THE RCRANTON TRIBUNE FfilD AIT MORNING. - JANUARY 18, 1895. TWO BOTTLES CURED ! Cause of the Widespread Demand for Paine's Celery Compound. (otinolly Sc Wallace THE REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS fiesultof the East Sldo Caucus Another New Industry-l'lcasuut Surprise Party-Colliery Accidents Little Locals of Interest. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Headers Up and Down the Valley. the guest , or MI3s Katie Neavln, of Chapel street. Miss Teressa Mac Donahough, of Dunmore, Is visiting friends In town. Guy and William Baird and James Bryden, bf Dunmore, were visitors in the city yesterday. John Miles and his sister, Katie, of Syracuse, N. Y., who have been visiting friends in Upper Plttston, returned home yesterday. Miss Katie McHugh and Miss Maggie Kearney, of Dunmore, are visiting friends' at the junction. Citizens' caucus at Macken's hall, Exeter borough, tomorrow (Friday) evening at-7.30. RONEY NOMINATED. ill Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pttitston, Pa., Jan. 17. Another new Industry murks the event of our new city. John Tolan, of Scranton, has leased Uihe long vwnnt building on North Main street belonging to thu Michael Reap estate, and Is nttinfr it throughout with ithe datest (Improved machinery for manufacturing the screen known tto coal men as the jac ket screen, or segment. Heretofore operators using this screen have been obliged 'to strip the wire from the frames and ship them to Wilkes-Barre or Scranton for re-wlrlng. Mr. Tolan lias had a large experience in his busi ness and with a 'thoroughly competent force of workmen will in a few days be prepared to turn out a large num tier of new screens, in addition to work ut 're-wiring. The Hopubllcan city convention was held at City ihall, on the Kast Side, at 8 o'clock this evening. John SI. Jones was made permanent chairman, and T. OP. -Major, jr., und Kdward It. Kvans, were chosen as secretaries. The can didates placed In nomination were as (follows: For mayor, Dr. C. J. Bar rett; controller, John Novell; city treas urer, William Abbott; city assessors, William Drury, Stanley Crooks nd Jefferson Reed. Mrs. James O'Onnncll, of Market street, died this evening, aged 70 years. tShe wan mother of Mrs. M. W. O'Boyle; Mrs. Thomas Mangan, and Mrs. Kd ward Haggerty. Funeral Saturday at 9 o'clock a. jn. Interment In Market Street cemetery. Daniel Sully will appear In "O'Nell, of Washington," on the boards of Music Hall tomorrow evening. A pleasant surprise party was 'ten dered Miss Bertha Rozelle last even ing alt 'her home on Montgomery street. (Many pleasant pastimes were indulged In, after which an excellent repast was nerved. Among the happy throng were: -Messrs. George Kvans, Chanles Kirby, Henry Kuchell, Harry Hanes, John Fear, John Ryan, Robert Chap man, PKtaton; and A. Guy Balrd, of Dunmore. The iladies in attendance were Miss Bessie Fear, Miss Sadie Jop ling, Miss Kate Shrank, Miss Anna Gallagher, Miss Nellie Owens and Miss Kate Moyer. The Plttston office of 'the Pennsylva nia Coal company was draped In mourning In respect .to the laite presi dent of 'the Krle and Wyoming Valley Railroad company, John B. Smith. A prominent Pole, named Stephen Shoe, was instantly killed at the Hall Ptead colliery, Duryea, this morning ot 10.30 o'clock. He had been employed at the Hallstead mine for. about nine years. . . . ... Stephen Poliskie, a Polander em ployed at the Exeter colliery, was ad mitted to the hospital this morning. He Is suffering from a fractured leg, the result of a fall of rock. Without warning a fail of rock at the new shaft of the Newton Coal company, located at the junction, struck Lewis Jones, of Sebastopol. on the head, causing a compound frac ture. Mr. Jnnes's-wndltion Is not con sidered serious. He was admitted to the hospital for treatment. The marriage of Mss Laura Court right to James Campbell took place at the home of the bride's parents, last evening. Rev. K. H. Stewart officiating. Mr. Campbell Is a faithful and much respected employe of the Lehigh Vulley Railroad company. The happy couple received many beautiful and useful presents. About forty guests attend d the reception given the bride and groom following the ceremony. Among the many guests from out of town were: Mr. and .Mrs. L. M. Hook, Miss Mabel Hook, and Mrs. Harding, of Avoca. A mysterious organization known as the "Indians" visits the Junction and In said to have a Inrge membership. Their object Is purely social, as will be manifested by their appearance In a body at a masquerade ball Friday evening, Jan. 35, at St. James' hall. All regular subscriptions for the Scranton Tribune will be received at our local office. No. 8 South Main street. Mrs. D. H. Cruser, of Wllkes-liarre, 5s spending the day with .the family of U. .3 Cruser, on Wyoming avenue. Tommle Burke, fireman on the Le high Valley, Is seriously III of the grip. Mrs. Thomas Murphy and her mother, Mrs. John Curry, were visitors In Wllkes-Barre today. Mrs. James Jordan, of Olyphant, is Visiting friends at the Junction. A new daughter arrived this morning nt the home of our uptown druggist, Charles Waters. Charlie Is greatly elated. W. E. Thomas and wife were some what disturbed In .their pleasure ride this' afternoon. While rmindlug the bend In the road below West Plttston their cutter became suddenly over turned. The frightened horse ran. up Wyoming avenue down Luzerne and across the bridge to Main street, where he was stopped by Kdward Frltzpnt rlck and returned it to Its owner. No BerlouH damage resulted. Miss Barbara Miller, of the upper end, has been confined to the house for the past, few days with the prevalent malady, grip. Thomas Taylor, of Dunmore, was o Visitor in town yesterday. Andrew Bedford, superintendent of the milk trafllc on the Lehigh Valley railroad, was In itown on business this afternoon, , Miss Lizzie Gerrlty, of Ledgerdale, Is THE PRODUCTIONof.aTONIC EQUAL in BLOOD andFLESH PRODUCING QUALITIES, TO CHE GENUINE JoiAnniioFF HALT EXTRACT. iOOKfOS SIGNATURE on neck Chosen for Receiver of Tuxes at Repub lican Convention. By the United Tress. Philadeplhla, Jan. 17. William J. Roney was unanimously nominated for receiver of taxes this morning at a Republican convention held In the Winter Circus building. Mr. Roney was recently elected by city councils to the ofllce, It having been made va cant by the death of Captain John Tay ler. Councils elected Roney upon the legal authority of City Solicitor War wick, who is now the Republican mayoralty candidate. The right of council to fill the va cancy being questioned and the fact that the Democrats yesterday nomi nated a candidate for the ofllce to be voted for at the February election, com pelled the Republicans to formally nominate Mr. Roney, who was chief clerk under Captain Taylor. The candi date elected will fill the unexpired term of one year, CITIZENS SEE SIGNS. llrilliunt Segment of a Circle Seen Outside of Two Suudogs. By the United Press. Clinton,'. Is., Jan. 17. For several hours today, nearly directly overhead, appeared a brilliant segment of a cir cle convex toward the sun and north of It several dugrees. In addition two bright "sundogs" ap peared east and west of the sun and much nearer to it, the brilliant circle being far outside and to the north of the circle of which the "sundogs" formed a part. The unusual object was of very bright colors. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. T!ie cr.iilerles of the Lehigh Valley system suspended operations yesterday f'ir the balance of the week. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation com pany's collieries in Carbon county have beer, closed since Monday evening f jr want of cars. It is understood that the net earnings of the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern rail road since Oct. 1 will probably exceed $.VJ,0GC. or considerably in excess of Its fixed charges. General Superintendent Miller, of the Pennsylvania lines. In an interview at Indianapolis, said a two-cent passenger rate Is inevitable, and when It' comes It will be permanent. The Central Railroad company has adapted a new lantern frame to be used for red lights. It Is known as he Uuby standard copper frame. Any em ploye tisii'g the frame for a white light Is liable to be suspended. Frederick H. Horlacher, of Mauch Chunk, txpeets to get a fortune out of a coal c'lrt bank that has accumulated on his property at Welsport, Carbon county, having been washed down by th'j Ltiiigh river from the mines. Ha purchased a washer and gets about 110 tons of pea coal dally which he s.'Ms Jt $1 a ton. He thinks there are 30,000 tons of coal In the pile. Miners In the Schuylkill region ara Incensed over an expected notice of tlv Reading Coal company that 25 cents n month will be added to the amount deducted each month ns payment to the bineflclul fund, and that 2 cen.s will be charged for each tool sharp ened. The ofticials deny that the order will be issued, but the men claim to have heard from a good source that It is contemplated. The Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid Transit ttofipany's electric road, with ilr) twenty miles of lines, has been form ally merited Into the Allentown and Lehigh Valley Traction company, owned by Congressman Tom L. john rji and his brother, Albert L. Johnson. Tnc combined system now reaches nine teen d fferent towns and villages, and thu lines will be extended to a numiier of towns along the East Pennsylvania r.iil.-oad In the direction of Reading. The capital of the combined compa nies Is ROuO.OOu. Thti ofllclals at some of the colller'os near if.u'eton are making preparations to loud box cars with coal. At mtiio or the collieries chutes are arranged to hod thise cars as easily as the smili Jimni't-u !n case of necessity, but al'. are (tjitltred in this way and hen re the .ilfer.tilon. All the box cars that will te l-.aded with the precious min eral ii v tr be shipped to western pointy. Wllkes-Haire Record: "The ward c. !..ery of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western company has lieeti Idle since last Wednesday In ord"" tr. niuko' n-mc extensive. Improvemer is alrfi'.it the brenker, among which Is - he putting In of Coxe's patent dumps. These dumps are o'f the latest make and their Introduction will not only muke work much easier at the head of the Bhaft but will likewise rid the head tenders of much unecessary work. The new 36-foot, fan which the company Is putting in place for the past few weeks will be started In a few days. The Delaware, Lackawanna und West ern has made many Improvements at this colliery of late and the result Is that it Is one of the best equipped on the West Side." Clipped from Canada "Presbyterian," under signature of C lilarkutt Robinson, Prop'r; I was cured of oft-remirring bil ious headaches by liurdock Ulood Hitters. label. ' V i A err iirsr V S I.I. A SR. f' M .1ST I 1 II I w s Jj A M The unequalled demand for Paine's celery compound among the people of this state is but an Index of the great good that It is doing Not only in this vicinity, not only In every eastern state, but everywhere In the United States. Paine's celery compound, the wonder ful remedy that makes people well, Is beyond question the most reliable pro duction of modern medical science. Nobody disputes It. From the day It was first prescribed by that most eminent of American physicians, Professor Kdward E. Phelps, It has been recommended, pre scribed and Its merits extolled by the ablest of physicians. The best medical journals have devoted almost unlim ited space to the cures It has effected. The dally press of the large cities hns contained account after account of re markable cases of "health restored by Paine's celery compound." Some of the most famous men and women In the country have very re cently authorized the publication of their unsolicited testimonials. They or their physicians have frankly told how, when all else had failed, Paine's celery compound made them well. The Boston Herald has just devoted a page or more to Interviews with prom inent men and women in that city who have been made well the past year by Paine's celery compound. STOCKS AX1) BONDS. New York, Jan. 17. While speculation at the Stoek exchange was quiet today the undertone of the market was slroiiKer than for a long time past. Prices were higher nil around and the prominent Is sues miule gains uf i to -V6 per cent. The Vunderhllts. however, displayed the great est strength und sold at the best figures for a long time past. Luke Shore rose to 140, New York Central to luu'A. Sllelilgan Central to SHi bid. The strensth of these stocks had a good effect ami led to some moilerato buying for thu long account. Manhattan was quite a feature and rose to 107. The ImlUHtrluls were less prom inent in the dealings. Near the close Chleago (las rallied to Sugar, Lead, Cordage and the other Industrials were qulot. The market closed firm anil t to l'ii per cent, higher on the clay. Lake Krle and Western preferred rose 2. To tal sales, 64.S89 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mnr ket are given below. The quotations wo furnished The Tribune by G. du H. Dlm mlek, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scrantdn. Yes. Op'n- High- Low- Clon Clos. ing. est. est. Ing. A., T. A S. F.. 4N, 44 r 44 4., A. S. It. C 8!IS. 8!i"a 811-i M"t 8!l, A. U. (1 iM'n Z 2:i'-.. 21 c, M. & S. I'., fai'-i wp-4 ft';, SB'., wis C., K. 1. & P... IM'h, 8S :m4 in. KM, (.. U. & y Tls. 714 72 71 71'fc 0. & N. W JMiSi !iS 9ii MUj c. c. i & s. l .... ss'i m s.s'4 3K' Can. South.... 4!a4 no'-i M no', fiii Chcs. & 0 17 17'j 17'4 17'i I). C. F. Co.... I'M, lo"4 11 H4 17i U. & II 1H1H 1!I2 132i 1,12 I.TOi (Jen. Klec :il'i :tl'4 MU, 34S 34 Jersey Cent... 1 Hl'i M'4 fit 8H4 I.. & N Til7 M Wi-S r.5 ri Luke Shore.... i:'i, 14ti 110 i:is Mo. Pac 2.1'a 2:P; 2:1 IMS n Nat. ln1 37 37'i 37Tii 37' 37S Nat. Cord..'.... 64 ' & i New Kng S2-i S2S 32'i ' M S2S N. Y. C II9:'4 lUO'S, m UK) S. K.... lo'i IOV HIS Hi-S 10S (). & W !' 11 Hi'n HIS lfiVfc i. & n i2'.j 13 i.'i'i, 12s 12s S. & W., IT.... 42'i 43 43 '43 4:1 Tex. I'hc. ...... !S US S S S I'nlon Pac US H'd US UMi US W. A H. I S '3 OS ll'i W. A 8. L Pr 14Vi 14S 14S 144 ll'i W. I'nlon 7Hi 87S 87S 87S 7S ('. O. It 71 ' 71 7.'S 71 72'j A. M. T 8 99 9 99 S9 H. 8. 0 23 23 23 23 CHICAGO HOAllD OF TTtADR miCE3. Op'n- HlKh- Low- Clos. WIIF.AT Ing. est. est. Ing. January MS MS M Dl May M 68'i B7S 57S July MS MS CMS &tT'S OATS. January 27S 27-S 27S 27S May 3074 3U;( So'i 3S CORN. - Januury 4!VS 4,S 4,V,i 45V.I Msy 47S S 47'4 474 July 47S S 71i ',i LATID. Januury C.C7 (1.72 R.H7 6.72 May 6.80 C.S7 C.80 6.87 PORK. January 11.20 11.88 11.20 U.Sfi May 11.46 11.60 11.45 11.60 Oil Market. Pittsburg, Jan. 17. Oil opended and highest, 67; lowest and closed, W4 Mothors! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlni Syrup ha been used for over fifty years by mil Hons of mothers for their children whlls teething, with perfect success. It soothos the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the bust remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of the world. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing 8yrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents bottle. -. . . ' There are many cases In Scranton whom It has cured of serious Illness. Paine's celery compound is the one specific for those nervous disorders, In digestion, neuralgia and rheumatism, for heart trouble, lassitude, sleepless ness, from which men and women In this climate too generally suiter. It cures not only speedily but" per manently. It supplies the nerves with food; It makes new blood; It removes the cause of disease. Mrs. H. a. Dunolds, of Rochester, N. Y., whose portrait Is given above, writes thus of her experience: "Last spring," she says, "I had a severe attack of muscular rheumatism. At first I used a deal of liniment, which guve me some relief, but It finally set tled in my feet, making me a hobbling cripple. I then began using Paine's celery compound and the second bottle cured me completely, so now I am a walking advertisement, and recom mend Paine's relery compound most cheerfully. I can heartily recommend it, as an Invaluable remedy, to all who are afllicted, and shall always keep It In the house to use in case of need." Testimonials might be published by hundreds. They all go to show that for any of those complaints that arise from an Impaired nervous system or Impure blood Paine's celery compound should invariably be taken for It makes peo ple well. Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tations. No. Par Shs. Val. Bid. Ask. 10 luo Sera'n Ravings Bank 200 25 HKI Third Nat'l Bank.... 3M 10 100 First Nat'l Bank 600 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 100 S DUO Seriinton Glass Co. (Bonds) 600 7 too Btevens Coal Com'y 1 (Bonds) joo 2 100 Sera'n Jar and Stop per Co 60 20 CO Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 62 50 1 100 Sera'n Axle Works 75 luo luo Lncka. Lumber Co... 110 0 luo Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co 1C0 50 .100 Spring Brook Water Co 100 0 100 First National Bank 1 (Carbondale) 150 5 100 Larkn, Trust A Safe Deposot Co 135 10 100 Sera'n Laeo Cur. Co 90 5 100 Srrnnton Forging Co .... 110 20 luo Green Ifge Lum'r Co .... 110 10 CO Providence A Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 5 lno Scranton Glass Co CO 30 luo Bonta Glass Co 20 5 ' 100 M. M. Savings Bank (Cnrbondnle). 140 225 4 Crystal Lake Water fo 450 ...... . 2 6U0 Kcon'y Steam Heat . A Power Co. (bonds) C00 New York Produce Market. New Yorlt.i Jan. 17.-Flour-Dull, easy. Wheat Kalrly uetlve for export, c, low er, cloHlnir linn; No. 2 red store ami ele vator. GOViOlc; uflout, 3!ae.; f, o. b., C2a fiile.; ungraded red, C7a(i3e.j No. 1 northern, -O'iaTk'.: options rlosed steady at un ehaiiKeil prices to He. decline;. No, 2 red January. 'lUftc.; Velu-nary, 6Uic..; March, filV.; .May, OL'Vio.; June,,l!2ie. ; July,. 2c. Corn Steady; No. 2, filic elevator; Vli. nlloat; steamer mixed, 4!)a."0',ic. ; No. 3, 4S'i a4U'.; options dull and steady at Hac. decline; Januury, M'ic; February, Cl!),e.; May,, CHic (tats Dull, steady; options dull, easier; January. 33q. ; February, .H!tc; May, 34c; No. 2 white March, ST'sjc; spot prices, No. 2, 8la34H,c.; No, 2 white, 37a;i7Vio.; No. 2 Chk-airo, SCc; No, 3. 3Hie.; No. 3 white, SG'ic; mixed western, 3la:t!iic.; whlto state and western, 38a 41ie. Heef Steady, dull. Ileef Hams Quiet. Tlereed Iteef Dull, Cut Meats Quiet, weak, hard Quiet, firmer; west ern steam, S7.a24j; elty, I0.37V4; January, 17, nomlnul; May, $7.15, nominal; refined, firmer; continent, 17.60; South America, $7.80; compound, BViaGe. Pork Steady; mess, $l.7rn13. Butter Dull, weak; state dairy, 10a20c.; do. creamery, 10a23o. ; Penn sylvania do., Bla23e. ; western dairy, lt'a liie.; il.J creamery, Kia2fc; do. factory, Sa lBc.;. KIkIus, 2,'iq.; imitation creamery, 12a lXe. ; June creamery, l(ia2H4c. Cheese Moderate demand, unchanged. Eggs Quiet, about steady; state and Pennsyl vania, J2'iii23c.'; refrigerator, iral9e.; west ern fresh, 21Ha22e.; do, per case, I2a3.75; southern, 20a21c; limed, 14al6o. . Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 17-Tallow Is dull and unohnnged. We quote: City, prime, in hhds, 4a4c.; country, prime. In bbls, 4'4c; do. da'rk In bbls, 4Vc; cakes, 4aCc; grease, SaHc, . . Relief In Six Hoars. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Oreta South American Kidney Curs." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of ts exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sage In male or female. It relieves re tention of watr and pain in passing It almost Immediately. If yott want quick relief and cur this Is your remedy. Bold by C. M;' Harris, Druggist, 12S Penn ave nue, Bcimntont Pa. GENTS' NATURAL WOOL GENTS' COTTON FLEECE-LINED gr'SO dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made of the Finest Maco Yarn; Reg lar 50c. quality, now 37 c. Each. We quoti the following new prices on our Famous Boys' Cest Iron Hosiery: SIZES 6, 6 1-2, 7. 20 Cents. CONNOLLY & Keystone IS NOW MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY Tlir OnimiYnM DCnm&in Oil 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue, inc ounHiiiuii ocuumu uu., PRICES T A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDB COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 29 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH A&B INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. B.. care Tribune office, Hcranton, Pa. Hclo Wanted Females. 11HL WANTED TO DO GENERAL V I housework. Inquire at ZU Ponn avenue. ( URLS WANTKD EXPERIENCED AND vT inexperienced to manufacture shirts by electricity. Apply SOLOMON ts ZUCKElt MAN, l;u Franklin avenue. Special Notices. TNOv1RTcpTRliD 1 hibitinns and lrctuie upon any subject d sired. These exhibitions will be llluatrated. having in my possession thu most powerful dissolving stereopticons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT X Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weok y War Illustrations Itmi-lsfiS. Two Volume Fuller $10.00; payable monthly, il.QO. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, 018 Gibson street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOiT zines, etc.. bound or rebound at Tun Tiuhuns office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. For Rent. 'foTRWr?1to7ii -i est striep, tietwesn I ickson works and Erie depot; rent 113. Inquire on premises. F OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNH'B ntalied rooms at 000 Lackawanna avenu?. FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna aveuuo. Afldrosi 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, aear IIB2 Luzerne, Hyde Par TTOR RENT Nlt'KLY FITKNIUHED'HALL V suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JErt MYN, 110 Wyoming iivena. For Sale. HORSE FOR BALK-FINK TRAVELER or work-r anywhere; 7 yens old; 1,150 rounds; sound, kind ( nil or address CHAR AZF.H. (llenlmrn. Pa. Strayed or Stolen. CTRAYED OB STOLEN FROM 10I0OL1VE O streiit. on Saturday, Jnti. 5. a white bull pup, with large spot on back. Ton did'ars re ward will be paid for return of tame und no questions asked. W. L. HE'I T-H Agents Wanted. WANTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO I handle our line, no pinldiliiir. Sa'arr, $75 per muntb and expenses aid to all. Gisds entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Bjx, 630S, Boston, Muss. Legal. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI 1 ted Stales, fur the Western District of Pennsylvania: WHEREAS. The Judge of the District Court of the L'llltod States tor til? said district is un able to attend at the oomnHificeiueut of the ngular tirm of said court, to buvlu at the city or Scranton, ill snid district, on thu nrst Mommy in oiarcli, ueing tue fourth day thereof. IT IM S ORDERED. Btthocllvof Plttsburir. in snid di-triet, tills 17th iluy of Decviiiltei', inift, (iiai. mo marsuni, on Nun urn i .uon dny of Murch. ISU at Hcranton, adjourn said Court to meet on the fourth Monday of March, ISM, at the tiiwi hour and plucs; and to give notice, at the same time, in court, to persons held ly recogniz uics. to appear at suid nrst Monday In March, lMl.i, and their sureties therein, to appear on the fourth Uou. day In March. W as nforexnld. JOS. IICFFlNOToN, U S. Dis. Judge. From the Record. WM. T. LIN DSEY, Clerk. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lackawanna County, No. 1163, Sept. trrui, 1804, Margaret Turner vs. Joseph R. Turner. The alias subpuma in divorce In the above oase having been returned "non est iuventus," jruu, Joseph K. Turner, are liereby notified to bsaud appear at the next term of Common pleas of said county, to bs held in the city of Scranton on the 14th day of January, lHUn, to answer the plaintiff's complaint in the above ase. JOHN J. FA HEY. Sher.ff. W. GAYLORD THOMAS. Attorney. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNd man on coachman or any honorable work; 12 years' experience as ocachinan; can furnish bast of reference. Address "COACHMAN," Tribaue office, Scranton Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man 18 yoars old; understands horses: Would like a position as driver. Address HaR LIE L1TTS, m Providence Road. DRUO CLERK OF TWO YEARB' EX PERI nee dmlres position; well educated. Address "AMYU" 1 ribnne offioe. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY It years of age; would like to have position In barber shop; has had long experience. Ad dress "L. J.," Tribune office. WANTF.D-BY A YOUNB LADY WHO ' understands the Oermau, Hungarian, Hebrew and English languages, a position as bookkeeper, Address U., M Ualitaad court. OE The Best Value we have ever offered. Our price only 48c. Sold by others at 50c, as a 75c. Garment. v SIZES 7 1-2, 8, 8 1-2, 22 Cents. WALLACE 209 wash'"" THE CELEBRATED Bed GREATLY REDUCED. (AUTION TO our patrons : Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paN rons that they will this year htild to their usual custom ol milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion thut it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosbv Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to everv detail of milling ha placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour fur above other brands. MM 4 ME6ARGEL Wholesale Agents. ff HAVE YOUR Horses Shod y I Hold Fast L j I Steel Ccn- V I tered, Self- VV. Sharpening, I Detachable I 1 HORSE I J SHOE VJ calks We have the following; supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting; a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Tellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON. PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA.. Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. . General Office: SCRANTON, PA. iJ .0 ... C W.w ilia-MMv VIII (Xl) MS AMI Vuu, For sal ey JOHN H. PHCIPS, Sprue Strttt, Scranton, Pa. - SIZES 9, 91-2,10. 25 Cents. pnng Cor. Adams Avenue, HULL SUPERIOR TO LL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of SUPPLIES. J Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. WhIM Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock BtocH Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. RESTORE LOST VIGOR V.. MM a. WuW l.utik limM in o. Ot) A RAM i KB UCnrt SnTooiD-bilil;, Loss ofStiasl Pomr in llkM mi, InToUmur Km(tfli from snf hum. If angltcttd, tuob IroublM Usd ! eoDiutnptios ol iBMrity, tl.St'Pr bos by mil, A tmtsfor 96. Wllb vvrvift otd.r w itft s wrltun fuaisntte to euts or rsiiwd ttas sioasr. AdrM FSAL MKlUCUIfi OU. Clxslud, Olus. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming I Anu an)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers