THE PCB ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MOBNTNGK' tECJ5MBE 25, 1894. SMUEL SEELY SENTENCED Long Term for the Shoe and Leather Bank Bookkeeper. EIGHT YEARS IX THE PRISON After Sccly Hud Given tho Bank Directors All Information Possible About Ills . Transactions Tbcy Refused to Intercede in His Behalf. )3y tho United Press. , New York, Dec. 24. Samuel C. Secly, the defaulting bookkeeper of the Na tional Shoe and Leather bank, was to day sentenced by Judge Benedict, of the United States circuit court, to eight years in the Kings county penitentiary. When Seely wus-called to the bar, the court room was crowded with curious spectators. Seely responded quickly to the call of his name and walked to the Ibar with a firm step, but he looked pale, dejected and crestfallen, in fact, almost dazed. His wife's uncle, Mllford F. Hallenbeck, stood with him in court. (Lawyer Frank V. Angel interceded for hia client and said that he thought the encis of justice would be met by the minimum punishment. He said Seely (had told him openly that he was guilty ond deserved punishment. He said 6eely had over COO accounts tinder his care. His first mistake was an error. He should have gone to the president of the bank about It, but, instead, he went to Baker, a man of will power and decision, who easily influenced 6eely. He had not placed the govern ment to any expense of trouble of a trial. He also asked that the sentence should be executed in the Kings county penitentiary. Eight Yeare In Penitentiary. Judge Benedict then i eiteneed Seely to eight years in the Kings county penitentiary. Seely was at once removed from the court room and token back to Ludlow atreet jail. The maximum punishment for his crime under the statute is ten years Im prisonment and the minimum live years. With the allowance for good conduct the actual time Seely will have to serve will be rabout jflve years and four months. In passing sentence Judge Benedict eald: "The law must protect the banki and It Js .intended to deter others from committing similar crimes." Just before Seely was called to the bar President Crane, of the Shoe and Leather bank. Vice-President Pease and Director Beach ent'-red the court room and took seaits iln the rear of the gallery. . Mr. Pease and Mr. Beach are the twj directors who had an Interview with Seely In the marshal's office this morn ing and refused to intercede with the Judge in his behalf after Seely had told them all he could about the bank ac counts and how to trace Baker's miss ing checks. After Seely was taken from the court room back to the marshal's office to get the commitment papers, he said to Deputy Marshal McAviney, who had lilm in charge: "I am glad It Is over. I would rather serve twenty years in state prison than suffer as I have done during the past ten years. The past ten years have been terrible to me." -m- Tout Clasps, Coat Hungers, Hat Marks. All In sterling sliver. Davidow Bros. Solid Silver Thimbles. 2Sc., COc.i 7!ie Jl.UO and $1.25. pavldow Bros. INSANE AT HARVEY'S LAKE. Klcc.of I'inlnrield. Hud to Uc Strapped to u llourd. Ey the United Press. Wllkos-Burre, Pa., Dec. 24. A man named Rice, of Plalnfleld, N. J., who owns a cottage 'at Harvey's lake, twelve mi!es from here, became Sud denly lnsan? at the latter place on Sat urday last. He was in a violent state of Inuanlty on Sunday and It was neces sary to strap him to a stout board. He was gent to Philadelphia at 2 o'clock this morning. Dr. Long, of Harvey's lake, accompanied him. Vases, Something New, Exquisite Designs Nobby and neut patterns. Davidow liroB, Chulctuinc Gold or Silver IWatches at Duvldow Bros. CARNEGIE WAGE SCALE. Salaries and Rents Are Reduced at Homo stead. 23y the United Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 24. The new wage scale for the Carnegie Steel works, at Homestead, was posted in the several departments of the works today and disclosed an average reduction of 15 per cent, in the entire mill. The high EVERYTHING SEEMS WRONQ to the dyspeptic. The world is upside down; the times is out of joint; he's ready to turn his back upon his best friend. Now, the thing that oftenest is wrong with dyspeptics, is their choice of a remedy. There are drugs and mcdi cines on the one handthe Carlsbad Sprudel on the other. They can't both be right; there's too much difference In their methods and In their results. CarlsbaS the waters of the Sprudel Spring at Carlsbad have been curing dyspeptics for hundreds of years. Cur ing them. No remedy in the world has been so thoroughly, tried and proved, in all digestive disorders, stomach trou . hies, lack of appetite, or perverted nu trition. Add a little of the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to the first tum blerful of the water, if you desire to increase its purgative action. , Do not be imposed upon by unscru pulous dealers who will sell you a mixture of Seidlitz Powder or Glauber Salt as "Improved Carlsbad Salt" or "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "German Salt," or other names. Insist upon the genuine article, which must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendclson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. priced men suffer a' reduction of 35 per cent. Besides this the services of a number of high priced men .are dis pensed with. Tho rents on pnmnanv'a houses were materially reduced. There was some dissatisfaction, but despite the grumb ling the scale will be accepted as pre sented. Iltiva Vnn Sicn Our $4.19 mantel clocks? They are dan dles. Duvldow Uros. It Is I'sclcss for Anyone to Try and find a nleer assortment of link cuff buttons than Davidow Bros. have. . READY FOR SEA SERVICE. Constitution to Bo Kcpulrod and Sta tioned nt Washington. By the United Press. Portsmouth. N. H., Dec. 24.-Secre- tary of the Navy Hrbert has instruct ed Captain Iteed, commandant of the Kittery navy yard, to order a board or survey to see what It will cost to put the historic frigate Constitution in con dition for sea service. The sum of $225,000 is to be expended in putting ihe famous craft In as good condition as she was during her career. As soon as the vessel is made seu- worthy she will be taken to Washing ton, where will be her permanent Ra tion. Novelties In Silverware. Largest stock of novelties In silverware to b found in the state. Such as cout haiiKers, book marks, rollarettus, tie- holders, bon bon boxes, souvenir spoons, paper cutters, seals, and hundreds of other articles too numerous to mention. Call and see the magnlllecnt array. Davi dow Bros. Tea and Coffee Sets In silver plate. Davidow Bros. 1XDISTRIAL TOPICS. Alabama's daily coal production has reached 26,000 tons, the largest ever known. It 1s said that the senate committee Is not favorable to the pooling bill as It passed the house. The Christmas pay roll of the Penn sylvania Steel works, at Steelton, Sat urday, footed up $05,750. The strikers at Mid Valley colliery, near Shamoklln, still refuse to return to work at reduced wages, but no further violence was attempted. George M. Bretz will employ a large force of men, after Jan. 1, to clear 120 acres of timber land near Hecla, on the Little Schuylkill railroad. An English eleatrleal engineer pro poses to furnish electrical power direct from the coal fields at one-fifth of the cost In coal for steam power. Sheridan Furnace, No. 1, at Reading, blew out Saturday for repairs, and stock No. 2, which has been undergoing repairs. Will be started up this week. Gross earnings of fifty-four railroads during the second week In December Increased 12 per cent., and seventy- eight roads In the first week Increased 2.47 per cent. The Good Spring Water company lias been chartered to. supply water to tho collieries of the Reading Coal and Iron company, wind the villages of Porter township, Schuylkill county. E. K. Conne, representing the Harts horns committee of Reading security holders, is making a tour of the coal regions trying to secure proxies. He finds that the personal efforts of offi cials of the. company had already se cured proxies for Mr. Harris. Seven hundred and forty-two ton8 of gold, or Uietlr equivalent, were required to pay the expenses for, the United StaJUs government for the year 1S94. The necessary teams to haul It, allow- In a ton, and twenty-five feet, to a team, would make a procession over three and onelialf miles long. Since the completion of the doubla tnack on the mountain cut-off Lehigh Valley freight crews will remove from Wllkea-Barre to Coxton. After Jan. 1 Instead of making two trips from Wllkes-Barre around the mountain, they will leave Coxton, run to Fair view, and l'uturn to Coxton via the Jut-off and make three trips. Minister Gray believes Americans will make a great country out of Mex ico. He says the stamp of the Ameri- can Is on nearly everything of Import- ance In the republic already. The Mexicans 'h'ave confidence In American people and In American manufactures. 'The United States," said he, "Is now furmlshlng more than half the hard ware Imported by Mexico. Only a few years ago Germany had almost all this trade. I learn from my talks witih Mexican merchants thut they prefer hardware from the United States, not because it Is cheaper, but because they believe 'It Is of superior quality. In se lecting edge tools and all kinds of ma chinery tho American product Is pre ferred." Willi te Haven' Journal: "O. B. Leon ard, a Central engineer living at Penob scot, has patented a car coupler which is said by practical railroad men who have examined it, to be the best de vice yet invented. It3 advantages are that it may be coupled to any of the usual forms of coupler or drawhead without requiring any person to go be- tween.-the oars, as it couples ami un couple by lever from the top or side of the car; It will ouple to any of the usual fmrm of couplers; the bars will become disengaged from the Jaws if turned at right angles, and for this reason if one car in a train upsets it will become disconnected from the oth er oars, and thus prevent ono car from drawing others down a bank or off a bridge; It will couple to a car in which the couplers nre either higher or lower It Is' provided with double connecting bars, so If one breaks the other may stilll be used." Philadelphia Record, editorially "With the withdrawal of George D, MoCreary from the so-called Lehigh Valley Stockholders' committee the bot tom may be said to have dropped out of the movement for a chiaingo In the man agement of that company. Whatever basis 'there was for the opposition was removed by the election as directors o such representative men who are all largely Interested In the welfare of the Lehigh Valley as Joseph Wharton Thomas McKean and George H. Mey ers, and Mr. MoCreary's action now de prives the disgruntled committee of the only element of strength that still re mained to It. The re-election of Presl dent E. P. Wilbur, which may be re garded as assured by the collapse of this hostile movement, Is bo obviously demanded by the best Interests of the oompany that there should never be any doubt about It. Familiar with the history of the company from its lncep tlon, he has given to Its management the boat years of his life, and it Is largely to his efforts that Its high credit, has been so long maintained. President Wilbur cainnot be held responsible for that stagnation In the coal trade which followed the breaking down of tht great Reading combination, and one of whose most marked results has been a steady fall In the price of coal, followed by a Buspemilon of dividends. This condl lion of attain bus seriously affected all the coal roads, but none la in a position to recover more quickly from It than the Lehigh Valley, whose wise manage ment lias not permitted Its facilities and equipment to suffer from tne busl nans depression through which the en tire country haa been passing. With the resumption by trade of its normal conditions, the Lehigh Valley will doubtless share 1n the returning wave of prosperity, and the policy of Presi dent Wilbur and his associates will be Justified. It would certainly be folly for the stockholders to think of making change now, and of entrusting the management of a company which has so long enjoyed such a high financial reputation to the hands of those Ignor ant of Its affairs and inexperienced In tho dlreoMon of a great railroad." Watches Silver or Xlcklo Plated, Cold Filled or Solid Gold. Watches for everyone. Watches thut ev eryone run for und Watches that are uurunteed. Duvldow Bros. After Dinner Ten and Coffco Spoons. Neat and Nobby. Duvklow Bros. Kings for the Bnby. Itlngs for the Miss, Rings for the Lady, Wedding Kings for your sweetheart, Kings for yourself or your friends. Davi dow Bros., 217 Lucka. avc. STOCKS AXD BQXDS. By the United Tress. New York. Dec. 24. Speculation at tho Stock exchango today showed few feu- ures of Interest. Luckawunnu, Reading, Distilling und General Electric Were trong for a time. The transactions footeil up only 7li0 shares. Reading ad vanced u point to 10 on tho announcement from Philadelphia, that the Finance com pany hud sufficient stock to elect Mr. Harris president. General Kleetrle wan strengthened at ono time by denials that the company', was In poor shone. Lacka- wunna sold up to liiL'Vi on nn uttcmpt to cover by un old short Interest. Varin- tlons in the other prominent stocks rail for no special mention. Speculation closed steady. Net changes show losses of ',4 to per cent. I.ucknwnnna rose 1a, Distillers , General Electric and Heading 'j. There were further liquida tions In Cordage, which declined to 6i. The range of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of tho New York stock mar ket are given below. Tho quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mick, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., slock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing. , est. est. Ing. Am. Cot. Oil 24'i 24'i 8!' 17i Am. Surar Re'g Co. bH'i 89 4 m 97'i 71'4 ivr, llll 9-i 137'4 F.3i HH'i 2"iT C!i 38 93 9ft 32'i 10 4 13',i lf 914 11 13'i 87 SO'. 4'i 17'd 71 7'4 71 '4 37 (12 1(12 10i 33 137',i r.3'4 10l"i S7Vi Vi 3S 93'i 9'i 32'4 10 4 I5V, ir. 9 11 13 8714 Quo- Atch., To. & S. I-'c. lies. & Ohio.... "hlcago Gas.,.. 72 374 Chic, & N. W... 71U M (12 van 108 137"a M4 104i 27'i 7'i 38 W4 32U 10 4 l.-.'i l(i 9 11 87-';s hie, B. & Q 71'i Chic, Mil. & St. P, hlc, U. I. & V.... . i .nil D., L. & W Dlst. & C. F ien. Klectrlc 33i Luke Shore VSVi, Louis. & Nush talk Manhattan Ele 104'i Mo. Pacific Nat. Cordage 7's Nut. lA-ud 3S-1,, N. J. Central 93 'i N. Y. Central D! N. Y. & N. E 32'i N. Y., L. K. & W.... 10 Nor. Pncltlc 4 Int. & West 13'i R. 0 15 Texas Pacific 9'i Union Pacific 11 Wabash, Pr West. Union.... 87Vs Scranton Board of Trade Exchange tut ions. Tar Vnl. !. Did. luo Scranton Packing Co .... DO Providence & Ablng- No. Shs. Ask 120 10 10 5 G 1 10 CO 10 25 10 ton Turnpike 100 Scranton Glass Co.; 100 Traders' Nat'l Rank 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. 75 'iio GOO DO Mooslc Mount n Coal Co DO Lncka. & Montrose Railroad 100 Scra'n Savings Rank 200 eo DO '375 "iii 25 100 100 Third Nat'l Rank.., 300 First Nat'l Hank... 330 000 400 DO Scranton Trac. Co 100 Walker Automatic & Bfpnm Coupler Co 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 600 Scranton Glass Co. (lionds) -. COO Stevens Coal Com'y (Bonds) 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co CO Dime Dep. & DIs. 30 7S 6 coo coo CO 20 Rank 62 CO 1 100 Scranton Axlo Works .... 20 100 Nntlonnl Boring Tin Drilling Co 20 100 Econ'my Light, Hcnt and Power Co 4 23 Crystal Lnko Water Co 100 75 20 ICO 100 GO 100 Laeka. Lumber Co... 110 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & . Supply- Co CO 100 Spring Brook Water Co 6 100 First Natlonnl Bank (Carbondule) 5 100 Lncka. Trust & Safe 100 100 230 Deposit Co.., 135 15 100 Scranton Bedding Co . 30 100 Bonta Glass Co 21 100 Hcra'n I.nrn Cur. Co. . 5 1O0 Scranton Forging Co . 103 20 9.1 110 liuffaio Stock Alurkct. By tho Unltod Press. Buffalo, Dec. 2l.-Cuttlo-Rocelpts, .2W head; market strong for good cattle, slow for common; choice to extra steers J3u3.40; good to choice, Jf.75a4.90; medium to good, tl.33u4.63; light to fair shipping, $3.85u4.2fi; light butchers, J3.35a3.73; good to choice heifers, J3.25u3.75; mixed cows and heifers, fair to choice, $3.23u3.73; old to fair cows, $1.50a2.25; stackers, 2.85; feeders, $3.25a3.50; fresh cows and springers dull and lower; fair to extrn, fcl.GOot.SO; veuls strong, Jii.50a7.25; light to fulr, ti.Kial.liO. Hogs ueecipts, v,?M head; on sale, 13,500 bend; market steady for good grades, but 5c. weaker for light grades; Yorkers good to choice, $l.3ta4.4i pigs, Jl.25a4.35; mixed packers, J3.35u4.40; good mediums, J4.4lu4.4R; choice heavy, Jl.45a4.55; roughs, J3.50u3.85; Htags, J3a3.50, Sheep and Lumus Receipts, ,(ioO hend; on sale, 21,800 head; market fairly stendy; Canada luuibs, JI.I5u4,25; choice- to prima native lambs, J3.90.i4.25; fair to good, J3.25a 3.75; common, J2.50a3; good mixed sheep, J2.tOa2.7u; culls anil common, Jl; export sheep steady at J3.50u4.25. Chicago Stock .Market. By the United Press. Union Stock Yards, 111., Deo. 24. Cattle Receipts, ti,00O head; market strong common to extra steers, J2.90a5.75; stock- ers and feeders, fciuS.40; cows and bulls, Jl.2r.uH0; calves, J2u3 Hogs Receipts, 26,000 head; market strong for choice, others euHy; heavy, J4.23u4.o3; common to choice mixed, J4.10u4.50; choice assorted, Jl.23at.33; light, J3.90u4.20; pigs, J2.25u3.li0. Sheep Receipts, 4.000 hend; market firm; Inferior to choice, Jl.D0u3.50; lumbs, J2.23a4. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 2l.-Tallow W steady and quiet. We quotej-Clty prime In lihds, 4lH(a4c. ; country, prime, In bbls, 4sdo.j country, dark, in bbls, 4at!ic ; rakes, 5c; grease, 4c, Oil Market. ' By the United Press. Pittsburg, Dec, 24. Oil closed at 93., the only quotation. If You Are ScckliiR Anything lt the line of silverware that would muke an appropriate holiday present, call ut Davidow Bros. . Wntcli Charms or I.ockot. Thousands of iIcsIriis, thousands of pat terns, thousands to choose from. If you want one we can suit you, We know it, because we Bulled your neighbors and your neighbors ,are well pleased, For charms call at Davidow Bros. 0 C JT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUOH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT In MADE, NO CHARGE WiLL BB LEBU THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS. EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Poor lxe Are Due. LL UNPAID JANUARY 1, 18(14, WILL De conuctou with costs. A JA WILL'AMS. Collector. Agent Wanted. TO MAKE BIO MONEY SELLING OUR Electric Tulouhone. Best seller on enrth. Hunt nil complete ready to set up. lines of any distance. A practical Electric Telephone. Our agents mn irnt 85 to Sill a day easy. Everybody buys; Biit monoy without work. Prices Low. Anyonocuu make $75 pur month. Address V. P. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, O. WANTI D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO hnmllo our line, no peddling. Salary, 75 per month and exponses paid to all. Ooods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, WOS, Benton, Mass. Help Wanted-Male. MEN IN EVEKY TOWN. l'EKMANENT position. Oood pay. Experience unnec- I'gsarv. CuautuiHiiia Aur&erv Co.. Portland. N. Y. ' WANTED OOOD SOLICITORTO SOLICIT the urfntinir trade of Rcranton aud vi cinity. Apply to J Tribune office IV ANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOOK ' ' canvasser. Address T. 13.. care Tribune oillce, Scranton, Pu. Helo WantedFemales. WANTED A COMPETENT LADYSTEN oeranlicr and typewriter for the month of January, 1803, Use Remington machine. Address or call on W. W. WATSON, Com mon wealth Building. For Rent. "LX)R RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUR-i- nlsucd rooms nt 500 Lackawanna avenue. "TTOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avenue. AdHre.i THOMAS E. EVANS, acar 1132 Luzerne, Hyde Park. l.'OR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL X suitable for luiltm mom. JOHN JEk ilYN, 110 Wyomiug ovanue. For Sale. I.1 M. COBB ARRIVED THIS MORN1NO 1 with a carload of Percheron horses; weight from 1130 to 1330. Can be aeon at 334 Raymond court. ' Sealed Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at the office of tho Secretary of the Hcrantou Bourd of Control until 7.30 o'clock, Monday evening. Jan. 14, laiti, for the in troduction of the heating and ventilating nud sanitary systoin of the proposed new High ecnooi, tne worx lo oe (lone under tin super vision aud according to the ulain and nni-cifi. catiotiB of Fred P. Smith. C. E., of 150 Fifth avonue, New York city. Plans and siieclfloa tions may bo obtained at the office of the Sec retary of the Bond of Control, Municipal Building, Scranton, Penna. Bids shall be submitted as fo lows: 1. for the cost of the system complete. 2. for the systoin, lm the cost of the electrical control. 3,-For tho cost of the marble work, which is to bo made a sep arate item in the bid. The sum of $600 in cash or certifltd check shall bo inclosed with each bid, to bo forfeited to tho school district in of refusal or oiniwiion on tho part of the bid der to execute contract within ten days if awarded tho samo. A bond in the umot 5.000 will be reaulred of tho bidder to whom whom the contract shall be nwarued for tbe faithful performance of tho contract. The Board rejerves the right to rejoct any or all bids. EUGENE D. FELLOWS, Becretory. Scranton, Pa., Dec 21, Ml. CEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE O coivod at tile office of tho Scrsntou Board fit Health until Saturday, Dec. 20, 1894, at 12 o ciock, rrr rurnixuiug pea coal delivered at tho crematory; the contract to cOntinuo from Jan. 1, 1695, to Auril 1, 18'jtf. Tho board will noid between twenty and thirty tons per month, and resorvo the richt to reject any or all Mils- WAi.TMt HJClHtiB, hecretary. Real Estate. LWRMS EXCHANGED FUR HOUSES ; 1 iiousos excnauireu ior larms. it. tn- NST COMEOYS, Heal Estate Agent, 12d waanington, frire nuiming. Orphans' Court Sate. "KPHANS' OOUHT HALE ESTATE OF W Pailh. Hopkins. Ute of the township of Untitnn I nfkiwunnn cmintA' Ptinttuvlvn nm l iiniiLi uvu iv u a ulj i n i in i f liv virtue of an order of tho Ornlmns' court of suid county, thero will bo exposed 10 public stle upon tho premises to lie cold on Friday, th Ihth day of January, lrtlj, lit 10 o'clock a. in., the following duuvribed roal es tate, to wit: Ad that certain ploco of land situate la the townxblp of Denton, county of Lai kawunna mid stnte nf Pennsylvania, bounded and du icribed as follows: B-Kimd:ig nt a corner in lino or lands sold to Wiiliiim N. (fruen, thence north 7, 1.4 dcureeti. wrst tKJ 4-Ki rod to a pout; thence north litty degrees, eiist lt l lOrods to a corner in the the center of tho road leading from Honton Center to Nicholson; thence along said read south iH rtettrets, east 111 rods to a post; thnure eolith Uiii decree, east 4 rods to a cor er in uuid rod, of lot of hind sold to wlHitim linker; thence south four degrees, went 113-10 rods to lino of land formerly owned by E. lfnver; thence north bli decreet, west 30 H ill rods to a post; thence north XII de crees, west 23 rods to a post about I rod from tholeilKnot rocks; thence souih 27W douroes, west its 410 rods to the lilaen nt beginning; containing 41 acres anil 11)2 puiclies, be the name more or loiu; it being Ihe same laud convoyed to said Philip Hopkins during his lifetimo by Viuron Phillips, jr.. and Ora, his wile, by deed of March 17ili, lstll, recorded in tho for recording deeds in and for said county, d ;od book No. 112, rajo 4fi, etc., iin- C roved with a 2-uti ly frame dwelling and out UilllillgB, Term of sale: Twenty-five per cent, cn day nf sale, 23 per cent, upon confirmation and lie. livery of deed and hulanro in six months from ri.nllrmiitiua of side and delivery of deed wllti interest from day of crti formation nf sale , CHAKLES OAKINER, , v Administrator. FRED R. STARK. Atlorney for Estate. 1KPIIAKB' COURT SALE-BY VIRTUE J of an order of tho Orphans' Court of LnnknwRnna county, tho undersigned, oxecn- tor or tun Hstntooi J. u. LiluK, lute or tnu town' thin ot North Ahinuton. count v of Lncka wanna, stnte of Pnnt,ylvani, deoeased, will expel') ut pnulto sale at the nouse 011 t tie here, attcrdnsctlbed uieinlge. in said North Aliluir. ton township, on Saturday. December 2uili. tt IU u 'clock a. in., nil tunt piece or parcel ol innil situate in the township of North AUngton, county of Lackawanna and state of PeniiHylva liln, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Boutin lug at the corner of Hteplion lilt- man s laud, tnenee ny lunasor N. s. wiiituey north fortv six degrees west one hundred and twenty-five nud five tenths (12A 6 IU) pri'hs to a corner in line 01 uavis noun; mence ny land ot ssia Davis wean Koriu joriy-iour tiegreea east one hundred (100) nerches to a oorner In ttio road; thrnco by lands of Cyrua I'olvin south forty six degrees east "nehuttdred and twenty-five and five-tenths (12.5 5-)0) parches to a corner In Hue of said Hteiihen Whitman; and tlimu'6 by land of said whitman south furtv four degrees west oie hundred (1011) pert'lies totne place 01 beginning. 1 outlining oventy-eight (78) acres aud seventy (70) lurches u( land, more or leas. It being part of a tract of land, pateuUd hv the Commonwealth ot J'cniiHylvunU In the name of Hannah Woodruff; the same land aa conveyed by (Jo rge Clymer, by his attorney In tact. S. klylert, to George Whitman by deed dated the 22a day of Diwember, A. D. lsifi, and recorded In tbo Recorder's Ofllre In and for the county of Luzorue, in Deed Book, No. 4. at nau 4H7, etc.: also, It being the same tract of land couveyeu 10 asm l, u. MsK "T Bafd Ueorge Whitman by deed dated the fifth dav nf April, A I). INW, and recorded in the office for recording of daeds In and for the said county of Lutorno, in Deed Book Mo, 108, at page 111, etc. This farm Is located about 12M miles from the city of Scranton, and nua aud one-half miles trom the D.. L. A W. R. R. station. It Is well watered, having a stream running iiirougn ir, anu mr never-iaiiing aprinrs thereon. It Is wall fenced with stone wails, has a youug apple orchard, a flrst-claa furm house and two good barns thereon. The soil Is In excellent condition, and the farm la only one fourth of a mile from the school housn. TKHMH OF H Al.E-UdO down on dav of aala: 2.1 per cent, of tlio I alanca on final confirma tion of sale: Hi per cent, in one yoar trom date of sale, and the. remainder tn two years from the dute of sale. All sums unpaid alter final cuniuiuutiuii ai ueawareu oy ounu auu mort gage, u. r. vu tvtoKuu. Jtxtcutur, EDWARD MILES, Attorney. onnollO & Wallace INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Greatest Value we have ever. been able to obtain We offer them at the following - "CUT PRICES: NO. I. 50 doz. Fiue Lawn, hem-stitched, put up doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fiue letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of doz. NO. 4. 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The . greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each, or $1.50 for y2 doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Every letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Banking. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK, at Scranton, In the stato of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Dec. 19, IBM: . RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,233,155 0 Overdrafts, secured and unae cured U. S. Bonds to secure clrcula tlon Premiums on U. S. bonds 1,028 52 80,000 00 943 75 Stocks, securities, etc 425,128 85 Bun kin, i; house, furniture, and fixtures 28,074 46 Due from National banks (not Reserve Agents) Due from State Ranks and Bankers 10,603 $5 7,420 20 Due rrom approved reserve airents 203,4 97 Checks and other cash items... Excitants for clearing house.. Notes of other National bunks. Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money Reserve In Rank viz: Specie JIOO.IGO 79 Legal tender notes.. 2M0O 00 Redemption fund with II. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir culation) Due from U, 8. Treasurer, other than G per cent, redemption fund 8,021 M 8.600 87 2,480 00 1,183 U 126.5C0 79 3.C00 00 4,000 00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .$2,204,328 34 . 200,000 00 Siirplun fund Undivided prints, less expenses 2li0,000 00 ami taxes paid 59,166 59 National bank notes outstand ing 72,000 00 Due to other Nutional bankj... 25,138 72 Due to State bunks and bank- urn ... a ii i 1. Lmvl.lends unpaid 'c92 GO . .... Individual deposits subject to check 1,03-1.793 G3 Demand certificates of deposit. 6,470 KlS Certified checks 3,932 31 Cashier's checks outstanding.. 480 07 Notes and bills re-discounted.. None Rills payable None Liabilities other than those above stated None Total 12,204,328 "4 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lack awanna, ss.: I. WM. II. PECK. Cashier of the above named Rank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. II. PECK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before 1110 this 22d dny of December, 1K94. SAM L V. EDGAR, Notary Public. Correct Attest: CONNELL, HENRY HELIN. JR., GEO. II. CATLIN, Directors. Special Notlcca, LECTION NOTICE - TUK ANNUAL l j meeting of tbe stockholders of tbe Scran ton Stove Works will be held at tho ofiice of the company in Scranton, Saturday, January IM, ls'A at 2.80 p. m. A. C. FULLER, Secretary. Scranton, Va., Dec. 10, lnw. I AM NOW PRKPAREO TO FURNISH EX 1 hibltions and lectme upon any subject d sired. Tliese exhibitions will bo illustrate 1, having in my possession tho moat powerful dissolving itereontlrons made. E. 11. CALL, Tribune Office. YOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's illustrated Week y War Jbill-18113. Two Volume Folio, Ilii.'iO; payable monthly, $2.oa Delivered by exprfiss complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. JIOODV, Ills Oibaon streui, Hcrantou. Pa. LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA- siuss, etc., bound or rebound at The T11111UNU office. Quick work. Reasonable prices, MEAL TICKETS" CAN KK HAD AT 144 corner spruce street and Franklin avo uue. Twenty meal tickets for ti.GO. Uood table board. Lost. LOSl-A POCKET-UOOK WAS LOST YES terday betwoen 120 Penn avenue and !.. L. W. depot, contalulng about Soil. The owner is a poor widow and will' roward tfc finder by returning same to this oflioe. Strayed, STRAYED-BLACK MARE, FOUR WHITB feet with star forehead, think In neigh borhood of Throop. Return to DR. C. W. ADAMS, Linden street, Scranton. T,1 ST RAYED TO MY PKEM18ES A LIVER J J color setter dog; white spot oil forehead and breast. The owner can hare same by pay ing eost. JOHN JUUU, William street. Situation Wanted. pher or any kind of office work by a young man of experience. Address CM., Trlbuno office. Y OUNO MAnTiV) DESIRES POSITION IN dentistry; three years' experience as drug clerk; can furuiih reforeuce. Addr,as A, Tribune ofiice. Ladles Who Value A reBned complexion must naaPoaonl der. It prod noes a soft and beautiful k a ffl I Era CHEAPEST IRON BEDS 6 TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rorm that they will this year hold to their ukuuI custom o! milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop in fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weuther many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail o! milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paolflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. , Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS COMMONWEALTH SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. 11 11s J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, EVERY WOMAN BoioaHaesneadsarallsbli, monthly, rRnlatln medlolnt. Only liaralMu lbs purest drup should b used. U you want the beat, got Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Thar an prompt, aaf aril oarttln In rwalL Tbe nalne (Dr. Paal'i) navtr dUap nolnt,, Addmi JPjuMWi U UoTtlaiid, 0. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprues Street, Scranton, Pa. tf - fa 1 "S?L 'M gnarau orjnnl of olilmr ao. nuch a Nariom PtoatratK n. 8 .3rji . VJ? vSv" t l"I or lost alanhooiJ, Impolancr. NlithUjr Knlasloos,Tontkul Krroraj I '?c!t,!5, ' i' Jilanul Worrr.aTooialTO ut Tobaoro or Opium, whtrh load tu Con' "a 'J . 7?uiy aumptlon aud lnmillr- With otot order we (Its a wrttien suaN tot Sals nr C. L DABBM, Drug iltk Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. 1 ri IN THE CITY. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlt Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioca County Dry Hemlock Stock Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. LUMBER COMPANY BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. fCLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avtnua and & CONNELL RESTORED MANHOODS 1 11 1111 11 1111 TsainiiiMMiaTMimyi'fnsniTi'iiir.ii7nTrii r'lL.L.O .t!- Wka ,wi mmaulv tnr nftrvmifl Dmstmtlon and nil nrmnaritieiit of l1 ttum ATenuo,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers