THE SCI?ANTON TRIBtlNE-SATUr.DAT MORNING, JANUARY 10, 18SK7; c City Pastors and Their flard Work Kelujious Developments of One Keck in All Our Churches. AUXILIARY ACTIVITIES NOTED Curefully Compiled Compendium of News mid l'ersoiuil Mention Kcluting to tlto Cliurelies and the Benevolent mid Cluiritiible Uelisious Societies. Meetings have been addressed durlns the week by Kev. Anna II. Shaw, of "Washington. In tlie interest of the "Women's Christian 'iVmperanee union. I-uiW audit nees have Riveted this ac complished lady at reekvllle, Moosie, Aloseow, Daleville and Waverly. To morrow morning sho will speak at the Kim I'aik i-lmivli, when her remarks will I),' of MjieeSal interest to ladles interested In temperance work. Miss Frances K. W'illunl says: "Key. Anna Shaw is one of the most able speakers on the platform either anioiiK men or women. She has n well trained mind, quenchless enthusiasm and that rarest of all dualities pluck. America docs not contain a more loyal and devoted adherent of woman's cause. Audiences will be conciliated by her cultured manner, enlivened by her wit und captured by her logic." v On Friday eveainpr the two weeks' fvaiiKclisitc services at the Second Presbyterian chureih ,wvre concluded with the satisfaction that considerable bcneileial work had been accomplished. Kev. Charles 10. Robinson's "gospel ad dresses" have been most interesting and highly 'appreciated by the hundreds who attended each evening. Kev. James McLcod. K. W. l'carsall and others rendered valuable assistance In con ducting the services. Mr. Weeden, who is now so well known in Scranton, also contributed materially to the success of the niec tinss by his musical abilities. (enthusiasm prevailed at the winter Session of the Kpiscopal Archdeaconry of Scranton, which was hi id at Wllkes Jiarre on Monday and Tuesday. The great feature was the explanation of the object and work of the Crothcr liood of St. Andrew, which is increasing In membership and usefulness through out the nrehdeaeeiiry. The addresses ivi'i';' eminently practical and copies should be distributed anions the mem bers of the brotherhood, ns an earnest pwusiil would ensure a clearer concep tion of their dutie;!. Development of Churches. On Jan. 10 an interesting meeting held in .luu yea, by the Council of the V,' -!'!i CVu.vrciraLInnal churches of Lackawanna and Wyoming valleys for the purpose of ascertaining the desira bility of organizing a Welsh Congre gational church in the district. Anions those present from Scranton were Kev. K. S. Jones, 1). I)., of Providence; Ilev. David Jones and U. J. Kvans. of Hyd J'arn. I lie results of the inquiry wi re highly sati-faetoiy and a church wa3 o'.'seanizcd, twenty members being ad niilt"d by letter from the I'lttston church, and hopes are entertained that !! Ions a llourii 'iing Welsh Congrega tlonal church will be one of the lYa tu res of Muryen. The erjction of the new edifice for t'ae Vashlmrn Street Presbyterian church Is progressing satisfactorily, the en K' -'gallon now worshiping in .spacious basement. It is not probable that a pastor will be appointed until the edifice is completed. In the mean time Kev. S. C. I.egan. 1 W. Pears-ill, fieorgo Maliy and tleorje Sander.-on are rendering valuable assistance in conducting the pervlccs. A new .Meth-idh-t church -will lie erected in l:in",li:initon during the com ing f-piing at the corner of Kobin ton artri lligelow streets. Personal .Mention. r."V. IX T. J .r.r?, of Nydo Park ave rue, has h : n c-iiilinod to his room with rheumatic fevei-. Ii 'V. W. 1". .Touch will preach an Eng lish sermon at the Kirst Welsh Baptist church tomorrow evening. Key. i;. s. Jiuies, of Providence, ami Kev. David Jones, of Lincoln avenue, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Rev. Thomas P -ll will conduct mln- pion services at the Plyhiouth C:mgr Rational church ilii'.in;; the coming week. j;ov. vv. w minus ts organlnlng a pospel choir of forty voices for the Sun day evening services nt the North Main Avenue Ilaptlst church. i.ev. j. r. rerris nas runuurtpil re vival services during the past two weeks at the Puritan Congregational church. (lev. D. M. Klnter, of the Christian church, Is preaching a series of prac ileal sermons on "The Kingdom of flod." Tomorrow evening his subject will be, "The Kclatlon of the Kingdom of Heaven to the Holy Spirit." Kev. T. J. Collins has organized cot tnge prayer meetings which have proved a valuable auxlllury to his church. The work will be enlarged !n the early future anil a more comprehen sive scheme established. An Interesting meeting of the Welsh Congregational ministers of I.acka wanna and Wyoming valleys wns held nt the residence of Kev. T. K. Kdwnrds, of Kingston, on Monday, when nn able paper on "Ministers and Politics" was read by Kev. I). M. George, of Pittston The general sentiment was expressed ugalnst ministers participating In polit ic-til matters. The host, Dr. Kdwnrds, Is a professor of elocution, and he gave excellent Illustrations of "How to Kead" from the works of the celebrated Williams y Worn. Topics of Interest. Over $1,100 was collected at the Kim Park church last Sunday and devoted toward Increasing the fund for s:-tist 4ng superannuated ministers of the Wy otnlng conference of the Methodist Kpls copal church. lly the death of Miss Mary C. Doer am, of Penn avenue, both the First Presbyterian church and the Pcnn Ave nue Ilaptlst church, ns well na the Younif Women's Christian association, liave lost nn earnent and valuable work er. Miss Doersam was-but 24 years of figp, but had rendered considerable work which was appreciated by 'her numerous colleagues. Her loss Is sin cerely mourned by an unusually large I'lrele of friends. A week of prayer has been observed by the members of the First Welsh Itaptlfit church, -the meetings belns well attended. Tomorrow cvenlnR'a service at the rrovldence Welsh Congregational will lie of a missionary character, when recitations and brief addresses on mis sionary work will be delivered. The re ports for the last year will be presented and presentations made to children who (have collected 'the largest offer ings.' Klght new members were received at the Providence Presbyterian church on flimday. A new and Improved order of service has been Introduced a,t the Providence Presbytorlan church. TOMORROW'S SERVICES. First liuntlst Church-Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath ut 10..10 a. m. und 7 p. Morning theme. "Hope." Evening theme, "Spirit of Supplication." Seats free. All welcome. Puritan Congregational Church Rev. A. '. Ferris, pastor. Morning subject, "The Sin of t'nbellef ;" evening subject, "Hell." Special revlvul services to which all are Invited. Grace English Lutheran Church Rev. oster U. lilfl, pastor. Services on Sun day at the Young .Men's Christian asso- lution at H'.liU a. in. und 7. 311 p. in. Kev. .ander lieotz, of WillUiinsport, l'a., will preach and will administer the sacrament of Ihe Lord's supper In the morning. Sun day school ut 11. 311 u. m. All welcome. Trinity Pulled F.vungelleal Church l.lttlo Knglimd." Rev. J. U, Wliltinhv, pastor. Gospel Tevlval services at 10.30 a. nnd 7.30 p. in. Prayer and service ot song ut 7 P. in. Sunday school at '1 p. in. Tho revival services will be continued dur ing the week. Special service for the ruiiur people Wednesday evening. Mis sion Hand Sat unlay at i.'lU p. lit. A meet lug fur parents on Thursday evening. Kv erybody welcome. Church of Christ, Scientist Spencer building, ,1111 Adams avenue, (tlble lesson al ly.Bj a. in. and church services at 7.30 p. l. IV. .Me iv e, speuker. All lire wel come. Seuts I ree. The Second Presbyterian Church Rev. haiies K. Robinson, D.D., pastor. Ser lees nt 10.30 u. 111. und 7.30 p. m. The pas tor will preach 111 Hie evening on "Tim Alleged Reasons for Rejecting Jesus." All seals free in the evening. All are cor dially invited to all services. All Souls' ('Impel (I'nlversulist) I'inc street, near Adams avenue. Rev. F. M. Vlanis will preach at 10.30 a. m. Subject, lu Touch with Christ," and nt ".I'll p. in. ' Theme, "What the I'nlversulist 'Church j Stands For." You are cordially Invited, At the Slumsuu Methodist I lnireh Preaching morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. L. I'. Floyd. Seats free. All welcome. Court Street Methodist Episcopal hurch The pastor, Rev. 1'. It. Ilawx- hursl. will preach. Morning subject, 'Saul's Conversion." livening theme, Past High Noon," followed by the instal- lalvjii of Kpworth league ollleers. Kim Park Methodist Episcopal Church The pastor will discourse In Ihe morn ing on "Speaking the Truth In Love." iftid 111 the evening on "I'aiil's Estimate of "haracter." Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Kpworth league at U.30. Green Ridge Presbyterian Church Morning service nt 10.30. Kveiiing servle,' at .::. Preaching by the pastor. Rev. N. Stahl. P-ihle school ut 12 o'clock. Chris tian Endeavor at ii.30. Saint Luke's Church Rev. Rogers Is ' , rector. Second Sunday alter Epi phany. Holy communion, s a. ni. ; ser- vlee and sermon, 10.30 u. in.: Sunday hool. 2.30 p. in.; evening prayer und ser mon, i. :;o p. in. Saint Luke's Mission, llunmorc Rev. A. L. I rban In Sunday school, 3 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon. 4 n. ni. First Presbyterian Church Dr. James eLeod, pastor. Divine services al 10.MI r.i. and l.'VI p. ni. The pastor will Di ea-'i both morning and evening. "The Conver sion ot u Cruel I'ersecutor" the most notable conversion in Ihe early years of Christianity will be the subject of the evening discourse. Strangers welcome. Penn Avenue Raptist Church Rav. Warren G. Partridge, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Subject In evening, "Religion and liiisiness." Evan gelistic and song service after tho sermon. All welcome. Jackson Street Paptlst Church Preach ing tomorrow by the pastor. Morning at 10.30, on "I'neonveiied Christians." Even ing at 0. on ".Mistak.-n Views of the Chris tian Life." Se:.'.s are all free. Welcome x tended to all. SI. Paul's Lutheran Church Pari: Place. Services ut 10.30 a. ni. ami 7.30 i. m. Sunday school at 2.30. Free pews. Ireeu Ridge Raptist Church Servicer, at 10.3a u. m. and 7.3o p. ni. Rev. S. T. Ford. of Syracuse, will preuch morning and evening. Trinity English Lutheran Church avenue, corner Mullierrv itre.t. Rev. E. L. .Miller, pastor. Services ut io.30 . m. and T.i't p. la. Calvary Reformed Church Corner Mon- roe uvi-nue and llliFon Hlreet. Rev. IV. II Siubblcl.lnc, pastor. Preaching at Ui.m n. m. end 7.i!o p. m. Evening subiect. Joab, or a Guilty Conscience Needs Xo Accuser." Everybody welcome. Who the Habcs Had Toiisilltls: When the babes had tonsllitis, O Lord, bill what a time! The father of nil poets could not tell It half In rhyme. It was hustle for the doctor at 12 o'clock at nlpht, And scurry to the drug store before the morning's light. Then, baby's pills at 7, and t'other one's ut x, Prescriptions next In half un hour, don't be a minute late. And don't forget the powders und the Iron for the blood. And ut eating time to tuke tho place of food. And when the darlings waked und cried, 'twas papa walk the lloor. With twenty pounds on onu arm on the other llfty more, And keep the bourn warm all the time, and don't get in a draft, i And don't mix up the medicines. Why didn't I go daft? With baby's pills at 7. un t'other one's at 8. . Prescriptions then In half un hour, don't he u minute lute. And don't forget the powders ami tho Iron for the blood. And peptonolds ut eating time to take the place of food. Tho doctor brought them through all right, and thank the Lord for that. And both are strong and rosy now und both ure getting fill, lie showed most wondrous skill, I think, ai doctors often do, Rut what I mnrvel most at Is that wife und I lived, too. Buffalo Express, t George I)i.wrence, the veteran repre sentative from Washington county who Is dean of the house at Ilurrlsburg, when In a reminiscent m 1 recently told two Interesting anecdotes which Harry Hall has committed to print. "The last time I ever sain Simon Cam eron," snld Mr. Lawrence, "was but a nhort time before his death. We got talking about the end appointed to all men, and I asked him If the pros pector death gave him any coiiueiai." " 'No,' he replied, 'not nt all. I have full ftilth that Providence will take bet ter care of me In the next world than 1 have ever been able to take of my self In this.1 " "Not more than two years before ThnddeiiH Stevens died n friend of mine went to Washington nnd called on him at Willlnrd's hotel. After nwhlle they went out, and golnp: down street Stev ens Invited this Kentleman to go Into a hou? which turned out to be a furo bank. He begun nt once lo play nnd In a few minutes won $100, and stopped. The money was given to him In a crisp new $100 bill, which he put In his vost pocket. Then they went to the capitol and nt the entrance n stranger stopped them nnd aiked for a moment's con versation with Stevens. It wns grant ed and he proceeded to say that lie was a Methodist minister from Clearfield county, and .Mint, on the preceding Sunday, his ohurch had been burned to the frround. The congregation wns poor and Bo hn had determined to come tn ask for help to rebuild." " 'Are you doinjr good work ou there?' asked Steven. "The minister told of tho member- FBI MWE TO Rival Order of the Knights of Labor It Be Organized Next Month at a Convention in Columbus, 0. rOWDEKLY WANTED AS LEADER Courts Will He Asked to (ilvc the New Orgnuliitlon the Property of the knights in 1'hlladclphlu A l ively 1 ight Ahead. There re very dark clouds nhadlng the Oior-lzon In Knights of Labor circles, and the threatening forecast points to duller the complete re-construction of tlie prominent labor organization or a most rancorou.H dissension, accompa nied by, perhaps, the entlr? iblitera tl.m of the present unti-Powih-rly olll cials of tlie general executive board. District Assembly No. 1G Is the pre mier fonie.ntor and Its example has been followed, It Is claimed, by about S7 per cent, of the district assemblies of tlie Fiiilti'd States and Canada. As sembly No. 10 is made up of local or Kunlzaitloiu of the Knights of Labor of norUieasl'orn Pi iinsylvanla and em braces the territory covered by Lack awanna, Luzerne, Wyoming, Susque hanna, und Wayne counties. Timothy D. Hayes, of Dickson City, Is district master workman. There avt In the neighborhood of twenty local assemblies In the district and delegates from each meet every three months in quarterly convention. The last convention of District it! was h. Id In this city on Dec. 18, of last year, which is -the date of the beginning of the trouble. In order to understand what led to .this trouble, it will be ne cessary to revert to the last national convention of the Knights hi id at New Orleans. The Delegate Was Ignored. District Assembly No. 18 elected a delegat.; to tiiat convention uc cordlng to the rules of the organiza tion and ho was tilted out with regular ly signed credentials, expense money, and a mileage ticket. When he ffot to New Orleans and presented his pa per J, he was refused a seat in the convention on no oilier grounds tihan that ,ho was a friends of General Master Workman Pi.wdciiy. These ftatinunts are au thorized ly Information received from an executive olllcer of Dis trict Ass. in ly No. 1(1. It lis said that District As sembly No. 220 of Chicago elected a Powdeiiy delegate, but that a nir-mbir of that assembly, who did not aspire for delegate at all, was admitted to a seat and a vote upon credentials that were forged. When District Assembly No. 1C met in tliis city last December, one of the things that was done was the. refusal to pay any more per capita tax Into the funds of the general executive board. This action was -the result of the denial of the 'powers that be to allow th dis trict's delegate a seait in the New Or leans' convention. The district set up the sanv claim n the revolutionary ton fathers. "Taxation without repre sentation." A tit of re:"dutioni wire drafted condemning" the present ofliecrs of the geiTial exifiit I ve board and prom ising to pay no more per capita tax v.i.iK' tlu y ri malned in power. Others I ell Into Line. This determlm 1 stand had the effect of making ether district assemblies throughout the I'nlted States and Can ada tak" up a similar stand, with t'e result that than eighty of them passed resolutions condemning the llayi s-Martin regime and vowing solemn threats to oust that faction from root to branch from any coninc. tion with leadership in the Knights of Labor. All Liu protesting a.-sembll s of the country immediately began lo communicate with one another nn-l the outcome was that they agreed to GAY. ship, Sunday sclpcd, etc., nnd Stevens drew the $1(1) bill if rum his vest pocket und handed It to him. This unexpected generosity almost overwhelmed the minister, but he managed to express his thanks and said that his congn Ra tion would remember Mr. Stevens In their prayers. "Stevens and his companion walked a little way and then the great com moner stopped and said: " 'Doctor, the ways of the Lord are marvelous and past llnding out!" " Ideul and lleml: lb' was a reader of Shakespeare, Anil lunging u poet to Ik-; Sile was a student at college, In quest of un M. 1 1. degree. They stood ill the pale, silent moonlight, He holding her soft-dimpled hand; A happier lover than h - was Sun- never livi d in the land; For she had Just told him, the darling, A secret he'd long sighed to Know; Ah. lady, you'll guess what the thing was Thai is, If you e'er had a beau. ".My loved one," he murmured In rapture, With a line touch of diamiitle art. "Are you sure that those words you have nuereii ( ome straight from your warm, tendw lieaii : She uuswernl; her full tones were sweeter i ban tones from ten nightingales' tongues: "1 In, ha! From my henii? How absurd, dear! The voice ulwiiya comes from the lungs." Pharmnceulli al lira. It Is not gcnernlly known, but It Is nevertheless true, that Kugeiie Field, the Chicago poet, wit und satirist, was the original of Stanley Ilunlley's once eiiobrnted , character, Spoopendyk . Fb Id Is us full of pranks as he Is of good poetry und clever pnrngniuhs. Apropos, this story is told: Field came to Chicago u good many years ago upon the Invitation" of Melville Stone, who was then the editor of Ihe Chicago Kecord, but who Is now president of the Globe bank. Mr. Slone Is u com pact, precise, elegant gentleman, whose love for his piotege litis grown with the years until It Is able to bear the many shorlm and much si retching which It gels. Mr. Field bus a fashion thing of Mr. Stone'H that happens to place for an Indefinite visit, hnvlng forgotten to announce his coming or bring any baggage. Ho wears any thing of Mr. Stone'cti that happens to come handy, and never returns any thing until his wife makes him. Not long ago Mr. Slone, whose ofllce Is open to the rent of the bank, wns hnv Ing a conversation with some men from New York, when a big, stop tihouldercd, shabby man, with n news paper bundle, cams up and llung his package over the rallliiK on to Mr. Stono'n desk. "There's something my wife told nte to bring you. I don't know altogether what's in It. I believe there's a shirt. and 1 know there's one pair of nocks of yours that linn spoiled our wash for thice" weeks." And he turned and Walked out. v "Never mind," Mr, Stone said calmly. "It's only Field." call a national conven-tlon, which will be held at Columbus, O., In the latter part of February. The regular annual convention of the Knights -will not be hold until next November, and then at Washington, D. C. The reason that -the Columbus con vention Is called 1b this: All the dele-g-a-tes sent there will be In accord with one another and whatever Is done will be transacted harmoniously and for the best Interests of the labor movement., There will be enough of delegates there. It Is ola lined, to represent 83 per cent, of the -district assemblies of the order, and ns the majority rules, It Is alleged that whatever -ilon Is taken at that convention will 'have the K-aiictiim of Dlie counts. They Would I'e Hi le J tint. A prominent Knight was asked to ex plain the reason for calling the Colum bus convention If, is 'it Is asserted, lit Is done by a majority of tlie district assemblies. It would be supposed that the same majority could wait until the regularly appointed time, next Novem ber, when the national convention will meet nit the naitionnl capital. The on- Hwer to this question was that the earns state of affairs would ngaln exist as oc curred at New OrleatiB; all delegates not in sympuithy with the present rul ing powers would be denied a seat. At the Columbus convention It la pro posed to elect a general executive board and proceed nt once to take possession of the property of the Knlg'hts of Labor; In Philadelphia, eHtimated to be worth $10,000. Trouble Is anticipated, but It Is expected (hat tlie courts will sustain tho action of Mie Columbus convention, because positive proofs will be collected to show that the convention was repre sented by a majority of the assemblies of tiie Knights. The numerous friends of ex-Cleneral Master Workman Powdeiiy will try and prevail upon him to accept the first position in the new branch, but It is given out that Mr. Powdeiiy will not accept. The person who Is the most likely one to be chosen for the general master workmanship Is Factory Inspec tor James Campbell, of Pittsburg, presi dent of the Window (Mass Workers' as sociation of American. Mr. Campbell was appointed factory inspector by Governor Daniel H. Hastings. Will Clio-,o a Delegate Monday. Every local branch of the Knights of Labor 'has elected delegates to the con vention of Dbitiidt laissembly No. 10, which will meut at Plt'tnton next Mon day. At this convention u delegate will be elected to the Columbus convention. - KAiMiOAD i:i,i:ctuic lh;ht. It VI ill Cook, Humiliate und Obviate lleut n nd Odor. A new system of lighting cars by nn automatic electrical device has Just been successfully Introduced. The sim plicity, certainty und cheapness of the system have been unreservedly com mended by prominent railroad officials, and its prompt adoption by the leading and more progressive roads Is assured. The system comprises a small dy namo und a storage battery, both at tached to the car truck. A simple gearing communicates motion from the axle to the dynamo, nnd the current from the latter parses through the stor age battery to the lamps In the car. This insures a brilliant and uniform Il lumination of the cur, not only while In motion, but for at least four hours after It Is cut out of the train, and It Is the only independent system of elec tric car lighting which will maintain Its efficiency while the car Is motion less and unconnected wth any motive power. The company, which is a New York concern, has secured full protection for its Invention by patents In this and foreign countries, and expects to do a large business in replacing the un wholesome and dangerous gas and oil lamps with electricity. The new sys tem Is also applicable to the heating of parlor, boudoir and sleeping cars nnd day coaches, and can be employed for cooking purposes III dining und buffet cars. It is further claimed that for nny of the uses specilled It Is less expen sive than the methods now In vogue, us well us Infinitely safer. Generosity. From the Washington Star. "There's lots o' fun In the holidays," said Uegluuld de liunime us he tilled Ihe cast-off bei r keg. "nh," replied Clarence Fits lluutbeau, "I'm not so sure uboul that." "Well, I'm sure. You kin see fur yer self. Ilver.vbody's more IIIhtuI." "Hat's so," replied Clarence, "de judge gimme sixty days last trip twlcet us much ns usual." The Ucwnrdof lloljncss. From Harlem Life. "I tell you what It Is," suld the silly little tlsh to his long-headed mother, "I have been following your advle,e, and let ting those nice, plump. Juicy worms ulone long, I urn now going olT on ray own hook." And he did. -- What lie Thought About It. From Life. She I'm sorry I married you." lie You ouuht to be. You cut some nice girl out of a mighty good -husband." -o tiii: kidi: to I 'lay that my Itnep wim n eiilleo mnro Suddled und bridled for llinupvHIe; I.eup to the biiek of tills Bleed, If dare, And Ki'llop nwny to llunipvUle; you I hope you'll bo sure to Hit fust In your Kent, For tlilH ealleo mnro In prodiKloiiHlv 11 net. And ninny udventureu you're likely to meet Am you Journijy uloiijj to numpvUlp. Thin enlleo mnro both Kiillopn nnd trots, While whisking you off to liinnpvllle; f'-lie puei-K, Hlle Hides, nnd rile Htiltnblea, In Hpots, III the tortuous road to flutnpvllle; And sometimes ill Is Ml inline mercurial Hleed Will suddenly Hlop and r-fuc to proeocd, hliii, nil w ill udnilt, is vexatious Indued, When one is enroute to HumpvUlo! Hliii's nenred of the earn when the cnnliio Ifoea "Toot !" I in w n by the eronslng Ht IluiupvllU'; You'd better look out for thut trraoheroua brute ltenrlnt; you off lo r.unijvllle! With a unort she ream up on her hindrr- moHt heelH And exeeutes Jigs nnd Virginia reels Words full to explain how embarrassed one feels Darning ho wildly to ltiimpvllle! It'n buniply-biinip, nnd It's JlcgylytoB, Joiiiiiryini; on lo Itiinipvllle; It's over tho hilltop und down through tin bog You ride on your wny to Utinipvlllc-: lt'H rattletybang over bowlder und Htump, There nr rlvern to ford, thoro are fence to Jump, And tho corduroy rond It coos bumpty bump, , Mile nfter mile to llumpvlllel rerhnpR you'll olmervo It's no enny thlnR Making the Journey lo Hunipvllle, Bo 1 think, on the whole, It were prudent to bring An end to thin rldo to Hunipvllle; For, though nho has uttered no protest or plaint, The enlleo muro munt lie blowing and fnlnt What's moro to the point, I'm blowcd If I nln'tl t Bo play we have got to llumpvlllel Kiifcene Field In tho i'liivuuo Kecord. OUR if IE 11 Tho Groat Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.0C COMPOSED OF And will Positively cure all disease' arising from IMPURE BLOOD, bUOH AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick und Nerv ous Headache, Ncurul(;iu, Lys fiepsiu. Fever and Ague, Serofu a, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrli, and ull Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. 1IETZEL, AUENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. Tho World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Groat Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every bin Rurrnnte d to fflve miisfurtion or money refunded. Full printed diruclioiH from a child to h ifrown person. ILispur-ilv vi-KetableHiul cannot podUvoly harm tho most touder infant. Insist o.i having 111, fiuiip bull'u; aecit no otlior. At ull DriiuKUts, --'. WONDERFUL. 8oiiTn B -UANTos, Pa., Nov. 10. IWt. Mr. I.'. W. tl.niinlifll Dear Sir: I have given my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, eonn." of Dr. (.auipnelrH IMaKic Worm tiuar and Tea. and to my Bio prise tn h ul'terunoa about 1 o'clock bo paasud a taimworiu tnuuHiirliii! about H-'i feet in length, bead and ail. 1 liavu It In a bottle and uny peraou wislunir t' tien it can do no by calling at my sloro. 1 laid tried numerous other remedied reoinnii'iidi il rnr taking tapeworm, but ull failed, in my estimation Dr. Campbell's is the groatcbt worm remeoy in exiai-itee. Yours v -rv resnwt fully, KURD llKFFNfcUt. 732 Bo"eh Ht. Note Tho ubovo is what Rverybody navs aiuir oneo uhiir. .wuumueliireu i,v u. w. Campbell, LnnuuMer, Pa. Successor tu Dr. Jolin Campbell & !jou. LAG BR BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebrated CAPACITY i 100,000 Barrels per Annum THE HUNT S HILL CO., WAKUF-K-TURKItS' AOKKTS FOB TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & CO.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON CO.S MERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S tlELTING, PACKIN5 AND HOSE. FAYERWEATKER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTIMG. A. 6. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTUHDCEKEST. AMERICAN BOILER CO.S "ECQHODIY" HOT AIR FURISSCES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S L'JfiDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. ii is I MINING, mi ftrRipn . w ffl h as a a w a. J LAGER BEER V HUM. Patent Medicines, Electric Appliances, Specifics, Druggists' Prescriptions Quack's Nostrums. You Will See tho Given by The English Specialist, DR. W. H. HACKER, Is Small, but Look &t tho Result. CI TREAT CURE AND i llei i OF SCRANTON. il VVII.I.IAM CONNI-XI., President. UI O. 11., Vicc-l'rcsiJcnt. WILLIAM II. l'l.Ui, Cushler. DIKKl TOPS: William Council. Junius Aruhhuld, Al fred Hand, (iconic II. utlin lienrv Jr., WilliuraT. Smith, Luther Keller. Tho munnRcmcnt of this hank points with pride to its record during the pa.iic of 1HU:I, and previous panics, w hen spec ial fncllitic were extended to Its business iccounts. Rooms 1 and 2 Commowcaltii Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. mm Eivj elastic MALI 1-1 AT SIOOKIC AND RL'SH UALK WOKKS. Lnillin & Hand Powder Co.' OrangoGun Powder Electric HiittrrWn, FiiFf for nxnloil In;j MuMs, iSaftty l-'uiie and RepacnoChemicil Co.'s High Explosive! lluropean Plan, l'iivt-eliiss Knr nt turned. Depot for IH-rgiier & Kiiglc'l Tannhneuyer Liter. 5. E. Cor. 15tli and Filbert Sts.,Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. K. l'enni-ylvar.iii. All cnVenienee.-i for travelers to r.nd from P.iond Street Riulinn nnd the Twelfth and MurKrtt Street nation. Desirable for visiting SernntonlunH and people lu the Ai thrucile Uoglon. T. J. VICTORY, DU FONT'S CASTING m SPORTING ManafnctureJ at tho WApwnlloprn Mills, Li ' Kernn roiitilv. P:i.. ntnl ut Wil. v.vrna county. Pa., nud nt niinytoii, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tlio Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third Nations! Bank Baiiain.-. AtiKNrir.s : Tlins. FORD. 1 ittston, Fn. Jonx R SMITH & KN". Plymouth. Pa. K. V. SlUil.IUAN. Wilkes llarro, Pa. Agents for tlio h.-pauuo Ctieuiical Com- l'..l. .-T. 1, wikM r3 RESTor ores Vitality Made c 1st Day. jJ Me 15th P;.y. V-fj-f of Mc. THE GREAT noih Puv. PI1ENCII 3LX3A3333r produrrs tlio above results In :iOd:iys. It r. lovirlnlly and uuicitiy. t'ur'-H when alt otlior ft! Vnuiimnta will regain thoii- lost iu;.ulioml, and c nifii will rcrovor ttu ip youtliful vmor by ym It KVl VO. It cii( ! auil sun-iy Nrrv.s X)vk,'., l.nht Vitality, IniitotciK'y. Nightly KiuihMo!; -I.obt Tower, lailiiij .liiiio;-y, Wast in;; Diifi-ns-pn. :i' ctl pfTcctB of helf-r.biiM' or t-siv-H uad tii-HMTcUci w liich unfits oho for t'iiny. bu-im-ss or mamtip'. 1 ' t.ut only riircf hy tt ai ;nfr nt t'-.c rcat ot ihst-av'. b . iHatrn tit ncr'.? lonio u.J Mtioti bui!il:r. bii;; . t K bi.cfe tho f,lov to p;tlr clic'Icn a 1 r tori'a tlio tiro ut yo;:i!i. Il varii ufl Tnrnit anl CoiiKUiiMuiou. Jjinvt ra liawrn K;;VIVOir. Jt!icr. If- ctu b ccrritnl in st j.ot. Ty mr il.00 rvrj.afkaj.'t'.or fix tor .'io.oo, ivlih a por.. iwa written muvjimcc to rur or reiti: homonrv Circulu: Irce. Adilu-bfl ;ov.u r;FD!n;r o.. ri nxct ft., Chicago. For iul ty HTntt!iew Ilroi., Drcc; 8citiDti)n . I'm. t.r-;v Do !.ni 5 J 1 EHOosic Powder So. Doses m ERRORS OF YOUTH. 1 ACADEMY OF MUSIC Saturday, January 19. A. Y. Pearson's Gran 1 Naval Spjciao'.o, THE WHITE SQUADRON ! . The Conross of Navies. ' Tlio Jloorlsh Slave Yoked to ull Ox. The KuiiHid Monastery. Sulo of scats opo:m Thursday, Jan 17, THK FR OTI I INGHAM Friday ntul Saturday 4n 10nnrl1Q and .Saturday iiutinee JAIli 10 91111 13 Chas. E. Callahan's Itljj fjeciilc I nduction, COOIS5 .'. HOLLOW t ii Ji-r th ) Auspices of - SCR&HT0H CQKCLE0n3ER 0? HEPTASOPHS Don't Fall tn 5W - mr l ne Bin-aim:; li.un. Miio Kteatnhutit ilaee. Tan Thrilhnif liuridary. 'i ho Ponderous Cotton Press. i Tlie Jody Plantation Darkios. Houl ir prieo-. Mutlino prices, Ke.. 8js. and iUi.'. .-ale ot i ia s opni.s Wednesday, JaU 18. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MOINUAT, JANUARY 21. Tho Great fieenic Romance, LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN A Beautiful story of Life in the Far North, bf WON UARBOUR. Marvelous Mcclianical Lil'ccta 1 Tnu Prison of Kruavilc. The Llectric )un. The Mine Explosion. Tho Volcanic Eruption, Sale of Seats opons Friday, Jan. Is. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, JAN. 22. EXUAU1SJ1EXT OF MRS. POTTER MR. BELLEW And an Excellent C' lnimny, l'reaoiilina 'Ih-?ir Lutuwt and O run teat Succumb, :. CORDAY A DRAMATIC EVENT. PRICES1 Flenr, Sl.-'iii, S1.00 and ric.) Balcony, and C0c. ; Oullery, 'i jc. Salo of seats op?ns Saturday, Jan. ID. DAVIS THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21, 22 and 23. The Crowning Success Tlio Comcdy-Draina of the Seasou, a BARREL OF The Greatest of Sensational ("om. cJ Dramas. The 4U-S:ar Cast with "A BAR REL OF Money." ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances daily ai - 30 and 8.15 p. ra. Next Attroction-"SI DE-TRACKED." POSITIVELY LAST DAY . EXPOSITION Exhibitors' Day ah the samples left over (Indus; the two weeks (liven to public to avoid freight charges carrying same. Special ClJiidrezt's Day la after- nuon. Admission, 10 cents, lioxes nt Caramels to children. Admission, 25 cts. Children. 15 cts. CALL UP 3582. uin mm iU III! CO. OILS,. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'c'r. 8ES0.LT CHARLOTT Salts. 327 Spruce St, Oppoilto th New Hotol Jormyn, Scranton, Pfl