TWELVE PAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. is Lexow Committee Say That His Case Is Not Kithin Their Province. WILLIAMS AND HIS WEALTH Tba Inspector Is Worth Only $40,000. Easy t'pon Captain Dclancy Mr. Mar- tin a frugal Citizen on a Salary of $5,000 a Year. By the United Prtss. New York, Dec. 28. When Chairman Lexow called the Investigation commit tee to order this morning he announced that the committee had received a let ter from Anthony Comstock In relation to the testimony given by Street yes terday. "We haVe considered the letter of Mr. Comstock," said the chairman, "and have come to the conclusion that the matter 1s not within our province; therefore we cannot hear Mr. Com stock." The examination of Inspector Will iams was then resumed. Williams de nied that he was worth $300,000 and clailmed that his fortune Is not more than about $10,000. The Inspector ad mitted that he had been given $4,000 or $5,000 by Fliess & Hoey, whisky distil lers, and the only reason he gave for being presented with this money was thait Flless was friendly to him. Williams denied or excused but did not explicitly explain a number of pe culiar transactions. Mr. Goff ques tioned him about them and then he was allowed ,to leave the stand. A young man named Morris Rosen feld took the stand. "Where do you live?" asked Mr. Goff. "I am afraid to give my residence, as the police would kill me," said Rosen feld. He said he visited Inspeotor Will iams on Sept. 7 last. "I was standing by a soda water Btand when a policeman came up and truck me without provocation. I went to headquarters to complain about the officer. I met Inspector Williams, and he asked me how much money I would settle the case for. Rosen f eld Wanted lust Ice. "I said I came to get Justice, and did not want money. The inspector said then, 'You don't care for money?' I snld I didn't, and he called me a liar, 'The sheenies,' said he, 'killed Christ for a few pieces of silver.' He then ordered me out of his room." 'But Inspector Williams," said Mr. Goff, "said today If you swore to this you would be telling a lie." "I am not lying, sir. Inspector Will iams Is a liar If he said so." A recess was taken. After recess it was definitely announced by Chairman Lexow that the committee would sit tomorrow and then adjourn. - - Captain John Dclancy wa - then called, but. tftr asking him a w questions, Mr. Goff said: "Captain De laney, In mercy to you, I will let you go. In respect to your dead wife I will ask you no more questions about that money, which you can't explain." . Captain Thomas M. Ryan took the stand. He denied he drew any money from the bank to pay his wardmen. Witness closed up every disorderly house In the Fifteenth precinct and he never collected blackmail. He was excused until tomorrow. Commlsloner Marten was then called. The witness denied that he and Rich ard Croker met the representatives of the liquor dealers at the Hoffman House. He said he never enrtered Into an arrangement with the Liquor Deal ers' association, who, Instead of pay ing the police, were to support Tam many Hall. "J never heard about It," he said, "until I saw It In the papers." In reply to Mr. Coff, President Mar ten said there was never any formal ac tion taken by the police board to dis cover If blackmail had been paid by the liquor dealers. "We relied on the superintendent whom we considered active and ener getic and able to find out these mat ters." Martin Transferred Policemen. President Marten denied that he ever ' heard from Captain Doherty that Mrs. Thurow was In the habit of going ball for her1 girls. He admitted he had transferred policemen at the request of local Tammany leaders. "The transfers were made in the n terest of the political organization?" "Yes, sir; I suppose that's the case." The witness saild he heard a great deal more about the corruption before he became a commissioner than after wards. He thought the police board should have the power of compelling witnesses to attend when subpoenaed "You were asked to produce your books. Are you ready to do so?" i "Yes, sir; lam." "How much money have you In the bank?" "I have $986 in the Empire State bank and $8,100 In the Union Trust company." "Do you own real estate?" "Yes, sir. I own a house In West Sixty-fourth street for which I paid $10,000. My sister lives there. I also own the house I live in, for which I paid $26,000 $15,000 , being paid down. I bought the 'house in 1892." "How did you get the money?" '.'Well, since I have been commissioner I saved $2,000 a year." "What Is your salary?" "Five thousand dollars a year." , The witness said that was all property and money tie owned. the He handed Mr. Goff his two bank books and check books. Mr. Goff then asked the witness to hold himself In readiness to attend tomorrow. REVELATION AT ROME. Pecullur Dank Account with a Firm of cliccso Buyers. By the United Press. Rome, N. T., Dec. 28.-Another reve lation has been made in the affairs of Central National bank of Rome, which has been undergoing examination since the discovered defalcation of Cashier lflelby, ten days ago. It appears that the bank has for some years been carry ing wltlhout security a credit of several thousand dollars to the account of Rob ert Adam & Sons, cheese buyers and ex porters, who have ofilcea here and in New York city. The cashier, without the knowledge of the directors and without discovery by bank examiners, has permitted overdrafts of this ac count to the amount of $57,000, of which $10,000 is secured. McAdam & Son claim that it must be that they have not had credit for a part of their deposits. It la understood also that they are prepared ito turn $17,000 to the credit of the account. That be ing done, would leave a net shortage of 130,000, in addition to the J37.000 default of Che cashier and teller heretofore re ported. This will Impair the capital of the 'bank and the stockholders will ba called together to decide whether to make good the shortage, with a view to re-opening the bank. STATE MUSIC TEACHERS. Officers Elected at tho Meeting of tho Association In Hurrlsburg. By the United Press. Hurrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 28. These ofll- cers were elected by the State Music Teachers' association today: President, Eugene H. Heflle, Harris- burg; secretary and treasurer, Edmund Wolsleffer, Philadelphia; executive committee, Joseph H. Glttlngs, Joseph P. Collum and Theodore. Wll- bach, Pittsburg; programme commit tee, M. B. Foester, Pittsburg; A. W. Borst, Philadelphia, and Arthur Wlt tlch, Reading; auditing committee. Thomas A. Beokel, Icard Zelckwer and Vivian Ingle, Philadelphia. DUX'S GLANCE AT 1894. Review of Trade ShoWs Encouraging In dications as Compared to 1803, Though Business Not Pp to Previous Years. By the United Tress. New York, Dec. 28. R. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly review of trade will say: Commercial failures in 1894 already reported to R. G. Dun & Co. number 14,292 against 15,242 lust year, with liabilities of $163,238,404 against $310,- 779,889 Inst year. Next week the final report for I.S94 will probably Include about 400 more failures, with liabilities of about $4,000,000. From these accounts banks, bankers, financial and trans' porting companies are excluded. Manu facturing failures already number 2,756 against 3,422 last year, but liabilities are only $64,491,287 against $176,982,091 last year. The trading failures already number 11.J41 against 11,512 lust year, but w bliities are only $87,899,057 ugalnst $130, 062,333 last year. A decrease of about two-thirds in defaulted liabilities in the middle and central northern states, one-half In the weBt and southwest, ana a third In other sections Is shown, Wages actually paid In November are compared today with working hours !n establishments throughout the country, ana in about fifty branches of Indus try, the average being 236.4 hours per hand this year, 218.4 last year, and 243.2 In 1892, the wagea paid per Qiour were per cent, less than last year and 8.59 per cent, less than in 1892. As the hands employed in establishments reporting were 8.53 per cent, more than last year, but 12.02 per cent, less than in 1892, the total wages paid in these establishments in November was 16.33 per cent, more than in November. 1893. but 21.77 per cent, less than In Novem- t . i PAn . ucw xoji. lnus me uecrease in Dur- chasing power of the working force is louna to be due mainly to decrease In numbet of hands and hours of work. rather than to reduction of wages Dald per nour. Holiday trade has scarcely met ex pectations. Purchases have been nu merous, Dut smaller- than usual in amount and more confined to needful articles, thus antlclDatine ordinary trade. In spite of some 'sensational losses on western roads, the earnlntrs of all railroads reporting for December are 2.9 per cent, greater than last year. out jj.b per cent. less than In 1892, and the east-bound tonnage from Chicago, for' three weeks, has been 120,206, against 219,946 last year,. but on west bound tonnageandon southern lines the comparison is more favorable. It af fects other Important industries that railroads have taken only 500,000 tons of rails for renewals this year, against twice as much ordinarily required, r Money Is still coming to this city In a steady stream and exports of gold for the week are expected to be about $2,500,000. The dissolution of the bon syndicate, indicating that the pending currency bill has destroyed the market for bonds, Is the most important event in financial circles, and is liable to have results of some consequence. Failures in three weeks of December show liabilities of $10,651,937, of which $6,751,419 were manufacturing and $3, 900,516 of trading concerns. Failures for the week have been 350 in the United States against 511 last year and 41 Canada against 41 1st year. MURDER OR SUICIDE. George Palmer and Ills Wife Found with Their Throats Cut, By the United Press. Vassar, Mich., Dee. 28. George Pal mer and wife were found this morning with their throats cut, lying dead on the floor. Their son went to the barn to do the work about 8.30. o'clock, and when he returned he found his parents dead. It is not known whether It was murder or suicide. The Palmer's lived on a farm a few miles from the village of Mlllington. It Is believed that Palmer was insane.- Result of a Merry Christmas. By the Un.'ted Press. Charleston, 8. C, Dee. 28. A , special from Cypress, B. C, Says: On Christmas day Harvey Kelley and Frank Fluids, two farmers, young married white men, about 22 years old, became Involved In a quarrel and drew pistols and shot each other. Kulley Was instantly killed and Fields Is mortally wounded. Both men had been drinking freely. California Strike Cases. By the United Press. San Francisco, Dec. 28. United states District Attorney Knight stated today that before the resumption of the strik ers' cases next week, he would recom mend to Attorney General Olney that the Indictments against those who did not take an active part In stopping trains In July InBt be dismissed. This would free about 75 per cent of the 115 persons In dieted. Detwilcr's Cpse Settled. By the United Press. fl Easton, Pa., Dec. 2g. Trie cast of O. L. Dctwller, of Easton, late court stenog rapher, charged with false pretense and embezzlement, was settled today by leave of the court by the defendant paying back to the county Jllti, the amount admitted to bodue the county, and paying the COSt, J26.U6. : ! George Williamson Dead, By the United Press. Provldenco, R. I.,' Dec. 28. Goorge Will iamson, father of the silverware Indus try of America, died today. He was head of the Qorham company, i BE PEACE Ex-Secretary Foster to Aid the Chi nese Plenipotentiaries. CASE OP THE JAPANESE SPIES Secretary Grcshara lias Cabled to Minis ter Dvnby to Demand Satisfaction of China For Breach of Faith-No Reply Has Been Received. By the United Press.. . Washington, Dec. 28. The accuracy of the Information contained in the Shanghai cablegram regarding Minis ter Deniby's Instructions In the case of the Japanese student sples Is fully con firmed at ' the state ' department. Promptly upon hearing of the butchery of the two students who had been turned over to Chinese officials for such punishment as might be accorded lti civilized countries upon lawful convic tion, Secretary Gresham cabled Minis ter Denby to demand satisfaction for the breach of faith. No reply has yet been received, whlah, however, is not wondered at, considering the demoral ized condition of the Pekin government Berlin, Dec. 28. The Cologne Gazette asserts that England and Germany have agreed for concerted action on Uie part of the British and German fleets In Chinese waters in the event of tho arising of an emergency. The Pence Commission. . Shanghai, Dec. 28. Peace Commis sloner Chang-Yln-Huan. president of the board of revenue, and formerly nun later at Washington, has left Tientsin for Che Foo, and is expected here on Jan. 6, when he will join Peace Commis sioner Shao-Yao-Lien and go to Tokio. Washington, Dec. 28. Ex-Secretary John W. Foster, who is about to start for the east to assist the Chinese peace commissioners In the negotiation of terms of peace with Japan, called at the state department today and had an In terview with Secretary Gresham re specting his mission. Mr. Foster has lately returned from a trip around the world, and spent a considerable time In China. He is very well acquainted with one of the Chinese peace commis sioners. Whether there will be a suspension of hostilities pending the meeting of the representatives of the two govern ments Is not known at the Japanese legation here. The impression Is that the Japanese troops are concentrating at New-Chwang, which the Chinese forces have recently evacuated, and that the victorious army will continue its march In the direction of Pekln. The question of an armistice after the pleni potentiaries have convened and pend ing an agreement as to terms of peace, will depend on the .powers which the Chinese ambassadors possess. If they are simply plenipotentiaries ad refer endum , and their recommendations have to be sent back to China for ap proval or dlapproval, a long time nec essarily must elapse before terms of peace can be concluded. If, on the other hand, their powers are conclusive and the actions of its representatives binding on China, the Japanese will be disposed to grant larger .concessions in the matter of a suspension of hostili ties. The United States steamer Yorktown arrived today at Che Foo from Yoko hama. At this point she will be in an advantageous position to observe the progress of hostilities on the Shang Tung promontory, and If need be to re inforce the Baltimore and the Mon- onacy below Tientsin. BOWSER'S DIFFERENT YARN'S. The Young Colored Man in Jail For tho Murder of Thomas F. Burke Gives Three Versions of tho Affair. By tho United Tress. Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 28. This after noon the body of Thomas F. Burke, who was killed on Saturday night, Dec. 15, at Pottsville, was exhumed In the Catholic cemetery at New Philadelphia by order of the coroner and an autopsy made. It was found that death was caused by a general cerebral congestion and effusion of the blood beneath the pia matter, the effects of a blow from some blunt Instrument on the back of the neck. Tho jury which brought In the verdict of death from exposure will be called together and a verdict In accordance with the autopsy will be found. Charles Bowser, the young colored man who is In Jail for the crime, has told three different stories, but it Is be- lleved he tells the truth only when he says he knocked the man down and kicked him until Interfered with by one of the women of the neighborhood. At least one more person is implicated in the crime and will be arrested. DIED OF HYDROPHOBIA. W. 11. Lindsay Expires from Effects of o Dog Bite. By the United Prcsn. Lynchburg. Pa., Dec 23. W. H. Llnd say, an aged citizen of Bedford, died yesterday afternoon from hydrophobia About six months ago a rabid dog in the neighborhood of Clay's Crossing bit several horses and cattle and all of the animals were taken with hydropho bla and had to be killed. The dog was owned by Lindsay, and It bit him be fore It was killed. Lindsay suffered from no 111 effects until last Saturday, when he was taken suddenly ill, and tho physicians who were called saw unmistakable signs of hydrophobia, such , as aversion water, etc. Nothing could be done for him and he lingered on until 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when he died. The deceased was 86 years of age, and one of the best known wheelwrights In this section of the state. Snow Storm In the South. By the United Press. Charleston, S. C Dec, 28. A special from Georgetown, B. C, Bays: It com menced to snow here this afternoon and continues to snow and sleet with strong northwest wind blowing. Tho town robed In white tonight and tho weather is growing colder. Two Sticks Died Easily. By the United Press. Doadwood, S. D.. Dec. 28. Two Qtlcks, the Sioux Indian sentenced for a lead Ing part In the murder of four cowboys on Feb. 2. was hanged today by United States Marshal Miller In the presence of fifty persons. The Indian died euslly and quickly Scranton Invites the Business Man to ft Red Hot Talk Characterizes the Meet ing at St. Louis. MR. CLEVELAND DENOUNCED Gcnulno Pow Wow at the Conference of tho Party Leaders Vico President Howard, of American Railway I nion, Awakens Enthusiasm. By the United Press. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 28. The confer ence of the leaders of the Populist party began ait 11 o'clock this morning und for nearly two hours there was a red hot exchange of opinions between the delegates. Nearly all tho wrangling as due to a motion made by a delegate from Kansas that the sessions should be executive and that all Information be kept from the press until such time as suited the conference. Chairman Taubeneck finally despaired of reaching a decision 1n regard to the matter and declared a recess until 2 p m. A committee appointed on ad resses was instructed to take nothing from or add wnythlng to the Omaha platform. ' On re-assembllng at 2 o'clock the na tlonal committee lacked a quorum. It was decided that a call of states was the best means of getting an exchange of views. ..- ' Matters moved smoothly, and cheer ing 'was plentiful as eac'h state was called. After Georgia reported, the con ference adjourned until 7.30 p. m. The call was resumed on re-assembling. Iowa brought General J. B. Weaver from the chair. He had little to say of his state, but read a resolution to the effect that financial Issues were the keynote of tho coming campaign; side tracking the land and transportation question. This precipitated a stormy wrangle and It became plainer than ever that no plank In the Omaha platform was to be ignored. His contention was for a trinity of money gold, silver and pa perto be controlled In volume and value by the government alone. He in sisted that money was the winning Issue and that the. People's party, which was stronglnprlnclplesand weak In tactics, should recognize that Issue and meet it. He was asked some troublesome questions, but the resolution passed. Addresses by Howard and Sovereign. A resolution was presented denounc ing the judgment against the officers of the American Ruilway union und vice president of the order, Howard, was invited to speak. He took the meeting by storm. J. R. Sovereign, of the Knights of Labor, followed In an Impassioned address. The resolution, after an amendment eliminating an ob jectionable reference to Judge Woods, of the federal court, was adopted. During the succeeding call of states resolutions were offered and adopted to nsk congress for an Investigation of Alabama election frauds, and denounc ing Cleveland for calling out troops during the rnllroad strike. These, with the Trumbull resolutions, already made public with others offered In the morn ing session, will occupy the attention of the national committee tomorrow. DUFFY TIRED OF LIFE. Endeavored to Commit Suicide hut Took an Ovcrdoso of Laudanum, ratrlck Duffy, who resides on South Washington avenue, endeavored to commit suicide about 11, o'clock last night by swallowing a dose of laud anum. He was frustrated, however, by taking an overdose which compelled him to vomit in a manner which aroused the suspicions, of the Inmates of the house. Officer Goerlltz was summoned and took him to the police station, whore he appeared to have overcome from the effects of the laudanum. Duffy was until recently an Inmate of the Hillside Home. REVISED REVENUE BILL. Measure Adopted by State Tax Confer ence Is Being Perfected. By the United Press. Harrlsburg, Pa., Dee. 28. The revised revenue bill as adopted by the state tax conference has been referred to a com mittee consisting of Joseph D. Weeks, of Pittsburg, to put In shupe for pres entation to the legislature. It consolidates the revenue laws of 1889, 1891, 1893; eliminating such por tions as are Inconsistent with the gen eral system adopted and adds some new subjects of tuxatlon. THREE HUNDRED IN ASHES. Mrs. Bartholomew Foolishly Secretes Her Cash in the Stove Pipe. By the United Press. Kaston, Pa., Dec. 28. Mr. and (Mrs. Henry Bartholomew, residing near Moorestown, this county, lost $300 last night in a singular manner.' They had built a Christmas house and. Invited a number of friends 'to see it. The house was bulK In a cold room and a fire was started In the etove. It subsequently transpired that a few days previous Mrs. Bartholomew had received $300 in heritance money, and unknown to her family had placed the money, all In Mils, In the stove pipe for safe keeping. No sooner had the guests been invited Into the room when there was a scream, and five minutes later Mrs. Bartholo mew revived from a faint w hlch she had when she found her $300 in ashes. MUSIC IX PUBLIC SCHOOLS. State Music Teachers' Association Will Push the Question ut ilun'isburg. By the United Press. Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 2S. The annual convention of tho State Music Teach ers' association adjourned this evening with a concert. A grand chorus of 250 voices and an orchestra of fifty pieces, under direction of Gilchrist, of Phila delphia, took part. J. H. Kurzenknabe, of Harrlsburg, was elected chairman of the committee on legislation and will push the ques tion of music in the public schools. SlU'IDE OF MARY ENGLE. Smarting I'ndcr Accusation Tliut She Was n Thief, the Young Girl Swallows Cur boliu Acid. By the United Tress. Philadelphia, Dee. 28. Smarting un der the accusation that she was a thief, comely Mary Engle, aged 20 years,, swallowed carbolic acid at her home this afternoon and died within half an hour. Since Aug. 27 the cloud of accusa tlon had been hanging over her, and when today her mother spoke as if she believed 'what others had said against her, she remarked: "Well, you will not be bothered with me much longer." A few minutes later Mary appeared before her mother again with a bottle In her' hand. In her mother's presence she swallowed the deadly poison. Miss Engle was accused of stealing a watch. The 'suspicion really fell upon her through a kindness she thought she was bestowing upon neighbor, a woman she had known for fnrae time, who was moving. Iti com pany with' several others, Mary assist ed In doing the work. Finally a watch was missed. Suspicion fell upon Miss Engle, and a warrant for her arrest was issued. ELBOW IT'LL OF WIRE. Astonishing Result of a Surgical Opera tlon t'pon a llcllcvue Patient. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 28. Scnnlon came to Belle vue last Saturday morning, suf ferlng with what everyone, including himself, supposed to be a bad dlsloca tlon of the left elbow joint. When he was operated upon last Monday, how ever, the doctors pulled from his fore' arm, In pieces from half an Inch to a foot and a half In length, eleven feet o lead wire, one-Blxteenth of an Inch dinmeter. Scanlun Is a brawny machinist. yenrs old, in the mploy of the East River Lead company. Until Saturday he had charge of the machine that makes the wire found In his arm. OLD LAND MARK TO GO. An Opera Ilouso Will Ho Erected on the Site of Memorable Tragedies. . By the United PresB. Washington, Dec. 28. The gloomy old brick mansion on Lafayette square In which the murderous assault wus made on Secretary Seward and his son the night of President Lincoln's nssasslna tlon, and In which James O. Blaine an his son and daughter died, and which has also been associated with other memorable tragedies in Washington life, is to be torn down. A handsome, fireproof steel ' opera house to cost at least a quarter of a million dollars Is to be erected on tho Bite now occupied by the house and its spacious grounds. HELLER WILL APPEAL. Ills Claims to Bo Considered in tho State Scuato. By the United Tress. Easton, Pa., Dec. 28. Dr. H. D. Hel ler, of Hellertown, who was yesterday declared defeated for Btate senator by K. H. Laubach, in The contested elec tion case, proposes to carry his contest to the state senate. Judge Schuyler to day awarded a certificate to Laubach, the Democratic candidate, and put ithe cost on the county. Republicans claim that over 200 illegal votes were cast In South Bethlehem, enough to reduce Laubach's majority and elecli Heller. Breckinridge Not o Drawing Card. By the United ProBS. Tetre Haute, ' Ind., Dec. 28. Congress man W. C. P. BreekinrlUBO delivered his lecture on the "Eras of American Devel opment and Their Great Men" to forty persons at the opera house tonight. Gunboats for Franco. By the United Press. Paris, Dec. 28. The French govern ment Is constructing with all possible rap idity twelve gunbaoti and forty-six barges, which will be Vent In section to Madagascar for the ubo of the French ex pedition, - . the Councils. STORIES OMESIIMION Suffering Amonrj the Inhabitants uf LJoyd County, Nebraska. ON THE VERGE 01' STARVATION rora Four to Five Thousand Out of Em ploymcnt in Oucbcc-Scottcrcd Popu lation in Some Loculiticsin Canada in a Dcplorublo Condition. By the United Press. O'Neill, Neb., Dec. 28. For some time past stories of extreme destitution have come from Boyd county and various parts of Holt county, but they had seemed so improbable that the people here hardly credited them. Inquiry shows, however, that the stories were not exaggerated. The situation in Boyd county is bad, and if the people there are not helped soon they will starve or freeze to death. J. M. Smith, who lives on what is called the Three Mile Strip on the state line, was In O'Neill today, and he tells many harrowing stories of the condi tion of the people in his part of Boyd county. He says that what is true of the people there Is also true in almost all parts of the country. Mr. Smith came with a commission from the peo ple of his section to collect supplies. He gathered considerable flour and pro visions today and forwarded them. Montreal, Que., Dec. 28. There nrs said to be In Quebec from 4,000 to 5,000 people out of employment, and whose condition Is described as most deplora ble. The federal and local govern ments and the city council have been called upon to start some works at once to give work to the unemployed. Judge Valu brings word from the St. Lawrence, below Saguenay, that most of the lumbering establishments there are closed this winter and that the scattered population along the coast who used ao eke out an existence be tween fishing In summer and hunting and lumbering In winter, are reduced to the last extremity. He fears that there will be many deaths from starva tion. EXCHANGE CLUB HOP. lloncsdulc's Swell Social Organization En tertains Numerous (iuests. Special to tho S ranton Tribune. Honesdale, Dec. 28. The Exchange club dance held this evening was a brilliant affair, eclipsing all pre vious efforts of the club. The spacious armory of Company K was tastefully decorated In holly, evergreen and bunt ing, the latter being in the club's colors, purple and gold. Bauer's orchestra fur nished tho music. Elegant refreshments were served, and everything tending toward an enjoyable time was looked after by the members of the club. The patronesses were: Mrs. T. B. Clark, Mrs. J. D. Weston, Mrs. O. S. Purdy, Mrs. A. T. Searle, Mrs. H. T. Dolmetseh, Mrs. W. F. Suydam, Mrs. J. W. Lam bert, Mrs. J. J. O'Connell, Mrs. H. T. Menner, Mrs. O. W. Lane and Mrs. L. J. Dorfllnger. The reception committee was: T. . Clark, C. E. Foster, J. D. Weston, T. M. Fuller, T. Frank Ham. F. C. Farnham and II. Z. Russell. Among the guests from out of town were: John Torrey, Brooklyn; A. O. Hunt, Scranton; J. Dlossen, Paterson, N. J.; Miss Sloane, New York; E. Hall, Scranton; Ross Paterson, Carbondale; Theodore Connell, Ezra II. Connell, Dr. K. W. Green, Miss Mason, Miss Kellam, Miss Charlesworth, Miss Phelps, John II. Blackwood, Mark Edgar, Scranton; Miss Watt, Carbondale; Mr. Gllmore, E. Neuman, Scranton; Miss Bell, Mr. Saddler, Carbondale; Mr. Blandln, Scranton; Miss Nason, Salt Lake City; Miss Howe, A. Monies, Green Ridge: H. Atkinson, Hawley; Miss Farnham, Scranton; Miss Ayars, Wllkes-Barre; Leon Knapp, Olyphant; Mr. Hamilton, Carbondale: Florence Bunnell. Port Jervls. For a Military Park. By tho United Press. - Wimhlnirton. Dec. 28. The president has mmroved an act to establish a national military park at the battlefield of Bhlloh similar to those at Ucttysimrg ami i nu-K amauga, carrying an appropriation of $7fv 000 for the purpose of securing the nec essary land und for making improve ments. Funeral Party All Right. T!v thn United Press. Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 2S.-The fu neral party which met with such an ex eltliie- accident on tho meadows yester day, oreompanled the remains of Hona Stein to the burial place at juny s jjinn Inn bv train today, none of them suffer ing tho least III effects from their expos ure and adventure. Sonic (iold Still Kcmnlns. Bv the United Press. Washington, Dec. 28. The stated treas ury balance toduy is Jiri2.408.5Ul, of which $88,299,i38 Is In gold, a ueeuno since yesiui day of nearly $700,000. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fnlr; warm er; high northwesterly winds tonight, bo coming southwesterly. INLETS ' SPECIAL SALE OF MUSLIN To make room for Spring Stock. Wc arc now selling a lot of slightly soiled jroods at prices to close tliem out quickly. S, SET COVERS. -ALSO- A special job lot of ChildrenV Fine White Aprons at about naif price. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY agent roa THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. FOR A NEW YEAR PRESENT lor your boy get him a pair of Storm King Hoots or a pair of Shoes that will stand all sorts of sport and protect the boy's health. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIS, Wholsale and Retail. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. oliday Goods Our doors are open to every lover of the beautiful, and we welcome all to see and enjoy the largest display of Holiday Goods that was ever put oil exhibition in this city. Take a Look nt the Diamonds in Our Window Can show more inside. you many W, J. WE1GHEL, 408 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR DIME BANK. 1 SKIRTS IMH BELTING LEUILYHDAVIES A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers