The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 19, 1895, Image 1

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The Ancient ildnrnul Kccuives a Scor
imj in the House. "
Mr. Williams' Dill in the Intercut of Lu
hor Representative Smith Squelched
with Kuse-Other Measures Pre
vented fur Consideration.
Special to tho Scranton Tribune.
IlarrlRburg, Jan. IS. That bone of
contention at every session of the legis
lature the pastitwenty years, The Locix
lative Record, was the object of much
gnawing a.t today's session of the house.
Nobody had a good word to say for the
publication and the criticisms of the
manner in which It is prepared finally
led to the adoption of a resolution that
the committee on printing confer with
the publisher relative to the abuses
complained of and report what action is
necessary to remedy this. The criti
cisms of the Record also brought out
much unfavorable comment on the
acoustic properties of the new hall of
the 'house and steps will doubtless be
taken within the next ten days to rem
edy this defect in the $125.00') room.
The discussion on the Ueeord was
opened by the venerable Mr. Lawrence,
of Washington, calling attention to the
Inaccurate and Imperfect reports of his
Speeches. He cited as an Instance an
error in the n-cpurt of his address on
the opening day of the session dedicat
ing: the hall of the house, where lie Is
made to say his speech was entirely
"Impromptuously" for "impromptu.'
Mr. Lawrence said UUs remarks as u
Vhole were so mutilated and chained
that he hardly know thum himself, and
that he was ashamed of them. In his
address on the late John Cessna, mad'j
In the house on Monday evening, Mr.
Lawrence Is quoitd as having said:
"Out or the beauties of the laml below,
Into the beauties supernal above."
What he d: 1 say was:
"Out of the nihilities of the land below,
Into the beauties supernal I go."
Mr. Lawrence advised the younger
members of the house to revise their
f-peeches before they were printed In
the Itecord ir they were ambitions to
make a creditable record us legislators
nnj public speakers. As for himself,
he was an old mm and had nothing
particular to hue by the.glaripg errors
which he pointed out In his speeches.
He advised the legislative reporter to
be more careful In his work.
.Vtieh Inaccurate Kcrorting.
Mr. Dambly, of Montgomery, severely
criticised the flagrant errors made by
the reporter of Ms addieson th? death
f ihls colleague, the late "Farmer"
Taggart. As an example, the gentle
man from Montgomery opened his re
marks by stating that "custom sanc
tions only kind wards concerning the
dead." The Record quotes him as malt
ing the ridiculous remark that "cu-Hom
nlon- .sanctions kind words and certain
death." Another nf the In
accuracy of the He.-ord pointed out by
Mr. Dambly Is where It makes him
speak of Mr. Tnggart's "Independence
nml sWf-homage," What he did say
was "independence and self-owning."
Mr. Dambly claimed his entire a 1 irers
is badly constructed by the
Sentences are miserably formed and
divided and the entire speech is made
to reflect on the speaker's 'ability to uo
decent language extemporaneously for
even five milnutes."
.Mr. Kiter, of Philadelphia, called r.t
tentlon to the fact that the resolution
Introduced by him on the of his
Colleague, the late William It. L'eds,
was offered by Mr. Lytic, of Hunting
don, nccordlng to the Record, and nski d
that this be corrected. Numerous other
errors and misstatements were pointed
Mr. Parcells, of Mifflin, complained
that the legislative directory made his
residence "Grove City, away out In
Mercer county," as he put It, and that
It classed him among the Republicans
when he was a Democrat and proud
of It.
Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, thought
the mistaken in the Record were not no
much the fault of the reporter as the
miserable ucoustlc properties of the
house. The Philadelphia member
thought something ought to be done at
once to correct this. Speaker Walton
was of the same opinion.
Kcprcscntutivo Williams' Hill.
At the close of the discussion the
house settled down to the consideration
of bills on first reading and the transac
tion of other routine business. A hill
to protect employes and Kuarantce their
right to belong to labor organizations
was Introduced by Mr. Williams, of
Carbon. The bill provides:
That It shall bo unlawful for any Indl
vidunl or member of any tlrm, agent, of
ficer or any employe of any company or
corporation to prevent employes from
forming. Joining and belonging to nny
lawful lubor oryalzailon and any such In
dividual that coerce or attempts to rne.-eo
employes by discharging or threatening to
discharge from their employ or the em
ploy of any firm, company or corporation
hpsauso of their connection with such law
ful labor organization shall bo guilty of a
misdemeanor tind upon conviction there
for shall lie fined not exceeding or Im
prisoned for not less than six month, or
Mr. Cochrane, of Armstrong, present
ed a bill appropriating $.1,000 to mark
with a suitable tablet or monument
.the paint where the Penn purchase line
intersects the Allegheny river at Klt
tannlng. Other bills Introduced ap
propriate $25,01)0 for the erection of n
monument on the site of the buttle of
llrandywlne; $3,000 to the state Insane
hospital at Danville for the purchase of
land adjoining' Its present property;
$149,262 to the reform school at Mor
ganna, and $00,000 to the state normal
school ot Hloomsburg. Another bill In
troduced provides for representation! on
boards of trustees of state . normal
schools of three members of the' alumni
of the schools when they have been In
operation five yoars.
Representative Smith Squelched.
Mr. Smith, ot Jefferson, Introduced a
resolution endorsing the Stone Immi
gration Mil providing for consular In
flection of immigrants, and earnestly
requesting Ha passage by congresB.
Mr. IMter, of Philadelphia, asked Mr.
Smith to explain the provisions of the
till. He said he favored the restriction
of Immigration, but did not feel at
l-Xoerty to vote for a resolution asking
congress Uo pass a certn.ln measure
when he know very little about It.
Mr. Smith admitted that he did not
know enough ailxiut tha measure to ex
plain H fully and declared UfatTil pur
pose in Introducing the resolution was
to please Congressman Stone, of Alle
gheny, by whom It had been formulat
ed. Mr. Smith withdrew the resolution
with the promise to Introduce It again
after he had .supplied members with a
copy of thu bill.
A resolution was adopted, on motion
of Mr. Lawrence, of WiuOilngton, re
questing the state treasurer to furn
ish the .house with an Hemized state
ment of all moneys paid by the state
to the Pennsylvania State college wince
it foundation.
Thu house-will again on Monday
evening at 8 o'clock, when considera
tion of bills on llret reading will be re
Representatives Jones and Tulhot .Muke
the Halls of Congress Hc lelio with
I lery Speeches.
By th United Press.
Washington, Jan. IS. "When the gen
tleman ays I believed the lost cause
to be right, he slandered me. I know
that cause wa rigWt." With these
words, uttered by Mr. Jones, (Dem.,
Va,.), on the floor of the hous tonight
closed an exciting and almost riotous
discussion growing out of proposed
pension legislation.
The Immediate cause of the outbreak
tonight was the blocking of the bills to
increase th? pension of tho widow of
(leiieral Aimer Doubleday, citid to peti
tion another widow, w ho had performed
services as a voluntary nurse during
the war, by the parliamentary oppo
sition vf Mr. Junes.
Mr. Cooper, (Dem., Ind.), took the
place of Mr. Springer last Friday
light, and with considerable temper he
charged Jones with a lack of chivalry
in Itiius opposing measures for the bene
fit of members of the fair .sex.
Mr. Jones iv.sKnded with warmth
that he was not fighting women, and
asserted that Wicre was no foundation
for the charge. "What I am fighting
for," he said. "Is equality before the
lue.v, and against the granting of large
pensions to tha rivii, powerful and In
fluential." "I queriMon the motives of the gentle
man from Virginia," shouted Mr.
Cooper. "Ills opposition to these pen
sion bills, I believe, is actuated by the
sentiment expressed by hlrn last Fri
day night, when he said he was proud
of the cause he had fought for In the
Mr. Simpson paid he was not only sur
prised but ashamed that a man from
the south should come here and say. aa
Mr. Jones had said, that he still be
lieved in the lost cause a cause
founded on slavery.
letting the floor ostensibly to ask
Simpson a question, Mr. Talbot (Dem.,
S. C.) made a violent speech, despite the
utmost endeavors of the chair- (Mr.
I'.retz, Dem., Ind.) to rabe him to order,
sprang up and down the center aisle
wilding gesticulating and shouting
loudly. He deprecated, he said, the con
tinual appeal to sectional passions, but
he noticed that they usually came' from
those who were invisible in war anil In
vincible in ptace. "As to the 'Lost
Cause," " he said, "It is the everlasting
cause, and cannot be lost because it la
the cause of liberty. Under the same
circumstances," h continued, shaking
his lists in a defiant manner at the Re
publican side, "and for the same rea
sons tlie men who fought then would
fight again. YnU can like that or you
r un lump it. I l ive the cause today as
much as I dirt when a boy I bared my
bosom to your bullets on the battlellelds
of Virginia."
After the adjournment, knots of
members gathered in the nlsles and dis
cussed tile cxecitlng events of the ses
rlon, until literally driven nut by the
Janitors shutting off the lights.
President Dole Confronted b a Small
Kevoliition-Ono Hundred and fifty
Conspirators Arrested.
By the United Press.
Sun Francisco, Jan. IS. An uprising
against the Hawaiian government oc
curred Friday night Jan. 11. The ren
dezvous of the plotters was raided.
They then, aftr-r a fight, rotreated to
the Diamond Head, an extinct crntcr
back of Honolulu. Their leaders were
Robert Wilcox, a half brefd, who led
the revolution of 1.SM), and Snm Now
leln, ex-captain of the Queen's guard.
Martial law was then declared, and
l.'O conspirators were arrested.
President Dole has 1,500 men he enn
put In the field.
The chief fatality on the govern
ment's side was the dentil of Charles
L. Carter, who wis nn annexationist
commissioner to Washington, and who
for a long time represented Hawaii at
the national capital.
The Insurrection is completely crushrd
and rebels have entirely dispersed. The
majority of tje men have come In from
the front. One "hundred are still guard
ing the entrances to the valleys nivl
looking for Wilcox and his men. Mili
tary operations are probably nt an end.
The guarding of tho clly under martial
lnw may be continued somednys longer.
The Royalists were supplied with arms
and ammunition from vessels, flrave
alarm was causer) at the same time by
large bodies of Japanese laborers on tho
plantations rlHlng In mutiny.
S.m, Jan. IS. Yesterday
word cimeyif a violent mutiny of 2on
JupiwHi un the plantation at Walmoa,
lvaua.1. They left an A morion n for
dead on the Held. The grievance of the
Kwa Japanese was that the police had
raided a nest of gamblers among them.
I.x-Stuunrd of Poltsvlllo Almshouse
Arralitnod on a Serious Charge.
By the United Press.
Pottsvllle, Pa., Jan. 18. This morn
ing the case of KllJah Kmerlch, ex
steward of the county almshouse,
charged with having Improper relations
with nn Inmate, Maggie Noon, was
called for trial. This Is one of the
trials that ore the result of tho recent
counfy auditor's Investigation. The
court room was crowded wlfh poli
ticians, olllce holders and private citi
zens. Quite a number of clergymen were
present. The ense Is being prosecuted
by William Wllhclm and Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Iluchtel, while the de
fendant's Interests are looked after by
ex-Democratln Chairman William A.
Marr and John F. Whalen. The defense
made a motion to quash Ihe Indictment,
but after argument Judgo cVeldiiinii
overruled the motion. The work of
getting a Jury was attended with many
warm passages between cut'iisel.
Uluoilshcd Kill I'rulmlily lie Necessary
to Settle the Strike.
Presidents Lewis and Norton Refuse to
1 nler Into Negotiations of Any Kind.
Strikers Attack Cur Runners.
Police Powerless.
By the United Press.
lirooklyn. N. Y Jan. IS. The trolley
strike In lirooklyn took a serious tun.
this morning owing to the failure of
President Lewis, of tho lirooklyn City
company, and President Norton, of the
Atlantic Avenue company, to com
promise. Tile strikers attacked the cars nnd
hurled stones and other missiles nt
them, and finally began firing with re
volvers. Fortunately no one was hit
with the bullets, but passengers on the
cars had narrow escapes from the fly
ing lead. A number of the new men
on the ears became terrorized by the
violence of the strikers and threw up jobs in tear for their lives. Five
cars were partially demolished. Owing
to the many points of attack chosen by
the r.trikers the police were nearly
powerless, as their numbers are Inade
quate to cover all the disturbed terri
tory. The companies claim they are
prepai'iil to run cars if furnished suf
ficient police and military protection.
According- to the statement made by
President Lewis, of the lirooklyn City
railroad, the company is now In a posi
tion to start up every line of Its system,
and Is prevented from doing so merely
by the police department. Should the
police Insist much longer on Its de
termination to ullow only a few of the
lines to be run, thu company will de
sert them and seek other means for
carrying out its di sires.
What step the company will take for
securing the protection it deems ade
quate to the running of its other lines
has not been announced, but it Is evi
dence that It expects to call upon the
sheriff. Lute this afternoon Mayor
Scbleren, who had been besieged till
day by citizens who petitioned him to
compel the companies to resume traflle
and by presidents who demanded more
protection, sent the following letter to
the board of arbitration and mediation:
Mayer's Ollli
Proolilyn, N. V'., Jan. is, 1S.'3.
The State Hoard of Mediation and rbl-
lieiitlemen I'lease Inform as early lis
practicable this afternoon nml as ileilnite
ly as possible what progress has been
made by your board In the matter of the
pending strike; nnd especially what pros
pect there is of a termination of the
strike. Yours respectfully.
CHAS. SL'lilKUF.N, Mayor.
Where Arbitration Failed.
The answer of the board stated that
the board had a number of meetings
during the past four days wIWi the
executive comml'.'.oe of District (assem
bly 17, Knight? oi Labor, conferences
with President Partridge, of the Rrook
lyn City nnd Newtown railroad, and
had succeeded by mellation In effect
ing a settlement between President
Partridge and his men. Negotiations
had bc.-n h'-ld all day yesterday with
President Wicker, of tile Queens County
and iSuburbm road, but had not suc
ceeded In effecting a settlement In thai
In the ca."?es of tihe Brooklyn Heights
and Aila.ntlc avenue systems, Presl
dents Lewis an 1 Norton, respectively,
refused to enter Into negotiations of any
kind, and no progress toward a settle
meint could be made with either.
The letter concluded: "The prospect,
therefore, of a termination of the strlke
ii.iw on by mediation or arbitration is
not favorable."
Humors that Sheriff Pulling would
be a,.-kcd by the mayor to call out the
militia In the county of Kings were cur
rent, but at 7 o'clock, after talking ovel
the (Situation for two hours, Mayot
Stlhieren sent out word to the waiting
crowd of -newspaper -men that he would
have no announcement to make to
night. The lirooklyn regiments which
may be ordered out by Sheriff liutMng
without appealing to the governor are
the Thirtieth, Fourteenth, Twenty
HMrd, Forty-seventh and Rasqulns bat
tery, lirlgadier General James Mc
Leer Is 'in charge, and the militiamen
lire ready to reapond to a short notice.
I 'reparations have been quietly made
during the last two days for any em
ergency which may anise. The armories
have boon guarded day a.nd nlghit by
rolays of volunteers from the different
companies and extra guards were on
duty tonight.
10.15 p. m. A bulletin has been posted
on the Times bulletin board to the cffeei
that the mlliltla has been ordered to as
semble at 5 o'clock In the morning.
Mayor Schleiviii and Police Commis
sioner Welles were together nt ' the
Hamlllon club nil evening. Uuth de
clined to be seen, nnd no further action
toward calling out the troops was tuken
Truants from an Industrial School Perish
In the Woods.
By tho United Press.
' tUIca, N. Y., Jan.' 18. William Pitt,
Who, wil-th two other boys, ran away
frum St. Vincents Industrial school
In this city a few days ngo, was found
in a burn tuibout two miles from Herki
mer this morning. Ills legs were
frozen and he Is In a bad condition.
He said his companions, Thomas Uuck
and Joseph Krmlner, were In a piece of
woods about half a mile from the barn.
An Investigation was quickly made
and the bodies ot the truantrt were
found ill the woods. The Herkimer po
lice and the coroner were notllied, and
the bodies will be brought to Herkimer.
It Is HUppoMed that the boys, fearing
merest, were afraid to ask for assistance
at a farm house or In Herkimer, and
that, hiding In the woods, they became
elrllli'd, exhausted from the excitement
and luck of food, thx-y sat down to rest
and slept In dea!:h. , When th-ey per
ished Is not known. Their ages ranged
from 13 to K) years. The Christian
brothel s at the .school were notllied.
Hlg ' ire at Macon.
By thu United Press.
Mueoti, t)a., Jan. IS. Flro tonight dp.
troyud over $r.UO.OOO worth of .properly,
Waxelhourn & Bons, dry goods, loses J27.
01): lninlnp & Co., hardware, Jilo.ODllj lnn
ncliherg & Co., dry goods, Jii'..()iKi, and K.
fl. Harris, shoe brokers, $20,000. All In-sured.
What the Editor of the Wilkes-Barre Record Would
the Sultan of Turkey.
Between the Two Elements
Sure to Come Soon. 1
Just Now lie Is Very .Much HisgiistcJ.
Not So Much at the bosses as at the
Apologies for Men Hint .Muke
Uos.sism Possible.
By tho United Press.
New York, Jan. IS. Itev. Dr. Park
hurst has not -made up his mind
whether or not ho will follow the ex
ample of Thomas C. Piatt and go to
Albany. The doctor Is astonished,
grieved and angry over recent develop
ments. The dissension between the
Parkhurst reform and the "political
reform" elements Is Increasing, and
within a fortnight citizens of New
York will know all about It.
The complexity of the situation is
not relieved by the fact that Mr. Piatt
went to Albany. The talk about a
aii-w Independent Democratic party
that will kick at flrace. combined with
th'e. talk about Mr. Piatt's motives and
methods, the pi .!:ible action of Lexow
nnd the legislature and the aHitude
of W.' Travels Jerome, makes an inter
esting state of affairs.
Hut Mr. Parkhurst will stand by his
guns. He will not consent to a four
headed polite commission, any more
tlmn he will consent to be a party to
using the reform victory for the for
mation of a new political organiza
tion. Ministcrs's Views of Politicians.
Dr. Parkhurst said upon being asked
If he Intended to go to Albany:
The only particular advantage I see l-i
going to Albany would be thu ability to
reach, not the senators, but the people.
The people 1 trust. The professional
politicians 1 would not trust as far us I
could see them. When a man gets to be
a politician and nothing else, It seems to
become an easy lliing for him to handle
great interests, nml to manipulate great
situations, with about tho name sangfroid
as he would manipulate the pieces on the
checkerboard. The pieces seem to the
politician to have no significance in tlieni
jtelves, but to be pint of the game, and
nothing more.
1 have not learned yet that Mr.. Piatt
has done anything to indicate that he has
any special regard for the city of New
York, lie did not Jump In before the vic
tory. He does not belong here anyhow. I
do not know, ami 1 would not say, and 1
cannot say, that he Is a dishonest or cor
rupt man. I only refer to him as an ex
ample. He Is a sort of standard type
of politician, who may be holiest, who may
he Innrruptilile, who may lie reputable.
but who handles great Interests without
appreciation of those Interests. The men
lire to him mero blank llgiires, blank
eheckernien, and he moves them on his
board with that feeling, and without ref
erence to the public.
Still lias Some Mopes Left.
Now, when you go before men of that
stump and I do not menu to imply that all
tho men at Albany are only politicians
you nro only wasting your breath, except
for this, tliut whut you say reaches a largo
audience, x
1 took the ground that the tone of the
legislature would be In the sumo Investi
gating key as that In which the work of
the investigating committee had ended
and I think 1 was right. Wo have no busi
ness, however, to say that the prospects
are disheartening, because wo are not (lis
heartened. Hut It Is exasperating beyond
ull expression that men who have shown
no Interest In thu weal of the city are ablo
to cajole men or creatures that purport
to bo men Into being their tools.
I hnve vastly more respect vastly morn
for a political boss vustly more than I
have for the miserable apologies for men
that will allow themselves to be bossed
1 could how 111 revereiieo before Piatt, or
any man like him, a compared with the
nttlluiln that I would bo apt to assume
to any nuin who would consent to be his
Implement. I think the men that are
rnuglil In that game of being played not
played with, but simply played by any
boss, ought to bo well advertised.
Signs of Improvement In Business-Kail
road Stocks Are (.rowing Stronger,
freight Trof flo Improves,
By tho United Press.
New York, Jan. IS. U. O. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade tomorrow will
There are some good signs, but they
do not as yet extend to business gener
ally, which hesitates much as It has for
months. Oold continues to go abroad,
J5,5r0.0i0 having gone tills week, and
the deficit of revenue Is nlrondy over
$11,600,000 for tho month. This state of
fuels, with the falltiro of congress to
make provision for borrowing, or for
increasing revenue, still operates to re
tard a wholesome recovery, and the
volume of domestic trade represented
by exchanges through clearing houses
la again nbuot 7 per cent, larger than
last year, as It was In the llrst week of
the month, but Is 33.7 per cent, smaller
than two years ago, a higher rate of
decri aso than for some time past. The
Industries are meeting a larger demand
for some products since the new year
began, but nailer less for others, and
no definite Improvement appears in
prices of manufactured products or In
Witges. Ill the main, It is a waiting
ondition, with much hope that positive
Improvement is not far off.
Prices of stocks have grown slightly
stronger for railroads, 6."i cents per
scare, wnile the average lor trutus is
ents higher. A reduction in freight
rates lias started a better movement of
grain east bound and the tonnage of
live Mock and dressed meals is also
larger than a year ago, but the west
bound traliic has become unusually
Failures for tho week have been 373
In the United States' against t07 last
year, and CO in Canada against -10 last
Mrs. 1 liabctli l.ocrlng Irightfnlly
ISurned nt the Home of Her Duughtcr,
.Mrs. I llahcth W. iieddoe.
Mis. Klizabeth Lovering, one of the
mn.'-l venerable and highly respected
old ladles of the West Side, residing
with her daught ..-r, .Mrs. Kliiia-beLh V.
Iieddoe, nt lHSoulh C.rant aveliu . while
alone in the house yesterday afternoon
met with n thrilling and most unfor
tunate accident. Her clothing caught
lire from the Steve and the llamcs en
veloped her lufo-.e assistance was at
hand. Sirs. Lovering was terribly
burned and her sufferings became ex
cruciating. Dr. Pe.-ddoo, the family poy-
siclaii, ha no hope .if her recovery and
ited that she could not survive many
hours. At midnight her condition was
very low.
There Is no correct knowledge as to
how the old lady's clothes caught lire.
as her daughter, airs. Heddo , was out
of the house at tho time, at work In
the yard. The lirst Intimation she had
of her mother's danger was upon being
attractid by the screams of passers-by,
who saw the accident. Mrs. Lovering
Is 77 years of nse and was quite 'feeble.
It Is thought that she got unconsciously
too close to the stove and her dress
caught lire before r.!ie was aware of It.
New J of her awful misfortune will
be received regretfully by the many
friends of the family throughout the
vallev. Iler.ides her daughter, Mis.
Iieddoe. f-'ho Is the mother of General
Superintendent John Lovering, of the
Greenwood and Langclirfe Coal com
panies, and Thomas It. Lovering, out
side superintendent at Greenwood No.
2 colliery.
She Sought un Opportunity to Get lleforc
Another Scranton girl has been fascl
naled by the glimmer of the footlights
und tin? atmosp'.iere of the green room
and has left the city with a "play lie
tor." Miss Lulu Heed, daughter o!
George G. Heed, of Wyoming avenue,
near Linden street, departed several
days ago with William 11. Cuttings, an
actor. Her parents refuse to discush
tile episode.
Getling's home ds III Haltlmore, but
he had been In Scranton from the mid-
II,? of October until he disappeared
fwlth Miss Heed. He appeared with
"The I ml ' Hero" comiM.ny which
played at Davis' theuter during holiday
week, and when the troupe left foi
points up the valley a few days ago,
Miss Heed -went with him. The com
pany was In Headline when last heard
Miss Heed's father Is the proprietor
of the grocery store -at 316 Washington
avenue. She Is a bruncilte of the petite
type nnd quite attractive. l'r some
liinio the theaters an attraction for
her anil it was known among her friends
that the was ambitious to go on Aw.
stage. Gettings Is a tall, smooth faced
and light complexloned young man and
Is said to be accomplished. He Is
known among the profession as a
"legitimate" actor, or one who assumes
natural or tragic roles. He was forced
to stay In Scranton .by the disbanding
of a stock company from Hlnghaniton,
Which first appeared -at Davis' theatet
Oct. 22.
1'ossihlo .Membership ruder thu Dour.
ccois Premier.
Dy tho United l'ross.
Paris, Jan. I8.i-It was lenrned at 10
o'eloek -this evening that M. HourReuls,
after a two hours conference with M.
Fa lire, had consented to try to form n
cabinet. He will ko to the Klysee to
morrow to report the result of his nego
tiations. It Is expected that M. Polncare will
return to the ministry of finance and
M. Leyicues to the ministry of educa
tion. Paul Peytral, Louis Terrier and
Eugene Godefroy CnvnlKnno would ac
cept cabinet places under Bourgeois as
premier. . .. ., i
Probably Do if He Were
Edward 0. Ouiqley Is Clianjed with
Huvintj Floated Forged Paper.
ISrokcr (.luigley. According to Accounts,
Was a High l.ivcr and Was Interested
In u Stock Turin of Expens
ive Charucter.
By tho United Press.
New York, Jan. 18. Edwin O. Qutg-
ley, of Qulgley & Tuttle, bond brokers,
at 6 Wall s:reet, was arrested this
morning on the complaint of President
William I'. St. John, of the Mercantile
National bank. He is charged with
having secured loans of $144,000 on $1CG,
00O forged bonds. Qulgley confesses to
the forgery and exonerates this partner,
who is a resident of New Hawn.
Qu!gl?y i.i a resident of Orange, N. J.,
and claims that he lost the money in
speculation. President St. John said
the bank's apparent loss will be greatly
reduced by levies under attachments.
The firm of Qulgley & Tuttle, dealers In
county and municipal bonds and other
investment securities, was organized In
1S90. The firm was organized under the
advice of Tuttls's father, one of tlr?
m.wt substantial and well posted citi
zens of New York, himself a long time
friend of the bank. Evidence of confi
dence In the firm on the part of monlej
institutions and others throughout
New England, and the business-like
conduct of the account left no room foi
suspicion of Quigley at any point. The
bonds forged were of cities whose credit
Is high and they were -hypothecated to
the bank In parcels from time to time
under exchanges of collateral among
the different loans. Qulgley is about 3.i
years of age and was originally a civil
engineer. A
Ouiglcy u Highflyer.
William P. Tuttle is the son of the
late John It. Tuttle, treasurer of tho
New Haven Savings bank, who died
two years ago leaving a considerable
sum to his son. Tuttle has been lo
cated In Nw Haven for the firm, which
did a big buiinesi i,i bonds with N w
Ihigland Inrtltutlons. It is believed
that Qulgl, y resorted to the expedient
of borrowing money on forced bonds to
enncial his outside losses from his part
ner, -who relied upon Quigley for the
management of the firm's business.
It Is not believed that he lost all of
the money In speculation, as he nays.
11 ii wtisa. very high liver and a member
of all the swell Orange clubs. He was
also linteri-sted In trotting horses and
had a stock farm In New Jersey. He
speculated in Wall street through a
number of hrokers, but his largest spec
ulations were In bonds. There were no
n.yst stn at his olllce, but on attempt will
be made to recover, -as far as possible,
from Ks partner, who Is supposrd to
have a large property In New Haven.
The bank does not know yet how far
Tuttle can be held responsible for the
opeiatlona of Qulgley, but are investi
gating th question.
At the same time that Qulgley was
brought to the general sessions build
ing, Mr. lVattle went before the grand
Jury with Lawyer Ilrownell, and the
case was presented. An Indictment
was found at once for forgery in the
llrst digree.
Quigley was then arraigned before
Recorder Goff. He was very much
broken up. When asked to plead he
stood with bowed head and murmured
"Guilty." He was at once taken buck
to the Tombs.
The bank will not lose the $140,000 In
Its eiilihvty, as attachments have been
levied against eeurlties held by the
A Murderous Tanner Holds a Sheriff's
Posse at liny for Several Hours.
By tho United Press.
Fairmont, Minn., Jan. IS. About 3
o'clock Haiin llotelliiK, a farmer, llvltiK
five miles south of here, went to thj
house of T. H. Whitney, his father-In-huw,
and phot and killed tioth of the old
people and his wife, who has left hlin
and (rune to live with her parents. A
you n dauRhter of Whitney escaped
from the house nd ave tho alarm.
After committing the murder, Hotel
Inif fled to 'his own house near by, and
bari'HNi'dlnK doors and windows, pre
pared for a siege. Ho kept the Fhe-r-Iff's
posse at bay until this mornliiK.
when a number of militia rllles were
taken from ithls place and the house
riddled with bullets. HotelltiR was
found dead, having shot himself In the
head. ' ,
For eastern Pennsylvania, unow or
ralp; warmer; southwest winds.
We have now open a magnifi
cent stock of
Anderson's Clan Plaids,
Zepbyr Cords,
and Checks,
Duck Suitings, Etc.
The early assortments are
alwaj-s the best.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
The boys and girls must
have the best Leather
and Rubber Shoes.
We have them. They
don't cost much, either.
Closed Evenings Except Saturday,
Is doing the business.
And the population of Scran
ton know where to go for
popular goods at '
popular prices. -