The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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(These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Bach
eller.and are printed InTheTribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with
their appearance In the leading dally journals of the large cities).
CHAPTER I Continued.
She raised her hands as if imploring
him not to cut them off, and he, looking
down at his uliirt to see if it were but
toned, showed his yellow teeth, and
continued: '"Yes, you better keep in
with me. Man tried to run a paper
here once without keepln' In with me,
and what do you reckon became of
"Went to the legislature, I suppose."
"Hah! Who told you? Dinged If he
didn't go there, but he left his paper
dead as a padlock."
"I haven't anything to hide," she
said, "and I don't mind telling you that,
having grown very tired of city life, I
have come here to resit awhile, but not
being able to rest without work I have
deckled to lease this little paper and
play with It."
"Talk like a woman In a show, dinged
If you don't. Not being able to rest
without work Is a new one on me: but
we will let that puss."
"Just as well, I suppose. Yes, It Is
my purpose to live here a year, and
then if I like the place well enouuh I
may remain permanently."
"Ah, hah," said the old fellow, "that
is to say, you mought git murrled and
settle down here. Putty good plan, I
reckon, for I hear 'em say that mar
riage is about played out In the cities.
I have seed better lookln' women than
you air, but then, I reckon, you mought
do on a pinch, and you never can tell
Jest how soon a pinch Is goln' to take
place. Sly old woman has been dead
"Your Shirt Collar Is Unbuttoned Again."
about two year and I 'lowed after while
that I mought pick up a chunk of a
wife, may do so thi;i fall If my corn
down here on the creek turns out well."
"Your shirt collar la unbuttoned
again," she said.
"Blast me If I don't go to the black
smith shop and git me a horsehhoe nail
Jest to accommodate you. So you are
goln' to run the newspaper.' Never
hearn of a woman runnln' a paper, but
I have hearn of 'em ridln' straddle and
I don't see why a newspaper shouldn't
come next."
"By the way," she said, "I should
like to find some pleasant place to
board. I don't care to stay at this
"You are talkin' sense, now, miss.
Let me see: I live about a quarter of
a mile from here Just an easy walk
and if you don't mind you may board
there. My daughter Nell lives with
me, and you'd like her. Oh, she eats
more book.s than a sheep do straw, al
ways a chawln' 'cm. and you'd git along
well together. She's too smart for this
town, and you and her could trot to
gether right well. Well, I'll send her
over to see you. I reckon you are all
right, leastwise you understand takln
care of yourself. Good day."
She arose and as he reached the door
Bhe called him. "Wilat Is it, mins?"
"Nothing, onl- I hope that you will
not forget t, go by the blacksmith
The. old man puffed and tramped
frc&vlly down the stairs, and at the bot
tom he found Alt' and the other fel
lows watting for him. "Don't put your
self to no uneasiness on her account,
gentlemen," he said. "She can take
care of herself, and If she can't I gad,
I can take care of .her or come mighty
blame nigh It; but I reckon that ex
pression Is a little too strong for a
man that thinks as much of a revival
as I do, and I ask the Lord to excuse
"But hold on and tell us somethln'
about her," Alf Insisted.
"I don't know a blessed thing about
her except that she's all right, and
that's all anybody need to know."
Shortly afterward a young woman
called at the hotel. Introduced herself
to the stranger and said that following
the advice of her father she had come
to sak Miss Lopp to board with her.
"We have a great, big old-fashioned
house," she said, "and you may have
all the room you want, so don't say you
won't. Will you please not say you
The visitor had taken a seat on the
piano stool and not ungracefully was
slowly turning herself half round and
then back. She was a comely clrl and
Jt was evident that she was the belle of
the neighborhood; and It was also evi
dent that she cared nothing for this
distinction, that she had studied and
read herself beyond any companion'
ship that the village might offer, and
that simply to be admired had long
since grown tiresome to her. Miss Lopn
never forgot that pleasing picture, the
dark eyes half humorously pleading,
the abundant hair caught up here and
there as If by graceful and yet careless
dips, the pleasing face and yet a coun
tenance bespeaking strength of will
physical vigor and grace.
"You must not say you won't" the
girl went on, giving Miss Lopp no time
to answer, "until you know how much
1n need of a sensible companion I am.
Father and let me request you not to
pay any attention to his Btrong expres
sions for he Is really the best man you
ever saw well, he does everything he
can to lighten my loneliness, but he
can't do so very much, you know, be.
Ing only a man, and I am actually
hungry for some one to talk to."
i uont see now i can resist so
Strong an appeal," Miss Lopp replied.
"There, I knew you couldn't say you
wouldn't, when, you were brought to
understand It all. And we'd better go
now," she added, springing off the
stool. "You shall have a large front
' V
room, but it has a rag carpet, woven
half sentimentally by a woman that
lives not far from here by half senti
mentally I mean that she thought so
much of me she wove It for half price.
But you don't mind that, do you?"
"What, the sentiment or the half
"Why. the rag carpet, of course. I
didn't know but you might expect vel
vet on the lloor."
"My dear child," said Miss Lopp, "It
was not the thought of a carpet that
brought me Into this neighborhood,
and to tell you the truth I don't care
whether the floor Is covered with a rag
or with sawdust.'"
"Oh, I Just know that I shall like you,
because you are not stupid with even
ness of talk and kiln-dried manners.
So come on and we'll go over right
now." '
And so Miss Lopp was Installed In a
large room in an old-fashioned house.
Her two front windows commanded
the drowsy village, the town cow that
looked as though she had been patched,
having so often been scalded by irate
housewives; the prowling hog, the
sport of every dog that found himself
without amusement, the hitching rack
where fanners' nags squealed and bit
at one another. But the two other
windows looked upon the garden, rose
tinted here and there, the dark shade
lying between rows of high peas, a
tangle of plum bushes, a long slope and
a creek.
The office of the newspaper was
found in a jumbled state, with black
and light types mixed together, but
with the assistance of a boy who had
lung been an apprentice, a decent order
was brought about, and from the very
fast number the paper showed an
Improvement. The paragraphs were
written with vigor that made the
villagers wink as though their eyes
had lighted upon something too bright
for them; and the editorials on natlonul
and International uubjeets were set
forth with that dignity which the
farmer demands that his editor shall
observe. A show of frankness soon
wins the confidence of a southern
town, and Miss Lopp became so evi
dent a favorite that within a month
after her arrival her paper had picked
up an additional circulation of fifty
copies, a marvelous growth, a ntwspa
per miracle In Bioomlield.
Nell soon learned to pick up type,
and was therefore Polly's closest and
most valued companion. They were
rarely seen apart; they strolled In the
woods like lovers, and together they
begged contributions to the mite so
ciety. One afternoon, as they were going
home to enjoy the cool of the garden,
Nell, swinging Polly's hand as they
moved along, declared that Bhe had
never been so happy. "I feel that I
am useful," she said; "I feel that I am
the dearest friend of a woman who
knows something. And do you know
what I have been thinking of? I have
been thinking that we ought to make
a vow never to separate. I told father
the other night that I should never
marry, and If you will live up the same
resolution why we will live together.
There's a stage, and look, there are
three passengers, men, and they are
coming this way."
Polly made no reply, but, leaning
forward, looked eagerly at the men
They had been looking about them,
but upon seeing her they came quickly
forward, and as they approached one
of them called: "Hello. Polly!" and
then each one said: "Hello, Polly!'
Several of the townspeople were
within hearing, and they loitered near
to see what might follow. Polly spoke
to the strangers, and then requested
Nell to walk on, that she would over
take her. Nell hesitated. "Won't you
nleaae walk on?" Polly Insisted. "I 11
soon catch up with you."
Nell obeyed, though not without
muttering an objection, and Polly
stood In the road, talking to the stran
gers. What could it mean? Why were
they so familiar with her ana wny
should she desire to see them alone?
They turned and slowly walked toward
the stage coach, which was to go out
again at once, to take passengers to the
railway ten miles distant, and Polly
talked to thew In low tones, and then
"Miss Polly, What Do It Mean.
they all nodded and smiled. Nell and
the villagers were watching them, and
so was old man Almea, and Just as the
three men had seated themselves In the
coach, the old man, commanding the
dnlver to wait a moment, walked up to
the door and said:
"I am the mayor of this town."
"Sorry for you," one of the men re
plied. "Well, by Satan's hoofs, I like that
but excuse the expression for It's the
strongest I ever did use; but what do
you mean by sneaklii' In here without
lettln anybody know you was comin
an' sne&'kln' out again without lettln'
anybody know why you' did come?
Now what have you got to say?"
' "Shut the door, old man. Tra loo."
"Watt!" the old man commanded
"Who are yiu and what did you want
with this young woman?"
"Oo on, driver. So long, old top."
And off they went.
"Miss Polly," said the old man, iturn-
Ing toward the editor, "what do It
"Your shlnt. collar Is unbuttoned
again," was all she said.
' That evening In the house of old man
A lines there wan a silent supper party
Nell's flowing friendship had been
rudely checked and a sharp heel had
been set upon the old man's dignity.
And It looked as though a coolness
must necessarily follow. The strangers
had brought a mystery with them and
had left It In the village, and In this
mystery stood Polly Lopp.
Not a word had been spoken. Polly
arose to leave the table. Nell looked
up and her countenance was sorrowful.
not so much that there might be a
compromising mystery, but thait It was
kept dark from her.
"Goln Miss Polly?" Almes said.
"Yes, I am through with my supper."
"But wait a moment. Now there's
no need of foolishness between us; we
are your friends and you ought to
speak out. Them men comin' here
and beln' so familiar like with you will
cause a scandal, and It's for me to de
termine as the mayor of this town
whether or not I can stand by you.
But first you must tell me never mind
about my shirt beln' unbuttoned and
all that sort of thing you must tell
me somethln' about them men. Now
will you?"
"Yes. They came and they went
away. That is all you need to know."
'Not be a slatherln' excuse my
strength no. It ain't. Where did you
know tihem?"
I might have met them In a city."
Hah, what's that? Might have met
them In a olty, but why? That's what I
wunt to know. Didn't you hear one of
tlhem refer to me as 'old top,' and I've
been ten years mayor of this town?
Hah, didn't you hear that? And why,
then, tSiould you have mot them in a
city, or anywhere else?"
'When I probably met them years
ago perhaps I was not aware thait they
were going to refer to you as 'old top.' "
Nell laughed, and the old man
scratched his head,. "Well, now we'll
say you couldn't help meeting
them," he went on, "but we can't say
that you had to become so well ac
quainted with them as to lut 'them call
you Polly. I gad, I don't call you Pol
ly, and I'm the mayor of this town and
have been for ten years this comin'
July, I gad. Hope the Lord will In the
meantime excuse both I gads. Hah,
now answer me that, will you?"
"All that you need to know, Mr.
Almes, you shall know In time."
"Hah, In time? But what will the
people of this town think when they
come to me to find out and I put them
off with your sayln' that they shall
know In time? I gad, miss, when the
people of this town want to know a
thing there ain't no ulch thing as time
the whole scheme Is an eternity until
tlhey find out, and unless they find out
before the next election I'm beaten as
sure as a horn, and I've been mayor so
long now that I can't quit. Set down
here now and tell us, won't you?"
Not this evening. Nell, I'm g"oing
out into (he garden." ,
Polly was sitting In the summer house
when Nell joined her. They were si
lent for a time and then Nell said: "I
am so sorry that anything should have
happened. I was as happy as I could
be until then. Tell me, dear, whait It
all means, and I'll promise to stand by
you, no matter w'hat It Is, for I do think
so much of you, I do, Polly, I love you,
ill facit, and now It does grieve me so to
have anything come between us."
Polly took 'her hand and, holding It,
replied: "There are many features of
life in a city, and some of them might
seem strange to you. That I should
have become acquainted wlBh those
men, was a happening; that they should
have come to -this place Is another hap
pening, and neither happening amounts
to enough to cause any real uneasiness
on the part of my friends. So I beg of
you not to let It worry you."
Oh, It doesn't worry me so far as I
am concerned, but what will the peo
ple say? Indeed, what won't ithey say?"
Nell, the view and the opinion of a
village are necessarily narrow; here
people are suspicious of strangers and
are ever on the lookout for an oppor
tunity to suspect one another, so It
would be quite Impossible for me to
make an explanation that woijld be
satisfactory to them."
'But my dear Polly, you can make
an explanation that will be satisfactory
to me.
'Not now, my dear, but aCter awhile
I will. Your father Is calling you."
The old -man stood at the garden
gate, whooping the name of his daugh
ter, and when she -had come to him,
having left Polly sitting on a benah In
the summer house, the old fellow said:
"Nell, go Into the house and stay there
till I come, and When I do come I may
have some mighty Interestln' news for
(To Be Continued.)
An Instance in Which Sliulght liuslness
IHJ Not Win.
From the Detroit Free Press.
While too utood In a. doorway on
Woodward (avenue glancing over the
headings In Ills newspaper as he waited
for the car, a man who had been braced
against the lamppost for the last half
hour softly slid up to him and queried:
the groat, griping,
nauseating pllL
In this enlightened
age you have Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets better because
tlioy'ro the smallest,
easiest to tako and
easiest in their action;
better bocauso they do
lasting good.
They havo a tonlo
effect on the lining
membranes, atid per
manently curt Consti
tution. Biliousness.
Indigestion, Bick or Bilious Headaches,
Hervousness, and every derangement of the
liver, stomach, and bowls.
Cedar Rapid, Iowa.
Dr. B. V. PtEROR: Dear Sir My whole
system seems to havo undergone a cbaiigo
since taking " Pleasant Pellets." My nerves aro
wonderfully Improved and I no longer have at
tacks of " the blues." It Is wonderful, the good
the " I'olleU" have dono injr liven, complaint.
The World Renowned and Old Reliable
Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm
Sugar and Tea
Every box gurrahtead to give latls'fartlon
or mouey refundod. Full printed directions
from otaild to a grown parson. It Is partly
veritable and cannot positively liarni the most
tender Infant. Insist oi having l)r, ('ami
bell's; accept no other. At all Druggists, 'Oe.
Bourn SrnAKTOW, Pi, Nov. 10,1804.
Mr, C. W. Cauitiboll-Doar 81r: I havo
Eiven my boy, Freddie, 7 years old, some of
T. Campbell's Manic Worm Sugar and Tea,
and to my surprise this afternoon about '1
o'clock he paswd a tapeworm meusuring
oliout 85 feet in length, head and atL 1 have
It In a bottle and any person wishing to sen
It ran do so by calliug at my store. I had
tried numerous other remedies recommended
for tiling tapeworms, but all failed. In my
ostimation Dr. Campbells is the greatest
worm remedy in oxlst-nce.
Yours v.-rv rosnootfnlly,
FHED HKFFNER, 732 Belch St
Mote The above Is what everybody sars
after once uilng. Maunfactnrod by C V.
Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. buccesaor to Dr.
Jobu Campbell A Boo. -
"Anything in tjhe taper about the
times growing better?"
"Yes, a few lines."
"Money easier?"
"Industrial enterprise starting up?"
"Healthier tone to the real estate
market, and good stocks have an up
ward tendency?"
"Yes, thalt's about the way of It."
"In fact," continued the interrogator,
"next year will witness a complete re
vival In all lines and put us at the head
"I hope so."
"So do I. Wouldn't It be a good busi
ness move on your part to forestall
"How do you mean?"
"Why, gimme 10 cents now, instead
of a quarter next year."
"N-o-o. I don't like the plan," said
the man with the paper, after a mo
ment's thought. "I've got something
better than that."
"What Is It?"
"Ten off!" was the blunt reply as he
stepped out and swung aboard the car.
"I don't like his business methods,"
said the forestaller as 'he gazed after
the car. "He's off, my ten Is off, and
the deal is off. That throws me off.
That's what a feller gits fur talkin' up
Dtra'lg'ht business Instead of sticking to
the regular programme."
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Tor Coughs, Colds, SoreThroat, Bron
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Increased action the cause of PAIN is
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It Is Highly Important That Every
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Cold:, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza
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Ready Relief will afford Immediate ease,
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Internally A half to a teaspoonful in
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There is not a remedial agent In the
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LIEF. Price M cents per bottle. Sold by all
Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly ooated.
purge, regulate, purity, eleanse ana
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Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Dis
eases, Dizziness, Vertigo, Costlveneia,
Observe the following symptoms result'
Ins from diseases of the digestive organs:
Constipation, Inward piles, fullness oi
blood hi the head, acidity of the stomach.
nausea, heartburn, distrust of food, full
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l&tions, sinking or nuttenng oi ids oart.
chnktnor or auffeoatlmr tarnations when
In a lying posture, dimness ot vblon, dots
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pain In the head, deflotenoy of perspira
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In thealde, chest, limbs, and Slldjsn flushes
of heat, burning In the flesh,
A lew doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will
free the system of all the above-named
Prlos 25o. per box. Sold by Druggists
or tent ny mull,
Bond to DR. RADWAY As CO., Look
Box Wo, New York, lor noon ot Advice.
A Deoidod Move In the Skates trade has sot
tn and It w ill pay ynu to examine tho stock of
JUKIBCH'S, at 4,15 Sprues streot. Fine lineof
superior pocket cutlery, rssors, eto. . for Holi
day trade. Guns and ammunition at bottom
lluurra. Aln some second band heels at
pricea that will astonish you. Seeing la believing
KUiirwimiruuii(itajiiii!!iiJiJiiti'.W" 'M'j
Mild Mta Fine 'f-;f-
Ttlt lutnpis Tfllar-rn rfluasHtf timer emit. ('J
Hai stood the Test ot Tim
ii hiei rmii
AS t AM.
I give tho following statement unasked.
I have been a sufferer for so long a time
and have spent so much money with po
called specialists and each time havo been
disappointed and misled, that it was with
a good deal of doubt that I called on DR.
HACKEK. Hut knowing of some of tho
cures ho made in this olty four years ago,
and tho conildunce of the pcoplo of Scran
ton In him then, I resolvod to try him.
It was a lucky movo for me. I was
troubled with dizziness, spots floating be
fore my eyes, bad dreams, melancholy,
easily startled whun spoken to, no desire
to exert myself and tirod on the least ex
ertion, especially in the morning; had
no pleasure in company; very nervous
end altogether was a complete wreck,
llut thanks to DR. HACK K H, I am today
a well man. I would advise all young men
Buffering as I did to cull Immediately; in
45 days I gained In nYsh 18 pounds. For
obvious reasons I prefor to withhold my
name, but If any who sulTor will cull on
DK. HACKER at tho Lackawanna .Medi
cal Institute, be will furnish my name
and address.
EXAMINATION FRKB nnd conducted
In German, Welsh or English.
Send for "Our Rook" on nervous dis
eases of mon. uillce, 327 Spruce street,
OFFICE HOURS-S a. m. to 8 D. in.
Sunday, 10 a. m. to 2 p. ni.
'ttrar RE VIVO
Made a
Well Mar
lothDay. Df Me.
i ' r r
THE GREAT 30th Day.
produces tbo above results tn'30 days. It icti
powdrfullj aud quickly. Currs when all others fall
louugmcu will regain tuoir lost manhood, and old
mon will rscover their youthful vigor by usloc
HE VIVO. It quickly and surely rostores Nervoue
nets. Lost Vitality, Imnotcnoy, Nightly Emission!
Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseues, am
til offects of self -abuso or excels and luducrctiou
which unfits one for study, utiRlness or ru airline. I:
not only cures by starting at the at ot disease, but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, brim
leg back the pink glow to palo cheeks and re
storing the (ire of youth. It wards off Install:
and Consumption. IuiUt on having KKVIYO, n
other. It can be carried la vest pocket. By mci!
Cl.OU per package, or six for 92.00, with a post
tlve written guarantee to core or reluct
lbs money. Circular free. Address
'0YAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St.. CHICAGO. Ill
re tale by Matthews Bros., Draggle'
Scruntoa . Fa.
CFTTHB BnOB CO., Inc'p. Capital, l.009,0fl.
'A dollar ial it a dollar mrned."
This Ladlns' Solid French Dongoln Kid Bat
ton Buot delivered free anywhere In the U.S., on
receipt or uud, uoeej urarr,
or Postal Note for tl.t0.
Kqtula every way the boots
sold la all retail stores for
t'J.60. We make this boot
ouraelvee. therefore we ouur-
anbi tho Iff, f iU ami vtar.
and If any one is not settifled
we win re mil a uie money
send another pair, opera
Toe or Common Benae,
widths V, D. K, ft KB.
slsaa 1 to and half
lies. Send your rii;
w win lit yon.
S'j Y VWt Illustrated
twK' - (., i i ifm cata
Dexter Shoe , MASS.
Uptaai urmi it itunr:
Manufactured at the Wapwallopcn Mills, Li
torn county, Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agent for tho Wyoming District.
118 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD, Uttston, Pa.
JOHN B. SMITH & BON, Plymouth. Pa.
K. W. MULLIGAN, Wilkes Barro, Pa.
Agents for the Hvpauno Chemical Com
pany's High Explosives.
European Plan. First-class Bar at
. tached. Depot for Burgncr & Englo'l
Tannhaeusar Beer.
5. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts. , Pbila.
Moat desirable for residents of N. K,
Pennsylvania. All conveniences for
travelers to and from Broad Street
stutlon and the Twelfth and Market
Street station. Desirable for visiting
Bcrantonlans and people tn the Aw
thraclte Region.
Central Railroad of New Jersey.
(Lehigh and Susquehanna Division)
Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur
ing cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Pittston,
Wilkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a.m.,
12.4G, 2.00. 3.05, 6.00, 7.25, 11.06 p.m. Sundays,
B.U0 a.m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p.m.
For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m.
For Now York, Newark and Elizabeth,
8.20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (expreBS with Ruf
fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p.m. Sun
day, 2.15 p.m.
For Munch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle
hem, Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a.m.,
12.45, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m.
Sunday, 2.15 p.m.
For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m.
For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsburg,
via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 5.00 p.m.
Sunduy, 2.15 p.m.
For rottsvlllo, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m.
Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib
erty street. North river, at 9.10 (express)
a.m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.30 a.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
9.00 a.m., 2.01) and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 6.27
Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be hud on application In ad
vance to me ticket agent at the station.
Gen. Pass. Atrent.
J. II. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt.
Nov. 18, 1894.
Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia
and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.45
a.m., 12.05, 2.SS and 11.38 p.m., via D., L. &
w. it. it., ti.oo, s.utj, urn., and 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for I'ltlston and Wllkes-
Barru, via D., L. & W. R. it., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20
a.m., 3.50, 6.07, 8.60 p.m.
Leave Scrunton for White Haven, Ha-zl.-ton.
Poltsvllle and all points on tho
ueaver aicuuow ana pottsville oranencs,
via E. & VV. V. R. R., 6.40 a.m., via D. & H.
... li. at 7.45 a.m.. 12.05. 2.3S. 4.(10 ri.m.. via
1).. L. & W. R. R.. C.U0. 8.U8. 11.20 a.m.. 1.30.
3.50 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton,
Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate
points via D. & H. R. R., 7.45 a.m., 12.05,
2.38, 4.00 11.38 (p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R.,
uu, B.U9, u. zu a.m., p.m.
Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To-
wandu, Eltnira, Ithaca, Geneva and all
interniediato points via D. & H. R. R., 8.45
a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. & W.
R. It., 8.0S. 9.55 a.m., 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo.
Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all
points west via D. ft H. R. R., 8.45 a.m.,
12.05, 9.15, 11.38 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. R.
and Pittston Junction, 8.US, 9.55 a.m., 1.50,
8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 3.41 p.m.
i-or Kimira und the west via Salamanca,
via D. & H. R. R., 8.45 a.m., 12.05, 6.05 p.m.,
via D.. L. & W. R. R.. 8.08. 9.55 a.m.. 1.30.
and 6.07 p.m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping or L. V.
chair curs on all trains between L. & B.
Junction or Wilke'J-Harre und New York,
rniiuueipmu, uunaio, anu suspension
ROLI.1N H. WILBUR. Gen. Sunt.
CHA9.S.LKB, Gen. Pass. At., Phila., Pa.
Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa.
Del., Luck, and Western.
Trains leave Scranton as follows; Ex
press for New York and all points East,
1.40,, h.iu, B.w and 9.55 a.m.; 12.55 ana 3.50
p.m. ,
express ror Easton, Trenton, pnnadei
phla anil the south, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.,
12.55 and 3.50 p.m.
uaxiiinnton ami way stations, a.iu p.m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p.m.
Express for Wimhumton. Oswego. El-
mlra, Corning, Buth, Dunsville, Mount
Morris and Buffalo. 12.10. 2.35 a.m. and 1.24
p.m., making close connections at Buf
falo to all points in the West , Northwest
and Southwest.
Buth accommodation, 9 a.m.
Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p.m.
Nicholson accommodation, at 6.15 p.m.
Binghumton and Elmira Express, 6.05
express ror Portland, Syracuse, uswego
I'tk'ti and Richlleld Springs. 2.35 a.m. and
1.24 p.m.
Ithaca, z.3o and Bath 9 a.m. and 1.24 p.m.
For Northumberland. Pittston. Wilkes-
Barre, Plymouth, Hloomsburg and Dan
ville, making close connections at North
umberland for VVIlllamsport, Harrlsburg,
Baltimore, wasnington anu tne soutn.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 6.00, 9.55 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m.
Nantlcoke and intermediate stations.
8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.50 sod 8.52 p.m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on
all express trulnB
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city
ticket ofllce, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or
depot ticket otilce.
ROAD. Commencing Monday,
day, juiy m, an trains
V will arrive at new Lack
awanna avenue station
as follows:
Trains will leave Scran
ton station for Carbondule and In
termediate points at 2.20, 5.45, 7.00, 8.25 and
10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.55, 5.15, 6.15, 7.25, 9.10
and 11.20 p.m.
For Farvlow, Waymart and Honesdala
at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 6.1i
For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack
and Montreal at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m.
For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate!
,lnts at 7.45, 8.45, 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.C6j
1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 5.10, 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p.m. ,
Trains will arrivo at Scranton station
from Carbondule and Intermediate point
at 7.40, 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,344
140, 4.54, 6.55, 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p.m.
From Honesdaie, Waymart and Far
view at 9.34 a,m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 6.65 and
7.46 p.m.
From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.1
at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. ;
From Wllkes-Bnrre and Intermedials
points At 2.15, 8.04, 10.06 and 11.55 a.m., l.ltu
2.14, 3.39, 6.10, 6.08, 7.20, 9.03 and 11.16 p.m. ;
In Effect Sept. lGth, 1894.'
North ll-vniul.
South Hound.
SOS 8031201 202 204 20(1
nS Id!' 6tollOM sHw ii
56 3 5 (TralnsDally. S fi 3 J S3
" V. H Except Sunday! J 5Q J
P Ml ArriTU Imivu a h
.... TiB .. . N Y Franklin St .... 7 40 ....
.... 710 .... West 4'.'iua HI .... 1 i" ....
.... 71XH.... Weehawken .... 8 10 ....
r u r x Arrive l,env amp m
8lW 1 151.... Iliuiieock June. 0 00 H05 ....
810 100 .... Hancock 601) II II ....
758 1350... Starlight U IN Hi....
751 M 40 .... PrestoiiTark 0 831 ....
745 1440 .... t'o'mo 83J 241 ....
73H 12115 .... Porutelle 6 40 g&O ....
731 14 IS .... llelmnnt 645 9 58 ....
7 W03 .... Pleasant Mt tM 3 00 ....
710 fllW ... Unlondale f05H 8 00 ....
70S 1149 a M Forw'tL'lty 710 8 1!) P M
661 1131 915 Carbondale 7 91 3 34 5 HI
6 48 f 1130 9 Vi White Bridge 7S7 f3 3S 6 37
(0 4:1 19 00 MavAeld f7 8'.' f3 4 1 (3 44
641 1193 90S) Jormyn 731 3 45 6 45
635 1118 8 57 Archibald 7 40 8M 5 51
6&! fU15 8M Winton 7 44 8 54 5 51
6 W 1111 8W Peckvilla 7 4.S 8 50 5 59
0 11 07 8 41 Olyphaut !!S 4 04 604
641 11 05 841 liicksou 7 5t 4 07 6 07
619 1103 830 Throop 7 50 410 610
614 11 00 8i Providence 8 00 4 14 6 14
f6 IS f 1067 8 83 Park Place B04f4 17 616
610 10 55 811 Hcraoton 8 05 41 6 41)
p it A M A MlLeave Arrive A mp mp 11
All trains run daily except Sunday,
f. signifies that trains slop on signal for pas
sengers. Secure rates via Ontario & Western before
Surchaxlng tickets end save money. Day and
ighl Express to the West.
J. C. Andstunn, Oct). Pass. Agt
T. FII'CToft, I)lv. Pass. Agt, Scrantou, Pa.
Erie and Wyoming Valley.
Trains leave Scranton for New York
and Intermediate points on the Erie rail
road at 6.35 a.m. and 324 p.m. Also fur
Honesdulo, Hawley and local points at
6.35. 9,45 a.m., nnd 3.24 p.m.
All the above are through trains to and
from Honesdaie.
Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at 6.40 a.
m. and 3.41 p.m.
A Handsomo Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pozsoni'i Oouplbzioh Pownaa
gives it.
Will appear as Mercy Herrlck in the
Supported by an Excellent Company,
Regular Prices. Sale of seats opens Mon
day, bee. 24.
In the New Comedy-Drama,
Under the management of Augustus Pitou.
During the performance Mr. Olcott will
sing: "My Beautiful Irish Ward;" "Look In
My Heart;" "Olcott's Irish Serenade;" "Katy
Mahone" and "Believe Me, if All Those lu.
dcaring Young Charms."
Bale of Beats opens Tuesday, Dec. 25.
The Most Entertaining Drama of the Age,
THE or,
Highly Sensational Occurrences and Thrill
ing Episodes at the Uas-lit Realm ot
the Nation's Metropolis.
A Big, Mainlflcent Production. Tho rompa
ny, a groat one. headed by MR. FREDERICK
BKY'l'O.V, the famous Turn Uould and Ueorge
Appo, tho notorious Lexow Committee wit
ness, at each performance. Every scene an
exact reproduction of unotsd night resort in
the most celebrated diutrict of Uothaiu. A
stage packed with Tenderloin Types. Regular
prices, bale of seats opens Tuesday morulug
Supported by a Clever Farce-Comedy Com
pany, iu the same fun play.
1 .
Sale of seats opens Wednesday, Dec 20.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Af
ternoon and Evening.
In the Roaring Farce Comedy,
Two performances dally atl30andS.15p.ra,
Next Attraction-"Peck's Bad Boy."
! f
Wm. Linn Allen
& Co.
Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain
on New York Exchange and Chicago
Board of Trade, either for coon or on
412 Spruce Street.
G. duB, DIMMICK, Manager.
GEO. U. CATI.IN. Vice-President.
WILLIAM U. PKCk, Cashier.
William Connell. James Arohbald, AU
fred Hand. George II. Cutlln, Henry Delia,
Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller.
The management of this bank points
with pride to Its record during the panl
of 18U3, and previous panics, when spec
ial facilities were extended to its business
The goods are yours at your owa!
price, if you happen to be tho"
lucky bidder.
of C. V. Freeman's valuable and
high class stock of Diamonds,
Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,
Bric-a-Urac, etc.
as the store is rented, the fixtures
for sale, etc., and Mr. Frccmaa
positively retires from business.
3.30 AND 7.30 P. M.
Private sales at less 'than tost
price during the intervals between
auctions. , ' ,