12 TIIE SCRAXT03T TEIBUXE SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1895. GORMAN'S HMD DEPOT IN LADIES' ai$ id is The overcrowded and over stocked condition of our Coat De partment makes it absolutely nec essary for us to mark down prices at once without considering the losses that must inevitably follow. We therefore plunge to the bot tom immediately by offering such values as has never before been shown in this country. The gar ments are all new, superbly made and finished in the latest fashion able styles. . . AT CUT PRICES. The one thought in the Dress Goods Department is to reduce stock irrespective of money-cost. If you w ish to take advantage ot this rare opportunity do not pro crastinate. Bargains wait for uo one. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves) has had loner and varied ex perienue In ho:ltul and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases f men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. - He. with his assistants, treat all (lis- eases or he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rhittimatlHtn, lost vitality, premature Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, tits, epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youth, lost man- booh, eczema, scrotum, Ht. v tils' nance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young iMcn Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Catarrh. ' Any one suffering with Catarrh who wisnes 10 be permanently, quickly ami cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVK DOLLARS. The doctoi has discovered a speclllc for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It ' never fails to oure. A trial treatment jree. OFFtCE HOUIlS-Dally. 9 a. m. to p. m.j Duuuuys, iu 10 is anu 6 10 4. T CHAIRS, : OTTOMANS. ; HASSOCKS, ! CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC. Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. J. Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419. LACK WANNA AVE. Four doors bot. Wyoming Hotua. OLD FOKUE. . Miss Carrie Evans has returned to her home In Berwick after a week'i visit with friends. . .". - William Repp was a visitor to Scran ton on Thursday, ; Mr Thomas Millard returned home on Wednesday from an extended visit to her son.'. Fred, at Moscow. , -, ' On Wednesday Mrs. Fred Naylor and daughter, Emma, attended the funeral of Thomas, the 13-year-old son of James RhrlKley, a ' former resident of this SEASONABLE uu UUUUu place, at Yatesvllle. . , NEWS OF THIS VICINITY CAltUQHDAliK. Miss Kate Gardner, of Clifford! Is the guest of Miss Adella Williams. Frank Q. Stoutinger reported to work yesterday morning after several days illness. . . ' Mrs. George Lewsloy, of High street. will leave Monday morning for a visit with her daughter In Oneonta, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Dennis enter tained a, party of friends at an informal tea last evening at their home on Wash ington street. Franols V. Coleman was badly In jured yesterday morning while at work in the No. 1 Delaware and Hudson mine. Next Wednesday evening the Lotus Social and Literary club will hold a social In their rooms on North Main street. Frederick, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roemmelmeyer, of Seventh avenue, died yesterday morn ing. Funeral will be held on Sunday afternoon. Will Morrison returned to Jefferson Medical college at Philadelphia yester day morning, after spending 'his holiday vacation at 'his home In this city. Michael Mahon died on Thursday at the home of his brother-in-law, Thomas Kllleen, of Brooklyn street. Funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Miss Minnie Kyte, of West Pittston, Is the guest of Miss Florence Harri son. .Louis A. Mock, a miner employed t the Northwest, was Injured yesterday morning by being caught between a loaded car and a low roof. Court Lily, No. 7293, will install their officers this evening. G. B. Van Gorder and son, Frank, of Terrace street, are visiting friends and relatives at Meshoppen. Thomas Eitel has returned to hlj home In New York city. AltCJIBALl). The fair of St. Thomas' congregation closed finally on Thursday evening. The bicycle contest was decided and the piano, parlor suite, bedroom suite and sideboard were disposed of. Fol lowing a musical programme rendered by Miss Daly and the Misses Maxwell, of Carbondale, the parlor suite was won by Agnes Grogan; the sideboard by Aggie Lynett, of Green Ridge; the dining room suite by James Qulnn, of Jessup, and the bedroom suite by Mrs. John Maeen, Jr. Interest centered in the contest for a bicycle by six acolytes of St. Thomas' church, on which they had been engaged for the past three months. Michael Sweeney was the winner, he having collected 3452.35; Richard Foote, $371.85; Michael Duhlgg, $342.25; Joe Miller, $181; Willie Gllrdy, $157.S5, and James Cawley $140.90, the total receipts from this contest alone being $1,646.20. The fair has been suc cessful to nn unexpected degree and the fund for the building of a parochial residence, for which the fair was de signed, will be very largely Increased. Much credit for this Is due to Father Comerford and his able assistant. Rev. Dr. Lucas, and the ladies and gentle-: men who helped them. Frank Wagner and Miss Annie Ollen- dlrk, of South Main street, were mar ried on Wednesday evening in the Ger man" Lutheran church by Rev. Mr. Schwaburger. A reception was after ward held at the home of Mr. Wagner, which was attended and enjoyed by many friends of the young couple. Bridget Loughney, of Hill street, an aged lady who lived with her sister, Kate Loughney, died on Wednesday af ter a lingering Illness. Her funeral took place yesterday afternoon. She was burled in the Catholic cemetery. Miss Loughney was an old resident of this borough. The latest candidate for councllmanic honois Is John P. McGlynn, the alert representative of the Scranton Times, VANDLING. Harry Vlzzard's little daughter Is 111 of scarlet fever. School commenced Wednesday after a week's vacation. The dedication services at the Con gregattonal church, which were to have been held on New Year's day, were postponed on account of the seats not arriving in time. i A party wns held nt the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Anderson in honor of their daughter, Nellie, on Thursday evening. A very enjoyable time Is re ported. Those in attendance were: Agnes Farrell, Katie O'Nell, Mamie Scully, Jessie Plunkett, Tessle Maher, Mrs. William Egan, Ester Hlrt, Lizzie Bracy, Maggie Maher, Mamie Cox, Katie Owens, . Mary Hummer, Lizzie Eichholzer, Maggie and Annie Pohren of Forest City; Maggie Egan, of Ply mouth; Dr. J. W. McGulre, William Egan, Fred Kelly, Richard Kllpatrlclc, A. Simpson, Joseph Bailey, Harry and William Price, George Thompson, Hugh Donnelly, . Patrick Gorman, Thomas Hlrt, James Hines, Michael Heart, Conrad Klllagher, Charles and Bernard Fallon. NICHOLSON. The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Thayer was heild at Wie residence of her daugh ter, Mrs. Reuben Squires, ot Lake Side. Interment In the Nicholson cemetery, She is survived by six children: Ed ward Thayer, of Blnghamton; George, of Scranton, and Llewelyn, of this place; Mrs. Reuben Squires, of Lake Side; Mrs. E. W. Burns, of Detroit, Mich.; and Mrs. Miner Billings, of this place. The Presbyterian Sunday school will Indulge In a sleighrlde today. Dinner will be served In the lecture room, on thf4r return . Miss Lottie Dickson is visiting Scran ton friends. Public installation of officers of the Patriotic Order,. Son of America, at the Grand Army of the Republic ball this afternoon. Refreshments served. A Jollyslelgihloadof young people from Factoryvllle passed through this place Thursday afternoon. Miss Efflo Walker Is visiting In Scran ton. Mtb. A. C. Bond Is slowly Improving. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to I days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at ones tho cause and the disease Immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Bold by Matthews Bros., Drug gists, Scranton. , BUCKNELL NOTES. School opened on Wednesday for the beginning of the second rm.'The at tendance will exceed that of last term. W. C. QretzJnger, v genial regis trar. Is cow occupying his new office on the first floor of west wing. The new catalogue has been sent to the press and will ' soon be 'ready for circulation. All orders addiisied to the registrar will receive prompt at Dr. Harris will give a lecture before all the students of the university nt the Bucknell chapel on Monday, Jan. 7, at 8.15 a. m. . . The gymnasium has been refitted and will be ready for use as soon as the paint becomes dry.. The fine skating on the Susquehanna is being well Improved by tl(e students. FOHEST CITY. Druggist Alfred Davis returned' yes terday after a few days' visit with friends and relatives In Scranton. Miss Edith Brown and Miss Bertha Dunn will return today to the Mans field State Normal school to pursue their studies after a vacation of two weeks at their homes. Morgan D. Daniels, of Carbondale, was h caller In town yesterday. The pupils of B. F. Maxey's depart ment will enjoy a ride over the muntle of white to Jermyn this afternoon. C. AV. Davis, of South Gibson, was In this borough yesterday. The dedicatory services of the First Baptist church, of this place, will take place Tuesday, Jan. 15. George Maxey, after spending his va cation at his home In this borough, will return to the Mansfield State Normal school today. The Junior Order United American Mechanics installed the following of ficers last night for the ensuing term: Councilor, W. I. Wells; vice councilor, George Horton; R. S Fred Reynolds; A. R. S., W. U. Lott; F. S Ed. Horton; treasurer, L. J. Wells; J. P. C, Ed. Rundall; W., S. E. Kelsey; I. S., Will Burdlck; O. S., Judson Heath; chaplain, D. H. Gnger; trustees, George Horton, A. H. Carpenter, D. H. Gager. TUflKHANXOeK. Nicholson borough starts the new year with a lot of good resolutions in the shape of a 'health ordinance. The boys Improved the skating on Tunkhaunock creek last night by at taching the fire hose to the nearest hy drants and flooding lie toe.' Some of the old vets are agitating the orgainlza tlon of a camp of the Sons of Veiteirans and a Woman's Relief corps here. The sons of veterans did organize a few years ago and ran along pretty well for a few weeks, but their patriotism soon soaked In. the ground and that was the end of It. Some of the vlolnlty newspapers are crediting ithe correspondence of the Scranton Tribune to J. Wood Piatt. In Justice to that gentleman, we would say that he Isn't guilty of the charge. Doubtless, he Is thankful. A now time table is to take effect on the Lehlgih Valley on Sunday next. In all probability the only change will be the sanding of the night flyer over the out-off between Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Junction and Fairvlew, to lessen the distance between New York and Buffalo. The schedule of the day trains will 'not be disturbed. A slcilghlnad of young married people went to LaG range for a festive time last night. MOSCOW. The Grand Army of the Republic and the Woman's Relief torps held a double public installation In tneir lodge room on Wednesday night. The New Year's social held at the home of Mrs. Lameraux on Monday night, for the benefit of the cheerful workers, was a success, both socially and financially. Mrs. Braden recited some very fine selections. Mrs. Posten entertained ait dinner, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Charlts Noack and MI.-'3 Mollle Noack. George Travis returned to the Balti more Medical school cn Thursday. The Woman's Christian Temperance union have been very fortunate to se. cure the Rav. Anna Shaw to lecture for th?m on Jan. 17. Born, to Mr. and Mis. J. W. Clouse, Dec. 31, a son. Sleighing a.nd skating seems to be the favorite amusemtnt of the young peo ple at present. The snow is very deep. The friends of Miss McAndrews are pleased to se she Is able to take her place in, her room In the schools, when they openied on Wednesday. Mrs. Clement's many friends will be pleased to know that she is improving slowly. PECKVILLE. The officers of Blakely council. Junior Order United American Mechanics, were installed by Past Councellor Elmer Swingle last Wednesday even ing: Councillor, W. W. Peck; vice coun cellor, E. N. Barnes; junior pnst coun cellor, J. F. Hoyt; assistant recording secretary, W. G. Wallace; financial sec retary, H, W. Peck; conductor, B. K.. Benjamin; warden, A. W. Jenkins; ln Bli f?ntlnf.( F. I.. Swingle- outside sentinel, G. Wermouth; trustee, F. R. Grlener. The employes of the Grassy Island Delaware and Hudson will be paid this afternoon. A new lady boarder has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Walker. Two large sleigh loads from Scranton registered at the Hotel Wilson last Thursday , evening. HONESDALE. The Honesdale National bank has Just Issued Its statement,' which chows the sound financial standing of the bank. The statement Is printed In a handsome lithographed co?r, which makes It a souvenir well worth preserv ing. "Santa Clnus on Time" Is the name of the cantata which children of Grace church Sunday sdhool will present in the Opera House, Tuesday evening, Jam. 8. Admission, 16 and 25 cents. John Brower leaves Honesdale today for Sing Sing, N. Y.( where he will enter the hnrdwaire business with his brother. - The services In Grace church tomor'. row will! be as follows: Morning prayer, 10 a. m.j sermon and celebra tion of the holy communion at 10.30; evening prayer at 7.30 p. m. 1IALLSTEAD. A number from this place attended the Young People's Christian Endeavor convention at New Wllford yesterday, W. W. Adair and wife, who have been visiting friends and relatives In Corfu, N. Y., have returned -home. Herbert and Jay Parker, of Bingham ton. N. Y., who have been visiting their cousin, Fred D. Lamb, for the past few days, have returned home, ; Relief in Sis Hour. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New Greta Boutn American muney Cure." This new remedy It. a great surprise on account of Ma exceeding promptness nv rellevlng pain in-in manner, kidneys, hack and every part of the urinary nas- Eages In male or female. It relievos re tention ol water ana pain in passing It almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris. Druggist, 123 Pnn ave nue, scranton. l a, DUNMORE. A merry party of young people en- Joyed a sleighrlde to Pittston last even ing. . 1 A large number of our young people enjoyed the skating at the Driving park last evening.' The Young American Social club held a social at their rooms in the Frost building. Thursday evening which was largely attended. P, F. Murphy and John McDonnell Joined the Neptune Fire company last evening.- .- A. E. Backer, of Elmlra, is visiting at the residence of P. W. Ripley, on Mon roe avenue. Carl Setzer, of Brook street, Is visit ing at Mauch Chunk. '' Fred Russell, of Blnghamton, is home to spend Sunday with "his parents on Blakely street. Quarterly meeting services will b held In the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning. Preaching by the presiding elder, Rev. W. L. Thorpe. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday ilchool elected the following officers Thursday evening tOJierve for the ensu ing year: Superintendent, Dan Powell; assistant superintendent, Philip Davis; superintendent primary department, Mrs. L. Lltchenhan; assistant, Miss Marian Kenney; treasurer, Peter Selgle, secretary, Edward Angwln, Jr.; assist ant, Arthur Johnson; librarian, Arthur Spencer; first assistant, Charles Crown; second assistant, S. L. Swartz; third as sistant, Charles Shaffer; pianist, Miss Louise Lutz; artist, Fred Welner; door keeper, Fred Stephens; secretary Sun day school board, George Kenney. AMERICA AN ALLITERATION. An Al Argument In Apt Adjectives Ably Applied. . , George G. Gaskllt. In Chicago News. Ages ago, American aborigines, angu lur and athletic, agile and adept, alert and aimless, always agressive, abund antly accretive and accumulating ad ditional affluence. Again, ages after an ardent, ambi tious, active, able, abstemious, adven turesome alien admiral, aidless and apparently abberrant, abnegated an cient antecednneous arguments and asked aid, acquiescence and alliance attempted an adventure and adoles cence, adults and advanced age all ap peared agape, aghast and affrighted at an affirmation alleging an advanced ar gument and attacking all antecedance and antedeluvlan adages. Also appal ling antipathy, animosity, antagonisms, aspersion, apathy, aparltlons, asperity, assailants, arraignment and arrogance assimilated and arose artfully and ap palllngly around. Asking alms and acquiring abuse, asking aid and accumulating adamant ine attacks, asking assistance and ag gravating animosity, always annoys, and assiduous association attains upathy. Again, accumulated antipathy always arouses, aids and abets an aggressive, aspiring adventurer and aggravates an other attempt. ' , Adversaries attempting en annoy ance and alarm aroused an admirable ambition and activity, and America's abduction arises amid applause, adver saries are amazed and apostates adopt adulation, and adoration adorns an ad mitted and acknowledged admiral, and an aforetimealienatedadventurer aris es acquitted, tiTid America's acquisition artAises an amazing admiration. Again and again adversaries and am bit ex ters arise, allegations appear and an . amateur Amerlcus another am bitious adventurer, artfully arises, ar ranges an atlas and assumes an abom inable advantage, attaining affluence and appearing an ameliorator, assumes another's achievements. An adventurer abased, ambition ab breviated, abated and abandoned, ablll- ) CURES HEADACHE. CURES HEADACHE. CURES HEADACHE. Miss Lottik CAASon, of Sivanac. Mich., writ-: "I have been troubled with a terrible headache for about two years and could cot gat anything to help me, hat t last a trieud ad'iwd ma to ta e your Burdock Blood blTTEHS, which 1 did. aud after taking two bottles, 1 have not had the headache since," Restores Lost Health, slslllff V gllllllllllllBlllllllllllllllllllllllilllUIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlilllllllllllllllllll'i i Tiin nn i nnn i nm niip i We wish our friends and patrons IU HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I It lias been a crood year and boys have learned that our way of doing the cloth ing business is about the right way. To lookers for new clothing Ave offer, while our SALE' OF THREE STOCKS CONTINUES, IffilllEvd in strong and serviceable Ulsters aud Overcoats, iu Double-Breasted Suits, and in Underwear. We Wish to Close Out Some BOYS' .'.CLOTHING! AT THE FOLLOWING PRICESi Boys' Knee Pants, two pairs for Boys' Suits, worth $2 and $3, for Boys' Cape Overcoats, worth $2, for ; Boys' Ulsters, worth $4, for - -Boys' Ulsters, sold elsewhere for $5,' Reliable Advertisers of Facts S - SiCT of the Bell. 230 g IIUCIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllttllllllllBIIIIIHIIIlllllllllllKIIII ty abjunctlve, abject and abldtng amid an abhorrent abrenunciatlon and abrep tlon. America's advantages advance apace and attain an acme, and ambition's al luring apex adorns an admired and ap plauded ascending aspect. -Agriculture's acreage accelerates, academies advance, architecture acceded, art ac claimed and all actual aids accumu lated. 'America always anticipates and ac complishes, asks and attains, abolishes antipathy, abhors aspersion, accepts annexation's advances and abides amid affluence abundant and accretive.' . America's arms are always akimbo, and aliens across Atlantic's area ap plaud and are always arriving, assimil ating, aiding all advancement and abid ing amid auspicious associations. Aurora above, Atlantic's avenues abaft and an aqueous area abounding all around, angels and archangels as sembled and awaiting ahead, America always athirst absorbs atoms, at mosphere and all. Both at Work. From the New York Weekly. Mrs. 1 Stronemlnd Here I'm working night and day for the advancement of wo man, but I'd like to know what use you are In the world. Mr. Strongmlnd I am working for the emancipation of man. Mrs.- Strongmlnd Eh? How? Mr. Strongmlnd 1 am trying to make cotton cheaper.- Mrs. Strongmlnd The Idea! What for? ,Mr. Strongmlnd So that even the poor est man can afford enough to Btop his ears with. Easy. From Christian Work. Creditor Can't you meet your bills? Hardup You. bet! 1 meet 'em every, where. Nervous Headaches Dyspepsia, Impure Blood A Perfect Curo by Hood's Sarsa parllla. V. Webster Baker York, Ta. . " I personally recommend Hood's Sariaparllli to my friends and ot'.iers, whenever I huvo a;i opportunity, and I am willing that this state meat be used for publication. This medlclue lias been of great benefit to me. I huTe been uttering more or less with dyspepsia and ner- Hood'sCures vouj headache for several years. After using other preparations without success, I concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I am pleased to say that I have been' benefited mure by the use oi Hood's Sarsaparllla tlian by All Other Medicines Combined. In fact, I have been cured by Hood's Sarsapa riila. I also Dni Hood's Pills very beneficial." 1). W'EiiSTER IlAKKIi, 2) S. I'enn Kt, York, Fa. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe, oom uy mi uruggisu. MITER SHOE CO., Inc'p. CIU1, 1 U000.M liEST at.oo SHOK THE WOMB, "A dollar meed ii a dollar tamed." Thtal Miles' Bollil French DonioU Kid Tt fcmiioot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on receipioiuun, aioney wrurr, or PoeUl Not for 11.60. Equal, every w.y tk boots old In all retail stores for tl.to. V mtko tot. boot ounelve, therefore we guar- anln njii,twi4 ana wear, and If any on Is not uu.lltd we will refund loo money or send molhor pair, upero or vommoa Denw, irldtht V, r, E, k KB, lies 1 to I ud h.li Send your tite; cl(i iii yon. Illuitrated Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe CcSSSSiL' Special term to Dealer: n s with us, because more men BARGAIN E s LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 25c. $1.45 98c. 2.50 3.65 Mm i IIUUOL I line Fair I 2 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. A LARGE (71 ay i m jib i u i 1 AT SPECIAL PRICES. . j B DIM OF 3j YY ill Ill sninncs WHITE AND. GOLD. Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. , Big Value, $3.50; A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, p Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each In Bamboo, Oak and Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets, Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. ECONOMY'S ODD Al AND shall eclipse all previous efforts. Fast experience has taught us that It la a "good thing." and has also suggested a means of "pushing It along" to tho mutual Lenetlt of tho public and our selves. We llnd by a careful review of tho transactions of the trnst year that wo have sold more goods at sac rlHoe prices than ever before. This fact explains another ot greater inv portance to us, namely: The space formerly occupied by so called (which were perhaps finished a little too dark, or a little to.o light, or possi bly slightly' damaged), has abundant ly paid for the amount lost on the orig inal article. Henco tho resolve that every article In our vast establishment not strictly up.to date must make room for fresh, new, spring goods. You have been thinking you would like a new sideboard or perchance a hall rack; you do not want a cheap one, and feeUthat yW cannot afford a good one. .- AND See Our Show Windows. Economy's Easy-way-to-pay makes it conveni ent for short purses. STOCK OF Goods - : REA White Enamel. 1 HNTSALE HI IS AN OPPORTUNITY to gratify your desire, and get a good substantial article at the price you can afford: A fancy rocker or two will liven up that old parlor suite -wonderfully, and the ones wa shall In clude In this sale are worthy, a better name, than. . but our conscience tells us "they V the products of '4," Into the aalo. they go. Lace curtains, portieres, shades, car pets and remnants of carpetatjtist all be weeded out. A strip of carpet at a trilling cost will save you dollars In preserving carpets that are yet good, and a great many of the rem nants will cover the whole floor of that mall room on which you have so long wanted a carpet, and coBt no no more than straw mattings. We feel sure that the numerous wonderful bar gains we shall offer will reward a care ful examination. AND .1