8 ITIIE SCRAXTON TRTBTTSTEv-FRTDAT MOTCNTNG, JANTJATtY 4, 1895. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. i IN LADIES' K AND CIS The overcrowded and over stocked condition of our Coat De partment makes it absolutely nec essary for us to mark down prices at once without considering the losses that must inevitably follow. We therefore plunge to the bot tom immediately by offering such values as has never before been shown in this country. The gar ments are all new, superbly made end finished in the latest fashion able styles. SEASONABLE (i AT CUT PRICES. The one thought in the Dress ('Odds Department is to reduce stock irrespective of money-cost. If you w ish to take advantage ot this rare opportunity do not pro crastinate, bargains wait for uo one. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:- REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. IteeveH has had long and varied ex perience In ho.ipltal and private practloo and treula all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with hla assistants, treat all tfifl ranes of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, enr, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous iluhlllty, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-potsoninK, fits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtua' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting Men Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who 'lshes to be permanently, quickly ami cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLAK8. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment tree. OFFICIO HOUHS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. CHAIRS, OTTOMANS. HASSOCKS, CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC. 4 Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. J. Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. four doors abofs Wyoming Hons MOOSIC. The Epworth league will meet Satur day evening; at 7.30 o'clock. , Mrs. Charles Ferrell and Mrs. Jabot X,ep, of South Eaton, Wyoming county, nd Mrs. D. C. Ferrell, of Avoea, vis ited Wednesday at the home of S. W, House, on Brook street. Kdward Tyrrel, of Herrlckvllle, Brad ford cotirrty. visited at the home of W. F. Waterman. - -' Misses Mamie and Gertrude DeOraw. of Hcmnton, visited In town the other s HDUDAY COOPS afternoon. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report . MM ABSOLUTELY PURE NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUNKHANNOCK. Miss Mary 'Avery has returned to Syracuse. The silk spool works will shut down for a short period next week. while some of the employes were en deavoring to thaw out frozen water pipes in the basement of Paul Billings & Sons' hardawre store yesterday morning, lire was accidentally com municated with some colls of rope, oakum and other materials near by, and a lively little conflagration was started. An alarm brought the fire de partment out promptly, but their ser vices were not needed, as the fire was soon extinguished. Beyond destroying a few pounds of rope and filling the es tablishment wtbh smoke, no damage en sued. Another oil 'boom is reported at Sharpetown, near Jennlngsvllle, in the western portion of the county. All the land In that section not already cov ered by lease is being secured, and further operations in the boring line may be expected another season. It is said that Scranton men are at the bot tom of this project. The 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Garrison, of Suyre, was burled Tuesday. The family are former resi dents of this section. A meeting of the stockholders of the Wyomilng County Agricultural society will be held at the olllce of It. J. Bard well, secretary, on Saturday, Jan. 14, at 1 p. m. Hon. F. H. Piatt, A. H. Frear, James W. Piatt, C. M. Barlow, A. H. Frear and others attended a Masonic, meeting at Towanda last evening. A slelghrlde party comprising Misses Genevieve Mills, Mame Shook, Sara Hoadley, Alice Streeter, and Messrs. Hubert Uittle, S. D. Streeter, Z. W. Wheland and D. Connor drove over to Factoryvllle Tuesday night and took supper at the Slsk House. N. II. Mack will go to Waynesboro, Pa., next week, where he hopes to find a guod business opening. Some of the railroad officials Intimate that McKune's station will be either re moved back from its present locatilon so that the track can be straightened, or else transferred up to White's ferry. Telegraph instruments were recently put in there. Z. W. Wheland, of Chattanooga, Tenn., andD. Connor, of Burlington, la., are guests of Stevents D. Streeter. They are all students of Cornell uni versity, Ithaca, and will return to that institution today. Spencer D. Tteed plays the slide trom bone In the Methodist Episcopal church choir. Frunk Donley, for several years a typo on the New Age, will go to Mon trose next week where he has pur chased an interest in Safford's bakery. Mr. Donley is an industrious young man, honest and upright in character, and he carries the best wishes of a large number of friends with him. Skinner's Eddy people are on the verge of a panic, expecting every day that an epidemic of smallpox will break out in their midst. An Irishman em ployed by the Lehigh Valley as track walker, became sick and sat around the hotel for some time, and when he finally consulted a doctor the physician Informed him that ihe had either vario loid or smallpox probably the latter. Doors are barricaded now and social calls are suspended Indefinitely. The new large flouring and saw mills of the Meshoppon Milling company at Meshoppen were destroyed by fire at a late hour Wednesday night. The plant was one of the largest and best any where In this section, and was ereated only a few years since at a cost ot $27,000. It Is paid that there was only $1,000 Insurance upon it, as it was owned by a stock company and some of the members objected to the high rates de manded by the insurance companies. The fire caught in 'the upper portion of the building, and the greater part of the grain and stuff on the lower floor was removed, but the loss, aside from the building, will be heavy, Whloh falls upon Gregory & Overlleld, who were operating the mill this year. The origin of the fire Is unknown. M1S00KA. An unknown hobo, who roosted In a shanty near the South steel mill, died Thursday morning. The cause of the death is unknown. The deceased was about 34 years old. James Powell, of the East Strouds burg State Normal school, who has been spending the holidays with Mlnooka friends, returned yesterday to resume" his studies. The Greenwood mines will be Idle to day owing to a scarcity of oars. A large number of our crack skaters went to Stillwater last evening. The new store of John J. Coyne, on Main street, Is rapidly nearlng comple tion. The realistic melo-drama, "Among the Breakers," which is being rehearsed by the Young Men's Institute Dramatic company, will be produced on Jan. 28. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically, cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Matthews Bros., Drug gists, Scranton. HALLSTEAD. The New Year's dinner at the Young Men's Christian ' association given by the ladles of the Methodist Episcopal church to aid the building fund for the new churah edifice netted them $20.40. It Is expected that the church will be completed early next summer. The building will be of modern style of architecture. It is to be T shaped, 68 feet each way, and will have a corner tower. Tho building will of brick and will cost about $8,000. The mam audi ence room will have a seating capacity of 400 and a lecture and Stfnday school room, that will eaoh seat over 100, and so arranged that all can be thrown Into and embrace a part of the audi' torlum. ' The Mrs. a. M. Hallstead lodge, No. 11, Ladles Auxiliary to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, was organised In Great Bendon Thursday, Dec. 31, and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Eliza Trowbridge; vice- president, Mrs. Mlna May; secretary, Batdii Mrs. Maude Itelnhart; collector, Mrs. Myrtle Vedder; treasurer, Miss Lettle Oswald; conductor, Mrs. Rose SUker; warden, Mrs. Minnie Phillips; guard, Mrs. Lizzie Wells; chaplain, Mrs. Sarah Rosencrans; past president, Mrs. Em ma Oswald; trustees, Mrs. Emma Gra ton, Mrs. Fernan and Mrs. Julia Mc Aloon. CAHHONUALE. The seventh anniversary of pastor and people will be celebrated at the Baptist church on Sunday. Mrs. James E. Burr entertained the members of her Sabbath school class on Wednesday evening at her home on corner of Park street and Lincoln ave nue. Those present were Mrs. James Thompson, Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. Prun er, Mrs. Halning, Mrs. Vannan, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Stevenson, Misses Jessie and Sarah Gerrond, Davis, Kase, Bene dict and Mohrs. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rh'lnehoff, a son, Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dickson, of Scran ton, were Carbondale visitors yester day. Michael McGirrell, Jr., while working at the Coal Brook mine was kicked In the face by a mule. Miss Josephine Durland returned to her home in Honesdale yesterday after a brief stay In this city as the guest of Miss Mary Watt. A. J. Kehbine, of Honesdale, was in this place on business yesterday after noon. Still the sleighs are being overturned on the corner of Main street and Salom avunue. The last victim was Drayman Pearce, who was suddenly thrown out by his sleigh runner catching in the street car track. Mrs. Margaret Davis nnd niece, of Blnghamton, are visiting at the home of S. S. Jones. Miss Margaret Maule, of Jermyn, called on friends in this city yesterday. The Carbondale Fire department will give a reception on the evening of Jan. 28. Mrs. Edward Bronson is visiting at her home In New York state. Mr. und Mrs. Isaac Rogers enter tained the Prospect club and a number of friends at their 'home on South Wash ington street on Wednesday evening. DALTON. Miss Bess Kennedy, of New Jersey, Is spending a few days with Miss Carrie Stoll, of this place. Mrs. A. G. Ives is visiting her parents at Port Cairbon, Pa. Misses Ida Jennings and Mabel Pur- dy have returned to Ihe Bloomsburg State Normal school, after spending their holiday vacation at their home In this place. Mrs. Marcum, of Wisconsin, is visit ing friends here. School commences at this place next Monday. Clark Dean has returned to Phillip's Exrttir academy, after spending his va cation at his home at this place. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Osburn are spend ing a few days at Clark's Summit. Mrs. Charles Miller has returned to her home at this place, after spending a few weeks with her relatives a.t Ten nessee. The Young People's Society of Chris tlan Endeavor of the Methodist Eplsco pal church hold their sessions at the basement of the church .every Sunday evening. Everybody welcome. Dr. J. C. Miles and daughter, Carrie, have gone for an extended visit to Washington, D. C. Re v. E. Hulley, of Keystone academy, will preach In the Baptist chunch next Sunday nvvrning. Mr. and Mrs. Flndley Braden, of Phil adelplvia, will give one of their excellen t entertainments, consisting of song, story, recitations, and paintings, Jn the Baptist church on Friday evening Jan. 8. They come well recommended and will bo deserving of a good house. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Ala. cases relieved In six hours by tho "New Greta South American Kidney Cure, This new remedy Is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every pnrt of the urinary nas- eages in male or female. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost immediately, it you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by c M. Harris, urugglst, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. TAYLOK. A Blelgh-rldlng party went to Oly phant lust night. The following at tended: Misses Lizzie Daniels, Mary Orifllths, Helen Edwards, Lucy Thomas, Naomi Harris, Muggie Jones, Gwennlo Owens, Mary A. Davis, Edith Rogers, Messrs. William Watklns, Evan G. Watklns, Thomas Harris, Henry Howells, George Jenkins, Jumts Evans, William J. Reese, Griffith Owens and Elmer Daniels. Miss Tessle Gilgallon, of Archbald, !s visiting friends on Oak street. Peter Youngbloot Is quite seriously 111 at his home on Main street. Miss .Edith Williams, of Hyde Park, was visiting hero Wednesday. The slate pickers of the Pyne breaker enjoyed a sleigh ride to Olyphant Wednesday evening. - William Dougherty, of Miner's Mills, wus a visitor here yesterday. ( Mrs. Sullivan, of Taylor street, Is sick. The primary Bcholnrs of tho borough schools had a sleigh-riding party yes terday afternoon to Plttston. The following' officers of Taylor Cas tle, No. 2G7, Knights of the Golden Eagle, were Installed by Samuel J. Phillips last evening at Reese's hall: Past chief, John E. Owens; noble chief, David W. Williams; vice ch!-f. Benja min Williams; high prle.t, Richard Mogg; venerable hermit, George Jen WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION . tww.. UreBt English Remedy. Sf f& Gray's sPflC,flc Medicine C IF YOU SUFFER imnraM una nan vous De bility, WcalmtsB of body end Mind, Hperma- torraes, and Impotoncy. unci all diseases thnt wis bora over indulgent) and eelf-abuie. as Lou of Memory and Fower, Dimness of Vis ion, Premature Old Age and many otlie.- dis ease that load to Inutility or Consumption tod an early grave, write for a pamphlet. Address UBAY MEDICINE Ou, Buffalo, N. Y. The Sparine UodMne is sold by nil drufglati at 1 per package,, or alx rackagee for to, or sent by matt on receipt of itioner, and with erery 15.00 order Uc C1R1NTFF a cure or money rofunded. eW it Urtlnn IK . tVOn arroont of counterfeits we hre adopted the Yol;ow Wrapper, the only g"Ja U Sold la Jkrantoa by HatUiew Br kins; master of records, David J. Grif fiths; clerk of exchequer, John Conley; keeper of exchequer, David T. Harris; sir herald, John Wllburn; worthy bard, John E. Owens; worthy chamberlain, John Evans; ensign, William Wllburn; esquire,; Benjamin Jenkins; firHt guardsman, Frederick AndrewB; sec ond guardsman, Enoch Williams; trus tees, Joseph Marsh, William J. v U1 iams, D. X. Lewis; representative to the grand castle, William J. Will'.ama. HONESDALE. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hurlburt, of Philadelphia, are at the home of W. A. Gaylord, where they will pass the next year for the 'benefit of Mr. Hurlburt's health. A large party, numbering about eighty people, drove to Mart Kimble's last evening, where they enjoyed an abundant repast. The evening was spent in dancing. Ed. Katz returned to Cornell uni versity yesterday. After a very successful week, St. John's church fair closed Wednesday. There Js plenty of line skating and sleighing In Honesdale and vicinity The young people are making the best of It. ' Hon. E. B. Hairdenberg and W. N. Alberty have returned from Harrls burg. Who will be our next congressman Is becoming the foremost question In Honesdale. Will he be from Wayne? OLYPHANT. "Tim the Tinker" was repeated last evening in the New Opera House to a large audience. The play was present ed In a first-class mairaier. Mr. Bren nan In the character of the Irish tinker was especially good. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Powderly, of Curbondule, were the guests of friends In town yesterday. Miss Annie Shlpman, of Plttston, is visiting friends tin this place. Miss Bridget Healey, of Buffalo, Is visiting her parents on Dunmore street. 11. E. Jones returned to Exciter, N. H., yesterday, to resume his studies aftor spending the holidays at this place. Miss Florence Harnn returned to her home in Honesdale, yesterday. Mike Sweeney, of Archbald, was a caller in Uwn yesterday. Miss Mame Richards, of Orange, N. J., 'is visiting friends at this place. Misses Mame O'Malley, Lucy Far reii and Gertrude Voyle returned from a visit at Wllkes-Barre last evening. Tyoca. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laird held a party at their home on South Main street on Wednesday nighty The even ing was very pleasantly spent in play ing games, singing, dancing, etc. At 9.30 the guests were invited to partake of the delicious supper. Those present were: Misses Mame Cranston. Jennie Whyte, Ella Sheddy, Maggie Aikman, Caroline MacDonald, Lizzie Graham, Mame MacCrindle, Agnes Bigger, Liz ale Uorthwlck, Muggie Morton, Grace Whyte, Jeanle Cranston, Mable Allan, Mrs. Harry Steever, Jeunot Allan, Mrs. William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. William Laird, Mr. and Mrs. James Morton, Jeanle Allan, Jennie Young, Bessie Morton.ofAvoca; Miss Jeanle Kearney, of Plttston; Dave Hussar, of Kingston; William Brown, jr., William Aleieander. Dave Cranston, Kobert Oliver, Clare and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. COtt's mulsion is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Ceneral Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Diseases of Children. Scxdir Famfkltt on Scslft Emulsion. Ptu. ("-colli tlowne, H.Y. All Druggist. 60c. and J t. glIIIIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIlll(IIlIlllllllIIIIIIIUgIIijlIUliri2 J S We wish our friends and patrons A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR I It lias been a good year with us, because more men a and boys have learned that our way of doing the cloth- s h i : i ... .1 . i . B a nig uuiamess is aDout. tue rignr. way. 1 o lookers lor new clothing we offer, while our SALE OF THREE STOCKS CONTINUES, R M g mm in strong and serviceable a Double-Breasted Suits, and We Wish to I BOYS' .". CLOTHING f Boys' Knee Pants, two pairs Boys' Suits, worth $2 and $3, for - $1.45 5 I Boys' Cape Overcoats, worth $2, for - 98c. 5 g Boys' Ulsters, worth $4, for - - $2.50 I Boys' Ulsters, sold elsewhere for $5, . $3.65 3 : Reliable Advertisers of Facts. ' Sign of the Bell, 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tlllRllUIIKI.IIIiaSllllllllllllllllllllIIHIilKHIIIIIIIIIIIIlllinil.lllllllllllllllUl Holllster, William Murdock, William Conkey, George Young, Jr., George Young, sr.. of Avoca, and George Al lan, of Dunmore. Mrs. Kose Newlln was a visitor at Scranton yesterday. ; John Lorner. of Philadelphia, father of George W. Lorner, is now assistant at the Delaware and Hudson station. DURYEA. Druggist J. B. Grlmshaw has removed his family Into John L. Murray's new house. Miss Kitty Judge, the popular post mistress, and Mrs. G. A. Dills enjoyed a slelghrlde to Pittston yesterday after noon. 1 Miss Nellie Toole, of Prlceburg, Is vis iting friends here. Ed. Melvin spent New Year's Day In Scranton. Mrs, Eastwood, of Ashley, who has been visiting her 'brother, C. N. Brey mlre, has returned home. John E. Wilson, who has been out side foreman at the Hallstead mine for the past six years, has resigned to accept a more lucrative position. Mr. Wilson, aa a citizen, as well as a fore man, has won a great many friends, and will be greatly missed by the com munity. Mr. P. W. Buh Aualomink, Feun. A Wonderful Cure Ulcer in the Stomach Hood's Sarsaparllla Restores Flesh Strength and Health. MC. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Masj.: " I feel it my. duty to suffering humanity to give a statement ot the wonderful cure Hood's Sarsaparllla brought about for me. Over two years ago I became ill, due to an ulcer In in; stomach. I had six or seven different physi clans, whose standing wus uf the highest, tv,'. they did not cure me. I was brokeu down It health and lost in weight from 145 to 1 18 Pounds. I could hardly get around, and alter sufferlrr severely for about a year, I commenced tuV.ii;; Hood's Sarsaparllla. After the' first bottle I Ve gan to feel like a new man. I purchased ci Hood's5 Cures other bottle and had not taken half of It w hen 1 was cured of my trouble. I am now In health, hack to inv old woleht airain and attending reg ularly to tuy work. 1 firmly bellevo Hood's Si..--saparllla saved my life." F. W. Bush. Aualo mink, Pennsylvania. (let Hood's. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect la proportion and appearance. 25c. per box. OKXTRB SnOB CO., Ioe'p. Capital, II .000,069. BEST SI.SO 8UOI3 IN THE WOULD. "A dollar tared it a dollar tamtd." 't This Ladles' Solid French Uongola Kid Bat. ton Boot delivered free) eiijrwbon In the D.S.. on raceipiorcMD, Money uraer, or Foetal Note for tl.Su. ICntisle n WM the hoot old In ell ret Ail etoree for 2.(10. We make thii boot oureolvee, therefore we guar- anu ine jn, eryie ana war. end If eny ooe ! not eaUefled ws will refund the money eDaanoincrpur. upera oe or common Bene, width C, t). K, KB, 1 to 8 end belt . Stnd vourtlM; ue mill I pee. mueireiea Cats, logue FREE Dexter Shoe Go, FEDERAL ST.. 'I BOSTON. MASH. Special term to 2taUrt. ROOF TIMING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists oi ingredients weii-Known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick dwelings, which will firevent absolutely any crumbling, crack iig or breaking of the brink. It will out. hut tinning ot any kind bv manv veara. and it's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by tho job vr iiuuiiu. Luiium-is isKl'n uy ANTONIO HAKTUAKN, U7 Birch 81 s m i ri S 8 B Li a 0 BARGAIN Ulsters and Overcoats, in in Underwear. Close Out Some I 1i Efdl I r&WV.ttce I EUJ1H 'ffttt, 3 m B s Sa S mm mm AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES i B for - - 25c. s B mm D ' . . -LEADERS OF llhe 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. i JET A LARGE n n ii fin HI SPECIAL PIES. Holiday nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuj? E WHITE AND GOLD. Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50! A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 eacW In Bamboo, Oak and Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACK A. AVE. ECONOMY'S ODD and END BARGAIN SEEKERS SEE FUTURE 10NPAV,JU!L 7JW5a LOW PRICES. ,. -TS rair 1 STOCK OF White Enamel. RE and Sale IN! WAIT. ANNOUNCEMENTS Goods m N1MT A'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers