The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 21, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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i minn
At Exceedingly Low Prices.
January Is one of the Important months
to piiruliuxi'iK of inuMlIn utuloiwoar, for
the roiison that the Kooels were cuntracteil
for iinel mntle duiiim the very dull kcusoii.
The prices aro le-iluoeil to HUch low fig
ures as will insure u quirk sale. The
Kooils tire ull new and of the eholcest.
duellos' l-'lne Aluslln Corset Cover, .
hierh nei'k, trimmed with embroidery. "oc
Klne Cainbiie Corset Cover with V
lieek, trimmed with embroidery
Flue Cuinlirie Corset Cover, low
Heck, trimmed with embroidery S9o
Klne Cumlnie Corset Cover. V neck,
trimmed with Valenciennes luce buck
und (front ic
Klne Cambric Corset Cover 1Uh V
neck, back and front trimmed with
very lino embroidery 49c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V
Vack und snuare front, trimmed with
Insertion and embroidery &8c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V
Deck, bin k and front, trimmed with
embroidery and Valenciennes lace 75c
Kino Cambric Corset Covers, low v
square neck, trimmed with line em
broidery SjC
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, V back
and front, trimmed with pointed em
broidery 9Sc
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with line Inser
tion und embroidery... 89c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with embroid
ery und light blue ribbon $1.23
rule Muslin down with .Mother Hub
bard yoke, with tucks and cambric ruf
tle round neck ami down the front COc
Klne .Muslin tiown, trimmed with
wide hemstitched rutlle round neck and
pleeves 73c
Fine Muslin Ciown, Mother Hub
bard yoke, with tucks ami insertion
and embroidery ednlnn S5c
Fine Muslin down with V neck,
trimmed with wide embroidery und
torcben luce 89e
Klne Cambric down, Kmnlre style,
trimmed with Insertion und rulllu of
embroidery 9Sc
Fine Kmbroldery (low n. with solid
emboldeiy yoke, trimmed with em
broidery eclKins,' $1.19
Fine Muslin down, Fmpiro style,
trimmed with solid embroidery ami
wide embroidery round neck und
Sleeves $1.23
Kine Cambric down, with round
tucked yoke, irlmmeil Willi narrow
edKinir round neck ami wide embroid
ery rtillle round yoke und sleeves $1.D0
Muslin Drawers, with tneUs 23c
Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
fine tucks 33c
Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
tucks und wide rullle of embroidery. ., 45c
Fine Muslin Drawers, with double
cluster of tucks und wide embroidery
ruffle 5Sc
Fine Muslin Drawers, with i luster of
tucks and Louis Fuller rullle of cm
broidery S9c
Flue Cambric Drawers, with cluster
of line tucks, trimmed with rullle of
embroidery with hu e cdidm; 9Sc
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks and wide hem 13c
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks and cumbrlo rullle COc
Klne .Muslin Skirts, with clusters of
lue tucks with wide embroidery ruf
fle 83e
Klne Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric
ruffle with Insertion und tucks S3c
Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric ruf
fle with (lusters of tucks, trimmed
with tine luce 9So
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves han had Ions and varied ex
perience In ho.ipllal tend private practlco
and treats all ncute anil chronic diseases
of men, women nnd children.
Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose und throat, dysnepsla,
rheumatism, lost vltHllty. premature
weakness or decay la both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-polsnniiiK. lts, epilepsy, in
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, neiolulu, St. V'tus" dance,
Bslhma, diseases of the heart, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Young .Men Positively Cured.
Offer to tho I'uhlie for Catarrh.
Any one mifiVrlnK with Catarrh who
lshes to bo permanently, quli kly and
Cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment lor only F1VK. DOLLARS. Tho
doctor has discovered u speeilic for this
dreaded disease. You ran treat and, euro
yourself and family with It at home. It
never fails to cure. A trial treultnent
OKFIfl-: norns-linlly, 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sundays, 111 to 1" und i to I.
Prices Cut in Half
See our Show Window to
Be Convinced.
J. Scott Inglis
N. B. Spring Wall Papers no
Saloonkeepers Protest.
The saloonkeepers of Indianapolis, Ind.,
aro In fuvor of u law to prevent a brewery
taking out a largo number of licenses and
establishing saloons next to those of
keepers who refuse to buy their beer.
They fuvor a tl.uuo license and tho prohi
bition of brewer from going on bonds.
Human I ncod Clock,
In tho shop of a St. Petersburg wnteh
mukcr a humnn-fncod clock Is on view
the only one of Its kind. Tho hands are.
lilvoted on Itn nose, ond any message that
may be spoken Into Its ears Is repeated
by a phonograph through Us mouth.
offline and
Highest of all in Lcavenins Power.
Harry Tt. Hillrr ban returned here for
a brief visit after skirniixhlnK imiunel
amoitjr sevcia! New York state town:t.
He will pa.-is civil service examinations
nt Curboiulale next week, antlclpatlna;
employment In the postal service.
Anchor leo Is still running In the liver.
a bane to ferrymen.
J. K. Cook, of Athens, was visiting
friends 'here Saturday.
Kev. (. M. Chamberlain occupied tho
Methodist Episcopal pulpit yesterday,
und Ilev. W. M. lllller lllled his place
at Glen Lyon.
C. II. Klshpaugh was up from llariis-
burs on Kiimliiy.
While Ktlltur Alvin Day, of the Demo
crat, and (Njurt Stenographer lturrows
were out pleasure riding Saturday the:
cutter struck a. stone und dumped both
occupants out, leaving the horse free
to take a wild gallop about town. Nia
men were badly shaken up and con
siderably bruised, and the cutter suf
fered a broken thill.
Court convenes again this morning.
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. S.
Day Is reported til.
Perstmnt to call a number of the
prominent business and professional
men of the town met at the olllce of
J!. W. Lewis Saturday afternoon and
formed a "good citizens' league." the
object of which Is to support good gov
ernment und fight the repeal of the
billiard law. The following olllcers
were elected: 1'ivsldent, S. Judsnu
Stark; vice president, ltev. Ueorge W.
Hlne; secretary und treasurer, IS. W.
Lewis: executive committee, ltev.
Ceorge Hlne, I!. W. Lewis, (J. C. Miller.
Petitions protesting ugalnst the repeal
of the law have been put In circulation
and will be forwarded to the senate
and house of representatives at Harris
burg. In the ljepubllcan congressional con
vention today the First ward will be
represented by Dr. J. W. Denison and
Nicholas Fox. nnd the Second ward by
Orlando Osterhout and J. 11. Welch. K.
J. Jordan will be the choice of the con
vention without a doubt.
Every possible effort, seemingly, Is
being made to destroy confidence in
and break diwn the reputation of the
detective in the Waterman murder case
by the friends of the Indicted parties.
The man came a stranger Into the town,
und may 'have said nnd done some un
wise things, but he Is endeavoring to
hunt down and bring to justice tho
perpetrators of a horrible crime, and so
far as he keeps w ithin the pale of the
law he Is entitled to public sympathy.
It Is of utmost Importance that mur
derers, Chugs and robbers be hunted
down, ajiel all good citizens should
lend every possible aid, let the crimi
nals be whom they may. If the ac
cused men in tills case are innocent
they doubtless will be able to prove
their Innocence; if they are guilty, let
them suffer. Defending a man against
false accusations is one thing; over
riding justice is another.
Professor F. II. Jarvls, of Meshoppen,
spent Sunday with friends in town.
The annua! donation to the pastor of
the Lutheran church will be held on
Wednesday evening, Jan. 23. The dona
tions heretofore have been very in-
Juyable affairs, and the present one
will be no exception. The congrega
tion has made great preparations for It.
On Saturday evening the Knights of
Father Malhew, in uniform, accom
panied by the F.ast Side band, attended
the fair now In progress at Dickson, In
aid of Father Shanley's church. Father
Shanley was assistant at Si. Thomas'
church in this borough a few years ago.
The employes of Jones, Simpson fe
Co. were paid on Saturday. The em
ployes at the Haymond will be paid to
day. This evening the third annual ban
quet of the Young Men's Social club
will be held In Hall's hall. Covers will
be laid fur seventy-five gucsls and a
pleasant time is anticipated. The club
was never In a more prosperous con
dition than nt present.
Sirs. Thomas Cildea, who has been
ill for several weeks, is steadily im
proving. There Is also a Flight Im
provement in the condition of Mrs.
Patrick Lane, of Cemetery street.
Mi.'U Jennie I Walsh is visiting In
The uncertainty as to what the court
shall do In the ma tter of electing comi
cilmen from the respective wards of
this borough Is having a rather depress
ing effect on politics this season. It
has not, however, lessened the strire
for such of the other olllcers as will
not be affected by the decision. Thre
Is not a gnat deal of time to spare for
thje holding of cnucusi s, because the
time In which certificates of nomina
tion may he fixed expires In about two
weeks. The citizens of the Third ward
are, so far, the first In the field with n
ticket. A caucus was held in the Hill
school house on Friday evening, nt
which Patrick J. Loftus was nomi
nated for school director; Stephen Hnr
rett. for council; Patrick Scnnlon, as
sessor; Martin Median, high constable:
William I tougher, wurd constable;
Thomas Holmes, Judge of election, and
Thomas Slddon and William Mc-
Andrew, Inspectors. There are live
other candidates for school director In
this ward whose candidacy will nut
depend on the action of this caucus.
These are T. J. Klelty, the present di
rector from that ward, and Conrnd
Kle-lnbauer in the Second ward. The
fight for schoed dlreotor will lie waged
by P. J. Lally, who Is a candidate for
re-election; Thomas F. O'lloro and
James Mullurkey, Jr. For council,
TliomHS K. Mtinley, T. F. Kelly and
Frank Selfrlng are most prominently
nnmed. In the Firs ward Thomas
Price will be ti enndldute for re-election
as school director, and he mny be
opposed by Charles Norton. Thomas
Caffrev Is sntiken of as a candidate for
re-election to 'the council and Frank
Cawk'y and Justus llishop are also.
Daniel Atkinson, sr., will be a candidate
for the edllce of Justice of the peace.
At tho February election last yenr sev
eral bullots were enst In favor of an
Increase In the number of Justices, that
being a necessury preliminary to his
candidacy this year.- Mr. Atkinson was
nominated for the ofllce at the Third
ward caucus on Friday night.
The Secret Art of Beauty lies not . In
cosmetics, but Is only In pure blood, and u
healthy performance of the vital func
tions, to be obtained by ualng llunloek
Wood liltteia.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The collej?.? catalogue for this year
has been issued. Two p-. Ixcs foe
es-jy have betut instituted. The
p:-!i!L'S ore intended to encourage rta.-l-Ing
ciad S'tti;ly during th? su:tinv.r vaca
tion, il.e i. -fays b.hig handed i.i rotn
after th.i upeulsu; of the fall term. Th
?ulijcets of thi.-c cfsayts are tojtlcs con
net ted with the 'ivl.-Himi r.f "Fiance
uoid ths t'miud ;at:," and the "Coa
Etitutli.'!iul Development i;f the United
States." They are to be cmtesied for
by member:! of the junior and senior
elasivs iiif'i:ctlvely.
Fred NculiMt, of Kingston, has been
elected president of the junior class
for I'Ms ttirm. The cia:-s hits decide :1
that each member Khali piy $1..'0 as 'his
sh.u'eof the expense connected with the
issuing of the Melange.
Walter 8. Levan, tff Hyde Park, re
cently returned 'to college, having been
de'l.ilned at home by tickuess.
Itr.v. liluhard S. Holmes, of Pittsburg,
delivered a erinon In the Hralnird
church last Wednesday especially for
the students.
The census 'taken by the Young Men's
ChiCsKan a i.--jeiatlon gives the intend
ed occupations of the utudents as fol
lows: Fifty-thi e expect to bceome
lawyers, 4:1 mljilsters, 2 teachers, ill
phy.-iicians, ii journalists, a go into busi
ness, 32 civil engineers, IH electrical tui
glnevns, ";! tiumlsis, 7 mining vn
gineers, 'M undecided. There Is one as
pliant to each of the following occupa
tions: Artist, architect, bridge en
gineer, haulier, contractor, doiitltft,
mathematician, mulicul missionary,
and musician.
Tito Calculus play will be written this
year by Charles M. Sclple amd Charles
C Stoddard, of the sophomore class.
Ilepresentatives if the sophomore
and freshman clas.-vs have met and
agreed to iti.holl.'-h the "scrapping"
which has usually taken place un the
night when their banquets took place.
The class ( 'Its held Its freshman
banquet last Friday at the New Wind
sor House, Washington, N. J. About
twenty Juniors went along to add dig
nity to tlr? occasion. All present had a
ple-asaint time and returned to Fjaton
early Saturday morning. Ueorge H.
Walelilga was majister epulatium. The
commute? was: Ji hn D. Clarke, chair
man; J. L. iM Iffgs, F. F. liodler, J. T.
Miller, and C. F. Chldacy, jr.
Saturday evening II. It. Hall enter
tained his Sunday school class to tea
at his home on Garfield avenue.
Many Scott, at ope time a resident
of Carhondale, now located at Boston,
where he is employed as air-brake in
struotor for the New ICngland Rail
road company, spent Sunday with
friends in this city.
No preaching services was held In the
Baptist tabernacle Sunday evening on
account of the Illness of the pastor, he
being buti Well though to preach In the
Those from this city who were In at
tendance at the funeral of the late
John It. Smith in Dunniore em Saturday
afternoon, were: D. O. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smith, Miss Grace Smith,
Mr. and Mis. William Clifford, Mr. nnd
Mrs. P. C. Grltman. W. P.. Grit man,
Mr. and Mrs. John I). F'ox nnd It. P.
Patterson. The Odd Fellows, of this
city. Were represented by K. H. Fsta
brook. Thomas Itoyle, Henry Masters,
R. H. Mallory, J. !!. Rldholls, Fred
Cundy and J. Woodruff. They carried
a handsome Moral piece of three links
with "J. I!. S." inscribed upon it.
Rcnjamin Maxey, of Forest City, was
a Carbondale visitor on Saturday.
Mrs. John Vaughn, of Providence, Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph
Isgar, of Salem avenue.
Miss Minnie Kyte returned to her
home in West Pittston on Saturday
fiom a pleasant visit In this city as the
guest of Miss Florence Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin I.nngoii, of Far
view street, are mourning the death of
their 3-yeiir-old daughter, May, who
died on Friday evening of diphtheria.
W. W. Lathrope, of Scranton. was a
Carbondale visitor on Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Itlchawls, of
East Oii'jnge, N. J., are visiting friends
In this section.
II Ira Nellie Murphy, of Dunmore
street, attended the f.ilr of the Sabred
Heart church, at Jermyn, on Saturday
Th; Kxcelslor club, of Carbondale, en-j.-jy-
J a p!i Ighrlde to tills plaee Sat
uriliy evi'iilng. The party stopped at
O'Kiii'n's West F.nd hold, where sup
per was had.
Guth's band, of Seranton, discoursed
some .swet t uiu-slc i.ii our streets, Sat
urday night.
The Democratic caucus held on Sat
urday evening was one of the liveliest
meetings ever held In the borough. The
principal content was between M. W.
dimming!) ami James J. U'Malley for
justice eif the peace, the former re
ceiving 247 votes, and the latter Kill.
The polling of voUs lasted from 7 In
the evening till 1 In the morning. The
fo'.Icv'.ng aire 'the llgurej: Ilur
Itias. K. J. lt.mvar.1. 203; P. J. UA3:.
S; P. J. McNully, lis. Justice of
the peaee, M. W. C'ummlngs, 247;,
James J. O'.Malley, HID. Auditors,
Joseph Wahl, 117; P. J. Tanvll,
IS8; Ma.rtC'ii C:uin n, 100; J. J. LiiHion,
101; Thomas Sherida.M, 58.
The Prohibition oiRan, The People, of
Jan. 17, centulns ctnotht-r article from
Its llonesd'tle correspondent, entitled
"Stirring Them Up," In which It refers
to Its previous a.'iiltie end the stir it has
created ainoiig the leading citizens of
this rum-cursed town. The Ilomuidala
Citizen Is called to account nnd the
llonesdale correspondi nt e'lf the Truth
Is reminded of his sins and wicked
ways. How can such a Bln-stalned town
exist when It Is emly separated by a
few mount'iv'.iMi end valleys freim such
moral hmmle'ta as Scranton, Carbondale
and Hawley.
A. Walkey, of Jermyn, was a visitor
In 'town ye-sterday.
Tlve maseiuerado ball to be held at
Phmeer hall this evening Is tindtif the
inanugenieii't of Professor Heft.
Hhcumutlsm Cured In a Hay.
"Mystic Cure" for Rhoumatltm nnd
Neurulgla radically cures In 1 to 3 dnys.
Its action upon tho pystem Is remarkablo
and mysterious, p romoves at once tho
cutiso and the disease Immediately disap
pears. Tho llrst ilnse greatly benefits, 75
cents. Bold by P. M. Harris, 125 Penn ave
nue and Curl Loronz, drutu'.sts, Bcrunton,
Tho Well known ilkcs-Ilcrro Kcr.tnu-j
rant Kcoper Drowns Himself In u Pond '
en the Klnestop I'.iits. '
Giicei'il to the Scranton Tribune.
V.ilkeF-'la::;,., fa.. Jen. 2'.'. Doubtful j
it i.. If the community -vt large ever '
sus. tin -.1 a g.:.atc l:oek than when)
the m vvs !'. -.r.'ijd e.le:i:t 'tiwn yesterday j
uio'e.iing that GcoeceJ Lohmaii, the Ka.--t i
Ma-rkvt iiti restaui a.:vl proiirletm',
had 't..iko:i lila w,n life by drowning i
hlii-.a.-Jf i;t't an ca.i'Iy liovr- In the moi n- I
ln;v tm w:ie eif tlvs 'pc'ii hok'3 In the
tni.rsI.-yO.iUf.ith. aUKinsM'.aa roail,
jut uKrcsi I'm Su;iueh:ii.ina lcld;Te.
Hi bmly ver.'i t.iken irom the v.-ato:- by
F.a:e men iraj v re employed in ctrt
ting lea on 'live pond. Whin they cams
to r,::k tnni? cf them cb.' erwd parts of a
man's clothing en the Ice not far away.
The water in the nvirsh at this s'?aca
of the yew Is abaft vU'M foot dec p and j
there Is a i 'a'c'.aeer j of li.thfei a Inches
of loe. The place !s called Co i.i'n pond.
An overcoat, hat, and a ncckile vtf j
mi the ice the men suspected that ! iMifiretiui.i.e had pal t:a:.y un
dressed hlmr ilf before plunging to Ills
di'ith In one )t the opening.
They got a, pole with a hook attaehed
to it aivd flrhed around in the wabsr and
were ten rewarded by brining to 'tfae
surface the body of a man, which one
ef 'their numbci" reeofflvteed at on re as
Geiirge Luhir.a.n, of ICast Market street.
To make dure, his Idcntlllcatlon the
clotl-ilng was 4iearched for papers; bid
gold wait ch and diamonds were found in
a pocket eif the overcoat, and on tho
lining of the hat was found hla na'me ln
ycribed in full. The. ptllcs authorities
were not.'fieil find word was acmt to the
el. aid 'man's family. Undei taker MHk-r,
of K.lng.i'1'jn, took charge of the p
ma.Ins, 'and Cmvaer Tiiimmer will hold
an iiHiuest to-morrow. No marks of
violence were found on the body, ex
cept a slight discoloration of the right
temple. The body wlum removed freum
the water appeared us if the heaJ umd
thouli!:.iis sunk in 'the muddy bottom
und the To it stuck up. The remains
weiv taken to the family pesldemee on
North M'ain stivet.
Ills Mind Whs Troubled.
It is the 1'revalllng Impresaloin thait
Lohniau must have been temporarLly
lneauie when he committed suicide. His
manner of acting fur a day or two prior
to his death was sir inge; he was very
reticent and appeared to he brooding
deeplv over some matter. He arose ut
10 o'clock Friday morning and left
home without raying a word to his wife
or family; shmitly after he was ubwrved
howring around the Kingston bridge
nnd was gazing wistfully down sit the
river. At 11 tcloek Friday might he
boarded sv car for Kimgatem u.nd stopped
at the Kingston hotel, where he regis
tered umle.r the name of George
Thomas, of .Scraiiemi. lie wauUd to be
called ut 5 o'clock Saturday morning
and after he retired he paced so excited
ly airound ills room that the lodgers ad
joining him were annoyed and had to
r,iUt;it him mamy times to go to bed
and let 'them sle-ep. He got up at 3
o'clock and that was the last teen of
liim alive.
Gexjrge Loll man was years old,
having been born in Germany In 1S50.
He came wtlth his parents to this coun
try In 1SC1 ami Jived at Scranton until
1S77, when he came to this city and
epened up a restaurant.. HU success
In this Hii3 was to marked 'that his
name has tee n a by word for a number
of years, whenever the restaurant busi
ness is spoken of. His father and
mother, M.-. and Mrs. George Lohmam,
live In Seramtem, ait 432 Willow street,
South Side", and his two brothers, John
and Louis, are prosperous restaurant
keepers eif that city. He leaves a wife
and four children, Arnold, 17; Lily, lfl;
Carl, 7, and CaiTle, 5 old.
His Wealth I stlmated.
He acquired considerable wealth,
madnly through his enterprise and busi
ness ability. At his death his property
Is tsWma&i at $35.0U0, but there is a
martg.".i?e of $17,000 rtcrrdel ageiln-it lit.
Lately he made, extensive improve
ments en it, expending oven" $1,000, for
which he gave hta note, and it was
about to fall due. This Is said ito be
this cause ef his trouble, and he may
have been perhaps, otherwise finrn
claJly embarrassed. Not long ago
through his attorney, Kdward Gunster,
he caused an advertisement te bo
placed tin the New York World offering
t i:M a iha.lf Interest In his restaurant
for $11,000. He m:t noted for his fru
gal habits and was not a stock specn
lpitor, so that It is a surprise that he
could have become embarrassed, and if
so his standing In business was sueh
that hi could very readily raise money
among his fiie-nds. He carried life In
surance policies amounting to semie
thing between $S0,000 and $100,000. On
Friday ihe wrej'.e a letter to Attorney
Gunster in which' he bade him farewell
and told 'him to take charge of his af
fairs and settle ma titers s atiisifactotlly
to all his c,i eul tons and his family. He
ontiuiled Eiiallng that he was tired of
life and wished ai long rtet.
Ills Social Character.
Mr. Loh main was very popular and
of a cheerful ellsposltion. He waa very
much attached tn his family, and
rpared no pains to bring them up with
proper training. His eldest son, Ar
l'aultun, rcnii.
Weak Nerves
:iuml Spoils, Dyspepsia
Poor Blood
Hood's Garcaparilla Cave Strengt!
Romovod That Tlrod Fooling.
C. 1. Uuod & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" (Jontleiiien: I feel that I must say ft fe"
v. urds about Hood's SarsupHiilla, us I think It
lire beat medicine) I have over taken. I had (1)
;nsla, mill my norves wero weak, my bint,
also In bud condition, nnd I wis troubled wit
numb spells when I would sit or Ho down.
I Was So Weak
Hint I could hardly walk across tho house wtic
I began to tako Hood's Barsupurllla. I hitv
now used acvca buttles of this medicine air
have gullied In strength, can do nil my wor:
Hood's5? Cures
Bud nut. get tired, nm ever so much lift
tcr hi every way." Mas. Akma Deemkrs
l'aultun, I'e'nusylvanla.
Hood'O Pills net easily, yet proViptly ond
tCleieullj, ou Ue liver -ui b'nwlt. -int. '
Mrs. .Iniirt Dcemci'8
nold, 1s a splendid musician and h2
spnt nimiy dollars educating him. He
belcased to the Free Ma'on.i, Wilkes
P.arre I.(jJ:.;i of i:V.a, and the Royal
'iae t'liaie of Ih? has not yet
been decided upon.
There will be a kitj.vI concert and ball
gh'ca Faddem'u hall on Monday
evening, J,i. 21, for the bem iit of John
AVuswoiii'a, v.'ho was o seriously sick
of typhoid fever for about three
months. The cause Is a worthy one,
nnd It Is hoped Hint the hull will-be
croivdod. The following programme
will tp.'ak for itself: Overture, Pro-fc.-enr
Wal:cnshav's orchestra.; chorus,
twelve younif ladles; song, D. Williams;
reoltatlon, Mies Portia James; cornet
so! i, J. W. Wallveuk; duet, MS3 Mame
Grler and Mrs. II. 15. James; E.
Price; selection l y orchestra; trio, Wat
kirss and Me. and Mrs. H. U. Jones;
recltatiem, M!:a Millie Gha3on; duet,
Mtses rtella and Kmina Jame.i; song,
D. Williams. A drama will be per
formed, tntftled "Half a Mllllom," by
the Misses Pella and Kmma James,
and Messta. John Revel and David
Williams; pemg, H. P.. Joniea. A
grand ball will be held at the llnlsh.
Chairman, S. A. Norrla.
Mothers! Mothers!! .Mothers!!!
Mrr. Wlnslow's Boothlng Byrup hai
been used for over iifty years by mil
lions of mothers fcr their children whllo
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
tho child, softens the feums, alluys all
pain; cures wind colic, ond Is tho best
remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists
in every part of the world. Ho euro and
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng Syrup,"
and tako no other kind. Twenty-live cent
a bottle.
airs. Jehn Mcllugh, of Forest City,
spemt ye.-iterd.iy w'.'nh Mlnooka frie-nds.
A ball for (the benefit of Widow Kane
will be hold alt the Kuther Mat-hew hall
Jame:t Graham and Thomas Gibbons
left for Pllutsburg, Saturday.
The Hjitest gosulp among Ihe ipoW-ticla-ns
Is urn independent ticket.
A Republican caucus will be (held at
Fasahold's hall Tuesday evening.
The United Social club will hold their
weekly social Tuesday evening.
The funeral of Mrs. Tlohen took place
yesterday afternoon from her late home
on Main strerlt. Inlterment was made in
Mlnooka CaiWiolic cemetery.
Michael Gibbons, nominee-elect for
the supervfcoryh'ip, will trea't tills sup
porters In ithe reennt caucus to a sleigh
rlde tonight.
Raving suffered fro:n Dys
pepsia fur three yeurs. 1 do
ciiled to try BtinnoeK Bi.oon
BlTTe lis. and utter uiusr cue
bottle I found niyaelf bo much
better that I was encouraeed
to URO another; after taking
this I And myself no fullv re
stored that I do not need any
more metlicino. fueling truly
Ijruteful to B. B. B.
51 n. G. While.
Tab:rg, Oneida Co., N.Y.
Strung values in Clothing this
week at weak prices an instance:
to sell the remainder of the Bank
rupt Stock from the Hyde Park
Clothing store, we oiler
6o. ,
For 25c,
Boys' double breasted suits,
also Boys' warm and durablo
Cape Overcoats; regular
price, $2 and $.';
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48
Boys' Jiccfejs, with deep
sailor or velvet collars, nicely
braided; value, $3 and $1;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.95
Boys' line, all-wool Suits,
also Boy' Overcoats and Ul
sters; value, $5;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.88
A Lot of Puntd
A Lot of Vests
4 Sc.
Men's single and doublo
breasted Knits; also black ami
blue Overcoats and Ulsters;
value, ?S and fci);
Bankrupt Sale Price, $4.7
Men's all-wool Suits; also
blatk and blue Kersey Over
coats; value. i?12;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65
Men's Casaiuiere and Wors
ted rants, equal in lit aud
linisb. to reculitr 85 rants;
- Bankrupt Salt) Fiise, 32!S
230 Lackawanna Ave.
A Handsome Complexion
Ib Olio of the Breateat oharma a woman nan
poaiteMS. Pouoni' Oomplkiiom PoWDoa
given ll.
11 ll'!:'
unmi nLiLtiniiuii ohll.
S75i (&
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods,niIlinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'
Wear, &c,
The steady, increase of our business
compels us to enlarge and remodel the en
tire store for spring trade, and as the stock
will be in the wav
00 and 402 Lack Ave.,
Scranton, Pa.
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Body Brussels at
All Wool Carpets at
300 Short Lengths of Ingrains, from one to two yards,
suitable for Rugs. 75c. Ingrains at 25 cents,
63c. Ingrains at 20 cents. 5oc.
Ingrains at i5 cents.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
MORE prico slaughtering more amazing bargains in sea.
sonable goods for your benefit and gain. With una
bated force our tremendous ODD AND END SALE moves
onward each successive auuouucemeut bringing grander
and greater opportunities for money saving than its prede
cessor, and to each announcement throngs of buyers respond
from all directions. You should be au early caller, as vast
crowds will be here for these stupendous under-price offerings.
FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY we offer three dozen pair
fieavy Chenille Portieres, fine fringe top and bottom, beautiful
bright and delicate colored Frieze and Dados. A 5
Odd and End Price, ....
FOR THURSDAY ONLY we off;r two dozen Silk
Plush Rockers, spring seat, Ant. Oak polished (CO 25
frames, carved tops. Odd aud End Price, -
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY wc will sell any Heatei
(and they arc the best stove made) at 20 per cent, less thau
marked price. '
Economy's" easy-way-to-pay assists pinched finances.
35 cents, worth 50 cents
45 cents, worth 65 cents
60 cents, worth 85 cents
75 cents, worth $1.10
50 cents, worth 7S cents
p E5
! A