THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1893. 3 NORTON'S NEW -"Till ran 1'lank account books, All desirable sizes ami st)Ies For all sorts of business, . 1'rum the small vest pocket Memo, to the largest ledger. We have our usual lare Variety and at riut prices. Persons wishing a new set of books Or a part of a set or oue book Arc invited to examine our stock. Filing boxes for bills, letters, &c, Mercantile and office stationery, ill the standard sorts nnd novelties. Temporary store, 115 Wyoming avc. A Fob to Dyspepsia GOOD liREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mil! Go. a THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. 6c CO. IIHPH1HTED GN EACH CIGM. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE AU forms of Hernia ft specialty. Wa.l known Scrautnn physicians m chargo. SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE C9.,LII?I., 203 Washington Avenue. PERSONAL. Jtid?on Mott, of .Montrose, lias returned home nfier u visit with relatives on the Vest Side. .Miss Annie Davles, of Twelfth street, lias returned home from u visit with friends in Shenandoah. 'Abu Seott, the well known trapper anil hunter, of Spring 1:100k townsliip. was In the rity yestenlny with proofs of his skill with the nun. Colonel Hippie, of the Thirteenth regi ment, was one of the hnmlsoinest men In uniform at the InuiiKUrul parade, uceord iiil? to the I'hilailelplila Inquirer. Captain John Deluney will sueceed Uajor Loekhurt as superintendent of puh '1' buildings ami grounds, nnd the 1 1 1 1 iow pendini; making the superintendent irenenil custodian 011 the hill at Harris litii'B will Inerensn his salary to $:!,IHJU. ilis term will be lixed at threw years. ARGIM KXT IX BKZKK CASE. It Will He Heard hy the Supreme Court on Ich. '25-lorm In Which It Will lie lukcn 1 p 1o Hint Tribunal. On Feb. 25 the flUUe supreme court Will heur argument and be asked to re verse tthe court of this county In refus ing 'to grant a mow -trial In the case of I'l ani! Bezek. After tie trial of it ho oase before Judge Kdwnrds and the coiiviotioii of the accused of murder in ilhe first de gree an application for a new triinl was made by Attorneys George M. Watson and A. J. Colborn, Jr., who were di rected by the court 'to defend liezek. The request for ia new trhil was re fused and It was resolved to take ithe case up to "the supreme court. The rules 'prescribe that a book con taining the evidence, record of the court and charge of the trial judge HlKill be prepared in eu(h nase that goes to ihp supreme court, and as such a book In the Uezek case would cost several hundred dollars, the consent ot the supreme court had to be obtained to waive that rule n.nd 'take the case up in the form prescribed for paupers. Attorney Watson m'aiie on argument before ithe supreme court Monday with that end In view and was successful in obtaining the permission of the court. Tlnw for hearing the argument was 'also extended froin Fob. 18 to Keb. 25. As the case now yoes up 'the supreme oount will pass upih H dlreHly from ithe stenographer's typewritten not us of the evidence and charge of Mie court, and from the actual records of ,the pro ceedings 'Without going to the expense of having them reduced to itype and printed. llorrlMo Low Prices on Knglncs, Hollers ond I'umpH. Two IfixSO pngiups, B-lnch fly wheel; two Ux20 engines; two 10x15 englnrs; pulr 12x12 link motion engines; one pair liix.'IG link motion engines; four locomotive boil ers. 6(1 to KK) horse power; fourteen return .tuhulur boilers, 40 to KK) horse powir .nnh' t ,l,..l ,.n lirn,H,lm,l..n four single Davidson pumps; three slnglo "Knowles pumps. Adress TUB KXETIUt MACIIINIO WOKKH, l'lttston, I'a., min ing, elevating and conveying machinery. . Itny tlio Wcher nnd get the best At Guernsey Bros Cure for Croup. 1'se Dr. Thomas' Ec lectrlo Oil according to directions. It Is the best remedy forall sudden attacks of colds, pain and Inflammation, and in Juries. FlUsbury's Flour Mills have 1 t 17.W0 barrels day. . capacity ITS WORK IS CONCLUDED Final Report of Grand Jury os Pre sented to the Court. SOME CHANGES SUGGESTED Pointed Which Kcfcrcncc to the .Manner In tlio Liquor l.uw Is Violated. l ist of True nnd Ignored Hills I'rcscntcd to Court. At 10 o'uluek yetftordny inorninR the Frnund jury made Its ilii'u.l return no emit mud rei nted a list of Uie true (Mid Ignored bills itluut came Define It dunlin? tlin' term, in a part of its recoui-nii-ud:rtiin.s to ouurt ithe report read is filhi's: JiuIhIiib fixun ti wrtaiji class uf wlt newHes iiiuvill of the evidence biMiiicht bft'ore- us durlni? our dc liln na tions in 1 in I hts f ifli Ki'ini'i Jury, and having somekniKWledKe of the crim inal cil'l.tlis of the couirty, It is our opinion that much if the crime is dui' to the illeiral toilo of into..liMtiiuv liiin!'S at places Unused and uiillci used for the tiallie. We silso ledleve (hut ni'Miy of the places where licenses are granted do licit answer the reiiiiiiinnnls of 1 i.w, inasmuch cis they have not .the propyl' uicciMiuniiilutluus, neither they ne-cen-ury for 'file titertiiinincnt of trlraiiKeis and tiuvclers. We nlsu believe fiom kooiI nu.soiis ilihe i'.i'.v ullieers of the several t lty wai'd-i, bor lUK'hs and townships, .ire not all us t.h i-otinh us they mlxli't be ill det'.'.-tln;; violalnrs of the liquor Ik .'ii".' I '.ivs of the coiiiuionw'ealtih. We iliiei-t fvi i respectfully su;est rhvut the emit, 1 far as is consistent (Mid v'X.aln the potter of the Judiciary, de vlJ some ineaiis whereby 'the facts may 'be ti4vl'l:ittr;'tl sis to the above !-'o tliuit the law may be complied with and cuf'.arVHj so ttjalt ithe amount of crime, poverty 11 iMi trouble may be diminished Ijackuiwuimu county. Other Hecoiiiuicii Jntions Made. The remulnder of the recommenda tions lire herewith sumniai'lzed. The thanks of the jury are Kiven to Mm. Arabella 15. Haxton, matron of the Flor ence mission, 011 account of the noble Work she Is doinB in behalf of morals and society ill her efforts to elevate fallen women. Court Is recommended to select u. lady of Christian character and iippoint her as matron In charge of femule prisoners at the county jail. Other recommendations are that the sign, "Coroner's Olllce," should be re moved from the transom over the door of the license parlors of the clerk of of the court's olllce; that a door Is needed to admit a person from the dis trict attorney's office to the stand jury room, and that an iron urate shall be made to replace the old wooden one in the Jail yard ait the county prison. District Attorney John It. Jones was Kiven a vote of thanks and the jury w ound 1111 by requesting the court to de vise' some means by which aldermen could be restrained from sending In so many petty cases for prosecution and entailing so much unnecessary ex pense on the eonionwealth. A list of the indictments returned Is as follows: The True Hills Returned. John S. Luce and W. O. llatemain, s itting lire with intent 'to burn build ing; W. '1'. Simpson, pros. H. 1). Latlhrope, William M. Lathrope and C. K. Liait'hrnpe, libel; II. J. Bruii n.:i'n, pros. Ivan Sumrat, Majk Sumrat, Henry Sunuvut. Itiitss Sumrat, St Hon Jokoskl, Alex Kua.ns, WtiMirll Mossbaek and John Pi .links, robbery; William Good man, pros. Jacob lleripkle, t-ntering a dwelling house niiii intent to commit a felony; John Situs, pros. John Geriski, . enterinig a dwelling with Intent ito commit a felony; John Situs, pros. Max Kohler. entering a dwelling with Intent to commit a felony; John Situs, pros. Joseph Geniski, Mitering a dwelling with intent to commit a felony; John Situs, pros. John Sch.Twler, obstructing the fxt- oution of .legal process; J. F. Woelkers, pros. James I Inland, obstructing the exe cution of ia. legal process. Hernard Koerncr and Henry Koerner, ns'sau'.t and battery wit'h intuM ito kill; William Mii'iikle Mullur. pros. Hubert Alexander, aggravated is- Bault iul buittery;- Lena Dlckelnlck, prox. Samuel ivivles, aggravated fissault ind battery; MaiUiin Lock, pros. James Kola nd, aggravated ns wall It I and h;ut'tery; Joseph Pool. pros. Kiclv iT'd Kichards, assault u.nd bait- trry; Michai 1 Ca.usimeiv, pros. Peter Le-uU'S and John SeliaiiTbcr, ns- saulit and battery; Catherine Hachent, pros. Dig Hatch of Defendants. I vain Sumrat, Majk Sumrat. Harry Sumrat, Ititz Sumrat, Stefan Jokoseky, Alex. Knauss, Wassail Mossback and John Pranks, assault a.nd batlteiy; Williaim Goodmain, pros. Thomas Oi-oftoii, assault -and baittery; Crol'ton, prox. F.van Da.ules, assault and baittery; I'aul Makela, pros. James and Mary Palllord and Jane lolaivd, assault and baiftery; Joseph Carl, pros. Mai-Mn Morgan, assault and battery; Joseph lluddl, pros. Joli'ii ri.ininilnig, assault and batitery; Saiiiili-1 Heymiilds, pros. Mlchavl Lynn, assault and battury; Mrs. W. II. ..Vh'Culluui, lirox. John I'.lazes, carrying conceaK-d woapons; Max lloKonblut, pros. It. Reese, muitilatlng show bills; A'rthur Fi-otih'ingham. pros. K. Kdwnrds or K. CiMiper, defrauding bimixlliiig house keel-r; F. If. White, pros. K. Kdwnrds, otherwise K. Cooper, lar ceny by bailee; W. T. Simpson, pros. Mlnhmel Gost, 'larceny by bailee; Was sail lladgamit-., pros. Fnd It. Jenkins, larceny by baillee and fnibezzN-nieiit, neimriutu Indict ments; It. T. Howeills, pros. K. Kdwai'ds, also known as R. Coopor, larceny and receiving; W. T. Simpson, pros. Mary Foy, larceny and receiving; Mliih'Kil Hemnehan, pros. Hugh Maloy, larceny and receiving; V. T. Slmp in. pros. Mlcheal 1'ad'ilen, larceny and receiv ing; Jamiis Hurherford, pros. John lllazes, maliolous mischief; Max Iloseniblut. pros. John Jennings, senior and Junior, soiling liquor on -Sunday; Patrick O'Hrlen, pixs. Margaret Harry, selling liquor wlth mit A licence; Ilanmah Mclonnell, prox. M arwu-eit Harry, fuinlshlng liquors to minors; Hnnmah McDonnell, prox. N. J. linker, criminal assault; Mai'y E. linker, .prox. Peter Jom-s, orlmlmxl assault; Mary Iltifka, piMX. Susan Peters or Susain HurgesiS, adul tery; H. K, Washburn, pros. lihlHp llensley', bigamy; William Keiigley, .pixxs, Joseph Migli'ii, perjury; John Mernt ky, pivs, I List of Ignored Hills, Cases (hat'the Jury believed should not have been sent Into court are sub joined: Assault and Bnttery SlmnnConstnn kovltsock. Alex. Bhlntito, John Fy, John Hanko, Jozef Jorsifetch, Josef Smith, Alex. Mushu, Joseph Miidusu, John Tlp lnddl, Alex. Melle, Matthew Puscky, Caesar Mnssl, Jacob Muscovite, J. Mus covite, Thomas K., Kichards, Hannah Klchurds, Hannah Harris, tleorgo Fox, James Clayton, J. Clayton, Thomas Jones, Michael Lngman. Sarah Mul chrone, James II. Kellly, Michael Mc Donnell, Kllen Noon; prosecutors to pay the costs In .each ense.. In the follow- lng the county will pay the costs: Oscar D. Khrgood, Jennie Alexander, Alex. Kohler and Hugh Harrington. Forcible Kntry nnd IJotalner The county to pay costs in ach case: Theo dore Carpenter, James and Mary Jordan. C. W. I,ott. William Reynolds, Charles Alexander, George Grlswold. Larceny and Receiving Ida and Mal vlna Mikel, Joseph KKenmery. Jacob liuka, John Sliamboskl, William Kirselienbaiim, I'M ward Wagar, Josepii Stone, Hurt Anderson, Jane llaiinon. l.urceny by itailee Kllen llawley, Oleiia Kost, iMocstro I.ado, Louis Feld 111:111. Falsi' Pretences Mike Kntiovski, Charles Orkusky, Giovanni Zachario and I'atriek leiupsey. Itidiberv John Uoskoskl, AVIUIani Ha. ley, William Kadey, Kate Mulliern and Mary Feeney. l'erjury John I suck. Louis Malkoskl, J. lillck, Louis Felduiaii, Samuel Kline. PiJ Not Sell l iquor. Selling Liquor 011 Sunday and With out a License Anthony ltoth and Michael Falosklo. Nuisance .lames W. Smith, John 1 .11 libiidge, William Harper, I. L. ISerryi W. It. Stevens, James Wallack, William II. lavls, James J. McAiulrew, James o Hiieii. John J. Flyiin, William Adair, 1'. W. Fadili u, Ooiiilnic Howard. A. F. Gillespie, James C. McLaughlin, county to pay the costs. Miscellaneous ((Hints Kvaii Kich nnln and William Lewis, defrauding boarding house, two indictments; Mrs. lllliim Martin, prox., to jmy the costs. John T. N'allin, enibezzlemeiit by agent; I). W. Hurr, pros. William Kirsclieiiliiiiini, embezzle ment by agent; Samuel Kline, pros. Jozef Smith, malicious mischief; Abraham Glacier, pros, to pay costs. I.inlwig Lumoiiiskl, riot; Thomas J. Gildea. pros. Michael ( ibriskl, harboring concealed felon; John Mel lale, pros. James o'l'.oyle, biiiitlng rabbits with ferret; Nautilus Slulter, pros. John Williams, forcible entry and de tainer; Kllen ,1. Madlgau, prox. ;, county to pay costs. Tony Sar, breaking Into dwelling house; Adam Kldulate, pros. Margaret Harry, receiving stolon goods; Hannah McDonnell, prox. Maggie Jones, common scold; William Olendyke, pros., to pay costs. NF.WS OF Till: RAILROADS. J. M. Manchester, painter, who has been suffering from a severe attack of the grip, returned ito work yesterday. Henry Vlllard announces his Inten tlon of not returning to the T'nlted States to live. He has taken up his residence In lleiiin. William Stlhvell, painter at the ma chine shops, who Is now at the Moses Taylor hospital. Is reported to be pro grisslng very favorably. Probably all the local railroaders are not aware that the admission to the gallery on the night of the Grand Kail road concert on Jan. 1:1 lias been re duced to 50 cents. General Auditor Davis has succeeded S. K. Calloway as receiver of the To ledo. Si. Louis and Kansas City. Mr. Calloway has nlready assumed his new duties as president of the Nickel Plate P.rakeman George Pain, who frac tured his arm recently by falling off a car, is so far recovered that he was able to be out yesterday. He looks well despite the hard shaking up he re ceived, and his friends congratulated him accordingly. Tonight the Ladles' Auxiliary society will surprise their friends by a splendid oyster supper to be followed by a first class entertainment. The vocal talent will be of the best order nnd the in strumental selections have been well arranged. A large audience Is antic! paled. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Procheniar have returned from their wedding tour and have commenced housekeeping at 423 i Kebecca avenue. Arthur Is one of the popular boys of the machine shop, nnd the way he was kept busily engaged receiving congratulations is a proof that he Is liked all around. solid Mrs. A. II. Masters and Mrs. W. A. Kerry have presented a handsome ban ner bearing the motto, "The nailroad Men for Christ," to the association. Taking the increasing membership and the numerous presents, the rooms, al ready too small, will become more than inconvenient at a very early date. Si cretary Pearsall and a contingent fiMm 'the machine and car shops will conduct the evangelistic meeting at the Second Presbyterian oliurch this even lng. Kev. Dr. Koblnsnii expects a great meeting Inasmuch a all services pro moted or conducted by tin-railroad boys are always successful spiritually and temporally. A special invitation Is ex tended to the employes of all railroads In the cilty to make an effort to aittend. Yesterday's noon meeting at the inn chine shops was 11 great success, W. W. Adair, of Great Heiid, addressing over 270 nu n, who were greatly Inter ested In the practical talk of the popu lar secretary of the Heiid association Mr. Weeden gave several excellent ren ditions which were much appreciated It was expected that Miss Mitti Weeden Would have been present, but she was detained In New York by sick llt'Srt. The Lackawanna Hell for January has just been Issued and rings out Its usual merry nnd acceptable news Among other newsy notes Is the stir ring adventures of Molls Ham with Kill Luther's Christmas tree. The well known saying of "If at llrst you don succeed, try, try again," did not apply to this case, but at the same time ".Mr. Ham" did not deserve the "roast However, Secretary Pearsall supplied a good paragraph The evangelistic services nt the Sec ond Presbyterian rhumb were attend ed'by a very large number lust evening At ithe dose of 'the medllng several of the audience requested the prayers of 'those present III t'helr behalf. This evening F. W. Pearsall, of the Kailroad Young Men's Christian association, will ihave charge of the 'meeting. Several converts from tine machine and car shops of the Delaware, Lackawanna nuid Wresitern railroad have promised to assist In the mentlng. In July, 1MM, a ten-ton locomotive for burning anthracite coal was built at the Lehigh Valley shops at South Kaston, under the supervision of John I. Klnsey, superintendent of the shops, After the engine was completed It was placed on the Kaston and Amhoy dl vision and It showed such gopd results that the general superintendent ordered It on the Heneca division, and It Is now running the heavy passenger trains with ease on a portion of the line where .the grades nre very heavy There are now two more of this same style of engines under way at the South Kaston shops. They will be completed In a short time, W. F. Krossler, -Mie winner of the gold medal contest, has not yet been invent ed. but the Interesting ceremony will probably take place today. Mr. Kress, lor, who Is one of the foremen at the machine shop. Is reckoned to be the best story teller among local railroad ers. Whenever lie sits down for a few moments' resit, ihe l certain of an audi Mice ito listen 'to his humorous recitals In responding to the presentation of Uhe medal, e wWty peecJi Is expected, and the boys are confident that they will not be disappointed. Mr. Kressler lb also 4'ti ardent supporter of tlio Hall road Young Men's Christian assoclti tlon. ' HE YOUNG MAN STRANGER Hundreds of Them Arrive Yearly in the City of Seranton. SYSTEM 01 I'KOTECTINC. THEM An l.xistiug Agency Which Seeks Out the Young .Man Stranger und Mutches Him - Receives Information from Country Tow us-Mcthods I scd. Outside of Phil nlelphla and Pitts- urg probably no city in the .state hail In the 'pant ft'W years sheltered more men and boys in search of work and fortune than Seranton. It Is u mutti'i- f faeit Mint such a condition always ucciimpa.iiU'S the growth 01 a new aim thriving city, mud 'in Seranton Jt has veioli ipantlcula.1 ly the case. For Ion ytens has been pouring linto tllie city ilarge numbers of young men; some found work and remained, and ot'hers lb pai'ied, while many have had pi 1. r lurk and have knocked about from pillar to post since 'their r sldi nit re. Away In-ill home inllueiices and old friends it is ami Biirpi'i.-ilng that many young I l&n r",!!,i,vi; t 11 .t f'Vv; m '""'' mi'ii-ai u ny llie gi'iiier or city 'life a 11 d have w. -Hjji gone to uie bad; and ynt 11 11 e q 11 a 1 number who would have followed the of 'their fellows ihave been halted and persuaded to be men. Thnuuhtful pcople h'.ive proliii'bly had the condition f the young Kiianger in their mind ficqiien'tly ; Ithey In ar of the downfall of one 'and the tufety of another, and In .the latiter ease wonder what agency has been 'at wm k. A I'ur-Keacliing Agency. There is a far-roadhing agency, whose purpose and jinsiety is to seek out Lhe young man ptramger as soon as hi- ri-aelies Scra.ut.m and put him on Hil- road to btislni'ss )iro.0p' rity aiinl a com fortable home. That agency Is the Young Men's Chrintian association, and the 1111 thuds It employs are full of In terest. Thousands of young men acquire ruinous 'habits a.ind form evil associa tions, not bi-cause of 'any strong pro pnnsity for evil, bill because of a na'tur- il disiiv for companionship and fefi.r of SHilitude. A young man who came from a pleasant home In a country town Ho a city boarding house Illustrat ed tihcitruth of the above r.tateiment in a ohsiraciterlstlc reply to an anxious letter from his mother. She had urged him to spond the evenings in his loom ind 'Hot 'to go upon ithe stntits. He replied: "Mother, if I rttuy In my room I'll 'haw to stay In bed, for my room Is only lixS." How They I ind Him. The question will naturally suggest Itself to thellioughitful man, wiheiv will Uie occupant of a cold a.nd poorly ligilH- td lodging house room spend 'the long winter cwnings? The i)i;ai'tica.l an swer was given several years ago ny the erection of Hhe Seranton Y a u 11 g Men's Christla.n 51s- ?oiiatioii building. wtlitih Its open door ind Its Invitation to young men to come In." All' i n teres 1 1 n g study Is that of th luuy is iiia-L 11 uii' iyv S'steni by which the ' 1 . ssoelatlon work 4s 1 sy assoe curried Into the re molest hamlets, s that on the very threshold of ,his now ctu'eer the youth starting for ithe city is furnished viUi reliable luformaitlon mil armod with Oettnrs of introduction. 1 he System KniplovcJ. Through the lagency of state and dis- it rictcoin m 1 1 tees Uhe a -wocia lion a ppi ! 11 1 s In t'nuse Ismail pi iices coiTi-spon ling members, wiho are furnished with blank letters of introduction and Whose duty lit is to furnish eveiry voting mailt who leaves his neigbor- hood with a- properly signed let- tit Introducing .hilni to the secre tary of 'the association In the town to which lie goes. At the tanu time tile secretary is notilled that "Mr. Is i-xpecU-d to reach tit a cei lailn date, to live at No. Plivtit, and to engage In business with , etc." There Is llhus a double chain of lnllti ences, calculated u'tjthe start, to bring the young man to 'Hie association build ing. Arriving ititiere he finds provision for h'ls needs, a convenient washroom where the travel stainN can be removed a.nd Ithe outer man made presoiiti.ible, a plaice 'to tore Ills baggage a.nd a y i-hanee for a brcatli- Jug spi ll before going N":M'il out In staruh of a ;ln mie. It will thus lie seen that at the outset 111 a n y a y o ti n g b'tranger Is protected from the momeint 'the teps from the air platform In a Scraui- toli depot. These few facts briefly explain why some of the new prevented from "goiing (ivinnilsililll Athletic (ioods. r. II. I'lorey has secured the agilicy for Kpiilillng's complete line of sporting and gyinnuslum goods. He also handles the llncKt bicycles made. Call und see the new "ii."i." Hochester, Spalding ami other llrst class wheels. V. M. V. A. building, Wyoming avenue. ' iMONLMFNT 1 OR DOL HLi: DAY. An Appcul .Made to the Public for Popular Subscriptions. There Is a movement on font 'to erect a monument over ithe ginve of Gemernl Aimer Doubleday In Arlington ceme tery, Arlington, Vn., and also to clear the imortgage ulT 'the little honso tt-ciiili! Iiy his widow at Minhe,lm, N. J. To laiccotnpllsh 'this purinvie Majrnr J. II. KM lie, presldetit of ithe l-Nrnt army corps section of the Soolety f the Army of the Potomac lins Issued the following iitppeal to the public for popular subscnlpt'Wvrts to trarry out these worthy objects: "The hem who fired the first gun on the Union nlde In Kort Bumpier rusts In an uivmarkod grave ,a.t Arlington, NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS.., Bookn, Booklets, Art Calen dars and Xmas Goods or all descriptions. High Class FruniluK a specialty. PRATT'S Lackawanna Ave i '..in1 m 1 Ml M nrrlvnls aro wrong." Va. His generalship o won the ad mlraltlon of all ithat he was placed In ooroiniand of ilhe First corps witen Heiynolds was lasslgned 'the left wing of Che army. When Heynolds fell at Gettysburg, Dnubleday held Seminary Hldge until Howard could form th ar riving columns on Cemetery Hill. "lie was one of the most popular oonmiunders of the corps, although K-y nobis, Wads wont h, Newton, and Mn-.Dowc'll commanded. "Any veteran of the First or other corps, or ,ny patniiiitic citizen, who will aslwt In rt?ntl iik u monument 'to Ganerail Abner Doubleilay, will please send his contribution to Major K. P. Halistead, I14 IJ ritivet, Washington, D. C. Kven the 'widow's mite' will 'help iv-ar ahafL'to an olllci-r whose memory Is dear to cvm y American." Cii.ptailii P. DeLaey, of this city, who Was a 'Wiarni fnii'iid f General Double day, was (.pin-of UioKe who. were lust to suggest and urge 'the Justice of properly marklmg ithe hero's last resting place In Arlington cemntiery. A Joint caucus of the Itepuldlean voters of the Seventeenth ward will bit held in Alderman Post's olllce, TM l.ackewanna avenue, Saturday, Jan. 1st, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. in., for the purpose of placim: in iioiulniilion candidates for se lect and common councils, and other wanl olliecrs. Hy order vigilance com mittee. IF YOU NIOUD a good medicine to purify your blood, give nerve strength and build up your entire system, take Hood's Harsaparllla,. it prevents sick ness by niuklng pure bluod. HOOD'S 1'II.LS euro nausea, slek head nehe. Indigestion und biliousness. 2m. vHicn Tiaby was sluk, wo gave her distort. When buo was a Child, she cried for C'ustorla. VThcn she bocaino ?Iiwi, hub clung to Catoria, v'i'liea shs bad Children, she gave tueiu Custorl There Are a Number of Nice And Novelties In Our Window YOUR CHOICE FOR I9C 7 There are no Trash)' goods. By Monday next we will have bar gains in odd pieces White China Covered Dishes, Platters, etc. Yon had better come. We may have just what you want. If we have you will save big money. 1 .1 1 1 China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE gCHANK CHANK 1 ! gCHANK j gCHANK j gCHANK I CHAXK i CC1I AN K NEW. NEW STORE, NEW CGODS, NEW PRICES. O JCHANK tCHANK gCHAXK gCIIANK CIIANlv CHAXK (CHANK VCIIANK gCHANK CIIANK ICHANK gCIIANK gClIANK IF- You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. 410 Spruce St. Standard Instriimeiits In every senso ot the term as applied to l'lanos. Kxeeptlonul In holding their original ful ness nf tone. NKW YORK WAREHOUSE. NO. SO Fifth avenue. solcTby E.C.RICKER&CO 1 1 5 Adams Ave, New Telephone llldg. Wm, Linn Allen 8c Co. STOCK BROKERS, Iluy and sell Storks, Hondo and Grain on New York 1-lxchango und Chicago Hoard of Trade, , olthcr for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. ' G. doB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6,002. AFTER DINNER COFFEES 1 ENJOY LIFE BY BUYING OUR $10 ULSTE MACKINTOSHES Are very desirable projjerty this weather. We have them in large variety. MARTIN & DELANY Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. THE :. FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE The entire balance of our Winter Dress Goods, Millinery, Cloaks, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Blankets, Linens, Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear, must be sacrificed to insure their complete and quick removal. We offer A Collection of Bargains Impossible to duplicate in any other store. Cost has not been considered; our aim is to make this sale ABSOLUTELY UNEQUALLED m MS FOR CHRIST Bomething nice for a ChrlstnmH Gift. Chains made out of your own or some denr friend's hair. Leave orders as early as possible. E. M. HETZEL, - 230 Lacka. Ave. A Full Line of Rubber Stamp Inks and Pads, C. M. FLOREY Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, 222 WYOMING AVENUE. POSITIVELY THE reat Emergency The great mass of humanity visiting our stores daily Is what tells the story. Uooil, genuine, seasonable wearing apparel at just about Fifty Cents on the Dollar Look at These Few Items Clipped from Our Immense Stock: Children's 3-pieee suits, worth 14.01), at $1 98 f'lillilri.ii'u IJiJofer Knitx. nil wool. nicely trimmed, worth !f4.00, at Children's Reefer Suits, hand somely trimmed, wortli fO, at.. Children's Cape Overcoats, worth $.'1.50, at Hoys' Cape Overcoats, worth $4, at 2 47 8 08 1 08 2 48 Boys' School Shoes, strong and serviceable, worth $1, at $ 75 Men's (Jeuulne Calf Shoes, laee and Coiigress, worth $2.3, at. .. 1 48 Men's Good Quality Buckle Arc tics, at 61) CO pairs Ladies' llubbers, sizes 0 aud 0, at...., 15 PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 mi is: NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now doln? a Reneral Prup, Taint nnd Oil business nt the above location, ilurlUK trie eleetlon of uiir more building recently desiruj ed by lire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OI'R TEI.El'HONR CALL. NO. m. All orders iirumptly tilled and delivered 14 auy part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. ASTONISHING Men's Durable Tlsters, great storm delierB, worth if!), at $4 93 Men's Handsome Black Dress Overcoats, worth $12, at r& Men's Genuine Irish Frel.e Ul sters, all wool, worth $14, at ... 8 1)8 Voting Men's Good Serviceable Ulsters, worth 3, at 2 08 Young Men's Durable, well-lined Ulsters, worth $7, at S 8i LI Men's Scarlet Wool Underwear worth M)e., at 816 Men's Natural Klbbed Under wear, satin front shirts, worth (15c, at - - 89a Men's Scarlet Wool Underwear, genuine medicated goods, worth $1.50, at - 40 Men's Natural Wool Underwear, worth f 1.50, at 70j Sale AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE.