4 THE SCRANTON TllUKSDAY MOB-NlNtt. JANlTARY" 17, 1895. FUBLISHID DAILT m 8CRAHTOH. PA.. BTTBI TRIBUO PUBLISHING OOMPAHT. C. P. KINGSBURY, Pots. o Om'i Mm. C. H. RIPPLC, Bio't .no Tina. LIVV . RICHARD, Ioitoh. W. W. DAVIS, 8uiNTttPlT. W. W. YOUNO.S, Adv. MANa-a. Riw York Orricg : Tribdni Buildiko. Fbaiik 8, gray. Manaukb. INTBRBO AT THB POSTOFPIOl AT 8CRANT0N, M.. Al BUOMD-CLA!8 HAIL MATTKB. " Printers' Ink," the recognized Journal for udvcrtisurs, rutes TIIK SOHANTO-V THIIIINE as the bent advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania. " Printers' Ink" known. SCRANTON, JANUARY 17, 181)5. Till: SCR ANTON OF TODAY. Come and Inspect our city. Klevatlon above the tide, 740 feet Kxtremely healthy. Estimated population, 1S94, 103,000. Hcglstered voters, 20,'99. Vulue of school property, 1750,000. Number of school children, 12,000. Average umount of bank deposits, SID,- eoo.oiio. It's the metropolis of northeastern Penn sylvania. Can produce electric power cheaper than Niagara. No better point In the United States at Which to establish new Industries. See how we crow: Population In 1M0 Population in WO -m Population in 1SS0 4','S" Population In 1890 Population in 1894 (estimated) Wi.lWO And the end is not yet. The problem of Rppublloiin govern ment, dlflioult anywhere, is especially (UlTlc.uU In a warm clime. Still, we pre dict th.nt republicanism In France will (survive CUsimlr-Perler's defeat. For Good Local Government. A moment's thought, If applied by each citizen to the problem of roi.hI Kovrnment In this city, ought to es tablish the truth of the assertion that the beginning-point of reform Is In the selection of representative citizens as oouncllmen. While under the municipal act of 1SS9 it Is true that the powr entrusted to the executive branch of the municipal government Is very con siderable, more nearly realizing, than In any other system with which we are familiar, the much-mooted idea of "one man power," it yet remains true that nil legislation, both financial, police and miscellaneous, must, under that net, originate In councils, which Is in such matters practically supreme. The reflective man does not need to be told what this faot means, in dally applica tion. AVhen he Imports from a foreign land or buys liouor and tobacco he ex periences contaot with legislation en acted at Washington. When he sues or Is sued In the county courts, he re alizes the significance of the legisla tive work performed at Harrlsburg. These occasions, with most men, are either few or unimportant. Hut as a citizen of Scranton, concerned as a property-owner In the municipal ex penditures which are recouped by di rect taxation levied on his possessions, there Is not an hour In the year that he Is not In gome way reminded of the Importance and the necessity of wise, economical and business-like legisla tion In the two council chambers at Washington avenue and Mulberry .street. The. travel on our streets, the sewers that drain our homes, the men who guard our. property against burgJ lary. or fire, every detail In the long list of conveniences which differentiate metropolitan Scranton from the unin corporated collection of country homes known as the "cross roads village" re flect at some point the good or 111 work performed by those who transact the locul legislation originating In councils. Some facts embodied in the last city handbook with reference to the gov ernment of Scranton during the year tnded March 31, ISM, will help to bring about a proper realization of the im portance and the needs of our munici pal leglsl.iibive brunch. In that year j:i sets of viewers awarded damages figalnst the city. Incidental to public Improvements, aggregating $30,000. The collections of the law departments, in that year, were $.'0,000. On an assessed valuation or l!,00il,000 Uie cky had a net IndebUxlness of $38.1,100. For jxiv tng and grading of streets, $J",(Hi6.66 was expended; while to keep In order the city's 140 miles of etrents only $14,000 wuus appropriated. Kvtry one of these items Is traceable, et some point, to councils. The legislation governing the .hiannlling of this money Is tine work of councils, and of councils alone. Hut there are oSher facta. Although we .have 140 miles of trevts within the city limits, the total m'lleae of sewers laid In the city Is only 31. Last year $G4,CC0 was expended on this important factor In the city's sanitary condition, yet easily one-half of the iti'ha.blted portion of the city .Is yet unprovided for. An Item of $42,99.1.70, charged against the police de- partment, represents the. total of ex penses which must first receive np- proval by councils; and the same Is true of the $4,758.44 charged against the mayor's department, the $6,003.57 cgalnst the department of the treas urer, the $S,530.67 against that of the controller, the $3,102.12 against tht of the solicitor, the $10,21.77 against that of the city ciltirk, 'the $1,575 against that of the building dnspeetor, the $9,547.81 against Wm.t of the assessors, the $33, 103.34 against the lire department, the $12,321.53 against the board of health, the $1,514.1$ Against the park commis sioners, the Jtl.900 agailnst the public library, the $K3,818.C7 against the gon ral olty account and the $3,188.07 of deficiencies arising in that year. We have h-re a total expenditure of $340,' 248.94 which passes In one year through the two bnandhes of our city legislature and which must, In the final analysis, be paid tin sume manner or another by .the citizens and property owners of Scranton. If every voter in. this city knew and realized that city govern tnents conts $3.50 per capita, or nearly $17.60 for each head of a tiousWiold, would five, 1y an Intllft'erent ballot cast At the party caucus or at the polls, dele gate the power of expending this money to unlit mien? This, .then, Is itihe question that presses home In this time of ward caucuses and coming spring flections. The citi zenship of Scn.vilon, for a number of years, 'has, we fear, not realized the full meaning of its dutr In t'hls direc tion. The men Whom It places in coun cils are Its direct 'agents and attorneys. Those men serve without salary In iosl- t'lon4 'thait govern the annual dlsburfse rnervt of nearly half a .million dollars. They have ik one to watch them. Their power, so far as It goes, Is sover eign and beyond appeal. A mistake by them Is pahl, not out of the pockets of those who make It, but out of the pub lic treasury, out 'of the pockets of the home-owners and laud-owners of Scran ton. A breach of faith by them, a deal or a "divvy," should any occur, would coat not the lobbyist nor the giver of the bribe, but .t'he municipality which Is forced to pay an exorbitant pi'Ice for an Inferior supply. Indeed, we can t'hlnk of no batter Illustration of the Importance of this trust than to liken It to that of the confidential clerk or the bookkeeper who, wkth full and free ac cess to the cash box and the check book, may, If nut capable and honest, bring ruin and shame to an honorable and once-reinunwative business. We submit that for such . trust .the 'best men in each ward are none too good. The position of councilman requires not honesty simply, but hard, cool, practi cal Judgment and ripe business experi ence as well. The man who cannot manage his own business Is a poor fel low to expis'.tto manage the business of the fourth largest cfty In Pennsylvania. We are glad to see the citizens of the Seventeenth ward again alive to the need of capable representation In coun cils; and we trust that their example will stimulate similar action In the other wards that choose agents next month. A prize song competition of unusual interest Is announced by a number of alumni of the University of Pennsyl vania. For the best college song, the words and music of which are both original, $23 will be p:tid. For the best original saD of words to fit the Russian National hymn, $13 will be paid; while a $10 prize will reward the author of the best set of words commemorative of Pennsylvania's prowess In athletics. These offers are restricted to those who have attended or now .attend the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, and they are designed to stimulate a feeling of com radeship, among that Institution's alumni. One of these prizes .at least ought to come to Scranton. - . . Death of John B. Smith. Dunmore borough, Immediately, and this entire community sustain loss, und much loss, In the death of John 15. Smith. A, pioneer In the development of the upper anthracite fields, he lived to see wildernesses conquered, villages expand into live and many-trafficked cities, and the agencies of civilization evolved to a high approximation to perfection. In all of these battles of development he was a generous and a powerful factor. He was not, like some men, dwarfed to the routine of his first occupation; although conservative and assiduous in the direction of busi ness duties, he grew many-sidedly and was, up to the moment of his last ill ness. In cordial touch with the bc.-t and bravest agencies of his day. Mr. Smith was a man who had little leisure for shunts and mere conven- tlonalitius. Self-made, 'he Invariably estimated others at their Intrinsic, not at their extrinsic, value.' This habit, growing with the passing years, gave him amongst strangers, a reputation for brusqueness that did Injustice to the real man. lleneath his rugged exterior lay warm syniathies and a kindly and generous disposition. The deeds of charity and benevolence publicly attri buted to Mr, Smith were not few nor unimportant: but they .were only a fraction of his total contributions to humun relief and to the agencies which make for human advancement. In the death of such a man, In the twilight of a long, honorable and suc cessful career, this community loses a valued citizen but gains an Instructive and an Inspiring memory. The dissimilarity between the case of President Caslmlr Perler and President Clew land Is marked. President Perler endeavored to pleas? everybody and failed. President Cleveland tried to please nobody and, according to all re turns, has succeeded beyond his wild est expectations. The Duties of the Mayoralty. The letter of Charles F. Warwick, ac cepting t'iie nomination of the Republi can party for mayor of Philadelphia, Is a document of almost unsurpassed literary merit. Entirely aiMi't from any of the unfortunate oircuintilaneea attending that nomination, this leiitcr would seem to denote u perception of the duties and responsibilities of the executive headship of the third largest American city of which lany man and any party mlglit be proud. Wo need offer no excuse for reproducing so much of that letter as is general in Its scopo und applicability: If elected to this office by the suffrages of my fellow citizens I will know no mas ter save duly, and regurd no constituency but the whole people. I will not lie under the Inlluenee or control of any power, political, personal or corporate, that might intrude upon the conscientious and fulthful dlschargo of my duty, tlood gov ernment In municipal affairs Involves the protection of person and property by un effective police force, and in order to pro mote their efficiency ll Is my purpose to keep the members in this bureau abso lutely from politics. And It Is also my intention to see that all the provisions of the city charter with respect to nil the other employes of the city participating In politics shall be enforced In spirit and letter. It Is my purpose to foster ami nl. I the business and commercial Interests of the city In every wuy In my power; to promote the health and comfort of the In habitants; secure a plentiful supply of pure water und good gas, well paved ami well cleaned streets, and an Improved water front to facilitate commerce with our port. The funds of the city shall lw carefully guarded from spollutlon nnd ex travagance. The people are entitled, In the expenditure of the public fornix, to the best return In skill, competence and value that it Is possible to procure, nnd to secure this end nil contracts shall )a swarded without fear, favor or partiality. The streets of the utty belong to the pub lie and no franchise or license to use them by Individuals or corporations beyond the common public use for which tht.y were created shall be permitted wltho.it a full und fair compensation to the cltytand the public; absolute Impartiality and the pub lic good shall be the uhlmnte and sole cri terion in determining all question of the grant of corporate privileges. Vice- and crime aro at all times and at all hazards to bo repressed, and the high moral stand ard of this community preserved so fur as It lies In the power of the executive to enforce obedience to law. It Is my pur pose to discharge the duties of the olllcn of mayor with zeal for the public good; nevertheless, perfect candor requires me to say that however earnest, faithful and untiring the mayor of the city may be, his efforts for municipal economy and pro gress will neeesaarlly be of imperfect ef fect unless seconded by a like spirit on the part of the councils of the city. Mu nicipal government, to be effective, must come from co-operation of the law-niuk-lng and law executing powers. That man Is blind Indeed who does not discern that the people of this city are ilemunding that their municlpul affairs shall be conducted on strict anil honest business principles. If elected to the office for which you name me, it shall be my curliest purpose to comply with this Just demand. The citizen who shall attentively read the foregoing will have no difficulty in applying its teachings to Scranlton. The Pittsburg Commercial Gazette statas a solid and Irrefutable fact when It remarks that "Senator Quay Is 'the right man at the front. Certain Re publican journals which should know better solze every opportunity to join the Democratic organs dti abuse or In bald misrepresentation of him. And yet, AVhen the Republican party needs to be pulled out of a hole tin congress or elsewhere one of the first mun (appealed to for action or advice .s this same Sena tor Quay." Tn recognition of which It may be stalled .that never before has he been so deservedly popular with tlv! masses of the party In 1Mb common wealth as lie .Is today, the hostile effort of enemies notwithstanding. Warwick Versus Pattlson. The selection of ex-Governor Pattl son as the Democratic candidate for mayor of Philadelphia reduces the fight In that city to a clear contest between the two political parties. Side Issues witll be Ignored In the light of the men acing presence In this struggle of a figure head of WHIIam F. Harrlty; and hundreds of Republicans, while In dignant at the conditions attending Mr. Warwick's nomination, will support their parly nominee in preference tj transferring the political control of the oity government, with all Its enormous Influence, to llarrlty's dangerous hands. This Is the logic of the situation. We believe Mr. Warwick will be weaker tihan his party, for reasons not neces sarily reflecting upon himself; but ha can scarcely be so weak as to endanger tllie continued supremacy of the Re publican party in a city which last fall cast, by Itself, nearly 'JO.iloo' Republican plurality. The menace of Ilarritylsm will save the day. The suggestion of President Dickin son, of the State Hoard of charities, that the legislature pass an act requir ing all county jails to be governed by inspectors appointed by the courts and commissioners Is so thoroughly In ac cord with common sense that ft ought not to be overlooked by this session. I The present Jail system Is good In j spots; but generally speaking It Is i I notorious disgrace. Ft is stated that Mill Cook waived tho formalities of law when captured in Kansas, the other day, and acknowl j edged his identity and accompanied his captors back to Oklahoma. Rill has waived the formalities of the law so long In his brilliant career, that it is presumed he did not consider it neces sary to stand on ceremony at this late hour. It is a singular coincidence that America consumed 1.10,000 bunhcls of olives last year and nearly one-half of the quinine output of the world. MUilSLATIVK TOPICS. Vast a l ender l.nw. Carhondnle Herald: "Tho trolley Is here, and It hits come to stay, and while we admit Its many advantages and supe rior merits, as compared with old time methods of travel, no effort should be spared to reduce the possibility of risk to the lowest minimum for public safety The stute legislature now being In ses sion the time is opportune for some of 0'ir representatives to Introduce a bill making it imperative for till street rallwuy com panies doing business in this state to pro vide safely fenders on all curs in opera tion on the several systems. .Many lives have been lost In the past, a large per centage of which might no doubt have been saved with such safeguards ns ur.) herein suggested. The longer such a measure Is put off the more numerous will be the accidents und consequent loss of life." Publicity us a SnfesmirJ. Pittsburg Dispatch: "A rigid Investlgn- tlon should be Instituted Into the details of the operations of the new book law which are not covered by the oltlelul re ports. If any evils exist their ollleiul pub lication will In Itself go far toward cor rection. Then the law could be so amend ed us to require the local school authori ties to report to the state department of Instruction the names und prices of the books purchased. " hese reports need not necessarily be printed, to which their bulltlncKS might furnish nil obstacle, The mere fact that the figures were on llle ut Kurrlshurg, und accessible, would provide n salutary cheek. In matters of this kind there Is no surer safeguard of public In tcrests thun publicity." Tho l.iccnso Court Hill. Concerning I he llnckenlierg license court bill the Piltsburg ( ommcrciul-(lu- jsclte says: "The provision that half of the board shall Im composed of Republi cans und half of I leniocrals does not add to Its strength a particle, but Is an etc tnent of weakness. There ought to bo nothing political in the regulation of the liquor trulllc, and to start out with a recognition of the equal claims of the two great .n !!. to say who shall nnd who shall not deal out Intoxicants In tho sev eral counties In the state Is tantamount to saying that tho privileges to sell should be distributed with some reference to the polities of tho applicants or of the relit tlvo strength of the two parties In a given district." It might lie replied 0 this that, there Is already a good deal of politics In the P.rooks law, ns commonly enforced. ' I or a Pcpnrtmcnt of Chnritlus. After complaining thnt two-thirds of the state Is not now represented on tho state board of charities, tho Pittsburg Times adds: "A bill has been Introduced into the legislature for the abolition of the board and tho creation of a department of charities. This would, of course, con template that the work be done by sal aried olllelals absolutely under the con trol of the state and who would devote nil their time to tho work. This might lerhaps cost a little more than the pres ent system, but tho results would cer tainly be morn satisfactory. The mem bers of the present bourd simply devote such time as they can spare from their regulur business to the performance of their duties, and naturally cannot acquire the same knowledge of the requirements of the work as would men whose regular business It was to expend all their time and attention upon It, Kxperlence has time uh.l again demonstrated thnt the work of commissions of private citizens Is not as eltlelent ns that done by trained anil responsible otlleluls. If the stute Is to continue to pay nearly $l,5oo,wo a year for charitable purposes It will certainly, be true economy to devote a few thousands more to insure that this enormous sum Is most properly nnd effectively used." Changes in Legal Procedure. The Uur association of Allegheny coun ty has decided to oppose the bills rela tive to changes In legal procedure In the courts of this commonwealth, proposed to be presented to the present legislature) at an early date by Judge Michael Ar nold, of Philadelphia. Judge Arnold has formulated a dozen acts relating to reduc ing half a dozen legul procedures to one simple class, which will be presented to the present legislature. The acts pre scribe the form und regulate the course of civil procedure and pleading In the courts of the commonwealth. The first act Is the Important one, as It provides for the union of law und equity In one form of ac tion. Judge Arnolds bill contemplates that there shall be no distinction between equity and the law, abolishing a perlo. Ileal return day, und providing that all ac tions shull be brought by statement filed, doing away with special pleading. The Allegheny Har association Is of the opin ion thot Judge Arnold's propositions, while right In tenor, are too radlcul. Capital Punishment Is Going. Wllllanisport Times: "In England In the time of George 111, there were 100 cap ital offenses, now reduced to two treason und murder. In Holland, capital punish ment wns abolished In 1870; in Portugal and in Itoumunlu, in 18M. In Switzerland, it is abolished In sixteen cantons. In Austria, (Jermany and In Sweden, capital punishment is rare. Vnder the federal luws of our own country there are still nine capital offenses treason, murder. arson, rape, piracy, robbery of mulls with Jeopardy to lives of persons In charge, rescue or a convict going to execution, burning of a vessel of war, and destruc tion of a prlvute vessel. In Maine It was abolished In 1X74; also In Iowa, but the latter state was afterward revived. It was abolished later In Michigan, Rhode Island nnd New York, but In New York It was restored in SX8 and enetrocutlon em ployed. In Iowa nnd New York, however, capital punishment would have remained abolished hud a sulllelently severe penalty neon provided as a substitute." . Wunts u Department of Alining. Huzleton Sentinel: "A state depart ment of mlnng could be made of the most practical value to the employers und to the workmen. It could carry on the work of the geological survey the value of which Is now apparentto every mine owner, it could suggest laws and measures that would ensure greater economy in working and cheek In a measure the awful loss of human life that Is going on dully. It would be the starting point of a system of mine Inspection. It might, perhaps, be a medium for settling many of the difficul ties between labor und capital. As It stands now the most Important stute In dustry Is slighted." Useful , and Orna- mental Goods LADIES' DESKS. CABINETS. BOOKCASES. LADIES' DRESSING TABLES. TEA TABLES AND LIBRARY TABLES, BRASS AND ONTX TABLES AND CABINETS (OF A GUARANTEED QUALITY.) AN ELEGANT STOCK OF PIC TURES AT MODERATE COST. FANCY BASKETS AND LAMPS. CALL EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS WHILE OUR AS SORTMENT IS COMPLETE. Hill & Connell, 131 END 133 WASHINGTON AVE. Hand Sleighs, Baby Sleighs, Clippers, Alligators, Self-Steering Sleighs, Steel Sleighs, Iron Sleighs, AND THE FAMOUS Paris Hill Oak Sleighs tn Clippers and Kent Wood Kiicch und the Montrose Gas Tubing Sleighs. Vc have over iuo dozen in stuck and wUI sell very cheap at wholesale and retail. I D. WILLIAMS & BR0. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. The secret Is out. Xot only do they say we do washing for a living, but that we do It well. So keep it going. Tell everybody you see, but tell them oot to tell. EUREKA LAUNDRY, 322 Washington Ave. THAT WONDERFUL WEBER GUERNSEY OLDSiTH': GRAND Red Letter Sale DRESSMAKERS rURING this great sale our entire Trimming stock lias been greatly reduced in many instances to less than ioc. on the $1.00. We can make more money for you during the next 10 days, if you will come in and take your pick out of the bargains that are piled upon our Dress Trimming counter, than you will be able to make in any other way within the next six mouths. LOT I Gold and Silver Braids, Gimps and Cords that were 50c, your choice now at 5c. per yard. LOT 2 Persian and Velvet Bauds and Tinsel Gimps that were sold as high as 87c, your choice now for ioc. per yard. LOT 3 Moss and other fine Silk Neck Trimmings that were sold us to 75c. per yard, your choice now, 5c. LOT 4 Illuminated Jewel and Ap'riique Trimmings that were $2.25, your choice now 25c LOT 5 Heavy Black Silk Cord and Tassel Fringes, suitable for Wraps and Dresses, that v were from $3 to $5 per yard, your choice now 25 cents per yard. Fur and Jet Trimmings also greatly cut in price. Don't Miss This Great Dress Trimming Sale A choice lot of Brook Mink Fur Tippets, with spring heads, that were $1.98, sale price, 9S cents. wmm IS THE MONTH WE NVENTOR GREAT IK ODD AND ENDS OF DINNER. TEA and TOILET SETS, LAMP GOODS and BRIC-A-BRAC 422 LACKA. AVE. Blank Books Raymond Trial Balance Books Graves' Indexes Document Boxes Inks of All Kinds agents rnn mmr Edisor's Mimeographs and Supplies Crawford Pens Leon Isaac Pens REYNOLDS BROS., Stationers and Engravers, 317 LACKAWANNA AVE. DR. HILL & SON x ALBANY DENTISTS. Bet toeth. $.1.60; best set, 18: for gold enps and teeth without plates, calledcrown and bridge work, call for prices and refer encos. TONALdIA, for extracting teotlj without pain, No ether. No gas. OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. BROTHERS, WYOMING AVE. ATTENTION China Oosots reduced 15 to 40 per cent. Jan. 10, 1395. Removal Sale of Furniture at HULL & CO.'S, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. Ftno Dressing Table greatly reJuced In pries START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT And keep going right by buying and cann ing one of LLOYD'S WATCHES. LLOYD, JEWELER, 423 LACKA. AVE. YENISON, PRAIRIE CHICKEN, Partridges, Quail, Rabbits, All Kinds of Poultry, Ripe Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Head Lettuce, Salsify Radishes, Etc. Pierce's Market TONE IS FOUND ONLY IN THE WEBER PIANO MV KimleBB Eifooul UlasRcn oomlilne dlc tiintnnd r.'adinn in onn pair und g'.vt tuu Krentest Hfttisfnntion- l!o&dacu and ner vousmeHs remedied by usinif KliMH'-'sa'c,unuely fitted. Satisfaction Ki'H'anteud i every case. 1)1!. SIIMi;i;i!(i, :!!): Spruce St., Eye Specialist EYES EXAMINED FREE. I DR. E. GREWER, Thi Philadelphia Specialist, and Ms asso elated stuff of lOn'llsh and German physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The dui'tor Is a graduao of the I'nlver slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology nnd surgery at tna Aledico-C'hlrurt'icul college of PhlladeU phiu. His specialties aro Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE HERY0US SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of conlklcnue, sexnul weakness In men and women, bull rising In throat, spots Hon ting before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentrate the mind on ona subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mlnd.whlult unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of heut, depression of spirits. evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams.mel nncboly, tire easy of company, feeling us) tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Young Men Cured. Tf you have been given up by your phy sician call upon tho doctor and be exum "od. He cures tho worst eases of Ner uis I'ebllity, Scrofula, Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Femnlo Weakness. Affec tions of tho Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat, Asthma, Iicnfness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations fr-o and strictly sacred and conlldenir., attW hours dally from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Unclose five 2-cent stamps for symtpom, blanks and my book calle I "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars In gold to anyone whom 1 cannot cure of EPI LEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. R. GRKWRR. Old Post Office Uuildlng, corner Peun avenue and Sprucp street, SCRANTON. PA. The annual nfter-hollduy overhauling ta In full swing, and we have H1CE GUN" TWO CUT. Hrlng your spare" cash. A little will do much in purchasing Hard ware and Household necessities. A Saw or ChlseL Gimlet, Plane or any other tool, wo will sell at pleasing prices. Those who huve used our seloct necessities for years know they are trustworthy. When tho cat Is away the mice will play with our Traps, nnd walk In to await their fate. FQOTE I SHEAR CO. 10 IF TOUR OLD BOOKS NEED FIX 1NQ. SEND THRU TO Oj The SorantoR Tribune VI ' Bookbinding Dept.