The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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rounded '
spoonful of
Idoes better work, yv
.than a heaping-
of others.
Norrman & lore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Am and fnrnn-
deicont Light. In
nearly all partf
ol mo my.
Our Incandescent System is absolutely safe
No Oriental opium-sccntcd linen
frayed, fretted and worthless, but all
returned fit for wear, ironed with care,
and all of it there.
808 Penn At.
Rugs and Sweepers for the Ho'iday
trade. "Gold Medal" Swiepora in
twelvo fancy woods tor ChrUtmua Oif'.l
Pay your poor taxes and save costs.
St. Luke's church choir will repeat the
Christmas programme of music on Sun
day morning.
An ordinance repealing tho ordinance
providing for the grading of Parker street
was signed by Mayor Connell yesterday,
Members of the "Brownlea" will moet
for rehearsal at the Young Men's Chris
tlan association at 10 o'clock this morn'
Bllas Moon, of Jermyn, and Martha
Ann Freeman, of Buffalo, were married
at the court Douse yesterday by Alderman
John 8obarsky, charged with larceny by
Max Schwartz, entered bull In the sum of
X1W. Martin Woyshner became his ee
The funeral of the lute Michael T. Ilef
fem will take place tomorrow morning
from the fumlly residence at IM5 Penn
avenue at 9 o'clock.
Excavation work on the Piatt estate
and in the yard of the Lackawanna Iron
and Steel company is being hurried along
for the abutments and western pier of the
Spruce street brlclce.
By an error the name of Councilman
Elsworth Davles was omitted from the
list of those present at the Joint session
of councils on Monday night. Mr. Davles
seconded the motion for adjournment,
A cab owned and driven by Nicholas
Glllets, of the South Side, was struck by
a Providence car at Penn avenue and
Linden street last evening at G o'clock,
No one was Injured, but tho cab was bad
ly damaged.
Professor Weston will take a flash
light photograph of the Young Men
Christian association basket ball team
this evening at 8 o'clock, after which
contest will take place between the llwt
and second teams, to which admisslun
will be free.
Dr. McLeod announced from his pulpit
last Sunday that on next Saturday even
lng, between 8 and 10 o'elock, Hev. I)r,
and Mrs. McLeod would receive at their
residence, No. (i3u Jefferson avenue, all the
young men who attend the First Presby
terlan church.
Special arrangements have been made
for the monthly meeting of the Kim
Park Kp worth league, which will be held
this evening. After a good programmo of
literary and musical selection, a nod;
will be held suitable to the season of good
Cheer. A general welcome Is extended,
Christmas exercises were held by the
Sunday school scholars of the Zlon Luth
eran church last night, when a splendl
programme of music was rendered by the
members of the choir. Rev. Frederl
Zlzleman, the pastor, made a suitable
address to the children, after which
Christmas presents of candy and toys
were distributed.
A splendid programme hns been ar
ranged by Professor Carter for the "Twl
light organ recital" which will be held on
New Year's day at 4 p. m. The doorB
will be closed at that hour. Mrs. Cecilia
Nlles, the soprano soloist of the English
Lutheran church of New York, will sing
several selections. An offering will I
made during tho recital.
The following olllcers were elected by
the Hcranton lodge, No. 23, Knights of
Pythias, on Tuesday evening: Chancel
lor commander, J. K. Lamblc; vlco chan
cellor, R. M. Kohnstamm; prelate, P. R,
Kimball; master-at-arms, Charles Wit
helm; master of work, F. J. Branur
trustee, Qeorgo IS. Saxe. An lnterestln
lecture was delivered to a largo gathering
of members after tho election.
The Christmas exercises of tho Grace
Lutheran church were eelobrated last
evening In the concert hall of the Young
Men's unnsuan association, when Rev,
Foster U. Gift, the pastor, and ofllcers
or the Sunday school addressed the schol
ars upon Christmas topics. A goad pro
gramme or musio was performed and
large number of gifts distributed to the
- children. , .
Elaborate preparation are being mad
at the Young Men's Christian association
In readiness for the monster reception
which will be held on New Year's day.
The decoration of the lurxe number of
rooms will eclipse all previous occasions
and a splendid programme of vocal and
Instrumental music, Including artists
from New York, will be provided. The
proceedings will continue from 2 p. m. to
10 p. m.
Several friends were entertained on
Christmas eve by Silas Carrie Klndell at
her reHldonce on Mulberry street. Among
tho visitors were Misses Jennie Rldge-
ay, Itertha Kramer, Cora Hulderman,
Susan Hack, Lena Heltzman, Nettle Van
Valen, Anna Clark, Lorotta Urlflln, Lo
vlda McCarty, William Prym, L. Rob
erts, George Glbbs, George Kirper, Lou
an Vulen, Bert Adams. Guy Doane and
Cheater Weiss. Music and games wcro
Indulged In until a late hour and a very
enjoyable evening was Bpent.
Fabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark
ling, at Lohman's, Spruce street,
lopes After Being but Two Weeks In
This Country-Lover Is In (all.
After beliip; but two weeks In this
country, a Polish girl named Burch
eloped from tho North End early
Christmas morning with & fellow-coun-
trymun, who afterward refused to
marry her, and was arrested and sent
to jail.
The Burch girl Is but 19 years old
nd lived with her brother, P3ter. Soon
fter. Doc. 10, the day of her arrival
Yank MusUltus, llvlnfr in Oak street,
began to woo the foreign maiden, and
on Christmas eve succeeded In gaining
her consent to marriage Brother Peter
disapproved of the "proposed matth,
and to overcome this obstacle, the girl
slipped from the huse at 2 o'clock
Christmas morning and met her lover
a few blocks away.
Yesterday the brother secured a war
ant from Aldurman Iloran for the ar
rest of MuskltUB, who was found with
the girl In the house of John Lyirch, on
Oak street. Constable Cole brought
the pair before the alderman, who,
upon learning that no marriage had
taken place, sent the lover to Jail In d
fault of $1,000 ball to appear at court.
Hlica Presented It at tho Academy of
Music l.nst Might.
Rhea appeared at the Academy of
Music last night In "The New Mag
dalen," a solemn, ombra drama that
gives her opportunity to revel In the
tear suggesting enunciation at which
she Is such an adpt.
The lesson that the dmma teaches is
that all bad women are nut contlnuous-
and persistently bad. Mercy Mer-
Ick was a nurse In. a French war hos
pital, having Jut left a retf uge fur fallen
women. She met Grace Roseberry, the
daughter of an English oflleer, recent
ly deceased, who svas on 'her way to her
father's relatives In England for pro-
ectlun and assistance. This girl was
olruck on the head by a piece of shell
and according to Che French surgeon,
was killed. Mercy Mert'lck 'possessed
herself of the girl's clothes and papers
and as a means of effectually dentroy-
ng her past, palmed herself off as the
original Miss Rosebwry on that lady's
aunt, Lady Janet Hoy.
A German surgeon revived Miss Rose-
berry, who proceeded to dispute the
right of Mercy Merrick 'to the name .f
Roseberry. The ex-fallen woman had
herself firmly intrenched in the affec
tions of Lady Jancit Roy and let It be
understood that the claimant was an
inpostor. After the heroics had been
spread through two acts and sho has
two men muJly In love with her, Mercy
Merrick humbly confesses her decep
tion and makes what reparation she
Rhea's peculiar French accent is as
pronounced as It was ten years ago, but
her acting Is that of a llrlshed, con
scientious and painstaking artiste.
Her support was pood, the work of Mr.
Hart, as Rev. Julian Gray, being es
pecially worthy of note. "The New
Magdalen" will not increase Rhea's
John Jackson of Jermyn Stricken by
Neuralgia of the Stomuch.
John Jackson, of II street, Jermyn,
found dead in the Delaware and Hud
son mine at Jermyn yesterday morning,
about 7 o'clock. Jackson was abut 60
years of age, find had been suffering
from neuralgia of the Htomaeh for some
time. When he left his home yesterday
morning he complained of Illness, and
must have received a sudden attack,
as he was found half-way from the en
trance of the drift where he worked.
George Tucker, a driver, found him
prostrate in a shanty and when he and
others attempted to remove the body
thpy ascertained that he was dead.
Mr. Jackson leaves a wife and twelve
hild-en, five of whom are residents In
Engraved cards at REYNOLDS BROS.
Scranton Is hustling In the contest for
a diamond ring that Is benlng waged be
tween General Manager liectem, of the
Traction company, and Han. John Gra
ham, of Wllkes-Barre. The proceeds of
the contest will go to the Church of tho
Bacred Heart ut Plains.
Rubber Boots for mon and boys, $1 .V.
A good thing, buy and tell your neigh
bors. Five Brothers, 010 Lackawanna
avenue. , .
Turkish on Russian Baths for Ladies.
At the reauest of physicians and ladles,
arrangements have been mad to give
baths to ladles on Tuesdays from a. m
to 6 p. m. Private entrance through
Owens cloak parlors on Sprue itrret. M
J. Purcell, proprietor.
Excelsior Diaries for 1895.
Magnesia and Maguabestos Sectional
' Coverings,
Orders for breakers, houses and steam
plants generally, solicited.
Successor to Ma can & Co,
J. 8. REYNOLDS, Manager,
321 Center street,
Beautiful Water Colors, Fac-simllos,
Photogravures and Etchings, Framed and
Pur Capes and Cloaks.
Our assortment for Christmas Week is
very complot. i
Fur Capes, 87.00 to 150.00.
. . Jackets, $0.00 to $.10.00.
Also lorge assortment of Fur Scarfs and
Small Furs.
G. W. OWENS, Clonks and Furs,
COB Spruce St., Court House Squaro.
Leather Traveling Cases, Collar and
Cuff Boxos.
No Better
for the
Little Ones.
All parts on salenowatTnE
Tribune business office.
Expired at His Home in Honesdale
After an Illness of Several Months.
For Twelve Years Deceased Served with
Distinction as Resident Judgoof the
Wayne-Pike Judicial DIstrlct-I'u-ncral
Will Take Placo l'rlday.
Ex-Judge Henry M. Seely died at his
home ;in Honesdale Wednesday night of
Bright' s disease, from which he had
suffered for some 'time. Mr. Seely was
a member of the Lackawanna county
bar and the Bar association will meet
a.t 11 o'clock 'this morning In the law
library of the court house to take action
on his death.
Henry M. Seely 'Was born In Seely
vllle, a suburb of Honesdale, on Sept.
18, 1835. His parents were Colonel
Richard L. and Maria, Seely. He was
prepared for college dn the schools at
Honesdale and then entered Yale, from
which college ho was graduated In 1857
Ex-Justice Alfred Hand, of this city,
who was from boyhood one of Judge
Seely's closest fi'lends, was a member
of the same-class. Other distinguished
members of it were Professor Mnscs
Tyler, of Cornell university, and Pro
fessor Illake, of Drown university.
For a time young Seely read law at
Honesdale under the direction of F. M.
Crane, but in 1S58 he entered the Albany
Law school, going from that institu
tion to New York city, where he com
pleted his studies.
Admitted to the liar.
In May 18f.9, he was admitted to prac
tlce in New York and at once entered
upon the duties of his profession. In
September of ithe fume year he paid a
visit to Honesdale and was admitted to
practice In the Wayne county courts,
but returned ito New York and con
tlnued his practice 'there until the death
of his father several years later. Col
onel Hei ly was one of the most respect
ed residents of Wayne county, and for
a number of years was president of the
Honesdale bank.
On his demise his son settled per
manently In Honesdale and entered
earnestly on the practice of his profes
sion. He forged quickly to the front
and wait soon looked upon as the leader
of the Wayne bar. In 1882 Charles P,
Waller, preslde-nt Judge of the Twenty
second Judicial district, which includes
Wayne and I'lke counties, died, and
Mr. Seely was at once pointed to as the
most worthy person to succeed him.
Ha was appointed by Governor Hoyt to
serve until January, 1884.
In 1883 the Republicans of the Judi
cial district tendered the nomination
for Judge to Mr. Seely by unanimous
consent, and Oeorge S. Purdy was
named by the Democrats ,of Wayne
as their candidate. Pike county Dem
ocrats refused to endorse the nomina
tion of 'Mr. Purdy, and named D. M.
Van Auken.
l.lcctcd to the Office of Judge.
The result was that in the election
which followed the divided Democrats
were defeated, Judge Seely being elect
ed by a handsome plurality. lie served
until Jan. 1, 18H4, when his term ex
pired. In the fall of 1893 he was nomln
ated for re-c-lectlon by the Republicans
and Mr. Purdy was nominated by the
Democrats of the entire district, the
honor going to him with practically the
same unanimity displayed by the Re
publicans in selecting Judge Seely as
their standard bearer.
The lulter held a conference with his
friends and on their advice decided not
to again make a canvass for the high
olilce he had for almost twelve years
filled so acceptably and his old oppo
nent was elected without opposition
Judge Purdy, who is holding court In
this city this week, went on the bench
last January. His relations with Judge
Seely were always of a most friendly
character. He recognized in the man
who defeated him, a thorough gentle
man of great ability, nobleness of char
acter, and singleness of purpose.
After retiring from tho bench Judge
Seely came to this city and opened a
law fllce with the intention of ulti
mately making this city 'his hme.
Stricken by tho Disease.
In September, 1893, Judge Seely's 'Phy
sicians became alarmed at indications
thait Blight's diease had obtained a
hold on his system and after coming to
this city the disease seemed to progress,
Last May he went to Philadelphia to
consult a specialist, from whom he
learned that his case was a serious one,
He had Intended embarking In the prac
tlce of law In this county at the May
term of court, having several cases on
the list. On the advice of hla physician
he decided not to go Into count, but In
stead went to his home In Honesdale,
When he left this city he put his af
fairs Jn charge of ex-Justice Hand,
During the Bummer Judge Seeley epent
most of his time at Upper Woods club
house, but 'hia condition continued to
grow worse until Saturday when It be
came evident 'that his death was only a
matter of a few days at most.
When a young man Judge Seely mar
ried Miss Kate Tracey, of Honesdale,
an associate of his childhood, and
daughter of Hon. T. H. R. Tracey, one
of Honeadale's 'honored citizens. Two
children were tiorn to itihem, both of
whom died. Mrs. Seely followed them
to the grave a few years ago.
Characteristics of tho Mon.
As a lawyer Judge Seely was dis
tinguished for Ms accuracy In the
preparation and 'trial of his cases. He
hod a thorough and comprehensive
grasp of all (he principles that underlie
the many complicated questions that a
lawyer has to deal with. As a judge he
was impartial, clear, decisive and
trenohant. He was patient to hear and
thoroughly digest faots and the law In
the case and gave 'his decisions without
fear or favor. With the members of
the bar who practiced before him he
was popular and respected, for all had
their interests protected.
As a man Judge Seely was patriotic
and strong In upholding the true founda
tions of society. He was a thorough
Christian and a member and a ruling
elder of the Honesdale Presbyterian
church. After his decision to open an
ofilce In Scranton the retail nod hia mem
bershlp In the Honesdale church and
went to the Maple City weekly and
kept up his Bible class and Sabbath
school, both of Which he had conducted
with marked ability and success for
many years. By his death the place
of his birth 'has lost an honored and
valued man. He ihad the love and re
spect alike of rich and poor, high and
low. V
Funeral on Friday.
Hia funeral will take place on Friday
afternoon at 2.15 o'clock at his residence
In Honesdale. Interment In Glen Dy-
berry cemetery. '
Ex-Justice Hand, president of the
Laeka'wannu' Bar association, has called
a meeting of thait body for 11 o'clock
this morning to take action on ex-Judge
Seely's death.
Finest Una of Calendars ever shown In
the city at RE VNOLDS B R09.
Was Made by the Board of Poor Directors
Members of the board of poor direc
tors paid a visit to the Hillside Home
yesterday for the purpose of making
the dnventory of the effects. The fol-
hvwrtnf? lpft hv hi ft a m. train frnm
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern depot: Thomns Shotton, Daniel
WllJlams, Charles Tropp, Mrs. Frances
B. Swan, John Gibbons and Secretary
E. J. Lynett and were kept engaged
until about 7 p. m.
All tho articles of furniture and do
mestic and culinary implements were
complied In a list by the directors, who
divided Into sections and Inspected
every portion of the buildings. The
full list when made up comprised twenty-six
'sheets of foolscap paper, which
will be appraised and their value
Superintendent and Mrs. Beemer and
Dr. Evans were complimented by the
directors upon the orderly appearance
of their respective departments. The
patients were spoken to In the majority
of cases and all expressed themselves
satisfied with their diet and home, no
complaint being made from either do
Joint Session of Councils Culled to Award
Contracts for Bridges at Linden and
Spruce Streets.
Tonight will be held an adjourned
Joint session of councils to aot upon the
report of the streets 'and bridges com
mittee on the award of contracts for
the Ironwork of the two new bridges.
The committee will recommend that the
Edge Moor Bridge company, of Wil
mington, be awarded the contract on
the Linde n street bridge and the Phoe
nix Bridge company, of Phoenixville,
Pa., the contract for tlie Spruce street
Pursuant to a call by the mayor a
quorum of select council and a few
members of common council responded
Monday night, but no meeting was held
owing to the absence of a Joint quorum.
Tonight a regular meeting of common
council will be held after the Joint ses
sion. Le.t the members of ihe lower
branch get together tonight. Let them
not be suspected of obstruction tactics.
It lilcw Off Fruuk Rucclo's Left Hand
and Injured Uight Ann.
Frank Bucclo, a laborer employed by
the Scranton Gas and Water company,
sustained serious Injuries at the Elm
hurst reservoir yesterday morning.
Rucclo was engaged in blasting a por
tion of rock and was using dynamite
cartridges and while placing the enp a
cartridge exploded prematurely. The
terrible force of the explosion blew off
his left hand and his right hund and
arm were also very seriously injured.
Portions of rock und the cartridge were
also found In his body.
He was taken to the Lnckawanna hos
pital as soon as possible and upon in
quiry last night wus stated to be In a
very precarious state.
Woraun Discovers Har Di other's Lifeless
Remains la a lied.
John Powell, of Birch avenue, was
found dead In bed yesterday morning.
He hud lived with his sister who dis
covered the body.
Powell had been troubled with heart
disease and his sudden death is sup
posed to have resulted from that dis
ease. He was 5fi years old and is sur
vived by three sisters and three broth
Ho Secures tho County Mercantile Ap-
pruiscrshlp Plum.
William P. Griffiths, of Taylor, was
yesterday appointed county mercantile
appraiser by the county commission
ers. Mr. Griffiths Is at present one of the
members of tho miners' examining
board of this district.
Wood and Brass Easels.
The New Webster Dictionary, bound In
Leather, for CO cents, at
Taxpayers Take Notice.
That your city and school taxes are
now due. Councils, by resolution, ex
tended the time of collection until Jan
uary 1, 1895. If not paid within the time
allowed a penult y of 7 per cent, on the
city and 5 per cent, on tho school will be
udded, and an additional 1 per cent. uch
and every month until paid. Don't put
off payment until tho last day, as It may
bo Impossible to receive It.
R. O. BROOKS, City Treasurer.
Finest line of Davis' Automatic Ink-
stands at REYNOLDS BROS.
Buy the Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros
Fancy Waste Pnper Baskets.
Rubber Boots for men and boys, $1.50.
A aood thing, buy and tell your neigh
bors. Five Brothers, 516 Lackawanna
Oxford Bibles and Family Bibles at
- Plllsbury'a Flour Mills have a capacity
of n,M) barrels a any.
Fountain Pens, Gold Pens and Pencils
Rubber Boots for men and boys, $1.50.
A good thing, buy and tell your neigh
bors. Five Brothers, 51C Lackawanna
Episcopal Prayer Books and Hymnals.
Catholic Trayer Books, largest Una In
the city at REYNOLDS HRUS,
Per lb.
Buys fine mixed in
HO handsome boxes. 5 lbs.
for $1.00.
QCfl Buys -the finest candy
uOui made. Fruits 25cto 35c
E Q. Coursen
Last Night's Storm Played Havoc
with Street Car Traffic.
Gangs of Shovclcrs and One Electric
Sweeper Pressed Into Service by tho
' Traction Company Railroad Travel,
Too, Was Slightly Impeded.
After demoralizing street car traffic
about the city before 11 o'clock last
night and slightly Interfering with the
train schedules of all the lines of rail
road entering the city, the snow at an
early hour this morning was falling
rapidly and promising to Impede all
kind of travel today.
The Traction company at 10 o'clock
started one of its two gigantic snow
sweepers over the business streets In
the central city. At that hour traffic
had stopped on the Adams avenue and
South Side HneB and was very uncer
tain on other lines; at 11,:S0 o'clock the
electric traffic was practically aban
doned throughout the city.
During the later hours Lackawanna
avenue corners contained crowds of
Impatient people who were finally com
pelled to hire cabs or walk home, and
by midnight cabmen were asking
double prices, which were paid with
very little grumbling.
Drifting on the Pocono.
Engineer Loomls, of engine No. 241,
which pulls the midnight train from
New York, reported that drifts from
four to five feet deep were gathering on
Mount Pocono where the wind wan
blowing at a terrific rate. He antici
pated considerable trouble by this
morning. The train was fifteen minutes
The ascent-of Lackawanna hill to
North Main avenue had to be aban
doned by the Traction company's cars
at an early hour, and cars were run
along Robinson street and Jackson
steet instead.
On the South Side all the cars were
delayed as early as 9 o'clock, and
would-be passengers were compelled to
save their & cents by trudging on foot.
On the Green Ridge Suburban route
several cars were stalled opposite the
county Jail.
Passengers from Peckvllle and Provi
dence were detained all along the line,
several cars coming together at some
point where traveling was difficult.
The running of the car along the re
cently laid route to the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western crossing on
North Main avenue was abandoned.
Trouble at Pcckvillc,
Late reports from Peckvllle Indicated
that the snow lay eighteen Inches deep
and that all the cars were blocked.
Several large gangs of shovellers and
sweepers were put at work on the
street car tracks about midnight. It
was the opinion then of the manage
ment that with the aid of the electric
sweeper regular travel could be re
sumed at the usual hour this morning
provided that the storm abated.
A full board epidemic has broken out
In Carbondale and the young men of
that city have the disease in its most
virulent form. City Editor R. J.
Beamish, of the Carbondale Anthra
cite, was in the city yesterday and dis
played some slight symptoms that the
prevailing disorder hus taken posses
sion of his poetic mind. In explanation
of his personal appearance Mr. Beam
ish said that the blase young men of
Curbondalu having wearied of the usu
al round of social dissipations, were
suffering from ennui, when the full
beard fad was (broached. It took like
smallpox. As a representative of pro
gress in the journalistic line, he was
forced to fall in line and Is manfully en
deavorlng to coax a hirsute growth of
the color of burnished gold to attain
sufficient length to hide his dussic
features. At present the beard Is grow
ing luxuriantly In spots.
Baggaga-master Scanlon, of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western depot
entertained his three sons, Dr. Scanlon
of Jermyn; H. B. Scanlon, of Buffalo,
and James C. Scanlon, of Btnshamton,
at his residence during Chrlstmastlde
Mr. Scanlon was congratulated on
Christmas Day on having collected the
offerings in St. Peter's cathedral or
other churches in the cily on Christmas
Day and Easter continuously for
period of forty-three years. Mr. Scan
Ion feels a pardonable pride in this
remarkable achievement.
George W. Bowen, of this city,.wa
the winner of a prize in the competi
tion on the baritone solo, "Land of the
Harp," at tho Pittsburg eisteddfod on
Christmas Day. Itev. E. Edwards, of
Mlne.rsvllle, won a prize for the host
essay on "Recent Researches In Eng'
land, Palestine and the Truth of the
Friends Commcmorato Mr, and Mrs. John
Hopewell's Fifteenth Anniversary,
A large number of friends and rein
tlves gathered at the residence of Joh
U. Hopewell, on Sanderson avenue, last
night to celebrate the fifteenth annlver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Hopewell's wed'
Not Is the Time to Look for Your
W. W. Berry
Has a larger stock of Novelties
than ever before. RIGHT IP
TO DATE, with everything new
Lackawanna Ave
Xaoludlnff the palnlets xtrtotlnc of
ttb by an entlroly nw prooaaa.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.f
ding. The house was tastllly decorated
with ferns, palms, and evergreens by
Morell Brothers. Contribution to the
pleasure of the evening was offered by
a number of Imnr&mtu vocal and In
strumental selections by the guests.
Mrs. William McAllister, Mrs. Oscar
Adams, Charles Hopewell and John L.
Wolfe received the guests, among
whom were Mr. and Mrs. Johnlleck, of
Northumberland; Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Zlba B. Knapp,
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams, Mrs. and
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Williams, Mr., and
L. Francois, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Welchel,
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hurris, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Adams, Mr. and Mrs. William
Bright and Mr. and Mrs. William Mc
Allister. Free! Free! Free!,
For a holiday compliment to our patrons
we will present with every pair of La
dles' Shoes, costing $2 and upwards, a
pair of cloth overgulters.
7 Lackawanna avenue.
Rubber Boots for men and boys, $l.r0.
good thing, buy and tell your neigh
bors. Five brothers, 01G Lackawanna
Catholic Prayer Books.
CORB PAYNE. By Rev. O. L. Slalce,
on Dee. 25, 1801, at the home ot tho
bride's parents, 1H19 Monsey avenue,
Miss Minnie E. Payne to Ueorgu I'. Cobb,
of this city.
-- ,
'ARK.-Mrs. Mary M. Park, Dec
aged 77 years, ut her residence, 3H
Seventeenth street. Funeral at 2 o'clock
this afternoon from residence.
Let's talk about tiseful
household articles such
Coal Hods, Etc.
We are headquarters on
all these goods.
Green and Gold Store Front,
lr 4t Freicnt tho Knst Popnlar and frefirred fcj
Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument,
Washington Av. Sornntoti.Pa,
Will be open evenings
until 8 o'clock.
pi bi
We can suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with
your pocketbook.
Of what to buy as Christmas Presents. Now let us remind you of a
few things that are very useful and durable, and would be very much
appreciated as a gift ut this time of the year. Just think of a man's
Mackintosh at $8.00 or $10.00 as good as a $15.00 garment, or an ele
gant Umbrella. We have them mounted with elegant bundles, silk
covered, from $1.00 up, und then our Cloak and Fur departments are
full of desirable goods. Do yon know that we have more Cloaks and
Capes in our store than any stores iu the tfty.
Consequently, ours is the stock to select from and our prices are
right. Almost forgot to mention that we have a splendid line of Neck'
wear, Cloves, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Astrakhan Circular Capes
$'J.8, worth $18.00.
Wool Seal Circular Capes
$18.5)8, worth $30.03.
Electric Seal Circular Capes
$1 !).()(), worth $35.00.
Persian Circular Capes
$115.00, worth $95.00.
Brown Marten Circular Capes
$33.00, worth $50.00.
50 dozen Fine Neck Scarfs with Ani
mal's Heads at $1 .4!), worth $3.00.
50 dozen Baltic Peal Mulls
$1.!), worth $3.00.
50 dozen Children's Sets at
98c, worth $2.50.
3 dozen pairs Electric teal Gloves for
Ueutlemeu $2.49, worth $5.00.
The balance of our Cloth Coats and
Capes we will ofl'or for 50c. on the
We will sell for less than 50c. on the
138 Wyoming Ave.
lla.'('e your Furs repaired by the only
Practical Furrier in the citv.
Coats and
Fine Tricot Cloths
Iu Colors Brown, Blue
and Garnet
a m m ti
And as High as $20.
Clothiers, IjGttersAFupsnera
SAt Greatly
Reduced Prices
v.o make room for entirely
new stock of
during the mouth of December
Corner of Lackawanna ani
Wyoming Avenues.