THE KCRANTOTT TKIBUJN J5-TUJ5SDAY MOlHIN4. JASTUAUT 22, 1895. TALES OF TWO P1TTST0NS News of Interest to Headers Up ami Down the Valley. A DEMAND I'OR MODEST HOUSES Splendid Opportunities for Capitalists. Miss Webber's Experience with a Dog. Mystery of a Floating Sealskin. Pcrsonul and Other Notes. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Pa., Jan. 21. We are grow ing. Constantly advancing on every hand. Advancing In Industries, ad vancing In government, and most of all advancing In 'population. Kven with cur many new and improved dwellings erected within the past year on both Ides of the river, our real estate agen cies are unable to supply the ever in creasing demand forcomfortable houses of u moderate rental fee. An official of the Lehlg-h Valley Hallroad company recently expressed a desire that morn of 'his employes should move to Pitts iton, as It was much more convenient and would save a great amount of time and unnecessary travel to and from their work. His men, or their repre sentatives, came to our city and after a thorough canvass found that it would be Impossible for them to find dwellings within their means. The season Is now ripe, with a new city charter, new manufactories and the re-organization of our board of trade, for our merchants and property holders to place before our would-be citizens houses that will make botfh adequate and pleasant homes. The great fire sale will commence at X B. Klrby'a furniture 'store on Wed nesday next and will continue until the entire stock Is closed out. Who Is the Owner A mysterious article was seen on the river early this morning which created considerable comment. The attention of a gentleman crossing the lower bridge was called to a lady's seal skin muff floating on, the surface of the water. The incident may give evidence to another case of self murder. The muff had to all appearances been in the water but a short time. It may have been dropped from the ferry or Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad bridges. The nearest wagon bridge up the river is located at Tunk hannock. We wish to rectify the error made in our letter this morning In regard to the sufferers to be aided by the West Side Wethudlst church. Their efforts are to assist the Impoverished settlers In Nebraska. The collection taken yester day morning amounted to $52, with many contributions of clothing, etc. The Plttston agents of the United States and National Express companies have very kindly offered to forward all goods to the sufferers free of charge. Patrick Monghan died at his home In Port Griffith last Sunday evening at 6.30 from Injuries received at No. 11 shaft some time ago. The deceased is survived by his wife and four children. Funeral will take place Wednesday at 9 a. m. All complaints of non-dollvcry of The Tribune should be reported to our local olllce, 8 South Main street. Mitten by a Vicious Dug. JIlss Theresa Webber, of Center street, was bitten by a savage dog on Saturday last. The dog was owned by a, Polander and has been complained of as being very cross and vicious. The dog, without apparent cause, sprang upon Miss Theresa, throwing her to the ground, and succeeded In forcing his fangs Into the Mesh 'ntar the thigh. The screams of the girl at tracted the attention of some 'Workman, who, with shovels, succeeded in driving off the brute. The Polander has been feeding his dog with fresh meat and whiskey for some time past, l'.urgess 'Maloney haa issued an order that the dug be disposed of immediately. The lady friends of the Eagle Hose company will meet tomorrow (Wed nesday) nlgbt a.t the hose parlors, to arrange for it he coming fair, Feb. 22. The great fire sale will commence at J. B. Klrby's furniture house and continue until 'the entire stock Is closed cut. Personal Chat. Manager Edward Coray, of the Grand Union Tea company at Altoona, Pa., Is the guest of his brother, Hon. E. A. Coray. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hlleman, Jr., and little daughter, Mary, spent Sun day with Mrs. lilleman's parents at Mooslc. Glrton Smith nnd sister, of Plymouth, enjoyed a . slelghrlde yesterday and called on Plttston friends. Attorney W. H. Gllllsple has opened An ofilce in the old Miners' bank build ing. . All regularsubscrlpllons of the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local office, 8 South Main street. Miss Agnes McHale is visiting friends Sn Olyphant. Klttlo Hhoades In "Little Irish Hero" WHAT YOU NOTICE Bt first, perhaps, in taking tfac Carls tad Sprudel Salt regularly, Is a de crease in weight It Is getting rid of all the unhealthy, unnatural flesh and tissueif you have any. That Is what makes it so valuable In cases of obesity. But after that, if you are thin al ready, the firm, sound, healthy tlcsb that you need comes in a thoroughly natural way. Your digestive organs ore put into perfect condition; your ap petite is sharpened; there's no waste; the food that you take nourishes you. ' No matter whether you're too stout or too thin the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt brings you to the proper, healthy standard, either way. . Take no imitations sold as "im proved" or "artificial" Carlsbad Salt, which are only mixtures of ordinary Glauber Salt and Seldlitz Powder, sold by unscrupulous dealers in order to make larger, profits. The only genu ine imported article has the signature of "Eisner & Mcndelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," and the seal ol the city of Carlsbad on every bottle. 4 Si tomorrow (Tuesday) night at Music hall. The local order of the Royal Arcanum- mot this evening to install of ficers elected in December. Mr. Bateman, with Llnken's Iron and Steel company, was In town today cir culating among his many friends. Miss Genevlve Gallagher has returned home from Bloomsburg Normal school on account of 111 health. TAYLOtt. Miss Mamie Ityan, of Green Ridge, visited Mites Sallle Williams, o.t her home on Main street, Sunday evening. Thomas J. Williams, of Taylor street, was vJsltlng Plttston friends Sunday. A sleighing party left tills place for Olyplwunt last evening. Wllltom RobUlns, of Taylor strevt, waa quite 'badly squeezed In .the Taylor mines last week. A treat is iln store for the music-loving people of this place. The famous DeAloss family will be here for the benefit of the Calvary Baptist church on Feb. 7. The family consists of four, and this is ithe twenty-second year In which ithey have performed before the public. Th'd Twilight Social club held a so cial at Taylor hall last evening, and the afl'adr was quite largely attended. Misses Edith Watklns and Bessie James conmmeneed studlts at the School of ithe Lackawanna, in Scran ton, yesterday. Tonight the convention to nominate an auditor for the Republican party will be held. A number of candidates for the office are in the Held and the contest will be a hot one. avocaT Miss Jeanle Campbell, of Gracedale, Pa., Is spending a few days with her mother on North Main street. Tihe collection for foreign missions at the Langcllffe Presbyterian church on Sunday amounted to $210. James Clark, who Is taking a commer cial course at Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with relatives In toiwn. Miss Nellie McGlynn was a visitor at Plttston yesterday. Mrs. John McQueen was a visitor at Wllkes-Barre yesterday. ntlCKHUUG. Thomas Gllboy, of Duryea, visited friends here Sunday. A young- lady from Archibald, While at St. Thomas' church fair Saturday evening, Jiad her muff taken by some person by mistake. The person can make the exchange at the residence of Rev. Father Shanley. St. Thomas' church fair will re-open this evening and Saturday evening. John Reese visited friends in Arch bald, Saturday. Belief In Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas eages in' male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing It almost Immediately, if you want quick relief and euro this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Druggist, 123 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. There were 13,885 business failures In the pta'tes last year. The Pullman company has declared a dividend of $2 a share, ipayable Feb. 15 to 'holders of record Feb. 1.- The railways in Ohio, carried 85,000, 0U0 ipaisse-ngers lai-tf two ytars without a faitai accident to one of thi-in. Shipments of Pocahontas coal over the Norfolk and Western railroad for the week ended Jan. 12 incrtused 5,172 tons. The Philadelphia Record intimates that the Lehigh -Valley railroad may soon have am 'independent line from Bethlehem 'to 1'hlla.deiphla. It Is estimated that Vhi gross earn ings of. twenty-nine railroads for tSr; second week of January decreased 1.G7 per cent., and those of seventy-live roads for the first week decreased l.C per cent. The year 1S94 placed to Its credit a total production of 30.000,000 barrels of oil from the Pennsylvania fields. This Is only three-quarters of a million bar rels short of the production of 18113. ltut while the producer sold Jils oil at an average price of 04 cents In 1S!)3, the oil he produced in 181)4 broug-ht him over 84 cents a barrel. The New York Sun says: "The value to the anthracite coal carrying compa nies of even a slight advance in ratfJ Is broug'ht out clearly In the recently Issued annual report of tihe Lehigh Val ley railroad, In which the statement Is made that an Increase of .078 of a cent per ton per mile would have Increased the revenues of Pile company $1.400,000." Among the Important aotli.ns that are expected it come up In court 'tbls week from Carbon dale Is that of C. P. Ihul lock vs. Stroud & Chaimberlaln. The suit 'Is one for dumages, the claim being that Mr. Halloek's property was under mined by the coal opera tors of the firm, ithatcoal was 'tukn thurefrum and that the surface was also left In a dangerous condition. Eastern linos are experimenting with an. appliance to avoid rear-end colli sions In case of accident. It is a simp-la carriage to run back on the rails, the motive power being a rocket, which can be exploded In any kind of wealCier. The carriage holds a quantity of Greek fire, which is lighted with the rocket, the propulsive power of the latter be ing sufllclent to send -the carriage back 3,000 feet. The most dangerous acci dents are rear-end collisions, and this device -will almost certainly obviate the danger of such accidents. The proposed overland route from America to Europe, via the Trans Siberian railway. Is one f the biggest enterprise of ithe country, and Is pro gifsalng at such a rapid raite that the Ru-Hilan Koverinmcnit is looknpr forward to Its comiplelilon in l'JOl. The western and cen'tral portions, reaching down to Irkutsk .t itha foot ut the Ditlkal, und the extreme easiti'rn portion from Vla dtvocitock to ibe ready for use be tween 1896 and lfi'JS, amd the govern ment d-sipusihrlng on with ithe Baikal con nectilona, so as .to get ithem finished by the same date, If possible. - Buffalo Stock Market. Buffalo, Jan. 21. Cattlo Uecclpts, 11,300 head; on sale, 2,840 head; market steady for good cattle; early salon, best heavy steers, Ji.SOuG; good shipping, M.3Ga4.70; light to good butchers, Kt.HTia4.2f; oxen, common to extra, 3.25tii; bulls, strong at J2.2fia3.25; extra, higher; fresh cows, stronger; late sales, common to fair cows, Htrong at I2.r0a3; mockers and feeders, dull at 2.40u3.fiO; voals, Rood to best, $5.50a 6; light, $3a4. Mogs-Heeelpts, 14,100 head: on sale, 1,800 head; market very dull and medium hogs nlmont neglected; Yorkers, t4.20a4.25; pigs, $4.2.'r4.30; light mixed, 4.2Ga 4.30; stags, ;iu3.2u. Sheep and Lambs Ko clepts, IK. 100 head; on Rule, 28,000 head; murket lower; best lambs, )4.00a4.90; ex tra, jr.; fuir to good, J4.15a4.50; common to fair. J3.75al; mixed sheep, good to choice, 2.G0a3.2T; common to fair, J2a2.40; export ewes, JJ.C0u3.7D; export wether, J4&4.23. STOCKS AM) E0.M)S. The range of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du H. Dlm mlnk, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ing. Am. Sugar Tie's Co. ta-Si !X)7i SlWj RHs Am. Cot. Oil 24! 21'-j 2H 2P,j Chic, Mil. & S. P... Wi DO'Vi 56 W Chic, It. I. & P G3 (W-V "Wi 3'i Chic, B. & 71Vi 71 71 Vi 7l'i Chic & N. W M 95'i C. C. C. & St. L 30 30 3S 3X Can. South 50'6 50'i B0(i MVj Ches. & Ohio m4 17ai 17-U M D. C. F. Co Hi f NTs lOfl, Wi 1)., L. & W 100 102 Delaware & Hud 130 130 129'i Clcn. Klwlrlo 33'f, 334 33 83!, Jersey Central 00 ' IKI'U SNi KUi Louis. & Nash Mi Mk 83 63 Luke Shore 133 130 130 130 Munhattun Ele 1074 Wi lo7;V4 los'i Mo. I'nclMc 23K.. 23"(, 23'4 2:ri Nut. Lead 371-',, 37 37 37-(, Nat. Corduge (i'fi l New England 32'i 32'i 3l'fc 31 VH N. Y. Central Ui W. K W 8. It 10'i lo'i 10 10 out. Sr West lii'S, 10'Si 1C ! Phil. & Head li 14 11 12 Sua. & West 1 1 U U 14"4 1-H4 Cnion Puellli! S'i 0 W1 0U W. & 8. L., Pr 14'4 11'4 14'i 14's West. Union 87'i K! 87'4 lii'4 C. G. R 73i 74'4 72'i 73',i A. M. T !iS'a ! OS',. US',,. H. S. (1 2IM. 2174 2H4 2I'4 CHICAGO UUAliD OK TRADK PlllCES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WIIEAT. ing. est. est. lug. January 53's KW 52;li 52'i May r,7i 57'i 55 5"4 July 6S 68 06 GS OATS. January 27! i 27'fc 7'i 27!i Mny 30!, 30', 2 2'J'- CO UN. January 41 44'A 4.1'i 43'i May 47 47 4.". 45 July M 4tF4 45 45 LARD. January fi.57 C.57 0.52 0 52 May 0.80 0.80 G.70 6.70 PORK. January 11.05 11.05 10.85 10.85 May 11.37 11.40 11.10 11.10 Scranton Hoard of Trade lixehanga Quo tations. No. Par Shs. Vul. Bid. Ask. 10 100 Sora'n Savings Hank 200 25 100 Third Nnt'l Hank..,. 350 10 100 First Nat'l Hank COO 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 100 5 500 Scranton Glass Co. (lionds) 500 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co CO 20 50 Dime Dep. & DIs. Hunk 02 50 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works 75 100 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 00 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co ICO 50 100 Spring Brook Water Co 100 0 100 First National Bank (Carbonilale) 150 5 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Dcposot Co 135 10 100 Scra'n Larn Cur. Co 0 5 100 Scranton Forging Co .... 110 20 100 Green It'ge Lum'r Co .... 110 10 50 Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 C 100 Scranton Glass Co 50 30 100 ISonta Gluss Co 20 6 loo M. & M. Snvlngs Bank (Carbondali;). 140 225 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 450 2 500 Econ'y Steam Heat & rower Co. (bonds) .... 500 New York Produce Market. New York, Jan. 21. Flour yulet, ba-e-ly steady; winter wheat, low grades, J2.0,'a 2.C0; do. fair to fancy, $2.5iiu2.95; do. pat ents, J2.75u3.20: Minnesota clear, J2.30a2.7; do. straights, J3a.1.50; do. putents, $3.4)a3.!C; low extra, J2.05u2.ffl; city mills, J3.35; do. patents, J3.D014. Wheat Dull, lower; Nu. i red stoic und elevator, E!i4u5!l jc; ulloat, file; f. o. b., OOiiaOHic ; ungraded red, T,Ua 02c; No. 1 northern, OOliiiiif'aC.; options were weak at luc. decline; red Janu ary, 5!i-c; February, 5!H2c; March, filler.; .May, liu-i,c; June, 60"c; July, Glc; Au gust. fil:c. Corn Dull, lower, weak; No. 2, 4!ul!ic elevator; 5u,u5ii'!.c. afloat: steamer mixed, 4S'in4!ic; No. 3, 47:,U 4S'!iC ; options were more active, lue. lower, closing weak: January, 4!"j,c; Feb ruary, 40'ic.: May, I0c.; July, 4!)"8c. Oats Dull, weaker; options more active, weaker; January, 32:VC. ; February, 33c; .May, 33'4c. ; No. 2 white February, 30c; .March, 30'-c; spot prices. No. 2, 33c ; No. 2 white, Sil'ic; No. 2 Chicago, 3l';a 34V.; No. 3, 32c.i No. 3 white. c.; mixed western, 3lu35t'.; white do., 3ii'u.a lne.: white state, 3titi40c. Beef Dull; family, Jluall.50; extra mess. J7.50aS. Hoof llama Quiet; J17. Tierced Beef Dull; city extra Imlla mess, JI5alli. Cut Meats Lmi11, weuk; pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 5?4ur,.,HC.; do. shoulders, 4'salc; do. hams, SuS'.jc; middles, nominal. Lurd Quiet, lower: western steam, Jii.87, bid; city, to.25a0.37'i; January, JG.'JO, nominal; May, J7.I0, nominal; refined, quiet; continent, S7.4U; South America, $0.75; compound, 5(4 85V. Pork Quiet, steady: mess, $12.75.1 13. Butter Dull, weaker; state dairy, 10a 20c; do. creamery, 10u22c; Pennsylvania do., P!u22c. ; western dairy, 10al5c; do. creamery, 15u2lc. ; do. factory, 8aloc; El gins, 21c; Imitation creuinery, 12ttlxo.; June creamery, Hiu21c Cheese Quiet, easy; state large, Oall'ic; do. funcy col ored, 11! ic; do. while. 1"Tj,allc; do. nmull, 9al2o.; purt Kklmp, 3"a!''.: full skims, 2a 'J'jC Eggs Quiet, steady; state nml Pennsylvania, 22u23e. ; refrigerator, 15n 18c; western fresh, 2'c. ; do. per cuse, $2a 3.75; southern, 0ti2lc. : limed, 14al5c. l'liilndclrhln Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Tallow Is steady und dull. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4n4r'Af,.i country, prime, In Mils, 4'-.c; do. dark. In bbls, 4'4C; cakes, 4?4U5c; grease, 3')4Ule. OH Market. I'lttsburg, Jan. 21. OH opened and low est, IW!8; highest, S7V4: closed, 1)7. In thousands of cases the cure of a cough Is the preventive of consumption. The surest cough medicine In the world Is Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. Bold by nil dculers on a guarantee of satisfac DHTMl H1I0K C0.,Inc,p.Cnp1tl,l.(M0,093. 11KST Bt.KO KIIOK, IN 1UK WOULD. "A dollar mctd It a dollar earned." ThlT.Hen' Hollil l'rnnrll Dimgola KlilTtnf ton Hoot delivered tree nnywhsro In tho U.S.. on rooetpiotuun, uoneyorucr, or I'mtal Note for 11.60. lnu.tle every wnv tltei boots out la ell reUill (torn for I'J.bO. We mnko this boot ouraelvos, thereforo we guar attire ujit,nuie ana wtar. and If nny one not MllnOeJ we win reitina uie monej or end another pair, upcra Too or common ttonee, widtlia V, V. E, ft KKt true 1 to t aud ball nixce, Send your tiee; Km uuo ni you. iiiuainiica Ctuu lofrue FREE Dexter Shoe Co., ffiUffiSLSt' topertnt crmi to jjeuttr. ThleFunnae ICemeTeiiresqiileltlrand f r- rrmiiuntly ml nurvoue (Itnensox, mioh as Wenk Menuirr. boflftof Hrntn Power, HonOu!he, Wuke fillneM, I. o.t Vltulllr. lilulitly nniliminnl, evil!ipnlon''vunil vnntluK difleuKpnoauiiftd by un(hfliil errora etr ricrt.rn. rontiilii. no oiiliiti). Im a nemo tonlennd hlifMl bullitri. Mukei tlio pale ami imnv ntnmicnnil plump. Kuillr carrlpil In vontnuckut. ill ier bnxi O for e3A. Hf malltoretmtd irltli n written minrnnteo to ourn or mnnoy refunrtod. Write us for free medtcnl bonk, sent snalftd In plain wrnpprr. which cine tnlns testlmnnlnln Ann Onnnotul reforenrcs. No rharti lor eonenltntlnna, II' wan ot linllg. i(,iti.. Sold nv our nilviTtl.pd RirnhU. or addmas (BKVKalEr.lM'O.. Masoulo'rumple.ChleaBo. BOLD IN SCRANTON, PA., H. C. RANDK R8()N WASUI.NUXyN.COK. Bl'KVCE, CUUUtiiaiH, mm ITIrii!RL'V I Vlk4e3W,:fti7.UPv A Word. WANTS OP ALL. KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID KOK, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LE89 THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AllE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. WAETTCATt i oTi7T5iTN1irHM own DioeoHu. Hefereneo.i required: tp)8 P'r week. V rito t. JOSEPH It. OAY, U filth svenup, Lliiuaxo. tJALKHUKN K'-1ID12NT S.'.LKSMKN O wanted, aeqiuliitod with the local and nearby dnm und itrocery trade, to liundlo our lino of bich trraile ciiiars.- Addroas. Llviiii inferences, J. KUWAKD COWLES CO., 143 (.'Iiiimhers strnet. N. Y. Hela Wanted Females. URLS WANTED-1-XPr.KIKNCEl AND VT iiiexporiencfd to maiiufii:turo a'drts by eleetricty. Apply SOLOMON & ZUcKlili MAN, 1;1 Fruuklui avunuo. Special Notices. mmiTanTuaTK'eTi i holders of TI'O Jloodo I'utvder U mpaiif will ) e held ut tin irolliee in thu elty of Hernii. ton, l'ennbylvunia, on WediieHday. Jamiury 'Si, l.'Uj. at 8 o'clock 1). id , for the pnruoao of uleetini; directors tor tho ersuiiiK your, mid ti an-ucti:i aueh othftr busiues'i as may eonie befnr.f tliein. No transfer of Htoek Vti.1 bo niudo for ten d.iys nexs iiroeodiux the day of election. JOHN 1). S1IKREU, Seurotary. 'piIE ANN UAI.MKETI v G OFTHE KTcCK X liolders of Tho Lackawanna Trust ntid Sufo Deposit Company will be held at Its oflico, 4U4 l.a'tkavvuuiia avenue, on February 4 next, from 3 to 4 p. in. HEN HY BKL1N, Ja., Seo'y. rpi-IE ANNUAL MEKTINO OF THE MEM 1 liei Dof 'i'liu Stioridau Moiiunient Assocla tii n will bo held nt l-l 1 a -kuwimna avonuu. Hciaiitoii. on l'rilay evening, 25th lust, nt i.M o'clock, ut which moi'tinu oltieers and di rectors fjl' thueusuiiiL' year will lu eleetuil, J. C. VAUUHA.V, 3ocretnry. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FL'RNISH EX 1 hibitiona una lertuto upon uny subject d sired. Theso exhibitions will bo illustrate I, uuviiiff in my possession tho most powerful dissolving- et'ji-eoptieons m.ido. E. II. CALL, Tribnno Offlco. VOII WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT 1 Frank Lcslio's lllUHtratoil Week y War Illustrutio 8 JbUl-I8a". Two Volumo Folio, ?lll.ill; payable monthly, S.'.UO. Delivored by exttross complete, Prepaid. Add! ess P. O. MOODY, U1K Gibson btruot, Scranton, Pa. 1JLANK P.OOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAC4A I) zincs, etc., bound or rubound at Tile oflice. yuitk work. Iteasonubb prii-os. For RenL l.H)lt UkNT-STOUE AND TWO BASE- X monts. Nc, 'SI Lackawanna avenue; also second nnd third floors arranged for two fam ilies or entire bulldiii; for wholesalo purposes; elevator: D. & H. switch tu building. Roll ERTSON 4: HlfCIICOCK, No. 4U4 Lacka wanna avouuc, Seianton, Pa. T.U'RXISHEI) ROOMS FOR KENT-FRONT I1 rnnm nnd 1 nd in iiiih. Franklin ava- 11 uo. Next to Klks. T.OR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE.NO. ftlO FOR 1 est strie-, betwonn 1 ii kson works and Erie depot; rent rlil. Inquire on promises. ,OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNrUR- nisliuil rooms at 5U0 Lackawanna avenue. VOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, scar 113S Luzerno, Hyde Park. f7o R RE N T N I til: L Y F U R N I S H E I ) HALL I1 Huitahlo for ludve rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyominu ovonui-. For Sale. A CASH KUhlNEt-S FOR SALE AT A BAR- iam. :;ii I'eim avenue. Straysd or Stolen. SJ'IhAYED OR STOLEN -FROM lDIIIOLIVE O on Saturday, Jan, 5. a white bull pup. with Iaro spot ou bark. Toll dollars re ward will bo paid for roturn nf same and uo questions asked. W. L. BEITS. Agents Wanted. AGENTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY ami euiiinilsslon. AeenM niukiuir (SW to f HI weekly. EUREKA CHEMICAL & MTU CO., I.n Crosse, V is. a n t r D -"active sa LT:sm e'n-to hamllo our line, no peddling. Snlarr, !T5 per mouth und expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Uox, ujW, Hi-Mton. Mna Situations Wanted. (ClTL'A'i ION WANTED BY A GOOD Kirl; would like a placo In a small family. Address "M. B,," Trillium ottico UlTUATIoN WANTED BY"""a Yol'NG O mari-iud man as coajliniiin or uny honora ble work; I-years' expvrio ico us uia diinun: can furnish best of reference. Address "'.DAI H MAN," Trihinio oflice, 8erant n Pa. "'"anTKU1)Y a man to give private tuilions, either nt home or abroad, in the Fiodisb or Latin lutiKtiapoH. AudroBS "M, D.,"l vt yoiniiiK uvenue, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O man 1H yours old: und"rstaiuls hoises: would bko u position as drlvor. Addruss liAlt LIE LITIS. Id-' Providence Road. Dlll O CLERK OF TWO YEARS' K.XPKKI enco desires liosition; wed vducuted. Aildrens "A.1IYL," 'J ribuno odleo WlTUA'llON WAN i'l' D - BY a" llOYfo I? years of nmr. would liko to linvo position In 1 arbor shop: has bail liiuiroxpoiten jj. Ad dress "L. J.," Tribune olll e. UrANTED-BY A YOUNG LADY WHO undorstamls the German, lluucnriuu, Ilobrew mid English lniiKUap-s, n liosition ns bookkeeper. Address R., IKHJ llalstead court. H. A.HULBERTS WYOMING AVE., SCRANTQM. STEINWAY S SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH S BACK STULTZ i BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first'Cluss ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDlSE, MUSIC, ETC. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave., Near the Bridge. m I (onno nisi GENTS' NATURAL WOOL GENTS' COTTON FLEECE-LINED UsSSO dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made of the Finest Maco Yarn; Reg lar 50c. quality, now 37C. Each. Wc quoti the following new prices on our Famous Boys' Cast Iron Hosiery: SIZES 6, 6 1-2, 7. 20 Cents. CONNOLLY & IS NOW PRICES OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OR BARKS, SOOTS And will PnHivlv rnro nil fl'sea"! nrSsinff from IMPURE BLOOD, HUCU AS Rhcuinatisin, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick und Ncrv. ou.s Headache, Neuralgia, Dys- ficpsia, Fever und Ague, Scroti! a, I'einale Complaints, Frysipc lus, Nervous AtVcctions, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Discuses. E. M. 1IETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. W. L. DoyfLAS Q1 Utf"ET isthebcst. Vtf nMEa NO8Q0EAKIN0. 5. CORDOVAN. FRENCHiENAMELLDCAtF: 4.,3.5-"FlNECALF&lflJi3AR0l 3.ypOLICE,3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. 2.l.7-SBOYiSCHMLSH0ES LADIES' itNUt UK (AIAL,UuUb WU'DOUCLAS, BROCKTON, AAS3. You cod save ntnnry br piirchoslug . Im J.iuualnii hlmr.t Because, we are tUe largest manufacturers of advertised shoes In the world, aud Ruarnutce the value by stamping the natr.e ana price on the bottom, which protects yon against high prices aud the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fittiujr aud wcarinjr qualities. Wc have them aold every, where at lower prices for the value given than anv other make. Take uo substitute. If your dealer canuot supply you, we Can. gold by E.J.LEONARD. A DeHded Mova tn the Ptjmtm trnnc has ftrt In nnd It 111 pnv Vim tn cxaniiiio thn stock of JCKISCirS. at till Kpruce (.treot. Fil.o linoi.f superior pot-knt eutliTy, raurs, etc.. fnr Hull, dny trade. Uuns and ammunition at bottom fluiirps. Alsn nnme socond band v hoots at prices thr.t will astunluh you.Scolui; ia bclioTlug Csimrscs bt THe HtaHcsT Midiml Aimieamta S pjEnTKOLIKHUEH HEADACHE'S? iNnAi.Fn will euro yiu. A wontlorfiil bion to sutTeron from Cold., HnrfiThrnitc, Inflnenra Ilrouchlll., or HA lEYKB. Atrl tmmrrfluff rrtlr. Anenicteiil rrtuoilr, cnnTcnlf nt to carrv In Boekat, rooilT to tl'n on 0rrt Indliaiion of eolil. Continued Use I'.OVete PerDianent Cnro. ftatlsfncilon inianntcoti or monpy rt't undffd. Prle. C elh Trliil Iron at Ilriiftlsts. Hpiilsureil mall, 6U couia. 1. 0. COSHlill, Mir., Ikns Kirsrs, Hid., D. S. 4. OITSHMAN'O MFNTUni 1 ho nrp.t and snfoat rempdr for mcni nUk allailnuiMnses.ICrspnis.llob.Halt Itheumlil Hores, Hums, I'uls. wonderHil rem flriy furPIKKsi. Price, Xftcts. at llruif. DAI gists or by mull pr?sul. Addn'ss aaaboTP. Dn L. nl For sale by Matthew Bros, and John H. Phaloa. Complexion Preserved DR. HCBRA'S VIOLA GREAr.l BemoTCt Fraoklas, Blmpla. k.r Molts, Blackhead.; Sunburn aud Tan, and ro km. thn akin 111 II. Artirl. lial frcahncas, produolng a CtWr ........ i wurn-. PICXIUII. DIIWI1WWIIWW ..-, preparations and pcrfei'tly bsmleM. At all tUugglsWjOiluiiUiid lor SOcta, eud lor Circular, VIOLA 8KIH SOAP nir iinrtn - a sll. purirTl.l Kon, 0Mitf4 a th. MM. .nl vllkont tTrtl kc tk. aumrf. Al-olawjr J"" and atauW BHdl nud. Aidnuiiiu, PHoa 25 Cpnts. G. C. BITTNER CO., Toledo, O. . For aale by Matthawa Broa. and John H. Phaloa. W a. a. i ii The Best Value we have ever offered. Ouf price only 48c Sold by others at 50c, as a 75c. Garment. SIZES 71-2,8,81-2, 22 Cents. WALLACE 209hington Ave. THE CELEBRATED MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY 602 and r GREATLY REDUCED. TO our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their uhuuI custom of milling STRICTLY Oil) WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, unj owin to the excessively dry weather manv millers aro of tho opinion that it is already cured, atid in proper condition for milling. Washhurn-Oosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before fir-hiding. This careful attention to every detail of milling ha9 S laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other rands. 4 MEGAB6EL Wholesale Agents. m HUETomi m BLACKSifl l WAGON MAKERS lereir'sS 0 3 1 on iQnf or y Es? -Js D 1 1! lit! auU. Mb HORSE E?W SHOE WMl calks We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cednr Shlnftlcs. "Victor" nnd othpr Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shlnfrlcs, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber und Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AN O Wl LKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Off ice: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN Bomattaai oMdiarel lablt, monthly, mrnlatlnt medietas. Only naraalsa i Us purest drugs should bauiwi. It you wans lha bast, (t Dr. Foal's Pennyroyal Pills Thar prompt, sala anA eartaln la result. The raailae (Dr. Paal's) araa'4taap4 uoint, Geataajrwharo, 11,00, Adiireu FKAJ. UaniQUa Ua Ucraluii, U, , For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. Walldce I! SIZES 9, 91-2,10. 25 Cents. pnng 604 Lackawanna Avenue, a .1 . patrons: & CONNELL SUPERIOR TMLL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of IIIIS' Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whltat Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber ani Lath. Tlofra County Dry Hemlock StocK Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Jolsta and Studding. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avanus an