THE FCRAKTON TKIMTNE MOS DAY MOItMING, JAN U A It Y til, 18!JiJ. RECOLLECTIONS OF" CAPTAIN WILKIE By A. CONAN DOYLE. (These short serial stories nre copy righted by Baeheller, JohtiHon & Biu-hel-Jor, and are printed In The Tribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance In the leading dully journals of the lurge cities). "It was when I was a youngster," snlil he. "There was a bljr city man In those dnys who was known to have a very valuable gold watch. I followed him nbout for several days before I could get a. chiuiee; but when 1 did set one, you may be sure 1 did not throw It away, lie found, to his disgust, when lie got homo that day, that there was nothing In his fob. 1 hurried off with my prize, and pot It stowed away lit safety. Intending to have? It melted down next day. Now it liapinl that tlila watch possessed a special value in the owner's eyis bveause it was a Fort of ancestral possession presented by. Ills father on coming of age. or some thing of that sort. 1 remember there was a long inscription on the hack, lie Was determined not to lose It if he could help it, and accordingly he put nit ad vertisement in an evening paper offering thirty pounds reward for Its return, mid promising that no questions would be asked. He gave the address of his house, 111 Caroline square, at the end of the advertisement. The tiling sounded good enough, so 1 oil' fur Caroline Silliatv, leaving the w;Uch In a parcel at a public house which 1 passed on the way. Win n I got there, the gentleman wan at dinner; but he rutin1 out quick enough when he heard that that a young man wanted to see him. 1 sup pose lie guessed who the young man "I Managed to Pick Ilin Pocket for the Second Time." would prove to be. He was a genlal- looKlng old lellow, and he led me away with him Into his study. " 'Well, my lad,' said he. 'what Is It?' " 'I've come about that watch of yours,' said I, 'I think I can lay my hands on it.' " 'Oh, it was ynu that took It," said he. "'No, I answered; 'I know nothing whatever about how you lost it. I have been sent by another party to see you about it. Kven If you have me arrest ed, you will not llnd out anything.' "'Well,' he said. 'I don't want to be hard on you. Hand it over, and here Is my cheque for the amount.' Lheques won t do, said I; 'I must have It In gold.' " 'It would take an hour or so to col lect in gold.' said he. " 'That will Just suit,' I answered, "for I have not got the watch with me, I'll go hack and fetch it, while you raise the money. "I started olT, and got the watch where I had left It. When I came back the old gentleman was sitting behln 1 his study table, with the llttL- heap of gold in front of him. Here is your, money,' he said, and pushed it over. " 'Here is your watch,' said I. "He was evidently d. 'lighted to get It back; and after examining It carefulv, and assuring himself that It was nun" the worse, he put It Into the watch pocket of hia coat with a grunt of satis faction. " 'Now, my lad.' he said. 'I know It was you that took the watch. Tidl me how you did it, and I don't mind giving you nn extra live-pound note.' "'I wouldn't tell you in any case,1 raid I: 'but especially I wouldn't tell you when you have a wltnes hid behind curtain.' You see. I had all my wits about me, and It didn't escape me that 1he curtain was drawn tighter than It lind been before. " 'You ore too sharp for us,' said he, good humorodly. 'Well, you have got your, money, and that's an end of It 111 take precious good caro you don't get hold of my watch again In a hurry 3 mil night no; ' not that door,' he added as I niarclved toward a cup board. This is thn door," and he stood tip and opened It. I brushed past him, opened the hall door, nnd was round the corner of the square In no time. I don't know how long the old gentleman took to (hid It out, hut In passing him at the nor, I managed to pick his pot ket for the second time, and next morning the fainly heirloom was in the mcltlm; pot after all. That wasn't bad, was It?' " The old war-horse had evldenly for gotten all nbout his conversion now There was a tone of triumph In the con clusion of his anecdote which showed limit his pride In his smartness far sur passed his repentance of his misdeed He ' .-emed pleased utthe astonishment and amusement I expressed at his ' adroitness. "Yes," he continued with a laugh, "It wus a capital Joke. Hut sometimes the fun Hps all the other way, Kven the fharpest of um come to grief at times. There was one rather curious Incident which occurred In my career. You may possibly have seen the anecdote, for It fc'ot lnU print at .tlve time." "Pray le me hear It," sad I. "Well, It Is) hard lines telling stories against one's pelf, but this was how It happened: I had made a rather good haul, and Invested some of the swag In buying a very fine diamond ring. I thought it would be somethng to full lmrk upon when all the ready cash was gone and times were hard. I had Just purchased it, nnd was going back to my lodgings In the omnibus, when, ns luck Would have it, a very styllshly-dreRsed young lady came In and took her seat beside me. I didn't pay much attention to her at first; but after n- time some ' thing hard in her dress knock "d up ognlnst my hand, which my expert fncpd touch soon niadeotit to be a purje. It struck me that I could not puss the time more profitably or ngreably than by making this own. I hud to no It very carefully; but I managed n,t last ito wriggle my hand Into her nulier light pocket, and I thought tti ' I ". ft - Job was over. Just at his moment she rose abruptly to leave the 'bus, and I had hardly time to got my hand with the purse in It out of her pocket without teotion. It was not until she had been gone some time that I found out Ithatt in draivlng out my hand in that hurried manner the new and Ill-fitting ring had slipped ovw my linger and remained In the young lady's pocket. I sprang out and ran In the direction in which she had gone with the Intention of picking her pocket once again. She had dis appeared, however; and from that day till this I have never Beit eyes on her. To make the matter worse, there was only four pence half-penny in coppers In side the purse. Sairve me right for try- ng to rob such a pretty girl; still. If I had that two hundred quid now I should no be reduced to Good heavens, for give me! What am 1 saying?" He seemed Inclined to relapse into silence after this; but I was determined to draw lilm out a Jittle more. If I could possibly manage It. "There Is less per s mil risk in the branch you have been talking of," I remarked, "than there Is in burglary." Ah!" he said, warming to his sub ject once again, "it Is the higher game which is best worth aiming at. Talk about sport, sir, talk about fishing or hunting! why It is tame in comparison! Think of the great country house with Its men servants and Its dogs and its lirearms, and you only with your Jim my and your center bit, and your moth er wit, which Is best of all. It Is the trumph of Intellect over brute force. iir. as represent! d by bnU and ban s. "People generally look upon it as quite the reverse," I remarked. I was never one of those blundering life-preserver fellows," said my com panion. "1 did try ,my hand at garrot ting once; but it was against my princi ples, mid 1 gave It up. I have tried ev erything. 1 have been a bed-ridden widow with three young children; but do object to physical force." "You have been what?" said I. "A bed-ridden widow. Advertising, you know, and getting subscrlptons. I have tried itlrem all. You seem Inter ested in these experiences," he contin ued; "so 1 will tell you another anec dote. It was the inarroWi-st escape from penal servitude that ever I had In my life. A pal and I had gons down on a country beat It doesn't signify where It was and taken up our headquarters ir a littlti provincial town. Somehow It got noised abroad that we were there, and householders were warned to be eatvful. as suspicious characters h:t;l been seen In the neighborhood. We should have changed our plans when we saw the game wus up; but my chum was a ducky fellow, and wouldn't consent to back down. Poor little Jim! He was only thirty-four round the chest, nnd ibout twelve about the biceps; but there Is not a measuring tape in En gland could have given the size of his heart. He said we were In for It, and we must stick to It: so I agtved to stay, and we chose Morley hall, the country house of a certain Col. Morley, to begin with." 'Now, this Col. Morley was about the Inst man ill the world that we should have meddled with. He was a shrewd, cool-headed fellow, who had knocked about and seen tho world, and it seems that he took a special pride In the de tection of criminals. However, we know nothing of all this at that time: so we set forth hopefully to have a try at the house. 'The reason that made us pick him out anion,? the rest was that he had a good-for-nothing groom, who was a tool In our hands. This fellow had drawn up a rough plan of the premises for us. The place was pretty well locked up and guarded, nnd the only weak point we could see was a certain trap door, the padlock of which was broken. and which opened from the roof into one of the lumber rooms If we could only find a method of reaching the roof, we might force a way securely from above. We both thought the plan rather a good one. and it had a spice of origin ality about it which pleased us. It is not the mere J. w!s or plate, you know, that a good cracksman thinks about. The neatness of the Job nnd his reputa tion for smartness are almost as Impor tant In his eyes. "We had been very quiet for a day fir two. Just to let suspicion die away. U1U SSI-) A At This Moment She Nose Abruptly. Then we set out one dark night, Jim ami 1, and got over the avenue railing.1! and up to the house without meeting a soul. It was blowing hard, I remember and the clouds hurrying across the tky. We had a good look at the front of the house, and then Jim went round to the garden side. He came running back In a minute or two In a great statu of de light. 'Why, Hill,' ho said, gripping ma by the arm. 'there never was such n bit of luck! They've been repairing the roof or something, and they've l.ft i.'.io ladder standing.' We went round to gether, and there, sure enough, was the ladder towering above our heads, and one or two laborers' hods lying about, which showed that some work hail been going on during Hie day. We had a good look round, to see that everything was quiet, and then, we climbed up, Jim first and I after him. We got to the FOR 2 the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physiciansof thcwholeworld. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital strength it gives. 5cott's Emulsion nou rishes. It does more for weak Babies nnd Growing Children than any other kind of nourish ment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and restores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility. For Coughi, Colds, Sore Throat, Bron chltit,Weak Lungs, Consumptlon.Blood Disease and Lost of Fleih. Scott 4 Bonne, N. V, Alt Druggiitt. COc. indll, top, and were sitting on the slates, hav ing a bit of a breather, before begin ning business, when you can fancy our f tie 11 ngs t o see t h e la dd e t ha t we oa mv up by suddenly staiiid straight up In the air and then slowly descend Until It rested in tho garden below! At first we hoped It might have slipped, though that was bad enough; but we soon had that Idea put out of our head. " 'Hullo, up there!' cried a voice from below. AVe craned our heads over the edge, and there was a man, dressed, as far as we could make out. In evening dress, ajul standing In the middle pf the grass plot. We kept quint. " 'Hullo!' he shouted again, 'How do you feel yourself? Pretty comfortable, eh? Ha! ha! You London rogues thought we were green In the country. What's your opinion now?' (To be concluded.) Till: WORLD OF LABOR. Artificial cotton la made of wood. Sewing thread Is made of asbestos. Teeth uru tilled with annealed glass. South Carolina hay sixty gold mines. California has 2,WKI native bom Chinese. Artlllelal whulebonu Is made of leather. Oregon's yearly gold output is $1,000,000. l'Motlda's pineapple crop reaches 2,300,000. Cast Iron paving blocks are used in Paris. Hennuda farms bear three successive crops In one year. The yield of a tobacco farm is suid to be from 1100 to 1,000 pound per acre. The value of the leaf tobacco exported by this country In lsno was $:!0,t;iO,ooo. Tim genuine Damascus blades, that could be bent Into a circle, cost from $000 to $!,0e0. More public money Is spent for brass haul:i llian for schools In t lie Argentine provinces. About :!iK) organ grinders arrive In Lon don every June from Italy and leave again about Octubtr. it Is said that the gold product of Mon tana will this year show an Increase of 7." per cent, over that of 1X!B. A Hartford man has Invented a new electric motor, which he says will run more than miles an hour. Over !iO,UOO,OiJO lobsters were bred and let loose this stnsou at Woods' lloll, Mass., by the federal llsh commissioners. There were no factories in tills country IIUJ years ago, and every housewife raised her own llax and made her own linen. Of the :;o;t,75 tons of copper mined In the entire world lant year, M7.J10 tons Were the product of the I'nlted States mines. It cost J1.0HO to take a carload of fruit from Saeramemo, I'ul., to London two years ano. The rate tills year has been leducul to $700. A proposition for a great shipwey through Prance, between the Kngl.sli channel and the Mediterranean, meets Willi much abroad. lu 1S1H the production of tin in the world was estimated at tons of 2,210 pounds each. Thirty years upo the world's production of tin was not more than 13,000 tons. A Manchester (Kng.) man carries on his person a complete pickpocket alarm sys tem. Hemoval of his watch, pin or other Jewelry causes the ringing of a bell. The elect rl(.' plant weighs twenty-two ounces. Philadelphia. Record. - .Mm hie in Abundance. The Carrara marble quarries are prar tleuliy inexhaustible. The cntlremass of Monte fcagro, ii.tioo feet high, which ilom Inates Cnrrura, Is solid murble. About ltlo.ow toil of r.ini'Mc are annually ex ported, most of which comes to America. COULD HARDLY BREATHE, Catarrh of the Nose, Throat and Stomach Lifd Made Miserable by Headaches, Pain and Cough, T.Ida McCaadiess, 1230 South Thirty- fifth street, Philadelphia, in con versa lion wiiii u. leponer, nam: "i nad a very bad case ot caturrti of the nose throat and stomach, with frequent headaches, pain under the shoulder blades and a horrible cough. 1 had to keep my mouth constantly open day and night to breathe, and felt as miser able as one possibly could. 1 was ad vised to try .Munyons Cuturrh Cure. am happy to say that from the begin ning I felt relieved and continued to grow better until now I um entirely well. 1 am so thankful that this re markable remedy was ever discovered. nnd hope others will take advantngu of my experience, ilave you catarrh? Are you .willin to investigate u ircuimcnt that cures Catarrh by removing the cause? If ko link your druggist for u i'5 cent bottle of Munyon s catarrh Cure and n 2.1 cent bottle of Catarrh Tablets. The Catarrh Cure will eradicate the disease from the system, nnd the Tablets will cleanse nnd nenl the niMicun parts nnd restore them to a natural and healthful condi tion. Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Itcm edy company, of Philadelphia, put up siiecllics lor nearly every disease. which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 2u cents u bottle. A PpcMed Moto In tli HJtntrn trade ban sot tn nnd It 111 pnv y 11 to ex.iinmo thn stock of JUKJBWra. t 4Jfi iirucohtiuct. Fine linonf anperior pui-kot cutlery, razors, it.. for Holt ilny trade. Guns ami uittmiuiH'on at bottom llirurftft, AU" wTit Hi'cotitl liiiinl v hooU at pricef. thut will Abtoniub vuu. Seeing is bolioviny REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Kxpcrt in lIot'HCHlioclttg and Dentistry, is Now I'crniuncntly Locutcd on West I.uckuwitnna Ave,, Near the Bridge. BKITKIt M10B CO., ItK'n. CtVttol, $1, 000,004. llltST ai.ftO hllOK IN THK VOIU.D. "A dollar tnred it a dollar tnrntii." t Thli I.iwIIi.h' Hoi Id 'ranch nmigoln Kid BnN touliuol dellvorad fra unywhem In tli U.S., on reaaiiuoiiiMn, hoiwj uraf r, or l'oaul Mot for il.M. ICqnalu erjr tl boot old Id nil null Mom for 1.60. W miiko tbli boot oui-mIt, thoniforo wo piiar antra Mm v.vw hi, writr. onii it ny oh ( not unified wo win noma in mnuey Mina Knottier poir. open. oo or common Htov, width! C, IV K, k EK. i io um . BtndvourHu; k will fit . Illuatreted lofrtio Dexter SHOEESiLS- BU'.lltlOJIlJtliiftili'HtitlJWIi'MIiJWirt. illl Mud it.LftTnn.riNC 1 ir XJcrn F m ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Tett of Tlmt MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED M alllMIIIII B RAILWAY'S KKADY RELIEF is safe, reliable anil effectual because of the stim ulating ai llon which It exerts over the nerves and vital powers of tho body, aild liitf tone to the one and IncltliiK to re newed und Increased vlKor the slumbering Vitality of the physical structure, and tliroueli this healthful stimulation und Increased action tho cuuso of PAIN Is driven away and a natural condition re stored. It Is thus that the KKADY Itb; I.IKK Is to udnilrably udapted for tho t'l'KF. nl-' i'AIN and without the risk of Injury which Is sure to result from tho use of many of the so-called pain reme dies of the day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Krep a Supply of Always In the boiiMe. Its use will prove benelieiul on nil oecuHloiiH of pain or ab-k-ness. There binothlnt; hi tho world th:it will stop puin or iirrest tho inowresH of iliseioie uu quick us the KHADY Rli LlUf. CURES AND PREVENTS Coi'f;, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dlf , ticuit Breathing. CT'RKS TIUO WtiltST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NOT INK HOUR utter renillmt this iidvertlHeuient need uny one SUFFIOlt WITH PAIN. ACHES AM) PAIN'S. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neiii hIkIu, rheuiiiHtlHm, luni baKo, puiiiH and wnikness in the huek, Kplne or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleiiriHy, nwelllne; of the Joints and pubis of nil kinds, the application of ltadway's Iteiuly Itelief will uiTord immediate nise, and its eonilniici use for a few days ef fect n permanent euro. Internally A half to a tenipoonful in half a tumbler ot wuter will. In a few minutes, euro Cininps, Spautns, Sour hloinaeh, Nausea, Vumitiuc;, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head ache, Flatulency ar.d all Interiml pains. There Is not a remedial aitent in the world that will cure Fever and Asue nnd nil other Malurlous, Itillous nnd other fevers, aided by. KADWAY'K Pll.I.S. so quickly as I'.ADW AV'S KUADY K 1,1 KF. Price M cents per bottle. Sold by all drut'Sists. Always Reliable. Purely YegetaDlo. v..w.. laoiviGua, vtunilllj uun.ntl, piii'Ke, regulate, imrlfy, cli.tinsa nnu streiifc-then. RADWAY'S TILLS for th cure of all disorders of tho Biomiicii, liowcls, ICldr.cys, Bladder, Nervous Lila earoa, Lilzzlnosa, Vortltio, Costlvenoss, I'lles, SICK HEADACHE, . FEMALE COMPLAINTS. INDIGESTION, E"-'SNESS DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE UVER. Observe tho following tympomj result Itu; from diseases of the digestive o.tjuhj: Constipation, inward pile.'), fullr.axs of blood lu the head, acidity of tho stounicn, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full ness of weight of tho ttomach. cour oruc tatlons, Hiuklnit or tlotlorlns of tho heart, choking or audocatlna' icnantlrns when In a lying posture, dimness of vljlco. dots or wba uufore tho uluht, fovor and !ll puin In tho head, deficiency o.' penpl ra tion, yellowness of tho nkln nnd y. ialn InthoBldo, ohest, limbs, and sudden fluihaj of heat, burning- in th float). A fow dosos of ItADWAV'fl PILLS will free tho system of all the abo .'caaiod dlsordurs. Prlca 25c. per box. Sold by Druggists or sent by mill. Bend to DK. RADWAY & CO.. Look Eox iCii, KeV York, for Hook ot Advlco, li,.r.....l ...... i...,nn.i.. .1 WHEN THE The goods are yours at your own price, if you buppcu to be the lucky bidder. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALES of C. W. Freeman's valuable and high class stock of Diamonds, Wutchcs, Jewelry, Silverware, , Bric-a-Hruc, etc THIS SALE IS POSITIVE, as the store is rented, the fixtures for sail', etc., und Mr. Freeman positively retires from business. AUCTION SALES a. 30 AND 7.30 P. M. 1 Private sulci at less than cost price during the intervals between aucltous. COL S. M. McKEE, AUCTIONEER. DADWAY'S 11 READY BELIEF. RADWAY8 HAMMER FALLS riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the boat quality for domestic one, and of all hIzvh, delivered In any part of the city (it lowest prlco. Order lift at my Ofllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Roar room, limt noor. Third National Hunk, or sent by mall or telephone to tho tilne, will revolve prompt attention. Bpeolal contractu will be muilo for th tail utd delivery of Buckwheat Coal, WM. T. SMITH. OUR Ml HBBBS Tho Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OR HERBS, BURKS, RGQTS And will Ponittv(l euro nil rtie arising from IMPURE BLOOD, MUCH A3 Rhetiinutism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dxs- ficpsiu, Fever and Anne, Scroti! a, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Discuses. E. M. 1IETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every hex Rurrnnteid to u'tva Buttefurtlon or money refunded. Fall printed diiuotioiw from n child to a tfrowii poi'Kun. It in pur dy vetfetnblonnd cannot uotjitivoly liunu ttio most temliir inti'.ut. Insist o i having Dr. Camp bull's: accent no other. At ull Di'u:tlts, -in WONDERFUL Sot'TU R-ltANTOS, Pa, Nov. 10. 1B!)I. Mr. C VV. Cuni.lill-Dour Sir: I Imva Biven my boy, Freddio, 7 yemn old, Bonio of r. ('umplielrii Ma-ic Worm buifur olid Tni, nnd to my gurpriuu this afternoon nbout 3 o'clork ho patihtfd a tapeworm nieumirtntf about lii fwt in length, hi-nd and ad. 1 havi it iu a buttlu und any person wibhirig to hmii it ran d'l ho by cnUliig at my atoni I bad tried numerous otlr 1 unirdini recommended for taking tap-jwormn, but all failed. In my eHtiniatiou Dr. Campbell's is tho groutettt worm remedy in exiatsin-e. Yours v ?rv reaneetfully, FRED HKFFNEB, W! Bch 8t Note Tho above is what everybody buys aftor oneo udnif. Muunfauturod by ( W. I'liuipbrll, l.nncaMer, Pa. tflKTeasur to Dr. JoliuluuipUdl is Son. ll'S Ml LAGER BEER BREWERY. MoDufa tm ers of tba Celebrate! Barrels per Annum Ti HIT a GONHELL CO., SIAM-FAcic:inr.3' AarttTS for TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRH ROPE. VAHALEH&COS STEEL NAILS. OXFORD (RO C9.S MERCHANT BAR IRO.t REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING A!10 HOSE. FAYERWEATHER &LADEWS "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEffiENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFF1NG IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. RBI (faS-Slfffl y u bi iu ti n v n vt dz u bi m n . i n rj CAPACITY I Cfflp&F$iiY(j D0S6S Ml Patent Medicines, Electric Appliances, Specifics, I Druggists' Prescriptions. Quack's Nostrums. You Will See the Dose Given by The English Specialist, DR. W. H. HACKER, 11 Is Small, 6u1 Look at tha Result. TREAT CURE AND 1 OF SCRANTON. IlKJU, WILLIAM CONNEI.L, "resident. tiLO. U. CATI.1N, Vice-President. WILLIAM 11. l'l.CK, Cubhicr. MU1XTOUS: Willinra Council, James Arclibnld, Al fred Hand, (ieorgo II. Cntlin, Henry llelin, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. Tito management or this bonk points with pride to Its record during tho panic of IHUH, and previous ponies, when spec ial facilities were extended to its business accounts. Iic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND KUSH DALH WOK1CS. L-alllln & Rand Powder Co.'s Orange Gun Powder Electric linttcries. Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Rcpauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives Knropeun rinn. Flrst-clnss Knr nt inched. Depot for lierencr & Kn0'lo' Tannhaeuser Beer. S.E.C0P. 15th and Filbsrt Sts., Pbila. Most desirable for residents of N. B. l'ennpylvunlu. All conveniences for travelers to and from Brond Street Mution and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Deslruble for visiting tv'titntontun!! and people in the An tliiuclto Mcgion. T. J. VICTORY, rilOPBIETOR. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING i r i i L'd a i m a f Slacufarturel at tho Wnpwnlloprn Mills, Lt zeine county. Pa., uuu nt Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming Dibtriot. 113 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Kational Bank Building. AOKNCIES : TITOS. FORI). I ittston. Pa. .li. H B. SMITH & SON. Plvmonth. To. K. W. WULUUAN, Wilkos Barri), Pa. At'ciitn for tho Kcpauuo C'lieniieal Com bsny's HIkIi Explosives. lliisim.iiHt trot r.jik u m m n . ffW f2 TiESTORES VITALITY. Wmm Made a m DnMJTtP hrM Well Mar isthi)uy. 0fMc THE GREAT 30tli Day. produces t lie ahovo result n in 30 days. It ti liowcrliiliy and giiii kly. Cm', a nlim all uthoru tail Vounsmeuwillri-saiu tholr lout ole men will recover thiir youthlut visor by unini ttiCVI O. It quickly aud Mttvly reito,'e Nervous tii'iis, I.O!-t Vitality, hur-oicncy. Niubtly tiuiiion.. t."at tuner. I'aillia Military, Wastina DIoii'B.uit all ctr.'cts of nolt-abiisj orcin'Miaud lniliwriitioa ivhicli uulith one tor ntu,ly. bniui.'SK ormaiTiasfl. It not only cures tiy ttarttim at ttie neat of d.'ic.w, but isaiircat nerve tonic an J blond (milder, brin: ii'lt back the pink glow to jmlo chcrksanlrc torinic t'.io lire of youth. It arl off Jnnanii.v m l Coiismniitlon. iiinl-t on kavinn RKVIVO, no oilier. It c-n tie carriil in rrst pocki t. I!y mti) 1.O0ri"rtiacko;i,or cii torbS.OU, with post 'ive wrlttcu euursnteo to mro or refuii 'ho money. Circular free. Address 0rf,l MEDICINE CO.. C3 River St., CHICAGO. IU Cor nil by Miitthirs Itros., Vrarsl' Kcranton . V. nn ERRORS OF YOUTH. Opposite trt ACADEMY OF MUSIC rauilUM I , JMINwAriT iff. The Groat Sceuio Romance, LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN A Beautiful Story of Life in tho Far North, bf EDWIN BARBOU R. Marvelous .Mechanical Lffccts I The Prison of Kruavilc. The Electrio Sun. The ilino Explosion. Tho Volcanic Eruption, Rale of Seats opens Friday, Jan. 18. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, JAN. 22. ENGAGEMENT OP MRS. POTTER , MR. BELLEW Exnellont Cumpatiy, Presentiuu iheir Latust and Ureutest Bueee.s, A DRAMATIC EVENT. PRICESFiMt Floor, Sl.uO, 81,00 and Too. J Balcony, S. and Otic. ; Gallery, 2 3c. Hide of si ats op nn Haturday, Jan. 19. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21, 22 and 23. TheC rownlng Success Tue Comcdv-Drama of the Senaon, il BARREL OF MONEY TIic Greatest of Sensational Coin cd y-I)i'anias, RELOiii;oNEy.'!iUr Vnt Wt5h "A BAR" ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENT3 TwoDorformancesdjily at 2 30 and S. 10 p. m. Next Attraction-"SI DE-TRACKED." Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Clippers, Alligators, Self-Steering Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleigbs In Clippers and Bent Wood Knees and the .Montrose (ius Tubing Sleighs. We have over 100 dozen in stock and will sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 LACKAWANHA AVENUE. AY LESWO RTH '5 MEAT MARKET The Finest in the City. The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. CHARLOTTE Results. nzT Soruce St.. Now Hotel Jermyn, Scranton, PW 1