TIIE SCHANTOX TTtTBUNEFRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 18, 1805. ,8 GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. COATS, CAPES and FURS, FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. The Annual Mid-Winter Clearing Sale of These Goods Commences Today The stock, from the lowest to the highest priced garment, is new and ia the very latest styles. The prices arc from one-third to one-half less than those (hat prevailed earlier in the season. Refular Prlre , &0.00 25.00 19.00 17.09 15.00 1300 11.50 10.00 Eandsome Coats, 20.00, " 15.00, " 12.50, " 10.00, 0.75, S.30, 7.35, 6.50, BIG REDUCTIONS IN TRHD HATS. Trimmed Hats, were ,11.50, now $ .50 " . " 2.00, " 1.00 2.50, " 1.25 " " 300. " 1.50 " " " 3-50, " 1.75 400, " 2.00 " " 4-5. " 2.25 " 500, " 2.50 " " " 550. " 2.75 " " " 6.00, " 3.00 GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex perience In hojpitul and private practice mid treats all unite and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. He, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervouH system, diseases of lh ey ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay in both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, tits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, Uver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc Young Men Positively Cured. Offer to tho Public for Catarrh. Any ono suffering with ' Catarrh who lshen to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOI.UAItS. The doctor has discovered a specitic for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with it at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment tree. OKPICK HOritS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. ANNUAL T Prices Cut in Half See our Show Window to Be Convinced. J. Scott Inglis 4!9 LACKAWANNA AVE. N. B. Spring Wall Papers no open. HALLSTKAD. Rev. John Davis and wife will leave (here today fur Afton, N. Y., where itfhey will enjoy a well-earned vacation. Mrs. K. B. Moxley, of Jackson, is visiting her son. Professor' Charles E. Moxley, In ithls place. Harry E. Halgley. or Washington, D. C, arrived her the first of the week and will assume the business and me chanical management of the UallHtead Herald. ' THE greatest food ex hibit in the world is that of the sweet, deli cious and wholesome bread, biscuit and cakes that come upon the table in every house where ROYAL BAKING POW DER is used exclusively as the leavening agent. ft NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUNKHAMOCK. Helen, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1). J. Kardwell, who has been critically 111, Is convalescent. A murky fog enveloped the town Wednesday night, and yesterday morn ing It had frozen to the trees, trans forming the itown Into a scene like fairyland. Thanlol Wlnte-nmute has been con fined to 'the house nearly two months with rheumatism, and is still In a bad way. The Kelservllle Knights of Pythias publicly baiKiuetted ait their 'hall last evening. A number of teaims were engaged yesterday In hauling snow on the river bridge. The bridge is a covered one, hence artlliolal sleighing Is resorted to. Much feeling is expressed over the proposed repeal of the billiard and ten pin alley law, and petitions vehem ently protesting against such action will be numerously circulated and poured In upon the representative ut Harrisburg. The law once repealed can never be regained, as under the constitution last adopted by the state no special legislation for counties can be had. The grand Jury was discharged yes- terday afternoon, after viewing the public buildings and recommending the purchase of u kitchen range for the Jail and some slight repairs on the stables. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Marks died suddenly yesterday morning, and was taken to Towanda on the afternoon train, where the funeral services will be held. The Jury in the Kelley murder case weru charged by Judge Dunham shoi'tly before noon yesterday and sent out, remaining until nearly G p. m. be fore agreeing upon a verdict. In the meantime court had been adjourned. but when the ringing of the bell an nounced that a verdict had been reached there was a rush for ithe court house and the room was soon filled. Harford's wife and 'baby were there. the wife having pneed nervously up and down the corridors during the In terim. When clerk Reynolds asked the Jury If they had reached a verdict a deathlike mkllness pervaded the house. He took It, and after showing It to the Judge, slowly Teud, "we find the prisoner not guilty of murder, but guilty of voluntury manslaughter." A ripple of applause started around the 'ourt room, but the judge Instant ly silenced it with a sharp rap. The prisoner took W quietly, but drew .1 deep sigh of relief. The Judge dis missed court, after announcing that sentence would be deferred until next week. The extreme penalty In suoh a case Is $1,000 fine and twtdve years im prisonment, but It ts not probable that the full penalty will be Imposed. Mr. ind Mrs. N. II. Davis, of Jen nlngsvllle, have been visiting C. P. Pot ter's family this week. Miss Kllle Reynolds was cdltoress ot a Beml-monthly sheet read at the meet ings of the Patrons of Industry so ciety while living at Forkston, and since removing here she finds time to still pursue her duties In that dlrco tlon. The ipaper Is said to be remark ably pungent In Its personal columns, and never falls ito draw a good attend ance at lodge meetings on the evening of publication. The grand Jury found that a bridge aoross Tuiikhaiinoek creek nar P. (i. Walter's residence Is necessary and too expensive for the township to build hence they recommend that It be made a county bridge. Grand Jury found true Mil against Allen Jayne, of Forkston township, for the larceny of a mule. Botlh Juries were discharged last nlght and court was adjourned until Monday. David Bonner, an Ka.lon farmer, boasts of having marketed twenty- seven hogs, weighing from 80 to 072 pounds. One porker netted him $50.93 In the Wllkes-liarre market. . Other Court Notes. William Prassler vs. Cora Frazlor; subpoena In divorce awarded. -C. H, Lacey vs. M. M. Lacey; sub poena In divorce awarded. W. J. Burgess vs. W. C. Appleman continued. In re assignment of B. W. Yielding for benefit of creditors; John 1). Jen nlngs appointed assignee, and C. F, Cannon and George W. Walters ap pointed as appraisers. MAYF1EL1). S. C. Hoyt attended the fair of the Church of the Hucred Heart Wednesday night. H. J. DeGraw was In Wllkts-Barr Tuesday. The Delaware and Hudson trains which stop at this station nt this place are as follows: South, 7.0i a. m., 8.00 r 1 1 other agent so potent in relief for the dyspeptic has ever been devised. ROYAL Baking Powder is simply indispensable where the finest, purest, most wholesome and eco nomical foods are desired. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. a. m., lo.W a. m.., 11L44 p. m., 3.05 p. m 4.18 p. in., 5.19 p. -m., 7.09 p. m 8.34 p. m., and 10.55 p. m.; north, 7.35 a. in., 8.59 a. m., 10.45 a. in., 12.35 p. in., 4.30 p. 111., 6.51 ip. in., 6.50 p. in., 7.59 p. in., 9.45 p. in., and 11.50 p. m. By cutting this out and preserving It our readers will save themselves the trouble of go ing to the station to catch a train, only to find It does not stop here. W. J. Bengan Is again able to attend to his duties at the Keystone mine. 110AKSDALE. Although sleighing Is good, and bicy cling decidedly not In It, the Maple City Wheelmen are discussing the advlsa bllityof holdlngarace meet next season. The result will undoubtedly be a meet. Persons In Honesdule who own wheels, and those Who Intend purchasing' one during the coming sea.-Min, should join the Maple City Wheelmen. Communi cate wtth P. A. La-Barr, secretary. Harry K. Goodwin, ex-justice of the peace of Texas township, was arrested at Carbondaie yesterday by the con stable of Honesdale. He was charged with the collection of moneys for P. Seellg, and refusing to pay Hlu-tn over, and holding tthem as his own. After Esquire Goodwin 'had collected the moneys above .referred to he left Hones dale and did not return until he accom panied Constable Brown. The Wayne County Summer Board ing bureau Is now counted among the progressive organizations of Hones- dale. The purpose of this organization Is to induce summer boarders from the cities to come to glorious old Wayne and sptnd their outings among the hills and lakes. Wayne countians who de sire to accommodate boarders during the summer are requested to communi cate with the secretary, Grant . Lane, Honesdale, Pa., at once. Mr. Lane will furnish all necessary inform ation to anyone addressing Mm. No better qualified man could he found to sit in the congressional halls at ashington than Homer Greene. A large party of young people drove out to Cherry Ridge Wednesday even ing and returned home the next morn ing. There was a good time and no ac cidents. H. B. Snyder, of Rondout, paid the employes of the canal department of the Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany last evening. Kmployes of the Krle have received their monthly salary. CAllBONDALE. Mr. and Mrs. John Deegan, of the West Side, are mourning the death of their Infant son, Richard, who died Wed nesday. Emory R. Johnson will open the Uni versity Extension course with "The American Railway" on Friday evening In the Odd Fellows' building. On Wednesday, Jan. 30, will occur the marriage of Miss Allda Fee. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Fee, of Sand street, to Martin Gordon, of Gordon avenue. Dr. P. E. Jenkins is in New York city on professional business. He will re turn onl Saturday. Prank MoCann, aged 5 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mlohael McCann, of No, 24 Sand street, died of diphtheria, yes terday. Interment will be made this afternoon In St. Rose cemetery. Anti-toxin, the new remedy for diph theria, was used yesterday on Maud the 8-year-old daughter ,f Mr. and Mrs. William Halgh, of Belmont Street Drs. Wheeler and Bailey administered the remedy la ttiolr official capacity. The patient was t;aken, four days ago, with the malignant -typS of diphtheria, and the result of the injection of antl toxin will be awalteil With Interest by the medical fraternity. " Yefltwday morning "Christopher Pru ner, the young 'man who drives Dr. Shields' team and w ho lost a leg several years ago, had a portion of the stump amputated at the hospital. Dr. Shields, assisted by Drs. Wheeler and Glllls, performed the operation. Mildred Gladys Manley, the 1-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Manley, of Sand street, died on Wed nesday evening of membraneous croup Mrs. H. C. Wheeler Is visiting friends In New York city. Rev. W. W. Shaw, of Archbald, "preached In the First Presbyterian church last evening1. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock oc curred the funeral of the late R loll a I'd Jones. The remains were Interred In Maplewood cemetery. NICHOLSON. L, O. Stephens came out victorious In the Stephens-Waiterman trial. Moses Shield's, Jr., was in Montrose yesterday. Sleighing Is the order of the day. Miss Genevieve Bacon Is visiting Mrs. Edscm Tlffuny, at Foster. - Mrs. Andrew Wick la convalescing, Frank Ca-sturllne and Miss Alice Rentght wefe married Bt the bride's home Wednesday evening last. Rev. Mr. Waterbury olllclated. other aid to the housewife so great.no X' TAYLOli. A number of our young people en Joyed skating at the Driving park last evening. C. G. Bolund made a flying visit here yesterday. The steps leading to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western depot are In a deplorable condition and ought to be remedied at once. There will be a masquerade ball at Morrow's hall on Monday evening, Jun. 21. W. 11. Decker, of New York city, was a visitor here on Monday. Ed. Evans and Henry Slebecker. of Scranton, were visitors here yesterday. The Sibley colliery employes were paid yesterday. Professor James Foley, of No. 1 school, treated his scholars to a sleigh ride to Olyphant yesterday. The funeral of Mrs. Gabriel Bonner, of tho Sibley, will occur tomorrow. The Misses Margaret Loftus, of Mooslc; Kittle Cummlugs, of Avoca; Jennie Flaherty, of Wilkes-Barre, and Messrs. John McCormack. Churles Silencer, of Avoea. and James P. Tim lin enjoyed a sleighrlde to Olyphant Wednesday evening. The Young Men's Athletic club will hold a grand ball at Weber's rink on Thursday evening. Feb. 21. Mrs. Daniel Gillgallon and son, George, of Mill Creek, visited friends In town yesterday. The Republicans will hold a conven tion on Tuesday evening next at 7.30 p. in. In Weisenfluh's hall for the pur pose of placing In nomination one per son to serve as borough auditor for a term of three years. The Republicans will elect tln-lr delegates to this con vention at the caucuses held tonight (Friday,) and will be entitled to one delegate for each twenty-five votes or fractional part thereof oast for Gen eral Hastings at last fall's election. The fight for councllmen In the Third and Second wards is especially Inter esting. Gomer Jones, H. J. Cooper and William O. Howells are the candidates for councllmen In the Second ward. In the Third ward John R. Price and John Thomas are the candidates, and as the time for the nomination has approached the flpht has reached Us highest pitch. Mr. P. IK. Bush Aualomluk, Peuu. A Wonderful Cure Ulcer In the Stomach Hood's Sarsaparllla Restores Flesh strengtn ana neaitn. "C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Wins.: "I feel It my duty to suffering humanity to give a statement of the wonderful cure Hood'i Barsaparilla brought about for me. Over twt years ago I became ill, due to an ulcer lu m; stomach. I had six or seven different pliyti clans, whose standing was of the highest, In' they did not cure me. I was Lrokeu down II health and lost In weight from 1 40 to 118 Pounds. I eould hardly get around, and after aufferlrp severely for about a year, I commenced taklr i Hood's Sarsaparllla. After the Hi st bottle 1 1 gan to fool Ukoa new man. I purchased an- Hood'ss?Cures other bottlo and had not taken half of It when 1 was oured of my trouble. I am now In health, back to my old wolght again and attending rrg iilurlv to mv work. I tlrmlv believe Hood's Hur- saparilla saved my llfo." P. W. IU'hh, AiiaUv mink, l'enusylvanta. Met nooa i Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearauce. 3t0e. per box. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing ttnd Dentistry, ' is Now Permanently Located on West Lackuwunnu Ave., Near the bridge. ARCHBALD. The xcollent slelKhlng of the past few, weeks Jiaa forougiht scores of vls Itora to this borough, as it is about mid way between Forest City and Scranton. The old reliable Moyle'a 'hotel has been the Mecca of, the elelghrlde party since the town has had an existence, and it has 'lost none of Its prestige under Us present proprietor, John A. Moyles, who Is a son. of. the original proprietor, whose name ' the hotel bears. Last Thursday evening a score of the sav- ans of the valley met at this hospitable board and discussed the absorbing question of the day, the probable habi tation of the other planets of our sys tem, w.hile doing ampls justice to the excellent bill of fare. And such a feast of reason and flow of soul it has never "before been the fortune of the scribe to attend. Archbald has ever been known for the literary abilities of sons and daughters and as age comes on apace the old town still holds Its own. Only the other night a pair of her igallant sons took up the gauntlet In favor of the Intellectual superiority of the daughters of Kve over the sons of Adam, and after listen ing to Che arguments of the intellectual gladiators, pro and con, the majority of the judges, although benedicts, called It ia drawn battle. It Is rumored that the fear of hosing the hlersute cov ering of their heads biased the de cision. The spring election, which will be held next month, has a tendency to en liven (he staid burgess to a realization of ithelr importance. Thus early the festive candidate Is abroad soliciting the suffrages of his fellow citizens In order that he may be elected to guard the Interests of the taxpayers. MONTROSE. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker and daugh ter spent Sunday last In Binghamton. George Bostwlck has purchased J. H. Corwin's interest of the firm of Bost wlck & Oorwin, The firm Is now Bost wlck & Son. The Ladies' Aid society of the Metho dist church will serve a hot supper in the trancept on Friday evening next. Rhcumutism Cured In a Day. "Mystlo euro" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system ts remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the oauBe and the disease immediately dlsnp pears. The first doge greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by C. M. Harris, 125 Penn ave nue and Carl Lorenz, druggists, Scranton CURES HEADACHE. CURES HEADACHE. CURES HEADACHE. Miss Lotti. Carson, of Restores BiTunao. Mich., writes: "I bare baen troubled with a terrible headache for about two yeara and could not set Lost Health, anything to help me, but at insi a mono aaviea me w ta-io votir HiTMiincK Blood BinrERs, which 1 did, and after takius two bottles, have not had the headache Biuce. ' We Give Away Strong values in Clothing this week at weak priccs---an instance: to sell the remainder of the Hank nipt Stock from the Hyde Park Clothing store, we offer FOR BOYS. SUITS, a KNEE PANTS, 6o. For 35c. Boys' double breasted suits, also Boys' warm and durable Cape Overcoats; regular price. $2 and $3: Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48 Boys' Reefers, with deep sailor or velvet collars, nicely braided: value. $3 and $4; Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.95 Boys' fine, all-wool Suits, also Boys' Overcoats and Ul sters; value, $5; Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.8 FOR GENTLEMEN A Lot of Pants 89c. A Lot of Vests 48c. Men's single and double breasted Suits; also black and blue Overcoats and Ulsters; valne. 88 and $9: i Bankrupt Sale Price $4.75 Men's all-wool Suits; also black and blue Kersey Over coats: value, $12: Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65 Men's Cassimere and Wors ted Pants, equal in fit and finish to resrular $5 rants: Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.4 ifra 111: 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. A Handsome Complexion la one ot the greatest charm, a woman can po mb. i. PoaioMi'a Complexion Powdbb give. It. w a Mill 1 1 in 1 $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No-g- tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods,riillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' Z Wear, &c, 5 fE 10 BE CLOSED OUT MWM 0 COST. The steady increase of our business b- compels us to enlarge and remodel the en- a"" tire store for spring trade, and as the stock -m will be in the wav tm i III SELL 11 ANY PRICE. I I Ihe 4 uu and m LacKa. ayc, ST Scranton, Pa. ZS nil (arpetings. JN LENGTHS FROM 1 TO 30 YARDS TO CLOSE AT TIIE FOLLOWING PRICES: Tapestry Brussels at Tapestry Brussels at Tapestry Brussels at Body Brussels at All Wool Carpets at 300 Short Lengths of Ingrains, from one to two yards,. suitable for Rugs. 75c. 65c. Ingrains at Ingrains at RR 9 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. ECONOMY'S A! -AND MORE price slaughtering more amazing bargains in sea sonable goods for your benefit and gain. With una bated force our tremendous ODD AND END SALE moves onward each " successive aunouueement bringing grander and greater opportunities for money saving than its prede cessor, and to each announcement throngs of buyers respond from all directions. You should be an early caller, as vast crowds will be here for these stupendous under-price offerings. FOR. WEDNESDAY ONLY we offer three dozen pair Aeavy Chenille Portieres, fine fringe top and bottom, beautiful bright and delicate colored Frieze and Dados. (C 45 Odd and End Price, - - - - FOR? THURSDAY ONLY we ofLr two dozen Silk Plush Rockers, spring seat, Ant. Oak polished jJ2 25 frames, cEved tops. Odd and End Price, - r FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY we will sell any Heater (and they are the best stove made) at 20 per cent, less than marked price. ' DouV miss us WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRI DAY and SATURDAY. Economy's easy-way-to-pay assists pinched finances. rairj 35 cents, worth 50 cents 45 cents, worth 65 cents 60 cents, worth 85 cents 75 cents, worth $1.10 50 cents, worth j5 cents Ingrains at 25 cents. 20 cents. 5oc, i5 cents. EN EBB 1 Oft REMNANT SALE V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers