The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 19, 1895, Page 10, Image 10

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At Exceedingly Low Prices.
January Is one of the Important months
to purchasers of muslin underwear, for
the reason that the goods were contracted
for and matle. during the very dull season.
The prices are reduced to such low fln
xires as will Insure a quick sale. The
goods are all new and of the choicest.
Ladies' Fine Muslin Corsot Cover,
high neck, trimmed with embroidery. 25c
Flno Cambric Corset Cover with V
neck, trimmed with embroidery SGo
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
neck, trimmed with embroidery 890
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, V neck,
trimmed with valuiicleunes lace back
and .'front 4Gc
Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V
neck, back and front trimmed with
Very fine embroidery 49c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V
back and square front, trimmed with
Insertion ami embroidery D8c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover with V
Deck, back and front, trimmed with
embroidery and Valenciennes lueo "5c
Fine Cambric Corset Covers, low
cquure neck, trimmed with lino em
broidery 85c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, V buck
and front, trimmed with pointed em
broidery SSc
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with line Inser
tion and embroidery 89c
Fine Cambric Corset Cover, low
round neck, trimmed with embroid
ery and light blue ribbon $1.23
Pure Muslin Clown with Mother Hub
bard yoke, with tucks and cambric ruf
fle round neck and down the front.... GOu
Fine Muslin (Sown, trimmed with
wldo hemstitched rulllu round neck and
Sleeves 75c
Flno Muslin down. Mother Hub
bard yoke, with tucks and Insertion
nd embroidery edKlntf 85c
Fine Muslin Omvn with V neck,
trimmed with wide embroidery und
toivhen lace 89c
Fine Cambric tlown, Kinpire style,
trimmed with Insertion and rulllu of
embroidery 98c
Fine Fmbroidery down, with solid
emboklcry yoke, trimmed with em
broidery editing $1.19
Fine Muslin Gown, Kinpire style,
trimmed with solid embroidery ami
wide embroidery round neck und
Sleeves $1.23
Fine Cambric Gown, with round
tucked joke, trimmed with narrow
piltriiiR round neck and wide embroid
ery ruifie round yoke and sleeves $1.50
Muslin Drawers, with tucks 25c
Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
fine tucks 35c
Fine Muclin Drawers, with cluster of
tin ks and wide rulllu of embroidery... 45c
Fine .Muslin Drawers, with double
cluster of tucks ami wide embroidery
ruffle GSc
Fine Muslin Drawers, with cluster of
tui'ks and Louis Fuller ruillo of em
broidery 89c
Fine Cambric Drawers, with cluster
of fine tucks, trimmed with ruffle of
embroidery with lace edirliiK 9Sc
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks find wide hem 45c
Fine Muslin Skirts, with cluster of
tucks unj cambric rulllu 00c
Fine Muslin Skirts, with clusters of
flno tucks with wide embroidery ruf
fle V 85c
Fine Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric
rullle with Insertion and tucks S5c
Muslin Skirt, with wide cambric ruf
fle wl'h clusters of lucks, trimmed
with fine luce !e
-r mAmfm
413 Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex
perience In ho.ipltal and private practico
and treats ail acute and chronic diseases
ot men, women and children.
He. with his assistants, treat all ells
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, car, nose and throat, dyspepsia
rheumatism, lost vltalliy, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
nroiiuy, caiarm, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, Ljlnod-poi.onlns, lits, epilepsy, In
discretion nnd errors of youth, lost mini'
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance
asthma, discuses of the heart, lunK,
liver. Kidneys, Dimmer, siomai n. etc.
Voting .Men Positively Cured.
Offer to ths 1'iibllo for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
Wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured msy receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DolXAUS. Tho
doctor has discovered a specific for this
dreaded disease. You can treat nnd cure
yourself and family with it at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICIO IIOIT.S-Dally, 9 n. m. to 9 p.
m.; eununys, iu 10 iz ami 2 10 .
Prices Cut in Half
See our Show Window to
Be Convinced.
. Scott Inglis
N. B. Spring Wall Papers no
Harry Skeels, of Carbomlule, wu In
town yenterdiiy.
MLss Emma Ferbcr Is vlHltintf f rlunda
in Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. George It. l'.ryant, of
"Union town,- l'u., are visiting relatives
Mini Sadie Itay, who hug been visit
ing her sister at Unlotitown, hits re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kraft arc ihome
from a trip to New York city.
Health flints and
Rales o! Hygiene
Suggestions That May Save You Many
a Doctor's Bill.
These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not
Copyrighted, and if They Don't Do
You Any Good, They'll Not
Do You Any llurm.
Alphabet Guide to Health:
An goon as you are up shake blankets and
Better be without shoes than sit with wot
Children, If healthy, are active, not still;
Damp sheets or damp clothes will make
Eat slowly, and always chew your food
Freshen the air in the house where you
Garments must never be made to fit Unlit;
Homes will be healthy if airy and llKht;
If you wish to be well as you do, I've no
Just open the windows before you go out;
Keep your room always tidy and clean;
Let dust on the furniture never be seen;
Much illnesB Is caused by the want of puro
Now to open your windows be ever your
ca ru ;
Old ruga and old rubbish should never be
People should see that their floors are well
Quick movements in children are healthy
and right;
Hemember the young cannot thrive with
out llKht;
See that the cistern is clean to the brim;
Take care that your dress is ull tidy and
Use your nose to find out If there be a bad
Very sad are the fevers that come In Its
Walk as much as you can without feel-
liiK fatigue;
Xerxes could walk fully many a leuKUe;
Your health Is your wealth, which your
wisdom must keep:
Zeal will help a Kood cause, and the Kood
you will reap. Exchange.
One of nature's cheapest specifics Is
plain iliot water. "If I were asked
what woman's best friend Is," said one
doctor recently, "I should say hot
water. If she drinks hot water an
hour before her breakfast she will he
able to ward off dyspepsia. If she
drinks hot water flavored with lemon
and sweetened with sutrar when she has
been viit 1u the cold she will ward oft
chills. The same aKteeable medicine
taken early enough in the progress of
a cold will stop it. When a nervous
headache makes the forehead throb
and the back of the neck nche hot
water will relieve the pain. For tired
eyes, inflamed eyelids und styes. - con
tinued the doctor, "nothing Is so goon
ns hot water. M ne eves snouiu ue
sopped with a cloth dipped In boiling
water. Sprains may be relieved greatly
bv soakimr the ntllicted member in hot
water for half an hour at a time and
then binding It with a flannel bandage,
Hrulses yield to much the same treat
ment, althouwh suoh long soaking Is tin
necessary. Wounds and sores may be
treated by pouring hot water on them
for a few minutes at a time. Very hot
water applied to a bleeding cut will
ston the How of blood freouently. Then
for mere comfort." he went on. "few
rhinirs enual hot water. A rubber bag
full of It makes one Indifferent to cold,
Wrapped 1n flannel and put on the
floor of a carriage It is Invaluable. She
who suffers from cold feet at night hn-s
but to Ull a hot water bag to know what
comfort is. Sufferers from sleepless
ness find themselves dellclously drowsy
after a hot bath. Wrinkles llee before
it nnd blackheads vanish before Its
constant use. Great Is hot water."
French sanitarians are Just now con
slderablv agitated over the question of
bedbmrs. Dr. Felix Hremonu argueu oe-
fore the Commission of Hygiene mat
the bedbug Is a nuisance and a cause
of disease, :tnd so thoroughly convinced
the commission of the correctness 01
his Ideas that the extermination ot the
bedbuir in Infested lodging houses was
ordered forthwith. Hut the lodging
house keeper ihad become so much at
tached to the society of this cheerful
net that they entered a vigorous pro
test to the demands of the commission,
and contested The decision in the courts
and with the result 'that the municipal
council nnd -the state council reversed
the decision of the t-onimlsslon of hy
glene, and 'thus the bugs were delivered
from the Imminent peril which threat
ened them, nnd the tenants of cheap
lodging houses In Paris sMll furnish
food fur these hungry phlebotomlsts.
Drs. I'.remond and Do Wevere have
made a careful study of tho relation of
bedbugs to health, and have nhuwn
that this loathsome Insect is i menace
to health, not only by reason of the
loss of sleep and of (blood directly at
tributable to Its ravings, but also
through its becoming the means of
transmitting 'the microbes of 'tubercu
losis. This is a question which, In the
opinion of the Medical News, ought to
receive tile attention of the anltiry
authorities In our great cities. It has
long been known that files may com
munlcate cholera, cliarbon and other
infections, as erysipelas and possibly
yellow fever. It has also been known
that earthworms are a moans of dls
penning chabon infections. Mosquitoes
convey certain animal parasites, as fa
larla; possibly also the -parasites o:
m.ilurla. It is possible that many In
sects may be engaged In this mischiev
ous activity. This Is a matter to
which sanitarians may well give con
To avoid lllnos-s wlille on -a holiday,
the following hints will be useful: If
on a long holiday, -and frequently
ohanglng your hotel, 'take your own
sheets with you, say two pairs, all
wool. Tiiey do tiot take up much room
In your boxes, and t'hey are a very
great safeguard and comfort. You
may then bid defiance not only to
colds, but rhuumnitlsm and even fever.
At 'the majority of hotels -Wioy are not
even particular In airing tho sheet.
Sometimes they put a little starch In
them. You might as well Bleep under
a mackintosh -us under -a starohed
sheet. Tho perspiration Is kept In,
and the skin rendered Boft and flabby,
and any exposuro next day Is there
fore dangerous. Perfect comfort In
bed must be obtained If you would
make the most of a holiday. Ilefore
choosing or accepting m. bed room,
therefore, Juot see thut tho bed Is a
nice one, the blankets clean, with a
HUlllcientt number of pillows, and a
bolster case. At many hotels they
have a mean nd dirty way of dis
pensing entirely with bolster cases.
Thoy simply spread the sheet round It,
And the probability Is you awake In
the morning with a crick In your neck,
ami feel peevish and out of aorta all
day long.
youna for health:
The excessive use of smelling salts Is be
lieved to damage the heurlng.
If one be In good heulth It Is folly for
him to begin a treatment to make him
thin or fat. It Is natural for some per
sons to be thin, and others to be stout, to
be short or tall as the case may be.
A glass of hot milk after one Is In bed
often Insures an unbroken, restful sleep.
Haw oysters, If they are chewed Instead
of being swallowed whole, are the most
easily digested of all things. IJcef is the
best food to give one a color.
For red eyelids, shave a lump of alum
down to a pencil-point and use it upon the
eyelids night and morning. Draw the
alum gently over the edge of the lids.
Experiments made by Dr. Vaughnn, and
communicated by him to tho ltoyal so
city, of England, conclusively show that
liberal consumption of sugar insures the
ability te do more work with less fatigue.
Rome physicians say the fuct has been
demonstrated beyond a question that
uslde from rupture of the ear-drum there
Is scarcely a symptom of defective hear-
ng which is not traceuble to the condition
of the nose and throat.
When the hair begins to split or fall out
massuuo to the scalp is excellent. l'liu-o
the tip of tho fingers lirmly upon the
scalp und then vibrate or move thu scalp
while holding tho pressure steadily. This
will Btlinulato the blood vessels under
neath tho hair. A brush of unevenly
tufted bristles Is also excellent to use upon
the scalp, not tho hair.
Quito often on rising In tho morning u
dull, heavy headncho Is folt for an hour or
two, which is not severe enough to mnk-3
one 111, but quite enough so to make 011a
miserable. A half a teaspoonful of table
salt In a half a wlnecluss of water will
often remove theaoho In less than half un
hour. It seems to sweeten tho stomach,
from which most headaches come.
Coal oil Is an excellent tonic for the hair,
If not objectionable on account of Its odor.
l'.ut If the oil Is rubbed well into the roots
of the hair with a soft sponge In tho moili
ng, the odor will be almost gone by even-
ng. and you can lurlhor dissipate 11 oy a
liberal application of bay rum rubbed In
the same way. The coitl oil cleans the
scalp beautifully, and softens; the hair.
A foreign medical Journal Is authority
for the statement that a teaspoonful of
glycerine In hot milk or cream will ut
once relieve the most violent attack of
coughing. This Is a simple, easily ob
tained uiu harmless remedy, and if It
keeps good Its promise will prove to be of
great value. Equally simple and quite ef
fective Is I he use or glycerine spray
hough un atomizer. This Is applied di
rectly to the Intlamed or Irritated sur
faces and gives almost instant relief. In
uttucks of Influenza,- colds iu tho head,
sore throat, and like troubles, glycerine
mixed with three times Us bulk of water
boiled and cooled, is an Invariable remedy.
A little practice will enable the patient
to Ull the lungs with the spray, and tho
soothing and cooling cltect Is remarkable.
The following young people enjoyed
a pleasant sleighrlde to Olyphant last
evening: Misses Ida Oourtright, JIattle
Courtrlght, Carrie Lutholdt, Elsie Cary,
Ida Sperber, Sadie Itlchards, Maine
CotirtVight, Janet FJvams, Ada Goodwin,
Mary A. Jones, Jennie Itossin and Fred
Williams, Fred Stone, Stanley Miller,
Harry Wlnslow, Edward Sweet, Harry
Sweet, David Davles, Samuel Gordon,
nich.trd Watklns, Luther Harris and
Thomas Pavis. The party stopped at
a hotel In the above named place and
enjoyed themselves immensely. They
returned home at an early hour this
Mrs. Cornelius P. Gap, of Bethlehem,
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Welgor -at their home on Main street
Professor. David E. Jones, of Laflin,
was a visitor here yesterday.
Fred Williams, of Scranton, was a
visitor here last evening.
William Sullivan, of Feltsvllle, was
quite seriously Injured at the Pyne
breaker yesterday morning;. He Is em
ployed as a company man' and was
driving a car down a steep grade, when
he fell under the cars and was run over.
Ho sustained five broken ribs and was
removed to 'the Moses Taylor hospital.
The funeral of Mrs. Gabriel Honner
was held yesterday afternoon from her
late home In the Sibley, and was at
tended by an Immense concourse of the
duparted woman's friends. While the
funeral procession was passing undei
the I'yne breaker trestllng a team of
horses became frightened by the dump
engine overhead and made a mad dash
to run away. The occupants of the
oarrlage were thrown out and the car
riage was a total wreck. No one was
German Hose company No. 1 tested
the hydrants and their hose which they
procured this week, and the test proved
most satisfactory to the company. A
new fire gong was also placed In the
Taylor breaker.
Mi", and Mrs. Henry Reese, of Par
sons, visited Mr. und Mrs. Thomas It.
Davis at their home on Main street on
The rlassos have neat'Jy nil com
menced the review, preparatory to the
final examinations of the second
Our instructor in elocution has offered
to give all the students who partici
pate In the public rhetorics two drills
upon their selections Instead of one as
formerly. This Is simply one of the
many Improvements made In our de
partment of elocution this year under
our enterprising teacher. Miss Acken
The beginning Greek class Tuesday
commenced their march through the
"gate" to the Anabasis. The senior
class, after a year's conflict, Is on the
point of capturing the city.
Three special prayer meetings have
been held by the students during the
A large number of our students ot
tended the Ilaptlst Ladles' Aid society
nt Silas Gardner's Wednesday evening.
Tho members of the Current Topic
leagm Monday afternoon devoted their
meetings to a discussion of the "Polit
ical Review of '4."
The "Phi Ml" programme Friday
evening was especially Interesting. The
principal features were the "Lantern,'
chief editor lleardsley, and a parlla
mentary drill. This Is tho first drill
held by the Boclety since tho adoption
of Robert s manual, and mnny new
points In parliamentary practice were
brought out.
A sleigh load of young people from
Jackson took supper at the K.iglc hotel
last night, after which they all Joined
In a grand dunce.
J. A. McCoii'liell, of this township, is
visiting friends and relatives In Ring
hnmton this week.
Rev. K. J. Mcllenry Is spoiullug a few
days In Philadelphia.
David Van Dunkirk has purchased
tho Interest of his purtner, W. U. Phln-
noy. In the livery business conducted
by them it lie past year.
Mrs. S. It. Roll Is visiting relatives In
Uranohvlllc, N. J.
W. N. Whitney, of Klngsley's, was lit
town on business Wednesday,
Miss Anna Renchler, of Scranton, Is
visiting her friend, Mrs. J. H. Vail.
J. J. Coleman has recovered from his
recent Illness.
W. W. IRoy, of Nicholson, Is visit
lug his parents In this township.
Mrs. Richard llartt, who .has been an
Invalid for several years, eonlined to
her bed most of the time, died Thurs
day morning. Her aged tiusband Is In
very poor health,
The county court has granted hotel
licences to Arnett Bennett and John
McLaughlin; eating house license to
Peter Walsh and John Cunningham,
wholesale license to Thomas W. Cun
ningham. ' Three slclghlouds of people from,
Vandllng with their band, enjoyed a
slclghrlde over the snow-covered hills
to Uniondale, Thursday- evening.
Miss Kachael Francis, of Scranton,
visited her mother, Thursday evening,
to obtain the latter's consent to her
mairrlage, which will occur next Tues
day evening In Scranton, to J. Thomas.
Miss KrandB was formerly one of For
est City's populnr young ladies.
The Welsh Sunday school went to
Jermyn, Thursday, over the beautiful
snow, and report a pltasant time.
Hevival services were commenced In
the Presbyterian church, Wednesday
evening. The Uapblst, Methodist,
Welsh Congregational, and Presbyter
Ian churches have united In the effort
for the revival of church membership
and the conversion of the unsaved. Mr.
Hogan's discourse was upon "Sin."
Thursday evening Iiev. P. U. Kennedy
preached un excellent sermon. The
meethigs are well attended.
Candidates for borough ofllces are not
very numerous. In the Second ward
the Republican voters will meet In
Davis' hall next Tuesday evening from
7 to S o'clock to send two delegates to
the county cosi'VenMon and to place In
nomination candidates for ofllces In
this borough. The Republican voters
that are qualified will hold their cau
cus In MMnger'a E'lore room opposite
the postofllce, the same evening from
7 to S o'clock, to noailnate candidates
for the 'borough ofllces and to choose
two delegates t attend the Republican
county convention, which will be held
at Montrose next Thursday, Jan. 24.
After the meeting of the First ward
and ward caucuses, ;: union caucus of
the Republican votirs of the two wards
will be held In Manger's Btore room
from H to o'clock,
Hiiydon Kvans, of Scranton, was a
visitor In this city yesterday.
Miss Laura Davenport, of rittston, Is
the guest of Sirs. 0. W. Mellon, of
Washington place.
W. 1). Evans has purchased from D.
W. Humphrey the latter's half Interest
In the store, office and hall on Main
street, which has been in the past occu
pied by the Arm of which these gentle
men are members. The deal was a
double one, as Mr. Humphrey pur
chased from Mr. Evans the store and
dwelling now occupied In the past by
John Mohrs. The linn of Humphrey &
Evans will dissolve on April 1.
Peter Molllnaro, of Columbia avenue,
West Side, died on Thursday afternoon
of pneumonia. Deceased was 4S years
of age and leaves ' family. He was
among the prominent Italians of the
Last evening the Young Ladles' Liter
ary society und Invited friends enjoyed
a slelghrlde to Dlyptiant. They took
supper at Muhon's hotel. The party
numbered fifteen couples.
Harry Skeels has returned from
Miss Clara Smith, of New York city.
Is visiting Carbondale friends.
A mite social was held laBt evening
under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid
society of the Raptlst mission at tht
home of Mrs. William Sherrer, of Arch
bald street.
Miss Minnie Reynolds is the guest
of Dr. John II. Harris and family, at
Steven Xorthrup visited his brother
at Clark's Ore-en one day this week.
Undertaker G. W. Stanton is very ill
at his home on Main street.
Mrs. Henry Reynolds and Mrs. Wal
ter Reynolds spent Friday at Scranton.
The wives, daughters and sisters of
the members of Captain E. J. Rice post,
No. 211, Grand Army of the Republic,
are requested to meet at the residence
of Mrs. II. M. Capwell Saturday after
noon. Jun. 1!, at 8 o'clock, to arrange
for The organization of a woman's cir
cle -to be known as the Ladles' Circle of
the Oaptaln E. J. Rice post. No. 211,
Grand Army ot the Republic, of Fac
toryvllle, l'a.
Thonvas Hall, of Wa-verly, Pa., was
Nervous Headaches
Dyspepsia, Impure Blood
APerfoct Cure by Hood's 8arsa
It. Wcbatrr Baker
York, Ta.
" I personally recommend Hood's Sarsapnrllls
to my friends mid others, whenever I luvo na
opportunity, mid' I am willing tint thU state
ment bo used for publication. This medicine,
lias bcrn ol great benefit to me. I liavo been
luflotlug more or less with dyspepsia and ncr-
Hood'ss? Cures
vous headache for several years. After using
other preparations without success, I concluded
to try Hood's Karsaparllla. I am pleased to say
that I have been bnnefltud nioro by the use ol
Hood's Sarsnparllla tliuu by
All Other Medicines Combined
In fact, I have been cured by Hood's Sursaua-
rlllu. I also una Hood's Pills very bctiellclul."
1). Wf.ustkk H,vki.ii, 29 8. I'ctm St., York, Til,
Hood's Pills ro purely vegetable, end Uo
not puree, pain or gripe. Bold by all urusslsts.
The Acknowledged Expert In
HorseHhoelnp; and Dentistry,
is Now Perimtnently Loeuted
on West l.uckuwunnu Ave.,
ficurthg linage.
the guest of his cousin. Miss Edith
Hall, of this place, on Thursday.
The funeml of the late Mrs. Nathan
Wells was held from the residence Fri
day afternoon. Kev. P. E. Adams, of
the ITnlversallst church of Nicholson,
conducted the services.
Members of Dunmore lodge of Odd
Fellows are requested to meet at their
hall this afternoon at 1 o'clock to at
tend the funeral of Past Grand John
H. Smith. Sister lodges are Invited to
attend with them.
Thomas Palmer Is again confined to
his room by rheumatism.
The following Is -the programme of
the drama, "Daughters of a King,"
which will be given In Manly's hull
Tuesday evening, Jan. 22, for tho bene
fit ot St. Agnes' guild: The characters
are: Mrs. Graham. Marie Bronson;
Aunt Clarissa, Annie Illshop; Rebecca
Spencer, who considers herself one of
the girls, Martha -Matthews; Helen Gra
ham, Mame Peckens; Florence Bald
win, Lulu Masters; Kittle Greene, Sal
lie Hrownlng; Ruth Adams, Mabel Mor
ris; Beth Hamlin, Marlon Lane; daugh
ters of the king, Jennie Olllver, Jessie
Wert, Blanche Bloes, May Olllver,
Lydla Farrar, Bessie Shepherd; Pollv
Graham, who would like to be a daugh
ter of a king, Anna Olllver; Nan Gra
ham, Mabel Christ.
Richard Sweeney and Thomas Lan
gan, or Fort Rods-worth, Staten Island,
Now York, are visiting friends In town.
They were former residents of this bor
ough, but are now In the United States
navy. They are on a furlough.
The funeral of John B. Smith, presi
dent of the Erie und Wyoming Vulley
Railroad company, will be held at the
family residence ut 2 o'clock.
The Loyal legion will hold their regu
lar meeting this evening at 7.45. En
tertainment will be provided.
The announcement of a birth at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McGlll, of
Spring street, which appeared in The
Tribune yesterday morning was er
roneous. The Dunmore correspondent
of The Tribune was Imposed upon, It Is
believed, maliciously. If such is found
to be the case suitable action at law
will he taken against 'the party who
gave the Information.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at onco the
cause and the disease Immediately disap
pears. The llrst dose greatly benefits, 75
cents. Sold by C. M. Harris, 12G Penn ave
nue und Carl Lorenz, druggists, Scranton.
Urcat English Remedy.
Gray's Specific Medicine
HWIIUH urn Tumi
bllltr, woakiiemot Body and Wind. 8Drma-
torrnea, and Iuwotancy, and all dlseiucs that
rise fom over-lndnluence and Bolt abuse, as
Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness ot Tit
Ion, Premature Old Ag and many other dis
eases tbat lead to Iusnuity or Consumption
and an rly grnvo, write for a pamphlet
Addreu GRAY MKDICINE Co., Buffalo.
K.Y. The Kpedno Medietas is sold by all
druggists at SI per package,, or aiz tankages
for S. or sent by mail on receipt of monov,
nd with every 85.00 ordsr UF RIIIRINTFF
cure or mon.y refunded. WF WftlMVl
t'f0a account of counterfeits we bavo
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu-
iu doiu is Dcramon dt .naiinewi uroa.
Strong values in Clothing this
w eek at weak prices an instance:
to sell the remainder of the Bank
rupt Stock from the Hyde Park
Clothing store, we oiler
For 25c.
Boys' double breasted suits,
also Boys' warm and durable
Cape Overcoats; regular
price, $2 and $3:
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48
Boys' Reefers, with deep
sailor or velvet collars, nicely
braided; value, $3 and U:
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.95
Boys' flue, all-wool Suits,
also Boyj' Overcoats and Ul
sters: value, 5:
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.88
A Lot of Punts
A Lot ol Vests
Men's sintrlo aud double
breasted Suits; also black and
blue Overcoats and Ulsters;
value, $8 and $!);
Bankrupt Sale Price, $4.75
Men's all-wool Suits; also
blat k and bluo Kersey Over
coats; value, $12;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65
Men's Cassimere and Wors
ted Pants, equal in fit and
finish to regular $5 rants;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.48
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Ladles Who Value
A refined complexion mast use Foszonl'
der. It produces s soft and booutlful
ii 11111 1.
2 $50,000 worth
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods,niIlinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'
Wear, &c,
I he steady increase of our business
compels us to enlarge and remodel the en
4.,- t r ; j f-UQ
will be in the way
400 and 402
ct 1 1
I V -"OH
OS 1 ;i t B
10 JisL il. ML
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Body Brussels at
All Wool Carpets at
300 Short Lengths of Ingrains, from one to two yards
suitable for Rugs. 70c. Ingrains at 25 cents
65c. Ingrains at' 20 cents. 5oc,
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
ORE price slaughtering
ui ,1 i.niii-
bated force our tremendous ODD AND END SALE moves
onward each successive announcement bringing grander
and greater opportunities for money saving than its prede
cessor, aud to each announcement throngs of buyers respond
from all directions. You should be an early caller, as vast
crowds will be here for these stupenflous under-price offerings.
FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY we offer three dozen pair
fieavy Chenille Portieres, fine fringe top and bottom, beautiful
bright aud delicate colored Frieze and Dados. 455
Odd and End Price, - - - -
FOR THURSDAY ONLYSve offjr two dozen Silk
Plush Rockers, spring seat, Ant. Oak polished (2 25
frames, carved tops. Odd aud End Price, -
FRIDAY AND SATURDAY we will sell any Heater
(and they are the best stove made) at 20 per cent, less than ,
marked price.
" Economy's easy-way-to-pay assists pinched finances.
of Dry Goods, No
Lack Ave.,
Scranton, Pa.
35 cents, worth 50 cents
45 cents, worth 65 cents
60 cents, worth 85 cents
75 cents, worth $1.10
50 cents, worth jS cents
at i5 cents.
more amazing bargains in sea-
TiAfir nnd crain. With una-