The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 18, 1895, Image 1

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The Matter Kill Come Up for Re
vision This Session.
He Would Make It a Crime for a Man to
Buy Another Man's Vote-Pros-pects
for Senator
Vaughon's Bill.
Bpeolal to the Soranton Tribune.
Harrlsburg, Jan. 17. The most Im
portant thing In the legislature today
was Speaker Walton's appointment of
Mr. Lytle 'to the chairmanship of 'the
committee on rules, the other members
being Messrs. 1a.wrence, Itlter, Staples
and Culbertson. This appointment
carries with It the olllettU Indorsement
of Representative Lytle'a leadership on
the floor of the house.
The so-called blue law of 1794 will
come up for revision this session.
Numerous petitions for Its repeal and
In favor of Its more strict amendment
lire reaching both chambers. The Sun
day observance people want the penal
ty clause Increased, and also want pro
vision made for offenders who show re
peated contempt of the law.
So far as can be 'learned In casual
conversation among senators, 'the bill
of Senator Vaughan abolishing the
death penalty Is as little likely to pass
as Is the opposite bill of Representa
tive Cottun, of Allegheny, substituting
flectrlclty fur hemp. The legislature
will avoid two antithetical dilemmas
by standing stone l i 1 1 .
Senator L,andls proposes to make It a
crime for a man to buy another man's
vote. His measure proceeds upon the
principle ithat both parties to an elec
toral bribery are grave enemies to the
staite, and that both ougflvt to be equal
ly and severely punished.
Dave Martin Is Sore.
Another senate bill in which general
Intercut is felt would abolish sl'dionul
school boards in first-class cities nnd
commit the government of schools to a
commission of ten members, serving
without pay. Its author is Senator
Porter. The Oobln bill creating a new
banking department is exciting Inter
est. When the present law was en
acted by the legislature four years ago
certain Influences desired to give the
commissioner of banking the power to
close a state institution which he con
sidered shaky. This was regarded us
being too great a power to invest ab
solutely In the hands of any ofliclai,
and the scheme was defeated. In the
Oobln bill this power is again denied,
and the purpose Is reached by the com
missioner making complant to the at
torney general, who Is empowered to go
before the Dauphin county court to se
cure the necessary order to close the
institution complained of. Senator
Kilns, who lias made a searching ex
amination of the bill, pronounces it a
proper one.
General Gobin says there is a strong
demand for the law he has proposed,
which will give to Pennsylvania the
reputation of having the strongest
state financial Institutions in the coun
try. This law will render blind pools
such as were operated In Pittsburg im
possible. It will also strike a death
blow at the foreign building associa
tions operating in this state.
Davd Martin has gone home, and
those win know say he went feeling
very bitter against Quay, Hastings and
the whnl administration. He was in
formed, while here during inaugura
tion, that his former friends In the
house, from the state-at-large, would
take no part In a cabal against Quay.
Work la 'he House.
Among the bills reported favorably
were the following:
Repealing the consolidation of Oil Pipe
Line companies; to prevent the spread of
tuberculosis; creating the department of
banking and enlarging Its powers; an act
to provide for the preservation of the for
ests of the state; to prevent the marching
of armed men and boys on the highways
of the slate; amending the trespass law so
as to Include owners of nut and berry
Bills were read In place as follows by:
Mr. Culbertson, of Allegheny The legis
lative apportionment bill the same as
Mr. Stineman, of Cambria Providing
for decision by lot whore two or more per
son shall have an equal number of votes
for the same otllce In townships and bor
oughs; also to abolish days of grace on
promlsory notes.
Mr. Wilson, of Juniata Providing that
eggs shall be sold by weight.
Mr. Smith, of Bradford Providing that
half of the state appropriations for
schools shall be distributed among schools
on the basis of the number of schools
kept open the minimum number of
months required by law, and the other
half on the basis of the number of Ux
aides. Mr. Grlggsby, of Lawrence Repealing
the act regulating fees to be charged by
justices of the peace, magistrates, alder
men, etc.
Mr. O'Malley, of Lackawanna Amend
ing the act of Muy 23, 8!i3, providing that
the burgess of a borough shaTT not hold
any other borough olllee during the teim
for which he Is elected.
One Liquor mil Defeated.
' The bill regulating the standard
weight of a bushel of onions was re
ported favorably by committee. When
the bill to Impose costs upon remon
strants against liquor licenses In case
the remonstrance falls, was called up
for second reading, It was forcefully op
posed by Messrs. Merrick, of Tioga,
Lytle, of Huntingdon, and Marton, of
Lawrence, who viewed It as an attempt
to. embarrass and obstruct any effort
In the direction of suppressing the
liquor traffic. Mr. Kunkel, of Dauphin,
said .the bill was a Just one. Intended to
protect witnesses who travel a long dis
tanee to testify at license hearings.
After some further discussion and on
attempt at amendment the bin was
On third reading the bill providing for
the publication and distribution of the
''bird book" was called up. Mr. Fow
opposed the bllj, saying" It was a use
less expenditure of the people's money.
Mr. Merrick took the position that the
book .was as good as any other report
Issued. Mr. Moore, chairman of the
committee on agriculture, took ground
In favor of the bill. After further dis
cussion the bill passed: Yeas, 176; nays,
6. The bill provides for the publication
of 24,009 copies to be distributed among
the members of the legislature, 'heads
of departments, state grange and farm
ers' alliance.
The bill repealing that part of the
first section of the act of June, 1891,
wbluh applies to bridges which cross
rlvera or streams forming the boundary
line between two counties or running
between counties passed finally.
John 11. Ululsdell Surrenders After an Ab
sence of Ten Ycurs.
By the United Press.
Fall River, Mass., Jan. 17. John II.
Blaisdell, who for some time prior to
February, 1885, had been the book
keeper of the Weetamoe mills. In this
city, walked Into the Central Police
station today and announced that he
desired to surrender himself. His com
ing was as sudden and unexpected as
his departure. When he fled ithe town
ten years ago he was, as a subsequent
Investigation showed, a defaulter to
the amount of $40,000, which the stock
holders of 'the Weetamoe mills had to
He declined to talk 'to reporters today
or to explain his motive for coming
here and surrendering himself. Some of
tiie directors of Weetamoe mills, how
ever, say that he Is desirious of having
the indictment nol prossed; that he is
tired of living .the life he has for the
past ten years and prefers to take any
risk In older to be at home once more.
It Is Huthcr Severe ou Taininany Hall and
the New York Police Force-Protection
for Crime.
By the United Press.
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 17. The report ol
the Lexow committee. Which will be
presented to the senate tomornw, was
made public tonight. It contained ful
ly 18,000 words. The committee, in pre
senting the report, say It Is not their
Intention to submit a comprehensive
analysis of the work performed and the
result attained, but rather to accentu
ate the salient features of a recoivl,
which, when closely scrutinized, will
disclose conditions In a department of
municipal government undreamed of
at the time of the Inception of the In
quiry and Justly challenging the most
serious attention of the legislature.
The results of the investigation up
to 'tills point conclusively show that In
a very large number of the eleotlon
districts of the city of New York,' al
most ewry conceivable crime agAlnst
the elective franchise was either cum
mitited or permitted by the police, In
variably ki it'lie Interests of the domin
ant Democratic organization common
ly called Tammany Hall. It is quite
evident that the practices of Che police
exerted an Impuntaut and decisive In
fluence upon results, a facit which is
made uncontrovertibly plain by th
Cf.inpariKon of the vote east In 'the
Stcond assembly district in the year
with the vote cast In that district
at the last election.
The evidence, taken as a whole, indi
cates that the department was per
meated by the influence of Tammany
Hall; that district leaders influenced
not only appointments but the assign
ment of officers; that forced contrlbu
tlons were levied upon the members for
the benefit of district organizations and
that a situation has been reached under
four years of a partisan police, board
where the officers have been brought
to understand that the only 'hope for
promotion was in Joining and contrlbut
lug to Tammany Hall associations and
seeking through those channels the
Bure roaa to promotion.
The conclusion seems Irresistible that
under the circumstances such as now
exist in the city of New York it be.
comes the paramount duty of the leg
lslature to remove, as far as practlca-
ble, ithe possibility of political influ
ences securing a controlling power over
the police force. It would seem clear
without argument that with a police
force so concededly efficient In the pro.
tectlon of life and property In all other
respects, the glaring omission of duty
in reference to the suppression of what
may be called "Protected" vice and
crime, presents a sufficiently strong and
convincing .inference of a corrupt mo
tive, one sufficient In Itself to Indict
the police department as a whole, not
only of flagrant and inexcusable omis
sion of duty, but of corrupt purpose as
Serious Charges Are Made by AH Wit
nesses at Investigation.
By the United Press.
Indiana, Pa., Jan. 17. In the Blair
White election case today thirty wit
nesses were examined ana more
charges of bribery were made.
One" witness terttlfled that Judge
White had 'himself given him money
for his vote.
Wilkcsunrrc Miner Killed.
By the United Press.
Wllkes-Harre, Jan. 17. Stephen Shaw, a
miner employed at the llallstead colliery
at Duryea, was Instantly killed today. He
was in the act of blasting coal from the
roof when several tons of It fell upon him,
The new board of pardons will meet for
the first time on Feb. 26.
Mlllersvllle State Normal school alumni
will banquet at Pottsvllle this evening.
Allegheny county physicians have start
ed a crusade against Illegal practitioners
Over 1,100 applications for liquor licenses
will be considered by the Schuylkill conn
ty court.
While playing with a lamp the night
dress of little Leon Clausers, of Bhanfokln
caught fire and he was fatally burned.
Little Barbara Fleishman was awarded
I1.8U6..U0 damages by a Heading Jury for
the loss of a foot in a trolley car accl.
Sarah Fotan, of Unlontown, fell down
stairs with a lighted lump and was fa
tally burned by the explosion which fol
lowed. ,
The Temple furnace, at Reading, which
was recently put In blast, has been blown
out. It had been working badly for some
The ore mines of the Brooke Iron com.
pany, at Falls of French oreek, have
closed down, throwing seventy-live men
out of employment.
Five-year-old George Todd, of near
Greonsburg, was burned to death by his
clothing igniting, from a Are, and his
mother was badly hurt In trying to save
While coasting at Reading yesterday
Willie Harper, aged 7, was struck by a
trolley car and so badly Injured that ho
died several hours later.
Charles Kuekllng, of Reading, aged G6
years, a well known Iron worker, was
struck by a Reading express at a grade
crossing on the South Bide last night and
died from his injuries this afternoon.
No. 4 blast furnace of the Pennsylvania
Steel company, of Harrlsburg, was blown
out for repairs tonight, throwing sixty
five men out of work. The furnace had a
dally capacity of ZOO tons bf pig Iron and
had been In operation about a year. .
A Measure That Provides for the
Issue of Bonds.
He Would Solve the Currency Question
by a Free Colnago Act Sharp Talk
I'pon I'inanciul Theories Mr.
Breckinridge Heard From.
By ths United Press. -
Washington, Jan. 17. The first busi
ness or Importance in the senate today
was the introduction of the financial
bills, one by Mr. Pugh (Dem., Ala.) and
the other by Mr. Sherman (Rep., O.).
The title of the first was, "To meet de
ficiencies in the revenue of the treasury
f the United States; to regulate the
redemption of treasury and coin notes
of the United States; to restore silver
to coinage; to amend the national bank-
and currency laws, and for other
That of the second was "To provide
fot a temporary deficiency of revenue."
Mr. Pugh's bill provides for the issue
1 once, of not exceeding $100,000,000
legnl tender notes to meet deficiencies
and to be redeemable In gold and silver
tandard coin; for the coinage of sliver
uhlon In the treasury to be used in the
payment of the public expendtures; for
the Issue of certificates for bullion to
be deposited, to the amount of its mar
ket value; for the reserve of $100,000,000
n equal amounts of gold and silver,
and for the payment of custom duties,
ont-half In gold and the other half in
other currency.
Mr. Sherman's bill authorizes the Is
sue of 3 per cent, bonds for the redemp
tion of United States treasury notes
and to pay current expenditures; also
the Issue of 3 per cent, certificates to
be sold at public depositories and at
pnslofllces, and allows the issue of
national bank currency to the par value
of the bonds deposited therefore.
Both bills were read In full and were
referred to the finance committee.
Mr. Pugh made an Impassioned speech
as he introduced his bill, in which he
alluded to Mr. Vest's facetious char
acterization of senators yesterday as a
ot of "old muscovy drakes," and con
demned It as "degrading, mortifying
and humiliating."
The pension appropriation bill (ap
propriating $140,000,000 for pensions)
was passed with an amendment to abol
Ish $2 and $4 disability pensions, and
to make the minimum of them all $6 a
Brcckinridgo Heard From.
On the opening of the house a
message from the senate announced
the passage with amendment of the
in gent deficiency appropriation bill for
the current year.
On motion of Mr. Breckinridge (Dem.,
Ky.) the amendment was disagreed to
and a conference ordered.
Most of today's session was spent In
consideration of the Indian appropri
ation bill without disposing of the
mi asure. It was discussed today under
the- 5-mlnute rule and was open for
amendment. The principal changes
made was the . adoption of an amend
nii'iit off t red by Mr. Cobb (Dem., Mo.)
appropriating $1,060,000 to pay the first
Instalment, due March 1, 1893, upon the
purchase of the Cherokee outlet.
Mr. Kicnarason (uem., lenn.j toon
occasion in the course of the discussion
to deny the statement that the restora
Hon to congressmen of the franking
privilege contained in the bill to regu
late the printing and distribution of
public documents was inserted surrep
titlously. He pointed out that it had
been offered on the floor of the house,
discussed and adopted by a vote of 42
to 40.
By unanimous consent the bill to es
tablish a park at Gettysburg went over
until the first morning hour next week
At 4.40 the house adjourned until tomor
The Football Athlete Who Wos Injured on
Thanksgiving Day at Washington Can
not Survive Many Days.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Washington, D. C Jan. 17. George
D. Bo'hen, who was Injured In the
Thanksgiving Day foot tiall game be
tween Georgetown university and Co
lumbia Atthletlc club, is dying. Bohen
was a 'half-back on the college team
and itn one of the collisions received an
Injury to his spine, wihich could virtu
ally be called a broken .neck. His body
from ithe chest down was paralyzed,
but he retained all his mental faculties
from 'the first. The doctors of the
Georgetown Medical school, who have
been attending him at the Emergency
hospital, have 'had but little hopes of
his recovery and state that but for hi
wonderful physical soundness, he could
not have survived this long. They say
now ithat It Is only a question of hours
until 'he muwt succumb.
Buhen Is 21 years of age and al
though but G few 4 Inches In stature,
was a veritable giant In strength and
agility, and was rated as one of the
leading college athletes of the country.
Ills borne Is In Richmond, Va., where
his father is a 'prominent merchant
Hannah Green Struck Dumb at a Social
Gathering, "
By the United Press.
VlncenneB, Ind Jan. 17. Miss Hannah
Qreen, daughter of Frank Green, maim
ger of Green's Opera House, suddenly
lost 'her pwr of speech Saturday even,
lng, and, though she is weill In all re.
spects, she 'has not been able to utter
a sound since.
She was at a party given at the home
of Judge Townsend, on Broadway,
when suddenly she paused In the mlds
of a dance. She had tried to speak
but found that she could not make
sound. .
I'lvo Hundred Thousand Dollars Shipped
to Now l ork.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Jan. 17. it was an.
nounced today that as a result of the
shrinkage In the supply of gold nt the
New York sub-treasury, $500,000 has
been shipped there from the sub-treas
ury In this city by order of Secretary
Carlisle. A simitar amount lhas been
transferred from Baltimore to New
York. '
Sub-Treasurer Blgler stated this af-
ternoon that lie would probably be or
dered to send more gold 'to New York
tomorrow, as lit is expected a very
large amount will be exported on Sat
Says lie Was Imprisoned and Robbed by
the Turks.
By the United Press.
New York, Jan. 17. M. Monferige, a
Syrian by birth, who says he Is an
American citizen and 'lives In Chicago,
complains that wlhlle on a visit to Mer-
n, northern Syria, 'he was Imprisoned
by the Turkish authorities and robbed
of $750. He was released at tfhe end of
week and returned to the United
States, via steamer Paris, with orders
not 'to return to Syria on pain of death.
He is living temporarily at 91 Wash
ington street, but his 'home is in Chi
cago. He says lie intends to go to
Washington in a few days to lay the
matter before the secretary of state.
Tony Desnndo Defends His Castle Against
By the United Press.
Pottsvllle, Pa., Jan. 17. Tony Desan-
do, an Italian, was placed in Jail here
this morning for a murderous assault
on David Griffiths, of Minersvllle, and
Richard Ivkyd, of Wllllamstown.
Deaando lives ult Minersvllle with
Nora James, a disreputable character,
and Lloyd and Griffiths, who had been
drinking, called at tihelr house last
night and knocked at the door. De-
sando came out and ordered them
away, and the men not leaving, the
Italian rushed on them and stabbed
both men. Griffiths was not seriously
hurt, but Lloyd Is expected to die.
The Great Struggle Is Still On, Though
Somo of the Companies Have Settled
with Their Men.
By the United Press.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 17. The great
trolley strike is still on, but there are
Indications that It will soon be ended.
One company, that which operated the
Delvalb avenue line, came to terms
with its men, and its cars were In full
operation today. Another company,
that which operates through the Will
iamsburg lines, opened negotiations
with its employes through the state
board of arbitration and an early set
tlement is expected. This much the
men have gaLned. On the other hand.
the other companies have operated the
three lines, whloh were opened yester
day, the Flatbush, Fifth avenue, and
the Court street lines, and added the
Putnam avenue and Halsey street line
to the list. Cars were run on the last
line under great difficulties from 12, JO
m. until 5 o'clock, when it was
thought best to stop them, as a mob
of over 1.000 persons surrounded the
company's stables.
Not a car was moved In the eastern or
southern part of the city. - Some- forty
lines are still tied up, and at nightfall
cars were stopped on all lines except the.
DeKalb avenue and Jay street lines.
whioh were the only lines operated
without police protection throughout
the day. There were more Instances
of Interference with the cars by strik
ers and their friends than any day since
Monday, and the police had their hands
full. Cars were held up, windows
smashed and green motor men and con
ductors assaulted. The police used
their clubs freely and captured .half a
dozen men and one woman from the
mobs of stone throwers. '
Mayor Schleren was appealed to by
the executive committee representing
the strikers, and a.sked to compel the
companies to operate their roads or
forfeit their charters. He heard their
case, sent for the corporation council,
and summoned Presidents Lewis and
Nuvton. They refused to make any
concessions to their striking employes.
and refused to sign any agreement
whatever with a labor organization.
This evening a mass meeting of citi
zens called oy tne r uuon siren
merchants, whose business Is seriously
affected by the strike, was held at the
Atheaneum, and the action of the rail
road companies In refusing to make
terms with their employes was de
Rescuing Parties Obliged to Abandon
Search for F.ntomeetl Miners.
By the United Press.
London. Jan. 17. The rescuing par
ties which have been at work In the
Dlglake colliery, at Hanley, since the
mine was overflowed by a rush of wa ter
from the old workings, ihave met with
fresh and Insuperable obstacles, aim
have, consequently, aDanaoneu tneir
efforts to reach the unfortunate men
who were entombed alive.
It Is Impossible that any of the miners
whose escape was cut oft by the flooding
of the mine stlH survive.
The Attorney General of Milan Assassin.
By the United Press.
Rome, Jan. 17. Slgnor Colli, attorney
general of the province of Milan, was
stabbed to death in his olllee today.
The assassin, who was captured by a
policeman on guard at the door. Is an
anarchist. The motive of the assassl
nation Is clear. Among the agitators
Celll Is known as the "anarchist killer."
At the opening of the Judicial year he
delivered an address denouncing the
anarchists and pledging himself to
bring as many as possible to'Justlce,
Bricks from the old Blaine mansion are
being sold at 25 cents a piece, In Washing
ton, as relics.
Secretary Carlisle proposes reorganiza
tion of the Immigration service, with $12,-
930 appropriation for Philadelphia.
The German ambassador will give a card
reception at the embassy on Sunday af
tornoon In honor or the emperor a birth,
Memorial servcles in respect to the late
Representative Charles O'Neill, of Phila
delphia, will be held In the senate on Sat
urday, Jan, 28. ,
The accounts of the treasury depart
ment are reported to be In much confu
sion, Incident to the . changes under tho
Dockery reform law. . i , ,
It Is the intention of the postofllce an
thorlties to eventually establish In all the
larger cities railway mull - routes on the
various street systems. ' V ' ' i
Marton Butler, the Populist leader elect
ed to the senate from North Carolina.
will be the youngest man who ever sat in
that body-not 33 till May next '
He Is Elected as Successor to M.
The Open Advocacy of the Candidacy of
M. Brisson Was Probably the Cause
of Ills Defeat-History of
the President.
By the United Press.
Versailles, Jan. 17. The national as
sembly convened here today to elect a
successor to Caslmir-Perier as presi
dent of the republic, and on the second
ballot M. Felix Faure was elected. The
first ballot resulted as follows: Bris
son, 338; Faure, 244; Waldeck-Rousseau,
184. Total number of votes cast, 794;
necessary to a choice, 398.
After the anouneement of the result
of the first ballot Woldeck-Rousseau
withdrew In favor of Faure, and on the
second ballot the latter was elected by
a vote of 430 to 301 for Brisson.
In anticipation of some attempted
outrage by the anarchists a force of
500 detectives guurded the assembly,
and the strength of the police was
greatly Increased.
The precaution proved unnecessary,
however, as there was no excitement or
outburst of any kind either here or in
The open advocacy of the candidacy
of M. Brisson by the Socialists hurt
that gentleman's chances considerably.
Over 100 Conservative senators and
deputies divided their votes between
Faure and Waldeck-Rousseau rather
than cast them with the Socialists,
whereas these votes might for the
greater part have gone to M. Brisson.
M. Francois Felix Faure, member of
the chamber of deputies for Selne-In-ferleure,
was born In Paris, Jan. 30,
1X41. He was under secretary of state
for the colonies In the mlnlsterles of
Gambetta, Ferry, Brisson and Tlrard,
and was one of the vice-presidents of
the ah amber of deputies preceding the
present one. He has been a Republi
can deputy for about fourteen years
and has served on several of the most
Important committees of the chamber.
M. Faure 'has made a legislative spe
cialty of business questions, particu
larly those concerning the French mer
chant marine and foreign commerce.
He erved in the Franco-Prussian war
as chief of a battalion of the Garde
Mobile, and was made a chevalier of
the legion of honor on May 31, 1S71.
London, Jan. 17. The Paris corre
spondent of the Pall Mall (iazetta days:
When the report of the scene in the
chamber of deputies on the occasion
of the reading of the president's mes
sage of resignation reached the palace
of uhe Klysee last evening, M. Caslmir-
Perier broke down completely and
cried bitterly for some time. His phy
siclan says 'he will need several months
of absolute rest before he will be the
same man he was when he was elected
president last June.
Paris, Jan. 17. The train bearing
President Faure reached the St. Lazar
station In Paris at 9.05. By that time
the news of the election had spread
far and wide, and a vast throng had
gathered in the Place Du Havre out
side the station. The president was
received with a few cries of "Long
live I'elix Faure," but there was no en
thusiasm. He drove directly to the
l'.lysee palace.
Cusimir's Congratulations.
Paris, Jan. 17. The investiture of the
new president with his ofllcial powers
took place in the library of the Ver
sallies palace. The Klysee palace was
brilliantly lighted tonight and Caslmlr
Perler welcomed and congratulated his
successor. Premier Depuy then pre
sented the resignation" of the cabinet
M. Faure returned to the ministry of
marine for the night. His youngest
daughter, Lucie, met him at the door of
his apartments and threw her arms
round his neck, kissing him and crying
repeatedly: "1 am so happy, papa.
M. Faure Is a tall, imposing figure.
whose lines show the training he got in
early life as a mechanic. Although
millionaire ship owner, he has simple
tastes. His election is a blow to the
protectionist party. The substitution
of reciprocity treaties for the mellne
tariff is only a question of time. M
Mellne's newspaper organ, La Kenub-
lique Francals, admitted yesterday that
taures election would mean the same
as tariff reform. The result of the
election Is received enthusiastically in
This evening the United Press corre
spondent saw a copy of the letter sent
by the Duke of Orleans to Senator Buf
fet. It was mailed at Dover last even
ing. It was virtually a manifesto, do
daring that at best the republic in
France can only be provisional and that
he stands ready to step In and help
the people tne moment they call him.
The letter Is generally ridiculed.
The police seized shortly before mid
night a special edition of the Solell,
which contained the letter. The cf.
fort was superfluous, as nobody was
buying the paper and the boulevards
were as calm as the rest of the city,
A dispatch from Dover says that the
Duke of Orleans will return to London
tomorrow morning.
Paris, Jan. 17. The Socialists hove
Issued a manifesto denouncing the Re
publicans as traitors to the country
and asserting that Faure was chosen
merely as a shield for the clerical and
capitalist politicians, M, Faure will
begin his duties by giving 20,000 francs
to the poor of Paris.
An Insurance Collector Drops Out of
Sight In Company with $2,300.
By the United Press.
Newark, N. J., Jan. 17. S. CI. Smith,
Jr., collector for Robert Dunham,
agent for the American Insurance
company, is missing. An examination
of Smith's accounts this morning
showed 'that (he had decamped with
$2,300 In premiums.
Smith left Newark last Frlduy and is
believed to be In Chicago.
Nabbed In tho Act ' of Impersonating
I'nitcd Sntes Officials.
By the United Press.
. Harrlsburg, Pa Jan. 17. "Buckskin"
Joe Green, a swindler well known to
the police, was arrested today at Get
tysburg, charged with passing himself
oft as a special pension examiner. Tills
evening .he was brought to this city and
held In $1,000 bull by United States Com
missioner Wolfe.
Green recently served a year and a
half in the Eastern penitentiary. , .
Miscmer Leaves the F.arth in a Scientific
By the United Press.
Sharon, Pa., Jan. 11. Henry Mlsemer,
of Hadley, this county, a wealthy
farmer and politician of some local
note, committed suicide today in a
novel manner.
Mlsemer fixed a rifle from a beam in
his barn and sighted it for a mark
against the wall. He then tied a string
to the trigger and stationed himself
with his back against the mark upon
the wall, pulled the string and sent a
bullet through his heart. Depression
In mind Is supposed to have been the
oause of the suicide.
Governor Hastings' Communication
National Guard.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 17. Here Is the
first official order of D. H. Hastings,
commander-in-chief of the National
Guard: "The following staff appoint
ment Isliereby announced:
"Brigadier General Thomas J. Stew
art, adjutant ueneral. He will be
obeyed and respected accordingly,
L. J. I'lel, of Dunmore.Got $200 and When
Ho Returned for -.More the Of fleers Ar
rested Ilira-Lockcd in the Central Po
lice Station.
Louis J. Plel, of Dunmore, was ar
rested in the First National bank yes
terday afternoon by Detective -Roche
and Patrolman Walsh. He was
charged with obtaining money under
false representation.
Plel succeeded in securing $200 from
the bank but left before the irregular
ity was discovered. He returra-d later
and endeavored to obtain $100 by the
same method. The oftlcei-s then placed
him under arrest and he is confined at
the central police station. The details
of the case will probably be revealed
at a hearing In this morning's police
Senutor Peterson, of Alinncsotu, Secures
a Verdict for 10,000.
By the United Press.
New Ulm, Minn., Jan. 17. A verdict
fur $10,000 was recently awarded State
Senator Samuel D. Peterson against
the Western Union Telegraph company
here. The trouble which resulted In
mis verulct occurred two years ngo
nnd during the senatorial contest in
which Senator Davis was a candidate
for re-election. Senator Peterson op.
posed Mr. Davis and voted for John
iiiud. His vote created considerable
comment, and during the excltemen
attending the contest Senator Peterson
received a telegram from New Ulm,
over the Western Union Wires, signed
"Many Republicans," In which it was
hinted that Peterson was not as
straight as he should be.
The senator was highly indignant at
the receipt of the telegram, and. It
being anonymous, he could not get back
at his traduoers, so he did the next
best thing and sued the Western Union
Telegraph company for libel, claiming
damages In $1.0,000. This Is the first
verdict of the kind against u telegraph
company, not only In this country, it is
said, but throughout the world.
Queer Testimony Introduced in a Pitts
burg Divorce Case.
By the United Press.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 17. The famous
H u IT u in divorce case was called before
Judge Magee today. This Is the suit
Wherein Dr. Frank BufTum charges his
wife, Buffum, with dwelt, butli
before and after marriage. He claims
the baby, which she claimed as hers,
and said he was the father of, was not
hers, but borrowed or bought for 'the
occasion. He also charges her with
The defendant Is not In tho city, but
the case will go on and there will be
practically no defense. The marriage
has already resulted In several suits
and much scandal.
Simon Williams Inflicts Fatal Injuries
(tit a l ork.
By the United Press.
Oreensburg, Pa., Jan. 17. Last even
ing Simon Williams, aged 11 years, and
his sister, Florence, aged 13 years,
quarreled. Simon attacked Florence
with a stabre fork. One of the Bharp
prongs passed through her cheek, an
other through her ear, and a third en
tered the neck, inflicting probably fatal
The children were keeping house.
Their mother recently committed sui
cide and their father is In Jail awaiting
trial on a serious charge.
Coroner's Jury Prepared to Mako a
Thorough Investigation,
By the United Press.
Butte, Mont., Jan. 17. The dead re
ported this morning as the result of the
powder explosion, number i9 and the
injured 65. The bodies or rour or tne
firemen have not yet been recoveren.
They are Samuel Ash, David Moores,
Ed. Sloan and P. J. Norland. Their
bodies were undoubtedly blown Into
The Inquest began this afternoon.
Coroner Richards had empaneled a
Jury, but District Attorney Wines dls.
oharged them and ordered another of
representative men. The Investigation
will be a searching one.
F.x-Mayor Gllroy, of New York, ha
gone to Kurope.
A verdict for $0,207 was given the United
Verde Copper company at New York,
against the Link Belt company, of Phllrt
delphiu, for alleged breach of contract.
William S. Bays, of Gulllpolls, O., drum
mer for a New York grocery house, jvas
beaten and robbed by masked men near
Horse Creek, W. Va., on Monday night.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; warm,
r; west to southwest wlhds.
We have now open a magnifi
cent stock of
itl il
Anderson's Clan Plaids,
Zephyr Cords,
and Checks,
English Percales,
Japanese Crepes,
Duck Suitings, Etc.
The early assortments are
always the best.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ayc
The boys and girls must
have the best Leather
and Rubber Shoes.
We have them. They
don't cost much, either.
Closed Evenings Except Saturday,
. Is doing the busiuess.
And the population of Scran
ton know where to go for
popular goods at
popular prices,