The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 25, 1894, Image 1

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    1 - , '.. ! - " " ' 1 ' 1
Richest Woman Says That the Villlan
Still Pursues Her.
ThinVs That Ucr Father and Annt Were
Both Murdered and Imagines That a
. Band of Conspirators Is Thirst
lng for Uer Blood.
By the United Press.
New York, Dec. 24. One of the most
remarkable cases ever brought into
the American courts promises to be
that of Mrs. Hetty Green, one of the
richest women In America, against the
executors and trustees of her father's
estate, involving millions of dollars.
According to the story told today by
her lawyer, William H. Slayton, Mrs.
Green is in fear of her life. Glass, she
declares, has been placed in her food,
not six months ago; blocks of wood and
stones have been hurled at her from
windows as she was passing on the
sidewalks, and on numerous occasions
her life has been threatened.
Her story is a strange one as she has
told her lawyer. Her family were old
New Bedford people. Her grandfather
was a trader and a whaler, and Inherit
ed a handsome fortune. Her mother's
elster, an unmarried woman, Sylvia
Ann Howland, accumulated by her own
speculations a fortune of over $2,500,
000. With her Hettle Green lived when
a young girl.
Hetty's father, Edward M. Robinson,
had large business Interests in this city
And lived here. Her mother died when
he was very young.
Airs. Green's Strango Story.
Mrs. Green's lawyer said today that
she tells the following story of the
death of her father and her aunt:
She was called to New York on Juno
14, 1S65, by an announcement of her
father's sudden illness. She found him
weak In mind and declared that he was
in the clutches of some conspiracy. He
could speak to her only in broken sen
tences, but impressed on her the truth
of his belief that he was in the hands
of conspirators. He warned her to be
ware for her own life and pleaded with
her to marry her present husband, Mr.
Green, in whom he had perfect faith.
About his will he expressed great con
cern and told her that he wanted Henry
Grlnnell, of New Bedford; Mr. Green
and a member of the law llrm of Lord
Day & Lord as executors. He feared
that all was not well with the document
and sent for it, but before it reached
him he died. It was discovered when
the will was read that instead of the
three names appearing . as executors
whom he desired, the will named two of
his clerks In this city and one In New
Bedford, to each of whom ho left $100,
000 for services. Instead of his daughter
getting all, as she says he declared he
wished, she received $1,000,000 outright
and $3,000,000 in trust to go to her heirs
at her death. "She has often told me,"
said Mr. Slayton, "that if she could find
who left her father's room before she
reached it,- when she found blood on
him, she would know who was responsi
ble for his death."
Scarcely had her father been burled
when the.joung girl was called back to
New Bedfoid. When she reached Miss
Howland's bedside the dying woman
was too far gone to recognize her.
Then, she says, another startling' sur
prise came. Her aunt In her will, in
stead of leaving her all her estate of
over $2,500,000, bequeathed half to the
city departments an several men
whom she scarcely knew politicians of
the place. The other half was left to
her in trust.
A Queer Nurse.
A Mrs. Price, a resident of New Bed
ford, now aged 80, has strengthened
Mrs. Green's belief that her aunt was
murdered for her money by a story to
the effect that -when Miss Rowland
was taken ill she called on her. She
was horrified to find the nurse giving
the patient doses of sixty drops of
She remonstrated and the woman
told her that such were the Instate
tions given her; that she -was to hide
the bottles and keep the matter a secret
She showed her a pile of bottles in the
chimney. Mrs. Price informed her
family and a doctor from Boston was
eent to the sick woman's aid. The
laudanum had been etopped, but the
woman was raving. He talked with
Miss Howland's doctor, and then told
her that ho would have no more to do
with the case. Soon after Miss How
land died.
Hetty Green believes that her aunt
was murdered by a powerful band o
conspirators, who were men of politl
cal Influence in New Bedford. She be-
lieves that the same men are pursuing
her today and are pursuing her ehll
"Mrs. Green," says Mr. Slayton
"solemnly believes this story. Of its
trudh I know nothing. She is a clear
headed woman and not a person to be
easily led Into wild hallucinations. She
does not implicate her executors, but
thinks the people are others more
powerful. She has suspicions, but of
whom I do not know."
Mr. Barling, the sole living executor,
declares the story of the aunt's death
ridiculous. "When she died," he said.
"she left Mrs. Green a life Interest 1
one-half of the estate and the other half
to the town. But I shall not talk on this
new story of hers. My lawyers, Evarts,
Choate and Be&man, will take care of
all my affairs and do the talking."
- Statement of Barling's Attorneys,
Late this afternoon the latter gave
out the following statement:
"Edward Mott Robinson In his life tlnv)
was a client of Evarts, Southmayd
Choate. He died June 14, 18(16. Henry
Barling, Abner H. Davis and Edward
Mandall, are named In the will as execu
tors and trustees and we have since been
their counsel. So far as we know Mr.
Barling, Mr. Davis and Mr. Mandell have
at all times been faithful to their duties
as executors and trustees. The lltlga
tions now going on are In actions began
against Mrs. Hetty Rowland Koblneon
Green and others, simply to present the
accounts of the executors and trustees
and have them judicially settled. Th
examination of the accounts is pending
before Mr. Henry H. Anderson as ref
ere. The proceedings have been pressed
In behalf of our client, Mr. Darling, and
will be to the end. The statements pub
llBhed In the newspapers of the 23d Inst
In so far as they, by direct statement or
by Inuendo Impute any wrong doing or
neglect to Mr, Barling or the other execu
tors or trustees, are untrue. None of the
delays that have taken jilace in this UU
(ration are owing to anything that Mr.
Barling has done or desired.
(Signed; Evarts, Choate & Boaraan."
Reading's Chief Magistrate Indulges la a
Littlo Plain Talk.
By the United Press.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 24. Mayor Shana-
man was so greatly incensed by the
verdict of the Jury convicting Police
Sergeant Quackenbos of assault and
battery in arresting J. Kelm Stauffer,
Yale college student, on the charge
of obstructing the sidewalk, or alleged
corner loafing, that he is out today in
an address to "The citizens of Read
ing," In which he reflects severely upon
the court. He concludes his rather
lengthy remarks as follows:
How can an officer, not having di
vine power, discriminate between a
gathering of aristocrats on a corner or
of ordinary citizens? If the 'four hun
dred' of our city would tax themselves
as such, my officers, although they are
not instructed to distinguish between
patriclnn and pleblan sidewalk ob
structors, yet, being but men, and poor
men at that, and having a due regard
for themselves and a natural dislike for
costly court suits, might still stretch a
point in favor of the aforementioned."
General Hastings Selects an Allegheny
Mun for Toctory Inspector Captain l)e-
laney to Bo Mude Superintendent of
ublio Bulldlngs-Tho Atcanlng of the
Transposition. ,
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Harrisburtr. Dec. 24. The seler-Mon V,v
Governor-eltct Hastings of James
Campbell, of Pittsburg, for factorv In
spector, to succeed Robert Watchorn,
as practically decided UDon last Fri
day, and was definitely announced to
day. Mr. Campbell, who has lone- heen
one of Senator Quay's trusted lieuten
ants in Allegheny county, is president
Of the Glass Blowers' nHHnnlntlnn on.l
bears the indorsement of the labor nr.
ganlzatlons generally. His aDDoint-
ment was strongly urged by Chris L.
Magee and also, it is understood hv
Senator Cameron.
Governor Hastings had. at an enrlv
day, distinctly promised the factory In
spectorship to Captain John C. Tin.
laney, now of this city, but formerly of
iacKawannacounty. Captain Delaney's
candidacy for this position had the ac
tive support of Senator Ounv. nviii
Martin and Lieutenant Governor Wat
res. The pressure of western Renuhll,
cans for recognition afterward became
so great that General Hastlntrs was lm
pelled to aBk Captain Delaney If he
would be willing to accept, Instead of
the factory InsnectorshlD. the emintlv
lucrative position of superintendent of
public buildings and grounds. Rather
than cause the governor-elect emhnr.
rassment. Captain Delaney consented
to the substitution, and In consequence
nis mends are assured that the can
tain's name will be presented in due
time for the latter position; 1 -
Ihe political significance of fin.
bell s selection Is variously lnternrptort
but it is Interesting to note' that many
politicians hereabouts take It to mean
Cameron for senator in 1897, with i
possible effort, on the. part of the In
coming administration, to control the
Pennsylvania delegation In the nevt
national convention for Hastings. It is
pointed out that had General Hastings
earnestly desired to redeem his promise
to Captain Delaney he could have done
so at the time he announced his cabinet,
and thus could have avoided the later
complications which impelled him to
select -a factory Inspector from the
western part of the state. The possl
bllity of an ultimate estrangement be
tween Hastings and the state orcanlza
tion is more frequently spoken of now
than at uny previous time. In any
event, the politics of the near future
will, it Is believed, be replete with In
Masked men compelled Mrs. McQuillan,
or Huron, O., to give them $1,000 In cash,
With Confederate money a sharper has
been working New Haven merchants for
a week.
Detroit's police board will throw out
the Bell telephones, and substitute a new
Life Imprisonment Is the sentence of
Lewis Bresuch, of Wheeling, W. Va., who
Killed ins wue. i
By the caving In of a well at Lebanon,
Ind., Susom Dulo and Albert Harden were
smothered to death.
Nathan Foster, of Pana, 111., has been
arrested for the murder, of Arthur , Bin
non, at the same pluce.
Miss Mary Stevenson, the vice presi
dent's daughter, who Is 111 at Ashevllle, N,
(J., is somewhat better.
For embezzling $16,500 from Messa
county. Col., ex-Treasurer W. . Qulnn
goes to prison lor live years.
Air getting Into the water mains at
Newburg, N. Y., cut off tho city's water
supply tor iwenty-rour hours.
Charges of extortion caused tho arrest
at Creston, Ia of IJ. F. Karnes, an al
leged pension rrauu detective.
Georgo H. Torrand, an American mln.
lng machine agent, was killed and robbed
by hla servant near Ameea, Mex.
A $1,000,000 bequest from her Australian
uncle falls to Mrs. Conrad Snirel n .nr.
penter's wife of Highland Falls, N. Y.
The Immense cannon magnet at Wlllet'
Point, N. Y., held objects against a 43.
ouo-pound pull which broke Iron chains.
Thloves returned to Mrs. J. Everett
Hosier, of New York, a $5,000 necklace
Btolen from her room In a Denver hotel,
Coal gas suffocated in their home near
Newburg, N. Y., James Pat ton, an aged
rarmer, and James Lindsay, a grandson,
In a quarrel near Baxter Springs, Kan,
Frank Stalaworth fatally shot William
Johnson and was himself killed by Harry
By a spread-rail wreck, near Bolles
Junction, Wash., Engineer Walker was
scalded to death and three other trainmen
ratuily hurt.
Under sentence of death for killing
Tom Arnold and son In the Cherokee
Btrlp, Oliver Jewoll broke Jail at Wood'
warn ana escaped.
Negro thieves threw all the oods out
of a moving freight car between Valdosta
and Quitman, Ga., but Dan Correll, their
leaner, was caiignt.
By the explosion of a boiler In a mill
near (Jlasgow, Ky., Robert Bird and
man named Spann were killed and three
were iaiauy injured.
Principal J. H. Gray, of the public
schools, at Pleton, Tex., and Wllmer
Randolph, a pupil, fatally stabbed each
other in an attempt of the teacher to dls
clpllne the boy. .
It Is said President McBrtde, of the Fed
eratlon of Labor, will attempt to take the
United Mine Workers out of the KnlKhts
of Labor, but General Secretary Hayes
win see bdou; it, ,. .
urther Particulars Concerning the
Quitman Outrage..
One Hundred and Fifty Armed Men Scour
ing the Country-Verdict of the Com
ner's Jury- Everything Quiet. .
afeTsom's Louse.
:y the United Press.
Savannah, Ga., Dec. 24. A' Quitman
special says: Fuller Information con
cerning the killing' of negroes In this
county Saturday night by a posse In
pursuit of the murderer of Joe Isom,
shows that the total number of victims
l.i three.
They are: Sam Taylor, Ell Frazer
and Harry Sherod. The band of armed
men, about 150 strong, is now at Red
Bay, a swamp on the Ocollpo creek,
about' three miles above the scene of
the murder. This swamp Is surrounded
and Is being thoroughly searched by
men end dogs. No trace of Waverly,
Pike, Isom's murderer, has yet beeny
found, and the general opinion Is that
he has lsft this section and Is now many
miles from the scene of the crime. The
body of men In pursuit of him are keep
ing up the search in a desultory manner
and have not much hope of finding him
in that neighborhood. An Inquest was
held this morning over the bodies of
those who have been killed.
Justice of Peace Byrd, of the Morvin
district, acted as coroner. The verdict
f the Jury was that Sam Taylor came
to his death at the hands of E. W. Till
man, ana tne otnors at me nanus oi
unknown parties. Tillman Is a brother-in-law
of Isom. Everything Is quiet
around Isom's house now and the prob
ability Is that the crowd still search
ing for Pike will disperse after tonight
and that the worst of the trouble Is
Later Information says that Governor
Atkinson has ordered the valdosta
Vldcttea to report here for duty. The
troops will probably get here tonight.
Stockholders Protective Association Have
Trouble in Scouring Candidates.
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 24. The Liehlgh
Valley Stockholders' Protective asso
ciation, of which John Hutchinson is
tlhe chairman, Is experiencing trouble
n keeping itself Intact. It had scarce
ly recovered from the shock of George
McCreery's retirement before the
chairman was Informed by 'William E,
Littleton, who was named as Mr. Mc
creary's successor, that he must de
cline to serve, for the reason that he Is
not a stockholder. Chairman Hutchln
son and 'his fellow committeemen an'
nounce that the Vacancy on the com'
mlttes toad Anally been filled by the
'appointment of C. H. R. Triebels whose
family for three generations have been
Lehigh Valley stockholders.
The prediction was made today that
President Wilbur and his bourd of di
rectors would be re-elected with even
the aid of the Packer estate block of
Virginia's Proud Governor Is Very, Very
By the United Press.
Riahmond, Va., Dec. 21 The Norfolk
Pilot of Sunday printed a lengthy
statement about the Amercan Book
company and the Virginia State Board
of Education, In which It charged a cor
rupt deal between the book company
and the state board by which the books
of this company were put on the state
list. It Is charged by Inference that
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Hon. J. K. Mossey was bribed, and that
Governor O'Ferrell and Attorney Gen
eral Scott, the other members of tho
board, were guilty, at least of gross
Mr. Massey and Attorney General
Scott are not in the city, but Governor
O'Ferrell Is very Indignant at thecharge
against himself. He says that he will
proceed against the Pilot for libel and
will appoint a committee to investigate
the charges.
Episode of a Scries of Failures In Mil
By the United Press.
Milwaukee, Wis., Dec, 24. -Receivers
wore appointed today for the Hub
Clothing company, Whose stock is worth
$80,000 and debts aggregate $120,000; for
the Chapman Carriage and Sleigh com
pany with assets of $28,000 and debts of
$40,000, and Charles Vocht, jeweler, with
assets of over $15,000, who made a
voluntary assignment at noon today
Twenty-two minutes later the sheriff
came around to attach the Btock for a
Now York creditor, but Vocht's attor
ney stood him off with a revolver.
Clrcumstantlul Evidence Strong.
By the United Press.
Salamanca, N. Y., Dec. 24. A rough
looking man giving his name as George
W. Lepew, of Warren, Pa., has been ar
rested at West Salamanca on suspicion of
being one of the murderers of the two
Shearman women of Bustl, a week ago.
The circumstantial evidence is strongly
against the man.
Fell with a Lighted Lamp,
By the United Press.
Falrmount, W. Va., Dec. 21. Louisa
Hawkins, employed at the residence of
ex-Govornor i'lerpolnt tripped and fell
while carrying a lighted lump and Inhal
lng the Haines expired In about ten mln
utes. The accident occurred at 6.30 this
evening. She was 22 years of age.
Quarreled About a Woman.
By the United Press.
Knoxvllle, Tenn.; Dec. 24. John Green
fatally stabbed Ike Atkins this after
noon. They had previously quarreled
about a woman. Atkins was In custody
of an officer when he was stabbed.
Lord Randolph Very III.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 24. Lord Randolph
Churhlll reached tho Victoria station at
7.30 this evening.. Ho looked wretchedly
Hi. He was lifted carefully from the
train and to his carriage
Another Convict Rclcasod.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Deo. 24. Th governor to
day isiued a pardon to Charles Beymer,
of Allegheny City, convicted of keeping a
gambling house.
Horribly Death of Tbrcc Persons
Caused by an Obstinate Horse,
Mrs, Anna Lewis, Misa Mary tewls and
William Lewis Instantly klllcd-Tw
Other Boys Are Seriously Injured.
Victims Tcrrlbjy Mangled.
By the United Fret's.
Richland, N. J., Dec. 24. Three per
sons were killed outilght and two oth
ers badly injured by being struck by a
south-bound express train on the South
Jersey railroad here at 9.25 o'clock last
night. They were in a carriage re
turning from church, and the horse
balking on the track the vehicle was
run down by the rapidly moving train
before the occupants could escape. The
victims were members of the family of
F. Lewis, a farmer who lives near Rlch
lnnd. The dead are: Anna Lewis, aged 50
years, the mother; Mary, a daughter,
aged 18, and William, a son, aged 16.
The other occupants of the carriage,
two sons, aged about 12 and 14 years,
whose names have not yet been
learned, were seriously injured, and
were taken to Camden for treatment
late last night. :
The horse was barely across the
track when It balked, and it escaped
injury. The front and rear' wheels of
the carriage being on the track, the
locomotive struck the vehicle squarely
and threw it and the occupants into
the air. The body of Mary, the daugh
ter, was found on the pilot of the en
gine after the train had been stopped.
All of the victims were horribly man
gled. But a short time before the accident
occurred, the horse had balked on the
West Jersey railroad tracks, 1,000
yards away, but It was led across in i
P.lohland Is thirty-seven miles soutn
of Camden on the road to Cape May.
John Burns Condemns tho Brotherhood
leader for Kef using to Support icds.
By the United Press.
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 24. In an In
terview here today John Hums, the
English labor lender and member of
parliament, said:
The decision of Judge Woods in tne
case of Debs Is an outrage upon the
worklngmen of America. It was
prompted by his leaning toward cor
porations and he was the tool or mon
opolists and capitalists. While Debs,
as a general proposition, la an unsafe
leader, he was exactly right In this
case and deserves the Bupport of every
fair minded man."
It leuked out today that Chief Arthur,
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, had a rather warm confer
ence with Burns yesterday, In which
the latter defended Debs and upbraided
Arthur for his action In refusing to
lend his support, and that of the
Brotherhood during the recent strikes.
Chief Arthur attempted to Bhow up the
weaknesues and mistakes of the leader,
but Burns retorted to the effect that It
was the principle Involved and not
Debs that should have been considered.
Ho declared that the Pullman strike
was Justilled if ever a labor struggle
Sevcrul Firemen Are Injured by the Break.
lng of a Ladder.
By the URlted l'rcss.
Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 24.-The resi
dences of Dr. Sheets and Martin Well
ington, Jr., at Northumberland, were
burned tonight and several adjoining
houses were damaged. For a time the
town was threatened with destruction.
By the breaking of a ladder during
the progress of the fire several firemen
were serlouBly hurt. Peter Rockefelr
ler. of East Sunbury. had his leg brok
en at the knee Joint and was burned
and otherwise Injured. George Sea-
eholtz, of Northumberland, was gener
ally bruised, but had no bones broken
A tlhlrd man, whose name could not be
learned, was also hurt. The loss Is
$9,000; Insurance $5,000. The origin of
the lire is unknown.
Threatened to Hang Himself and Was
Accidentally Strangled.
By the Un.'ted Press.
Burlington, N. J., Deo. 24. Andrew
Oslen, of Florence, hanged himself last
night. He got on a drunk, and while
in this state wefit into the cellar of his
house, and sitting upon a tin wash
boiler, put a noose around his neck,
telling his wife Tie would make her a
Christmas present of his dead body.
His wife had heard him talk in this
way on several occasions and did not
pay any attention to the drunken man.
A few hours afterward she went into
the 'cellar and found that In trying to
nrlse her husband had kicked the wash
boiler from under Mm, and being un
able to help. blnuKlf, had strangled to
dentil. Mrs. Oslen cut the body down
at once and summoned a physician, but
life was extinct.
Deb3and Ilia Associates Will Not Spend
Christmas In Prison.
By th Wilted Press.
Chicagoi Dec. 24. President Debs and
the otlher directors of the ' American
Railway union will have a chunce to
spend Christmas with their families,
notwithstanding tho fact that today
was the "day set for -them to go to jail
and begin serving thir sentences for
contempt of court.
Judge Woods this morning extended
the stay of sentence to Jan. 3. At the
request of defendant's counsel he also
motified his original order so as to
make the sentences cumulative Instead
of concurrent, the sentences in the. gov
ernment case to begin Jan. 8 and in the
Santa Fe when the government sent
ences shall have expired. Defendants'
counsel made this request to facilitate
the legal proceedings whluh will be in
stituted to free the men.
Commissioner Shcchan Thinks That Wit
ness Schmittberger Should Uo Expelled
from the Police Force.
By the United Press.
New York, Dee. 24. The police com
missioners did not meet today. It was
expected they would have a special
meeting to consider the confession
made before the Lexow committee last
Friday by Captain Schmittberger who
charged Inspectors Williams ami Mc-
Avoy with corruption. All the commis
Bloners were at headquarters duringthe
day, but It was decided that there
would be no meeting till Friday.
nupenmenuent uyrnes was in con
sultation with Commissioner Murray
laite this afternoon and Inspector Will'
lams had a conference with CommlS'
sloner bheehan. So far as could be
learned the board will, at its meeting
on Friday next, take some action con
cerning the general charges of corrup
tlon and bribery made by Captain
schmittberger. Concerning Schmltt
berger. Commissioner Sheehan said this
afternoon that If the case of the Ten
deiioln commander came up before the
board he would certainly vote to bus
peiid, him fnm duty.
'I was opposed to putting Cn.nt.iln
Creeden back on duty," he said, "and I
will take the same position In Schmltt
berger's case. Men who confess to hav
ins uuimiiuieu crimes are not, in my
opinion, lit to act as police olilclals."
Overt inio for Letter Carriers.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dee. 21 The United Slates
court of claims today handed down de
cisions in favor of forty letter carriers for
overdue time under tho ciirhl-hoiir law
The claimants were located in Baltimore,
nay wuy, alien., aim jerre Haute. Hunt
lngton inul Jefferson, Ind. The amounts
vailed' from u few dollars to severa!
Mrs. Astor's Kcmuins.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 24. The ensket containing
the body of Mrs. Asitor will be enclosed In
a case of lead and sent to Liverpool on
rnursuny ror shipment to New York on
the steamer Auraula. Tho casket will be
addressed ,"Neurer, Trinity Church, New
i oru. '
One Hundred and Twenty Dead.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 24. Reports of tho loss of
life and damage to property from the
gales which have prevailed for the las
two days continues to come in from all
directions. It is estimated that the total
loss of lire by the storm will reach 120.
Chclford Disaster Inquests.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 24. The InqueBt In the
cases of persons killed In the railroad dis
aster near i nenoru on Saturday was
opened at rhetford' this evening. After
the booles had been identified by friends
an adjournment, was taken.
Miners Hcfuso to Work.
By tho United Press.
Masslllon, O.. Dec. 24. Tho Pocoek
miners refused to go to work this morning
at the wi-cent rate. The outlook for gen
eral acceptance of the arbitrators' award
Is gloomy.
Uurr.caiicut Hollund,
By the United Press.
The Hague, Dec. 24. The hurricane has
caused great damage to shipping alone off
tho coaHt of Holland. The loss of prop
erty Is enormous. The number of lives
lost is not yet known.
Loulnlanans are
petitioning for
sugar bounty of 181)4,
It is said that Congressman W. L. Wil
son will turn his attention to law and lit
erature at tho end of his term. (
A further hearing upon the proposed
admission of Holland diamond cutters
will be held at New York this week.
Senator Sherman propones to require a
constitutional amendment to make the
president Ineligible for re-eloctlon after
1898. .
Lieutenant P. V. Powell, Ninth cavalry,
has been transferred from Peeksktll (N.
Y.) military academy to Grove City (Pa.)
A contract for the construction of a
submarine torpedo boat of the Holland
type has -been decided upon by the secre
tary of tho navy.
he Statesmen Will Use Pistols at
Short Range.
Socialistic Utterance of Deputy Jaurcs
Causes a Commotion In the Chamber,
The Sitting Adjourned la Confus.
ion A Duel Has Been Arranged.
By the United Press.
Paris, Dec. 24. General Mercler, mln
lster of war, introduced today in the
chamber of deputies a bill providing
the death penalty for such military
traitors as Captain Dreyfus.
Deputy Jaures, socialist, was dele
gated by his party to demand the abol
ition of the death penalty in the army,
In the course of his attack upon the
government he said that Dreyfus es
caped the death sentence because the
goverment feared the consequences of
executing him.
Premier Dupuy reproached Jaures for
voicing the theories of International
socialism on a subject which should
appeal to every Frenchman's loyalty.
"You are the Intenatlonallsts," shout
ed Jaures In his reply, pointing to the
ministers. "You favor the internation
alism of Habrew capitalists whom you
screen and protect. Yet these Hebrew
capitalists, whom you adopt as your
wards, are swindlers and scamps,
The chamber was brought to a high
pitch of excitement by this harangue.
The socialists cheered approvingly.
Thenilnlsters Interrupted the speaker
frequently with their protests. JVs
Jaures reached the climax of hia
charges, M. Barthou, minister of public
works, sprang to his feet, and shouted:
"You He and you know you He."
Jaures reply was drowned In a tumult
which was stilled after five minutes by
the president's bell. There were many
calls for the censuring of Jaures, and
eventually De Brlsson, the president.
requested him to retract his accusa
Adjourned in Confusion.
Jaures refused flatly. He was cen
sured by the president and expelled
temporarily from the ohamber. The
Bitting was adjourned in confusion.
Jaures has sent his seconds to Bar
According to 'the arrangements made
by the seconds the Jaures-Barthou duel
will be fought with plntols at twenty
five paces. The duel was the main topic
of discussion during tho intermission
and the deputies were still talking of
the probable conditions when the sit
ting was resumed.
The previous question was demanded
by the government ns soon as the
chamber came to order and was carried
against M. Jaures' proposal. Alexander
Millerand, Radical, argued In a speech
on General Merleer's bill that existing
laws would enable the government to
punish Dreyfus with death. Lawyer
Levllle, Republican, denied this,
F.vonltually urgency was voted on the
Mercler bill.
Bogus Butter Butcher Hugged.
By tho United Presi'.
Olcarlleld. Pa., Dee. 24.-A United
states marshal urreiued Peter Kreher, a
butcher and produce dealer of this place
this afternoon for selling oleomargarine
In violation of tho law. Kreher entered
ball for his uppcarnnce btfore tho United
Commissioner at Altoonu on Wednesday,
Jan. 2.
Charters Urantcd.
By tho United Press.
llurrlxburg, IX'C. 24. These charters
(vere tissued today: The Beaver 8avlngs
Kill, $2,00(1,000; the Shoenberger Steel com-
imnv. of I'lttHliiuiF. cniillnl 11 Mini .Ami- tho
Spangler Improvement company, of Cam
bria county, capital, !5,0U0; the Great
Bangor Slate company, of Bangor, cap'
llul, r,ooo.
Two Wllkcs-Biuire fishermen caught
eighty-four large pike through the lee In
Hyman s pond on Saturday.
Although a man of wealth, Michael
Stielz, of Concord township, Erie county,
hanged himself because he feared he
would be reduced to poverty.
An effort is being mado to have tho Na
tional Orphans' home of the Junior Order
United American Mechanics located at
George Zoltman, a Philadelphia peddler,
n'tST n'rst
tloor and was severely Injured.
MnMl.nnt Anlnn Ann 1 Tit
of the murder of John Fletcher, was sen
tenced to pay 11,000 tine and to spend
eleven years and ten months in the peni
The marriage of Dennlson Wheeloek,
the Indian musician, leader of the Car
lisle. Indian school, and a Chippewa
girl, new at the school, Is announced to
take place today.
J. P. Frampton, aged 80, of Sacetts, Elk
county, died at Kane last evening In the
otliee of Dr. Parker, from tho effects of
chloroform administered while he was
having his teeth extracted.
For eastern Pennsylvania, rain; warm
er; southeast winds, becoming southwest.
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