Popular Success, THE LOST PARADISE I'li.ler tlio Ausiilem of GREEN RIDGEWHEELMEN. Direction of Mr. (lustavo Frohuinn. A Uong supporting company, tiicluilintf Jliss Ktttu Hawkins, in her (iriu'lnal character, in dels. Mt'Kiilur pricos. Matinoo puces, S&r., U5c and )Uc, Salu of avain now open. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY. JAN. 22. ENGAGEMENT OP MRS. POTTER MR. BELLEW And nn Kx-ellent Ompany, Presenting Their Lutet nnd (Ireatcst Success, A DRAMATIC EVENT. I PniCEH-Kirst Floor. SI-VI, Sl.00 and 75c; Balcony, jac. und tUc. ; Gallery, 25c. Salu of scats op jiis Saturday, .Ian. 19. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, JAN. 25 K E L L A R AMERICA'S OWN MAGICIAN, Presenting tlio Astounding Rpsnltsof n Con BcluuttoiiR Sonrcli for Xovaltius in tlio old World. Keller'n New Thoooophlr Wonders: The Shrino of ICo intra Sa mi: Th i Mystery of "llln-.Ka;" Tlio Mystic l.k'ht of Hula; Soui nimbiila: Tlio Adept of SnriuiiRiir: Tlio Phan tom Ili-idii; Cauliostro; l'lyto; und a solution uf the tzrvut rtiifxm.i. HOW TO GET RID OF A WIFE. Balo of seats opens Wednesday, Jan. 21 DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21, 22 and 23. ThcCrownlng Success The Comedy-Drama of the Season, A Of fi The Greatest of Sensational Com. cdy-Dramas. Tho Ordinal Ml Star Cast with "A BAR. rel of money." ADMISSION, 10, To OR 30 CENTS Two performances daily at S.3J and 8.13 p. m. Noxt Attraction-"SI DE-TRACKED." ROOF TUNING AND SOLDERING All done nwny with by the use of HART MAN'S PATK.NT PAINT, which consist of ingredients well-known to all. It can ba applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellnirs, which will firevont absolutely any crumbling, crack no; or breaking of the brick. It will oul lost tinning or any kind by many years, and it's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by tho job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAKTMAKN, 627 Birch St Comparative -Doses and Results Patent Medicine: Electric Appliances, Specifics, Druggists' Prescriptions. Quack's Nostrums. You Will See the Dose Given by "The English Specialist, DR. W. H. HACKER, Is Small, but Look at the Result. TREAT CURE KIDNEY. BLADDER i tt AND ERRORS OF YOUTH. 1 ONLY SPECIALIST ili MHO 1 H YORK 327 Spruce St., all. ODDoaita the New Motel Jormyn, scranton. r