'inE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING-, JANITATtY 17, 18ft S. A pure cream of tartar Pure and Sure. It does more work and finer work than any other. If you do not find it exactly as represented you can return vitto your grocer and he will pay you back your money. Cltvtiand 2Sak!i:g Fmidcr Co., A'rj York, H licensor tj Cleveland Drolhirt, Norrman FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Aroiiiid'Iiieiin descent Light lu neirly nil part ol tlio city. oilier.: Common w.'al ill it Onr ini-nndescont Systom Is absolutely safa ALL THE LATEST Improvements used in doini; The AViUe Henowueil Laundry work of THE-:- LACKAWANNA SOS Punn Ave. A. B WAR MAN. CARPETS Tou Don't Like to Lay Them, Do Youf LET US DO IT It will not cost much. It will bo done ritfht. W ILL! A ifs & 31 e A X U LT Y 127 WYOnilNG AVENUE. $5 REWARD! So many cumpluints of irregular delivery have reached us, which wc have traced to stolen papers, that we now offer $5 reward for information that will lead to the conviction of any person caught stealing The Tribune from the doorsteps of regular subscriber CITY KOTES. Snpprr will be served in the Perm Ave nue baptist church this evening from 0 to 8 o'clock by the Ladles' Social union. Peter O'ilrlvn, of Olyph.mt, hits been appointed by Collector Herring Ktoie keeper of the new distillery at Pt-c-kvilk-. ' Tho members of St. Peter'R citheclral choir, UHflfied by is.-iuor's orchmtra of fifteen pieces, will repeat the Christmas mn?lc nt College hall on Sunduy evening, 1-Vb. 3. Coroner Kelley, after Inquiring Into the milliner in which Aldon W. Smith, of CUenbiirn, met his death, decided that n formal Inquest was not necpsrtry. It vvnn evident that death was purely aecldcnlal. The Catholic Choral union resumed their reheursuls of Sullivan's oratorio, "The Prodigal Son," at St. Thomtis' coIIcrc on U'yomiiiB avenue lust evening. Kehenrs Blu will now be continued on Wednesday evening. A Kpwial meeting of the Ladles' Aid so ciety of the lninniore l'resbj tei Ian c hurch Is called for this afternoon at 2 o'clock. All members ure earnestly requested to be present, r.s business. of Importance Is to be considered. A mntch game of jiool will be held to night between Frank Sherman, of Phila delphia, and Jerome Keogh ut .Mr. KeoKh's billiard parlor, 223 Lackawanna avenue. The (fame commences tit S.uO o clock, admission being free. Paul IicclioltB, who was arrested on tho charge of stealing outs, the property of V. Hallstead, was yesterday com mitted by Alderman Fltzslmmons In ile fuult of r,(KJ bail, iie will bo placed on trial at the next court of quarter Bcs Blons. A pleasant evening will be enjoyed by the members of St. Patrick's church choir this evening In a slelghride to Archbald. The members will meet ut the church nt 7 o'clock. Professor Haydn Kvnns, or ganist, huvlng made all arrangements for their comfort. The teachers' training school Is closed, owing to the resignation of Miss Polce, and will not be opened until the teachers' committee recommend nn Instructor and the board of control confirms the selec tlon. A meeting of the committee has not been culled. Edward J. Wheeler, editor of the New York Voice, tho foremost Prohibition newspaper in the United States, will lee ture at Conservatory hall this evening and his subject will be "Politics." Tho purpose of his lecture will be to advance the Prohibition caus and there will be no admission fee charged to hear him. The members of the poor board and the outdoor physicians It employs met last night to ascertain the cause of the great increase in the cost of drugs during the year 18SH over Its predecessors. It was shown that Increasing the staff of outdoor physicians from two to live extended medical relief to a greater upmber of per sons and consequently more drugs were used. Court yesterday .Issued a mandamus against the borough of Uunmore, order ing the payment of SW.2U to the iironrln- tors of the Seranton Times. On Way Hi, JH,- at the Instance of K. J. Hughes, William r. Doyle and George A. Jessup, viewers appointed to assess the rost of district sewer No. 1 In the Sixth ward of Dunmore, contracted the bill by ordering their report printed In the Times. The bill was for 492 lines ut o cents a lino. Clerk of the' Court; Thomas Issued the following marriage licenses yesterday: Oeorge Papovlz and Mary Blmonlk, Oly. plmnt; Harvey K. Dorshlmcr, of 1 Hilton, and Bessie M. VVIdeman, of Wallsvlllej Mletro Teclmuscky and Anna Cli-hon, powder, Olyphunt; James Munroe, Old Korge, and -Mary Cassldy. Sifunton; John Havlnskl and Mary Ann Krypl, Seranton; Klaslrl nlk Ziu-kowliss and Mary P.utruvlch, Seranton, and John Heed and liraee Mc Gee, Duryea. GOOD MUX FOR (01 MIL. Seventeenth Ward Citizens Solicit J. A. Lansing tin J l.uthcr Ucllur to lie Their Kcprcscntutivcs, Tho following petition which was cir culated yesterday und received the ap pended signatures is self-explanatory: Seranton, Pa., Jan. IS!!",. Messrs. J. A. Lansing and Luther KelVr; Crcntlenien Vacancies occur this yea.' in the Seventeenth ward in olllces of both select and common councils. The city expects tho Seventeenth ward to fur nish representative men, men of hluli character nil. I business ability, to repre sent it In the councils, and we turn to you us such men and iirk you to permit your mimes, in the order named, to l presented before the caucus of tile Hepub- licans of this ward, to be held Jan. W. in selecting you to represent us, we do It with u full sense of the responsibility we place on yuu, and testily to our Lutii In your honesty, ability and Integrity by this act. We respectfully ask you to ae- pt the nomination, pledging you In re turn our best support to secure your elec tion. A. Tnppln, K. J. Purrott, Isaac Post, Sam 11. Stevens, K. lletts, ,1. 8. McAmilty, Isaac L. Post, Win. VW Martin, Frank C. Ferguson, W. J. Hiittin, Chillies II. Klpp, Clias. Schlatter, It. J. Ilaag, H. . Sanderson, L. J. Northup, A. Hone, A. Molt, James ArclibiiM, I. P. iiroxvn. Montrose liarnuid, II. T. Xoithiip, J. W. IVrrin. I'. K. Taylor. , A. K. Council, John SimpFon, ("has. I.-;. Wade, 1!. 11. Klvliie, F. 11. demons. John tl. .MeConnell, C. I. Jones. . M. W. Hlesecker, William Council, W. II. Wheeler, Kzru II. Kipplc, ".. II. Uirdsiill,. ,W. W. Watson, otto L. Moyer, C. W. Klrkpatrick, A. 1). Pieixon, J. II. Stecll, J. I-'. Snydi r, 11. S. Kirkpatrick, Flllson V. L. SnyMer I (envy A. Knapp, Sain Knapii, II. M. Hannah, 1. J. Tlionius, M. J. Andrews, L. Merccivau, J. L. Connell, II. A. Connell, F. S. Siott. S. II. Itnekus, J. I-:. Punish, W. J. Nortliup, Clias. H. Scott, It. A. Chase, C. ti, Pratt, fieo. II. Cutlln, .1. L.Crawford, ". .1. MeCuw. i:xci:lsiok i rcniu: party. .Many Present lit the Hull on Wyomin Avenue l ast M;;ht. The first pruRTrnsive euchre of the present S'-.ii?n given by th" Kxoelsinr S'lelal club last night in Its hall, jti Wyoming ivemi", v,as enjoyed hy about seveniy of the cily's be.H-known Jt v!:ii men und women. Aiide from Wie i-ill-lire, tin- evenlnjt's ple.'isttru la chilled d.-in-.-Ing before and after a do lk iotis supper, which was i i-ved bi.-furc mklnifflit. J-hc la illt 3' fii-.-t, Ft-71-nd and third prizes were a rut-g-lass il!.--!l, sugar and ereani dlshtu, and a su-iilng manicure file; the gentlemen's prizes, an orna mental cluck, a fuiiiK-iiin pen and a sutchel cheek. There we re also Uvu booby pi-lues. The r'lccerr-ful players In the order named were: Ji.n. J. I 'ret man and r. Morris. Mrs. L. Marks ttr.d y. Krntiisky, Mrs. II. Langfeld and I!. Sumter. Those present Included Mlaa Wolf- ptiin, llaltimore; Mr. and Mrs. Ashen- brand. Pittston; Mrs. Jacobs and Miss Lazarus, ltrooklyn, N. Y.; the Messrs. Hrown and .Mr. Sacks, Pitistun; Mr. Livingston, VUkes-Hnrre;M; ssrs. Oold berg. Stern, Levy and Sehrciber, Xc-w York, and the following from Seranton: Mr. and Mrs. L. Marks, Mi-, ami Mrs. .1. Freeman, the Mbses Wormser, the Misses Goldsmith, Mr. and Mis. Ron Sumter, Miss Goodman, the Mi:4ses Lew. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Lanu-feld. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klein, Mr. and MrY Sim mons), I'lte Mlrsea Lauer, 'the Mit-'-v-s JIose, the Mipnes Harris, M!ss Jill hauser. Miss Minnie Drcser, Mi:s Net tle N'ye, .Mlf". Gallen, the Me-nrs. Kra mer, tide- M-ssrs. Morris, the Messrs Krotnsky, anil JI(-ysi-.. Wormser, tlal- len, J. Lauer, U. Goldsmith, V. Moses, Simon Uauer, C. liernsteln, lilce, Oct- tlngr-r, I. lirowii, Milhauser, Davldo-w, lre-spn, Lo-wenberg, Guodman, and Alexander Nye, ,MEFriX(i AT HILKI-S-IJARRI-. Winter Session of tho I piscopnl Arch denennry v Sernnton. During Monday nnd Tuesdny the win ter esslon of the Seranton nrch deaeonry of the Kpliicotml church was held at Wllkes-P.arre. The meetings throughout were Instructive nnd Inter esting. Among the local clergy present were: Itev. Kogers Israel, of St. Luke's church; Itev. I- S. Hallentlne, of Green Itldge; Ilev. M. II. Mill, of St. David's church, and Hev. A. L. Urban, of Dun more. The lay reiiresenta.tives from Scrantun wero A. D. Holland, church warden of St. Luke's church; T. I Jones and .1. Attleus Hobinson, of Green Itldge, nnd Frank Jones, of St. David's church. New Mllftml was chosen for the hold ing of the spring session nnd Hones dale of tho autumn session. Arch deacon Cox rend his report. No clerical changes hud occurred during the yenr and there ere no vacuncles In the arch deaconry, lie recommended that the rights of church property In the dlo cese should be vested In the Incorpor ated trustees of the diocese, so that In the event of the death of the original Ir.corporaitnrs no risk of the title would be Incurred. A. D.. Holland, of Scran ton, wns appointed treasurer of the archdeaconry meeting, and T. 12. Jones, of Green Itldge, auditor, -. MEETING ADJOURNED. Lehigh Volley Stockholders Will Vote Tomorrow. Ity the United Prcsu. Philadelphia, Jan. 1C The adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the ihigh Valley Itiillroad compuny reassembled at noon today at tho olllces of the company to reeelv tho announcement of tlW vote cast for president anil directors anil me resolution upon which a stock vote was requested yesterday. The resolution asked for the appoint ment of a committee to inquire Into tho condition of the property. The vote, how ever, was not ready to be announced, und from appearances It will not be reudy tin til tomorrow night. Another adjourn ment wus therefore taken until Friday noon, - Turkish on RtiHslun Hut lis for Ladies, At the request of physicians and ladles. arrangements huve been made to give oatns to mines on -ruesnays rrom s a. ni to B p. m. I'll vale entranoe through Owens cloak parlors on Sprue strret. M. j. rurceii, proprietor, DEATH GF JOHN B. SMITH Diinmore's I'oicimist Citizen Suc cumbed to the (Irim Reaper. THE ITXERAL OX SATURDAY Great (Jrlcf Is Felt by All Classes in Dun moi c Over Demise of President of Lrlc und Wyoming Kallioud Compuny. Actlou of llourd of Trudc. John Ti. Smith, president of the Erl? and Wyoming Valley railroad nnd gen eral superintendent of t'he Pennsylva nia Omul company, died at his home in Dunmore ait 7.05 o'clock yesterday morning. He was SO years of age and had been nlllicted with diabetis for sev eral years. The funeral will 'take place Saturday lfternoon from the old liiomestead, the family resilience ever since Mr. Smith movt'd to Dunmore. Itev. J. W. Will- joiin h. smith. lams, pastor of -the church of which the deceased -was a mem'ier, will preach til? strraim. Itev. J. Parson Nichols, I). !.. uf Ilingliamton; Itev. S. C. Lu- g.in, D. D., of Seranton, und Itev. N. G. Parke, -of Plttidnii, will al:-o be pi t-sent Mr. Smith Is survived by two children, Gei-rtje ii. KmLt.h, -superintendent of tile Kile and V.'yomlng railroad, and Mrs, A. D. lllacklngton, who lived with llielr father. A daught"r, Mrs. (Valpin, of l:'.iiBlv.i.mtvn, died last uinmer; her two children have since resided with t'hi !r gi-.indf:i;iir, Mr. Sminh. Mrs, John 11. SmSWi die 1 nine years ago. An account of Mr. Smith's career ap peared in yesterday's Tribune along with tihe facts id' Ms Illness. An tin- f.u-tL-inate ,nn,r In tihe headllm-s mui l It nipp.-.n r that Mr. Smith was demented, U!.'lcn, of course, was not true. He was a member of the Independent Order ol Odd Fellows of Cacbondale and the Free and Accepted Masonic order of Hawley, and h.id lieen for a numbt-r of yi-ars r.nenf the d!reclur.t of the Scran ton Gad and Water company, add S-.-.ilth's dcalh The Dunmore hoard of trade held a m -et'iig last evening to take action on the druih of Mr. Smith, and after ai pointing n conimiltee on resolutions It was decided to Invite the citiein 1 1 m-i-t In lioyle's -li-.ill this evenin;; at S o'clock to give expression to Che great ! ,ss the lxirough sustained in Mr. Snath's dcalh. liio nn -si prolounu Borrow wai catuieil yeiueiday In Dunmore when the nrvs cf Mr. Smll.h't? death became noised t broad, lie was one of tho bor ough's m..Kt progri.-sslve citizens who was always Interested in any move ment that would assist Its development or tend to enhance the well-being of his p. iMhbois. lie was charitable, but his acts were done so quietly that few realized tlie amount of good he did by Ufwltlng worthy organisations and giving n helping hand to individuals who had become only too familiar with the thorny Ride of life. CASES HEARD IX COl'RT. Scverul Verdicts Ketiirncd by Jiirlcs-Dc tails of the Actions That Wero Put on Trial. When court assembled yesterday morning the Jury that hud heard th assumpsit suit of Assignee S. It. Mutt ni-.ainst Charles I. Jadwln, returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for Sl.-HO.75. A verdict was also rendered In the sum of $l,r0() In favor of the plaintiff In the trespass suit of James O'lloro ngalm-it the city of Seranton, The suit of Charles 13, Terry ag-alnst L. M. Itozelle wns for wages, and the Jury found a verdict In favor of the plaintiff for $:!8.S:i. In the suit of l'.cnj.i min Howey against James Wilson the Jury found n verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of JUfl.N.I. The trespass suit of John G. Jennings ngalnst the Lehigh Valley Itallrond company was con. tinned until the next term of court In the suit of Hull & Co. against John Faurot nnd Mary I-'aurot a voluntary non suit was entered. Judge McPhersoii, in court room No, 2, presided at the trial of the replevin suit of Sweetser, Pembroke & Co., of New York, ugalnst P. V. McDonald and T. J. (lllpntrlck, of Carbondub'. At torneys Thomus Wells and J. 13, liurr were for the plaintiffs nml At torneys K. N. Willard and II. A. Knapp for the defendants. Change of Ownership. In 1S90 the plaintlirs sold a bill of goods to Gllpntrlck, one of the defend .nts, who wns engaged in the grocery business In t'arbondale. The bill amounted to something Ilk' $l,fi8. , Mc Donald, the other defendant, clerked In tho store nnd was Gllpatrick's uncli The latter boonmo financially envolved and turned over all the goods In the store to McDonald. The bill of winds sold by Sweetser, Pembroke & Co. was not paid and the. suit was brought ti recover that bill. Th evidence did not tend to show that any. collusion had been carried on between the two de fendnnts, but that It wns a regular bona fide business transaction. The ense wns given to the Jury nt adjourn ment. Hefore Judge Gunster the appeal of Wllllum Moore against James Howley wus tried and almost finished when court adjourned. Tho plaintiff was represented by Attorneys Hulslander nnd Vosburg and the Uefeudunt by At torneys Frank J. Fltzslmmons and Fred H. Stark. Tho suit Is to recover pos session of the land on Wyoming- ave nue, this city, under the title of slier Iff's deoif The ense will be given to the Jury this morning. v Tried Hefore Judge l.dwnrds. Only one case was tried In court room No. 3 before Judge F.dwards. Idlwnrd J, McDonald wn the plaintiff and was represented by Attorney George D, Taylor. Mrs. Patrick O'llnra was the defendant and Attorney James Malum represented her. In 1S8B her family wag supplied by Mr. McDonald, who Is a grocer of Carbondale, with goods ti the value of $150, Attorney Muhon moved f m i rah ' 1 ' V that binding instructions be given the jury for a verdict for the defendant on the ground that a wife enn not be sued separately from her husband. Judge Kihvards took that view of the case and bo instructed the Jury. VOTERS ARE INCREASING. , Hctiirns of Kcgistry Lists to County Com missioners Show u (in in in the County. Yesterday was the last day for regis ters of voters to return their books to the county commissioners nnd the total shows that there are at present 37,741 registered voters in Lackawanna coun ty, or rather there are Hunt many names on the lists. Two registration returns nre made annually, one In Sep tember, preceding the fall election, nnd the other In January, preceding the spring election. The totul of this re turn shows a gain of 5G7 over that made six months ugo. In the country districts, including all townships und boroughs, there are 1,4,- 344 votes registered; In Carbondale, 3,470, nnd in the twenty-one wards of the city there are l!l.ni'7. Taking these Hgli-rea as a "basis of calculation bhey would indicate that Seranton has a population of 100,000. EM) OF AN EARNEST LIFE. Impressive Services Over tho llody of .Miss Mary C. Doersum in Penn Avenue llnptlst Church-Interment in l'orcst Hill Cemetery. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon about 400 friends mid sympathizers won present ail the Penn Avenue l'.ap- t I'M t church ito participate in the burial eervtoeM uf Miss Mary C. Doersam, daughter of Philip Docrsam, of IVnn avenue. Miss Doersam was a member of -the First Presbyterian church .nd ulso a hardworking member of the Penn Avenue ltaptlst Sunday school. She also manlfe.-ited a warm Interest In the work of the Young Women's Christian association, mud ithe large attendance yesterday was a tangible token of the high e:- teem In which tfhe w is held. Itev. James Mi-Lend coiuluoted the services, which were opened by the singing of "Just O'er the Morderland" by it he Misses Hose, W. C. Wceden and Hector H. J.i in i, after which Itev. Warren G. P:u tridge offered prayer in L.iinesit terms on behalf of the nlllicted family. Itev. Charles Itolilnsoii, 1). D., read a portlo.n of Scripture and itev. S. C. Logan, who was visibly affected, made a few remarks of condolence with the family to whose previous alllie tlons he refirred -In -sympathetic terms. Itefcrring to t(ic Imto M'ss Doersam, he dwelt on lier earnest purpys-s In en-ib-av'i ring to do her turnout In helping in the -work of 'her Ma-iter. He kn.uv ot no one more pure am earnest in heart nnd she -hud hei-n subllmily happy In the associations of those she loved and her life ihad been as a height and shin ing light, and they could truly ay t.hut .'he Juid accomplished all the could for tile church of God and the glory of 'her Fafher. They .should rejoice -and be glad that 'their dear sinter was able, by the ol. ss-1 power of fuil-h which Christ had given, to face the grave. She h id now cone to h-r rest where they would have the Inestimable privilege of meet, lug 'her once more. Tile quartette sang "Sleep On, lie loved," and Itev.- Dr. Mi-Leod pro nounced the In ip dii'tion, .after which sevei.nl hundred p, rs.ms viewed thi re mains. The pall bearers were K. S. Williams, William Inglls, John Wag ner, Harvey lll.u-kwood, P. O'Malley and Itobei't IJeadle. The flower bearer were Ted Trimmer and C. F. Hess. Several exquisite wreaths and Moral tributes were arranged around the casket, Iirti rinent was made ut Forest Hill cemetery. BROWNIES IN FAIRYLAND. I'niquc Kntertulnmcnt to lie Given nt Y. M. C. A. Hull. A very pretty entertainment will be given at Young Men's Christian asso ciation hall on Friday and Saturday evening, Jan. 25 and 2ti. A Saturday matinee had also been rr,.inged for. The entertainment consists of "The lirownlcs In Fairyland." u musical can taita In two acts by Palmer Cox, the originator of the lirownle Idea, with original music by Ma.lcta.lm Douglass. For this eaintata. Ilfty little boys, who will Impersonate the ItrownSes, and as many lllitle- girls Who will appear us the fairies, are being drilled by Physical Dlnxtor Weston, of the Young Jinn's Christian association. The progress they have made would Indicate that Uie eiiti'i't'ainmeiH Will be one of the most unique und pleasing ever given In the city. The cantata will be staged and Its production 'personally supervised by one of Palmer Cox's agents. CHARLOTTE CORDAY. Mrs. Potter and hyrle llellew to Appear Here Next Week.' It Is a pliiaisui-e to note the appear ance of twoueih dlHtingulshed und ital un'ted people jus 'Mis. Potter and Mr. liellew, Avho nre announced hi appear nt the Avade-my of Music on Tu 'sibny, Jan. 22, Inilhiir latent and most success ful play, "Charlotte Corday." Mrs. Potter hiaif .-been receiving unstinted praise from t.Ke critics wherever tin; has apipeaivd during her present Amor lean tour, nnd it is needless to add that Mr. Hi Hew, who 'has long pinee bi-e-n reeogmlzcd as one of the leading actors uf his age, Is entirely ntlsf.ir-toi-y in w.y pant he ma y be si-en. The suppont lmg company is neurly the same that :-c-onipantfid them on their last visit to t'h'ls country, about two seasons luge, und Is said to be highly satisfactory tu fvery reispect. The sale of seats Will open at the Acialemy of Music box olllce on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. FLOUR Talking about Flour, we presume you are satisfied, but if not and you waut the BEST buy The price is less than half the price a few )'ears ago. It bakes the whit est, sweetest aud best bread. E. G. Coursen 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. GOOD WORKJUOINC 01 Usefulness of the Alliriijht Library Constantly Gruuinu.. OFFICERS NAMED FOR YEAR Report of I ihrai inn Carr SliowsTbnt 8,071 Persons Now Hold Cards Untitling Them to Tukc Out liooks-I'luns for tho Future. At the fourth annual meeting of the trustees of the Albright Memorial li brary held Tuesday ex-Justice Alfred Hand was chosen president; William T. Smith, vice president; Henry J. Carr, secretary nnd librarian; Henry IJelln, jr., treasurer. The estimate of expenses for the maintenance of the library during the year submitted by Mr. Hand was ns follows: nooks. $2,940; salaries, $5,lfi0; Incidentals, $2,700; total. $10,800. Treasurer Helln presented the follow ing statement of cash on band: From citizens' subscription, $IS.2i); from city appropriation, 770.H4; petit cash, $2S6.::ti; total, $1,105.50. A comprehensive report of the work of the library was presented by Libra rian Curr. It showed that during the year 1SH4 2,012 persons registered at the library for the purpose of availing themselves of Its privileges nnd at Un close of the year 8.074 cards were In use. The smallest issue of books on any day during the year was 222, and the largest 1,075. Growing in I sef illness. Since the library opened there has been a constant Increase in the num ber of those who avail themselves of its privileges, nnd It is still reaching out and extending Its usefulness. When it was llrst opened a few years ago it had 1(1,000 books, and that number has since grown to 2'j.OOO. Librarian Curr said yesterday that less books would be added to the library this year than last, as the fund subscribed by the citizens of Seranton is almost exhausted and there Is now only the money to be re ceived from the city to make use of. "We shall endeavor," said Mr. Carr, "tobuild up the Industrial and neleintilic side to the library during the next few years. Tliie is n great Industrial com munity whose future must be closely al lied to Its inuuufiictoi'U s of all kinds. The men employed in these establish ments come iiere In search of Informa tion on the particular branch of me chanics or science they ure engaged In or that Is tributary to It. and it shall be our effort, as far as possible, to put within the reach of all such searchers after knowledge all the Information we possibly can. Purts Arc Well Supplied. "In the matter of general literature nnd fiction the library Is fairly well supplied at prese nt, and a good portion of the money v.e will expend dining the nT-xt year or two will bo in the di rection of bringing the Industrial and seientillc portion of the library up to a high plane of usefulness. "We already have the nucleus of a medical library," remarked Mr. Carr, "pointing to the Throop collection in tin- galliy. "which may develop into a most valuable feature of the library." "What are your plans for extending the work of the library?" asked the re porter. ' "Well, as to that, I would like to see a distributing agency connected with the libra ry lo?ate l In Giv. a ltid;? Providence, Hyde Park and the South Side, but such additions would increase the expense of the library about $5,000, and as the city has many Increased appropriations to meet this year we made no request in our estimate to councils for money to extend the work of the library in the matter of estab lishing these distributing agencies." A NOTABLE WEDDING. i:jurJ J. Itutledge and .Miss Minnie Hand Made .Man and Wife. Rev. K. J. Melley, pantor of Si. John's-. Catholic, church, South Side, at " o'clock yesterday afternoon officiated at the nuptials of Miss Minnie Hand, youngest daughter of Brewer Michael J. Hand, of 121.2 Cedar avenue, nnd Kdward J. Itutledge, one of Pltfton's prominent and piogresslve citizens. The marriage ceremony was private. Representative W. 11. Itutledge, of the Fifth Legisla tive district, comprising Pittston, was the groomsman, and Miss Agnes Glen lion, of Wert Pittston, was the brides maid. The bride's gown was of brown Penn Dessoie silk, trimmed with velvet nnd ornamented wish maiten fur. The bridesmaid's costume wus of the same fabric, with velvet and steel cut trim mings. The grnoin and groomsman Were attired ill conventional black broadcloth suits. After the marriage ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride on Cedar avenue, and ut 7 o'clock n reception was held. An hour later a wedding reliant was served In the dining hall. Mr. and Mrs. ltutb-,1 received the guests and the ushers were P. H. Coyne, of Cedar avenue, nnd Frank Lavan, of Pittston. Many costly and exquisite presents were be stowed. Those present were: Rev. F.. J. Mel- inj nllllL u The last year has been our best THANKS TO OUR MANY PATRONS. We are replenishing our stock and will have everything new for the spring trade. 15 U II V 1 1 417 Lackawanna Ave,, SCRANTON CITY. BEST SETS Of Hi, $8.00 Including the paining extracting ot tetth by an entirely new prooess. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., W.V. EjERRYJEWELER 13S WYOMING AVE. i ley and Rev. James A. Mofflt, of St. John's church, and Rev. Edward J. Phillips, of Plains; Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Glennon, Pittston; Mr. and Mrs. James J. Crogan and Miss Winifred Melvln, South Side; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Glennon, Pittston; Mr. nnd Mrs. R. H. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge W. Bene dict, Miss F.lla Lavan, Miss Blanche LuvaiV, Miss Nanna Lavnn, Frank Lavan, Miss M. A. Rutledge, Miss Be linda Itutledge, Miss M. A. Rutledge, Miss Louisa Gibbons, Miss Bridget Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. James II. Col lier, Miss Mary A. Itutledge, John T. Itutledge, Miss Lizzie Itutledge, John H. Hutledge, Duvld Glennon, James Murphy, nil of Pittston; Roger lie Garry, William T. Rutledge, Miss Mag gie itutledge, Miss Jennie itutledge, all of Wllkes-Hurre; Miss Katie Reardon, P. II. Coyne, South Side. The Germunla band visited the Hand residence at 10 o'clock und tendered a delightful serenade. .. Diagram now open nt Powell's mur.lc store for concert of New York Philhar monic club next Monday evening, 21st, In Frothliigham theater. The $40,000 School House, for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There are still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothliigham, Oilleo, Theater Lobby. , y iMAItUII'il), LHIDXrcrt - RTRATTON.-Tn Seranton. Sat in-day, Jim. 12, ut the resilience of llev. K. I,. .Miller, on .Mulberry street, G. II. Lelihier und Miss L. J. Struttoil. DILI). U'CICT'in. At 4 o'clock yesterday morn ing at the home of her father, Fanny Lueker, aged about 17 years. Funeral Saturday afternoon; hour not yet llxcd. SOMETHING NEW IN FRENCH CREPE, HAND CRINKLED TISSUE PAPER 'or Fancy Work, in the followinR colors; White, Blue, Orange, Grci'ii, Beil, Pink, Lavender, cream ana Yellow for 10c. l'cr Package White China Plates for Decorat ing 10c. Each Magic Gas Lighters, 40c. Each Japanese Napkins, Sc. Per Dozen JUST RECEIVED. A full assortment of Extracts in the following odors: Liluc Itlos noni, Fran;;ipanni, Jockey Club, White Heliotrope, West End. Orane-e HIosjsom, White Rose, Vio let, Lily of the Valley aud t'rab- Appio 25iossoiu. Choice of above 21c. Per ().., 12c. 1-2 Oz A new assortment of Celluloid aud Horn Hair Pius at 10c. each. Side Combs 10c. per pair. iOLWQRTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Cold Store Front THE CSLEBRATKft PIATIOS tt it Prestnt tin- Mi..t I'ornltr and 'rtferre4 by bv.l:1l!. AltltitA U'Arorpoms: OppoutV.unibus Monument, nt; Wdxtiin.jrren Av. Seranton. Pa, ism x.'f?iW.-tVsl,vf, BUY THE WOOLWIltTS 'mm CD I if HATS E :.'vu-. AV -I- rt r-'j k 1 e r. r 1 ' n YOU NEED . BANISTER'S All Kinds OUR GREAT CLOAK AND FUR SALE Has proven such a success that we have decided to continue it one week longer. i 8.00 Garments reduced to $5.50. $10.00 Garments reduced to 7.50. $12.00 Garmeuts reduced to $8,00. $17.00 Garments reduced to $10.00. $18.00 Garments reduced to $1 2.00. $20.00 Garments reduced to $13.00. $25.00 Garments reduced to $17.00. $30.00 Garments reduced to $20.00. Men's qoc. Lined Gloves reduced to 35c. Men's 50c. Natural Wool Underwear reduced to 39(5. Boys' 50c. Silk Plush Cap reduced to 39& Boys' 25c. Winter Cap, Scotch Knit, reduced to 19c Dr.- Jaeger's Woolen Goods at greatly reduced prices. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, . 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. JANUARY FDR SALE ioo American Lynx Capes, 30-inch long, for $6.98 formerly sold for $13. 1 lot of Wool Seal Capes. $18.00, worth $35. Electric Seal Sacques for $69.00, wortl1 110' Closing out our entire stock of Cloth Coats, Your Choice at $5 Each. J. EOT- 138 Wyoming Ave. Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier ii the city. House Coats AND Smoking Jackets OR Fine Tricot Cloths In Colors Brown, Blue and Garnet FOR ONLY . $4, $5 AND $6 BETTER ONES AT 11 $10 AND $12, And as High as $20. ASIC TO SEE THEM. Clothiers, HsUera8i rurnisnera 128 WYOMING AVENUE. 03 nWCO At Greatly bLUVCu Reduced Prices .o make room for entirely new stock of FALL AND - WINTER GOODS BERS BEST AT of Rubbers. w:t"i '-Ok
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