W4 W I 5&K4' V wwv EIGIIT PAGES 5G COLUMNS. SCIt-ANTON, PA., MOXDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1895. TWO CENTS A COPY. VOORHEES JUDHGEE BUT The Former Warm I'olitical rriends Arc Strangers Now.' THE CAUSE OF THE KLTTURE Voorhees Claims That .Mngce's Ally, Sen utur l lliiii, Threw Illin Down In the Orgiinlatlonof the Present House. Other Capital Notes. Bpeclnl to tho Soranton Tribune. Harrlsburir. Pa., Jan. 20. The bonds of political friendship which so ions ox Jpted between Chris L. Magee, the Ile lubllcan leader of western Pennsylva nia, and Charles K. Voorhees, of l'luila deliJhia, late chief clerk of the house Of representatives, have been suddenly snapped In Hwaln. The rupture be tween these two prominent politicians liUs created almost as much interest and surprise anions the lawmakers and politicians mt the state capital as Uio break between Senator Quay and Dave Martin over the defeat of Senator Pen rose for mayor by the Republicans of PhXad.'lplvia. The (lUurrcl between Mat;ee und Voor liees occurred In tills city during the In niiKUiutleui of tiovernor Hastings and would prohoably have resulted in a per sonJl encounter In the cafe of the Com monwealth hotel hud ti itt mutual friend interfered. The trouble had Its origin with the failure of the l'hii.-idelplilan to secure a re-election, for which he holda his former fr!cm! responsible. They jnrt at the Comnionwculth last week for the first time since it!:e owanizal km of 'the present leyixl.ittire and Vouchees ut onre accused Slapree of bringing about his political downfall. Illumes Senator Hinn. The ex-chief t-l.-rk declared he would have been re-elected if ikiKee and Sena tor Klimi, of Al'.eiv'ueny, had reinalnod at liyie and kept hands off. He ac cused Senator i'linn of having goti" to Philadelphia early In December an.l, at a conference between Dave Martin and others to arranu? a slaile for the ornnni- za.tion of tho legislature, threaten to re pitrn his scat in the senate unless an other chief clerk of the house was chos en. Flinn complained that Voorhees had interfered with certain lefrlslarJon tit the last session of the legislature in which his constituents were specially .Interested. Mageo admitted this ra correct and made tho same charge aguinpt Vour-ihi-es, which so angered hlru that he tmlked much more plainly to the Pitts burger 'than he Is accustomed to having hls friends do. Magee told Voorhees he was responsible for his failure to secure, enottier term, .that lie was grlad to be able to have defeated him and that If it had not Ix-en for him (JIageo) Senator Quaywoulff Mtve "dumped" the chief clerk four years ago. Both men talked very plainly aind made ugly charges against each other. Magee trembled with rage and Ito prevent a. probaibl. fisticuff friends interfered and led him away. The following day Voorhees and the Pittsburg leader met Again and, ex cept to coolly bid each other the tlnv of the day, nothing passed between them. Kx-Representative Crawford, of Phila. delphLi, a personal friend of both, tried to bring them together, but his efforts to restore peace were barren of good results. Vooiihees tells his friends in this city, and they are legion, that he has decid. ed to quit polities and f ir 'that reason win not accept the position of secretary to the chairman of .the city Republican committee, tendered him recently b the political leaders. He has accept..-d a flattering offer from a large insuvsuiri company to enter Its service as a: ex . eeutive officer. Voorhee's hostility to the Penrose bill abolishing the public buildings commission was the beginning of tho end of his political career. The (.liiuy-.Viarlin t.luurrel. The lawmakers iund politicians have not ceased 'to wonder what will bo the outcome of tire quarrel between Quay and Martin. Those who have hereto fore been friendly to both do not know which way to turn or whore Vey will land. A Philadelphia .member of the house paid today of the quarrel: "I have concluded to stand off and watch Quay and Martin fight and then rob th dead." That is likely to be the result of the trouble. The majority of the politicians will keep hands off until both men htave given an exhibition of their political strength and then cust their fortunes with the stronger. The Appointment of Staples. Speaker Walton gave his colleagues 8 surprise on Thursday by the an nouncement of hla appointment of Representative Staples, of Luzerne, ns the minority member of the committee on rules, the most Important commit tee In the house. It was expected that the speaker would select Representa tive Fowl, of Philadelphia, or some other old member for this committee. Ills reason for honoring Mr. Stnples with this appointment Is solely because of the 'Personal friondshlp existing be tween them. The speaker and the member from Luzerne were born at Straudsburg- and went to school to gether. Thefricndship which then ex isted has ever since maintained, al though they have for many years lived In different communities, and as Mr. Staples Js bright and Intelligent and gives promise of making a creditable record Mr. Walton! decided to honor the schoolmate of his youth with one of thw most desirable appointments at his dis posal. Of the new members of the house none a iv more popular or attentive to duty than David Singer, tho Pennsyl vania Democrat from the Fourth Phila delphia legislative district. He takes an active part in proceedings and Is rairely absent from hils seat during- the sessions. Mr. Singer Is a logloul and ' convincing talker, ready debater and one of the best all around members of the house, and withal modest and unassuming. Uepresentntlve Stewart, the dean of the Philadelphia delegation, has Intnv duced a ibHl In the house to relieve renl estate -brokers of a tax which he cou Hitters unjust. Under the Interpreta tion of Auditor General llregg, of the tiwolawsrelatlveto the taxation of such brokers, they are lluble for a tax of 3 per cent., the same ns regular brokers, There are over 1.600 real estate men in Pennsylvania, (lenerul (Iregg assist ed In the preparation of the Stewart - bill, which makes them liable for a Continued on Puge 2. DISTRESS IN NEBRASKA. Hundreds of I-unilltcs Have Notulug to liut and Children Are Naked. By tho United Press. Greeley Center, Neb., Jan. 20. The distress In this part of the state Is ap palling. No picture of the suffering has been overdrawn and a great many sad cases have been suppressed. Thus far there has been but little cold weaither and no snow. Hundreds of families had nothing to eat and no fuel and children re so nearly naked that they are kept from school. At least one-fifth of the people of 'this county have become county charges, which has depleted the county treasury and de preciated county puper until it is not worth more than half of Its face value, and is still going down. It is impossible for the people to care for the destitute, tind unless a large amount of outside assistance is received at once some of the worthy farmers and their families will perlBh. The peo ple are most In need of clothing, and anything in that line cannot fall to al leviate suffering. HAWAIIAN AGITATION'. President Cleveland Makes a Statement Regarding the Situation uud Submits Correspond!; tic.:. By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 20. President Cleveland ma.de the following state ment this evening with respect to the Hawaiian question, which he seemed entirely willing to discuss. No information has been received which Indicates that anything will happen in' Hawaii making the presence of one of our naval vessels necessary, unless we are prepared to outer upon a policy and course of conduct violative of every rule of international law and utterly unjustlllable. All who take any Interest In the question should keep in view that Hawaii is entirely Independ ent of us and that In Its relations to us It Is ti foreign country. A ship has been sent to Honolulu, not because there has been any change In the policy of the administration, and not because there seems to be any Imminent neces sity for Its presence there. The cssil has been sent In precise accordance with the policy of the administration in every case of the kind and from mo tives of extreme caution, and because there is a possibility that disturbances may be renewed which might result in injury to itli. persons or property of American citizens entitled to the pro tection of 'the Visited States. This course was a t once dttermlned upon ns soon as the information reached the government of the recent revolt. "So far from having the slightest ob jection to making public the instruc tions which were given to the com mander of the Philadelphia and the dispatch he will carry to Mr. Willis, our minister In Hawaii, I am glad to put them before my fellow citizens. Here they are: The Officio! Instructions, v Washington, Jan. 1!). Hear Admiral T)ear.lFlee, Flagship Phila delphia, San Knmelsi o: Proceed with the I'nited States ship Philadelphia Willi dispatches to llonolul i, II. 1. Your purpose as the United Slates senior naval cllicer there will be the pro tection of the lives and property of Amer ican citizen!", in case of civil war in the Islands, extend no aid or support, moral or physical, to any of the parties (nga'.;."l therein, but keep steadily In view your duly to protect tho lives and property of nil of such citizens of tho United States r,s shall not, by their participation In such eivll commotions, forfeit their rights In that regard to the protection of the Amer ican Hag. An American citizen, who, dur ing a revolution In a foreign country, par ticipates in an attempt by force of urnu or violence to maintain or overthrow the existing government, cannot claim Hi:, t the government of the United Slate) shall protect him against the conse quences of such net. Show these Instruc tions to and consult freely with the United States minister at Honolulu upon all points that may arise, seeking his opin ion and ailvlco whenever practicable upon the actual employment of the forces und'-r your command, bearing In mind that the llplomatlo field nnd polillcnl Interests of the i'nited States are ill his charge. Af ford hlin such aid in all emergencies as may be necessary. Attention Is called to article 2S7 of the United Slates navy regu lations as amended. Acknowledge by U lcKi-ntn. (.Signed) Herbert. Washington, Jan. ID. Willis, Minister, Honolulu: Although your telegram reporting up rising of Jan. U dot s not Indicate that you regard the presence of a war ship neces sary, the president deems It advisable that one proceed Immediately to Honolulu for the protection of American citizens and property should a contingency arise re quiring It. You, as our solo diplomat!. representative, will confer with the com manding ollicer as to the assistance which his Instructions contemplate in ease of need. (Signed) Oreshum. Secretaries Oresham ond iterhert were In conference with President Cleveland for several hours at the white house, tonight presumably discussing Hawaiian uffalrs. The cabinet olllcers say they have received nj additional news besides that already communicat ed to the press. Hcv. Dr. Iluclinnun Dead. By the United Press. Philadelphia, i Jun. 20.-Itev. Kdward Young Iluchunan, 1.U, for more than fifty years a minister of the ProteBtant I'iplscopal church, died today, aged 81. Dr. Iluchunan kas born In Mercersburg, this state, unil was a younger brother of Presi dent James lluchnnan, Por thirty years prior to he was rector of Trinity church, this city. In 1KS2 Dr. Kuchanun was forced to resign his pastoral charne owing to tlid lnllrmltlcs of Increasing years. K FY STON F V I C, X FTT I-S. Jacob I. Dlpner, of llarrlshurg, fell down Bin I is at the Central hotel and was killed. Itev. F, C. Yost, pnslor of St. John's Itefornied church, Phoenlxvllle, has re signed. Charles P. Adams, of Carlisle, has been appointed law clerk In the attorney general's Department. A gang of Italian laborers on the elec tric rem 1 1 between Lancaster and N'ew Holland aro on strike. While picking coal on the Pending rail road tracks at Lebanon, Daniel Kunx wus struck by a truln anil killed. Falls of coal at Shainokla fntnlly In jured Mike Coaluskio, while John Dun kow and Htanny Siegman had their hands crushed. Thomas and William J. Morgan, hoys of Phoenlxvllle, were badly Injured while coasting, their sled running under tho feet of a homo. Tho I) and Id-Inch mill at the Lochlel Rolling mills, Harrlsburg, which have been Idle since Dee, 22, will resume today with a three-quarter force. BROOKLYN'S TROLLEY WAR No Material Channe in tiic Strike '.situation Yesterday. MOKE TROOl'S AKE REQUESTED Present Torce I'nublo to Copo with the Mob-Wires Are Cut, Cars Stopped and Motormcn and Conduct ors Hourly Handled. By the United Press. Hrooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 20. There was no change in the strike situation here this morning. Up to noon the com panies hud made no effort to Btart cars on any of the lines which were expected to be opened today, nnd but few on those they had in operation. Large crowds gathered In the vicinity of the various depots, but most of tho per sons composing them were sight seers and they gave the pi dice and militia but little trouble. J Mayor Schleivn took hold of the strike with new determination today. Public Indignation at repeated disturbances In spite of police and military, und public discomfort due to the failure of the companies to restore the operation of their roads even with the uld of police und troops, stirred lilm ito action. He sent for the strike leaders and also for the railroad presidents and held pro tracted conferences. Nothing was ac complished that bring the strike any nearer sittletnent. Mr. Connelly, the strike leader, later gave out the proposition that the men made to the mayor. It was that tli companies restore to their pay rolls nil men who were In their employ Jan. J2, and the mayor to appoint a committee to whom both sides could submit their case und the committee to dindde who Is to remain In the employ of the roads and at what terms. The men made no condition requiring the discharge of tho men employed to till their places. This proposition was rejected by the presl denta of the companies. Mayor Sohleren, aficr the failure of his attempted arbitration, decided that the situation was becoming grave. Ho lii'l'l a consultation with lh igudlcr Gen eral McLeer and they decided to make a request on the governor for additional troops. The mayor Issued a proclama tion requiring all persons to refrain from assembling In the streets until quiet Was 'restored and notifying the public that the police have been or dered and the militia requested to dis perse any unlawful assemblage. I ulton Street Wires Cut. The wires on the Fulton street line were cut In several places early this morning. At 1.30 o'clock a crowd of B.000 persons congregated on Itergen street between Vanderbilt avenue and Classon avenue. A car was stopped nnd the motormnn taken off. Tho car was stoned by the men, who also placed heavy stones on the track. The re serves were ordered ito the spot and soon restored order. There was a disturbance almost In tho E'.-.adow of the First precinct station house at 3.30 p. in. A car on of the Sfvcnth avenue line lost its grip on tlu trolley for a monvnt, and a crowd was assembled In an Instant. Two or three p;.'.'cemen who were present attempted to drive the crowd back. Olilcf r Ha.' l irtrton was Ftiuck In tho face by a bl Swede. He attempted to arrest the r.i.in and the crowd rushed to the res t tie of the prii'oner. The police whistled for 'hcl ii and the Swede was finally at lvrled. crowd of toughs on the Itergen street bluffs stoned the cars of that Hue and caused considerable troubl.? ail the afternoon. The police charged lie crowd, which, iiumbeit.l sevei.'l hundred, and nrrcnteil a man named (iallagher. Clubs were ued freely for a while. The bluff was finally cleared and UjO police stationed there on patrol duty. Tho ftiikers claim that the new men dese rted today. ti n of Riot on llmnilton Avenue. A Court street car, run by a green motorman, got stuck at the corner of Hamilton avenue und Court street at 1..JD o'clock today. A large crowd of Ktrlkers Immediately collected and soon began throwing stones. The crowd grew larger nnd more menacing nnd a hurry call was sent in to headquarters for more men. The reserves from three precliiols were sent to the scene Imme diately. They cleared the street nnd run the disabled car Into the stables ut Hush street. The first car that has left the depot of the Fulton street line In Kast New York since, the strike bejran, rolled out this afternoon about 2 o'clock. It was guurdiMl on all sides by soldiers with fixed bayonets. Over H.OOO men and women were gathered In the vicinity, but they made no dcmomUrutltm. The car wormed Its way along ut slow speed until It reached Manhattan crossing. The troops returned to the depot about 200 yeards away and eight more cars followed on the same headway, with similar results. The crowd 'was very orderly, tho presence of. three companies of In fantry, backed by eighty mounted po lice, having a deterring effect. Of the ten cars only one got through without Interruption. The others were blockaded nt Saratoga avenue by build ing materials that were carried from some houses In course of erection and deposited on the track. Tlp .mllltila stationed at all the depots ond stables yesterday remained on duty at those places today. After the conft-reiice at the mayor's house, Prtvii dont Norton paid that his position was unclivwiged, and that lie refused the proposition made 'by strike lenders for the reason that he has men to operate ell of h'ls lines If afforded gufllulent pro tection. President Lewis declined to talk mud President Wicker had nothing to say. .More Troops Ordered Out. Albany, N. Y Jan. 20. Oovernoir Morton wins on duty until late tonight In his olllce at tho executive maiuelon. The Kovernur Ithls afternoon received a telegrnin from Mayor Kchlt-ren, of Urooklyn, asking for additional troops und Adjutant (leneral McAlpIn wired (lenernl Fitzgerald, as commander of the First brigade, located in New York city, orderinK him to assemble his bi'lgade of 4.K00 men mud to report for Immediate duty in Urooklyn, There are ivow 3,000 troops of the Second brigade on duty iln Brooklyn, and by tomorrow thvre will be over 7,000. The soldiers on guard In Urooklyn the past two days ih'ave experienced much inclement weather and the reinforce- m-enits were called ten provide for rallefa as well as for additional safety. New York, Jan. 20. At 6.30 o'clock toni!o;h an order w.as Issued by Brigade Genera! Louis Fitzgerald orduring all members of the Second brigade ito thcilr respective armories to prepare for Held duty ait once. The greater portion of the members of the" brig-ade answered at once to the call, and at midnight W'ttre waiting for orders to move to Brooklyn. Address hy the Strikers. Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 20. There was a meeting of strikers this evening. The meeting lasted until nearly midnight. An address to the citizens of Brooklyn was then issued. In substance It Is as follows: Citizen Seven days since the em ployes of the Urooklyn trolley lines wore driven from their posts by soulless cor porations because they were human he ings und unable to work another year un der the terrible strain put upon them by being compelled to run trolley curs through crowded streets ut a high rate of speed for fourteen hours for a day's work, though they contracted for only ten hours. All our offers to arbitrate were cruelly re jected. The cars are not yet run In spite of military and police not because of our violence, but because the companies can not get skilled labor to work upon their terms as to what shall constitute a day's work. The companies' ofilcers do not want to operate the roads as long us they can hoodwink the mayor and the public. If they did every wheel, without the help of tho police or military, would be running In one hour. Tho whole strike, heurtleBS as it Is, Is caused by those who wish to depreciate the stocks of tho company held by out siders. Wo have bowed to the written law und shall salute Cessler's hut until the great majority of suffering beings llnd out what we, 111 bitterness, have learned that the laws, the Judges nnd the government nre for the rich, the power ful und tho grasping. Our servants they nhoi'M be, our masters they ore When, oh, w'.-n will come the day when their vows shall be spilled on the ground. 1 cdcrnl Troops to Iteport for Duty. Urooklyn. Jan. SI. There is a proba bility of federal troops being asked for, In view of the Interference with roads which carry the malls. Members of the First Artillery, United States Army, stationed at Fort Hamilton, who have been away from the pout on leave, were notilied tonight to report for duty at once, us all leaves of absence are can celled. , , SCOTT'S BODY FOl'XD. The Mystery of Ihc Disappearance of the Holt County Treasurer Cleared Ip at Last. By tho United Press. O'Neill. Neb., Jan. 20. The body of Barret Scott, the defaulting treasurer of Holt county, and who, while out riding with his family New Year's day, was fired upon by a party of vigilant niul dragged fioni his carriage and taken away, was found last night in the Niobrara river. A new-hemp rope about one-half inch in diameter was about his ntck and the end' dangled In the water. Kvldenees show that he was hiingetl before thrown Into the water. ( The credit of the finding of the body is largely due to the energy nnd enter prise of the citizens of the vicinity. A weilc ago Friday a search began for Scott, but the wc-.ither at the time was so severo that many of the si archers froze lingers, noses and ears and work was temporarily suspended. Saturday morning by concerted action on the part of the citizens of that vicinity and delegations from O'Neill, Atkinson, Spencer and Butte, the work was re sumed and resulted ns above stated. Aft -r the lindlliq; of the body this morning- an lnquni't was held. A num ber of witness. ? wi re examined and a verdict Tendered 'that Seott came to his death ait the hamds of Oeorge Mulllhan, Mj-jo Ivllior, Mont Roy, Janus Pinker man, and othnrs whese na.mi s haw not yet been d.-vovcrc.l. The men named above have already bvn nrre.'iticd and put under 'ball, but tin effort will be made to have the amount of the bail ralacd to a sum that shall more nearly l aippriKich the enormity of the ci lm. with which they are charged. The bail Is nmv only $."i00. At the conclusion of the .inriuest the remains were immedi ately forwarded to O'Neill. A very quint and .sturdy determina tion has been manifested by the law and order people of Holt county that no e-ton? should lv left unturned until Scott's body wus found anul the guilty panties brought to justice. The first pant ef this determination has been ac complished and they are now going bout iwlth the anie steady purpose to avenge iln a hg'.il way the most elastardly murder In the history of thl3 part of the country. RF.I'l'BLIC IN CONTROL. Hawaiian Gocrnment Able to Suppress Any llluek uud Tun Insurrection. By the United Press. New York, Jan. 20. A dispatch o the Sun from San Franslsco ways: The Honorable Francis M. Hatch, Ha waiian minister of foreign affairs, who itanhed here a week ago from Hono lulu and was bound for Washington upon butiiif ss of 'importance to three (rovei nmcnts, has b.en compelled by the disturbance In Ha.wall to chanae his plans a'lHl return ito Honolulu with all possible despatch. I Minister Hatch fays .that the gov ernment of the republic Is in complete control, thut It Is ma-ster of the E.lun tkm, and that there Is no question of Its power to suppress any disturbance. . . Tho Philadelphia Sails. By the United press. San Francisco. Jan. 20 The cruiser Philadelphia nailed for Honolulu ut 11 o'clock this morning. M ISCELLANE OUS Wl RINGS. Postponement of probate of James O. Fair's will at 'Frisco points to a hot con test. IHsehnrged union motormcn at Fort Wayne, Int., will sue the trolley company for damages under a state law. After killing Ills wife, John Qulnn, ex rouvlct, of Dulton, (la., took Hiryclinue, but wus saved by tho overdose. Tho .flight of Mill Superintendent J. A. Potter from Chlltonvllle, Mass., reveals a i;,U00 shortage, and private citizens will suiter. By a sawmill boiler explosion nt Alto, Tex., Tol Hlchards, Alexander Lewis, William Lewis und Abner Lee, colored, were killed. Appointments of thirty-four more sen ale employes In Nebraska than the law ullow's has provoked a strugglo with the slate auditor. For Mealing tho love of Mrs. Will II. Classen, O. W. Wallace wus fatally shot by the Injured husbund on a train tivur Edmund, O.'T. LIVELY DEBATE EXPECTED Hawaiian Question W ill Arouse Elo quence in Congress. CHICAGO DES1KES MILLIONS An Effort to Get tho Urgent Deficiency Dill Out of the Way-Action Desired on tho .Measure to Improve the Navy. By tho United Press. AVashington, Jan. 20. The Hawaiian debate that sprang up In the senate early Saturday and was cut short by the ceremonies that had been arranged fotl the day in memory of the lute Sen ator Vunce, Is likely to be resumed to morrow with Increased vehemence. The fact that a warship has been sent to Hawaii will not cause the Republicans to recall the Aldrlch resolution declara tion in favor of this course. Republi can senators will endeavor to show that this step was not taken until It up peured to the authorities here thut such a vessel was not wanted. But nt the same time Senator Lodge und thers will probably contend that this Im pression wus based upon a misconcep tion on tho part of our minister of the purpont of the statement made to him by President Dole", or the Hawaiian re public. It Is likely that the discussion over the Hawaiian matter may con sume the morning hour for several days. The chairman of the appropriations committee hopes to get his conference report on the urgent deficiency bill with Its Income tax provision out of th way tomorrow, nnd he will then call nil nnd seek to get a vote this v.tek on the bills making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic service and for fortilleatlons and other defenses. The flirt named bill will probably be re ported to the senate tomorrow. It Is likely that an cffoi-t will be made this wei k to get action on the bill re ported by Mr. Butler on the sixteenth of this mouth providing for the re-oigan- lzatlon nnd increase in the elilclency of the personnel of the navy and marine corps. Officers of the line, who ure especially benefitted by this measure, have been deluging senators with tele grams urging them to call this bill up and give it their support. Chicago's .Modest Hcqlicst. Chlcajro will come to the front In the house of representatives tomorrow with the bill to authorize the construction of a public building In that city to cost Ji.000,000. This .bill, In connection with five other pubic building bills for the construction, carrying much smaller amounts for public buildings In Penn sylvania, New Jersey and Massachu setts, will be the special order for Mon day's session by resolution of the com mittee on rules. The adoption of the resolution by the house will knock out "Suspension day," which was probably the intention of Its promoters. Under the standing .rules of the house, tomor row should be devoted to the calling up of bills under suspension of the rules, a dangerous flood gate which the con servative leaders usually try to shut off In some indirect manner. The remain der of the week, aside from the one hour friven every day to reports from committees, will be devoted to the ap propriation bills. The first committee hour will be occu pied by the military committee with the bill to establish a national park on the uetiysLiurg battlefield. The Indian ap propriation bill la pending, the sundry civil Mil is on the calendar, and the naval and agricultural bills are prac tically ready to be reported. Senator Jones' currency bill, as out lined in these dispatches a week ago, still hangs 'in midair. It has not been Introduced for thu ample reason it hat the Arkansas senator Is unable to se cure the pledge of suirie.ient votes to pasj It. Numerous conferences have bren held and frequent visits to the whit? house have been made and elo quent appeals h ive btvn addressed to the .silver men. but without avail, und there is today less hope of the passage of a hill than when Mr. Jones first made the draft of his measure. The concessions that have been made are ilntinvstliiK, and should Mr. Joiijs over be iln a poWllon to Introduce ails bill Jt will lie f.mnd to have been ma terially changed from the one originally propensed. POTTSYILLirs BIB BLAZE. The Destruction of the City's Steam llcut lug Plant Headers tho Hotels and Many Residences Cheerless. By tho Unltod Press. Pottsvlllo. Ph., Jan. 20. This was a cold, cheerless day for 150 PoMsvUle families, while the guests of three of the principal hotels shivered In their nonis or In the lobbies ond ate their meals ;ln overcoats. The cause of Hills chlllneisis of liivsldes and general ills, ceinifont was a big fire that broke out at 2 o'cleiok this morning nnd pai tkilly detitnoyed the building containing the $."i0.000 pliant of the Pottsvllle Stvam Heat und Powtr company und several small buildings adjoining. He&ldcs the 200 'business places nnd private fannliitw supplied by the cem pany with heat, the First and Second PreeabyteiCa n churches, the Trinity ltei f jrnied, the Flrsit Reformed, the Eng lish Lutheran and the Methodist Kpis coiwil churcbts aiU get their Hteiim heat from this plant, and owing to tlw fire no stirvlces could be held in any of ithem today. The origin of the fire Is a mytery. The fireman were nt work lining up under the Immense boilers, when the flames burst forth and spread so quick ly that 'they had only time to escape from the building. The building was damuared to the cxtemt of $3,000 with no Insula new a nd the loss to the owners of the adjoining property Is about the same. FROZEN IN A ITT. Peculiar Dcutli of an Aged Hatcher ot Uoylestown. By the United Press. Ii,'ylogtoiw.n, Pa., Wn.J 20. SltUim In his chair fmxen BlUT, with the front dixirvf his house open, lAsher Duncan. A. butcher, 33 years of jiKe, was found at his iresrklence Just south of the bor oiiirh this nuirniliiK. There were a num ber of cutfl wild bruises on his foreheud and fuco was covored wlith blood. This first led ito a suspicion that he hud been tnuidired, but after a post modern examination a jury decided that Dungan hud an apolepllc fit, after which he had frozen to death. HE OWNED "I5LIND TOM." General Ilcthunc,kof (ieorgla, Is at tho Point of Pcuth, By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 20. General James N. Bethuive, of (Iforghi, Hcs critically 111 in 'this city. He Is nearly 92 yeaas old iand ha had, in many ree-pecta, a remarkable career. A native of Geor gia, he wus the first editor In the south to openly advocate secession. He was also almost Ithe 7loneer free trader in this country, having us early us 1840 advocated "free trade and direct taxa tion." At lone itlme (he was attorney grentiral of the state of Georgia. He moved Into Virginia shortly after the late war and Incidentally became widely known aa the original owmtr of "Blind Tom" the negro musical prodigy. WRECK OX MISSISSIPPI. Tho State of Missouri Sinks Id Fifty Feet of Watcr-Twcnty.five to Forty Persons Are Reported Drowned. By the United Press. Cincinnati, O., Jan. 20. The passenger steamer State of Missouri, plying be tween here and Memphis, sank at Wolf Creek, 200 miles below here today. Twenty-live to forty persons ure re ported drowned. Owensboro, Ky., Jan. 20. Four sur vivors from ithe wreck of the State of Missouri were on the mail packet, Ci'ty of Oweinrbar,o, when she passed here today. They saved their lives by swimming and managed to catch to a tive some distance below. One had managed to reach shore, but the other three remained in the tree till rescued, It is believed by them that from twenty to forty lives were lost. A yawl, contahiing a woman and children, was upset by me-n trying to climb in and all were drowned. There W'crj own- 1m0 people on the boat, ox'. curding to their cstiinute. The cabin S'lid upper Avoiks of the boat floated u.way. The Pilot house was tawvd ashore at R.jckport. The City of Owen.-boiro got out part of the freight from 'the cabin deck. Most of the passengers saved went up tlhe river on Ithe Tell City. Tlu State of Missouri is a very long stern wheeler, plying between Cincin nati and New Orleans. She had on board a fairly large cargo of freight and forty cabin passengers, beside a crew of sixty. At Alton Uie river nar rows and the water being high, an ex tremely swift current results. Thin threw the stern of the boat toward the Indiana shore. Before the pilot could regain control of the boat she hit a rock, tearing a long hole In the hold at the water line. The sheick was terrltl.? and consternation seiz?d upon th ; pas sengers, and In a moment they were frantic. Without tegard of conse quences they rushed to tho upper deck In the hope of delaying the inevitable, us the boat was rapidly sinking. Wo men nnd children were trampled upon, but It Is believed all got out of the cabin. The light for Life. Then the scramble for seats In the yawls began. It was a fight for life, in which many combatants are believed to 'have gone to their death. The first yawl launched was sunk within twenty feet of where It struck the water. It is believed everyone in it was drowned In sight of the affrighted people huddled together on tho sinking steamer. A second yawl was then pushed off con taining four women. This Is believed to have reached shore. Just when there seemed some hope that by means of this yawl the passengers could be saved the steamer gave auothtr terrlllc lurch and literally broke into pieces, und in ten minutes from the moment the rock was strue'k nothing but the hull re-1 m.ined. The cabin, decks and pilot house float ed away, dragging down into the water every one upon It. The lighter freight was washed from the main deck and on this men, women and children clung as best they could, many, however, only to fall back into the ice cold water. Several succeeded In getting Into the trees and were rescued by farmers and by passing steamers. On the City of Owensboro, which passed here tonight, were four of the passengers who had been rescued from t'.ie trees. One of them was W. C. Leathers, of Ken tucky, Mr. Leathers thinks Ihnt at least thirty-live people were drowned. He says there were fifteen cabin passen gers, thirty de'ck passengers and a crew of sixty on board. Alton, Ind., -where tliu wreck occurred, Is thirty miles from a telegraph sta tion, with almost Impassable roads. The news secured came by steamers passing here today, 1MXXLIAK ACCIDENT. trunk llenosM's Heath Cuitscd by a Lurge l'og. Ey tho United Press. Wllkes-Burre. Pa., Jan. 20. Frank Iltmoskl met with a peculiar accident at Nanllcoke which resulted In his douth. While walking- along Che street a large dog ran between his legs, knocking him dinvn. His head struck against the curb stone, fracturing his skull. He died to night. FROM OVF.R THE SEA. Twenty per cent, of tho looms In Itlack burn district, near .Muiii liesler, Eiir., huve slopped working. Huron ltanfi'y, the new premier of Hun wiry, announces that ho will mulntuln Dr. Wekerle's policy. Several Spanish deputies Intend to nt tuck tho cabinet ace-using the ministers of huviiiK yielded to the menuees of Presi dent Cleveland In making the new com nierelul urrnnifement. At a meothiflt of the British South Africa company In London, Cecil lthodes, prem ier of Cape Town, wus received with cheers unil emphatically denied tho alle gations that tho representatives of the company In South Africa wore political adventurers. Professors Imprisoned. By the United Press. Uowley. Mass., Jan. 20. A letter has been received from Mrs. A, O. Papnxln, formerly of this place, but now of Alntnb, Turkey, slating thut tho authorities hnve eloseel all tho colleges 111 Armenia und huve imprisoned thirty-five Amerlcun pro fessors. WEATHER REI'ORT. 'For eastern Pennsylvania, generally fair; warmer; southerly winds. HNLEY'S FOR EARLY SF1G SALES We have now open a wagniu ' cent stock of fii lis INCLUDING. Anderson's Zephyr Cords, and Checks, English Percales Duck Suitings, Etc. The eany assortments are alway s the best. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna A?e. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR ft li THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. LEWIS, RE1LLY & DAYIES. HONEST SHOES. The boys and girls must have the best Leather and Rubber Shoes. We have them. They don't cost much, either. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIS, Closed Evenings Except Saturday, THE ill MI WEICHEL, Is doing the business. POPULAR GOODS, POPULAR PRICES. And the population of Scran ton know where to go for popular goods at popular prices. -C3"U W. J. WEICHEL, 408 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR DIME BANK. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers