The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 22, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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All leading teachers of cookery use
Always makes light -wholesome food.
Cleveland Caking Pevidcr Cs., A'eM York, Suctetur ta CUvtlan.i Brotitru
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Arc nnd Ini'un-
dswi'iit l.iflin in
ne:irly nil part
ot thu city.
Cur Incnnuoscent Systora Is nbsolutuly safo
Improvements used in doing
The Wide Renowned
Laundry work of
KWPennAve. A. B WAR MAN.
Yuzukjiau Bros., of
Constantinople, will offer
in our store their large
stock of choice Turkish
and Persian Rugs at low
est priees possible under
the new tariff. Those in
terested will find this an
exceptional opportunity
to obtain rare articles at
much less than former
So many complaints of irregular
delivery have reached us, which
we have traced to stolen papers,
that we now offer $5 reward for
information that will lead to the
conviction of any person caught
stealing The Tribune from the
doorsteps of regular subscribers.
Division No. 20,' Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, will meet In St. Peter's hall,
Jiellevue, this evening.
On account of a number of critical onsen
claiming his attention, Dr. It. H. Gibbons
will remain in town the entire week.
At the Baptist Pastors' union meeting
yesterday Kev. A. U. lrowc, of Waver
ly, gave an exegesis from Juhn, II, 4.
Thu fire department and light ami
water committees of Heleet council will
meet In the city clerk's olliue this even
ing. In orphans' court yesterday Mnthew
Phillips was appointed guardian of Fred
erick Koberts, minor child of Mrs. Ann
ltoberts, deceased.
The regular meeting of the Men's leagun
of the l'enn Avenue Haptlst church will
occur this evening at 8 o'clock. Thu
election of officers for 1895 will be in order
at this meeting.
Itev. F. A. King read an Interesting pa
per on the work of the Voung Men'B
Christian association to the members of
the Methodist l'nstors' union at their
meeting at Kim Park church yesterday
During Secretary Atherton's absence
from the hoard of trade ofllce business of
urgency should be communicated to Cap
tain W. A. May, at the ofllce of the Hill
Bide Coal and Iron company. The olllco
Will be reopened on Jan. I!8.
The attorneys for William Moore ap
plied to court yesterday for a rule for a
new trial In the case against James How
Icy In which a Jury last week found a ver
dict for the defendant. The rule was
granted and will be argued Jan. 31 at 0
a. m.
The teachers' committee of tho board
of control did not transact any business
hiBt night on account of the absence c-f
Superintendent Phillips, who was 111 at his
home on the West Side. The training
school matter was to have enguged the at
tention of the board.
Tho Woman's Christian Temperance
union will hold their regular monthly
meeting this afternoon at 3 o'clock In tho
rooms, 303 Spruce street. All members
are urgently Invited to be present at this
special meeting, us the reports from dif
ferent dpeartments of work will be given.
The auditing committee of councils met
last night and approved a number of bills.
It was decided to report the detective
blllR, amounting to $477. to councils with
out recommendation and to hold the bills
due the estate of tho late Contractor Fer
guson until after the ordinance with re
gard to the wages due his laborers shall
have been passed by councils.
Marriage licenses were granted by Clerk
of the Courts Thomus yesterday to John
M. Hull and Alice 10. Toye, Durye.i;
Thomas J. Thompson, Elmhurst, and Kate
Culkln, Scranton; James J. Furey, Jcr
myn, and Llr.zio A. Mnnnlon, Carbondnlej
Felix Stelnman and Mary Lange, Scran
ton; Edward D. Whitman and Lona H.
Simpson, Dundaff, Susquehnnna county.
W. C. Weeden, who has mndo a large
place for himself in the lienrts of the
Bcronton people by his exquisite Gospel
singing, Is equally eminent as a concert
linger, rendering ballads and the most
dimcult of concert music with a delightful
finish and perfection. The publlo will be
given a chance to hear him this evening
at the concert in xoung Men'i Christian
association hall.
Many certificates of nomination wcro
filed with the county commissioners ycs
terduy. Today will be tho last day for
filing the certificates rrom cities and Jan.-
29 for nomination papers. For townships
and boroughs Feb. 1 will be the Inst
(luy for filing certificate ot nomination
nnd Feb. 4 for nomination papers. Objec
tions to certificates of nomination from
ultks must bo Hied with the prothonotury
not later than Feb. 1.
For keeping a disorderly house at 320
Raymond court. Mr. and Mis. Charles
Hall were lined 13 each In yesterday's po
lice court. Mary Pugh, an Inmate, was
sentenced to Jail In default of Jo line, and
William Thomas and Flunk Spangeiibei g
were committed for ten days eucli In de
fault of lines. Marry Ayeis and James
Williams paid $5 each. A little boy and
girl, children of Hall und stepchildren of
the latter's wife, who wero taken In the
raid, wero returned to the custody of their
Committee Will Uccoinmcnd That the
Work of I'luelng Keating und Ventilat
ing Apparatus In tho Structure lie Done
by Hunt A: Connvll.
After a lengthy nnd spirited meet
ing of the high school committee of the
board of control last night, It was de
ckled to recommend at the next board
mei'tlng that Hunt & Council be award
ed the contract for placing the "Smith
Heating and Ventilating System" in
the ,nev ,M;?h 'School bidding. There
were present: Chairman Ueo. Mitchell,
W. 11. O'Malley. T. J. Jennings,
C. II. VonS torch, W. J. Welsh and F. J.
The n.'t bids weire as follows: O-ay-loTd
& Itapenc, Hinghamton, $28,1173;
Hunt & Cunnoll, $!'.B7S; W. P. Con
nell & Son., $30,673: Hutzler &
Co., Xew York., $:n,265; Hate &
Co., New York, $:;7,IC5. Hunt & Con
nell's bid, on motion of Mr. O'Malley
and seconded by Mr. Langataff, was ac
ci pted by the following vote: Ayes,
Wormsjr, O'Malley, Langstaff and Von
Storch; nays, Welsh, Jennings and
Mr. WormRor Introduced his vote by
rtinarldng that he favored awarding
the contract to a. home linn, all things
being equal; und consldcrltig the pres
ent -depression of business the award
ing of the contrae-t ito a local firm would
benefit a hu ge number of needy labor
ers and mechanics. Mr. Jennings re
marked that he could not conscientious
ly vott? In the affirmative because he
believed the Ulnghamton firm bad com
plied with all necessary requirements
and tht'.r bid should not be pet aside.
Mr. Welsh ?pokj in a similar vein.
It was decided to adopt the electric
system f controlling the heat, to furn
ish the lavatories with marble, nnd to
iisu a steam engine in the attic ft run
tho exhaust fan Instead of an elect-lrc
motor. The latter change will make a
saving of about $1,000, and the contract
Is awarded with the proviso that tho
firm receiving It agrees to accept the
amended ppeelfleatlo-n-s nnd make the
reduction In their bid which the change
A Splendid Comcdy-Irumo presentcJ nt
IHivls' Ilicuter cstcruny.
v i stairs' bright comedy-drama,
"A Barrel of Money," was presented
with great success -at Davis' theater
vuatBi-ii i v. The scenes are laid In a
manufacturing city called hlucKvuie in
Hi.. Kt;ite of Vermont, where Henry
Hazlett, the squire's son, makes love to
UoxaiKt. who Is a naughty young uaciy
..m ininiiv In mischief. The manner In
which the tortures the lovo-strlcken
Hazlett creates roars of laughter.
Tlii. Ihli-il net MhiUVS the Iron mills.
with machinery In full working order,
and Is followed by very realistic scents
ilm-tnir w-hldh the mill hands CO Oil
strike. Tho drama Is very interesting
and attracts the continual attention ol
the nnillcncn nnd from the reception
given yesterday crowded houses may
bo anticipated.
Famous Constable of Twelfth Candidate
of Two Parties for He-election.
Papers were filed with the county
commissioners yesterday making Juihn
C. Moran tho candidate of tho Dem
ocrats and Kepulillcans of the Twelfth
ward for the oltlce ofl constable.
The papers set forth that the Ke-
publican caucus was 1ield Saturday
night at the (house of Duvld Frances.
That gentleman was president and II
W. Coyle, who last year was a candi
date for common council on the Inde
pendent Democratic, ticket, acted as
sncretary. The Democratic caucus was
held the same nlg'ht at f'ae house of
Martin Lavelle, on Prospect avenue.
.lames Kerns was president nnd John
Collins and Thomas Lavelle, Becre
tarles. Moran Is the present constable of the
Twelfth ward.
It Will llo Produced nt tho Y. M. C. A.
"The Brownies In Fairyland," a pret
ty musical entertainment In two parts
by Palmer Oox, with original music by
Ma'lcolm Douglas, Willi be produced nt
Young Men's Christian Association hall
Friday and Saturday next. It Is for
the boncllt of the Young Men's Chris
tian association.
Mr. Ilruere, the personal reprosenta
tlve of Palmer Cox, arrived In the city
yesterday to supervise the remainder
of the rehenrsala. A full rehearsal
will be 1ield this afternoon under his
I.nttcr Retaliated by Having John Shrlvcr
John f!hrlver, of 614 Alder street,
South Side, was arrested yesterday by
Constable Wilson upon a warrant Is
sued 'by Aldormian Wright at the In
Ptance of J. A. Stono, of Wavcrty. Tho
oomplalnirnt was driving over the rail
road crossing near the steel mills, when
he found the road blocked by Shriver'a
horse ami wagon.
Upon Stone requesting lilm to clear
thie roud Shrlver struck ttilm in the fuce.
Ho was remanded until tomorrow after
noon for a hearing.
'ohn Plnucb Committed for Threatening
a crowd of Children.
Juhn Plnach, a resident of Dunmoro,
was arrested, yesterday, upon n charge
of pointing; a revolver at a crowd of
children and discharging the weapon In
tnc publlo Btreftsi .
The prisoner was brought before Al
aennan Cooney. who, after hearing the
evidence, committed the prisoner to .the
county jail to await his trial at the
next court ot Quarter sessions.'
nnd '
Board of Trade Disapproves the Bal
timore Currency I'lah.'
But the Hitch Comes In Circulating It.
Annual .Meeting Kc-clccts Its Old Of
ficers und Receives Commlttco Appointments-Minor
A fairly veil-attended annual meet
ing of the board of trade last night
re-elected Its old olllcers for the en
suing yeur, vscelved and discussed at
length tho special committees report
on the Jialllniore Currency Plan," re
ceived the appointment of new commit
tees for anil transacted a larjr.
amount i f minor business. H. J. Fos-
ti r acted ns secretary pro tern :n the
absence of Secretary Athertop, who,
with J. A. Lansing, left al ii'.on yester
day to attend the meeting at Cincin
nati to organise a National Association
of Manufacturers.
Following Is the report of the special
committee appointed to examine the
"Ualtimore Currency Plan:"
We find the foundation for the plan
Is in its first, second und seventh sec
tions. The first of these provides for
the repetil of the provision of the na
tional bank act requiring the deposit of
bunds to secure circulating notes.
The second provides that banks be
allowed to issue circulating notes to
the amount of 60 per cent, of their paid
up and unimpaired capital, subject to
a tax of one-half of 1 per cent, per an
num, utiun the average amount of eti
culution outstanding lor the year, und
an additional circulation of per cent
of their paid ur und unimpaired cap
Ital subject both to the tax of one-nair
of 1 per cent, per annum and to an
additional heiivy tax per annum upon
the average amount of such circulation
outstanding for the year, bald audi
tlonal 20 per cent, to be known us an
emergency circulation.
Section seven provides mat me circu
lation of each failed bank shall be a
first lien on Its assets.
Reasons for Disapproval.
Your committe? does not approve of
these sections for the following reasons,
to wit: We see no necessity for aban
doning the currency provisions of the
present national bank act, but we sea
good reasons for retaining mem. ine
present act helps to make a market lor
the government bonds and has given
our country the safest paper money
that any country can have.
Of the aggregate issues of govern
ment bonds outstanding, tho national
banks are now using about one-quar
ter as security for their circulation,
and, ut times, have used more, the
total outstanding bond Issues being
$7."0,000,(KM) and tho amount now used
by national banks being $199,000,000.
W e believe a portion, nt leust, of the
greenbacks and treasury notes, the
total of the two being ubout $.000,000,000,
should be redeemed by Issuing In their
place a bond bi'iiring a low rate of
interest, and that in order to make tne
national bank currency more elastic,
the restriction, now existing, should be
removed that requires banks to wait
six months after having reduced their
circulation, before they can increase it
Tho government tax of 1 per cent, em
circulation should bo reduced and the
bank act should be amended so that
the banks could Issue, under a lower
tax, an nmount of circulation equal to
75 per cent, of their capital, and then
an additional amount, equal to 115 per
cent, of their capital, (and ulso secured
by bonds) but subject to a tax heavy
enough to cause It to be retired when
It is not needed in trade. This would
also raise the limit of circulation for
each bunk, to un amount equal to its
capitul, instead of 90 per cent, of It
as ut present.
What the Committee believes.
We also believe that banks should be
allowed to Issue currency to the amount
of the par value of the bonds deposited
Instead of 90 per cent., as nt present.
We object to the circulation of the
banks being a first lien on their assets,
as we believe that such security should
be left wholly for the depositors.
We agree with a suggestion that has
been madu ns to the advisability of the
president of the United States appoint
Ing a non-partisan commission of emi
nent financiers to Investigate currency
matters and report to congress.
William II. Peck,
J. A. Linen,
Samuel Hlnes,
The report practically favors the
present plan of currency without the
greenback system, although the cem
mlttee suggests tho Issuance of bonds
at a lower rate of Interest and the ex
tending of circulation to a full par
value. A. W. Dickson, W. H. Peck,
President May, R. J. Foster, II. J. An
derson, H. E. Paine, Colonel F. L
Hitchcock and Samuel Hlnes partici
pated in i rather one-sided discussion
which Indicated that the present sys
tem with Its weak points Is preferable
to the new plan. -Mr. Hlnes was of tlhe
opinion that If the amendments sug
gested In the report had been adopted
by congress two years ago the financial
depression would not have existed. The
enormous amount of $700,000,000 lying In
reserve Indicates a lack of opportunity
for Investment rather than any string
ency of circulation.
Would Not Remove Cause.
Under these circumstances It n.p
pcared that tho Haltlmoro plan for In
creasing circulation would not removt
the cause of financial crisis. There was
a marked concurrence on the propose
Hon that the president appoint a com,
mission of financiers to Investigate cur
rency matters.
The report was adopted unanimously
and the Ualtimore chamber of com
merce will be notified that Us plan Is
not approved.
The legislation and taxes committee
reported tlhe Introduction In councils
of an ordinance taxlnf? wagons, exeopt-
InrJ those with wldo tires. The commit
tee reported the amendments suggested
by P.. O. Dun & Co., through Its local
agent, David Pickens, to the bank
ruptey law, which were adopted as fol
lows: That judgment notes be filed
three days after signature, otherwise
they El!iall lose the privilege of execu
Hon; that any preference to a credltot
sixty days prior to Its Insolvency shall
lose Its privilege; an amendment pro
viding for a system of division among
preferred and other creditors was con
curred In.
On motion of A. W. Dickson, the mat
ter was referred back to tllio committee
In conjunction with tho secretary for
formulation and to bo forwarded to the.
Tho publication committee reported
that the Issuance of the 189t reports re
cently had been accomplished with
out expense to the iboard, which would
receive 2,000 copies and u sum of money
more than sufficient ito pay the cost of
New Alotnbors of the Hoard,
New member were elected as fol
lows:. -R, A. Zimmerman, C. P. Jod-
wliv John J. Van.Nort, J. E. Williams,
Tftioma Aubrey, J. W. Guernsey and J
James Taylor.
A number of communications from
commercial organizations In several
cltk-s land bearing upon financial and
other matters were acted upon.
The-ttatmes of seven mentbers were
read for suspension for non-payment
of dues; one had expressed a desire to
pay In Instalments and the meeting de
cided to Tetaln him as a member, but In
the case of the other six the board's
solicitor, James H. Torrey. will be in
structed to begin legal proceedings to
collect the amounts due.
Dr. a. E. Hill's complaint that the
Traction company's practice of dis
tributing salt along Its rails seriously
cripples horses, was referred to the
committee on streets and highways.
It was decided not to banquet this
The board of officers chosen and the
committees announced by President
May are as follows: President, W. A.
May; vice-president, Luther Keller;
treasurer, A. W. Dickson; secretary, D.
B. AUherton.
Committees for 1803.
Manufactures Luther Keller. Will
iam Council, W. 11. Peck, Joseph Levy,
F. W. Martin, J. T. Porter.
Legislation and Taxes H. E. Paine,
I. F. Megargel. T. H. Dale, William
MeC'lave, Arthur L. Collins.
Finance Samuel Hlnes, Solomon
Goldsmith, J. H. Steell.
Streets and Hlghwuys C. H. Pond,
C. D. Jones, E. A. Hai ti.
Transportation J. M. Kemmerer, T.
J. Kelly, Ebenezer Wlllla-ms.
Special Committees.
HtMTd of Trade Hulldlng A. W.
Dickson, II. M. Holes, K, II. Sturgos, J.
A. Linen, C, P. Davidson.
Hulldois Exchange Conrad Shroe-
der, George D. Mruwn, Frank Carluccl,
John lie-nore, J. W. llowarth.
Postal Affairs David Pickens. W. H.
Taylor, Samuel Sautter.
Publication K. J. Foster. A. II. Cobb.
S. G. Kerr.
Public Safety R. W. Luce, Victor
Koch, G. N. Little, George Keller, F. L.
Huiiiquet Geoiige Sanderson. E. O.
Ci.ursen, 12. L. Fullor, Charles Schlager,
T. C. Von iStoreh.
Membership The secretary, W. L.
Heinwood, C. It. Kinsley. A. J. Casey,
C. R. Council.
Araismeiit J. W. Peck. C. B. Scott.
D. T. Yost.
htock Exchange W. W. Watson, W.
H. Peck, H. J. Anderson.
Teachers of tho City I'orin nn Aid Asso
ciationDetails of tho Plan us Devel
oped ut the Meeting in Liberty Hall.
A plan for establishing a sick benefit
and annuity fund among the public
school teachers of the city was formu
lated by a largely attended meeting of
teuchersln Liberty hull yesterday after
noon, when a committee was appointed
to draft the by-laws and constitution
In accordance with the plan decided
The meeting was presided over by
Professor George Howell, and Professor
M. J. Donahue acted as secretary. A
committee on organization, which had
been appointed at a previous meeting
consisting of Miss Josle Lees, Mrs. Kate
Greenstead and Professor D. A. Stone
suggested the following particulars of
organization: That It be named the
Scranton Teachers' Aid association;
that Its purpose be to furnish sick bene
fit funds and annuities; that the of
ficers be a president, vice president, ri--cordlng
and financial secretaries, and
treasurer; that a board of trustees be
created; that the Initiation fee be $3;
thuit the dues be a percentage of sal
ai'ies. Professors II. L. Hurdlck. W. K.
Greaves and D. A. Stone, Miss Frances
MuAlpin and Miss 10. J. Chase were
appointed the committee to draft the
constitution and by-laws, and were in
structed to announce through the presn
when they are ready to report. Tin?
committee will be guided by the expres
sion of the meeting thut dues be based
upon from V, to l'i per cent, of cer
tain salaries per annum, which will be
from 20 to 30 cents. It was decided to
puy dividends after the organization
shnll have been established six months,
and to pay -sick benefits only after mem
bers have been ill one week or more,
the benefit to date from the first day's
It Will Uc Uivcn ut Y. Al. C. A. Hull Tues
day evening.
A benefit concert for the Boys' Mis
sionary society of the Second Presby
terian church will be given Tuesday
evening, Jan. 22, at the Young Men's
Christian Association hall. The follow
ing artists have been secured:
Mrs. Isabel Schiller Soprano
Of Dr. Lyman's PrcBhyterlan Church,
Ilrooklyn, N. Y.
Miss Jean Slee Contralto
Of tho Second Persbyterlun Church,
W. C. Weeden Baritone
Now York.
Herr Fred F. Kopff Violinist
George N. Rockwell Accompanist
Organist of the Second Presbyterian
Church, Scranton.
Tickets will be offered by the mem
bers of the Missionary society, nnd for
sale at the music stores for 60 cents.
Re-served seats may be obtained with
out extra charge at tho Young Men's
Christian association on Monday at 9
o'clock a. m.
That Is tho Statement Her Lather Made
Last l:ciiing.
W. J. Reed, father of Miss Lulu Reed,
last night denied that his daughter had
left this city with Actor Glttlngs to go
on tihe stage.
lie said that tihe went away to visit
relatives with his permission, but de
clined tp say where the relatives re
side. He expects her home daily.
Dougherty l ined l ive Dollars.
Martin Dougherty, of Capouse ave
nue, near Phelps street, paid a fine of
$5 In yesterduy'8 police court for being
drunk and abusing ihls wife.
Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17.600 bHrrols n day.
(Free from Frost.)
35c. PER D0Z $3.75 PER BOX
(126 to the liox.) This is
large, fine table fruit, aud a
discolored, soft spots on the
rind and the fruit is quite
bitter. We do not offer any
frosted oranges.
E. Q. Coursen
Doe Smith's Kiijlit to Lil Howard's
Property to I5c Contested Further.
The Decision of Register Kochlcr Refus
ing to Revoke tlio Letters of Adminis
tration to Smith Will lie Reviewed.
Answer I-'ilcd by Smith.
Another chapter was enacted yester
day In court In the case of Mrs. Asenath
Davis, of Throop, against "Doc" M. D.
Smith, who Insists thut he was the law
ful husband of the Hate Esther M.
Walter, otherwise known us Lil How
ard, wheise death occurred on Sept. 17,
1S94, possessed of considerable property
and leaving no will.
Thu doctor was granted letters of ad
ministration on the estuto on Nov. 3,
1S94. Mrs. DavH was a half -sister
of Miss Howard, und she petitioned
Re'glster Koehler to revoke the letters
granted. A healing was taken before
the register nt which Attorney E. C.
Newcomb appeared for Mrs. Davis and
Attorneys O. II. Partridge nnd Mllo J.
Wilson for Ihe defendant. Many "Wit
nesses on both sides were sworn, but
after the ense was over Register Koeh
ler refused to revoke the letters granted
to the doctor.
Mrs. Davis cnrrled the motion to tho
judicial court nnd a citation was
granted by Judge Edwards ordering
the doctor to show cause why an appeal
should not be taken from the decision
of the register refusing to revoke the
letters of administration. A hearing
on the rule took place yesterday and
after hearing the arguments court
made the rule absolute and allowed
the appeal to proceed nnd required the
doctor to file an answer.
The answer filed by tho deictor's at
torneys was that he was the legal and
lawful husband of Esther M. Waller
nt the time of her decease, and ns such
he Is entitled to administer upon her
estate as was fully proven by the evi
dence taken by and before Register
Koehler. He admits that Mrs. Asenalh
Davis was a half sister of Esther M.
Walter, and that A. H. Conistock was
her nephew and Miss Alice Meyers
her niece; but he was her husband and
as such Is entitled to the estate?.
Given at the 1 rothlnluun by the Nc
York Philharmonics.
An exceptionally large nnd fashion
able audience filled the spacious Froth
Ingham theater last evening to listen to
the concert by the New Y'ork Philhar
monic club for the benefit of the Rail
road Yemng Men's Christian associa
tion. Splendid programme of Instru
mental and vocal selections was ren
dered. Almost all the numbers were encored
and It Is needless to say that the selec
tions of thj pieces and their rendi
tion were of the highest standard. The
concert opened with the sextette. "Sum
nierfahrt," by the club, which com
prises: Flute, Eugene Welner, director
viola, Paul Wende; violoncello, Henri
Haagmans; violin, Sol Marcosson: vio
lin, Frank S. Porte; double bass, Rich
ard Helm. The members did Justice in
every respect In unfolding the beauties
of this gem of German music. Henri
I iiaagmans louoweu wiin a vioiouccim
solo, "Elfentan;:, for which he received
the warm plaudits of his nudlence.
Miss Clara C. Henley sang nn aria from
"Pagllaccl," for which she was de
servedly encored. .Miss Henley's clear
nnd distinct pronounelatlon In a great
feature In her performance, nnd the
enthusiasm eif her hearers Is easily
aroused by the intelligent manner in
which the words of her songs are ut
tered. In the second part Miss Henley sang
a "CaiiBonotta" by Meyer-llormund.
and was again applauded, nnd In re
sponse delighted tho audience with tho
sympathetic manner In which she gave
the popular Stretch ballad, "Ronnie
Bessie of Dundee." Eugene Welner
was nccorded a double encore in his
flute solo. liy request he played a
"Largo" from Handel's works and fol
lowed with a selection from Theo.
Gouvy. The double encore to which
Mr. Welner was compelleil to respond
to speaks volumes of his undoubted
skill In manipulating the flute.
Sed Marcosson was also encored for
his splendid violin solo, and responded
by giving a seh-ctlon which drew forth
considerable applause. Hpeclul men
tion should be made of the quartette,
"God Save the Emperor" (with varia
tions,) by J. Haydn. The Austrian na
The last j-ear has been
our best
We are replenishing
our stock and will have
everything new for the
I lit VUilllll
417 Lackawanna Ave,,
Win. Linn Allen
& Co.
Buy and sell Stocks, Ponds and Grain
on Now York Exehnnga und Chicago
Hoard of Trado, either for cash or 00
412 Spruce Street.
G. duB. DIMUICK, Manager.
1 SB Of IB. $2.
Including tho palnlos extracting of
toetli by au outlruiy now piocew.
tional air was played In a superb man
ner, but due to the fact, probably, that
the melodv was well known tn the ma.
Jority of the audience, this unique per
formance did not command the ap
plause it undoubtedlv deserved. Two
other selections were also given by the
members of the club and were well re
A Large Audience Saw It ut the Academy
lor Music..
The spectacular drama. "Land of the
Midnight Sun," was produced at the
Acaueiny ot .mueIc last night before a
large audience. There are mtmn verv
effective stage settings Introduced,
tnose representing the sulphur mines at
Krusavilc and the Isle of Urimsey be
ing particularly effective.
There Is an Interesting storv unfold.
ed as the drama progresses that holds
the close attention of the audience. Tim
company that interpreted tlhe various
roles in' tne piece last night was a capa
ble one.
Dcuth of Airs. Andrew lluycs.
Mrs. Andrew Hayes, of Olypha-nt,
died at 3 p. m. yesterduy. Mrs. Hayes,
who was but 21 jvars of uge, was the
wife of the well-known musician and
was a sister of Mrs. James Keeley, of
Arc.hbald, and Mrs. Joseph Him, of
Olyphant. Notice of the funeral will
appear later.
V. I S. C. I-.
Have your topic cards printed at Tho
Tribune otiii-e, where It will be done bet
ter und at fairer prices than elsewhere.
There are many reasons why your putron
ago should be placed with the newspapers
and many more why It should be placed
with us.
For Fancy Work, in the followinK
colors: hire, Wue, Orange,
uri't'ii, iu?fi. Pink, .Lavi'iidor,
Cream aud Yellow for
Hie. Per Package
While China Plates for Decorat
ing 10c. Each
Magic Cias Lighters, lOc.Each
Japanese Napkins,
5c. Per Dozen
A full assortment of Extracts in
the following odors: Lilac Iilos
Willi, l''rauu;ipautii, Jockey Club,
White Heliotrope, West JMia
Orange IUoshoui, White Rtise, Vio
let, Lny nt the Valley auu crab
Apple Blossom. Choice of above
'2U. PcrOz., 12c. 1-2 Oz
A new assortment of Celluloid and
Iloru Hair Pius at 10c. each.
Side Combs 10c. per pair.
Green and Gold Store Front
lr. it Pnaont tlx Uo.t PopnUr tad rnftrrad if
U-ailtiig Ar.toli.
Wirerooms : Opposite Columbus Monument,
203 Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
ws mm
All Kinds of Rubbers.
8 f EER
Ladies' $4.50 Cloaks, re- Boys' 50c. Silk Plush
dticecl to . $3.00 Capes, silk lined, 39 C
T , 0 ri 1 Children's (boys) Eider
Ladies' $S.oo Cloaks, re- capsV)d4ble band
duced to . $5.50 wand 75C.ThisWeck 39c
, , Mens' Natural Wool Un-
Ladies' $10.00 Cloaks, re- dc
duced to . $7.50 cheap at 75c This week 39C
Ladies' $17.00 Cloaks and Ladies' Black Fur Capes,
Fur Capes, reduced to ,27 and 30-inch long.
$10.00 This week $4.98
MenVWhite Shirts, dou- Ladies' Trimmed and Uu-
. ble back and front, lin- trimmed Hats and Bon-
011 bosom 36c nets at HalfPrice
Clearing Sale
Alaska Fenl Kue Ilea full cklrf anil
large 8leeveg,$225.0t, formerly $300.03
Alaska Heal Hacques, full skirt and
Iarce8leeve9,$185.00, formerly $260.00
Alaska seal Sacques, full skirt and
large Blceves,$l BO.OO, formerly 200.00
Electric Seal Knermen mil uLirt anil
large sleeves, $75.00, worth $125.00.
AsiraKiian fncques, full skirts and
large sleeves, $70.00, worth $120.00.
Alaska Seal C'irciiliir Canon Rn.ineli
long, $173.00, worth ?2!)0.00.
Hudson Bay Otter Circular Capes.
30-iueh long, $130.00, worth J190.00.
Hudson liav Rubin Clreulnr (
30-iueh long, $75.00, worth $120.00.
rersiuu Lamb Circular Capes, 30
inch long, $ii(j,00, worth $95.00.
Labrador Mink Circular Cane with
0-inch mjuk tail trimming, $lb0,OO,
worm jkou.uu.
Eastern Mink Circular Cape, 30-iueh
long, $05.00, worth $115.00.
Monkey Circular Capes,30-inch long,
$25.00, worth $15.00.
Electric Sen! Clreulnr Cnnna .in.lneh
long, superior quality, $25.00, worth
Astrakhan Circular Cape, $0.00,
worth $18.00.
B"This is the greatest offer of Furs
that ever was offered In Eastern Penn
sylvania. We guarantee every gar
ment, as we ure the only manufacturer
In the city of scranton.
Have your Furs repaired by the only
Practical Furrier in the city.
"II MI IN I m;
When the advertising atmosphere is so
heavily charged with exai-ration. it
is well to remember who the honest
advertisers arc. Windy assertions about
GREAT reductions'-advertising goods
at impossible prices, Cnd no lodging
place in the minds of intelligent people.
Dull trade throughout the legitimate
business season may make necessary,
wild statements from some clothiers to
attract trade, but the schemers will
have to scheme harder and find new
disguises for their lame excuses before
they can stop the people from coming
to this store for honest values. The
triumph of this store is the triumph of
intelligence, and you have made it so.
Trade has been up to the mark here,
yet there's a touch of attractiveness in
the styles and assortments. We've add-
ed another and more taking attraction
REDUCED PRICES, natural order of
things here at this season; LOWER
PRlCEthinm find ELSEWIIER&
Clothiers, Hett e rs,8jrurnis hera
PinWCO At Greatly
U LU V LU Reduced Prices
v.o make room for entirely
new stock of
Lackawanna Avo