The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
2 THE fiCIt ANTON TRIBUNE TIHTRSDAT MORNING. DECEMBER 27, 1894. A A Guard's Desperate Struggle with Three Mutinous Convicts. PRISOXER O'DAY SHOT DEAD Inmates of the- Columbus, Ohio, Prison .Attack Keeper Tcmplo-In tho Strug. glo Two Prisoners Are Shot and the - Guard Is Mortally Wounded. By the United Press. . Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 20. Following close on the Christmas festivities at the penitentiary came one of the most shocking tragedies this morning that has ever occurred at the Institution. One prisoner is dead, another wounded, bud a guard seriously Injured. The affair occurred today about 10 a. m. at Reynolds foundry and appears to have been the result of lack of dis cipline In the prison. Sub guards have' generally been on duty there and the convicts have been In the habit of tak ing undue liberties. Recently Warden James determined to put a stop to this and placed A. J. Temple, of Columbus county, one of the strictest guards in the institution, in this shop. The pris oners did not like Temple, and Informa tion was conveyed to him that three of them had been making threats against lilm. These were Joseph O'Day, a two year forger from Cleveland; John Hurke, a Lorain county robber; and John Bird, In for manslaughter from Franklin county. Temple reported these three for making threats. Hear ing of this, the trio lay In wait for him this morning in the foundry. Burke seized him around the neck, while O'Day struck him over the head with an iron bah Guards Fulton and-Butler rushed to Temple's asslstance.whlle the other prisoners in the shop flocked to the scene. Dazed by the blow, Te-mple vainly at tempted to pull his revolver, which he granped, but was prevented from get ting it out by his assailants. O'Day shouted to Reuben Gardner, a Wood county prisoner, in for manslaughter: "Bring me a knife, and I'll cut his hand off, or cut his throat." Temple managed to shoot through his pocket at Gardner, the bullet taking ef fect In the latter's 'leg. By this time the guards had succeeded in freeing Temple from the convicts. O'Day turned to strike at Temple, when the guard shot him through the right lung. O'Day died soon afterwards. Temple will re cover from his injuries. The convicts engaged in the mutiny will ba severely -jmnlshed. lTfTSTON. John Meshllng, age 21 years, residing at Smlthville, was struck by a Lehigh Valley freight train on the "cut off," and the wheels passed over both his legs. He was taken to the hospital, where it was found necessary to ampu tate them. Dr. J. J. Walsh performed the operation. He was assisted by Drs. McKeown, Underwood and McFadden. A Lehigh Valley freight and coal train run over and killed a. valuable milk cow near the Twin breaker yester day. "Moses & Son, Attorneys-at-Law" headed by Harry Braham, the celebrat ed funmaker, will appear at Music Hall this evening. The funeral of Henry Conway will occur this (Thursday) morning from his home on North Main street. The re mains will be taken to St. John's church at 9 o'clock, where a requiem mass will be celebrated. He was' an uncle to Rev. Father Walsh, formerly of this place, pastor of the Moscow Catholic church; of Rev. Father Joseph J. Coroner, Scranton, who for some years was curate at St. John the Evan gelist church here, but is now pastor of the Forest City Catholic church, and also of Rev. Father Hussle. Mr. Con way was 62 years old, and was born in Ireland, and came to this country in 1848. G. B. Rammell, the well-known paper manufacturer, waa yesterday morning united in matrimony to Miss ' Cella Ford; of Center street. The cefemony took place at 11 o'clock In the parson age of St. John's church, and was per formed by Rev. Father Flnnon. Pat rick McCawley, a cousin of the bride, was groomsman, and Miss Mamie Daugherty was bridesmaid. Mr. Rom mel and bride left on the noon train on a bridal tour to New York, Phila delphia, Washington and other places, On their return they will go to house keeping on Exeter street, West i'Ma ton. The Ladles' auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian association will hold a special meeting at the association rooms this afternoon at 3 o'clock, to complete arrangements for "open house" on New Year's Day. A full attendance is desired. A telephone message from the Wilkes-Barre hospital yesterday states that Thomas Brown, who was shot Sunday night by Officer Gallagher, is Improving steadily. The doctors locat ed the bullet and removed It. Thomas Reap, of Tacoma, after an absence of six years, la visiting the lamlly homestead on William Btreet. Mr. Reap was married last July and is accompanied by his bride. T Beethoven, Bismarck, Wellington, Kings and Queens innumerable, nearly all the minds that have changed the course of affairs in the world for cen turies have been to Carlsbad for bodily aid. Not everybody can go even in these times of fast travel, but every body can have the benefits of Carlsbad at a small cost at home in the Carls bud Sprudcl Water, or the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from the Sprudcl Spring. The genuine Carlsbad Sprudcl is a natural remedy which is always effect ive in disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys; for habitual constipation, gouty and rheumatic affections it is without equal. He sure to obtain the genuine article, which has the seal of the city of Carlsbad, and the signature, "Eisner & Mendclson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. CAKHONDALE.V Harry J. Van Dermark returned to Lexington, Kjt., yesterday morning. Miss Martha Thomas, of Scranton, Is the guest of Carbondale frlendB and relatives. .' 'Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berry- man, of Oneonta, N. Y., on Monday, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Berryman were former Carbondale residents. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Lewsley, of High street. Miss Delia Williams, of Williams ave nue, attended the wedding of her cousin In Clifford, which occured at noon Christmas day. H. W. Skeels and Howard Foster are home from Philadelphia, visiting their parents. Charles P. O'Malley was In thla city on business yesterday. William Harvey, of No. 15 Richmond avenue, was instantly killed yesterday morning at 10:30 o'clock by falling be neath the wheels of a Delaware and Hudson coal train In the vicinity of the northwest crossing. A sad feature of the accident Is that Mr. Harvey re turned but Saturday from the Danville insane asylum and had apparantly re covered a sound mind. Last evening about 5 o'clock occurred the death of Thomas Blrkett, of Cope land avenue. He Is survived by his wife and two sons, Sidney and Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carr and family spent Christmas in Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. James Smldt and son Horace, of Gilbert street, spent Christ mas with Kingston friends. M. W. Guernsey, of Scranton, made a business trip to this place yesterday. Raymond and Myron Hockenberry are visiting In New York City. l'ECKVILLE. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shone, of Hickory street, was the scene of a very- pretty wedding last evening. The contracting parties were itheir daughter, Miss Mary Ann Shone, and Mark Walker. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. F. P. Doty. A large number of friends and relatives were present. Mr, and Mrs. William Ohalker, of Warrior Run, are visiting the latiter's uncle, Henry Chapman. Mrs. Charles Brown left yesterday to visit with friends ait Jermyn. David X. Davis returned from visit ing at Taylor yesterday. Misses Ethel Bowen and Esther Sit- grayes called on Carbondale friends last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Thorpe and son, Ray, spent Christmas as the guests of Dr, and Mrs. Wheaton, at Factoryvllle. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. East-bound shipments from Chicago by rail amounted to 39,887 tons, as com pared with 77,010 tons during the same week in 1893. It Is probable that the output for January will be restricted to leps than that of December. Last January when the coal trade was in much better shape than it Is now, the output was about 2,350,000 tons, a little less than the limit for the present month. Considerable coal had been accumulated. The Le high Valley, Jersey Central and Read ing all have big piles above ground. Statement of business of all lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad com pany. All lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for November, 1894, us compared with the same month In 1893, show an Increase In gross earnings of $177,- 704. i7; a decrease in expenditures of $211,424.73. The eleven months of 1894, as compared with the same period of 1893, show a decrease In gross earn ings of 17,521.883.71: a decreuse In ex penses of $6,649,415.83; a decrease In net earnings of $872,431.68. Philadelphia, Dec. 2G. The report that the Pennsylvania contemplates extending its lines to Scranton is au thoritatively denied. "It Is an old Htury revived," remarked Third Vice-President Pugh. "The time was when such a scheme was actually projected, but that has passed. About five years ago our company went so far as to purchase property at Scranton with a view to extending to that point. Aferwards we made such satisfactory arrangements with the Delaware and Hudson as to influence the abandonment of the ex tension idea. Since then the Pennsyl vania has sold to the Delaware and Hudson most of the Scranton property which it purchased. No, there is noth ing in the story. It would not pay us to build an extension to Scranton; there Isn't traffic enough to warrant the out lay, especially In view of our excellent arrangements with the Delaware and Hudson." Philadelphia, Dec. 2G. The stock holders' committee of the Ltihlgh Val ley Railroad company, which is op posed to the re-election of President Wilbur and the present management of the road, hold an executive session thla evening to consider the best means of attaining their purpose. It was learned that 'the committee engaged counsel and will probably go Into court and ask for an injunction restraining the Le high Valley management from voting the shares of the Packer estate. Coun sel may also ank the court to appoint a chancellor or a master to conduct the election and compel the management to ihold it In a large hall, instead of a room that has been engaged. One of the committeemen said that he 'thought they had a winning chance of defeating Wilbur. There are 800,000 shares of Le high Valley stock, and of these 100,000 are always disfranchised for various reasons, and the committeemen claim that the 100,000 shares of the Packer estate are held as collateral for loans and cannot be voted. The majority of the remaining 540,000 shares, the com' mltteeman clailmed, are In the hands of the smaller stockholders, who are- op posed to the re-election of Preeldent Wilbur. Buffalo Stock Market. By the United Press. Buffalo, Dee. 26,-Cattle Receipts, 1,080 head; on sale, GO head; market opened steady and firm at 15a20c. advance; early sales, good steers, 1,450 pounds, t5.20uG.2Ti; light to fair, I4H4.00; Into sales, steers and heifers, $3.4lia3.50: market Blosed firm; all sold. Hogs Receipts, 12,150 head; on Bale. 6,000 head; market opened very Blow and tending lower, cloBcd steady at GalOc. do cllne from opening prices ftr light grades; early galeB, Yorkers, J4.30a4.36; Unlit to good, $4.25a4.30; good mixed, $4.36a4.40; mediums, 4.40a4.W; choice heavy, $4.55; roughs, J3.5oa3.75; stags, $3a3.25; late Bales, Yorkers, $4.25; mixed packers, I4.3T.ul.40, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 head; on sale, 0,400 head; market opened strong for good lambs, closed Arm for good grades, slow for others; choice native lambs, J3.W44.20; fair to good, J3.25a3.75; fair to good sneep, iZ6u; extra line, $2.65a2.75;- export sheep, $3.75a4.26. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press, Union Stock Yards, Dec. M.-Cattje-Re' celpta, 11,000 head; market firm, early clon Ing eusy; common to extra steers, $3a 5.75; stockers and feeders, $2a3.50: cows and bulls, Jl.25a3.40; calves, I2a6. Hogs- Receipts, 19,000 head; market opened firm. closed weak; heavy, $4.25u4.55; common to choice mixed, $4.10a4.50; choice assorted, J4.20a4.SO; light, J3.90u4.20; pigs, $2.26a 3.80. Sheep Receipts, 7,000 head; mar ket firm and higher; Inferior to choice, $1.50a3.50; lambs, z&a4.w. STOCKS AND BOXDS. By the United Press. New York, Deo. 26. Without much pressure to sell the Stock market today sank to a lower level. At the opening Distillers, Chicago Gas and Reading showed firmness. Distillers rose 1H to 11; Chicago Gas 1 to 72, and Read ing to 16. The improvement in the first named was due "to rumora that the antl-admlnlstr&tlon party were buy ing the stock in the hope of ousting the Greenliut crowd. Chicago Gas was strengthened on dividend talk and Reading improved on the announce ment 'tbift 'the re-organlzatlon plan was making rapid passage. Subsequently there was a moderate selling movement n the Grangers. The anthracite coal ers were also weak late In the day and Reading lost its early gain and receded to 156al5. The Cordage etocks were the weakest among the Industrials and the common dropped Vj to 5V4; pre ferred 3 to 8 and guaranteed 3 to 16. It was again stated that the com pany has the fund necessary for its in terest due Jan. 1. Exchange ruled a shade firmer, but there was less talk about gold exports. Speculation closed Irregular and in the main weak. Total sales were only 155,903 shares. Tho range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mluk, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Atch., To. & S. Fe... 4'i 4'i 3T'8 'i"k Am. Sugar He'g Co. 894 8!4 Wt 89 Am. Cot. OH "4 n 22V Chic, .Mil. & Bt. P... 57'i 57'i 51! 5M "hie, It. I. & P Cl CBi 61Vi Gl'i Chic, U. & Q 71'i 71 70 70 Chic. & N. W 97,i 97'i ' MVi C. C. C. & St. L 3B'.i 3fl 39 39 'an. South 60i 50'i '50U 50'i dies. & Ohio iVk 174 17 17 Dint. V. V. Co 10U 11 1014 104 Delaware & Hud,...125V4 125i 125V4 VM't Gen. Klectrlc 33V4 33 3114 33' Louis & Nash 53'4 Kl'4 63 53',j Manhattan le 104',i 104 104 1044 Mo. Paeltlc 2il 2fi 2t 2 Nat.. Lead 37T4 37 3t;i4 37 Nat. Cordage C 7 G'i G New Kngluml.. 32 32 S1'4 31V& N. Y. Central II9' llil'i 99'i D9Mi Out. & West 15 15 I5V 1514 Phil. & Read 10 lG'i K 15',4 Texas Pacific 9'4 9'4 11 9l I'nlon Pacific 11"t ll'i 114 114 West. Union 8(i 81! Sfl SG'4 C. G. R 72 . 72 72 72V!, H. S. G 1714 17'i 10 18 CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. lug. est. est. ing. May 58', 5S 5S 58 December 63 54 53 54 OATS. May 31 31 31 . 31T4 December . . 29'4 28 29' i 29 i 29'.j January .... 29 28 29 CORN. May December ., 47 44 45 C.72 G.97 48's 47 48 45 ' 44 45 45 45 45 January LARD. January .... 6.72 G.97 G.G2 6.90 6.G2 G.90 May PORK. Junuary 11.55 11.55 11.27 11.27 May 11.92 11.92 11.65 11.07 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo' tations. No. Par Bhfl. Val. . Bid. Ask 120 10 100 Scranton Packing Co .... 10 50 Providence. & Alding ton Turnpike 75 6 100 Scranton Glass Co 6 100 Traders' Nat'l Bank 110 1 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. 500 10 00 Moostc Mount'n Coal Co GO CO Lacka. Montrose liallroad 10 100 Scri'n PiiVlngs Bank 200 25 100 Third Nat'l Bank.... 350 10 10U First Nat'l Bank..... two 400 50 Scranton Trac. Co. .... 10 loo Walker Automatic & St.'am Coupler Co 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co G 600 Scranton Glass Co. (Bonds) 7 COO Stevens Coal Coin'y (Bonds) 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co 1 20 , CO Dime Dep. & DU. Bank 62 CO 1 100 Scranton Axle Works .... 20 100 Econ'my Light, Heat and Power Co 4 25 Crystal Lake Water Co 100 100 ' 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 60 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co. CO 100 Spring Brook Water Co 6 100 First National Bank (Carbondale) C 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 135 15 100 Scrantcn Bedding Co .... 30 IdO Bonta Glass Co 10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 5 101) Scranton Forging Co .... 100 100 Chamberlain Coal Co .... 70 CO 50 375 "l0 5 100 COO COO GO 75 100 100 100 200 103 20 90 B0 100 New York Produce Market. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 2I. Flour Very dull, prices unchanged. Wheat Moderate and active, llrmer; No. 2 red store and ele vator, COaOUVic; afloat, 61aGlc.; f. 0. b., 61aG2!iiC.; ungraded red, 57uG2c. ; No. 1 northern, CS'ic; options were very dull and firm at Vtc advance; sales, No. 2 red January, 60c; February, Hlc; March, 62c; May, 6c; June, 02c; July, 63c; December, oovtic Corn Dull, steady; No 2, 52c elevotur; 63ic. afloat; ungraded mixed, 53V4c.; steamer mixed, 49a50c; No. 3, 48a49c. ; options closed firm at 4c. ad vance; December, 52c; January, 61c; February, 61c; May, 52c. Oats Fair ly active firmer; options firmer, rqore ac tive; December, 34c; januury, S4'4c; Feb' ruary, 35!tiC.; May, S5c; No. 2 white January, 3Sc: February, SSc. ; 8ot prices, No. 2, 33a34c; No. 2 white, 38c. No. 2 Chicugo, 34a35c; No. 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 37c; mixed western, 34n35c.; white state, 3sa41c. Beef Dull. Tlerced Beef- Dull. Beef Hums quiet. Cut Meats Dull, steady; middles, nominal. Lard Quiet, lower; western steam, $7; city, 6V4a W4c.; December,' $7, nominal; January, $7, nominal; refined, quiet; continent, $7.51); Soutn America, 7.7o; compound, 5'4r5c, Pork Quiet, steady; mess, $18.23al3.76; nx tra prime, nominal. Butter Dull, easy statu dairy, 10o20c. ; do. creamery, !Gn22c; Pennsylvania uo., ltalKc; western dairy 10ttl5c; do. creamery, 15u24c; do. factory, lOulic. ; Klglns, 21c; Imitation creamery, 12a 18c; June creamery, 15a21c Cheese- Quiet, steady; state large, Sail 14c; do. fancy colored, ll"4c; do. white, 10allc.; do. small, BVfeal2c; part skims, 3V4a9c; full skinma, zuac. fcggs .Moderate de mand. firmer; state und Pennsylvania, 22',(,a23c ; refrigerator, 14nl9e..; western fresh, 22c; do. per ense, $203.50; southern, waiiMjC. ; nmea, ijnnc. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 2G. Tallow Is Steady and quiet. We quote: City prime In hlids, 4ft,a4c; country, prime. In bbbj, 4c; country, dark, In bbls, 41ia4",ic ; cakes, 6c; grease, 4c, ' Oil Market. By the United Press. Pittsburg, iDec. 2G.-OI1 opened, 85c; highest, 95',4c; lowest and cl6scd, 95c. Chronic Khcnmntlsm Can De Cured. Dr. Potter's Rheumatic Pills, a radical cure for chronic Rheumatism, Clout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism in the hips, and all diseases depending upon or having their origin in Urlo Acid Diathesis. They act direct upon the blood and kidneys, eliminating the urlo acid, the cause of ail Rheumatism, etc. If you are Buffering from Rheumatism take Dr. Potter's Rheu matic Pills. They have cured cases of years' standing and will not fall to cure you. Price, $1 a box. For sale wholes! and retail by Matthew Bros., Scranton, Pa, KllT A Word. WANT OF ATX. KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BB LE89 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH Atm UNUUiUXJUU tHE.II, Poor 7 axes Are Due. ' ALT. UNPAID JANUARY 1, 1805, WILL be collected with costa Ai JA WILL'AMS. Collector. Agents Wanted. 'PO MAKE BIO MONEY SELLING OUR J- electric Telephone. Bout seller on car! 11. Sent nil combluta ready to Hut un. linen of Hliv distance. A practical Klectrlc Telephone. Our agents mn I if S to Sill a day easy. Everybody buys; Bic money without work, l'rlcos Low. A nyono emi umke$7' per month. Address W. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, o. VyANTI-D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V hnndlo our line, no ceddlinir. Salary. S75 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Uoodj entirety new. Apply quicmy. r. u. ujx, Bcstnn, Mhas. Help Wantcd-Male. 1ENIN EVEKY TOWN. PEBMANENT i. uoMtlou. Good nay. bXDerlence unnec essary. Ciiautuuqua .Nursery Co., Portland, WANTED UOOD SOLIC1TOKTO SOLICIT the urintinur trade of Scranton and vl. ciulty. Apply to J., Tribune office. VANTED-AN EXPEB1EMCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. B.. card Tribune ofllro, Scranton, Pa. For Rent. t.-vi. nun 1 i-iii.wiu jtj. run- Cut street, between Dickson wni-ka and tflU DTMrn . urmuit.tiri, mn t,r,n Erie depot; rent $13. Inquire oa premise!. l?OB BENT FURNISHED AND UNURi X iiished rooms at iod Lackawanna avenue. IfOR BENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ONWEST JL Lackawanna avmtiiu AHilriwu. THflM AM E, EVANS, scar 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. L'OB KENT NK'fcLY FURNISHED HALL i suitable for luliro mum. JOHN! JKrt- JIYN, ill) Wyoming ovenue, Sealed Proposals. CtALEU PKOPOdALfT WILL BE RE- Hcrnntou Board of Conirol until 7.30 o'clock, .uuuuuy evening, dun. h, irjua, ior the In troduction of the heating und ventil itinir nnd sanitary system of the proposed new High School, the work to be done under thi super vision and according to the plans and speclfl. tatlousof Fred P. Smith. C. E., of 150 Fifth avenue, New York city. Plans and speclflc. tions may be obtained at the office of toe Sec- , a ..v.. U .1 ... .... w , iv ri vi ilia uiuiu ul ijuuiroi. Jliuniciual sulmiltudas fo lows: 1. -for the cost of the umUm midiiiluiii U ,, tt.a ..... .1. - cost of the electrical control. & - For the cost 01 me marine worn, wnicn ts to De made a sep arate item in too bid. The sum of $000 in cash nr rtiH.fl -l,,.11 K 1..1.U.1 bid, to be forfeited to the school district in cute ui leiustii or uiuiKsiou on me part 01 tue UIU derto execute contract within ten days if awarded lh) samo. A bond In tho sum of 55,000 ill In required of the bidder to whom ,.i,i ,uu .uiibiMui. buuii iw Mwuruuu ior ine faithful performance of the contract Tlie Bourd reserves tha riisht tn reWt flfitt ni oil bids. EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Secretary. Sciiiiiton, Pa., Dec 21, IBM. EALED PROPOSALS "WILL BE BE (j celved at the office of the Hcrnntnn Board of Health until Saturday, Dec. 29, M4, at 12 o'clock, fi r furnishing pea coal dollvored at tho crimatorv: tho coutrnct to f-ontlmiA fmm Jan. 1, lfi)5, to April 1, lm. The board will neia between twenty and thirty tots per month, and reserve tha riclit to reject any or all bids. WALTEK BHIGUS, Secretary. Feal Estate. MAKMS EXCHANGED FOR HOL'SKS ; V houses exchamred for farms. R. Ell- NEST C'OMKdYS, Real Estate Agent, 128 yy ssuingion, rnre ouuuing. Charter Application. NOTICE IB HEREBY GdVETHAT AN 1 application will be male to the Coart of Common Mens of Lackawanna county, or one of the judees thereof, on Monday, January H, 1805, at V o'clock a. m , under au act of ahsoinbly of tho Commouwoaltn of Penn sylvania, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation ot certain cor porations." approved the 2th of April, 1874, and supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended eorj oration to be called "The Mount Zion Primitive Mo: hod 1st Church, of Pynn snd Arch bald, "til 9 character and obje t of which is to provide for and promote the worship of Almiirhtv Hod, accord ing to the faitb, doctrine, ditclpl ne and tisane of the Primitive Methodist Church, and for those purposes to have, pos wj and enjoy nil tuu rivuts aud bensrlts ot said act of nts mbly and Its supplement. Said applica tion Is now on Hie in the Prothonotsry's office of Lackawanna conntv at No. 279, January term. Is'Jj. CHARLES OLVER, Solicitor. Scranton. Pa, Ddc. 0, 1801. , Legal. A DMINISTRATOR'8 NOTICE-ESTATE i i. or Hanson t arpentor, late ui Dcruntoo, P' nnsylvanla, deceased. Letters of administration npon the above named estate having b.-en granted to the un d. rs'gued all persons bavin- claims or de mands against the said estate will present tli- in for pavment, and those Indebted thereto Will niaKe immediate payment to FANNlE M. CARPENTER, Adm'x. 17110 Sanderson ave., Scranton, Pa. VlLI AIIu, u AIIHEN A KN'APP, Attorney sfiirfcsiato. Special Notices, t AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX. 1 lilbitioiis and lectuie upon any subject de sired. These exhibitions will be Illustrate I. having iu my possession the most powerful dissolving itereoprii ons maue. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's illustrated Week y War llluntrstio I8dl-I8u5. Two Volume Folio, S1U.5U: payable monthly, $2-00. Delivered by i xprcss complete, rropaiu. Auaiess r. u. Siuuuv, ui8 (iibson street, bcranton, Pa. 1M.ANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA- 11 lines, etc., bound or rebound at TllK TninuNB olllce.. (juick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 ill cornet hnruoe street and Franklin avo nue. Twenty meal tickets for t&SU. Good table board. let. I OHT-A FUR BOA BETWEEN BRADY'S J J store and No. II street car junction on Butler t.trcet. A liberal reward paid for its return to c . r. bavauk, uuniiioie, ra. IOST LAST NIGHT NEAR FREEMAN'S J RttreooPenn avenue a ulain iruld wed dins rin: a rewa-d will be paid for return of Hfttne T'i imp spruce srreet Strayed, J."' STRAYED TO MY PKEMISK8 A L1VEB J-J eoior Better aog wnneapoton toreneaj anu breast. 1 tie owner enn nave same tiy pay ing cost JOHN JUHU, William street. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the lit). The latest Improved furnish ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ava. . For Delicacy, For purity, aud for Improvement of the com plexton, nothing equals Pouom'i Powder. otmolly & INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Greatest Value we have ever been able to obtain We offer them at the following . NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up y2 doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO. 3.-T-40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of l2 doz. NO. 4 . 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The ' greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each,or $1.50 for x2 doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Every letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Banking. REPORT OP THB CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Bcranton. In the state of Pennsylvania. at tho close of business, December la, ls. RKSOCUCKS. Loans and discounts $1,945,940 34 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 1,139 88 V. H. Bonds to secure circula tion 80,000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 2,857,332 11 Banking house, furniture and tlxtures 30,000 00 Due from National banks (not reserve ug-entH) 70,502 41 Due from State banks und uanKera 20,487 69 Due from approved reserve aifents Tift snr. v Chocks and other cash items... 7,920 02 r.xcnunKuH rrom clearing house 11,037 03 Notes of other National banks. 3,285 00 I ractlonal paper currency, nickels and cents 1,100 10 Lawful money reserve in bank. VIA,, Specie 98,511 5 Legal tender notes.. 103,303 00 "i'i aTi r.; Redemption fund with IT. S. i reusurer per cent, of cir culation) sr.onnn Due from U.S. Treasurer, other ' man t per cent, redemption. fund 3.000 00 Total , $6,029,598 05 LIAttlLITIKM. Capital stock paid In $ 200,000 00 mirpius i una 750,000 00 Undivided prollts, less expenses und taxes paid 158,031 53 Nutional bank notes outstund- , '"IB 70,100 00 Due to other National bunks... 102,800 41 Due to State bunks und bunk ers 15 215 39 Dividends Unpaid!'.".""'.'."""! '" 8 W Individual deposits subject to check 4,643,032 42 Demand certificates of detioslt. 80.251 43 I'ertllied checks 2,749 S3 Cashiers checks outstanding... 149 04 Notes and bills re-discounted... None tuns payable None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total id (i29. Ms or, State of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, hs. : I. ISAAC POST. Cashier of thn nhnvn named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is truo to the best of my KiiuwieuKu uuu oeuei. ISAAC POST. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of December. 1894. JAS. II. TOKKliY, Notary Public. Correct Attest: W. P. HALLSTEAD, GKO. L. DICKSON, JAMES A. LINKS, Directors. N.A.HULBERT'S WYOMING AVE- SCRANTON. STEINWAY ft SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH ft BACK STULTZ ft BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'a'r. ROOF TIMING ANO SOLDERING All done away with by th use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists of ingredients well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs. which will firwvent absolutely any crumbling, crack nit or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many year, and it' cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job or pound. Comrade taken by ANTONIO HARTMJUW, U7 Birch BL Ml 1 CUT PRICES:1 WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. n in wraiiiun dbdd CHEAPEST IRON BEDS TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Vlotor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND ERIE. .11 J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, EVERY WOMAN Soot-w n.U nil tblt, monthly, r(ro-Ui J mdlln. Onlf humkaits IhtpurutdrupilwiildMawd. U joa ut the bwt, gtt Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Tbr Mt vro-pt, (tli and otrUla In rmlt The nnilne (Dr. Fol'i) im 41 p. Mint, e-tMrwb, 11.00. Addr f u. JUO Co., UcTtsd, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa. RESTORED MANHOOD ! V W T ITnaahittHimarfv fnr rtnrantia nrofltrntlnn fcnrt nil Mirvi The Mtrmdr A Ihm genanUT 1 jnenuii no umDUon sd Jfer Salt C M. HABKIS, Drucclih Wallace Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. 1 11 IN THE CITY. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. f CLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenue and BB. M8TTC KSBTKUKi. PILLS lorDerroni prostration knd all MrroaaalmM. or orfini ot elUxr hi. tucta N ProttnUc. FitK w uo. ba HELL i fir nuhand. inmuHT. nunui Km I Minns, iimuiinim In or lxit itutaood. Impotenoj. NlhUf BoglMtou.ToaUilnl rrtrw entnl Worrr,eiciilTu uwot TobMnoor Onlum.whlcb iMdtaloo' lnitiitT. wlui eerr ordor we HT written uM kutsetocurtorrafundttienioneT. Fold tit perbox.e ktiMl IH1 Atb