TITE SCI?AXTOX TI?TTTJXE FRTDAT MOIIXINO,- JAN FART 11, 1893. 1895 JANUARY lilies JUST OUT, Describes and contains the leading FashionsLat est Dress Materials, Sto ries, Anecdotes, Humor ous Illustrations, Valua ble Information, Elevat ing and Pleasing Read ing for the Home given away to those who call for it at our store. Bound at the end of the year will make a book of ' 3S4 pages, or more, with about 500 illustrations, describing Gowns for Calling, Shopping, Wed dings, Receptions, Balls, Parties and other occa sions. EVERY LADY . wishing to be well dressed and dress economically SHOULD HAVE IT GORMAN'S DR, -:- REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has hart long; anil varied ex perience In hu.ipital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases cf men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Jlc, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous systum, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature Tvenkness or decay In hoth soxe:;, nervous debility, cutarrh. tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, (its, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost mnn hood, eczema, scrofula. St. Vtus' rian;e, asthma, diseases of tho heart, lungs, Jlver, kidneys; bladder, stomach, etc. Young Men Positively Cured. Offer to the PuMIc for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who Wishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLl.AKS. The doctor has discovered a speclilc for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment Xree. OFFICE HOmS-Dally. 9 a. m. to 9 p. in.; Sundays, 10 to 12 anil 2 to 4. ANNUAL CLEARING SALE HAVE SELECTED FROM OUR STOCK: 60 Pieces Ingrain Carpets 75 Pieces Tapestry Brussels " 25 Pieces Body Brussels 18 Pieces Moqaettes & Velvets And will give 20 icr cent, off on all ol the above as long as tlicy lust. N. B.-SpriiiH Wull Papers just arrived. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. WYOMING. Next Snbbatn (Jan. 13) Rev. William B. jOrow, of Carbondale, P., will bogin revival meetings In the naptlst church, of which Hev. w. II. MenUer, of Tunk' bannock, Pa., Is utated supply. Kvery' body Is most cordially Invited to these meetings of this stirring veteran evan gelist. "Come thou with us and we will GRAND II do thee good." Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUNKIIAMOCK. John. B. Overfield, A. H. Sterling anil A. H. Gregory are a trio of Meshop pon's business men who were here yes terday. Three murder cases are on file for trial next week, but It Is Intimated 'that at least one of them will be put over until April. The one Is the Harford Kelley case In which the one killed the other with an axe while returning home from a logging bee 'at Golden Hill. The other 'Is the well-remembered Water man murder case, the details of which are fresh in tho minds of your readers. Mrs. A. M. May-bee has so far recov ered from aer recent illness as to bo brought home from Towanda. Simultaneously with the new sched ule on the Lehigh Valley the numbers of the through trains east were changed to correspond with the num bers on the Grand Trunk, with which It connects, and the west bound trains retain ithe old Lehigh Valley numbers clear through to Chicago. A number of political patriots con template going to Harrlsburg next week to attend the Inauguration of Governor Hastings. J. 11. Primrose will organize a coun cil of Heptasopha at the Patriotic Or der Sons of Amerla hall In the opera house block on Monday evening next. The meeting convenes at 7.30 p. m. The socifty will start out with a full charter list, but 'matter will be held open a few days for those who wish to gut In at charter rutes. The sheriff sales of real estate will occur at the court house tomorrow at 1 p. m. Messrs. Gregory & Overfield have purchased the A'."H. Sterling flouring mill at MfshopM4." This indicates that the one recently burned will not be re built. A special law was enacted by tho state legislature some years ago pro hibiting 'billiard saloons In Wyoming county. Notwithstanding this, a bil liard table" has been In public use at Triton Hose house for several months. Whether tt is an infraction of the law or not is a matter in wihlch there seems to be a division of opinion. It Is now intimated that an effort will be mado to repeal the law at the present session of legislature. MOKTKOSE. The following persons have been elected officers of the Epworth league of the Methodist church, and will be Installed on Sunday evening In place of the regular preaching service: Presi dent, James M. Jeffers; first vice presi dent, G. W. Baker; second vice presi dent, Mrs. A. It. Safford; third vice president, Miss Phebe Rogers; fourth vice president, Mrs. V. A. Pierce; secre tary, A. L. Porse; treasurer, Miss Rose Little; organist, Miss Ida Rogers; as sistant organist, Mrs. Amos Merrill. Montrose Hose company, No. 2, have elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Fred S. Ams- bry, vice president. Thomas D. Payne; foreman, G. W. Baker; first assistant foreman, James F. Harrington ', second assistant foreman, Nen Warner; first plpemnn, C. D. Deck; assistant pipe men, John Blrney, Wert Conklin and Harry Barney; secretary, Frank M. Gardener; treasurer, William H. War ner; trustees, A. H. McCollum, William L. Cox and Dr. W. W. Smith. Notwithstanding the thaw there is still snow enough for good sleighing. The week of prayer Is being observed In all of the churches. Bruckenmiller entertainers are booked for the. armory on Tuesday evening, Jan. 15. Company G resumed their weekly drills on Monday evening. Mrs. II. O. Watrous and children, of Carbondale, have belli visiting friends here. 1 George Lathtbp, who has been con fined to his himil .for several weeks, Is recovering. ' There is said to be over thirty resi dences in town for sale. George K. Stoddard was employed in the Btore of Stoddard & Watrous during the holidays. The first week of January court will begin next Monday at 2 o'clock p. m. L. B. Park, of Hickory Grove, was the guest of S. S. Wright yesterday.' H. J. Sparks and three or four more fishermen were enjoying that sport on Page's pond at East New Milford yes terday. Hhcumatisra Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease Immediately disap pears. Tho first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Bold by Matthews iiros., Drug gists, Scranton. During our sleighing a large force of men and teams find employment in the lumber business In the wood be tween this place and Alford. Dr. D. C. Akney, who has been quite 1V1 with 'the grip, la nearly recovered. E. S. Giainr.it t waa in Susquehanna yastcr.dny iais om? of the bridge viewers, who aire flatted upon to make estimnites and recommendatilon 'for a free bridge In our neighboring hilly vlllnge. The committee reoommeded the purchase of the bnldge by 'the county and estimate the 'value at $14,000. Tho stockholders have their price n,t $15,000. Miss Guetle Rogue was home from Susquehanna on a visit today. A new Ice house end creamery hna been froltt in Tlngley and will soon be doing business. Tho Ice houses In thi9 vicinity are receiving their annual supply. KEYSTONE ACADEMY. School re-opened Monday noon after a two weekB' holiday vacation. The pupils of Professor Southworth are. preparing for a musical recital which will be given In the near future. . Several new students have entered since the holiday vacation. The monthly union meeting of the Young .Women's Christian association and Young Men's Christian association was held Tuesday afternoon. The Bub Ject was. "Who Bay Ye That I Am.' The leader, E. J. Dunklee. Tho attend ance was large and good Interest was manifested throughout the meeting. A course of lectures will be given during the winter under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association Thw first lecture of the course will be r Friday evening, Jan. 18, by R')v. Albert II. Smith, M. O. Subject, "The Path way of Success," or, "Russell II. Con well." The second lecture of the course will be by Professor R. II. Moore, of Colgate university. Subject and time to be announced later. The lectures will all be delivered In the Baptist church, and an admission fee of 25 cents each will be charged. The members of the Current Topic league, Monday afternoon, discussed the subject, "The Government of Amer ican Cities." Topic cards for the n'ew year of the Young Women's Christian association and the Young Men's Christian associa tion are out. The cards are neat and the subjects are all new and practical. The students are holding special prayer meeting during the week in observance of the week of prayer. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the academy was' held In main chapel Monday morning. There were about twenty-five present, repre senting over $24,000 worth of stock. This is the largest attendance for several years. CAKliONDALE. Yesterday morning at 2 o'clock oc curred the death of Mrs. Sophia T. Johnson, or, who Is better known as "Mother" Johnson. Deceased is one of Carbondale's oldest residents, having resided here continually for the past sixty years. She was born In Meshop pen, Wyoming county, seventy-eight years ago. Her husband died thirty six yaws ago and she Is survived by two children, who are Mrs. Adam Bry den and Mrs. Ira Cox. Funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In Maplewood cemetery. Thomas J. Thomas has returned to one of his former positions and is em ployed In the mine. Fred Ross, of Scranton, Is the guest of Stanley Maxwell, of Salem avenue. The Grand Union Tea company will remove on March 1 to the building now occupied by The Herald, on Salem ave nue, the latter moving Into the Hotel Anthracite building on Sixth avenue. It is rumored that the Boston Variety store will remove from Main street into the store now occupied by the tea company. On Tuesday of next week will occur the dedication of the Baptist church at Forest City. Services will be held morning, afternoon and evening. Sev eral from this city expect to attend. A man who gave his name as Patrick Garvey was taken in charge by Chief MoAndrew yesterday morning. He said he was tired of life and was going to commit suicide. Upon being ques tioned he said lie had lived on the back road in Scranton for a long time, but during the past summer had been work ing on the farm of John Northup, at Ablngton, and he still keeps repeating that he Is going to kill himself. A' telegram was sent to his relatives in Scranton and if a residence in that city can not be established for him, he will be taken to the poor house for the pres ent. THIIOOF. The council held their first meeting in the borough building Wednesday night. Mrs. J. H. Law Is spending a few days with her parents in Plttston. The Quartette Dancing class will hold a social on Jan. 25 .In the 'borough hall. The council has purchased an elegant piano from L. B. Powell & Co., which will be placed In the borough hall in a few days. O. H. Havorly was in Scranton yes terday. Mary, youngest daughter of John Mulray, had the misfortune to fracture an arm at the wrist on Tuesday. The Throop Hose company. No. 1, will open their fair on Saturday, Jan. 19. The hull is being handsomely deoorated for the occasion. Miss Amelia Kase is spending a few days with friends In Bloomsburg. Rev. 'Mr. Thorpe, presiding elder of the Honesdale district. Is spending a few days with Rev. J. V, Newell, pas tor of the Methodist Episcopal church, of this place. Samuel Hulse has the contract for filling the Icehouse of the Pancoast Coal company. C. M. Sanderson has returned from a business trip to Philadelphia. rUlCKBUKQ. St. Thomas' church fair was largely attended Wednesday evening, -when the following programme was rendered: Song and chorus, Mrs. C. Lunger; in strumental duett, Professors Lloyd and Watkis; song, H. B. Jones; song, Mrs. Dr. Kennedy; song, Professor Watkis; instrumental music. Professors Watkis and Lloyd; selection, O'Hara's orches tra. The fair will Te-open Saturdny evening with a fine entertainment un der themanagement of Professor Lloyd. George Williams, of Carbondale, vis ited friends here yesterday. Mr. ami Mrs. William McLaughlin, of Carbondale, visited friends here yes terday. John McGulre made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. John Revels Is vlpltlng friends 1n Wayne county. s ' j , George O'Haro, la confined to his home by sickness. HOKESDALE. John Weston gave a ntng party to his friends at .his homo, on Main street, Wednesday evening. The stockholders of the Honesdale National bank, at their annual meet ing, re-elected the old board, as fol lows: Ile'nry Z. Russell, president; Ed win P. .Torrey, cashier; Horace O. Young,. Edward O. Hamlin, Horace T. Menner, Louis J. Dorfllnger, Andrew Thompson, Honver Greene, and James C. Blrdsall. They declared the annual dlvl'dond of 6 iper cent. The funeral of Edward Hattler took pllce at 2.30 yesterday afternoon from St. John's church. A large number of his tote young friends were in attend ance, NICHOLSON. Mrs. 'Phop.be RUflwmls, of Norfolk, Va,, te v.lsl.tnig hier Ijrothers, O. II. aind C. it. WUMaims. . The iwteek of 'prayer 4a. being bbaeryed In the churches at this place. Mir. anidi Mins. Otto Stephens have re turned to thi'lir home In Wisconsin. J. M. Cniripen'tor hai purchased the pivpncty recently owned by Mrs. W.- C. Williams, B.nd will " take possession Sprli 1. f rMrs."J. M. Osterhout has returned to her home In Punxnutouwney. . Mrs. W. C. Williams etarts for New York today to visit Iier sick brother, William Brookfk-ld. 11ALLSTEAD. The 'teachers' meeting this evening will be held at the Presibyterlan par sonage. , Baptismal service's were held In the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and eighteen persons were baptized. S. B. Chase has returned from Eas ton, Pa. F. W. Pearsall, secretary of the Rail road Young Men's Christian associa tion at Scranton, addressed a large meeting In Young Men's ChriBtian as sociation 'hall In this place Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer, of Franklin, visited at Dr. Merrill's Wednesday. Anna Burton, of Appalachian, is vis iting her brother, E. D. Burton, on Church street. Frank Lawrence Is reported to be se rlously 111. James Snover, who has been 111, Is convalescing. The Arion Male quartette, of Dover, N. J., will give the third concert on the Young Men's Christian association course on Tuesday evening, Jan. 15. They will be assisted by Minnie C. Dorion, character sketch artist. The pay car visited this place yester day to pay the employes of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road. Mayor DuBols, who has been visiting friends at Geneva, N. Y., has returned home. The Jefferson Branch union of the Young People's society of Christian Endeavor, will meet at Lanesboro Wednesday, Feb. 0. Rev. John Davis will deliver an address. Subject, "An Eye to Business In Christian Endeavor Work." Mary Scotten will read nn essay In the evening. The Junior Young People's Society of Christian Endsavor of the Presbyterian church, in this place, will send a barrel of clothing to the suffering children In Nebraska. Warren Van Loon has accepted a position as baggage master In the new Delaware, Lackawanna and Western depot. DUN 310 RE. The Knights of the Golden Eagle ex pect several neighboring castles to visit them next Monday evening. They will hold "a smoker." Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Russell, of Blakely street, will leave home this morning to spend several days visiting at Hones dale with relatives. A lecture will be given In Odd Fellows hall Monday evening, Jan. 21. by J. J McDonnell, with a view to organizing a scientific debating society. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture begins at 7.30, Admission, 25 cents. Mrs. James Hanno, of Old Forge, spent yesterday visiting friends in town. Work is progressing rapidly on Pat rick Dougherty's new hotel building on Drinker street. The lecture that was to have been given at Loyal Legion hall this evening has been postponed for one week. H. E. Adams, of Waverly, N. Y., vis ited friends in town yesterday. Several ladies held a meeting at the residence of T. P. Letchworth, on Chest nut street, yesterday afternoon to ar range for holding the "Indian fair," to be held in March. rp k vr nii The Taylor, Holden and Pyne mines employes will be paid today. Rev. Ivor Thomas, of the Nebo Con gregational church at Rendham, has resigned his position as pastor of that church to accept one in the same ca pacity at CumberlanTS- Ind. He will leave for that place In a few days. The council will meet In the chambers tonight. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pus Eages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain in passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro tils Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, rugglst, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'i 'J Overlook our store when )'ou are out for bargains, 5 for here is a chance to get them at your own price. 5 Having bought at sherift's sale the bankrupt stock g of the Hyde Park Clothing Store, and having dis- s posed of a great amount of the goods, we are now s ready to sell the remainder at a s Great Sacrifice No old stock-worn clothing but new, clean goods. 5 The firm had only been in business two months jf when they were sold out by the sheriff. We had jjj the cash and secured the stock. Now we give our jjj customers the benefit of our purchase. s I Men's Ulsters, 1 Men's Overcoats and Snits, I Boys' Ulsters, Boys' Overcoats and Snits, I Men's Pants, I Boys' Pants, 2 pairs for : Reliable Advertisers of Pacts. Sign of the Bell. - 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. iigiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiC3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiii!ieiui! AImostJ31ind Inflamed Eyes and Run ning Sores Tho Success of Hood's Causes Great Rejoicing A Perfect Cure. aits Cora B. ibert Bamesvllle, Pa. " C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. ! ( " I feci It a duty to state what Hood's SaroV parilla has done for me. I was almost blind, being compelled to stay In a darkened room on account of Inflammation of tho eyes. I also suffered with running sores on my body. I was In terrible condition. My mother tried every tiling she knew about and I was attended by two doctors but without helping me. Finally Hood's jSarsaparilla was recommended and I had not taken two bottles before I begun to get better. The Inflammation left my eyes and the sores healed, and the result was that I Became Stronger, , and was restored to perfect health. At that time I was only twelve years oldj now I am nineteen and I have not since been troubled Hood'sCures! with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of the sores on my body. I can recommend Hood's Sarsauurllla as an excellent lilnml nnrlfvlnir medicine." Miss Cora Ehkrt, Bamesvllle, TaJ Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and efucieutly, on the liver and bowels. 25c. 1 A HAPPY NEW YEAR Ws wish all our patrons health and prosperity In 1895. We start on another twelve months' run with the earth around the sun, more than fully equipped to meet the hat demands of the public of Scran ton. Our display Is magnificently com plete, presenting monumental values In every style of headwear. HATTER AND FURNISHER. Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 Commovealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.' Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives A Handsome Complexion Is one of the greatest charms a woman can posseia. foizoMi's Complexion Vowdbb gives it. IT $3.50 $4.25 $5.35 $6.75 4.75 7.65 11.37 .98 1j25 1.75 2.50 .98 1125 1.50 2.00 .90 1.25 5 2.48 v .25 I i rl sff no JIU g $50,000 worth 2 tlons, Ladies' and uooas,i uiunery, uoaKs, hurs, intants' Wear, &c, IH 0U1 The steady increase of our business compels us to enlarge and remodel the en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the wav B ULSELUTW he 400 and 402 JN TO CLOSE AT THE Tapestry Brussels at Tapestry Brussels at Tapestry Brussels at Body Brussels at All Wool Carpets at mm (arpetings. 300 Short Lengths of Ingrains, from one to two yards, suitable for Rugs. 75c. Ingrains at 25 cents. , 65c. Ingrains at 20 cents. 5oc. Ingrains at i5 cents. 406 and 408 Lackawanea Ave. ECONOMY'S AND Fhnll eclipse all previous efforts. Pnst experience hus tiuiKht us that It Is a "Rood thing," and has also snKBested a means of "pushlnK It along" to the mutual benefit of the public and our selves. We llnil by a careful review of the transactions .or the past year thnt wo have sold more goods at sao rlllco prices than ever before. This fact explains another of greater Im portance to us, namely: Tho space formerly occupied by so called (which were perhaps finished a little loo dark, or a little too light, or possi bly slightly damaged), has abundant ly paid for the amount lost on the orig inal article. Hence the resolve that every article In our vast establishment not strictly up to date must make room for fresh, new, spring goods. You have been thinking you would like a new Bldeboard or perchance a hull rackr you do not want a cheap one, and feel that you cannot afford a good one. See Our Show Windows. Economy's Easy-way-to-pay makes it conveni ent for short purses. 1111.1 of Dry Goods, No- g Gents' Furnishing -- Rif COST. rairj Lacka. Ayc, Scranton, Pa. LENGTHS FROM 1 TO 30 YARDS F0LL0AV1XG PRICES: 35 cents, worth 50 cents 45 cents, worth 65 cents 60 cents, worth 85 cents 75 cents, worth $1.10 50 cents, worth 75 cents imm mi. Ei JO RERfiMT SALE HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY to gratify your desire, and get a good substantial articlo at the price you can afford: A fancy rocker or two will liven up that old parlor Bulte won derfully, and tho ones we shall In clude In this sule arc worthy a better name than hut our conscience tells us "they ar the products of 'W," so Into the sala they go. Lace curtains, portieres, shades, ear petB and remnants of carpets must all be weeded out. A strip of carpet at a trilling cost will save you dollars In preserving carpets that are yet good, and a great many of the rem nants will cover the whole floor of that small room on which you have so long wanted a carpet, and cost no no more than straw mattings. We feel sure that the numerous wonderful bar gains we shall offer will reward a care ful examination. ENDS