0 Till: SCTANTON" TUIJJI'JTK W KDJCJiSDAY MOiJNIN'O, .JAXUAUV 1, tS!5. The eauxlieiix Diamonds By Mrs. HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD. (These short serial stories are copyrlgiited by Bacheller. Johnson & Bach Her.and are printed InThe Tribune by speclul arrangement, simultaneous wltti their appearance In the leading dally Journals of the large cities). CHAPTER V. CONTINUED. "It to certainly a misfortune to lose the Jewels." eatd Etlenne with calm ness, Che calmness of unbri ken f-ilth. "There is no other misfortune rbout it. AVe will take steps for th;lr recovery. But as for Ueauxlii'tix, It Is prepohler us! No. no, two and two do not make Utref ! That while (I vi.e of ills burns Without llroSS." "Ah, I believe you!" the poor duch ess cried. "And what balm you brins a sore heart! Oh, lOtienne, what should I do without you!" But when niht came, and the duchess was in her own rooms attain, tin horror of doubt and fear overcame her anew. There was her son's por trait as Jean had drawn It the sweet (seriousness, the lofty gravity, tllie jrieixdng eye, the tender mouth. The c.uulle lliekerllisj under It gave it a Beeming life. She Hung herself down before it na if it wvre an altar. "Mow, how, how. could I doubt you?" she cried. "And, oh, how can I help lit!" she said, presently. She knelt at her prie-dieu for hours, but felt that help forsook her. fr'he took the camllentlclc and went Into her son's rooms 1;uv, studious rooms, without an ornament or luxury, only one plctnre on the walls, a face crowned with thorns. "He gave Himself for the love of man," Beauxlieux once 'had said. "And can 1 do less?" As she wont bark the enormity of her own behavior overwhelmed her. But directly afterward she saw her handkerchief, fallen on the floor one of several he had sent her knowing file lovd fine, sheer things, and had used coarse oil s so long. She snatched it and tore it with lwr teeth; then as she walked 'the floor she 'paused at the great armolro where Olympe had put away ithe th!ngs of 'his childhood. She unclosed it and lifted the little frock. She recalled him dn it, running to meet her, his hair flying, his arms extended, his sweet face overflowing with smiles. He had not forguttcn how to smile then. There was it'he little cap, too; her own lingers ha J wrought It for him before he was born, and what hopes and what prayers she had wrought Into It! Here was a scarf he had worn at his first communion; here were the curls. ithe silken curls Olympe had shorn from his dear head. She kissed them pas sionately; she wet them with her cry ing, a mother grieves so over the For a .Moment memorials of the dead! She had no longer a chil l. It wus the next day that Beauxlieux came down from town to the chatenu. The dimness did not go to meet him as us ual. She sent for him Instead to come to her. She was standing at her dressing-table, strewn with the empty Jewel cases, white ns alabaster, her long black gown sweeping round her, her f yes like those of a fa te. ...ui ..ii-i. I,, -i iiijt'.iiiuirr, in lis tened toward her with an exclamation. But she throw out her arms In an In terposing gesture. And then she wa vered as she stood; and with a stride he was beside her, and, his arm u.l out "her, he had led her to a seat, and ithroiwlng himself on his knees before her, he drew her face over to his. "What Is It, my mother?" lie mur mured. "What alls thee? Art thou 111? Art t'hou suffering? Lean on me, kiss me, dear, sweet mother." Khe wlthdretf.-from Ma clasp and ptwheil him off little, her hand Hat on his chest. "Oh!" she orh d, transfixing him with 'her great despairing eyes. "Oh! how could you, how could you do It?" CHAi'TlOU VI. For a moment. Beauxlieux looked be .wlldered. He glanced 'round the room where the llglut of the dreary autumn day came In through the faded daffodil draperies as If the sun were still shin ing without. "I do not understand you," ho said. "What does this mean, my mother? What disaster, whu't misfortune" "What disaster!" Hhe cried, sharply. "And you ask! You! Is there worse disaster than when a mother Minis her Bon Oh, I cannot say It!" tearing open the laoe at her throat. "When she dis coversand a Beauxlieux" . "A'h!" he exclaimed. "It Is that, then. My faith, I had almost for gotten!. I mover dreamed it to affeot you so, my mother" "Not your mother!" she almost shrieked. "Never the mother of a thief!" "What!" he cried, Instantly upon his feet.. "Does anyone even my mother " and then with a look at her ihls old Kentleness and pity and love were up permost again. "My mother," he said rently, ,then. "My mother, were they not mine?" "Then why not take them openly? Why creep In the durk to do so foul a thing" "In the dark? Why, It Is true I did not consult you. It seemed to mo un necessary. I thought you would ob ject, and there would be so much to bo wild.' And then here In your seclusion I thought you might never know." "And does all that make It any the less robbery?" with a piercing scorn in her tone. "Whom have I robbed? I certainly .had the right.' And Pierre paid mo Kood money for them. He hns done well, he says, the rogue. If that is l I I '1 1 4-?, doing well, he has done wonderfully on the Bourse, in all the big enter prises. His hotel is a palace in the Faubourg. By the most singular turn of fortune, It Is the old Hotel Beaux lieux Itself" "Do you mean" she exclaimed. "No, it Is too shameful to be true! Can a man acknowledge in this unblushing way that he robbed his mother of her diamonds and took money for them! That he crept through her room at night to make off with every Jewel oh, not that I valued the diamonds! I would so gladly have given them if you had asked. Oh, oh, oh, the cruel, the accursed things that make me de spise my own Hcsh anil blood, my own son! No, what am 1 saying? 1 have no son!" "Stop, stop, my mother! Go softly heiv. Is it that the long monotony and disappointment huve disordered you? Of what were you speaking? What Is it that you say about diamonds?" She threw out her hands toward the empty cases on the table, his eyes fol lowing the movement. For a moment he was silent and transfixed, and he re mained silent with perplexity and won derment. But. directly his quick wit had taken In the truth, he looked at her again, the tears sparkling suspend ed on her cheeks. There U'ere tears In his own eyes. He took her hand. "My mother," ho snid. "I would not think that under nny circumstances you could have believed this of your son. Do you not see how it is? Vletorlne took your jewels. IMerre has disposed of them, and with the price of them he goes Into his enterprises. It is the meaning of his wealth. And It is with the money he receives for the Beaulleux diamonds tluit he buys the Beauxlieux titles!" "What Is It that 1 hear you say?" cried the duchess, half startled out ot the one terror by a new one. "The Beauxlieux titles! What of the Beaux lieux titles?" "Why, nothing, except that I sold them to Pierre last June, and it is the matter of which I have been speaking. Not yours, madame; not any title be longing to you; you still retain your ad dress of honor, you are still the Duchess des Sarazines Heauxlieux, If you choose, douairiere. But those which were my own, have I any use for them? I, a man without a fortune, and with other views? In these days when thrones go under and empires disappear in the gulf, and man, man climbs out, my He Was Silent. mother, I count It shame to hold title", not won by myself, but won by men whoso very ashes no longer exist! 1 say to myself the titles, they are n voice, 'u breath, they are non-existent attributes. But with the money that foolish IMerre is willing to pay me for leaving him alone If he assumes them, what can I not do for the people that were given In trust to those ancestors of mine who betrayed the trust? It will buy land, houses, maintain the prophets, the priests, of liberty. Per haps who knows buy dynamite." "Beiiuxlleux!" "It will, at nny rate, mnke my mother at ease all her days, I s;Ud. What succor will It take to sufferers! And if by means of It I can forward the cause of their uplifting and their free dom ah, were It only one man who had held his head like a beast's to the earth that I helped to hold It up in the face of (loil, It Is better worth to me than all the titles of all my fore fathers. And so 1 sold them to him; sold them every one. I, I. mils Dago bert Clovls Francois Maria Angelhiue, no longer Duke des Sarazlnes Beaux lieux, Prince Do Fr.incho Haupie, Count des Aiguilles, Conte de flrnnd"fl Iiiuides, Baron Bolssy, and nil the ab surd rest of them, my mother!" "And for what remains," he said, after a pause, "If it is honor to be Beauxlieux, the pale of no title can take that honor away. I am always and forever Beauxlieux." with an In expressible pride of bearing. "But it is Impossible!" cried his mother. "I forbid It!" "It Is done," said Beauxlieux. "But, you do not confer titles It Is the king, the council, the ministers, the government" "The-gvernment confers no more. You forget that, whether one lives up to It or not, the motto .now Is liberty, fraternity, equality." . "You nppall me! And, besides, he will not be allowed to wear them, the laiche!" "Who Is to Interfere? I shall not. Nor am I ever to marry. No!" ns he suw the protest In her face. "Bring others into the -world to sorrow, to struggle, to endure? No, no, there will never be anyone to disturb him. Ho appears in the world of Paris s the duke des Maraalnos Beauxlieux, and no on will ever be the wiser." "But my son. Heaven forgive me do you then assist at a fraud, a felony?' "Hardly," said Beauxlieux, "the thing Is too uivsubstantlal. What do the titles mean now In a republic? Nothing. He gives me a certain pny ment for leaving him to play his part In peace. My prldo might rebel but the money Is so' needed by those oth ers," said .BoaulUMix, "I find the play sufficiently entertaining." And then suddenly the duchesse threw back hec head and opened her mouth with such a peal rif laughter as In many years before had not rung through that old pile. "Vletorlne!' she cried. "Vletorlne the Duchesse des Sai azln.-s Beauxlieux! Vletorlne! Oh, 1 see her now! Sirg-lu-tir Dieit, but it Is too amusing! Vle torlne!" And ull her white teeth I i... v. ii ars 1"1U 1 out of her ey;s, tears of merriment, tears of Joy. "Hut not It !.!," she said, "if Vle torlne Is a thief, .If the Duohesse des Sarazines Biauxlieux Is a thief, she must be brought to justice!" "No," said Beauxlieux. "We, who are Beauxlieux, ramnot afford to have the name dragged In tha dust. All the diamonds in the world would not be worth It. And I have contracted with Pierre I mean t!ie duke to that ef fect. If he in any way discredits the titles, I appear. Is It that you can for give me now, my mother?" "Oh, Beauxlieux," she raid, rising and putting her hands on his shoul ders, "there Is no question of forgive ness. You could never forgive me, If there were. I could nver forgive my self for my stupidity, my Ignorance, my blindness, my crime! It Is M. Ktienne, Heaven bless him, who never doubted you. If he has Bomet'hling to hear, my son," lie-he has also some thing to toll you. Ol), Beauxlieux, I am so hn.ppy, I feel as 'though I had wings!" And as she spoke, a level sun-, beam bloke from tlie low western clouds and fell across the room nnd they vv gray sky and sullen sea transformed and glorilied In a mist of gold. Sometimes now in the summer months, the old chateau is gay with people; the family have come back. Boaulioux and Jean are there for a time. Hut for the greater part of the year the only sound within Its walls (save the quiet fimtfall of Olympe, who Ignores the existence of her niece, and feels that ruin Is abroad, and of the few iservants there) Is the echo of the rolling surf and the crying of the storm on the gray Atlantic. Mine. Ktlenne, who cannot afford to wear the 'title worn by Vletorlne, lives with her hus band In Paris, a Paris that has no knowledge of her In her former es tate, and with whose men of wit and science and poetry she forgets old titles and old glories. Sometimes fhe hears of Vletorlne Haunting In the finery she loves Ftill as when she risked all In the fori st by stringing herself with the stolen jewels that Pierre might pee how well tli el r glory became her Pierre, who, taking advantage of the stepping stone of those diamonds, has gone on adding wealth to wealth. Mme. Ktl enne trembles only lest some misdeed of his shall throw a stain on the name that has lived a thousand years, un blemished. Sometimes Indestructible reoolli-ctlons give her a pang. But when her son comiletely effaced though he may be from the eyes of the great world as he goes and comes en the danger ous errands to which he has devoted himself returns to her for a breathing space, when she feels the velvet em braces of the little bourgeolse girl who lias been born to her, and turning hot head looks Into the eyes of the man who has been her protector, loving her in silence for so many years, she feels the old Basque peasant woman assert her claim, feels herself espousing the cause of the people down .there in the dark, in her different (slate, and knows that she is unspeakably ihappier that the childless and lon -ly masquerader in the splendor of the Hotel des Sarazines Beauxlieux. The Knd. BABY ONE SOLID RED Literally on Fire with Kczemu. Screaming and Clawing all the. Time. Added to tills wero Abscesses and Suppuration. Entirely Cured by Cuticura. Stout anil Hearty. Now Our llttlo baby, almost '.'1 years old, was taken iviili auu form of Kezetna when glio wad about tliicu months old. Her little bo.ly v;ih one solid red frnni tho mli sof her feet to the eroivu of her lteail, and she steini "! tiiliulilcraliy ttlirc,sere:niiio; r uii'i clawing !IU 1IIU It lilt. i?-'l F When Mm was about Ih.i liumthR old, there was ailileil tohirafllietiou.atiseess'eitaiiil 8iiiiiiration. Wo tried tho lural M. !.'. mi' I gniuuoth T miu'li3 wiiliout any relief. 1 hail read i-nn.iiletalileatiouL tliel'r rii't:n.v Ki-.Mi:iti:.ain! one of our npiphlioi hail im-.l tliem, claiming thacthi'V wero a trniulni claimed. 1 concluded totrv Uii-iii. ami after the usonf tlireo or lour boxes of ((in Tit.x.and about out-and one-half Inittlca of the ( rn.ritA liixoi.vfc.vr, with the t'l Tii iTitA Soai-, our little one now entirely cured, ami if Mom anil heart v. Your CrrieritA ltKMhimsnrc nil and iimri- than vou claim them to he. I ala s iiavca tfood wnnl In my friends uud uciyliboiK for vnnr excellent reim-ilii-s. C. 11." (U1, White Cloud, 3Io. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Nothing can bo morn cneouraidnir to din courage! parents than the remarkable cure- il.ulv eltei-ted iimoair intai-ts anil children by the VtTieriiA Ki.Mi.nii.i. Ciire In childhood nii-ioi a lifeiiine of In-edoiu lioui tollman;, dislii;iiriu,humiiiaUi!: Iiunmra. S.ilil throticlinnt llio world. Trlof, frTlrrn. 6nc.; Soai', Sac ; Hum ii.vknt, ?t. I'ormi Duuu AN o Cukm. Com, .Si'lu ProprlUurii, Uuetuu. jp-" How to Cure Skin lbcaci," niailrd free. nirXI'I'l'. hhii-khniiK red, rouuh, rhniipcd, mid rim oil) 'km i-Un-il by ('i.tici ka Soai-. IT STOPS THE Pfl!N. SLrhcniii; ''J llwil 1 ili i-ur A Hack m ill', kidney iiaiui, weakness, iiir-ni.ami murti'Uinr pains ro In oiim minute by the Cuti Aull-l'ulu l-luutcr. 5u. l-hirnpcnii Plan. l-'liT.t-cliiss Bar at tached. 1'epot for Borgnoi-'it Knglo't 'i'aniilineusur Peer. S.E.Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts.,Fliila. Most desirable for residents of N. K. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to nnd from lii-oud Street Million mill the Twelfth tuid Market Street station. Devi ruble for visiting Bi'i'iintonliins tindpeopio In the Am thruclto .'legion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPItliSTOH. m. pleasant COAlv AT RETAIL Coal of tho bent quality for domestic nso, nnd of nil sites, delivered In any part of the city at lowest price. Unlets left ut my uiilco NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, th-st lloor. Third Nuiionnl Hank, or sent by mail or telephone to the ilno, will recolvo prompt attention. Special contracts will bo made for thl lule and delivery of Buckwheat I'oul. WM. T. SMITH. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done awtiy with by the use, of H ART MAN'S FAT 10 NT FAINT, which consists of liiKnxllcnts well-known to ull. It can ba applied to tin, Kitlvunixod tin, lieet Iron roofs, also to brick cIwoIIiiks. which will firavent absolutely nny crtimbllnK, crack tin or breakiiiK of the brick. It will out last tlnnltof of any kind by many years, and It's cost liocn not exceed ono-llfth that of tho cost of tlnnlnir. is sold by tho Job or pound. Contracts tsken tiy" MTumU UAHTUANiN, K!7 Birch St. . 0 " liTEL WMEP.LV i ! p I iuuiuiigtii,ittiif',u:u''awiij,--i!iJiiii,.j:L MlbD It EXTRA f IMC ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Hat stood the Ted ol Tims MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED HADWAT'S READY IJKIdEIc Is snfo, reliable and effectual becuutm of the stlm ulutitm' action which It exerts over the nerves nnd vital powers of the body, arid lliK lone to tlie one und lncitlnK to re newed und increased vl(?or tlie slumbering vitality of the physical structure, anil thioUKh tills healthful stimulation und increased action the cause of FAIN Is driven uwuy and a natural condition re stored. It is thus that the KKADV HE lylKK Is so admirably adapted for the Cl'1-iE OF FAIN and without the risk of Injury which Is sure to result from tho use of many of the so-called pain reme died of the day. It Is Highly Important That Every Family Keep a Supply of Always In the house. Its use will prove beiietlelal on ull occlusions of pain or sick ness. There Isnotliltig In tho world that will slop pain or arrest the progress of disease as quick us the UEALiV Rlil- CURES AND PREVENTS Cold:, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. CCRKS TIII-J WOHST FAINS in from one to twenty minutes. NOT ONE IIol'R utter reaillut; this advertisement need any one Sl l'FKK WITH FAIN. AUIES AM) PAIXS. I-'orhcadaehe (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum buito, pubis and weakness in the buck, spine or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the Joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Hadway's Ready Relief will afford Immediate ease, and its continued use for a few days ef fect a permanent cure. Internally A half to a tenspoonfui In half a tumbler ot water will, In a few minutes, cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour Stumaeh, Nausea, Vuniltlnn, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head ache, Flatulency and all Internal pains. There Is not a remedial atrent in the world that will cure Fever and Ague and all oilier Malarious, Bilious and other fevers, aided by HADWAY'S FILLS, so quickly us RADWAV'8 READY RE LI F.F. Frlee M cents per bottle. Sold by all druKtfists. Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable. rerrecuy lusietusB, uioganiiy co&iriu, purge, regulate, purify, cleans and strengthen. HADWAY'S PILLS for th cure of ell disorders of the Stomach, Kowelo, Kidneys, Bluddsr, Nervous Dis eases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Costlvouess, Files. SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA,' CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE UVER. Observe tho following symptoms mailt Im; from diseases of the digestive orgtuia: Constipation, Inward pllon, fullness of blood In the head, acidity of tho stoinacn, nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full ness of weight of the stomach, tour vruo tatlohs, sinking or rlutturlns of tho heart, choklnif or KUffociutuy ssnsatloiis when In a lying posture, dltnnoas of vision, dots or wsbs before the stsht, fovor and ilull pain In tho huad, deficiency of porjcttM tlon, yellownos of tho skin and ey, pain In the side, ohost, limbs, nnd BtlddeU flushes of heat, burning In th flrsh. A fow Jones of F.AmVAY'H FIIA9 will frno tho systsm of all tho abovs-uamtd disorder. Pries 25o. per box. Sold by Druggists or eont by mall. Bond to DR. RADWAY & CO., Look Box EGu, New York, for Hook ot Advlco, REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY t-ijr.-r Made a 1st Day. i n' We!! Mar, 15th Day, of Me. W T. rt THE QF1EAT 301 li Dny. proiliircs tho nliovo remit" In SO ilajn. It 't lioM.-rlullystidiimrkly. CarcH wto-n alt others fail Voans initu mill auin tue:r hmt luatilinott.snduUi Incn will recover th -ir yontlilul vntor by uel-n KliVI VO. It ntiUbly iwd iut'ly retii:c Norvoim ncits. I,o.t Vltnlttv, Iiniioti ncy, Nlulitly KiutmiioDB Lost Pou-or. l-'ailtnic fttiruory, WMtliis Dideavoii. anc all t-tfecU nt m-lf-abusa or t-xect aud lmUncruticin which mints on for teinly. lilnMorniarriuia. II not only ran-s by i-tartins at tha Heat of dtacaae. bi:t in a great nrrvti tonte and blood builder, briD;i li'K back the pink Blow to pale check and ro ktariun tlio lire of youth. It wardn nil nwtilt and Coimumirtlnn. Incist on harms RKV1VO, n other. It can becanlud la vent iKM-ket.. liy null 1.00 Pit luckwe, or six for V0.OO, with a poal ttvti written guarautco to euro or rsfuct. tho money. Circular truo. Addrcas 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.. 53 River St., CHICAGO. ILl ror sal by Mntthews Bros., I)rrl' Gcrunton I'a. Btmn RnoK co., inc-p. citjitni, i .000.OW. HKST mtMt MIOR IN TIIK WOULD. "A dollar turril ( a dollar tame il." i Thlat.aill.-n' holl.l fronch OnngolaKltlnat ton itoot delivered free any hero In. tho U.S., on receipt or vaan, muiivj urarr, or l'nat.il Not for 1.W. Kqnala otrery war the boot old In all retail atorca fur 160. Ve make this boot ouracn-ea, tliarefors ysaf snd If any one la Dot SBtlalieu -a Vlll renma ioe mnory or annd another pair. Opera Toe or Common heme. -vanes 1 10 e ana nan 1?Vw- Inuslrslcd :lLV:-rTr-?a Cat. Dexter Shoe fiiTMSJt Gptciat Urmt to iuJar. I A WO 1 READY RELIEF. DAOWAY'8 m. ' ft1 V-' ' I . .r .Jt .-W JL. WW if OUR NATIVE HERBS The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OR HERBS, BARKS, ROOTS And will Prwitlvd' cure all rlrseaso nrisintr from IMPURE BLOOD, bl'CHAS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick und Nerv ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dys pepsia. I-'ever and Ane, Sortfit la, l-'emule (;!ii plaints, F.rysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, und all Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. IIETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACK&VANMA AUEMUE. Call end Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every box Rurranteid to ttlve m'isfartion I or money rciunuuu. run printed (lirsittioiM from a child to a itrown pui-non. It in ptir.-l v vuK-'table and cuimut positiv e v harm tile most tenilcr intitut. Insist o.i Iihvhik Dr. Camp bell's; oucspt no other. At all Urunglsts, 'Jjc. WONDERFUL. Bot-rn 8'HANTnx, Pa., Nov. 10. 1S(M. Mr. C. W. Cainplirll Uour Hlr: I liavo iven niy boy, Freddie. 7 years old, some of r. Campbell's Magic Worm Buijar and Tea, and to my surprise this ul'tornno i about 2 oVIork lio pnssed a tapeworm measuring about fljfect in length, bend and nil. 1 biiva it lu a Imttle and any person wishinir to see it can do so by ealiinir at my store. I had tried numerous other remedies riM-oiiiinendVd fertilising tapeworm", bit all fall -d. In my estimation Dr. Cainpboll's is tho groatobt worm remedy In exist-lice. Yours v.-rv ri-snectfullv, KKEI) UEKl-WiiH, 7.12 HoMi St. Note Tho above i.s what everybody Hays after onco uiiiR. Mauufactured by C. VV. Cniupbill. LnncastiT, l'u. Successor to Dr. John Campbell & tiou. Ill's V LAG BR BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the Celebratoa PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY : foo.ooo Barrels per Annum THE HIT H CSLL CO., IIAKCFACID.'.UHS' AOEMTS FOR TRENTON IRON CO.'S V.'IhE ROPE. VAN ALEN & C0.'S STEEL HAILS. OXFORD M G0.S KfcfiCHSNT m IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S liELTlKG. PACKIiiG AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEWS "HOYT'S" LEATHER BLLTIIIG. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PdRTLAMQ CEB1ENT. AMERICAN BOILER C9.S "ECOriOBIf HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFiNG IRON CO.'S BUKDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. CrOmparauve- Doses and Patent Medicines, Electric Appliances, Specifics, Druggists' Prescriptions. Quack's Nostrums. You Will See the Dose Given by "The English Specialist, DR. W. H. HACKER, Is Small, but Look at the Result. TREAT CURE AND FOUR DAYS ONLY THE ARMORY. OPEN 2 TO 10.30 P. M. COOKING LECTURE, 3 P. M. Subject Today, "Salads." FIi:ST APPEAHAXCE OP (irand Concei ts 2 to :i p. in.; 1- to 5.30 p. in,, and 7.30 to 10.30 p. ni. SPECIAL TONIGHT: YOUNG FiUTS ML Xo I-'xtru Admission. Admission, 25 cts: Children; 15 cts. 1 li 91 OF SCRANT0N. WILLIAM CONNT.I.L, President. GLO. II. CATLIX, Vice-President. II.L1A.U li. PI CK, Cashier, DIKKCTUKS: William Council. James Arclihald, Al fred Hand. Ueni'Ke II. Collin, Henry liclin, Jr., Willium T. Smith, Luther Keller. The ninuiiRciticnt ot this hank points w ith pride to its record during the ptinie or inw.i, una previous panics, licn spec iul facilities were cktcndcdto its business UCCOtllltS. A Decided More In the Skates trado has set fn nnd It ill pnv veil to cluniino the stock of JCRlSCirs. at 435 Spruce street. Fine litieof Mipnrtor pocket cutlery, razor etc.. for Holi day trade. Guns and uniniunitiou ut bottom liuiires. Also some second hand v heels at prices that will astonish you. Seeing Is believing DUPONT'S IniNlriG, ELASTIC AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wnpwallnpcn Mills, Lt zoine county, Pa., anil i.t Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BEL9N, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District. 113 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Dank Building. Aur.Ncir.s; TITOS. FORD, 1 iltston, Pa. .UHX R KM ITU & HiN, Plrrannth. Pa, K. W. MUi.l.KlAN-, W ilke-i llarro, Pa. AKents for tho K'-p.iuno Cheuiical Coin bany'a liih Kxplcsives. 11 Mil -WW. ' mm wus SO.000 ft 7 1 in in 11 EF?RORS OF YOUTH. ! Oppolt th ACADEMY OF MUSIC. i nunsuAT, JAN. 17. THE COMEDIANS, CONROY AND FOX, 1M ' Tha Musical Farce-Comedy Succew. HOT TAMALES RECIPE WIT, HUffiCR, MIRTH AND MUSIC . v- KuvvvgL-. a VJWUII'nilJ Vfc KltlLPIIIfr Iliwl n..iw.jll lntvia14... t ..1 ..J ; - UiliLlnHs Spouialtiet and European Novelties nuie 01 so its opens Tuesday, Jan. la j ACADEMY OF MUSIC r nl OAT, JAN. 18. DAVIS & KEOGH'S (mild S-'onie Production. ON THE BOWERY SHOV. I NO STPVP- C3 11 1 C- iu hisplcturo llnod Bowcrv resort lit niifht. and lu u thrilliiii; mldniyht iuup irum BROOKLYN BRIDGE 'i lio liui-iihi Wutch-IIouso on the Pier! luuunm .Hiuiiru Alter Dnrk! Thj Buwery Outdoura and Indoors! I KAXIi lU'SH AM) A CLKVLK COMPAXV Tuii atitl Sensation! Strikiim Smioiultiesl S:ilo of si-utH opens WedncHdny, Jan. 10, ' : Saturday, January 19. A. Y. Puurson's Uraul Kuval Spectaolo, ' THE WHITE SQUADRON ! Tho Conrfi-eiS of N.ivica. Tlio Moorish Sluvo Yoked to an Ox. Tho Ruitiod Monastery. Sale of scats ojiens Tlmraday, Jau. 1". THE FROTHINGHAM KiMny and Stiturrt-iy -10 J 1 ft oudfcaturday Jltitim-e J2I1, lO 3DQ Ij Chas. E. Callahan's Bis Soenlc 1'roduction, COON .'. HOLLOW Under tho Auspieus of SCRflNTONCONCLftVEOnDZaOFrlEPTASOPHS Don't Fail to i mi imr Tlio B(trtiii Hum. TIlO Ktl-Hlllliotlt liui'C Tau ThiilliiiK Burt;Iary. Tho Pondcruut Ctitton Press. Tho Jolly Plantation Darkies. HeRular price'. Mutm-o prlrea. Sa. S5a anfl 00c. balo of oats opens Wednesday, Jau. lb. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. RETURN ENGAGEMENT Of the Instantaneous Hit of Last Week The iiuir.odiato return of an attraction to this liouno can s:ifoly bo taken as an indication of treat merit. But do not tuka our idea of the attraction ask your neighbor, who sivr it (and who will sua it nfrain), just what ha thinks of tho play "Blacklisted. " GEOKUEE.DAVI3. , 10, 20 OR 30 CEHT3 Two porf ornnnc-s d.iilyat 2 3D and S.15 p. m. Next ittraotion-"A Barrel of Money." WHEN THE !ni ii nt i The gouds are yours at your own: price, if you happen to be the lucky bidder. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALES of C. V. Freeman's valuable ant hiu.li class stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric-a-Brac, etc THIS SALE IS POSITIVE, as the store is rented, the fixtures for sale, etc., and XIr. Freeman positively retires from business. . AUCTION SALES 2.30 AND 7.30 P. M. ITivate sales at less than cost price during the intervals between auctions. COL S. M, McKEE, AUCTIONEER. 2l lflLLid ar Results, III IB ?P7 Soruee St.. Nw Hotel Jormjn, Scranton, P.'