3 THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY . MOBNTITG, JANTJART 2, 18U5. GORMAN'S AND DEPOT i IN LADIES' The overcrowded and over stocked condition of our Coat De partment makes it absolutely nec essary for us to mark down prices ut once without considering the losses that must inevitably follow. We therefore plunge to the bot tom immediately by offering such values as has never before been shown in this country. The gar ments are all new, superbly made and finished in the latest fashion able styles. AT CUT PRICES. The one thought in the Dress Goods Department is to reduce stock irrespective of money-cost If you wish to take advantage ot this rare opportunity do not pro crastinate. Bargains wait for no one. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex perience In hospital and private pructlco and treats all acute and chronic diseases or men, women and children. CONSULTATION AN3 EXAMINATION FREE. He. with his assistants, treat nil ills eases of he nervous system, diseases of ine eye, car, nose and tnroat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous aniiuiy, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup' tlons, blood-poisoning;, fits, epilepsy, 111' discretion and errors of youth, lost man' hood, eczema, acrofulu, St. Vtus' dunce, astnma, diseases or tne heart, lung, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young Men Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Caturrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who wibites to De permanently, quickly ami cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOI.bAKS. The doctor has discovered a Bpectliu for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to euro. A trial treatment iree. OFFICR HOL'IIS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. ui. , euuuayv, iv w 16 anil t 10 . CHAIRS, OTTOMANS. HASSOCKS, CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC. 9 Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. J. Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. roar doors .dot. Wyoming ilou. TO PREVENT HYPNOTISM. Only Physicians Wilt lie Allowed to Proa ties It In England. It Is said that next session there will be a bill brought in. in tne nousa or commons to prohibit the practice of hypnotism by any but medical practl' tloners. ' is SEASONABLE U Pill HOLIDAY 1 : At first It .-was sought to condemn hypnotism as charlatanism; however that may be. In future only ithe medical fraternity will be allowed to practice It Highest of all in Leavening Power. iv w cy ABSOLUTELY PURE NEWS OF THIS VICINITY . TAYLOR. Miss Elsie Carry, of Union street, Is recovering from a slight attack of diph theria. Miss Delia Brace, of Luzerne, who has been visiting Misses Lena and Grace King, on Main street, for the past few days, returned to her home yeBterday. A sunrise meeting will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church this morn ing ot 7 o'clock. Fred W. Wlnslow, president of the Christian Endeavor so ciety, will conduct the meeting. Everett Campbell Is quite seriously 111. It was not until last evening that the street car tracks were cleared suf ficiently to admit the running of street cars. W. F. Court right and daughter. Miss Ida, were In Avoca on Sunday. The Christian Endeavor society of the Methodist church will hold a turkey supper In the Sunday school room this evening. This society has been noted ever since its organization as one of the best entertainers In this place, and everything undertaken by them meets with success. The affair this evening will not prove an exception to the gen eral rule, but on the contrary will be even more successful than any others previously held. Preparations have been going on for some time and every thing has been secured to suit the tastes of all who desire to come. Ad mission for supper, 25 cents. The watch meeting at the Price Li brary hall last evening was one of the most Interesting events that has been held by the association for some time. A mock trial wus had and a roll-call, at which all members read or spoke something on the new year. A lunch was served. William Rundle returned yesterday from a few days' visit at Nicholson. Miss Gertie Simmons, of Elmhurst, Is visiting friends In Rendharn. A sunrise meeting was held at the Methodist church yesterday morning. New Year's day passed away quietly in this place yesterday. A majority of the young people spent the day In skat ing upon the ponds, while others at tended the theaters in Scrantdn. Miss Gertie Freeman, of Hyde Park, spent the past few days visiting friends here. Miss Gertrude Rees, who has been spending the Christmas holidays with her mother on Grove street, will return to her studies at the Bloomsburg State Normal school. William Connell division, Knights of Pythias, held a delightful ball and sup per at Weber's rink last evening. The Taylor Choral union will meet to night at Welsenfluh's hall for the pur pose of dividing the money which they won at the eisteddfod in this place on Christmas, and to consider the advisa bility of continuing the choir. The Taylor mines will work today after being idle for nearly a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, of Hyde Park, were visitors here lust evening. No complaints can be made of the number of appointments that have been given to men residing In this place recently. First John M. Harris was appointed assistant district attorney by John R. Jones, district attorney-elect Then Sheriff demons selected John W Reese, the druggist, as one of his depu ties, and now James E. Watklns has been appointed as chief reading clerk of the house of representatives at liar- rlsburg. The appointment given Mr, Watklns Is gratifying, indeed, to his numerous friends In this borough, and they arc especially elated over the fact that he received the appointment when many others worked hard to secure it Mr. Watklns Is n young man whose abilities have been watched with a great denl of Interest by his towns people, and the Important position which he has just secured Indicates that his popularity extends a great ways. Mrs. Coblelgh and Mrs. Edward D. Davis attended the eisteddfod In Provi dence. Miss Lilly Coombs, of Plymouth, was visiting Miss Lena King yesterday. William Toole, of the Stroudsburg State Normal school. Is visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Powell, of Main street, visited their daughter, Mrs. David J. Powell, in Hyde Park yesterday. Rheumatism Cured In a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days, Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and the disease Immediately Ulsap pears. The first doso greatly benefits, 70 cents. Sold by Matthews liros., Drug gists, Scrantoiw 1IALLSTEAD. A service was held in the Baptist church on Sunduy evening under the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance union of this place. A line address was given by Rev. L. W. Chunch, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and recitations were given by Master Corwln, Miss Carrie Summer- ton, and Miiss Myrtle Swartz, of the Bloomsburg State Normal school, who are now spending the holidays with their parents here. Charles Gilbert, of Great Band, is seriously 111 at his noma in that place, J. E. Davis la moving Into his now house on South Main street. Mrs. E. li. Gellat, ot Jackson, Pa., is visiting friends and relatives in this place. James Snover, of Chase avenue, is ill. Frank GaJlagar, of Seneca Falls, Who hoa been the clerk at Charles Curran's restaurant, on Pine street, has quit work and returned to his home. A. T, Tiffany is now working in his place. Miss Myra Cur ran called on, Suaqua hainna friends last wevk. Miss Mattle Carr, of Af ton, N. T. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Davits, on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. James Millard and children are visiting friends and rela tives In Montrose. Mrs. Dr. Merrill and children and Florence King are visiting friends in Jeasup, Pa. A number from this place will attend the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor convention, at New Mllfond, on Friday. We understand a large number will go in sleHghs. The cost to go this way is 15 cents and return, An excellent programme has been pre- pared und nil those desiring a feast of Latest U. S. Gov't Report good things and enjoy a good sleigh ide as well should not fall to attend. School re-opened on Monday and there was school on New Year's Day. A very good way for the boys and girls to begin the year. Mrs. Lawfion, en aged lady, died at her home, on Qawer Main street, early this morning, of pneumonia. Mrs. Laiw son has resided with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, In Hallstead, for Beveral years, but formerly she lived In Upson- villo, and was well known in that lo cality. , Constable Furman, ot Uniondale, was in town on Tuesday. CAKBONDALE. Last evening Miss Mary Watt enter tained the Young Ladies' Literary club and their gentleman friends by a high tea at her home on Washington street. Monday evening a merry party of young people from this city enjoyed a sleighrlde to Olyphant. The lea skating craze is again the rage in this olty and most everywhsro that ice can be found It can be seen crowded with lovers of the healthful exercise. Yesterday several skaters from this city enjoyed the sport in Scranton. On Thursday evening the regular monthly business meeting of the Bap tist Christian Endeavor society will oc cur in the chapel at the close of the weekly prayer meeting. All members are requested to be present. Yesterday morning a reception and profession of vocation was held in St. Rose convent at 6.30 'o'clock. Right Rev. Bishop O'Hara officiated and ad ministered the vows to the young la dles. Six received the white veil and Ave took their final vows and received the black veil. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock the Anthracite Social club served a Now Year's dinner for the benefit of the club's members and their lady friends. In the evening a masquerade ball was given under the auspices of this enter tainlng club, which proved a very happy event. A pleasing feature of the evening was the rendition for the first time of a new march which was com posed by Professor Rcnn'.e, and Is called the "Anthracite March." Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wilcox, of Nine veh, N. Y., are expected In this city this afternoon to visit their daughter. Mrs. A. S. Lewsley, of High street. Miss Gertrude Alvord spent New Year's with friends In Green Ridge. The new year was ushered in In the usual manner by the ringing of bells and the blowing of whistles. Charles Alexander was a Scranton visitor yesterday. Benjamin Maxey, Jr., of Forest City, called on Carbundale acquaintances yesterday. R. M. Marshall attended a large New Year's party at Foster last evening. William Mackworth, of the Hotel American, spent New Year's at his home in Middletown, N. Y. Fred Sehlessler, of Honesdale, Is fill ing the position at Hotel Anthracite which was made vacant by the reslgna tlon of J. B. Sears. Mrs. N. 11. HI Her has Joined her hus band in this city after several weeks' visit at her home In New York state. DUNMOHE. Business of all kinds was almost en- tlrely suspended In town yesterday. A very large number of young people en- Joyed the skating at the Driving park In the afternoon. The Pennsylvania Coal company will resume operations at all of their break ers this morning. James Buckley, of Derby, Conn., is visiting relatives on Potter street. Mr, Buckley Is a former resident of this town. Miss Katie Barrett, of the Dunmore hotel, spent yesterday at Archbald. James Matthews, of Butler street. has returned home from visiting In New York city. Misses Katie Gordon and Maggie Ruane, of Plttston, are spending the holidays with Miss O'Boyle, on Chest nut street. Peter Barrett, of Now York city, a former resident of this town, Is visiting his Mother on Chestnut street. William S. Maloney, of Plttston, Is visiting Ms uncle, G. S. Maloney. James Machany Is visiting In New York city. Many residents complain of frozen water pipes. As a consequence our plumbers were kept busy yesterday. The talent social held Monday even ing at the home of Arthur Spencer passed very pleasantly. Oames were Indulged in until nearly midnight, when light refreshments were served. After this several young people joined In sing ing appropriate pieces to close the last moments of the old year and the usher ing In of the new. OLD FOKQE. Mrs. Eaisterwood, of Ashley, spent Sunday with her brothers, C. N. and Jacob Breymtre. The Ladles' Aid society ' will meet at the home of Mrs. D. C. Reed this afternoon. Miss J. May Brodhead will leave to day to resume her studied at the Stroudsburg Normal school. There will be a consecration meeting hsld In the Brick church on Thursday evening, and at the new church on FrJ day evening. Mrs. Milliard, of Brooklyn, Pa., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. N. Breymlre, Thomas Ward will leave today to be gin his studies at the Stroudsburg Nor mal school. The 3-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs, Wltllaim George, of Jersey City, N. J, died on Saturday might and was burled on Tuesday. Mrs. George was Bpend ing the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Brown. The Misses Brodhead spent New Year's Day with friends in West Pitts ton. The young people are enjoying the ex oellcnt skating on - the Lackawanna river at present. Kollcf in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls eases relieved in six hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure, This new remedy is a great surprise on aecount ot Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, hack and every part ot tne urinary Das, Eases In mole or female. It relieves re' tentisn ot water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. It you wt,it quick rollef and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, Via Penn ave title, Summon, i'a. r NICHOLSON. The Presbyterian society gave an ex cellent concert at the Opera house last Friday evening. Selections were ren dered by Miss Clara Long, of Soran- ton; Walter Manchester, of Factory vllle; Mrs. C. R. Newton, the Misses Susie Black and Grace Warner and Ralph Williams, of this place. Peter Winnie is sick of rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Benjamin, of Scranton, spent New Year's day with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Henninger, ot Weatherly, Pa., have returned to their home, accompanied by their little neice, Esther Williams. Frank Pratt, Jr., of Scranton, spent New Year's day with his parents. Leland Walker, of Scranton, spent last Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. A. B. Walker. The Universalis society served din ner and supper at the Opera house on New Year's day. In the evening gave a concert. Solos were rendered by J. T. Watklns, of Scranton; Will W. Wat klns, of Peckville; Ralph Williams and Llewellyn Shields, t of this place. The quartette, the Messrs. Watklns, Howell Davis and Curtis Colvln, of Scranton rendered . several selections. Robert Adams recited "Jess 'Fore Christmas. MINOOKA. James O'Hara, of Dunmore, visited his brother, P. F. O'Hara, on Stafford street, yesterday. A skating fever is prevalent In this place. A number of our local sports went to Hyde Park yesterday to witness the shooting match on Gammon's hill. The St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and Benevolent society held their ninth annual bull at their hall on Main street last evening, Patrick Loftus, a former resident of Mlnooka, now of the west, is visiting Mlnooka friends. The slate pickers, of the Greenwood and National collieries, were treated to a sleigh ride yesterday by their re spectlve bosses. The new year was ushered in in a quiet and peaceful manner. Miss Mary J. Loughney is spending the new year among Carbondale friends. WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED 10 TBS Uroat English Remedy, Gray's Specific Medicine ?m mm from Nor De billty, We reus oakneaa of Bodv and lllmL Unarm a torrliee., and ImuoUnoy. and U dinae that rise teom ov.r-lnduWnc. and solf-abuse. as IjOu oi memory and rower. Dimness of vis ion. Prematura Old Age sod many other die' eases that laad to Iutanity or Consumption and an cai'ly grave, write for a pampblvt. Addrmu GRAY MEDICINE Lo . Buffalo. K.Y. The hri9iflo Mcditine is sold by all druggists at il por package,, or six packages for Jo, or MUt It tsail on receipt of lr.miov. anuwiia every io.w oraer uif n RI INTrh a cure or money refunded. " ti""Hlll"l FfOc arro'int of counterfeits we hnvo adopted ths Yellow Wrapper, the only gtna ine. Bold in (Scranton by Matthews bros. DEXTEB 6D0B CO., Iec'p. Cajrital, $1 .000,0(4. bust at.no shoe in tub world. "A dollar laced if a dollar eanud." ThfoT.arilen' Solid French I hingolA Kid But ton Uoot delivered, free anywhere In the U.S., on receiptor JMn, uooeyuraer, or l'oetal Note for 11.60. KqiiBln every way the boot old In all retail store for t!M. We niako this boot ouraelvet, therefore wo ffuar- ... .1.. , .... r . .i sod If aay one l not aaUafUa wo win raiuoa uia money or aend aooui.r pair, upera Toe or tonnoQ benae. wiuiub v, 4 ' a, t nn. snea l to s ana uan zes. Stndyoitrtit; u em hi you. Illustrated Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe Go FEDERAL ST.. I BOSTON. MASS. Sfelal t'rmt la lta OTEL WAVERLY liuropean Plan. First-class Bar at tached. Depot for Uergner & Englo'f Tannhaeuser Boer. 5. E. Cor. lStb and Filbert Sts., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. E. Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. Deslrablo for visiting Bcruntoulnns and people in the An. thraclte .Hegion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. 2R Art tV! Of ft.9L. sW)H ffflstV MB -A trsraHaiKi H43 giiiiiisiiiEiiiiiiiiisiiiniaiEgiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii 5 HP 'J We wish our friends and patrons In HAPPY S It has been a good year with us, because more men g and boys have learned that our way of doing the cloth- iug business is about the right way. 1 To lookers for new clothing we offer, while our SALE OF THREE 1 in strong and serviceable Double-Breasted Suits, and We Wish to am BOYS' .'. CLOTH ING! AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES i Boys' Knee Pants, two pairs for Boys' Suits, worth $2 and .$3, for Boys' Cape Overcoats, worth $2, for Boys' Ulsters, worth $4, for - Boys' Ulsters, sold elsewhere for $5, I j Reliable Advertisers of Facts. , Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. aiiiF4xaiuisiaBiiiicuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiii9:BiiiiiiB2sizajsiis:ias!sa3ifik3iiisisir Preferred to Pour His Own Drink. From the Ntw York Tribune. A southern judge, who was in a New York cafe the other evening, ordered for his drink whisky. The waiter brought It in a glass. , The Judge looked around. probably for a decanter, and then, point ing to the glass with whisky in it, asked; "What's that?" "Whisky, sir," answered the waiter. Wasn't that what you ordered?. The Judge pushed the glass away impa tiently. "My son," he said gravely, "when I take a drink of whisky 1 leave mora than that In the glass." Str$. Ltttlo doit Tyrone City, Peun. After the Grip Hood's Cave Back Health and Strength That Dreadful Prostration Cured. "C. I. Heod it Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Csiitltnien A little ever a yew ago, I was sttackad by tho grip and, after the crisis had paiMd, I was left so weak and with that dread ful prostration, that I wns unable to dress my self for almost nine months. Borne friends who Hood's Cures knew Its merits, persuaded mo to take Hood's Sarsaparllla and I sin now taking my fourth bottle. I am so thankful to be able to say that I cau do my housework, and am gaining fast. I Sleep Well, do net hare sourness of the stomach, and can cat with good appetite. I think Hood's Sarsa- parllla dserva all the praise It gets and more. Mitt. Limit tioss, Tyrone City, Fnu. Heod' PHI cure liver ills, coustliutlon, UUuususss, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. AYLESWORTH'S Ml MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. 1 H k com CO., VAk cy act trains' Aosim roa TRENTON IRON CO.'S WISE ROPE. VAN ALEM& CO.'S STEEL HAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S MERCHANT Blfl IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTIHG, PACKING ftftO HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" POBTLANOeEflENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECOMar HOT air furnaces. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S bUNOy RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. g 5 A 3 I c E M 8 a STOCKS CONTINUES, Ulsters and Overcoats, in in Underwear. Close Out Some I mviAi BMGAM8 25c. $1.45 98c. t2.50 3.65 ill .LEADERS OF I The Kir 1 SI 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue. A LARGE E ill ftflnro in SPECIAL Holiday r in UUUUUUUUUUUUUE? . .. WHTE Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50." A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each? In Bamboo, Oak and Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACK A. AVE. ECONOMY'S ODD 9l1u and MM! end Sale -if BEGINS Ilii'H. JAN. 7, 1896. I BARGAIN SEEKERS WAIT. SEE FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS mm 11 in hi mm 1 .if - 11 M.ki MirmWTlTTT"nil ammv.Tr . a- LOW PRICES. STOCK OF S I fl 1 Goods AND GOLD. White Enamel. - . - - -v -
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