The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 17, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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' and FURS,
The Annual Mid-Winter
Clearing Sale of These
The stock, from the lowest to the
highest priced garment, is new and in
the very latest styles. The prices are
from one-third to one-half less than
those that prevailed earlier in the
Regular Prico
Handsome Coats, $'20.00,
" 1.1.00,
" 1S..W,
" 10.00.
I. ?O0
II. 51
iiKD ems.
Trimmed Hats,
were yi.50, now
" 2.00, "
" 2.50. "
" 3-oo, "
" 3oO, "
" 4.00. "
" 4.5', "
' 5.00, "
" O.00, "
S .50
412 Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has liml lonir and varied ex
peilence In ho.tpitnl and private pnirtico
and treuts all ucute anil chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
Weakness or deeay In hoth sexes, nervous
dcldllty, catarrh, tumors, cuneers, erup
tions, hiooii-poisonini;, uts, epilepsy. In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man-
Dood, eczema, Berofula. St. Vttis' dan
asthma, diseases of the heart, llmys,
4iver, Kiuneys, maimer, sioinacn, etc.
Youn", Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the I'lihlic for uturrh.
Any one sufferlnir with Catarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three mom lis
treatment for only FIVK MOI.l.AHH. The
iloetor has discuvered a spe,:ltie for this
dreaded disease. You ran Ireat anil euro
yourself and family with It at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OKFIOK Ilnr Dully. 9 a. m. to 9 p,
jii.; nunuuys, iu to i& ami . to
Prices Cut in Half
See our Show
Be Convinced.
Window to
J. bcott If
N. B. Spring W'uU Papers now
Mrs. J. D. fryl. of Sctunton, visited
friends in tihls place Tuesday.
CI. M. PntterHiMl, of Carbnndule, was a
business visitor In town yesterday.
L. O.' (Immlw, of Honesdale, spent
yesterday In town.
KxeoHcnt sleighing Is belntf enjoyed
In this borough.
Harry Yemenis mmi Fremont Ptokefl,
of rle.ramton, 'were In town on business
Attorney Rush J. Thompson was over
from Duihore yesterday.
W. S. l-'assetil has been promoted to
b.itR'K-.i;Ktfinaster vit -tho through nljrht
express and J. K. Daniels 1111s the va
cancy on 'trains S3 unJ 111 m:ttle by his
removal. ,
Dr. J. F. Uutterlleld h is been down
fivm Montrose Mils week endeavoring
to interest capitalists in the proposed
telephone llneito connect that place and
this, touchiiiB at Spt-inKVllle, Lake
Oaiv-y, and all 'the 'little 'hamlets alonti
the line. There ,1s little- doubt that sunn
an enterprise would he prolltume as
well as convenient. We have no tele-
trr.tphlc cinmiiiiiik .i t Urn with thei'lty on
the IIH'1 more dircett tilt Jii by the way of
Sorainton. A't Lake Carey, during the
sutniner season, a. telephone would
douhttless 'be kojrt busy a. greater part
of the time, as summer it-sorters are
noted fur rhrir totiuuoLty. The muitter
lt!.is llieen left, in the hands of Dr. 1.. K.
M i aile. wtliu Is endeavoring to work up
intent In K.
DetecMve W. II. Itlc.hmoiid was
bi'otiH'ht before Esuuire Kutz for a hear-
Infl yesterday on charge of Inipersonut.
In a detective, preferred by Ucrt I'r;u!t.
one of the defendants in the Water
man murder case. Ho was dlsmisseil,
but 'held to bail on chaise if nnvrtlln;,-
I. K. Weseott wllihuiit .authority, lie
also cave ba'il to (ippenir u,t count In
answer to .prosecution for surety of Hie
peace by Lou Wall. The latter had
previously been prosecuted by Klch
iiiond on 'ttlw same chaise, and was held
to ball.
lion. W. X. lteynolds has withdrawn
his n:nne from the congressional can
vass, leavintf tile Held clear for K. 3.
Jordan, eso. The 'tionilnatiiiK conven
tion will meet next Motuluy.
The ollleers of Tunkhannock conclave
of Ileptasoplis are: Archon, W. V.
Shuiw; provost, N. Fox; secretary, H,
C. Undue 'treasurer;, W. K. Little,
llnancier, Orlando Ostorhout: prelate.
J. I' Sickler; Inspector, AVilliam ('amp-
boll; warden, K. J!. I'hlnney; sentinel,
A. K. JSilLts; 'truntcps. F. 11. Kr.rn,
IV.ter Ace, Theodore Streetor; medical
inspector. Dr. J. W. Denison.
Miss KHle lteynolds pleasantly enter-
thied a. slelKhload ofyounKpeople from
Mi'hoi.pamy Tlle&day cveiiinu.
taunt Notes.
Conimonwealt'h vs. suiiervisors of
Ttinkhannock township, chart?ed with
neKlectiiinr to repair road at Lake
Carey, continued to next term.
Com num wealth vs. l.orana Murray,
ch.uxe, kidnapping. C.rand jury ruturn
not a true bill, county to pay cots.
In the case of the commonwealth
anulnst Fred Wall, Hcrt Pratt and I. K
Wescid't. indioted for the murder of (5
W. Waterman, t'he prand Jury, after n
Iciilf and tedious investigation, found
true bills against Wall and Pratt, but
not against Wesrott.
The defense in the Harfnrd-KoIp
murder case closed its testimony at 3.30
p. m. yesterday, and the witnesses were
disoharjred. A hi ret mass of testimony
was brought to Phow that tleorge Kel-
ley, the victim, was a iiuarrelsome and
lanKciouri man, and had frequently
threaiteiied. while drunk, to kill Har
lord. Ktlley's spLte asainst Harford
seemed to be based upon an old board
bill which he ulleged title latter owed
The defendant was called to the
stind and allowed to relate his mvt;
veiviion of the affair. After detailing
the cireumstnaiccs up to supper time,
he- said: "Kelley claimed at the sup
per ifauld tha,t I owed him for a board
bill, and I said I didn't, tleoi-fre crabbed
me by the throat and pushed me back
ward. Milheim threw him out doors
Afterward I sat do wn to the table, and
Cicorce came in dtminc su)per and sat
it tlie table. We had no further trim
ble talked together. We took our axes
from the gate and started down the
road. He asked me what made me tot
Milheim to throw 'him outdoors. 1 told
him I didn't. Asked miMtlie name tlilnu
when we j?ot to the forks of the road
He said he would "split my d brain:.
out," then raised his axe and came at
me. I raised my axe and struck him
I liad been threatened by him before
and had been warned against him.
Robert Martin 'testified to hearing
tieorge Kelley say he would "have
uiop oi nariorti s neant iihiiiii for every
dollar he owes me." Harlow Martin
W. M. Kinney and .Perry lirown an.
others each testilied to substantially
the s.une thine.
The attorneys were making tht
pleas last night, and It Is probable
a verdict will bo reached sometime to
Itliciiiniitism Cured in u liny.
'Mystic Cure" for Kheumatlsm and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 d:iy j
Its action upon the system Is remarkatii
and mysterious. Jt removes at oneo tho
chiiso unil the direaso Immediately disap
pears. 1 ne niHt dose Kreutly benefits,
rents, pom ny . M. Harris, il'.i renn live,
ntle and Curl Loreim, druggists, Herantun
Mm. Mania I ..illy, of Lackawanna
Ktn-cl. Is visiting her daughter, Mrs.
(iillhuoly, at Avora.
The lt pul 'lien us of the First and Set
ond wards will .hold a general boroiig,
ctnucwt at o'lirien's hull on next Tues.
day evening at 7.30 o'clock for the pur
pose of nominating a burgess and othc
borough ollleers.
Mrs. A. W. Shanv and son, Robert,
visited friends in Providence on Tues
Master John lltltke, of Carbnndule,
Is visiting Joseph Mahon, on Lacka
w:mnu treet.
A number of sleighing panties will
leave here tonight to different point
Up and down the Vnlloy.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sehiibmebl rv
turned yesterday, after visiting fi-lemls
lit L'-Roy, N. Y.
O. C. Whitney, of llinghamton, Is In
Sunday trains on the Montrose rail
way are to be discontinued during the
remainder of the winter owing to
luck of patronage.
Amos Wilcox, who has for some Mm
past been ,ln llinghtimtoii for medlCHl
treatment, was brought to his homo In
this place Friday,
Yesterday morning the Hoston pnrtlc
who lire making negotiations for the
lease or purchase of tho vacant tannery
plant, nrrlved In town and were met by
J. H. Safford, the proprietor. Just what
will be the outcome of the visit Is still
a mystery, as the visitors nsit lor more
time to make thejr decision.
Professor lltinrulian's Dancing school
will take place nt the Opera house
Thursdny evening.
The creamery lee house is receiving
Us annual supply. '
New Mllfprd hns a haunted .house,
with n gliost worth coming miles to
see. The house In Itself Is not off from
the ordinary, but the ghost, as de
scribed .by two of our young men who
never drink (at their own expense), U n
picture that might grace the walls of
any art Gallery this side of Brushville.
The apparition, us last, seen. Is de
scribed is appearing (in her own bou
doir) In a robe of whHe which trails
to the tiny slippered feet. Tills robe is
finely trimmed with lace at the neck
and sleeves with a double row of the
same In front running from the floor to
her shapely neck. (This description
was given us by a mariied man.) After
the robe Is properly adjusted the appar
ition has a seance before a long mirror,
comprising a skirt dance, Interspersed
by high kicking. Another peculiar fea
ture of this .spectre is the fact that It
chews tutti-frutti during the entire pro-
gin mine. H would be advisable to ling
down the curtain before the perform
ance commences.
The regular monthly 'tea by the
allies' Aid society of the I'.apth'l
hureh was served In the chapel last
veiling. The annual election of of-
lieers for the soelotv also occurred,
hlch resulted as follows: President,
Mrs. Frank Colwell; ' vice president,
Mrs. (ieorge Davis; secretary, Mrs. K.
Peck; treasurer, Mrs. K. K. Ueiidricl;.
Also a vice president was elected In
ook after the affairs of each month.
hey are the following: For March,
Mrs. 10. M. Peck; April, Mrs. William
tlveiiburg; May, Mrs. (Iiant Nichol
son; June, Mrs. Aaron Fowler; July.
Mrs. Wallace Dimock; August, Mrs.
tephen Ki'Klar; September, Mrs. John
ingfelter; October. Mrs. William
dies; November, Mrs. May; December,
Mrs. Charles llallock. The treasurer's
port was very gratifying and the
idles will make a $'iti payment on the
Indebtedness of the church as a result
of their last year's work.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 1!. Shannon were
Scranton visitors yesterday.
Yesterday .Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
amoreaux. of Klghth avenue, Issued
invitations for the celebration of the
twentieth anniversary of their wed
ding, which will occur on Friday, Jan.
, at S o'clock, at their home.
II. P. Johns, of Forest City, made a
all in this city yesterday morning.
Daniel J. Hobinson lelt lust evening
on a business trip to New York city.
Miss Lena Rhodes returned to her
home In Herrick Center yesterday
ifternoon from an extended stay in this
Mrs. Charles liroiif.on and two daugh
ters, of Canaan street, left yesterday
ifternoon for" Sidney, N. . Y., called
there by the death of the former's
Miss Cora Voyle entertained a party
of friends last evening at ilhe home of
her sister, Mrs. Frank Orchard, on
Hlver street.
On Wednesday of next week at the
home of the prospective bride's parent
.Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Holleiibnck, on
ipeland avenue, will occur the mar
riage of Miss Isadore Hollenbeek to
John J. Simpson.
Miss Kditli Norton, of llokendauiiua
is the guest of Miss Lizzie Scurry, o!
Wyoming street.
Through the kindness of T. C. Robin
son the choir of the .Methodist church
joyed a slelghride lust evening.
Mrs. L. A. liasset, of Lincoln aventn
will leave today for a two weeks' visit
witli relatives in Rochester.
Miss Nellie AVoodward entertained n
party of friends at her home on Map
avenue on Tuesday evening.
Miss Mai caret Campbell is visltln;
friends in Scranton.
i horse owned by Fletcher Runnell
i down Union hill Tuesday night,
and, breaking loose from the sleigh,
dashed up the railroad track of the
hlghworks. Directly back of Menncr
& Oil's store repairs are being made to
the high works; the horse fell through
here and disappeared from sight. Thb
led to the llrst report that the horse
had gone undid' the ice in the canal.
After much diliiculty and hard work
the horse was taken out, slightly
bruised, but not much the worse for his
mad escape.
The linale of Professor Heft's danc
ing class will be held nt Pioneer hall
Monday evening, Jan. til. The occasion
will be a masiiuerade ball. Admission,
gentleman and lady, ,10 cents.
From the Wayne Independent: "The
Trip to Chinatown" will be produced
In the Opera house by No. 1 company on
l'u 'Kilay evening next. Manager Sil-
vi rstone says the audience would do
well to appear In full dress costumes.
People from out of town should not
think from this that Honesdale people
are in the habit of going to the theater
In undress. The prices for tills enter
tainment will be fill cents, 7" cents and
$1, which, no doubt, the play deservi
but there will be the same small stage
uid scenery of by-gone days, the same
opera chairs handed down, the same
(Tunning of necks to see the top of the
The funeral of the late Mrs. J. N.
Foster was held from her home nt 3
p. ni. yesterday: A large number of
out of town relatives were present.
Rev. William H. Swift conducted the
Tlie members of the choir of the (1 r-
nian Lutheran church are rehearsing
under the direction of Mrs. Anna Wag
ner-Marllii, a musical comedy entitled,
"The Cold I'ncle," which will be pro
duced at the Opera Iiohpo on Wednes
day evening, Feb. 1:1.
lilstrirt Deputy Crand Commander
Louis T. Steward Installed the follow
ing ollleers of Sheridan lodge, Kutghts
of Pythias, last Monday evening: C, O.,
Ceorge Smith; V. O., Henry Lewis; P
t ieorge Monies; M. of W., Charles
Charles; M. of A., John Titley; J. C
Hugh Crailg; o. C, Poter yuinn; M. of
F., .. P. Traviss.
A Jailing lady boarder has nrrlved to
gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Dikeman.
Robert House, of Kisnr, was u visitor
here last Tuesday evening.
(VuncH Monies spent Sunday witli
friends at Kingston.
Kxtf'a meetings are being held in the
Mol' lOpiseopiil church every
nWht t'his week.
A larg.' congregation listened to tlie
temperance leoiure by the Rev. Anna
Shaw last Monday evening.
Is ( Al.l.lai TO TUB
( KukIIhIi Hi'lnody.
Gray's Specific Medicine
IF Villi SUFFER '""
blMtllH Ulu lintHMUUMM TOUR' Ufl"
blllty, AVeBkiU'iwnf lkdy anil Wind, Kporma
torrh.s, and Iimmti-ney. unil all dlmmses thut
rls fznm ovr-iiiliileiic and iiolf alittso. us
Iamm of Upmury nfl l'oi'or, Uimneiw of Vi
iiii, l'remturo old Abb nd many othe,- dH'
rune that load to Itunnuv or C'nnnutnpUoD
ttud nn early prnvu, write for a pHmpliU't.
AddretM OKAY MEUICINK Co.. Duffalo.
N. Y. Thfl hpsrlflo Motlli ili in sold liy nil
druKdist. at $1 per package,, or Six ratiknura
for .', or aent ly mall on rrruipt nt innnnr.
and with evnry 15.00 order UIC GUARANTEE
a enre or money refunded, .rli S'"Vl1lllci
tf-()n attount of counterfoils wo hiTO
adoptod th iel of iop:or, the only una
lu bold lu Bvrauton by ilatthcws iiroa,
Ice harvest has begun and niany are
now lillinc their Ice houses.
The Hev. C. C. Luther began evan-
gelistlc services in the Methodist church
here on Sunday last, and will be con
tinued through this week In the Haptlst
church. (Thus far they have been well
John M. Courtiight, who Is danger
ously sick of typhoid fever at AVashlng-
ton, D. C, Is reported us symptoms
being for the better.
S. A. Northrup, of Factory ville, was
a visitor here on Tuesday last at his
brother's, Jeremiah Northrup's.
A Miss Smith, who has been stopping
with her aunt, Mrs. Sarah 10. Isby, sick
ened with typhoid fever and died on
Moiiduy night last and was Interred on
Wednesday nt 11 o'clock In the Clark's
l! recti cemetery.
Ward II. Parker received a present
in Monday evening s express of a line
bull dog pup.
Miss Lydia Perkins, while taking din
ner nt her plaii of boarding on Tues
day last, had the misfortune of having
her pocketbook stolen, containing a
check of $1,1, and as near as she could
recollect about $10 in money ami her
monthly railroad ticket. No clue could
be had for Its mysterious disappear
The store of Messrs. Frace & Parker
was broken into on Monday night last
and thieves partook freely of the stock
on hand, consisting of l mm thirty to
fifty pairs of gloves, about fifteen pairs
of shoes, dress goods, neckties, pants
and overalls, etc., to the amount of
about Sd'iO. No clue has as yet been
had. The thieves niadeeiitrancethroiigh
window on the north side of the store
into the Hour department. The store
is situated nt the summit at the junc
tion of the Kactoryville and Abington
and the Schultuvllle and Mill City turn
Mrs. James S. Wagner is convalescing
from her recent illness.
ISciijamiu Mead is a little better, yet
not able to sit up any.
Richard Ciiitlin Is so far recovered
that lie Is seen upon Die streets once
The donation at the Methodist church
was well attended and receipts quite
The students have once more "settled
down to business" and everything
about the university Is moving pleas
Miss Jennie Simpson, of Clifford, Pa.,
Is laniong those who make tin Increase 1
attendance ;st the seminary. H. C.
Downing, who was compelled to leave
school last term on .account of an at
tack of typhoid fever, has again re
sumed ills studies at the college.
A. W. Stephens has given up the
janiitoixhip at the laboratory and will
be succeeded by Leivy Hall, of Sharon,
The gymnasium, which was damaged
to the extent of over $700 by last term'i
(ire, has been appropriately relltted and
Is now In use.
Tile class drills un ler the director
ship of Messis. Harper and P.uniiell
are very well attended, thus giving evi
dence of the .appreciation in whlc'h this
rare treat Isiheld by the students.
On account of the resignation of the
president of the frenhman class, who
has gone to AVia.-liington, D. C, to
ofllciate in clerical duties owing to his
brother's illness, Mr. (iilpln was elected
preddmit for the balance of the
school year.
I) U It YEA.
Miss Lizzie Walen. of Avora, is visit
ing her sister, Mis. C. A. Dills.
Miss Maltie lOvans spent Sunday with
friends in AVest Pittston.
Dr. Cillesple, of Avoca, culled on
friends here Monday.
Miss Katie Mat-kin, of Kxeter, spent
Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Thomas
Pa ton.
Miss Kitty Holan, of South Scranton,
called on friends here Monday evening.
10. C. Cuius, who has been visiting
the family of F. 15. Dills for the past
few days, has returned home.
The IOxci lsior Social club gave an
enjoyable hop at their hall Monday
o. II. Richards is calling on friends In
Tunkhannock this week.
1T'8. .4nic Schrolncr
Alleiilowti, I'a.
aood's Is the Graiidesf
Jaicod from a Weak act'.
Low Condition
To Perfect Health and Strengt!
Aficr Four Years Suffering.
'C. I. I'.oud & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"(iciitli'incn I think Hood's Sarsnp.irlll.'i !'
lio Grandest discovery yet made, ami it ftilli'
ven iiiuro than yon claim for It, My wifo l:r.
.eon slik for tlio past four years. I'or tlir.
cars six) was so bad that she was titiahlo to i'
::y uf her housework. We, had good physician
r.t s!:o t!!d net recover her health. Slio wu
tillering frora Itriglit's disease and
Lameness In tho Back.
tcr tonpio was covered with blisters; had r.'
ppetltu, mid was very weak and low with i;c:
-nil iloMMty. I Insisted oil her taking Hutu",
arsaparilla, and alio lias been improving cvt:
l:ico. Klic has taken flvo buttles, ami Is so we'.
titat for three inotitlia she. has done her house
v.ori;, and wo liavo seven children." Auc,
Kcu::::im:h, Alletitowu, rcnir.iylvaiila.
Hood'o Pilte euro liver Ills, constipation
bUluumicsj, jaundice, sick headache, ludtgcsUuD
The AcknoAvlcdgcd Kxpcrt In
IJorscsliuiiiiiK wild Dentistry,
is Now l'crniunently Located
on West Liiekuwannu Ave
N'eur the llridge. A ,
New. School Suits
Not reafvnew
but they look
So. The boy's
clothes are
made, from
papa's old
ones, dyed
over with
i no g.n s
dresses aro
dyed over, too, and many of the suits
and gowr.s cost but ten cents.
No extwrlcnre Is nppdod to do ifnm! wiirlc with lito.
liiond llyns. which urn mmho'siMu Ully fur hmne nso.
IdrcutLuu Uouk anil 10 samples uf columt elutii, Fruo.
AVkUJl, Ricuaudson & Cu., IiiirllhEtoa, A't.
Strung values in Clothing this
week at weak prices an instance:
to sell the remainder or the Bank
rupt Stuck from the Hyde l'ark
Clothing store, Ave oiler
For 25c.
Roys' double breasted suits,
also Loys' Avariu and durable
Capo Overcoats; regular
price, $2 and
- Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.48
Boys' 'Keefeis, witli deep
sailor or Aelvet collars, nicely
braided; value, $3 and 81;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $1.95
Eoys' fine, all-Avool Suits,
also Boys' Overcoats and Ul
sters; value, 5;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.88
A Lot of Pants
A Lot of Yosts
Men's silicic and double
breasted Suits; also black and
blue O'ercoats and Ulsters;
value. &S and ;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $4.75
Men's all-wool Suits; also
black and blue Kersey Over
coats; valuo. t?12;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $7.65
Men's Cassinicre and Wors
ted Pants, equal in lit and
tinisli to regular 6" Pants;
Bankrupt Sale Price, $2.48
Bell CI
230 Lackawanna Ave.
AA'o wish all our ptitrons health n
nroswerlty In 1M.'i. AVo sturt on anoth
twelve months' run with the earth iirouit
tho sun, more than fully etiulppeil to mee
tin hat demands of tho puldle ot Herat
ton. Our display Is niaBiiltloently com
.lido, pregentiiu; monumental vulucs
overy stylo of headweur.
This Fnmnm ItAntotlir riimM oulrklv und IK f
nuuioiitly nil nrrvoim i1I:kukoh, hiu li nrt Woiik
MHimrv. I,til f i f It In IMvtim'. I iLMiitnr li. WnkCV
tiiiMiHM, l.imt Vlttility, iillitly rinlHuiuiin, evil
(In'iiiiiH. iniitotcTtcy uiul wii!tlmr iHsoii'M'h imiiikoiI by
yuiilliful err oral or cr . rntituln no
onltitofi. in a uofvp f nnlc iiihI Itlooil litilliler.
MitkoMlm pulo uiul ftntiv rtinuitt tun) pluiii, Knslijr
miTh'l in vent iiorhnt. Wl (vrtiux; H InrWA. Ily
nut 1 1 pn'i'fiM nllli wrttten Ktinnintt'P to euro ir
money nf iwhIimI. Wrltii uh for IVe tnctUrul
bunki wenl uriilpfl In pin In wmiir, wlilrli con
tultm toMlinniiiiilN iitirt llnnni'ltil ivformircn. No
rhnrnt ritnaulliillikiiB. Itrwitrf of tmifir
timta. Knui hy nnr imIvitIIwH nuiMtle. or mldroHu
VHKI.It CO., .M it ai mic l 'Uiil0,l llleavo, h. chandkhson
For Delicacy,
For parity, and for improvoment of tho com-
I plexion, nothing equals TuxeokiU Powder
P Q-
111 ill l;1
fi r. ... - - - -r.-zzi i a
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing
Goods,riillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'
Wear, &c,
e 1
The steady increase of our business
compels us to enlarge and remodel tlie en
tire store for spring trade, and as tlie stock
will be in tlie Avav
?r- ' 'A
if n :
400 and 402 Lack Ave.,
Scranton, Pa.
- il)
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Tapestry Brussels at
Body Brussels at
All Wool Carpets at
300 Short Lengths of Ingrains, from one to two yards,
suitable for Rugs. 70c. Ingrains at 25 cents.
65c. Ingrains at 20 cents. 5oc.
Ingrains at i5 cents.
406 and 403
ORB price slaughtering more amazing bargains in sea
' uminhlf p-nods for vour benefit and train. With una-
'-'""'--' Q J
bnt(-d ftirro nnr tremendous
onward each successive announcement bringing grander
1 . ' 1 C - 4 1 . it . 1 . x
ana greater opportunities 101 muuey Mtviug nuiu us picut
cessor, and to each announcement throngs of buyers respond
from all directions. You should be an early caller, as vast
crowds will be here for these stupendous under-price offerings.
FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY we offer' three dozen pair
heavy Chenille Portieres, line fringe top and bottom, beautiful
bright and delicate colored Frieze and Dados. (t A C
Odd and Kud Price, - - - - V&O
FOR THURSDAY ONLY we offer two dozen Silk
Plush Rockers, spring seat, Ant. Oak polished t C
frames, carved tops. Odd and Knd Price, -
FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY we will sell any Heater
(aud they are the best stove made) at 20 per cent, less thau
marked price. V
Economy's casj'-Avay-to-pay assists pinched finances, ,
35 cents, worth 50 cents
45 cents, worth 65 cents
60 cents, worth 85 cents
75 cents, worth $1.10
50 cents, worth 75 cents
ma go
Lackawanna Ave.