THE SCI? ANTON. TRIBUNE-MONDAY MOKNTITGr. DECEMBER 31, 1894. CAREER OF A DETECTIVE Sergeant Riley Caught Many Famous Criminals in His Time. ISO CRITICISM FROM LEXOW fiun Down Embezzler Weeks at Costa Rica, and Was Concerned in tho Arrest of Ruloff, a Notorious Murderer and Organizer of Thieves. By the United Press. New York, Dee. 30. There Is one man ot least connected with the New York police department, who has escaped criticism at the hands of the Ixow JnveBtlgatlnK committee. That man Is Directive Sergeant Phil Riley. He has a record to be proud of. It was Riley who was sent a Costa' Rica to run down and brliifr iback Weeks, the em bezzler, concerning -whom so much was paid in 'the papers about a year ajro. "Weeks ruined a score of confidlnir vic tims by his operations and pot away with 'hundreds of thousands of dolhars and then fled with his wife to Costa Itlca. Another remarkable case took tttlley to Chili, where he worked for fleven months runntiiB to earth a muhk null) who ' had been the confidential bookkeeper of a Now York law Ilrm and liad stolen $:t,009. During his long Ftay there, before he succeeded In en meshing the fellow, Riley learned to speak Spanish with some fluency. In ttho thirty-one years during which he Ivas. been in the detective work In New York, Riley has made several trips to Kuropo after criminals, 'three times to Ijondon, twice to Copenhagen and once each ito Dublin, Glasgow and Edin burgh, besides visiting every state in the union. Cupture of Ruloff. One of the most famous criminal cases In which Detective Riley was con cerned was that of Ruloff. It is now twenty years since he was executed, but his case Is famous in the police an nals of the metropolis. Ruloff had a flue mind and would have mado bis murk In any other line of work. He bad an immense brain. After he was executed it was found that his brain weighed two ounces more than that of Daniel Webster. Ruloff was the organ izer ot s dangerous a gang of criminals as over Infested the metropolis. He bad his agents in many places where one would hardly look for them and was apprised of opportunities for theft In the most direct and certain mannei. Ho had had n long career. The ca.?o which led to his conviction and execu tion was the robbery of a large dry goods house In Ulnghamton, N. Y. Ru loff had an agent In Clatlin's big store In New York and througli him learned of the shipment of $3,000 worth of fine Bilks to Ulnghamton. He at once planned to steal them. With two men he reached Ulnghamton the day the goods were delivered there and laid the plans to rob the store that night. En trance was effected and Ruloff re mained on the outside to guard and as sist In getting away with the plunder when it had once been secured. It (happened that two clerks slept In the store 4ind they were awakened by Ruloff's companions as they effected their entrance.' The clerks made a game light. In the encounter one of the clerks was shot dead by the burg lars, but not before both of the despera does had received serious if not mortal wounds. The burglars made their es cape without booty. When outside Ru loff quickly discovered that both men were badly Injured and could not es cape. They were compelled to cross the river as the quickest way to avoid pursuit and a boat had been provided before hand. They embarked but be fore the other shore was reached Ruloff had thrown both Ills confederates over board and drowned them. The case ex cited an Immense amount of attention and the metropolitan detective fores was put to work upon It. They finally traced Ruloff to earth and fastened tho crime upon him In a well woven nnd complete net of circumstantial evi dence. Other proof was obtained to confirm this and the arch conspirator was final ly convicted and hanged for the triple murder he had been directly guilty tf. Doubtless If tho truth were known he was responsible for a score or more of ether murders for which no one was ever apprehended. A CITY SEIZES A HANK. Held $20,000 Municipal Funds ond Now a Receiver Runs It. By the United Press. West Superior, Wis., Dec, 30. A dep uty sheriff served papers this morn ing on the officers of the Rank of South Superior, and the bank was taken pos session of in behalf of a receiver acting for the city of Superior. It has been known for some time that the bank was In financial Btraita, and the city attor ney decided that, to simplify matters and protect the city, which Is a cred itor, a receiver should be appointed. Ho secured the order from Judge Smith, and Homer T. Fowler was se lected. The bank has $20,000 of city money. A FREAK'S LATEST TRICK. Human Pin Cushion Tries His Hand at Cleaning Out a Town. Dy the Uultod Press. Olean, N. Y., Dec. 30. Professor Frank Johnson, of Erie, Pa., known to Advertising fame oh "The Living Pin Cutihlon," was thrown out of a concei t hall here while drunk last night nnd retaliated by opening fire on the crowd with a revolver. One man fell, where upon Johnson started on a run un Union street, yelling and firing In most approved wild western style. He was pursued Into a fish market, captured ond the revolver taken from S MAKES &JUKitDiB8ln1 AND .T?'' yv- ''y7"" him after he had emptied It. The In jured man, Thomas' Fee, 1ias a bullet in his thigh and one In his arm. Johnson was held to answer to a Charge of as sault with intent to kill. He is on the verge of delirium tremens. LOVE'S DEVIOUS WAYS. In a l it of Jealousy a Man Kills Ills Fluuce. By tho United Press. Monroeville, Ala., Dec. 30. News has been received here that at Hunters Mill, Monroe county, Doss Matts, In a fit of jealous rage, Bhot and afterward stabbed his fiance, Lizzie Smith. He then committed suicide by cutting his own throat. Some trifling attention received by the ghl from an old suitor precipitated the tragedy. INDUSTRIAL TOriCS. The recent cold snap has stimulated the distribution of coal In nil quartet's, nnd more Is moving than for some time. The city trade has suddenly become brisk and New Englajul dealers are calling for deliveries on orders placed last month. It appears that a vast quantity of coal Is still on the shippers' books at the old low prices, while mid dlemen have an additional amount to peddle out 25 cents below the present circular prices. Some little business is reported at tlw full new circular, but it is trifling. In anticipation of nn unusually large turn-out of stockholders at tho annual meeting of the Lehigh Valley railroad on Jan. 15, It has been decided that admission to the New Century club, of Philadelphia, where the meeting will be held, will be by ticket only. Every opportunity will be afforded stockhold ers to be present, and upon u request to Secretary Faushawe tickets will be promptly forwarded. Proxies In sup port of the present management are still coming In, and the shares repre sented by the proxies already received, in conjunction with the Pucker block, represent considerably more than a majority of the stock. The Lehigh Val ley railroad stockholders' committee announces that a meeting will be held at Association hall, on Jan. 2, at which security holder, who are opposed to the present management of the com pany are invited to attend. The present condition of the anthra cite coal trade, so far as prices are concerned, Is shown by the fact that the nominal prices at tidewater have stead ily declined since the first of the year, says the Stockholder. In January the quotations were: Hroken, $1.75; egg, $4; stove, $4.45; chestnut, $4.45. The figures now being quoted are: Hroken, $3.10; egg, $3.20; stove, $3.35; chestnut, $3,25. The decreasj since January, therefore, are: Broken, 05 cents; egg, 80 cents; stove, $1.10; chestnut, $1.20. or an aver age for the four sines of cents ppr ton. For eleven months the shipments of anthracite have aggregated 38,206, 832 tons, and It is estimated that the total will be increased to, say, 41,000,000 tons by the end of the year. The loss fo the several companies, therefore, will be In the neighborhood of $39,000,000; and all because the interests involved re fuse to allow tha only safe business rule that of keeping the supply down to a parity with the demand. As the pro duction was the heaviest In the Wyom ing region, the loss Is greater for the companies in that region, with the Schuylkill second, and the Lehigh re gion last. It is claimed by some that at last week's meeting, in Philadelphia, of the presidents of the coal carrying rail roads President Harris of the Reading company "read the riot act" to the other companies and threw down the gauntlet by demanding the Imposition of a money penalty for the evasion of agreements on the part of any of the companies. The Philadelphia Record contains the following: "The Read ing company has been distinguished for Its strict adherence to the observation of all Important an thracite agreements, such as those relating to the restriction of pro duction, whilst other companies have been negligent, to say the least of It, In their preservation of freight rates, their maintenance of anthracite prices and their positive restrictions In the matter of output. The Reading cum- i pany now claims that It has suffered all that It Intends to suffer from tills cause, that any further 'funny busi ness' on the part of Us competitors will be followed by a wholesale offering of anthracite by tho Reading. Th pro position was for the deposit for a heavy money forfeit as a penalty for evasions, and the meeting adjourned so that the maitter might be arranged In a way to suit every Interest Involved." There are some Ideas in a recent Issue of the Hazelton Sentinel which aro valuable, even though crudely ex pressed. For instance, tho Sentinel says: "One of the deplorable things of the time Is no discussion of any evi dent Intention on the part of any legis lator to bring out legislation of value to tho coal regions. We do not hear of any member who has any matter more Important than that of securing places for friends. The legislator who wants to benefit this region must go beyond the demangoglc measures of company store bills, semi-monthly pay laws and kindred bills. These are only minor Ills, If ills at all, as In mnny cases the company store is an absolute necessity and perhaps a direct bl'.aslng, while It Is a mooted question whether In oil, or even a majority, of cases the semi monthly pny law Is a good thing for the men. The mining region will thrive better without legislation than with the kind It has received from the dema gogues of both sides. Such measures as a change In the system of mine In ttpeetors, an Employers' Liability bill, modeled after the English but adopted to this particular state, a better system of factory Inspection, tho creation of n slate bureau of mining with the head of it a member of the governor's cabl- net and a mining expert, not a political heeler all these would be subjects worthy of men, and which concern cap ital ond labor more than any of the thousand trilling and selfish schemes that will bob up at the next session." The Stockholder thinks that If tho restriction agreed upon for January Is closely followed, the market will be put In the healthiest condition known, for many months past,, tm the pres ent heavy surplus stock will rapidly disappear, and with It the excuse for cutting prices. The output for Decem ber Is considerably larger than had been agreed upon. On Dec. 1 the out put for the year to that date aggregat ed 3S,208,C71 tons, by Dec. 22 It had been Increased to 40,773,178 tons, an increase of 2,504,50" tons. As the output on Dec. 1 nnd the production since Dec. 22 (which has not yet been reported) Is to be added to the 2,501,507 tons, It is at once apparent that the total for the month will exceed 3,000,000 tons, or over 500.000 tons more than had been agreed upon. STOCKS AX I) K0N 1)3. By the United Tress. New York, Dee. LU Tho stock market was )ulet but umo wan better. Tho im provement 'was duo principally to cover ing of short contracts. Tho Industrials were firmer than the general list, t m- taijo Uus wan higher owing to the near approach of lint tiuio for declaration of the dividend. Jersey tVntral wan very erratic, ranging beiween ti and Ki'i, closing at Ss'.l. Tho coalers were (pilot aiel easy, (Speculation closed dell and firm, net changes show gains of vi t 'J.ror cent. Total sulen were lM.uoO shares. The range of today's prices for tho ac tivo stocks of the. New York stock mar ket nro given below. Tho quotations aro furnished The Tribune by O. du II. Dlm mlek, manager fur William Linn, Allen Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce etroot, Sci union. Yes. Op'n- Hlph- Low- Clos t'lo'i. ing. est. est. Ing. A. S. R. 0 Krt, Kl'4 MB 19 '!, (.'., M. & S. P.. 5ir, 57 57' 57 CT'.i (.'., it. I. p.. op's (iiai (K oi w C, h. & U 71 7H 71'i 7I' 71 O. C. C. & S. L .... 3 30 3S 8i Can. South 4Vi 4!i IS. 4i Chea. ft 0 17', !7', 17'i 17's I7'4 1). V. !'. Co.... ll't, P) 1"" 10 10i D L. & V Kit 1C1 Kll'i V.l Ml 14 V. & II l:M K'5 ni VJT, VH tien. Klec .... 3i"U 9ty 35 3l'vi 35 Jersey Cent... NT WH.j !!) 87-i 89 L. & N (d'i M-9 te's ftf'i KS'fc Man. Kle HH" l'i5 lo.Vj 10.". WVi Nat. Lead 37',, i;7'4 37 37 37'i Nat. Cord (, ' T (f; 7v N. V. C Wk W". 9I ' 8. R lW'i l"''j W Wij HIT, (). & V l!r liWj, 15i 15. P. & U 1I"H 1-14 U"4 13'h U'i w, ft s. l., Pr is; y,F,t js4 4 W. Union Mi;t, 87 87'i 87 87' C. O. R 73'i 13'i 7U4 ,73'i 74V, 1). 8. (J IS4 lit 2l4i W 2H A. M. T M W M 09 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May f.7'i 5ir 57 H December 53 L'i'i 53 53'i OATS. May 31'i 31 v4 Zl'i 21 CORN. May 4R 4S't . 4S 4U December 45'. i 45' ... 45'i 45'i January 45'j 45!g 45'. s 46 LAUD. Januury fi.75 0.75 fi.TO fi.72 Mav 7.0O 7.00 J.!).5 ti.'.'j PORK. Muy 11.85 11.85 11.77 11.77 January 11.37 31.37 11.35 31.35 Scrunton Doord of Trade Excbango Quo tations. No. Tar Shs. Val. Rid. Ask. 10 300 Seranton Packing Co .... 120 10 50 Provldeneo ft Ablng- ton Turnpike 75 5 100 Traders' Nat l Hank 110 1 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. GOO 10 50 MoohIc Mount'n Coal Co CO CO 50 Lacka. & Montrose Railroad 50 10 100 Sern'n Savings Rank 200 25 UK) Third Nufl liank.... 3.10 375 10 Iiki First Nat'l Rank COO 400 50 Seranton Trap. Co 30 10 100 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co 15 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co ll'O 6 5u0 Seranton Glass Co. (Honds) 500 7 500 Stevens Coal Com'y (Iionds) DOO 2 100 Sera'n Jar and Stop per Co , CO 20 50 Dime Dep. ft Dis. I in nk C2 50 1 100 Sera'n Axle Works 75 1 3'X) Keon'my Light, Hoat and Power Co 300 4 25 Crystal Lake Water Co 100 100 300 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 00 100 Cent. 1'enn. Tel. & Supply Co 100 50 100 Spring Iirook Water Co 100 C 300 First National Hank (Carbondalc) 250 C 100 Lueka. Trust & Safo Deposit Co....' 135 15 300 Soranton Redding Co .... 3'rt SO "in.1 Honta Glass Co 20 111 UK) Hera'n Lnre Cur. Co f'O 5 Ida Seranton Forging Co ..... 110 300 311) Chamberlain Coal Co .... 100 30 lirt Green H'ge Lum'r Co .... 310 24 25 Sera'n Gas ft Water Co 40 10 300 Seranton Pudding Co .... P Co 20 ) 9 50 Green ItMge Store Cn .... 70 5 1000 Sernnton HPm I Com pany (bond:.) 1W0 Flvo shares Seranton iledding Co, Block sold At $103. New York Produce Market." T.y the United Press. New York, Dec, 2!).- Flour Dull, easy. Wheat Dull, Ilrm; No. 2 red s'rtro and elevator, Minii'le.; nlloat, OO'.jiiO'je. ; 1111 (.riided red, I,7a00e. : .No. 1 nnrtliern, flSe. ; options closed Ilrm at ','(. over yesterday; January, 5U"ie.; l'elii uary, OOJie. ;. March, fil'je.; .May, It'ic; June, fi'-'ir.; July, f!2e,; December, 5!iT,e. Corn-,1 Mill, Ilrm; No. 2, 5Ric. elevator; 53. ulloat; ungraded mlxel, 51" jii5l:le.; ntcumcr mixed, W: 5'i'vo.; options dull and unchanged; De cember, Clll;e.; January. &1V.; February, MM.c.; May, Clr. Dais Dull, Ilrm; optlonB dull, nteiidy: Decern her, 3l'4e.i Januuiv, 8 Hie; February und Way, 35',ie.; r.pot prices, No. 2, 31' ic: No. j white, StaSDo.: No. 3 Chicago, 3;V,n.; No. 3, 33V'.; No. i white, S7',ac. ; mixed western, 3llia3r.',a Provisions Slsudy and unchanged. Rat ter Dull, fancy creamery Ilrm; state dairy, innlAc.; do. creamery, lOulMc.; Penn sylvania do., Ifia22c. ; western dairy, lua 15c.; do. creamery, ir.a2l','!.; do. factory, t'ialGc. ; Klglns, 2la2H e. ; Imitation cream ery, 12al8e. Kggs Firmer; statu an l Pennsylvania, 25'ja201ue. ; refrigerator, 15a 21c; western fresh, 25c,; do, pur case, $2a 4; southern, 22'lla2l'i1c, Chlcngo Stock Market. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 29. Cuttlo Receipts, SOO head; market steady; common to extra gtuurs, J:iu0; Muckers and feeders, $'.!u3.50; cows and bulls, $1.2.':i3.D0; calves, $3afi.50, Hogs Roeelpts, 11,000 head; market strong; heavy, $l.30al.OO; common tij choice mixed, $4.15n4.50: choice assorted, $l.30a4.4(l; light, $la4.30; pigs, $2.50al. Sheep Receipts, B.0H0 head; market weak; In ferior to choice, $1.75a3.20; lambs, $3.75u I. Oil Market. Dy the United prers. Pittsburg, Dec. 20. Oil closod at Jl',4c, tho only quotation. Mothers! Mothers '. '. Mothers!!! Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup hat been used for ovor fifty years by nnl lions ot motherB for their children while teething, with porfeot suocObs. It soothei tho child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures wind rollo, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part of tho world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents bottle. ili wunitti)jirMnriiJUJMii,iiiiiMi,:iiv Mud v fcTA fine ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CSGARETTE H13 ctood the Test of Timo MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER D RAN OS COMBINED TTHWII Mil rUMilttiKa 1 A Word. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Poor taxes Are Due. ALL UNPAID JANUARY 1, 1S95, WILL be colleetod with costs. A: JA VVILL'AMS, CoUontor. Agents Wanted. rro MAKE HIUlONYUlXlrOUB hleetrie Telephone. Keat Hellur on eurth. Sent nil complete ready to sot up. lines of any distance. A practical lilectric Telephone. Our agents ma i n 8i to Sill a day easy. Everybody buys; lil j money wllhuiit work. Trices Low. Anyniio eun mske 75 per month. Address W. P. ilurrleun & Co., t'lei No. II, Columbus, o. UrANTKD - ACTIVE SALKSMES TO hnnUlu our lino, uo peddling, fia'urr, ITS ppr month and fxpetnes paid to all. Ooodi entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, iic-stoii. Mam Help Wanted Male. 1ENIN fcVEKY TOWN. PERMANENT position. (Jood py. Experience unnec essary. Chautauqua Mirscry Co., Portlund, WANTED GOOD SOL1UTORTO SOLIt IT the printing trade of Scrunton and vi cinity. Apply to J., Tribuuo office. VT ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK ' T cimvaiwor. Address T, B.. Ciire Tribune ofHeo, Hcianlon, Pa. For Sale. TftsATFrTrXTu I nnyiiiK practice In 11 good town. Address "DOCTOH."' Tribune oltiro. For Rent XR RENT FURNISHED AND UNfUR- ulahed rooms at 500 Lackswitnua aveim. ITOR KENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST r Liiekntt'aniia aveiiuo. Addran 1 1IOMAS E. EVANS, near 1132 Luzerue, Hyde Park. LH) It R EN T N I C F. L Y F U R N I SH E D HALL r suitable for lod roonu. . JOHN JEf. MYN, UO Wyoinioi; uvenuo. Fel Estate. RMTXOiOER1iuTuSK I huufea cxclmuk'ed for farms. R. ER NEST COMEGYS, Rnol Estate Agent, li Vuhlnt'ton. Price Building. Special Notices. rpUE ANNUAL MEETING OP STOCK 1 holders of 1 tie Lackawanna Lumber Co will bo huld ut the Third National Bank on Tuoiday, .lumnry 15. lt)U5, at 10 o'clock a. m., for electiun of directors for the ensuing year, and BU 'h other laisiness m may prorrly come before the meeting. J. L. CON NELL, Soc'y. rpHE ANNUA L MKETI.N G 01'' THE STOCK X hnlilers of tho S01 anion llluinlnutiiiif Heat and Power Company will be held at the oftko of tho company. 130 Wyoming avenue, on Tuesday, Januury 15, I MM. ut 4 o'clock p. m , for til.- election of dirrctors fur the euau intr year und such other businnxa aa may toino before them. FltfcD C HAND. Secretary. Bcranton, Pa., Dee , 1801. rpHU ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 xtnckholdnra of the Thiid National Bank of Seranton, will be held in their directum' room 011 Tumdny. January bth, 181)3, betweou tho hours of H and 4 o clock p. 11), HENhY BELIN, Jn., 6cratary. ' NNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEKT1NG J. of tho Wi-Bton Mill Co. will be Leld at the Klrsi. National Snturduy evunini;, Januury VMi, 1H00, ntH o'clock A. W. DICKSON, Secretarr. I AM NOW PRKPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 Inbitloiia and lectin e upon uny subjeut d Hired. 'Miuad exhibition will be illustrate 1. in my poaicuHion the moat powerful i!:bolviMij Btorcoptieona ne(lo. E. II. CALL, Tribune Office. VoU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank I.csIIo'h HlUHtraled Week y Wur lllutratio s IKill-ltKIS. Two Volume Folli (IiUi: payal.le inontlily. t-XO. expiess coinpicto, rroiiald. Addie.-w P, O. J'.OdDY, Old Gibson ktroiil, Seranton, Pa. DLAN1C I'OOKS. PAMPHLHTB, MAOA- li nines, etc,, bound or ruboiind at TiiR Tiiiiilnu otllto. yiilck work. Reasonable prieoa. MEAL TICKETS CAN BK HAD AT 14i n.riiHi hpruce street und S'ran kiln avo nil". Twenty incul tickets for 1X50. UojlI ihI.Io bonrJ. Strayed, J j -ailot- setter dox; white spot on fc.relioud and breast. The ftwuir can have sum by pay tnacoHt. JOHN JUliU, William street. Situations Wanted. ClrtJATION WANTED -A MIDDLE AGKD O man wmitas altuation; any k In J of woik or (Irivlnu; the hnt of mferonoo bIvmo; i'j vcura a rouidout of this city. Addreis "U ," thl.olllco. Buffalo Stock Market. Py the United Press. Buffalo, l-d'c . Cattle Receipts,. 2,250 head; on sale, 140 head; markot cay; prime stent', J.",.5UuO; good, $4.80aE.Sf.; me dium, H.i'at.Ou; fair to good fut cows, )2.25a2.86. lioirs Receipts, 10,000 head; on salo, 4,000 head; market staady, firm; YorkeiH, good to choice, )4.6i.a4.UO; plus, tl.4r.a4.o0; Kood mixed, t4.Ci0u4.6f.; mediums, t4.0TMG.7u; roughs, ta.7ja4; BIuks, t-13.70. Sheep and Lambs Roetdpts, 9,600 heud; on sale, 10.MI0 head; market weaker; best na tives, Jl.35a4.40; good, tl.l6a4.So; common to fair, t:a3.7r; Kood a lieu p, steady; choice mixed, U.&; fair to good, tl.7r.n2. 40; cullH, tlal.OU; Canada lambs, J4.40a4.00. A Sura Cure for Hiccoughs. From nn Kxchanite. All you have to do Is to lie down; stretch your head back as far as possible; open your mouth widely; then hold twe flngvrs above your head, well back, so that you have to strain the eyos to see them; gase Intently upon them, and take lonir, full breaths. In a short time you will bo re lieved of that troublesome hlccounh, Proof Positive, "Yes," said the physlclun, "he's dead, poor fellow. Ills heart has ceased to boat." "That last statement settles It," said the friend. "If there's anything about Slip pery Pete that has ceased to beat, be cer tainly Is dead.-LOXe. , , . (onnolfy During the Next Three Weeks Previous to our Semi-Annual Inventory, we will to close out our stock of Co atsan Prices are NOW IS CONNOLLY & f6Ston8 IS NOW MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY THE SGRANTQN BEDDING CO., 602 anizZ,Aue PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. STEEL ROD, SILVER HOUNTED, LEATHER CASE AND OTHER GOOD STYLES OP UriBRELLAS AT CONRAD'S. A Decided More In the Skates trafle has set tn and It 111 pay you to examine the stock of JL'KISCII'R. st 436 fcpruce street. Fine llnenf superior pocket cutli'ry, rasors. etc.. for Hull day trade. Guns and snimuiiit'on st bottom figures. Aln some second haud t beols at prices that will sitQUinh yoa.ScelDg is belioTing m.HOLBEBn WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY t SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ 1 BAUER nnd Others PIANOS Also a large stock ot first-class ORGANS MUSICAL riERCHANDlSE, MUSIC, ETC. CALL UP 3682. my CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING AH done away with by the use of HART WAN'B PATENT PAINT, which con-lute Of InKi-edlenu well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Rulvanlied tin, iheet Iron rood, also to brick dwellngH, which will Iirevent absolutely any crumbling-, orack ng or breaking of the brlrk. It will out ant tinning ot any-kind by many yeare, and It'a coiit does not exceed one-fifth that of the coiit of tinning, Is (old by tho lob or pound. Contract taken by ANTONIO UAKTUAKN. 427 Birch St A Handsome Complexion b one of the ffreateet obarmi a woman can pnauM. ttoiaoH'e Ooimaxioa Powoaa ftvei it. I I I d Fur Capes cut just about in half, and if you are not provided with a Winter Garment YOUR OPPORTUNITY. WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. THE CELEBRATED TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many paN rons thut they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD W HEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will nllow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brauds. f4 MEGUL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Tine and White Cedur Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies iu general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. SHAW, . EMERSON, ' KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE, ii J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Seranton, PENNYROYAL C2 1 fyyv pki m w w m m m mm u m v iu.i,. 'f,':Ak for SB. KOTV'B fumout, fXLJ.9 and take 1 !"t" Send for clroolar. l'rlce $1.00 per box, 6 boxes 1 ottXJR. MOTT'S CHKJMICAL. CO.. Clovelaa For Sal by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist, 127 Penn Avenu. K.w rfU.n. V'ltIiN,ka uctir kaim IU Ann Ltui. Pnip"n" miamiy, , vmer we mwm m wrmi wriltaq For al try JOHN H. PHEIPS, Sprues Strt, Seranton, Pa. Wallace make a special effort Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whit Oak. Bulllvan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. fCLODGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. Spring MILL 3$rfITOril'rBrgft Tho only safe, trm n4 PUIS. yer offered to Ladles, eipeolally reoommend ed to married Ladle. no other. 1 for t&.Oth (Jloveltvad, Ohio. RESTORE LOST YIGOR Will K... mnn tak AftlJ lth WKTTTttf r.D,kililjr, I,M.ofHiul fowar in lltitiiM, m i.w per ui oy Bm,,oti,ii:v sutiMiic to eurao itluad tU npoBtf, ur,in tlaialaud, Ublo. Phermaclst, cor. Wyoming AvsnutaM
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