The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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is. net mm 18, . . 25G
J, u
4 is. Dies,
We have a large assortment of Can
dies at prices that will please you.
Passing Events of tlic Day on the
West Side of the City Noted.
Interesting Christinas Exercises Held
Tliere-ljavlJ U.Jones Sustains a Hro
ken Leg-Meeting of Debuting Society-Gathering
of Cassldys.
A very large number attended Christ
mas exercises which were held last
evening- In the Fourth Ward Mission
school on North Garfield nvenue. The
room was prettily decoruted. The pro
gramme opened with a recitation en
titled, "Our Anniversary," by Miss
Rachel Lloyd. A dialogue by Ivor Price
nd Miss Verna AVilllams followed,
.eeltutlons were 'then given by Miss
irna Williams, 'Paul Price, ilhoda
ay Watklns, Miss Lizzie .Lloyd,
'homas Lewis, Miss . Ilachel Lewis,
4lss Jessie Rumboldt, Miss Mabel
Thomas, Tommie Watkins, Sidney
Rumboldt, Misses Stella Morsnn, Ethel
Watkins and Lizzie Jones. Those who
participated In the dialogue, "IJrldgefa
Investment," were: Misses Anna Lake,
Blanche Jenkins and John Edwards,
Robert Price and John H. Jones. The
Misses Etta Jones and Marie E. Lewis
gave a dialogue entitled, "The Critic."
A dialogue entitled, "Knowing the Cir
cumstance," was rendered by four
young ladles. During the performance
many appropriate voice selections were
rendered by the members of the Sunday
school and Robbie Muckreth. At its
close candy and nuts were distributed
among the young people.
Iti oko His l eg.
David R. Jones, a young man residing
with his parents on North Lincoln ave
nue, sustained a broken leg last evening
In a most peculiar manner. Mr. Jones
was attending a meeting of the Loyal
Knights of America in Jenkins' hail,
and Curing a recess In the session he
iwas wrestling with a brother member.
While the friendly scuftle was in pro
gress Mr. Jones was tripped up and
fell to the floor, breaking the left leg
between the ankle and knee. He was
removed to his home, where Dr. J. ..
Roberts set the Injured member.
Debaters Meet.
The Hyd- Park Literary and Debat
ing society held a regular meeting last
evening in their rooms on South. Main
avenue. John It. Edwards presided.
The most interesting feature was a de
bate, "Resolved, That Chinese Emi
gration' Is Detrimental to the United
States." The afllrmatlve side of the
question was upheld by Charles E.
Daniels; the negative by Emerson D.
Owen. Mr. Owen scored the most
points and consequently won. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing ,term: President, David J.
Davles; vice president, Emerson I.
Owen; secretary, Howard Davlea;
treasurer, Louis II. Howell; ciHic,
Charles E. Daniels;,
James Powell.
A Family timbering
' The home of John Cassidy, on Tenth
streot, was the scene of a family
gathering yesterday afternoon. Some
forty members were present. The
afternoon was devoted to a social and
reception of the members; at 0 o'clock
supper was served. Four large tables
were placed In the dining room and an
excellent menu was partaken of.
Speeches were made by Emmet and
James Cassidy. The Misses Annie and
Margaret Cassidy gave recitations.
Piano music was furnished' by Will
Jam Cassidy. The affair was enjoyable
Officers Elected.
The following olllcers of St. Paul's
Pioneer corps were elected at a meet
ing on Sunday afternoon at their ar
mory: President, Peter McCoy; vice
president John P. Murray! recording
secretary, A. U Martin; financial sec
retary, J. J. Sweeney; treasurer, P. F.
Grlffln; auditors, William MeOee, James
J. Malum; directors, Anthony McLnr
key, John V. AValsh, Peter Walsh, II.
Flnnegan, A- I Martin; investigation
committee, J. B. 'Rellley, Edward Ear
ly,, P. J. Walsh; sergeant-at-arms,
Frank McClain; captain, P. J. Walsh;
first lieutenant, Frank McClain; second
lieutenant, Frank McCoy; tellers, P. J.
Devcrs, Michael Culkin and John Lar
kln. Brief Notes of Interost.
The West Side stores will be closed
today. i . - . .
Miss Jennie Daniels, of Division
Btreet, is quite HI.
Arthur Thomas, of WllkeB-Barre, is
Visiting friends here.
Mrs. II. C. Jones, of Eynon street, is
ill with typhoid fever.
A cantata was conducted In the First
Welsh Baptist church last evening.
Contractor Charleii Cooper and son,
James, are visiting friends in Wllkes
Barre. Miss May Anthony, teacher at No. ,8
school, is spending the holidays In New
.York city. .
Lewis Moree, of Jackson street, has re-
KNo Better
for the
Little Ones.
. All parts on sale now at The
Tribune business office.
4 ms. nee m
la mm fiin. - u
Best Lemon Peel 10c
6 IDs. New Raisins. .. 25c
Us, perl - 9c
Sellers I sis ill i Packages: ioc
Cecils, is. 5c
. 25c
lie Fin Oranges, pei te, ik
turned from a business trip to New
York city.
The Christmas exercises at the Welsh
Calvanlstlp Methodist, ghprch will be
held this evening
A sunrise prayer meeting will be held
this morning at o'clock in St. David's
Episcopal church. '
Andrew Robertson, of Audendrled,
has returned home from a visit with
friends on this side.
The Sunday' school of the Jackson
Street Baptist church will render a pro
gramme this evening.'
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, of
Washburn street, are spending Christ
mas with friends In W,averly.
Miss Adeline Davles, of Wllkes-Barre,
Is spending the holidays with her
parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Davles,
on this side.
The University Social club held a ball
last evening in Mears hall.' A large
number was present and the affair was
a decided success.
Miss Millie Coons, of South Main
avenue, a student at the Stroudsburg
State Normal school, Is spending the
holidays with her parents. ' .
The funeral of Alfred, the.lO-months-
old child of Mr. and Mrs. Rees Ed
wards, will occur this afternoon. In
terment In the Washburn Street ceme
tery. ' '
The following ushers for the Ply
mouth Congregational church have
been elected: Chief, David Owens; John
Hopkins, David Reese, Parry Thomas,
John Thomas and Daniel Thomas.
Mrs. Housey, an aged lady residing
on this side, fell last evening while as
cending Lackawanna avenue hill.
Undertaker Will Price, who was driv
ing past at the time, placed the old lady
in his carriage and drove her home.
Her Injuries were slight.
The members of the First Welsh Con
gregational church held a delightful
entertainment and social in the church
last evening. The. programme was a
well prepared one and was admirably
rendered. The members are greatly In
debted to Mrs. George W, Powell for
her valuable assistance. At the close
of the affair candy was distributed.
The Sunday school of the Scranton
Street Baptist church rendered a
Christmas programme In the church
last evening. The programme which
appeared In the paper a few days ago
was delightfully rendered. A chimney
of paper bricks filled with sweetmeats
had been formed, and at the close of
theentertalnmentthey were distributed
among the children.
West Side Business Directory.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photoa, $1.40
per dozen. They are just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Stumer's
Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main
HORSKSHOEING-N. Bush, practical
horseshoer. Work done only In a first
class manner and guaranteed satisfac
tory. Shop, Price street, close to North
Main avenue.
GROCERIES Revere Standnrd Java
Coffeo Is unexcelled. The leading coffee,
of the day. For sule only at I' V. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, 11G South
Main avenue.
for anything you have to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J. C. King, llfil and liKU
Jackson street.
WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds,
20ti North Main avenue, and see his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock.
PLUMBIN'O-Willlam D. Grimths, 113
North Muln avenue, does . first-class
Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction is btrictly guaranteed. .
OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market home.
Denier In Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Oysters served in every style. 310 North
Main avenue, next to Clarke's.
A sunrise prayer meeting will be held
In the Welsh Baptist church this morn
ing at 7 o'clock.
The Crystal Literary society -will pro
duce -the "Woven Web," in the Com
pany H armory tonight.
There will be a union sunrise prayer
meeting In the Presbyterian church
tills morning at 7 o'clock..
Special music has been prepared for
the services which will be held In the
Holy Rosary church today.
Rev. A. Ferris, pastor of tiio Puritan
Congregational church, Is spending
Christma3 with friends In Mount Car
mel. A game of quidts for a purse of $100
will be played at the Palentlne hotel
this afternoon at 1.30 by Thomas Dodds
and Stephen Marekell, ' of Grassy
John Costello, of Charles street, was
married to Miss Mary Kenahan, of
Glover street, yesterday afternoon In
the Holy Rosary church by Rev. John
J. O'TooIe.
Miss Margaret Price, of Spring street,
will spend today with friends in Car
bondale. She took part In the Christ
mas tree entertainment in the Con
gregatlbnal church last night.
Christmas entertainments will be
held tonight in the Asbury Methodist
Episcopal, North Main Avenue Baptist
and Providence Methodist Episcopal
churches. The choir of the Christian
chapel prepared the cantata, "Santa
Claus on Time," for tonight.
Christmas tree entertainments In
charge of the Sunday schools were held
In the Welsh Congregational, Puritan,
Primitive, Methodist, and Presbyterian
churches last evening. They consisted
of songs and recitations appropriate to
the occasion by the pupils.
Charle3 Orkursky was arrested In
Carbondale yesterday by Constable
Davis on a warrant Issued by Alderman
II u ran at the instance of John Chlpkus,
charging him with obtaining money
from Adahi Spltzer by false pretences.
Orkursky was a miner employed at the
Providence Coal company's mine until
about Oct. 1, when he wanted to leave
town. He sold his due bill to Spltzer
for tjho full amount, claiming to have
had no laborer, thus defrauding Chlp
kus out of about $30. He was tried be
fore Alderman Iloran, who committed
him to the county Jail in default of $300.
When You Aro Thinking
of what to purchase for appropriate
( Christmas presents, don t forget Davidow
Fine assortment of calendars, 1895.
Music Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautschl & Bona, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestral organs, only $3 and $10.
Specialty:' Old music, boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
, . Wo Have Anything
In the line' of Jewelry or silverware, any
thing In the line of novelties or buttons.
When you need anything In our line and
you want something for a Xmag present
uotvt rorgei uaviuow uros ,
Rare Collection of Books In Holiday
Chain Bracelets, Sterling Sliver,
Rolled plate; chains that we guarantee.
Chain bracelets, new and neat designs.
Davidow Bros.
Rocking Horses and Shooflles of all
Bizes ana utyies.
Do You Want Fine Kllvorunrn?
Buch ss cake baskets, pickle castors,
crumb trays, syrup cups, tea sets or any
thing In the line of line silverware call
aim see j-iuviuow .Bros.
A Morning Runaway on Cedar Avenue
Creates Considerable Excitement.
It Will Bo Given at St. John's Hall by the
Young Men's Tourist Club- Frederick
1(009, an Aged Citizen of Cherry
Street, Passes Away.
Cedar avenue was stirred up yester
day morning at 10 o'clock by a very ex-
Citing runaway. A young man whose
name could not be learned drove along
the avenue with a ipony and a itwo-
Wheeled cart. At Hickory street the
animal took fright from the pasrtlng
street ear and Jumped to the sidewalk.
The driver was thrown from the seat
and the pony dashed .along the street
at a furious rate. Those who saw the
young man fall from the gig thought
that he was killed. His head struck
first and he laid unconscious on the
street; but he revived quickly and soon
recovered consciousness. The horse
continued on and at the corner of Wil
low street almost ran over two chil
dren. At Terppe's drug store the cart
collided with a tree and was loosened
from the animal. At the corner of
Plttsiton avenue and Birch street by
standers stopped the horse.
lCntcrtninmcnt at St. John's Hull.
Tonight at St. John's hall the Young
Men's Tourist club will hold an enter
tainment. The programme which will
be presented Js as follows: Columbia
quartette, selections; Cawley and
Dempsey, double clog; II. Battle, sketch
artist; Dan Langan, vocal solo;
O'Rourke and Cawley, sand jigs; Mc-
Andrew and Fagan, solos; Miss Kitty
Moran, vocal solo; Kelly and Mahoney,
song and dunce; Professor Donaldson,
comic stump speaker; Mahoney broth
ers and sister, Highland fling.
Death of Frederick Roos.
At the age of 70 years the death of
Frederick Roos, of Cherry street, oc
curred yesterday morning. He had
been suffering for sometime of 111 health
and his death was not altogether un
expected. Mr. Roos was one of the
earliest of the South Side settlers and
during his long life was respected as an
upright and useful citizen. He lived
with his son Frederick W. Roos for
some years past. The funeral will take
place tomorrow afternoon at 2o'clock.
Burial services will be read at the
Hickory Street Presbyterian church by
Rev. August Lange, and interment will
be made In Pittston Avenue cemetery.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Stephen Judge, of Genet Btreet, is ly
ing quite dangerously 111.
Brewer Michael Hand, of Cedar ave
nue, is slightly Indisposed.
An infant daughter of Charles Mould
er, of Breck street, Is seriously 111.
Barber Owen Walsh, of South Wash
ington avenue, is visiting In Wllkes
Barre. Mrs. Andrew Hartzmetz, of Stone
avenue, left last week for a trip through
Select Councilman Alex T. Connell,
of the Twentieth ward, Is visiting in
place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Meadow Brook Silk mill, will spend
Christmas I.i New York city.
The engagement of Harvey Bentele,
3t Cedar avenue,' and Miss Louise
Eberle, of Birch street, Is announced.
Michael Davltt, of Pear street. Is re
covering rapidly from the ailment
which has allllcted him for a few
County Detective John J. Shea re
turned homo yesterday morning from
New York city and while he was in
the metropolis he enjoyed hearing the
witnesses testify before the New York
senate Lexow investigating committee.
George Stangline, of 920 Crown ave
nue, died Sunday afternoon after a
very short illness. He leaves a wife
and nine children. The funeral will
take place tomorrow morning at 9
o'clock with a high mass of requiem at
St. Mary's German Catholic church.
Interment will be made In the Twen
tieth Ward cemetery.
Church services this morning at the
several churches on this side will be of
especial Interest. At the St. Mary's
and St. John'sCatholIc churches musses
will be read at 5, 8.30 and 10.30. At th
Hickory Street Presbyterian church,
Rev. August Lange will preach morn
ing and evening and at the Hickory
Street IJaptlst church, the Birch Street
Lutheran church and Cedar Avenue
Methoditt Episcopal church the pastors
will conduct special morning and even
ing services.
Gold Pens with I'.legant Curved
Pearl handles ut Davidow Bros.
Sunrise prayer meeting at the Baptist
church at 7 o'clock conducted by the
pastor, Rev. A. B. O'Neil.
Nelson Swingle is 111 at his home on
Apple street.
Misses Ida Doty, Llllle Wardell and
Clara Krager are home from Port Rich
mond, Staten Island.. .....
Miss Diana Capwell returned to Lake
Wlnola yesterduy to spend Christmas
with her parents.
W ilbur and Ralph Urban, of Prlnce
tm college, and their brother, Roy,
from a military school at Reading, are
spending their holiday vacation with
their parents on Blakely street.
Several classes at the Presbyterian
Sunday school are aiding poor families
thereby enabling them to enjoy a merry
Mrs. Daniel Swartz and her 'mother,
Mrs. Reynolds, have again taken up
thtli residence at their old homestead
on Blakely street.
Dr. Harry Boyea, who Is 111 in Phila
delphia, has decided to spend the win
ter In Florida for the benefit of his
health. ...
Mrs. Frank Stephens Is confined to
her home on Green Ridge street by Ill
ness. .. '
John Manly, of Georgetown univers
ity, is spending hlB JVacatlon at his
home in this borough.
Miss Katherlne Crane Is home from
Chestnut Hill academy, to spend her
holiday vacation.
MrB. John Nlckols, one of Dunmore's
oldest residents, Is very 'ill at her home
on West Drinker street.
The teachers and pupils of No. 4
school deserve much credit for Drovld-
Ing Christmas dinners for several poon
tamiues. isacn sonoiar from the pri
mary to the grammar department con
tributed some article of food. Friday
waa the day set for all to contribute
Whatever they wished, and before din
ner one room was completely filled with
all kinds of provisions. Saturday ithey
were distributed to the needy. The
teachers who conduoted the the woMhv
cause wore Misses B, Olnley, Maggl'J
Dugganl. Annie -Bishop, Mary H, Mc-
Hale, Kate Sweeny and Martha Mur
phy. .
Borough Clerk Savage had his wagon
smashed by being run Into y a care
less driver on Lackawanna avenue Sat
urday; Mr. Savnge's rig was standing
along the curb when a teamster with a
load of eggs came along and crashed
Into It. The horse was thrown across
the sidewalk almost into a door and the
carriage demolished. The driver was
arrested by an officer, but he claimed
that he had to get his eggs delivered
at such a time and hence hlB haste. He
was released on promising to pay dam
aages. The Epworth league tf ill meet Thurs
day evening with the regular prayer
meeting. ' . ' ' , .
L. R. Fowler is spending the holi
days at his home on Cherry street.
Harvey Jones Is still very 111 at his
home on. Brook street.
Mrs. Wlnfleld Baisden, of Quincy ave
nue, Is visiting In Hawley.
Coming Year Will Probably Be the Banne
One for Scranton.
There are plenty of indications point
ing, to a revival of trade in Scranton,
as soon us the new year is fairly set in.
The Double Automatic Knitting Ma
chine cumpany of Cleveland, 0 is en
quiring as ito a site and means of trans
portation in the city. They will afford
employment at first to fifty hands. A
boot and shoe manufactory is also mak
ing enquiries with a view to locating
here at an early date. , Wllljam Connell
and the. Silk Manufacturing company
are arranging the agreement for erec
tion of a manufactory, and there is
every indication of the Work being
commenced at an early date.
Scranton people are also very enthu
siastic as to the proposed tin plate
Industry, and board of trade officials
are contldent thait the necessary capi
tal will be . raised. Other Industries
which, for diplomatic reasons, cannot
be mentioned, are considering the ques
tion of moving their plant to this city,
so that the board of trade is quite jus
tified In expecting much greater things
forScrantonduring 1895 than any previ
ous year in the history of this remarka
bly progressive city.
Will Bo Held Today in Many of the City
Ch ii relics.
At the city churches this morning
ChtiBtmas music will sound beautifully
through the services. Bauer's orchestra
of sixteen pieces will accompany the
choir at the 10.30 mass at St. Peter's
cathedral. The choir, under the leader
ship of Organist W. P. Schilling, will
sing Gillsln's grand Italian mass.
The choir of St. Luke's Episcopal
church, Wyoming avenue, and of Grace
Reformed Episcopal church will sing
special music. At the Adams Avenue
German Lutheran church and the Mif
flin Avenue Evangelicul church the
musio will be rare. One of the most
pleasing Christmas exercises will be tit
St. Patrick's church, Olyphant. T. W.
Watklns, the musical director, and Miss
Annie Brown -will sustain the solo
The music at St. Patrick's church on
Jackson street will be exceptionally
fine, as will also bo that sung at Holy
Rosary church, .vorth End.
In most of the West t'ldo Protestant
churches the spe:lnl features will be In
the evening, when the children will sing
Christmas music.
A Great Drumu Which Is Being Presented
at Davis' Theater.
Patrons of Davis' theater were yes
terday delighted with this drama, "The
Indian Hero," which was presented by
Richard Anderson and his powerful
company. The first act begins at Silver
Creek ranch and is full of thrilling
scenes and incidents generally attend
ant to runcn life.
The- plot turns on the scheming of
Philip Morgan, an adventurer, who suc
ceeds from time to time In thwarting
the good work and efforts of the Indian
hero. By means of these schemes the
audiences are held as if spellbound
until the last act, the death of the ad
venturer, clears nil the difficulties.
As the Indian hero Richard Ander
son was very clever, and the various
purts lire extremely well played by his
lluve Your Photos Taken
by DeWItt today. Cabinet Photos $2.00
per dozen, the finest In the city. We
make . no exception. Parlors, corner
Spruce street and V ushington avenue.
, . -
"Wiener Beer."
During Christmas and the Holiday week
the E. Robinsons Son's Brewery will put
upon the market for their customers an
Extra Brewing of the finest Beer ever in
troduced In this section of the country.
Drink "Wiener Beer" from the E. Robin
sons Sun's Brewery.
THE WAY to reach catarrh Is throuch
the blood. Hood's Hursaparllla, by puri
fying the blood, removes the cause of the
dlseuse nnd permanently cures catarrh.
Take only Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS act easily, yet promptly
nnd effectively, on tho liver und bowels.
25e. .
I am prepared to receive a limited num
ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., nd
dress Richard V. Llndauy,
. 822 Mulberry street.
Or at Powell's Music $toro.Jy;
Now Is tho Proper Titno
To select Xmas presents. Delay , it no
longer. Cull on Duviilow Bros. If yon
can t see what you want ask for it. Davi
dow Bros., 217 Lucka. ave.
Stundurd Diaries for 1895. '
Hat Pins, Hair Pins.
Stick pins, sourf-plns, pins for 'the babv,
pins for the babies' mother, and pins for
the babies' mother's mother, Davidow
Buy tho Weber '
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros
Button Hooks, pearl Handles,
Glove hooks, pearl handles; toothpicks,
gold or pearl handles at Davidow Bros.
Picture Framing at Griffin's new studio,
ZU9 wyoimuy avenue.
$1,000.00. $1,000.00.
That Is the price of a pair of gorgeous
diamond earrings that can be seen (and Is
for sale) in Davidow Bros, hundsomcly
luted up a mas window.
Beautiful Juvenile Books.
Duplex Link Buttons.' .
. New patent. Lutest designs. No more
trouble, gentlemen, if you have a pair of
Duplex Link Buttons, at Davidow Bros,
Mtilneu hair ferns ot Clark's for Xmas
Do Not Leave
the holidays pass you by unless you visit
Davidow Bros. Pulatlul Emporium Pal
ace. When Baby ru tick, we gare her Outorte,
When she was a Child, ibe cried for Ctutoiia,
When iha beoam Miss, she clung to Cuterta.
Woeo she had Children, she gave tiiaa Caitorla,
il Quorum of Common Council Did Not
MuterlulUo Last Night-Joint Session
Not Held..
Members of the common council last
night caused further delay In the mat
ter of awarding the contracts for the
bridges at Linden and Spruce streets.
A quorum of the select council was
present, but only seven members of the
common responded to the call for a
special joint meeting to award the
bridge contracts. Among the common
council absentees were D. P. Battle and
Morgan Sweeney.
Tho members of the select council
who responded to tihe call to meet and
transact public 'business on the eve of
Chrlfitmas were: Finley Ross, Wade
M. Finn, W. J. Thomas, R. H. Will
lams, Michael E. Clark, John E. Roche,
C. K. Chittenden, James J. Mauley,
Captain William Kellow, M. J. Burns
and Victor II. Lauer. Common coun
cllmen present were John E. Regan,
John W. McLean, F. S. Godfrey, Cap
tain James Molr, T. B. Howe and Arja
Williams. Another attempt will be
made Thursday night to hold a Joint
Last night was the regular meeting
nlg'hit of the board of control, but a
quorum could not be mustered. Those
who put aside private considerations to
answer the call to public duty were
John Devanney, W. J. Welsh, C. J.
on btorcht H. J. Carson and Charles
Coroner Decided Not to Hold One in the
Cose of James Martin.
Coroner J. A. Kelley was notified yes
terday of the fatal accident wliieh nn-
curred to James Martin
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road near Vine street station In the
early hours of yesterday morning, but,
after investigation, decided thut an in
quest would be unnecessary.
Martin, it is surmised, stumhled
across the rail and was stunned by the
fall, and before regaining conscious
ness ihe engine ran along the track and
crushed-hlsskull. causinc instantnneniis
death, He was a single man, aged
about 20 years, and resided with his
mother at Carbon and Gordon streets.
He was employed at the Diamond mine.
Cuscs That Have Been Reported to the
Board of Health.
Diphtheria Is abnormally prevalent
about the city, as shown by the report
of the board of health for the past
week. There were five new cases and
two deaths from the disease.
Of typhoid there were two now cases
and. one death; of scarlet fever, four
new cases and one death; of whooping
couglf, four new cases and one death,
and two deaths from consumption.
Thirty-seven deaths resulted from all
Beechain's pills are for "bili
ousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick headache,
bad taste in the mouth, coated
tongue, loss of appetite, sal
low skin, when caused by con
stipatiou; and constipation is
the most frequent cause of all
of them.
Book free; pills 2;c. At
drugstores, or write B. F. Al
len Co., 365 Canal St., New
We. Are Headquarters for
Dolls, Toys,
Sleds, Skin Horses,
Iron and Wood Toys,
Etc., Etc.,
For the Holidays.
Sunday Schools, Etc.
Should call early to secure prompt
Our Line ofCandy
The Finest In the Cltj.
The latest Improved furnish
ings and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
. 223 Wyoming Ave.
The Only Mauufuctory
iu Bcrauton.
518 Lackawanna Ave.
In addition to our ready-mado stork,
our b FECIAL OKDb.ll dmi tuiont
cannot fail to Intercut you. Nj upU
KABKICM wu ever befori ehowu in
this city, W tliall be glad to bave
you eah, whether you purchase or not.
Repairing, Ro-coverlug equal to now.
All our own Dinke. absolutely line
onnied for STYLE, QUALITY and
Mrss Lottih CABson, of
Savaiiao, Mich., wnt;: "I
bava been troubled wito a
toriiblo headache for about
two years and could not get
anything to help mo, but at
last a triend adviwd me to
ta o your Huhdojk Blood
Bitteks, which 1 did, and
after takinR two bottloa, I
have 1 ot had the heads-he
Manufacturers and Dealers In
Linseed Oil, Nopthas and Gaso
lines of all grades. Axle Grease,
Pinion Greaue and Colliery Com
pound; also a largo line ot Far
ufline Wax Candles.
We also handle the Famous CROWN
ACME OIL. the onlv famllv snfntir
burning oil In the market.
Wm. Mason, Manager.
omco: Coal Kxehaifiie, Wyoming Ave.
Works at line Hrook..
"S.5-3 FlNECAlf &KANGAR01
You can aavc money by purcliaalug W. L.
DuUKlns fliuvs.
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by ttnmphiif the name ana price on
the bottom, which protects yon against hiRh
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
Wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at loner prices for the value gircn than
any other malie. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Bold by
Instruments In every sense of the term
as applied to Pianos.
Exceptional In holding their original ful
ness of tone.
Fifth avenue.
1115 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg
Thl.Fnmnn. Etpmedy euros quickly and pet.
mnuently nil nervous !h1rnho, Mich a Weak
Memory, I.nmof llniln Power, llcudiiebe, Wtiko
fillne!, l.ont Vitality, lllirhtly t'mtHliml, evil
droum. Imiifttriiey und wanting diAcuecactiiiMMl by
youthful error. r exreiiaea. Contnini no
ophite. Is a liervo tonlumul Mttoil bulhlpr.
slukes the pnlotind punv Rtrouuiiml elump Knit!?
enrrlcil In vent imckol. All perliox; (I tnr5. Uy
mull prepnld with a written inmruntce to cure or
money refunded. Wrlto us for frco mrdienl
buk. sent denied hi plain wrnpper. wlilcli cmt
talna testimonial and llnnnrhil reference. No
charfft for Ibwarf of imita
ff'iim. Hold hv nur advertised nenta, of addtvpti
NKilVKNEKIICO., MaonloTJUiplo,'hleijru.
801.1) IN Sril ANTON, PA., II. C. 8ANnEKHON
': ;. HAVE YOUR Vfg l
1 in MAKERS'
j ! f SU-
vL jf II pnhpndpr X Pn
VS. Detachable" '4 f U V UU ill) U UU
Vv. 1 HORSE iXki
Have now completed their arrangements
,ul '"; iiumiuys, snowing me largest ana
.vvoi vuuiiJiriQ amen iney nave ever uis
pluyed, consisting of
Which they have-In great variety. All
groades in Gold, Silver and Gold Flllod
Cases. Having had numerous concessions
irom manufacturers, they have given
their customers the full benefits of them,
making tho prices of tho best watches
nearly as low as are asked by others for a
very Inferior quality.
Having made our purchases before the
lato raise of 15 per cent, in tariff and hav
ing been VICKY PARTICULAR in select
ing only perfect stones of a line color and
cut, we are sure we can satisfv th hm nf
Judges as to price or quality. We havo
mem mounted In Brooches. Kings, Eur
rlngs. Studs, Scurf J ins and in neui ly all
articles of Jewelry.
Is now very cheap. We hnve It In a
thousand shapes, from a cake basket to a
toothpick. A WONDIORFCL variety.
People are ASTOMSHKD when prices
are mentioned.
A brilliant und dazzling display. Low
prices for labor ami perfected machinery
have done wonders with the prices.
The finest on eurth.
Hundreds of styles of
New and beautiful. '
Opera Classes.
Chains, Lockets and Charms.
And Onyx Top Tables. All new and ele
gant designs. Art Porcelains, all brought
In since the new tariff went in effect.
Torcelain, Onyx, Marble and Gilt. We
have IilO RARGAIN3 in a lot of Marble
Clocks, Just received. Less than half
price. They nre fitted with the best Amer
ican Jeweled movements and are about its
cheap as a good common clock. They are
well worth looking at.
All are invited to look at our display,
whether purchasing or not. At the oid
. .- , .
Tho Great Blood Purifier and
Liver Regulator.
And will Poitivlv cure all disease arising
Khcumatisin, KKIncy Disorder,
Liver Complaint, Sick und Nerv
ous Headache, Neuralgia, I)vs
repsia, Fever and Ague, Scroiii
la, Female Complaints Erysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
and all Syphilitic Diseases.
Call and Get Circulars.
Endorsed bt thi Hi.hist Mibicsi Aimtoamta
!3. iNRAt.TR will cure yeu. A
pi - JSfa. wonderful boon to snffnrerl
Li LTfr from Cold.. Mora Tb.-o.t.
Inflilcnra. IBrnnchllla.
or HAY FEVCK. Mtwii
immtiHaUnlirf. Anefflclen
remedy, convenient tocarr
In portet, ready to tw on Brut Indication of cold,
fonttnned Vse JClTVct. Permanent I'ure.
Fatlaiactiun inir.mnteed or money refunded. Prlef.
fi ola. Trial fren at Ilnit-it. KcsiMnred mall,
CO ceuis. I. S. CUSEMIS, Ilrct Lnn,, U. 3. 4,
MFMTHni ,J lie i'"0"1 0"rt remedy for
Ma.!! I flUU all skin diaeases. Pcten.a. Ilea Salt
Itheum. "Id Soros, Hums. Cuts. Woaderfui rem.
rdy foi-I'M.F.S. lvrlce, Sorts, at lirua- D A I tt
EjjUor liy mall prepaid. Addr"(rashove. DHL II I
. For sale by Matthews Bros, and John
H. Phelps.
Complexion Preserved
Removes Freckles, Plmptos
Liver Moles. Blackheads,
(sunburn and Tsn. und li
eturcs the skin to its origi
nal frcahncga, producing a
rlmir and bcallhv com-H
idnTlnn. finnrrior tA nil tarn
preparations and perfectly hsrmleRs. At "aft
ti rugglats, o: moiled lor SOuis. Bund lor Circular.
VIOLA SKIN 80AP Is simply iaooaiparabts si a
rtlfi purif'tsg Soan, unMaatod tor tae toilet, sail vuhrot a
rival air tha k'jmrv, Abtoluuly para and dfiUoalaly BMdl.
eaied. At dnmliti, Prios 2S Cents.
G. C. BITTNER& CO., Toledo, O.
. For sate by Matthews Bros, and John
H. Phelps.
Coal of the best quullty for domestic
Use, and of nil sises, dullvercd lu an
tuirt of tho city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Ofllco
rtenr room, Unit floor, Third National
Hank, or sent by mail or telephone to the.
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Bpeolnl contracts will bo made for th
lale and delivery of lluckwhoat Coal.
Also a Full Line of
X ctt
Scranton, Pa.
... r V.