THE SCR ANTON TRIKUNE TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 22, 1893. 3 A 5 NORTON'S YEAR CREETIN Blank account books, All desirable sizes and styles For all sorts of business, From the small vest pocket Memo, to the largest ledger. We have our usual large Variety and at right prices. Persons wishing a new set of books Or a part of a set or one book Arc invited to examine our stock. Filing boxes for bills, letters, S.c, Mercantile and ofticc stationery, 111 the standard sorts and novelties. Temporary store, 115 Wyoming avc. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston ill THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars KftVE THE IHITHLS G. B. &CO. IWPRIHTED ON EACH CIGftR. Carney, Brown & Co. Alfr's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Hornis. A specialty Well known Scranton physicians in cbarg. SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO., ML 203 Washington Avenue. l'EKSOML. John Taylor, of Allentown, Is In tho city. . 1. If. Foster, of Bing-hamton, Is at tho Wyoming House. Miss Jennie Andrews Is quite ill at the home of Reese IJ. Krooks. Attorney A. T. Scarle, of Uonesdale, Is encaged here on legal business. Charles Srhaap, of lilnghamton, and A. Br-haap, of New York, are in the city. John S. C'ourtrlfrht, of Montrose, was engaged here yesterday on business. Xlis Marguerite Campbell Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Roche, of Capouse ave nue. 1. J. Runne, of the city treasurer's of fice, is r.l.ghtly 111 at his homo in the North End. Miss Surah O'Hara, of Clrcen Ridge, Is spending two months with Mrs. Agnes Moody, at Geneva, N. Y. Rev. P. J. Golden, formerly of the cathedral, but now located at Wllllams port, is spending a few days In the city. Felix Kleberg, of Cologne, Germany, Is engaged In superintending the business of his brother, Kugene Kleberg, in this city. J. V. Guernsey, of the Columbia music, house, will leave today for a business trip through the east, visiting l'hiladelphla, New York, lioston and New Haven, re turning on Satin day. Mrs. Edmonds Schiller, who will sing nt the benellt concert this evening, Is emin ent In her profession having a lovely voice and perfect finish of style. She has had for the past four years one of the finest positions In Brooklyn, a city of Splendid choirs. County Commissioners Giles Roberts, fl. W. Roberts and John Demuth were In Ransom township yesterday locating the site for an iron bridge over Gardner's creek, which will bo erected In tho spring. They also examined and approved of the fire escapes on the poor house in Ran som township. The following residents of Scranton left by the Delaware nnd Hudson train yes terday to attend the funeral of the late George I,nlimunn at Wilkes-Hnrre: M-. and Mrs. George Lnhmann nnd family, John Lohmunn, IxjuIh Lolimann, Mr. an i Sirs. Charles Tropp, Mrs. Robert Schimpff, William 8. Millar and Victor Koch. "ANOTHER WEEK FREE." Hl'MtUMttt fiOIXfi TO SI-IE HIM. An Eminent Physician Who Tells Disease at a Ulunco Without Asking Questions, Looking at tho Tongue or l-'ecllng tho Pulse. Dr. Andrews, the most remarkable diagnostician m)S' powerful mux netlc healer, will Klve 'his time nnd ex amine patients en-tlrely"FREE" oil this Week. No person should doctor any further; nor take any mure medicine before con sulting Wm. His examinations are bo perfect that he will describe and point out the most hidden disease, place his finger directly upon any spot where pain exists and tell 'the patient precisely ihow they feel, even better than they can themselves, Out of thousands examined, no mis takes ore made, and hundreds of the lck, deaf, blind nnd crippled are cured, The doctor will give "free test" exam inations again all this week. Oltlce, Hotel Westminster. Hours of recep tion, ifrom 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. dally. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, uramp anu .ouo mere Is no remedy su perior to the genuine Br. Thomus's Kclec tla Oil. BUSINESS III ATHLETES Many of Them Developed by the Scranton Y. M. C. A. CARE AXD FATIGUE UNKNOWN City Men 'With Trained DoJics Superior Physically to Country Urcd Men, Says Professor Weston Merchants and Professional Men in Gymnasium. It used to be said that If a man was raised in the country he had' all the chances In his favor in any competition with the city bred man for commercial or professional honors. However true this may have been in past days it does not seem to be true today. The science A t' I.1-;V1S HANCOCK. JR. of living 'has made such progress In the city, food supplies are so ubundant and so excellent, and facilities for an "all round" development are so nu merous that the city youth lias every thing in his favor. The strongest argument for the coun try training was -'the physical exer cise n boy was supposed to get on a farm. Physical Director Weston, of the Young Men's Christian association, t-ays: "If ten men from the country who were thirty years of age were L 0 A. K. SLOAN. placed alongside of ten city men of tVt same age, who had made good use of the privileges offered In city life, the supeiiority would be all In favor of the city men. This would be particularly tru? if the ten city young men should be ehofen from the gymnasium of the Young Men's Christian association. "It is A mistaken notion," said Pro fessor Weston, "that the man engaged In hard labor will gt-t all necessary physical development. What the Contrast Sliowot "Contrast the sallow face and the rounded nhoulders of the uverage farmer with the clear complexion and erect form of 'the business man who uses the 'gym,' and the failure of hard - 1 . I T. J. MILMAN. lahor to produce a perfect physical tvne becomes apparent. The renson for this Is because in ordinary labor only a small proportion of the muscles of the body ure used; these become over de veloped, while the others remain unde veloped nnd the manbocomes deformed In the gymnasium under the direction of a competent Instructor the whole muscular system is provided for and a symmetrical man is the result. "The Young Men's Christian associa tion never did a hotter thing for the physical life of young men than In tak ing hold of the subject of physical cul ture, opening up gymnasiums in every --Ml L. J. Sl.'RDAM. considerable city and town and train Ing a set of men In a new profession men who were 'taught to banish the trick gymnast and heavy dumbbell per former. And to Introduce the safe simple nnd easy health glvjhff system of physical exercise." The large class of business men who pnrtlclpnte In the gymnasium class at 5 p. m. In the Scranton association, at test their belief In nnd their desire for such training. The following letters from among this class explain them selves; Somo Letters Received. To me some form of physical exercise Is nesesftu'ry, anl that which will give the-most good for ithe least time con sumed is desirable. For ths reason an hour's work in the business men's class for three evenJngs each week pays me. The class drill Is vigorous, a nd t he gym nasium contains much apparatus for individual work. I find that if one is fairly fierslstent An his'exerclses wltlh ithe -various muscular exertions, -rthe muscles beovme so toned as to ax-bul agamst nn unnatural position of the body. In my estimation this is very Important, for If one's work Is exaoMng und contlnlmg, llititle thought Is given to the 'body or its position during .the hours of work, nnd onytlnlnB 'that will develop and keep the must-lea .In such itone insUGo "resist, of their own accord, a stKnifg or cramped position of the lxdy, Is a thing much to lie desired. I .hope you will! be successful in prov ing to a large number, eeoIally of the younger professional! men, that your l, m 1 M.". -.-TiW- y .III .-f WW jJK -Ak gymna-stiic drills will pay them, as well s you, if they attend regularly. Yours 'truly, Lewis Hancock, jr. I have b-aen a momner of the Young Men's Christian asax'tutton a year and a half, but did not take up gymnasium work until ' la-t September, when X joined 'the 'business rncn's class. Since that time 1 have felt so much better physically ithmt I nm sorry 1 did nut take it up long before. A. is. Sloan. .Mr. .Mi I man's Opinion. The Vou'ng Men's Christian associa tion work, paii't.lculai-ly the coilU-ge branch of It, has been of great benellt to me. The vacation pass card afford ed me la.wvss to a great many associa tions, and enabled me to secure good boarding places during a recent tnip through Canada. P. J. Mllraan. The instrumentality to which I owe (nextito my church and home) the motit of my physical and spiritual develop ment has been and is -me Young Aien s Christian association. As a boy, a youtili, and a. young man, I have bean under it: InlluoncA To its work d-n B'lwi.t degree I attribute my health amd Dhvsica.l well-'bclng. Kspeolally am I giateiful for 'Its intlueni'e over me when a stranger iln a strange city tor htanty giedtings a.nd cordial fellowship which make niu feel nt home even among strangers. L. J. burdam. Gymnasium Athletic Goods. C. M. Florey has Becured the agency for Snnldlng's complete line of sporting and gymnasium goods. Ho also handles tho linest bicycles made, t all anil pee tho new "IS," Rochester, Spalding and other first class wheels. Y. M. C. A. building, Wyoming avenue. IX LOaLTHEATERS. A glnnce at the career of Cora TTrqu- hart Potter will convince the most casual observer tha't she is a most re markable woman. She became a profes sional actress -tc n years ago, and Is today probably without a rlvul on the American stage. Possessing, as she does, a wonderful ability 'to acquire knowledge and an lrresistablo will power, she has In ten years accom plished what many an actress has striven for a life time In vain. Kyrle Hyllew, the Idol of the amusement lov ing public throughout 'thp world for many years past, made Ills first groat triumph In London and was for years almost worshipped in that city. He afterward duplicated his London suc cess in New Y'ork. These two great artists are to appear nt the Academy of Music tonight, nsslsted by a care fully selected company of metropolitan actors. "Charlotte Corday," their latest success, will be presented here. II II II Tho great magician, Kellar. will be at the Academy of Music on Friday even ing. What pleases some may not pit -us? all, nnd Sir. Kellar Invites atten tion to the wonders he now proposes to exhibit here for the first time ab solutely on their own merits and In dependently of any favor they have won elsewhere. Ills entire perform ance is new. Prominent on the pro gramme will be by special request, "Flyto" and "Karmos," in which he Is assisted by Mrs. Kellar, continued from former years and as Inexplicable as ever. There has been a great deal In the papers about Inaudl'smathematlcal feats; and how about "Karmos'.'" Have you thought that out yet? II II II The Green Ridge wheelmen will have a benefit at the Frothingham on Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday matinee, when Frohman's company, headed by William Morris in "The Lost Paradise," will be presented. The play abounds with Interesting detail, thrill ing climaxes, pathos and comedy of an original order. The grand picture of William Morris as Reuben Warner, superintendent of the mills, a position whhih he gained by hard work and at tention to duty, refusing to abet the unscrupulous action of his employers, Is most impressive. The mechanism employed is truly realistic, the details being most perfectly rendered. NEWS OF THE KAILROADS. Stephen Rouk, a well known Erie engineer, who died recently at Suf ferns, N. Y., aged Ci years, left an es tate valued at gTa.nuO. The earnings of the Lake Krle and Western for the first week In January were $."i7,ii70, an increase over the same week la.' t year of t-,"i. A special train on the Louisville and Nashville carrying Ohio excursionists to Pensacola, Flu., made an average speed of llfty-elglit miles an hour. F.dward CanlioM has been appointed general superintendent of the Ontario and Western Railroad company vice J. H. liraillleld, resigned. He will have charge of the transportation nnd main tenance of the way department. The olllce of chief engineer has been abol ished and assistant engineers and road masters will receive their Instructions from Mr. Canlluld In future. Locomotive building Is shown by figures compiled by the- Railroad Gazette to have fallen off greatly In 1S'J4. The decrease in the number built Is fully two-thirds as compared with tho previous year. Reports from thir teen companies make the total (11)5 lo comotives for, the last year as com pared with 2,011 locomotives In 1S!)3. Three companies building nearly ninety locomotives .in 1S'J3 turned none out In 1SSH. Emory R. Johnson's lecture on "The American Railway" to the railroaders of Carbondale on Saturday night was highly Interesting to his audience. He Illustrated by means of Btereopticon views the transportation system as a whole and the characteristics of the various systems, viz., the railways, waterways, highways, express com panies and postolllce. He gave the fol lowing llgures to show the magnitude of the American railway system: Length of railroads, IKO.QOO miles; passenger mileage fpr one year, 14,229,1,01,084. Horrible Low Prices on Engines, Hollers and Pumps. Two 10x30 engines, 8-Inch fly wheol; two 14x20 engines; two 10x15 engines; pair Vl'i link motion engines; one pair lllxlU! link motion engines; four locomotive boil ers, CO to KM) horse power; fourteen return tubular boilers, 40 to 100 horse power each; twelve Duplex Wojthlngton pumps; four single Davidson pumps; three single Knowles pumps. Adress T11K KXIOTKR MACHINE WORKS, Plttston, Pa., min ing, elevutlng and conveying machinery. RHEUMATISM In tho back, shoulders, hips, ankles, elbows, or wrists, Is caused by accumulation of acid In the blood. Hood's Barparllla neutralizes the acid and cures rheumatism. HOOD'S PILLS are tho best family catnrthio nnd liver mcdlcino. Harmless and reliable. .. Henry Schoenhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing Co., St. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OH with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc, It Is tho best. When Baby was slot, we gave her Castor). When she was a Child, she cried for Castor), -When sho became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gavuthura Custoruv BREMN WAS NOT DEAD Defense Was So Surprised That a Continuance Was Ashed Tor. MK. SILSliY'S SUIT 01' CLOTHES Tailor llurko Succeeds in Obtaining a Verdict for the Value of the Articles. Action Against the llorougli of Wlnton on Trial. For the first day of the week yester day was rather dull in common pleas court. Judge Gunster held court in tho main room, Judge Archbald In No. 2, and beginning wR'h today Judge Sav ldge, of Sunbury, will preside for the balance of the week In No. 3. In the main court room1 the first case called was that of William Brennan against the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. Attorney James Malum was for the plaintiff, and the defendant company was represented by Attorney E. N. Wlllard and ex-Judge H. A. Knapp. There was a misunderstanding in the case through an oversight made by the alderman who had charge of oantain papers connected with the case. The alderman represented that Uren nan was dead, but when ths case was yesterday called Hrennnn was alive and appeared In court. On motion of the defendant the case was continued till the next term of court. The flis-it case called before Judge Archbald was one In whlch an amount of $22.80 was Involved. M. J. llurke, a Dunmore tailor, had an action to that amount against Mrs. Philander SLlsby, of Madison avenue. Attorney T. J. L)uggan was the plaintiff's representa tive, and ex-Judge Ward was for Mrs. Silsby. The claim was thai Mrs. Sllsby came to Rurke's shop on June 2. 1S90, und picked out a piece of cloth for an overcoat and a pair of trousers for her husband. Said She Did Not Order Them. The hubby came afterward and had his measure taken. When the clothes were made and delivered no pay was forthcoming, but there were promises. Mrs. f-llsby said she did not order the cluthes and was not responsible for payment of them. Tho Jury returned with a verdict for the full amount of the claim. Judge Archbald heard the trespass suit of Michael Murray against tho borough of Wlnton. Attorneys Hul slander & Vosburg and D. J. Reedy are for the plaintiff, and Attorneys ex- Judge Jessup, District Attorney John It. Jones and E. C. Newcomb appeared for the borough. Murray alleges that his property was danuiged to the ex tent of $500, caused by the overflow of water from the streets. The ollicers of the borough were present In court as defendants. The cass was called for trial at the last term of common pleas und continued to give the plaintiffs n chance to amend the declaration. In the appeal suits of Peter !. Walker and Abraham Oramer agalnstthe town ship of Newton, by mutual agreement in open court, Judgment for the costs in favor of the defendant were filed with the understanding that the town ship will not (lie any bill of costs. And in 'the nppeal suit of M. E. Ainey against Eliza ltruwn nn amicable ver diet was taken for the plaintiff for. the goods described in the writ. Disposition of Other Cases. Other case on the list were treated as follows: George H. Tryon against John W. Altken, assumpsit, gettled; Iron Clad Manufacturing company agamst farmers' Dairy company, as sumpsit, referred; W. J. Uuike against John Seisin and L. McFarlane. assumn sit, continued on account of McFar- lane's Illness; Charles P. Hiillock against Stroud & Chamberlain, tres pass, continued on application of plain- till; James Murray against Albert (5, Stevens, ejectment, settled; John H. Koch against Eva M. anil T. N. Hetzel assumpsit, settled; J. W. und Eva Sisco against J. S. Millar, appeal, settled; Tunis Lumber company against Abl. jtros. . ci., assumpsit, settled; Thomas Morrison against the Carbondale Trac tion company, trespass, continued Henry Hovels against Daniel O'Hara appeal, settled. liny the Weber and get the be.4t. At Guernsey Brcs Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class in every respect. Inside Decorating in all its branches. "PC 312 I Of Lackawanna Avenue. IDE LAST Winter Dross Goods TN order to close out this season's goods we offer the best bargains we have ever given. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A Stylish Dress Cheap. SEE WINDOW FOR PRICES. MEARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Resolutions of Gas and Water Company. At a meeting of the board of directors of Bhe Scranton Gas aaid Waiter com pa.iy held at their ofllct, Scranton, Pa., Saturday, anj. Ill, 181)3, the following resolutions w-ero unanimously adopted: Re-solved, That in the death of H. Smith, this board has sustained the loss of a member, who, during Ms lif iteeu yeans f service as a d'irrator oif the compamy, invaulubly proved a mam of excellent judgment, a s:ife advisor, and one whose influence and support were of Kteadiily Increased val'lus to tho company. Resolved, That his worth as a direc tor was fully equalled by his character and pro'Mty as an honored member of thils comimuni'ty. Resoilved, That a cony of these reso lutions be i-'E-rat 'to the family of our de ceased fnicnd and associate, a'nd thait the resolutions be published In the dally papers of this city. mere Are a Number of Nice And Novelties In Our . Window TOUR CHOICE FOR I9C There are no Trashy goods. By Monday next we will have bar gains in odd pieces White China Covered Dishes, Platters, etc. You had better come. We may have just what you want. If we have you will save big money. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR U6 WYOMING AVENUE. gCHANK gCHANK CHANK jCHANK gCIIANK gCHANK CHANK jCIIANK gCHANK (ClIANK gCHANK gCHANK UIIAKK jCIIANK CHANK jCHANK gCHANK CIIANK gCHANK gCIIANK 111 ft u NEW. NEW STORE, NEW COGDS, NEW PRICES. You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. ilT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the host quality for domestic nst and of nil nison. di'livired In any art of tho olty at lowest prico. , Orrtors lift at mv Oillcu NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Ucar room, llrnt llnor, Third National Hank, or sent by mall or U-ltaihono to tho nine, will rwclvo prompt atti'ntion. Special contracts will bo iniid for tht tale mid delivery of Uuckwhcat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. CULL OH M1MBE1E IK 410 Spruce St. ENJOY LIFE BY BUYING OUR $1 0 ULST MArKINTOQUCC Are e very desirable property this weather. We have them large variety. in MARTIN & DELANY Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. THE :. FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. OUR ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Will Begin on Monday, January 21st. These goods are all new, well made and handsomely trim med, and are ottered at prices one-third less than those usually charged. Our assortment is very large, and well worth a visit of inspection. inc.. ac. ae. fl). li'.IC. . 75u. fl (10 l.'JS 1..VI 1.T5 iuo .CORBET COVEHS FOlt. ...lie t)c..., Ilk; 7uo. Jfr: Sim) :l5c I.S5 ..4!c 1.51 uVa 1.7.j Tjc 20!J SI'u 31k.'. Vbc ink:. 81.15 7.V. l.f 31.00 l.ftO 1.25 ...U'ic 1.75 Xia ma... m- Toe. Tic S1.UU .NIGHT GOWKS FOR.. DRAWERS FOR... fiOo. St.uo Boniethinj; nice for a Christmas Gift. some dear friend's lialr. .Leave E. M. HETZEL. ONE MIGHT AS WELL TIU' to lift hlmsi'lf In a bushel basket, as to 1,'XUICKflKLL VS on skutos, Rymnusium nnd uthli'tli' kooiIh. We ilo not make a biff blow or bluster about being; head quarters In this line because we do not have to, one Klanee nt our more Is enotiKh to oonvlnre one that there Is ONLY OXB BI'OKTlNrt UOODfl llUl'SU In the city. Conio und Bee for yourself. n in cinocv y. m. c. a. m n.nisG, U. IVI. ILUI1LI, Wyoming Ae. IT'S 10 TO VISIT US HAIR CMS FDR CHRISTMS Many thousand persons have been made happy since , its inauguration. RIO ii AND DONT ALLOW YOUR Five Dollars As Ten with PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 ER I .SKIRTS FOR.. ,.4'Jc ma T5u Mk K8o 1.15 JJf.l ,.'-'Cc 3e 41 'C .CHEMISE FOR. " " Dec .CORSETS FOR,.,, ...Mu " OOu " " Too Chains made out of your own or orders as eany an poasiuie. 230 Lacka. Ave. IHXTIXG FOR BARGAINS is protltablo as well ns amusing sport. To muko It pay, though, hunters must look for Kama where Kimw Is, or tlsh where there are flsh, to catch them. Wldo awake buyers have buKKcd more bar Koln Kiiino In our stock than ever veteran hunters found In any forest. CONRAD, and FURNISHER 305 LACKAWANNA AVE. T n 1 NEIGHBOR TO OUTDO YOU. Goes as Far Us at Present. AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE: INTERES