a THE FCIMNTCW TT?TFTTN TS SAT UTID AT MORNING. JANUATIY 19, 1895. TALES OF TWO P1IISIDNS News of Interest to Readers t'p and Down the Valley. REV. MR. KA1VS REVIVAL WORK Reception Given ty Arthur XV. Matthews to His SunJay School Cluss-Dculh of an Aged Resident-Coming Amusements. Special to the Seranton Tribune. l'lttston, Jun. IS. "The White Squad ron" was witnessed by tl much inter ested and enthuHlastlc crowd of specta tors last evening. In its production it excels any play of its class that has lieen seen at Music hall this season. scenes of the harbor of Hio, the Grand Plaza, the pllliiKod monastery and the American fleet were very realis tic. The play treats of the protection that our Hag gives to citizens of this country In foreign ports, the cruelty ol monarchies and of the freedom that we enjoy Uu this, our much loved, land. The death of William M. Hughes oc curred at 7 o'clock this morning at the hospital, where he was being treated for a burn, received on Christmas Day. The deceased is survived by his mother, ft brother and two sisters. Kev. P. J. Kaln is holding revival meetings at the dledford Street Method ist church. New York city. He will con tinue the meetings for a week or ten days, after which 'he will take u trip through the South for the beneilt of his Ihealt'ii. Services will be held at the First Bap. tlst church, Water street, on Sunday next as follows: Prayer meeting at 9.;'0 a. m.; regular morning service, 10.30 a. m., conducted by Kev. K. H. Stewart, pastor; Sunday school at 2 p. m Will iam L. Evans, superintendent; Junior Christian Endeavor at 3 p. m. ; Senior Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m.; evening servfee at 7 p. m. Rev. Dr. Kirkpatrlck, pastor of the. Westminster Presbyterian church, of Philadelphia, will occupy the pulpit of Kev. P. J. Kain In the Klrst Congrega tional church, on Sunday next, morning and evening. Kev. Charles A. Walker, of the Nanti coke Presbyterian churoh, preached at the preparatory service of the Presby terian church, of West Pittston, last evening. At the West Side Presbyterian church there will be admission of new members and the administration of the Lord's supper at the morning service. Preaching am the evening by the pastor. Miss Maggie A. liriggs, of Wells burg, XV. Va., is the guest of her cou sins, Rev. M. and Mrs. Thomas W. Swan. S. K. Mersloin, of Chicago, who Is well known to all Christian Endeavor workers, will address the local Chris tian Endeavor union at the First Pres byterian church, East Side, on next Mi nday evening. A delegation from the Wilkes-riarre societies will be in at tendance. Admission free. All regular subscriptions to the Seranton Tribune will be received at the local ollice, No. 8 South Main, street. Pleasant Evening Session. Arthur W. Matthews gave a recep tlun to his Sunday school class last pwnlng at his home, on Nafus street. The choir of the Broad Street Method ist church were also in attendance and rurntshid many musical selections, both vocal end Instrumental, after which refreshments were served by the host. Many pleasant pastimes were In dulged In. The diagram opened this morning at Ruggles & Manning, for the Kittle Roades Comedy company. The celebrated DeMoss family, of Co lun'ibus exposition renown, will be seen at Music Hall Monday, Feb. 4, in the Interests of the First Kaptist church. John B. Graham, the Ashley furni ture dealer, was in town today on busi ness. At the last regular meeting of the Water Street Bridge company, a semi annual dividend was declared of 3 per cent., payable tomorrow. C. M. .Manning made a flying trip to Wilkes-Barre this morning on business. The Bon Ton Social club of West Pittston had an enjoyable meeting to night at Howe's hall. Miss Kitty Robberts, of Seranton, Is the guest of Oscar Garrison and family. The school board met this evening In special session In the Butler Hill school building. The contract for furnishing the Oregon school was awarded to l?nlted States School Furnishing com pany. Bonds were issued to the amount of JS.OflO and will be sold at auction next Thursday at the High school building. A committee consist ing of Messrs. McCormack, McNamara nnd Egan was appointed to make an Investigation as to the cause of the destruction of books in certain school buildings. Herb! Wylle, of Danville, leader of the Kittle Roades Comedy company's orchestra, was among his friends in Pittston today. Great fears were en tertained by Mr. Wylie's many friends during his recent illness. THE FIRST THING IN THE flORNINQ take a little Carlsbad Sprmlel Salt in a glass full of water. That will set you right and keep you right, if you're inclined to be bilious or dyspeptic or constipated. People wonder, sometimes, why it Is thnt the Carlsbad treatment, the world's remedy for habitual constipa tion, should be recommended for diar rhoea, and such disorders, too. Sim ply, because it leads the stomach and towcls naturally into a healthy condi tion, whatever their derangements it doesn't accomplish its results by harm ful irritation, us most pills and purga tives do. , Beware of Imitations sold as "Ira proved" or "artificial" Carlsbad Salt, The only genuine Carlsbad Salt, with all the properties of the Spritdel Spring solidified, has the seal of the city of Carlsbad and the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. All others are worthless imitations. Miss Dentson has just returned from Philadelphia, where she has been visit ing friends. She was summoned home on account of the Berious illness of her brother, Harry. Death of Mrs. Slury Myers. Mrs. Mary Myers died last night at 12 o'clock at the home of her son, Amzle Meyers, Hansom, from the ef fects of a cancer. Mrs. Myers was the wife of the late Jacob Myers and would have been 77 years old on May t" next. She has for many years been a resident of Newton township and is mourned for by her numerous friends. She Is survived by three sons and three daughters, as follows: Amzl, of Ran som; John, of liticeyvillc; Henry, of Noxen; Mrs. Catharine Burgess, of Vatesville; Mrs. Sarah Upllnger, of Parsons, nnd Mrs. William Prlngle, of Green Ridge, formerly the widow of David Meyers, of Dodstown. Miss Anna Clifford was a visitor In Wilkes-Barre today. Kittle Koades will appear In "yueenle" Monday evening, Jan. 21, at Music hall. Ricketts, "the hatter," is to furnish the hats for the new liveries for the coachman of the undertakers of l'ltts ton and Duryea. John Armstrong, of the Gazette staff, goes to Danville tomorrow to spend Sunday with his wife. A good, reliable boy wanted. Inquire at the local otlice of The Tribune, 8 South Main street. The insurance companies Interested in the recent lire of the Odd Fellows building came to a satisfactory settle ment today with J. B. Kirby for the loss incurred by him. TUSKHAXNOCK. Mrs. J. D; Carpenter has returned from Dallas, Tex., bringing her nelce, Bay Hayden, with her. The Mehoopany Presbyterians will make a donation party for their pastor, Kev. XV. L. Everett, at the Opera house at that place on Friday evening, Jan. 25. A party of young people took un all night slelghride to Springvllle lust night. The Democrats of Tunkliannoelc township will hold their primaries In the grand jury room at the court house on Saturday, Jan. 23. Some miscreant wounded Judge Phil lips' dog with a shot from a gun. The animal Is a great favorits with the family and is being tenderly nursed. S. S. Breese is perfecting a bicycle lock which promises to be effectual and very convenient. It is designed to be fastened to the fork of the machine nnd when in use will simply sprag the for ward wheel so that a thief may not ride it away. A citizens' league Is being formed here, the principal purpose of which is to light the repeal of the billiard sa lood and ten pin alley law. There is a strong public sentiment against the proposed action which bodes no good for our representative if he disre gards It. The Nicholson Examiner Is authority for the statement that Fred J. Whoe lork, of Eatonville, Is an aspirant for congressional honors. ' Mr. and Mrs. Corey Allen were called to Meehoopany today to attend the funeral of the former's father, A. M. Allen, who was a victim of pneumonia. He was a war veteran and past middle age. Dr. A. B. Woodward declares thnt the grip, or la grippe, is nothing more, nor less, than acute catarrh. Statistics show that it is far more fatal to chil dren and old people than to the mid dle-aged. Several teams are hauling coal from Glenburn. Mrs. A. IX Brundage Is spending the week nt Kingston. John H. Gray, a Seranton Individual, was brought in by Sheriff Knapp yes terday and lodged in jail. The charge against him was false pretense, and Is of long standing, the grand jury of April, Vfiil, having found a true bill against him. He was bailed out, fur- felted his ball, and has managed to elude the officials ever since until now. The. Kepublican convention will be held at the Opera house Monday on account of court being in session. All political conventions are usually held at the court house. George Luce, one of Moshoppen's aged and respected citizens, is reported very low and his death is hourly im minent. A commission in lunacy should be ap pointed for Otis Reynolds, who Is con fined In Jail on the charge of maklnti malicious threats. He tears off his clothing and occasionally makes it very lively for the other prisoners. Since the court has npproved the building of a county bridge across Tunkhannonk creek the commissioners will take Immediate steps to get Its erection under way. Advertising for bids for building the abutments will be done next week. The sheriff sale of Yielding properly in Bralntrlm township will occur on Monday next at 10 a. m. The property consists of tie mill, boiler, engine, farm machinery and household goods. On Monday the following week the per sonal property of T. A. Sllvara, of Windham township, will be sold. The Republican caucuses Svlll be held this afternoon between the hours of 2 nnd 4 o'clock. The Epworth leagues of Falls charge will hold their second annual rally nt Mill City on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1 and 2. An address will be made Frl day evening by Kev. II. II. Wilbur, of Faetoryville, and on Saturday essays will be rrad by Nellie Decker, Jr-anett" II. Osborne, Clara Gardner, Anna Hunter, Cora Dersholmer. Albert Mack Mamie Turn and Amy Decker. Revs, C. H. Newltig, J. C. Johnson nnd other ministers will bo present to add their helpful Ideas. DURYEA. The three voting districts each sent three men to the conferrees' meeting, which wim held Inst evening tit the An thracite hotel, on motion M. F. Cor corsn was elected chsirman, nnd Rob ert Timlin secretary. The different oil! ces were distributed m the following manner: East district, one Justice of the peace, one supervisor, one register North district, one school director, one assessor, one township treasurer, one township clerk, one auditor, one reir! ten South district, one supervisor, one constable, one school director, one reg ister. On motion of Mr. Henley the different caususes will be held nt the different polling places on Rilurday Jan. 20, between the hours of C mud J u. m. A partywasheldnt thchomeof Profes or iuhn McArdle Inst evening. The curat. were Misses Alloc Cndden, Mug gle.DoylcvAllceKnine.of l'lttston; Mary Corsan. Hatuo want. Alary mvene, Maine McQuwde, Messrs. Daniel John Douirticrty. all " I'Unerne borough The evening was spent In playing go-mes and damelng. An elegant sup per was served. Dy Mrs. MOAruie. Clipped from Canada "Presbyterian," under signature ot '""' 'n vrm.'i.. I was ruriHl of oft-reeurrlng bil ious headaches by Durdock Blood Bitten. VASOUXU. Mrs. Henry Carter and plster, Helene Arnold, were the guests of Mrs. Frank KocmniElmeyer, of CarbondaJe, Thurs day. Kuth, the infant daughter of Mrs Wc-ley Peek, is ill of searlot fever. A large number of tli. "old folks' took advantage of the good sleighing Thursday tvening and enjoyed a sleigh Ide to Unlondale. A ball was held In Plunkett's hall Thursday evening under tiie manage ment of Richard Gray and John Jieger. The Vnndling I'nited Brass hand will hold a grand ball on the evening of Jan. 25 in l'lunkett's hall. A number of our young people formed a Klelghing party Wednesday evening, and were driven to Mayfleld by Dray man Thomas Lnvln, where a pleasant evening was spent. The nomination of George Young for supervisor on the Republican ticket gives general satisfaction. PECKVILLE. Mrs. Oeorge Treverton and Mrs. Wells C. Warner visited the former's nivLhcr at Elmhui stl ast Thursday. A now hose company Is being organ ized at li'ie West End and will be known an t;K Garden Hone company No. 1. The employes of the Sterrlek Creek, Mount Jessup, Blue Ridge and the l.a.-kavvunim Coal companys will be paid today. Waiuph tribe, -211, Improved Order of Red Men, will .hold a banquet on tin evenung of Jan. 26. Invitations hive been extended to several of the Bister lodges. riUCl'MUJJMJ. William Ki nnedy Is In the field for assessor. John O'lT.ira and wife visited friends m Dunva yesterday. Pay day at Jermyn's today. The fair is largely attended each evening anil is pros-neiing well. George Moian. of M:ifh'ld, vl?lled friends here yesterday. Peter O'Toole visited friends In Dur yea jvsti nl.iy. James Walsh, cf Oarbond:ile, Vlr.ited friends here yesterday. OLIMMKUE. Mrs. John B. Carey and daughter, Martha, are visiting fi lends in Jermyn. I., li. Bro.'ulliead and .Miss Berfci Itees gave their schools a sk ighi ide on Thursday. Constable Matthew Bean is a candi date for re-elect: in. Chicken thieves have again madivi'.Is place ia visit. John A. Wend lost ten of hi fancy stock on Wcdtv.-sday night. They left the heads. Philadelphia .Stockholder: "Ship ments of anthracite coal last week were slightly above the avnage, and, If con tinued during tile remainder of the month, will exceed the agreed output by over r.niUH'O tons. The total for the rl; was Vl'.i.ritii) ton?, nn Increase com pared with the corresponding wcvk last year of 2!.ou; tons, due entirely to an liiei-i use from the Wyoming region, Ihe I.ehich and Schuylkill regions both re- port;t- decreases. The week's ship ments added to those previously re ported bring the tolal for the year up l.H0,'J;:4 tons, an average, Including Sunday?, of Si'i.oi.'l tons per day. If. as Ft.-.t 'tl, tills average is continued to the ml of the month, January's shipments will reach a total of, say, 3,000,000 tons, igainst an agreed output of about 2.- 200.000 tons. The market is in n! condi tion to absorb so much coal, and ef forts should nt one? be made to reduce the output, lc-Kt the trade drifts buck Into Its recent staU' of demoralization." STOCKS AX!) KO.MK. The r.mre of todny's prices for thn ac tive stocks of U.e New York ptnek mnr ket m- given below. The quotations arc furnished The Tribune by !. !a B. Dim mirk, mannger for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokei?, 412 Spruco street, Seranton. Yo. 0;i'n- High- Low- Clos ('lo;. Inc. est. est. Ing. ,.. T. A R. V.. 4-., 4'i Vk V 4 A. S. 1!. C t'i ? Ki'. W, A. C. II " :i 2t'a 21 S4'b c., xi. & s. p.. Wi w, r,r r,ii'i m; H. I. & 1'... ri Oi'i CP', !" OS, c, B. & y 1 1 "h "l-H li i "I- ('. & N. W. Sli'j M'i P7 pip r. c. c. a I. ::-, 3, s!4 3 3 Can. South.... r,o'3 fin',, 5'i'i, Us 'lies. K- 0 17' 3 17 17 17 17 1). C. V. Co.... nr, M4 11 10 -J, 11 I)., I., ft V....ini". pjr.'i iii'.ii, K'.Ti mi I). & II UEi n! i 1.1! l?-r4 I.TI on. Kier :r nrj, ar w Jersey Cent... 9t-"r, P2'j 9t M !,. & N SS.V-, RV .-CI. S.Vj K", Lake Shore. .. .1.';:'"', 12"i V9 1.TV-i l.Wi .Man. Kle !07'i ll-i'U .WH Wit l"1, Mo. Par , 21 21 -i 2.1'j jBi Nat. Lead V.l 2S JJ 3T-1 37j Nnt. ,Cord f, if; K (i'4 1!' New Bug .".2", .,r 22'i .Iri V. N. y. c i' iiio loi lnj in) 8. It 10'., 10'i l,ij 10' 10- o, & W Kei, irj 17 lli HV'4 P. & It I!1! 13'i 13H 12 12), S. & W., I'r.... 4:1 43 41 4S- T Tex. I 'lie fi !"t D'. I'nlon I'ae U"k IV, ll'i 11 11 XV. &. H. I. l.ij C'i (, (P, W. A 8. h., lr M'j M'li Ifi U W. I'nlon S'-Si M SS 87", 8S CO. It 12'.j 72'i Tl'.i 72 71 A. M. T ! W 9 C.I B9 CIIICAUO BOAItB OI.' Tit AI iM PKICK3. Oa'n- High- Low- Cloii WIIRAT. lug. est. est. nif. May f.i'ii r.7-,-4 57'i 57 July M'i ts'i CS'.i fiS'i OATS. January 27"i S'i S! t' Mny a'i r j ColtN. January 4Vi 4r'4 41'i 4."',i May 47'.j 47'j 47' 47' July 47 47'j 4H' 47 LAUD. January V71 C 70 fvC2 COI May C.o7 11.87 0.-2 ti.S? PORK. January 11.22 11.22 11.23 11.22 May ll.r.a U.li 11.10 11. J S.tnnton Hoard of Ir.ilj Ctjhiinj (,)iid tr.lous. i No. I'nr Shs. Vnl. Hid. Ask. 10 ltHl Pera'n rl'iv'nr P.inli P") 2"i 100 Third Nnt'l Hank.... S'iO Ill lim First Nafl Hunk t:0O 7 li"! Allegheny l.nm'r Co 1C3 D M0 Scrnnlon Class Co. (Ilonds) tSO 7 COO Stevens Coal Coin'y (Ilonds) too 2 100 Scra'n Jnr and Stop per Co CO 20 HO Oline Dep. & Ills. Hunk (52 r.O 1 100 Bcra'n Axle. Works 10!) 100 l.aeka. Lumber Co.i. 110 W) 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Cu KO CO 100 Spring Hruok Wutor Co loo 0 1W First National Hank (Cnrbonilale J5o S 100 I.neka. Trust & Bafn lJiposot Co 135 i..., 10 100 Bcrn'n I.no Cur, Co DO D loo Kcrnnton Kerning Co Jlo 30 100 Oreen lfgn Lum'r Co .... 110 10 W IMovldenco A Ablng. ton Ttirnplko Co..,. US S 100 Rerantnn fjlass Co,,', fit) 80 100 Hunt a Ulnns Co go G 100 M. ft M. Snvlnit" Hank (Cnrbondule), 140 23 4 Crystul Lake Water i Co 450 1 100 Keon'y Steam Heat 1 k Power Co. (.bonds) (00 New York I'roJucs Market. New York, 'Jan. IS. Flour Dull, un chunged. Wheal Dull, unchanged; No. 2 red storo and elevator, 60ui)le.; afloat, U2'au,; f. o. b., U2iiii:ic. ; ungraded red, ii7u C'ic. ; No. 1 northern, 7otia71c.: options closed firm at unchanged prices with a dull trade; No. 2 red January, OOTie. ; Feb ruary, tiiije. ; Alurch, (ile.; Juno and uly, i!2V. Corn Dull, llrm; No. 2, 5l',4nr.l'.c. elevator; M'.ia.'ic. atluut; steamer mixed, ISiHU'Ue. ; No. 3. IS'siUll'ie.; oiitlons dull, M,c. lower, closing weak; January, GISc.; February, Gl'ic; May, r.l'.dc; uly, Bl'je. Outs bull, easier; options dull, easier; January, KR'ic. ; I'Vlu-iuiry, .lie.; May, 34'4e.; spot prlees, No. 2, 3;i4ii34V1c.; No. 2 while, ttiialiie.; No. 2 Chicago, 3Tie.; No. 3, JCIVje. ; No. 3 white, !Kc. ; mixed western, 34!...u;iile.; white do., 37l,Jn41e.; while state. 37li,u4le. Ileef Dull. Ki-yf Hams Inac tive. Tlerced Beef (Julel. Cut .Meuts Dull, weuk. Lard Quiet, nbout steuily; western steani, S7; city, $A.37'ii: Jiiiiuary, $7, nominal; Mny, 7.20, nominal; reiined, unlet; continent, $7. (ill; Buuth Amcrleu, 57.SO; compound, fiUnr.V'. Pork tjulet, steady; mess, $l2.7."a!3. Butter Dull, un settled; state dairy, 10u2oc.; do. ereiiniery, Hiu2:ie. ; Pennsylvania do., 1iia23e. ; western dairy, lOalGe. ; do. creamery, 1Un2"ic. ; do. factory, aiiire.; Klglns, 2"ie.; Imitation creamery, 12al8c; Juno creamery, Kia2l',;e. t'hciw-Moderate demand, easy; state, large, OullVic. ; do. fancy colored, 11'4c ; do. white, lie.; do. small, 9VjiH2e.; part sliinis, 3jii9c.; full skims, 2n2'.,c. Kggs Moderate receipts, steadier; state nnd Pennsylvania, 23c.; refrigerator, Km19i-. ; western fresh, 22c.; do. per cane, JL'a3.7j; BOiithern, 21u21iie.; limed, Mulfie. Pliiladvlphla Tullow Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 18. Tallow Is dull and unchanged. We ipiote; City, prime, In hlulH, 4,ialr;ic. ; country, inline, In bills, 4'e. ; do. dark In bbls, 4Vie. ; cukes, IUjc. ; greuse, Sntc. Oil .Market. P'Htsburg, Jan. is. oil opened, highest, 9U"; lowest, 95',i; closed, tirli. .Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! '. Mrs. Wlnulow's Soothing Syrup hat been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children whllo teething, Willi perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tliu gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and is tho best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Kuothlng Syrup," and tuks no other kind. Twenty-live cent a bottle. Kclicf in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney und Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by tho "New lireta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary pas rages In mule or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. Jl. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nun. Kcninioii. i'n. A Word. WANTS OP" ALL KINDS COST THAT Ml:H. WHEN PAID FOB., IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MAL I', NO CHAROTO WILL. BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL, WANT ADS, HX CBPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Wanted. AY 'ANTED - Ul'KIUUT PIANO: STATE niakM nnd terms. T. B , I rlbnno eftief. Help Wanted Male. Tfc?TTLJiXVl ill the grocery trade. StcBdyemploymoiit, cx;ierieiicB iniliwessurv; ?7u monthly saliirv mid expenses er emu. If ofl'or satisfactory ad dress at unco with partleulars concerning yourself, V. !-. Clii mlcal Works, Chicago. V'A.iTKl - CATHOLPJ MAN IN' HIS own Bio-rsc. Itoforenera required: SIS p r we. k. Write to JOSEPH R. GAY, CO r' f th a venue. Chicago. V lAKl'KXTER - UVEMKN TO WOKK vv fur us in crcIi county; steady work: g vid salary: fctnip for particulars. TOPI' A l O.. JtaliaiiApolin, Iud. Ti.KhMEjf- HKSIDENT SALESMEN !' wanted, aetimlntod with tho local nnd nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our line of liluli grads cignrs. Address, ulving inferences, J. EDWARD COWLE3 A CO., 143 Chantbevs street, N, Y. Helo Wanted Females. ' 1HLS WANTED EX PRRIENCEH AND VI inexperienced to maimfiiiHuro shirts bv eeetiiety. Apply SOLOMON & ZL'L'KER' MAN. i.u Franklin avenue. Special Notices. Till. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I stockholders of 1 ho West Ridge Coal f'onipniiy will bo held in their ollice in Seran ton, un Momlny, Junuuiy 2sth, at 2 o'clock p. pi , lor tho purposi of eloctlng directors for the I'l.KiiInu year uud transacting such other bu..'llo' s as luuy coino beforo them. E. A. CLARK, Secrotary. Krn AN-niK, l'ft., .Inn. S? lHI.V SPECIAL MEETISO OF THE SNu If. J holders of Tho Krr.inton Olass Cnmnanv will be held on Wednesdav. .Iilliunrv L'.kl. at 2 o'eloek p. m.. at the ollieo of tho eoiapuny.No at Laekawaniia nvenne, to take Into consider ntion the I'utiiro coniluet of tho businoss and to pr iviuo nir us iiunra nperntion. (mihuimi) J. H. h'lthlih, President. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH F.xT I hibitiniis and lectiue nion any Rubjout di s ri-d. 'i'liesn exhibition will bo llliistr.ite 1. haviuc in lev l iteR',i,)n the moat nowerful oi!sM.lviiiC itn-eopt icons made. it. CALL, Tribune omce. '0U' WANT THIS RF.LIO - REPRINT 1 Prank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War lllunti-atlo Istil-lHiB. Two Volume Fnllu. f III..MI; pnyiilile monthly, ?i.tl Hidivorcd by i xi less complete, 1'repaM. Addiess P, u, A.oi in , tiis unison street, ricranton, l'o. 1)1. ANK POORS, PAMPHLETS, MAoX II lines, etc., bound or reljound at Tnu Tltnil'NK otlice. (juick work. , Hcasonublo pilees. for Rent. i;oll KI.NT-STUHE AND TWO BASH- 1 incuts. No. '" Lacknwannn avonun: nlso d'l'oiid and lliiid Honrs nrrai'Ked fur two fane II ion nr ei.t ro iiiilldliiv for vlioics:iiii tmri us s; i-lea'or: D. & II. switch ti bulldiiiir. Roll. KR1SON iilfCHCOCIC, No. 4n4 LatUa v anna aveuuc, S-i imtim. Pn, , I Milt HEN'r STORE H(M)M"ilVvyo"Vri.N(l 1' uvea n. next to Coal Excluitigo. Inquire A. K. HA I 13. 4:'. Si-rnce street. OFFICES Ti ) 7,F.T-MOt) K RvToNV KNI. riieen; centra. V. li. R4PLOOLE, 4'W Hi ru :e, l.'CB Rr.NT-7 H0.1M HOCSE.NO. tm P- K I est sir e, betwem leksoii wutka and Er odipnt; rontSKI. Inqnlre , n promise i.or rent-fuiinh:h:d and UNifit 1 nished rooms at 5.KI Iiiieknu iuina aveini". I 'oh'rex r-mx room house on west I l.nek'iuanim ov miuii. Address '1 Hi ).M AS E. V.VANH, near ll; Lnterno, Hydo I'.irk. r( It RI2MT-NIH I LY V V II X I ti 11 F. li H .U, I hu it n lie for lol'o i ix mi JOHN JEd MA . Un Wvoiebu' uvenii-. for Sa!a l.'lill SAI.IC-AN KD1HON TVl'EWKI I ER T fur SI Apply to 1.. T. UULKLEY, Ik) l.nennwiiiuia nveiuie. "CAbII UUf-lN ESS FiiiV HALE AT A DAB J mibi. UI7 1'ei n aveimi1. HOUSE KOR HALE 11NW TRAVELER or wink r luiywhere; 7 ym old; 1,160 to inns; siiiiim, kiiki h i or mmrcss (,'HAS. A.EH. (4)eiilmrn, Pa. lot. I OrVr-IlHACfcLET. HII.YEK, ON MAIN 1J nvenu". tmtwonn l.:nik '.wann i venue an I ,li'ksnii strojt, Tlniradsy evening. Finder w ti urn rewurusa ujr losvin at nuvu viui niore. Strayed or Stolen. CTKAYKO OR STOLEN PROM 10I0OLIVE O street on haturduy, Jan. A, a white bull nun. ivilb lame snot ou back. Ten dollars re. ward will be paid for return of urne and uo (juestiona ntva. w. u utls, onno I: GENTS' NATURAL WOOL GENTS' COTTON FLEECE-LINED 1$C5r50 dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made of the Finest Maco Yarn; Reg lar 50c. quality, now 37lc. Each. SIZES 6, 6 1-2, 7. 20 Cents. CONNOLLY & IS NOW 08? THE SCRANTON BEDDIHG CO., 602 andAzulAwnae' PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. Agents Wanted. (JilR HO TO IWIW PER WEEK USINO 060.JJ nnd sellina: Old ReliaWo l'liiter. Evory family Iiuh rusty, worn knivet, fork', tpooim, ote. Quickly plated by dipping in molted metal. No experience or lmrd work: 0 gwd nit uiition. Address W. V. HARRISON & CO.. Clerk No. i4, Coluiiibua, Ohio. AOENTS--WE HAVE THE REST KEKLISO nrtielo on tlie continent; from S3. 6') to 1 i.OO per day can be mudo supplying reuulir ctistoniers with our fluvorinif perfumes. i )W dor and soaps. Address CONSOLIDATED PERFUME CO., Chienco. ( 'ENEKAI. AUEXTs WANTED - hELE XI iint new aitieles to deiders; vxvlusive ter ritory, no coinpetitlon.no rnpltal required; 'M to OHO per cent, profit. Columbia Cliemieal Co. , OH Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. rANTH) - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO liandlo our lino, no peddling. Balnrir, ST.") per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. I'. O. Box, iMlH, Ronton, Maa legal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDER signed, an auditor appointed by tho or phans' Court of Lackawanna county, to audit the flnnl account of James Martin, adminis trator of Hie estate of Elizabeth Lswler, do rcael, and to report distribution of tlio funds 111 the hands of said a'-countaiit, will att'-nd to tlio duties of his appointment nt tho oltiee nf Wiilurd, Warren & Knupp, in the Republican Building, Washington aveuuo. Serauion. Ph., on Saturday, Februry 2d. Isii.V at -o'clock 111 tlio afternoon, nt which time and place all porsom interested may apnear and present their claims or be forover debarred therefrom. 1'. O'MALLEY. Auditor. Charter Application. TVOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN IN application will bo made to tho governor of tbn State of Pennsylvania on Monday, tbo 4tli ilav of February, lrt!i.", by L. M, Huiinell, W illlain 8. Hoyd, Jr., W. 8. Mears. John W. Coolodvo, ti. A. Clearwater, E. M. Tuwks bury, Jdin S. Cox and Edward 11. Lyndo, under the act of assembly of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, ontitled, "All act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain curuorations." approved April 29, 1S74. and the supplements tnereto, ror cue cnartor or an inienueii cor poration to be called, "Tile Diamond Mica Company," tho character and object of which is the mining and quarrying of mica and other ores or minerals, preparing the a-jiiio for mar ket and marketing tlio sumo, and for tlnso purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges of aid act of assembly and it supplements. I. ALTON 1IAIK, Solicitor. Situations Wanted. C1TUATION WANTED HY A 'OUX( O marr.'el man as coachman or anv honora ble work; I'J years' experio ico as cea diuinu; call furnish best of referenco. Address "COACHMAN," Trlbnno ollice, Seranton. I'n. yANTED--RY A MAN TO HIVE PRIVATE V V tuitions, either nt homo or abroad, in the English or Latin languages. Address "M, U., li ' j oining avenue, city. Situation wanted by a youno O man 18 years old: understands horses: would like a position as driver. Address HaR L1E LITT8, H43 Providenco Road. DRUG CLERK OF TWO YEARS' EXPERI ence desires nosltion; well educated. Address "AMYL," '1 ribnno ofllce SITUATION WANTI'.D - BY A HOY hi to years of ago; would like to have position In barber shop; lias had long experience. Ad dress "L. J.," Tribune ollice. TANTKP HY A YOUNO LADY WHO v understands the (iormnn, Huiicarluu, Hebrew slid Euglisli liunruages, a position as bookkeeper, Address R., 'Ml llalste.id court. Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Clippers, Alligators, Self-Steering Sleighs, Steel Sleighs, Iron Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleighs hi Clippers and Dent Wood Knees and the Montrose tins Tubing Sleighs, We have over 100 dozen in stock antl will sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. I D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CHARLES B. KEEN & CO., STOCKBROKERS, 36 S. Third St, PHILADELPHIA. Established In 162. Stocks and bonds bought sola ana carried, on marg id. Refer by permission to J, H. itlcliener, Pre. Bank ot North America, C. II. Banes, Pros. Market tit. National bank u.M. Decbeiti Proa. CouuuouwealtU Trust t II 1 The Best Value we have ever offered. Our price only 48c. Sold by others at 50c, as a 75c. Garment. We quotl the following new prices on our Famous Hoys' Cast SIZES 71-2, 8,81-2, 22 Cents. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave THE CELEBRATED MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY to our M'ashburn.Croshy Co. wish to ussure their many pat rons that tlicv will this vcar hold to their usual custom of ntilliiiR STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, und in proper condition for milling. Wushhurn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before ".rinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. J? T.-W Ll IDA H I IHI I Ul II Bill If M I I MAKERS m ' with P! II Hold Fast li Steel Ccn- 1 W tcred, Self- V w Shnrpening, V Detachable SA HORSE tXM J SHOE v.sMr calks Var We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paclflo Const Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Rrnnds of White Pinn and White Cedar Shinnies, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Hill Timber. North Carolina Phort and Lous Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. LTHE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN BomtMMM Dedt a relinble, monthly, ngnltUnc medleln. Only dwalMl u tb imrMtdiugi ihould ba uwJ. lljou wuil lb bolt (at Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Thry an prompt, mt certain In remit The cinrotna (Dr. TmYi) iimr dlup. noiut. Bout mwh, 11.00. Addnu f IM Uuiouia OSm Cleralud, U. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce street. Seranton, Pa. Wallace II I . Iron Hosiery: SIZES 9, 9 1-2, 10. 25 Cents. patrons: SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Fall Line of SUPPLIES. lii l Co. Seranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Wlilt Oak. Fulllvan County Herclock Lumber and Lath. Tlorm County Dry Hemlock StocH1 Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists an Studding. , Pharmacist Cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spring & CONNELL