The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Coat Values
Another Rare Owportunity
Is Presented This Morning
in Stylishly Made Ladies'
Coats The Prices Are the
Lowest of the Present Sea
son, Right from a maker who was glad to avail
himself of our offer. He had too many
garments and too little money, and thus
we purchased upon our own terms. Each
wrap Is exquisitely made and trimmed In
the latest fashionable style; the materials
are the best and such as have found trreat
favor amonR the ladles of taste. Such of
ferings as these have not been shown In
Scranton this year, 40 Inches long, double
breasted, large sleeves and tlght-llttlng.
Eegular prices until now were
$12, 17, and J20.
Remarkable varieties and values have
bee.i brought here for the holidays. The
prices are conspicuous for their small
ness, while the qualities and styles oc
cupy the highest place known to Hand
kerchief manufacturers.
Every color for decorating, every kind.
From the best makers. The assortment
Is particularly Interesting, as It Includes
ell grades from the ordinary to the finest.
Open Evenings I'ntil Christmas.
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Iteeves has had lone and varied ex
periencc in hospital und private practice
and treats all acute and chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
He, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
xne eye, ear, nose ami tnroat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-poisoning, (Its, epilepsy, In
discretion and errors of youth, lost mnn-
nouu, eczema, scrotuia, St. v tus dance,
asinma, mucuses or me heart, lungs,
uvqr, Kidneys, oiaauer, siomacn. etc.
Young Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
wishes to Be permanently, quickly anil
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The
.doctor has discovered a specific for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with it at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
. OFFICIO HOURS-Dally, 9 a. m. to p.
m.; Sundays, 10 to 'i and 2 to 4.
Special prices on all the above goods
for the Holidays.
J. Scott Inglis
Carpet and Wall Paper,
four doors abovs Wyoming Hon,
Garnets, Sapphires, Kuhics, Kmeralds,
Moonstones, amethysts, rubles, diamonds,
opals. Davldow Bros, have them. Any
Btyle, any shape, any manner. If you
want a ring, remember that Davldow
Bros, have them.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystlo Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days.
Its action -upon the Bystem is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once tho
cause and the disease Immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75
cents. Bold by Matthews Bros., Drug
gists, Bcranton. '
Wo Ilnvo on Mcgont I.lno
of holiday good. Davldow Bros. v
Prank Hawke Is home from Philadel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Killer, of Cnr-
bondnle, will take their Christmas din
ner at the Methodist Episcopal par
sonage. The proposed new bridge to span
Tunkhannockcreek, near T. O. Walter's
residence, will doubtless be of Iron and
a modern and creditable structure. The
abutments will have to be entirely re
built, as the old ones are of loose,
shelly, red shale, and the wonder Is that
the old bridge has stood as long as It
has. The courts have not yet passed
upon the new bridge, but as It Is such
an obvious necessity, there is no doubt
but that it will be granted.
Miss Eva Slckler, of Binghnmton, N.
Y., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. It. E.
Mrs. Fred Hewitt, of Towanda, Is vls- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Kiel'er. ' .
A number of friends from here will
go down to Ashley tonight to attend
the wedding of Nicholas Fox to Miss
Kate Gelssler. The ceremony will be
performed by Rev. Morvln Custer, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, at 8.30
o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will spend
the honeymoon sight-seeing In New
York, Boston, Philadelphia and Wash
ington. High mass was conducted by Rev.
Father Lafferty at the Catholic church
at 6 o'clock this morning, after which
he went to Nicholson, where like ser
vices are held.
Christmas eve was celebrated at the
various churches last night as follows:
At the Episcopal church a tree, with
an accompanying talk by the rector,
Kev. William Coney, interspersed with
appropiiateslnging. Candyand oranges
were distributed to the children. The
school Is small and the programme
was simple, yet very enjoyable, and the
church very tastefully decorated.
At the Baptist the tree was supple
mented by a Santa Claus, snow banks,
three reindeer and a pretty programme
of anthems, choruses and speaking.
The decorations were very effective and
the programme was In charge of Clar
ence Asheld. Candy was distributed to
the scholars.
The Methodist Episcopal exercises
were In charge of the Sunday Bchool
superintendent, S. Judson Stark, and
were unusually attractive. The arch
way dividing the auditorium and the
class room was decorated, and a chorus
of glided bells among the evergreens
rang out, "Glory to God in the High
est. The programme of music and
recitations was rendered by the young
people, assisted by the choir. Candy
and oranges were divided among the
The Presbyterian church parlors were
beautiful with tree and trimmings. A
cantata, "Santa Claus on Time," with
bright, catchy music, was rendered by
the juveniles and two or three older
people, as follows: Guthrie Thompson,
Gussle Hepburn, Ruth Hepburn, Marlon
Lelghton, Bessie Lelghton, Eleanor
Metcalf, Mame Williamson, Leslie
Chase, Lena Avery, Helen Terry, Fred
Wolfe, Albert Northrop, Fred Shook,
Charlie Hepburn and Harry Lewis
Miss Mame Shook was largely Instru
mental In getting it up, and to her, as
well as to the choir, who ably assisted,
Is due the Buccess of It. The whole
school received confectionery and the
Juniors books and "Brownie" spoons,
The Evangelical people postponed
their exercises until tonight, when they
will render a programme of singing
and responsive services, prominent
features of which will be an organ vol
untary by the pastor. Rev. Omer But
ler, and a solo, "I Know That My Re
deemer Liveth," by Miss Frona Luck
enbill. They have a tree and gifts of
No visitors will be allowed at the Jail
Rumor has It that a new building will
be put up on Tioga street, next to
Woodward's drug store, and Ball's meat
market removed thereto.
Quite a number of the town people
are under obligations to Landlord N'el
son Lee for a generous Invitation to
partake of Christmas dinner at the
Keeler House today. Such as had not
mude previous engagements will accept
of his hospitality.
Presiding Elder J. G. Eckman will
preach at the Methodist Episcopal
church Friday evening, after which the
quarterly conference will be held. Com
munion service will be observed Sun
day morning, and the elder will preach
In the evening.
Dr. Herbert McKown is) up from
Plttstou hospital on a visit.
Charlie and Jae McKown have re
turned from Waynesboro, Pa.
Last Saturday's edition of the De
Kalb, 111., Chronicle, a souvenir hum
ber, contains excellent pictures of E. C.
and Morris K. Lott, two Wyoming
county boys who went west several
years ago and connected thetnselves
with the J. L. Elwood Barb Wire Manu
facturlng company at De Kalb. Buth
have risen to high positions of trunt in
the company, and the former has been
mayor of the city Tor some time.
Mrs. J. M. Jeffers, of Montrose, a
former resident of Lynn, and well
known to many people In this county
Is dead. She was In the prime of life
and a lady possessed of many Christian
The west-bound track of the Lelilgh
Valley between Vosburg and Mehoop
any Is out uf service owing to changes
being made, and the conseciuent pres
sure of business upon the remaining
track delays t radio somewhat.
Tho Huge; Wo Have It.
You wnt It. Ask to see them.
Call at
Davldow Bros.
A Household Maxim for tho Ilusy
holiday seeker. Davldow Bros.
Kcliof in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relloved In six hours by the "Now
Orcta South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
cages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 126 Pcnn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
Solid Gold and Gold Filled
watches. Watches for everyone. Watch
the crowds going to Davldow Bros, for
The oratorical contest at Keystone
academy on Friday evening wbb one of
the best tver held. The prize for best
oration was awarded to William Espy
Thompson; honorable mention made of
William M. Denlson and Emory Joy
Dunkalee. The speakers and their
themeB were considerably in advance
of anything heretofore presented, an
Indication of the progressive character
of this rapidly developing educational
Institution. '
I.odgo Pins, l odge Buttons,
Lodge 'charms, Davldow Bios, -,it
In the presence of a large number of
relatives and friends. Miss Isabella
Pewman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Pewman, and William 'W. Wat
loins were united In tnarrlfi'ge last even
ing at the home of the bride's parents
on Susquehanna street, by Rev. Peter
Roberts, pafilor of Congregational
church. The bride was attired In a
gown of pearl lansdowne with lace
trimmings. Her sinter, Miss Jennie
Penman, was bridesmaid and was at
tired In brown lansdowne. John Mor
gans was best man. Mr. and Mrs.
Watklii3 will reside on Susquehanna
Miss Lucy A. Hull left last evening to
spend the winter In Philadelphia.
The Minnie Seward company opened
a week's engagement at the new opera
house last evening with "The Convkit's
Daughter," 'to a fair sized audience.
Frederic Seward, as James Wlllough-
by and Miss Minnie Seward, as Stella
Russell, wore highly applauded.
Bart Lynch, of Mlllersvllle Normal
school. Is home for the holidays.
The Young Men's Christian union
will present "My Neighbor's Wife" In
connection with "their entertainment
next Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Fox are the guest3 of
the latiter's mother, on Dunmore street.
Miss Annie Jones, of Plymouth, Is
visiting Mrs. William Evans, of Lacka
wanna street.
Master Johnnie Jones Is spending the
holldayti with his brother, Dr. D. W.
Jones, at Baltimore.
Why of Course You Don't
Want to forget your sweetheart. Think
of those handsome Btone rings that Davl
dow Bros. have.
Kmblcrti Pins. Kmhlcm Charms.
emblem buttons at Davldow Bros.
Some of the residents of Church
street were greatly worried 011 Satur
day and Sunday over a case of diph
theria with which a young lady named
Eva Parfrey was afillcted. The father
and brother of' the young lady are
boarding on Church street and she
came to visit them from a hotel In Car-
bondale. She was 111 when she came
here and Dr. Van Doren was summoned
to attend to her. He found that the
young lady was suffering from a mild
form of diphtheria and so Informed the
family with whom she was staying.
They had such a fear of the disease
that It was considered best to remove
the patient from the house, and Bhe was
taken to the borough building, where
she was cared for during Sunday. Some
of the people living near the borougji
building objected to Its being used as a
hospital and called on the burgess to
have the patient removed somewhere
else. Before he could take action on
the case the father of the lady came for
her and took her to the home of a rela
tive somewhere up the valley.
The fair of St. Thomas' congregation
re-opened on Saturday evening, the at
tendance having been very large. It
was also open yesterday afternoon and
will also be today. It is expected to
close finally next week. .
Several of the young men here have
arranged to hold a banquet and social
at Moyle's hall on New Year's evening.
Chrlscmas will be observed with
special services at all the churches
We Wish It Distinctly Understood
that we are selling a stock of unredeemed
pledges at a big sacrlllce. Davldow
When It Is Time That You
are In need of money do not forget Davl
dow Bros, banking establishment.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCahill, of Ho
boken, N. J., Is spending the Christmas
with Miinooka friends.
The St. Joseph's Total Abstinence and
Benevolent society elected delegates
Sunday to attend the quarterly conven
(ion at ManljCs hall, South Side, In
Joseph Kelly, a student at St. Mich
ael's college, Toronto, Canada, Is spend
ing the holidays with Mlnooka friends,
The Mayflowers of this place and tJie
Independents of South Side v.ill contest
at Schwenk's grounds, this afternoon
for a purse of $10.
Patrick Cavanaugh, of Wllkes-Barre,
clrculaited among Mlnooka friends Sun
"Mary Mahedy, of Nantlcoke, Is visit
ing 1ier parents on Main street.
Jiihn Mullen, a student at the Mans
field State Normal school, Is home for
the holidays.
The Mayflower Base Ball club will
hold their annual entertainment at Cal
lery's arcade Thursday evening. Some
of the best talnnt In the county has been
secured by the committee. Admission,
25 cents.
M ate hlloxcs In sterling Silver
and silver-plate. Davldow BroB.
Don' Forget the Iluby.
Buy silver-plated mugs at Davldow
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha
been used for over llfty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
tecthlnir, with perfect success. It soothes
tho child, softens the gums, allays all
nafn: cures wind colic, -and Is the best
remedy for diarrhea. Sold by druggists
In every part of tho world. Uo sure and
ask for "Mrs. W lnslow s Booming syrup,-
and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents
a bottle.
A number ofyounR people who have
been away attending school are now at
home spending the holiday vacation.
Among them are: Charles Freathy
College of Pharmacy, Philadelphia;
John Ollbrlde, Medleul College, Phila
delphia; George S. Welsh, Piatt's Insti
tute, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Fred Oaines,
Cornell University; E. D. Ames, Miss
Alma Helss and Miss Nellie Wood
ward, Wyoming Seminary; Miss Eliza
Murphy, Miss Elsie Colgate and Mi3B
Emily Wheeler, Bloomsburg State
Normal school.
Miss Kate Keleher, Mrs. James Col
gate and MIsb Mame Snyder spent last
Saturday In, Scranton.
The Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school will hold an entertainment and
Christmas tree in the church on Christ
mas evening.
The Hawley High Bchool closed on
Friday, Dec. 21, for a ten days' vaca
tion. The principal, Professor Mnrk
Creasy, Is spending his vacation at his
home at Light street.
John Ollllgan, after a lingering Ill
ness, died at his home on Main street
Saturday afternoon. The deceased was
about ii years of age, and was liked by
all who knew him. He leaves a wife
and two children. The funeral took
place Monday afternoon. . Interment
was made In the Hyde Park Catholic
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Luke McOuIre,
a daughter.
Robert Hall bad his hand hurt while
at work in Jermyn's slope Monday
morning. .
St. Thomas' church fair opens this
evening with an entertainment.
Fred Weber, of Taylor, was in town
visiting friends Sunday.
Gentlemen, Have You Seen
The new style link cult buttons that Davl
dow Bros have for sale?
Oncra Glasses-Something Fine.
Low prices. Davldow Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, of
Stmten Island, N. Y are spending
Chnistmas with their many Avoca rela
tives and friends.
The funeral of William Blease took
place on Sunday afternoon p-'l was at
tended by a Jarge eon?ou .a of his
friends. Brief services were held at the
home of his parents In Old Forge, af
ter which the cortege moved to the
Pnlmklve Methodist church. So large
was the number that had assembled to
pay the laat token of respect to the
memory of the deceased, that the
church was crowded. Rev. Jones' re
marks were very consoling to the fami
ly as he dwelt upon the estimable
character of Mr. Blease and touched
upon his many good deeds.
Mrs. Oscar Johnson was a visitor at
PJttston yesterday.
The Methodist Episcopal church Sun
day school held their Christmas enter
tainment last evening.
The Christmas programme of the
Presbyterian church will be carried out
tonight. The children of the Sunday
school have been under training for the
last month, and are very efficient in
their parts. The doors will be open at
0.30. Entertainment begins at 7 sharp.
Everyone in invited to be present. Ad
mittance free.
The funeral of James Watters itook
place on Sunday.
Studs in Sterling Silver
and solid gold. New, neat, plain or fancy
designs. Davldow Bros.
Go to Davldow Ilros.
for holiday goods. 217 Lacka. ave.
Home from college and school: Ed.
Katz, Henry Kalkman, Earnest Lem
Inetzer, Fred Crossley.
Fred Gaines, of Ithaca, was a visitor
In town yesterday.
Miss Mary Russell, of Blnghamton,
Is the guest of relatives here.
W. M. Gardner and wife and son,
Perry, are visiting relatives at Dan
Fred Brown, of Lestershire, will pass
Christmas with his parents here.
The Christmas exercises of Grace
church Sunday school were held Hi the
church last evening. The church was
decorated In green and a large tree
loaded with pretty trinklets stood In
the chancel. The school marched Into
the church from the Sunday school
room, and as they marched out by
c'asses were handed their boxes of
Melvin Dunlap, of Brooklyn, is spend
ing a few days here.
HAVING purchased the
utoek ai,d rented the
Shoeing Forge of William
Elnxa A Son, I shall cot
give constant attention to
sluicing horses in a practi
cal ana scientific manner.
Quick work and good is tha
Have yon SoroThroat, Pimples, Coppor-Colored
PpoU, Aches. Old Bans. Ulcers In Month. IlKlr
Kalllnn? WrlteCook Kemedy C'o.,307 Ha
onlcTrmnle,Chlcn.o.lH..f or i roofs of euros.
Capital 0&H,OUO. ratluntscurednlDeyeura
TIIE BELL only aud alone had the grit and courage to buy three entire
stocks, as follows :
The Wearwell Suit Co.,
Urodck FrcudenUial & Co.,
Hyde Park Clothing Store,
The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and
choicest grade of Clothini;, and having bought them for less than half
their actual value, we are now ofl'ei ing them to the public on the same basis
Ouo Lot Boys' Kilt Cape
Overcoats, re(?ularprice 2 '25
Boys' Poublo Breasted Uulou Casslmere and Cheviot Suits;
iiIho Boys' warm and Durablo Capo Overcoats, regular
prleo, $2.00 aud $3.00. . .v ..
Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot and Cosaimere Reefer Suits; also
Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $3.00, .
Men's Single and Doublo Breasted Cassirnere and Cheviot
Suits; also Men's Black aud Blue Overeoats.value $8 and $10
Men's All Wool Cheviot and Casslinere Sack or Cutaway Suits;
also Black and Blue Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00,
Men's Extra Fine Block and Blue Clay Worsted Cutaway or
Sack Suits; also Fine Blue and Black Kersey and Melton
Boole Overcoats, value $20.00, i
Sign of the Bell. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
' General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
Miss Mary Chapman, of Ashley, Is
visiting iher brother's family, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Chapman, of the West
Mr. and Mrs. William Rooke will
spend Christmas at Inkerman.
John Williams, of Mansfield State
Normal, is spending the holidays with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sobboth
G. L. Keller and ttie Misses Stella
Arnold and Emma Barries, of the
Stroudsburg State Normal school,' are
home on their Christmas vacation.
Mrs. D. H. Ooyle died ait her home in
Wilnton borough last Sunday afternoon
after a short illness, aged 33 years. She
was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pat
rick Finnlgan and has lived In the bor
ough ever since she was quite young.
She leaves a husband and five children.
Funeral services will be held tomor
row afternoon, Dec. 26, ait 2 o'clock. In
terment Willi be made at Archbaid
Catholic cemetery.
Miss Edwards, of Scranton, Is visit
ing her aunt, Mrs. William Kestell.
His Enemy
Dyspepsia Causes Much
Pains and Distress After Eating Re
lieved by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, M.13S.:
" I must pralso Hood's Sarsapsrlila for the
good It has douo mo. I was troubled with dyn
popsla. I had severe pains in my heart, and tin
welling of my stomach and distress utter est
Inir caused me much suffering. I tried different
remedies without getting relief. Finally I de
cided to give Hood's Biirsnpaillla a trial. I)el:ip
1110 ursi one iu town 10 uiks iu Alter iukiuj
(Ire bottles, I felt perfectly well and have enjoyed
good health ever since. Many of the towns
people have asked me about tho success ol
Hood's K:iri:irarl1Ia. and I have clieerfullv ror.
juiiiienrieri 11 iceliiiu Indeed irrntcfulforthe coot!
It has dune me. Friends and relatives have also
taken Hood's Sarsaparllla with Rood results."
jun.LAito a. TKINE, sirnsesiown, ra.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
blUouauess, jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion,
Moosic Powder Co,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtb Bld'g,
Lafllln & Rand Powder Co.'s
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Batteries, Puses for explod
ing blasts, Safety Fuse and
Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives
16 West Third Street, New York
Waverly Plack, New York
111 South Main Avenue, Scranton
One Lot of Boys' Doublo ft AC
j Breasted Sulta, worth.$1.73 UU
11.37 i
a7 M
mm ' M
I a m
If n
sF M
e 1 hp
400-402 Lackawanna Avenue.
1 10W READY.
Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50.
Big Value, $3.50:
A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90.
And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional
values and of latest patterns.
Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each.'
In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel.
Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step
Ladder Chairs, Card Tables.
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
'Economy's Christmas Crumbs Sale Begins
' ii iiiwimi II I.I,