8- TIIE SCKAXTON TRTBIJNE "WEDNESDAY fpUNIXG, DECEMBER 2G, 1S94. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT Matchless Coat Values Another Rare Owportuuity . Is Presented This Morning ill Stylishly Made Ladies' Coats The Prices Are the Lowest of the Present Sea son, ItlBht from a maker who was glad to avail himself of our offer. He had too many garments and too littlo money, and thus we purchased upon our own terms. Each wrap Is exquisitely made and trimmed In the latest fashionable style; the materials are the best and such as have found great favor among the ladles of taste. Such of ferings as these have not been shown In Bcranton this year, 40 Inches long, double breasted, large sleeves and tlght-llttlng. Itegular prices until now were - J12, $17, and f-0. USEFUL II HANDKERCHIEFS. Remarkable varieties and values have been bvought here for the holidays. The prices are conspicuous for their small ness, while the qualities and styles oc cupy the highest place known to Hand kurchlef manufacturers. LADIES' HOSIERY LADIES' UNDERWEAR . MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S GLOVES HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS HOLIDAY LINENS HOLIDAY RIBBONS Every color for decorating, every kind. UMBRELLAS From the best makers. The assortment is particularly Interesting, as It Includes all grades from the ordinary to the finest. Open Evenings Until Christmas. 'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex perience In hospital and private practlco and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, noso and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, prematura weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, (Its, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. V'tus' dance. astnnia, diseases 01 tne neurt, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting Men Positively Cured. Offer to tho I'ubltc for Cutarrh. Any ono suffering with Catarrh who visties to De permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. Tho doctor has discovered a speclllc for this dreaded disease. You can treat and euro yourself and rami v with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment Tree. OKFICK HOURS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. DA ! 0 CHAIRS, OTTOMANS. HASSOCKS, CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC. SEWS OF IBIS VICINITY TUNKHAMOCK. Miss Mary Waiter, a teacher In one of the schools at Canton, Bradford county, Is spending the week with her uncle, T. Q. Walter. Robert Maybee received a telegram Monday afternoon stating that his aged mother, living near Tuwanda, was very ill. He hastened at once to her bedside. Mrs. Maybee Is well known and highly esteemed here, and her friends hope for her early recovery. ' DlHtrict Attorney J. M. Garman and family spent Christmas with Mrs; Carver. Miss Maude Crawford Is visiting tier brother at Jermyn. Miss Lizzie Broughton Is spending the week at Meshoppen, and Miss Mary Jayne at Mehoopany. Investors In the new all pool declare that operations will begin as oon as the company can get tunings in shape. The location of the first well has not yet been decided upon and at last re ports the amount of funds desired had not been fully pledged. W. E. Bullock Is Improving In health. The season for house limiting ia on and tenants are seeking their location for another year. Houses are In goo-.l demand, notwithstanding building Is going steadily on. There Is one little Improvement that the borough fathers should provlde.and that Is placards put up to designate the names of the streets. As It now Is a eitronger cannot locate any desired place without a great deal of needless Inquiry. Small signs placed at the in tersections of the streets and giving the names thereof need not be expen sive, and would raise us greatly In the estimation of strangers. Some of the narrow guage trackmen aver that a third rail will be added to Alio Montrose road as far up the line as Lake Carey, and that the track boss has received Instructions to make preparations for the work at once. The purpose Is to run excursion cars through to the lake without change. the Kuggles saw mill, near Lake Carey, is to tte removed to another tract of timber. Charlie Swisher and Hd Mentzer are spending their vacation at home. Special prices oa all the above goods for the Holidays. J.Scott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. Foot doors abovo Wyouilug Uuou. MINOOKA. John Mullherln, of Forest City, spent Christmas with Mlnooka friends. Jerry Colter, of Carbondale, circulate ed among us yesterday. Tharieua Lydon, one of tho Mlnooka Are sufferers, will hold a raflle for a cow at the Temperance, ball tonight. Thomas Haley and Mary Murray, of Greenwood, will be married at St. Jo seph's Catholic church this afternoon A number of our vocalists attended the eisteddfod at Taylor, yesterday afternoon. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report iWS Powder ABSOLUTELY f?URE Davis, of Main street, and George W. Powell, of Oak street, were united In marriage by the Itev. Charles Jones, of Nantlcoke, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Thomas J. Williams, of Taylor street. James T. Watklns acted as groomsman, and Miss Mary C. Davis as bridesmaid. After the ceremony the young couple, who are highly esteemed eceived the congratulations of the in vited guests. The presents received were numerous and costly. A wedding supper was served. The following were present: Misses Sarah Davis, Polly Davis, Jennie Davis, ' Ethel Jones, Christy Powell, Bertha Jones, Anna 13. Gordon, Carrie Nyhart, Kebocca Davis, Naomi Harris, May Morris, Martha Thomas, Mary Morgan, Mrs. A. Ed wards, Mrs. Thomas J. Davis, Mrs. W. Williams, Mesdames Haught, Taylor, Barr, Mrs. James Powell, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Harry Harris, Messrs. Luther Taylor. Lafayette Rought, James Grif fiths, Thomas Edwards, Harry Evans, Anthony Edwards, Harry Harris, Da vid Davis, Tallie Grililths, Harry Pow ell, Thomas J. Williams, H. J. Daniels, of the Truth, and John Richards. Isaac and Evan Davis are visiting friends In Nantlcoke. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Reese, on Union street,- a boy. John Davis, of Laflln, Is visiting in this place. l'ECKVILLE. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swales, 722 Hickory street, their daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth, an accomplished young lady, was wedded to John Jayne last Monday evening. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F. P. Doty, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal ohurwh. Miss Bather Bonfield, of Hyde Park, was the bridesmaid, and William Swales, the bride's eldest brother, was the groomsman. At S o'clock Mrs. F. P. Doty played the wedding march as the bridal party entered the parlor, which was nicely decorated, and the marriage ceremony was performed underneath an arch of evergreens. A most delightful lunch was partaken of. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. John Grlcsdale, Mr. and Mrs. George Woodbrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coates, Mr. and Mrs. William Warne, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Telford, Mr. and Mrs. William Johns, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Rogers, Mrs. John Kendall, Mrs. George Bell, of reckvllle; Mr. and Mrs. John Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward, of Olyphant; Misses Sarah and Hannah Coates, Lizzie Norrls, Emma Fendlck, Mrs. James Mitchell and daughter, Eva, of Hyde Park; Mark Bell, Daniel Swales, Harry Norris and Harry Coatea. Fred Berry, of Green Ridge, was the guest of Past Master Swingle's family yesterday. Mrs. William H. Walker and Miss Jennie Tuthlll left last Monday to spend the holidays with friends at Port Jervis, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Hards and (laugh tor, Mattle, of Carbondale, visited with Mrs. Hards' mother yesterday. A family gathering assembled at the homeof Mrs. W. S. Bloes on Main street yesterday. Tho following were present: Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Shaffer, of Wilkes Barre; Mr. and Mr3. A. J. Shaffer Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Miller, of Plymouth; Mr, Frank Shaffer, Misses M. H. and Han nah Shaffer, and Mrs. Abraham Shaffer, the mother of all the above named, of Varton, Wayne county. Air. and Mrs. F. L. Millard, of Green Ridge, were guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. A. W. Brundage yesterday. Travlss Budd, of Carbondnle, called on friends here yesterday. Relief in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls. eases relieved In six hours by the "New Greta South American Kidney Cure. This new remedy is a great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain in tne bladder, kldnevs back and every part of the urinary pas sages in malo or remaie. It relieves re tentlon of water and pain in passing It almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Pa. TAYLOR. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stone and son. Arthur, are visiting In Wllkes Barre. Rev. Mr. Rowlands, of Wyoming, oc cupied the pulpit at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday, both morning and evnlng. The different churches In this place held appropriate exercises for the child ren last evening. Christmas trees loaded down with presents delighted and gladdened the hearts of the little ones. Every street car and all trains which left this place yesterday for Scranton were crowded, conveying passengers to and fro In great numb.rs. Miss Hannah Griffiths, of High street, is spending today at Wilkes- Barre. Mrs. Frank Taylor, of Baltimore, Md., Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Richards, on Taylor street, Miss Getrude Reeg, of the Blooms- burg State Normal school, Is spending the holidays with her parents, on Grove street. A sunrise' meeting will be held at the Welsh Congregational church this morning at 7 o'clock. Mr.' and .Mrs. Edward D. Davis, of Mldde street, were In Plttston yester day. Morgan Harris Is spending today at Wllkei-Barr. Last evening Miss Mary T. Davis daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David T riTTSTOX. William Davis was admitted to the hospital early yesterday morning suf fering from terrible Injuries sustained the night before. As he was about to retire for the night In the Blnghnm House he placed a lighted lamp on a stand close to the bed for the purpose of reading. While bo engaged he fell asleep. Sometime during the night he struck the lamp, unawares, nnd upset It. The lamp set fire to the carpet nnd the surroundings. Tho flames and smoke aroused Davis. Realizing his predicament he set about to extinguish the flames and only succeeded after much difficulty. To add to his misfor tune Davis Is a paralytic, and In his i-f fort to move about was fearfully burned about the exposed parts of the body. He was resting quite easy yes torday afternoon, but It Is thought he cannot recover. The damage sustained to the furnishings of the room is be yond repair. The continued case of M. J. Langan vs. John Tigue Is set down for trial before M. A. McAniff In the arbitration room at AVIlkes-Burre on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. The services In the various churches yesterday were conducted on a grand scale. Many of them were beautifully decorated. The services at St. John's church were very fine, the music being on a grand scale. A solemn high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Kelly, Very Rev. Father Flnnen preached an eloquent sermon on the "Incarnation of Jesus Christ." In the excitement attending the cele bratlon of Christmas, to the credit of our citizens be it said, the hospital was not forgotten. Superintendent Gibson is pleased to acknowledge and thank the donors for the beautiful supply of good things that went to make up a delicious meal. The Inmates had plenty of turkey, fruit, nuts and all the deli cacies that they could wish for. In the morning a quartette of ladles of Mr, Colburn's Sunday school classs ren dered several voclal selections. In the aifternoon the Touhlll family rendered a pleasing programme of vocal and in strumental music. Mrs. J. M. Fahy rendered several vocul selections. John A. Touhlll demonstrated his ability as a musician by rendering several difficult selections on a set of bottles and a harmonica. At the close of the pro gramme Mr. Gibson thanked the play ers for their kindness In giving the Inmates the entertainment afforded. The Interior of the hospital was prettily decorated with evergreens and laurels, John, Frank, Ambrose and James Hlgglns arrived home Monday night f.-tm the city and passed Christmas wPh their parents. M'ss Anna Clark witnessed Chauncey Olcoit in the "Irish Artist" at he Gi and Opera House, Wilkes-Barre, yes terday afternoon. Lute Hamlin, of Blnghamton, passed Christmas with his parents, on Main street. Mrs. Gooudell, of South Main street, Is recovering from a painful wound sustained a week ago by a Bclssors falling and penetrating her foot. John Burns, who was so seriously stabbed during a street fight a week ago, Is recovering slowly. Henry Conway, of North Main ave nue, died at his homo on Monday night, after a short Illness, was due to pneu mor.la. Funeral announcement later, Messrs. Reld & Gowan, and Seibel Bros, treated the hospital with four handsome turkeys for Christinas. Rheumatism Cured in a 1'iiy. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neurulula radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause and tho disease Immediately disap pears. The first done greatly benefits, 76 cents. Sold by Matthews iiros., urug gists, Scranton. OjuTrojiciE. William Race Is visiting his parents Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Race, during the holidays. J. Erwln Brodhead Is spending his holiday vacation with his parents. Miss Abbott, of Farvlow, Is visiting at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage, George Drake, jr., spent Christmas with friends In Nichols, N. Y. Emmett Brodhead and family are visiting his son, Ira Brodhead, of Mill City. Silas Randall, sr., Is erecting a new dweillug on his lot. John W. Thornton and family spent Christmas with friends In Puckvllle. A number of our people attended the Christmas exercises In the new Method' 1st Eplbcopal church, In Mooslc,. on Monday, evening. The Presbyterian Sunday school held delightful exercises on Tuesday even' Ing. Three rufllanB asnaulted George Drake, sr., while ho was on his way to MoobIc on Sunday evening. . - Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers 1 1 ! Mrs. Wlnnlow' Boothlng Syrup ha been used for over llfty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teethlnK, with perfect Buocess. It soothes tho child, softens tho gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and la the best remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of the world, lie sura and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take np other kind. Twenty-tlv cunts a Mil. " FOREST CITY. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown and children spent Christmas with Mrs. Brown's parents at Starrucca. Thomas Davies and son. Alfred, spent Christmas with Scranton relatives. Editor, and Mrs. J. M. Brown will celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage this evening. Miss Pearl Westgate, of Unlondale, was tho guest of her sister, Mrs. G. S. Esmay, Christmas. R. J. Reese and Professor Cousins, of Peckvllle, were the guests of Forest City friends yesterday. Appropriate Christmas services were held In the Presbyterian church Mon day evening. A Christmas tree laden with numerous and costly presents waB one of the features. A choice pro gramme was also rendered. S. J. Jen nings, In the role of Santa Claus, rep resented "Kris" In an excellent manner. Services were held of an Interesting order In St. Agnes Catholic church yes terday In commemoration of the birth of the Savior. Service appropriate to the occasion were held In Christ's Episcopal on Christmas morning, the pastor, Rev. F. Marshall, taking for his theme, "The Birth of the Savior." The Methodist church was beautifully trimmed yesterday for the Christmas exercises which were held In the even ing. An excellent programme was well rendered. David P. Jones, while engaged In hauling timber for J. L. Jones at Crys tal Lake Monday, had his foot severely crushed by having the log roll forward and forcing his foot Into a hole. He was brought to the home of his daugh ter Mrs. John It. Jones, of this bor ough. Next Thursday evening a grand ball will be held In the new Vandllng hall. Joseph D. Clifton and his excellent company, supporting Miss June Agnott, played "The Ranch King" at the Opera hourte Monday night to a small house. The work of the actors was excellent. Miss June Agnott made a big hit In her role of "Pug." Tho work of Joseph D. Clifton was of a high order. Richard Gelger, In his sweet baritone voice, sang two songs In a pleasing manner. John, Morris as Murphy O'Donovan was good. Tonight the great war play, "Llbby Prison," will be produced. NICHOLSON. The ladles of the Unlversalist society entertained tJheilr Sunday school ait the residence of S. L. Tiffany, Monday evening last. Ice cream and cake were served. Christmas Day, the Methodilat Episco pal society served dinner and supper at the opera house, and In the evening -the Sunday school rendered, the cantata, 'The Frost Queen." The Presbyterian soekity give a con cert at the opera house Friday evening. Dr. Harry Wilkins, of Philadelphia Dental college Is spending the holidays here. Dim Wilson, of Scranton, ate Christ mas turkey with luls Nicholson friends. Mrs. AV. C. Williams entertained her children at Christmas as follows: Ma', and Mrs. E. J. Raymond, of Blnghiam ton; Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Raymond, of Wllkes-Barre; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Shields, of Springvllle, and Harry Will- lams, of Wyoming seminary. . Mrs. Cheater Butts, nee Mvrtte Thur- ber, of Scranton, 1s vlalbtngther parents, Mr. ana Mrs. T. P. Thurber. Louis Boyle, of Marsh wood, is spend ing Ohirlstmas witlh his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Boyle. fifSSCJa JohnsoHj Cured ofCatarrh Feels Like A New Woman Since Taking Hood's Indigestion and Sick Headachos Also Relieved. "C. I. Ilood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.s " I have been taking Hood's Sarsaparilla since last December for indigestion, catarrh and sick headache, and it has made me feel llko a new woman. 'When I commenced taking It I did not nave any appetite and (or years I hud to bo very careful ubout my diet. Now I can eat any klim of food without any distress afterwards. 1 had 11 severe case of catarrh, and tills with my Indies tlon brought ou frequent attacks of sick lie:il ache. Tliuy bothered me very much. Hutslw( taking several bottles of Hood's Saisaparllk All Is Changed. It has cured mo of catarrh and my other troubles. I hope every one similarly af flicted will try Rood's Sarsaparilla and tc Hood'ss"Cure convinced ol Its merit" Miss Ella John son, 1215 Alder Street, Philadelphia, l'cnn. Hood's Pills are hand made, and perfect In proportion and appearance, 25c. a box, WEAK HEN your attention id -aijiju iv nam MM y""' tuoi.. Ureat Engiign Remedy. Gray's Specific Medicine IF Vnil CIIFFFR from Nor- Bwrun ura IlutJUJuiLUM tous De bility, Weakness of Body nnd Mind, Sperma torrhea, nnd Iinpotency, and all diseases that arise from over indulgence and soil-abuse, as Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis ion, Premature Old Age and many other dis eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption ana an early grave, write for a pamphlet. Address GRAY MEDICINE Co., Buffalo, K. Y. The Bpeciflo Medicine is sold by all druggist at (1 per package,, or six packages for to, or sent by mail on receipt of mocor. and with every $4.00 order Uc filRlTK a cure or money refunded. Vr Wrn'ni PtfOn account of oounterfoits wo have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine. Sold la Soranton by Matthews Bros. mmmi Bare tou HoroThroat. ninnies. Connor-Colored Spots, Acbes, uld Sores. Ulcers in Mouth. Halr Kalllng? Write Took Kenedy Co., 307 Ma onlclmple,('hlcaKa,lll.,f or p roof of cures. C'upltal SftOO.OOO. I'aticntHcured nine year. ftftotJMlftysounrtHrirtwpli. HM-,niro hook free. HORSE SHOEING, HAVING purchased the sioea ana rained tne Shoeing Forge of William Bltl-ca A Ann T .hall nnm give constant attention to Biioeing norses in a practl ml Anri MpintiHfln nimna Quick work and good is the motto. JOHN HAMLIN, DOCTOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtli Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WORKS. Lamin & Rand Powder Co.B Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Kep anno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive: !SeiieS(IIIKSeEIIIBIIt9!3UigEieilIi:3!IIIaEII!IDl!!aillSHM!llIlllllttU!IU:i!!lsl!!9K HD IHUfS III Hi l Ml!"' S THE BELL only and alone had the grit and courage to buy three entire S stocks, as follows : s The Wcarwell Suit Co., -I Brodck Fmidonthnl & Co., II) lie Turk Clothing Store, 10 West Third Street, New York Waverl) Pluck, New York 111 South Main Avenue, Scranton S The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and S choicest grade of Clothing, and having bought them for less than half jj their actual value, we are now oil'ei ing them to the public on the same basis One Lot Boys' Kilt Cnpo OvcreontH, regular price 12 25 QQC I One Lot of Boys' Doublo JO j Breasted Suits, worth ?1. Boys' Double Breasted Union Camlmere and Cheviot Sulls; also Boys' warm and Durable Cape Overcoats, regular price, $2.00 and $3.00. . . . Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot and Cassiinere Reefer Suits; also Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $".00, . . Meu's Single and Doublo Breasted Cassiniere nnd Cheviot -Suits; also Men's Block and Blue- Overcoats, value $3 and $10 . CO0 1 $1.45 I 2.881 4.751 g Men's All Wool Cheviot and Caseimere Sack or Cutaway Suits; 7 (t 5 S also Black and Blue Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00, t.UJ s Men's Extra Fine Black and Blue Clay Worsted Cutaway or Sack Suits; also Fine Blue and Black Kersey aud Melton l'oolo Overcoats, value $20.00, 11.37 1 DL TI ft Q I Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CIIII!IIIICISIllIIIIIIIllllIIIll9Rlillll!IKIIIIIIiligillll!lllllllIigil!I!lli8 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND. PUMPING MACHINERY. . Ueneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. , LEADERS OF LOW PRICES. rair 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. A LARGE STOCK OF IK m H SFECISL PES. 3 1 ' GRAND DISPLAY Of HdayvGoods 1 WW READY, i 11 E to IS WHITE AND GOLD. Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50: A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each.1 ; In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel. BASKETS, ; Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step ' Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR&SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. ECONOMY'S SALE Disposes of leavings of their Grand Holiday stock AT A REDUCTION Of it FROM 20 TO 50 PER CENT There's Good Things Left." "Come Get 'em." M. , . a.,. ..... 1 MalMMMMM tSEconomy's Annual Odd and End Sale Next..
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