The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Coat Values
Another Rare Owportunity
Is Presented This Morning
in Stylishly Made Ladies'
Coats The Prices Are the
Lowest of the Present Sea
sou, Right from a maker who wax Rlad to avail
himself of our offer. He hud too many
garments and too little money, and thus
Vie purchased upon our own terms. Each
wrap la exquisitely made and trimmed In
the latest fashionable Htyle; the materials
nre the best and such as have found great
favor anions the ladles of taste. Such of
ferings as these have not been Bhown In
Brranton this year, 40 inches long, double
breasted, large Bleeves and tlght-llttlug.
Regular prices until now were
tV, J 17, and J:!0.
Remarkable varieties nnd values have
teen brought here for the holidays. The
prices are conspicuous for their small
ness, while the qualities and styles oc
cupy the highest place known to Hand
kerchief manufacturers.
Every color for decorating, every kind.
From the best makers. Tho assortment
Is particularly Interesting, as It Includes
all grades from the ordinary to the lineal.
Open Evenings I ntil Christmas.
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex
perience In hojpltal and private practice
and treats all acute and chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-polBonlng, fits, epilepsy, In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dunce,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Voting Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering with Catarrh who
wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE. DOLLARS. The
doctor has discovered a spcclllu for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with It at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOI'RS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Special prices on all the above goods
for the Holidays.
J. Scott Inglis
Carpet and Wall Paper,
four door bor Wjomlug liciua.
Thomas, the 7-year-old child of John
Morris, while returning from school at
tempted to board a passing train on
the Lehigh Valley cut-off, when he
slipped and fell under the wheels. Ills
two legs were frightfully mangled. He
died at 6 o'clock Friday morning.
The funeral occurred yesterday ut
2 p. m.
The Excelsior Social club will give a
grand nodal at Singer's Iih.11 on Christ
mas eve.
Dr. Smyth Is ppendlng Christmas
With friends In New York.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report .
When the announcement was made
some three months ago In these columns
that there would be no paving done on
Main street "this year of our Lord" the
Idea was scouted, but the people of
Plttston have since learned that the
prediction was not un irrldescent
dreRm. As has been contended all
along, to pave a street money Is re
quired. Unfortunately this, In sufficient
quantities, Is lacking and the prospects
of receiving subscriptions In the shape
of $500 checks from Individuals are
about as thin as the atmosphere we
breathe. The manner In which the bal
lots were constructed in order that the
expression of the voters might be ascer
tained was of such a bungling charac
ter that the loan of 133,300 can only be
used for Bewerlng and paving. One can
not be done without the other, at least
that Is the construction put upon It by
persons versed In the law governing
such matters. The attempt to use any
of the money for paving purposes with
out constructing the sewers as well,
would Invite criticism and even the pos
sibilities of Injunctions being Berved.
Mr. Furman, representative of the Bar
ber Asphalt company, was here last
week, and after making a thorough
study of the question In all its details
left town Friday night. "No," he said,
before leaving, "as matters stand at
present the Barber company shall not
begin the paving of Main street."
Mr. Furman submitted the several
ordinances and resolutions relative to
paving passed by council to the com
pany attorneys, and as the ordinance
Included sewering, difficulty might
arise in the event of the whole of the
loan of $33,300 being used for street
In regard to the circular contracts
signed by the property holders, which
were submitted at the last meeting of
council, the Barber company attorneys
May they ate not binding. Before the
jompany would agree to pave the street
in front of Iheir properties, the latter
will be requested to sign a contract
drafted after the manner of the con
tracts signed by the property holders
on Lackawanna avenue, Scranton,
when the Barber company paved that
thoroughfare, the property holders
there paying two-thirds of the cost.
Mr. Furman says that if a majority
of the property holders shall sign the
contracts, and the resolution of council
Is amended so as to leave the borough
clear to pay for the pave without the
sewer reservation, the company will un
dertake the work. As the contract to
pave the street, less the' amount the
property holders agree to pay, would
Involve an outlay of about $45,000 and
the borough can only borrow $33,300
there Is not the slightest danger of the
council amending the resolution "so as
to leave the borough liable," because
for them to do so they would be usurp
ing power they do not possess, legally
or otherwise.
After dinner tea and coffee spoons.
Neat and Nobby. Davldow Bros.
Tomorrow being Chrltmas Day spe
cial services will be observed In the
several churches of this place. At St.
John's (K. C.) church masses will be
read at 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.30 o'clock. The
i o'clock and 10.30 o'clock masses will
be high masses and will be exception
ally tine. The choir under the leader
ship of W. L. McDougall, have been
preparing for the past two months
"Farmer's Mass," and will render It for
the first time at the early and late
mass. An orchestra of twelve pieces
will furnish the music.
$1,000.00. $l,00o!0o. That Is the price of
a, pair of gorgeous diamond ear-rings
that can be seen (and is for sale) In
Davlduw Bros.' handsomely fitted up
Xmas window.
John Burns, who was so badly
stabbed by Frank Moran, Thursday
night, will recover. Moran, who did
the cutting, la still at large. A warrant
has been Issued for his arrest.
Tea and Coffee sets In sliver plate.
Davldow Bros.
William H. Gillespie, of Hamtown,
who has been studying law for some
time, was on Friday admitted to the
Luzerne bar.
Castors, Pickle castors, fruit dishes,
cake baskets, olive castors, bread
plates, trays, mugs, shaving sets; any
thing, In fact, silver can be made of
can be had at Davldow Bros.
E. J. Crowell, general secretary of the
Young Men's Christian association of
this place, has tendered his resignation
to take effect Jan. 1, 1895.
William Everhart.who has been mak
ing his home on the West Side for the
last two months, was taken Into cus
tody yesterday morning by Constable
Pender on a warrant charging him with
seduction. He was locked up pending
the arrival of an officer from Columbia
county, at which place Everhart re
sided before coming here.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for lAlcumatism and
Neuralgia radically -cures In 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon tho Bystem Is remarkable
and mysterious. It reumves at once tho
cause and the disease Immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75
cents. Bold by Matthews . Bros., Drug
gists, Scranton,
. Myrtle Swart, and Ora Van Loon, of
the State Normal school, at Blooms
burg, arrived on Friday night to spend
the holidays with their parents in this
The brick work on the new block on
Main street Is completed and the in
terior is now being rapidly finished.
School closed on Friday for a week of
Cut glass, cut glass, call and inspect.
Davldow Bros.
The first meeting of the High School
Literary union was held on Friday af
ternoon. The next meeting will be In
two weeks.
There are .338 pupils In school during
the month 6f December.
The borough lock-up is being moved
to one side of the lot on which it now
stands to make room for the new Meth
odist church.
Cut glass, cut prices, call and Inspect.
Davldow Bros. . , , ,
Secretary, Adair, of. the Railroad
Young Men's Christian association, will
give an address on "Greater Things for
the New Year" at the Christian En
deavor convention, at New Mllford, Jan.
6. Quite a number of Kndeavorersfrom
this place expect to attend.
Contractor Benson, of Susquehanna,
was in town on Saturday.
Miss Anna Doyle has been appointed
ticket agent In the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western depot at this
place. Miss Doyle was formerly a book
keeper with Hlrschman Bros.. Blng
h urn tun.
The apparatus for lighting the silk
works has arrived and electricians from
Scranton are putting It In. We nre In
formed that the Delaware, Lackawan
na and Western yard, together with the
new depot and the other business of
fices, are soon to shine with electric
lights also.
The Hallstead Ladles' Aid society of
the Methodist Episcopal church will
serve dinner and supper at Young
Men's Christian Association hall on
New Year's Day.
J. B. Whitney, of New York, has been
In town looking after his Interest in the
Textile works. Twenty-five additional
looms are to be put In operation there.
Th Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company has made many valuable
Improvements on the Railroad Young
Men's Chrlstlun association building
and grounds recently. A new walk has
been laid In front of the building and a
fine new fepce has been erected, ex
tending from the building to Firemen's
N. H. Mack has sold his photographic
gallery to Albert Miller, who takes Im
mediate possession. Mr. Mack Is a fine
artist, tout his broken-down constitu
tion makes his retirement from busi
ness an absolute necessity. He will go
to the Brooklyn hospital for treatment
soon after Jan. 1. Mr. Miller made
photography a special study, having
just returned from Oberlln, O., where
he took a thorough course In an Insti
tution devoted to teaching the art.
Having had considerable practice pre
viously, he Is well equipped to carry on
the business.
Miss Clara Conger Is dress-making
for Mrs. F. T. Knapp.
One of the finest calendars of the sea
son Is Issued by the Lehigh Valley com
pany, advertising Its popular scenic
route. It has lithographic views of the
principal points of view along the line,
and Is artistic enough to grace any
ofilce or home.
Samuel Stark and Miss Eulalle Piatt
are home from Wyoming seminary.
Professor and Mrs. J. P. Breldlnger,
of Mansfield, nre visiting relatives in
The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Jackson, which had never been, well
from the time of its birth, died Friday
night. The remains were taken to
Montrose Saturday uftetnoon for
Leonard Cooper is home from Scran
ton. Sterling silver novelties, magnificent
line. Davldow Bros.
Attorney C. O. Dershelmer Is visiting
at Scranton, Jermyn and Wllkes-Barre.
Miss Mary Avery, a teacher in the
city schools at Syracuse, N. Y came
home Saturday for a visit.
Captain W. O. Graham Is circulating
a petition asking the legislature to ap
point game wardens or constables, to
be puld by the state, whose duty It
shall be to see that the game and fish
laws are better enforced. The Idea Is
good, so far as It goes, but every true
sportman will agree that there should
be such amendment to the game laws
as will protect game birds and animals
from the voracious pot hunter. It has
been no uncommon thing in the years
past for a hunter to slaughter from 100
tc 2.0W pheinant. and as many rab
bits, In a single season. The conse
quences are Just what might have been
expected, and these hunters do well
now to bag one-half that number, while
the occasional hunter rarely gets a
shot. However well the game laws may
be observed during the rest of the year,
if the game Is all killed in the fall It will
be perpetually scarce.
Benjamin C. Rosencrance, a son of
William Rosencrance, living near the
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
railroad tunnel In Clinton township,
shot himself In the ubdomen Friday
night, almost Instantly killing him
self. The act was suicidal and, It Is be
lieved, that he was mentally unbal
anced, as, It is said, that he had at
tempted, the deed two or three times
previously, lie was 27 years of age
and unmarried.
The wedding of John B. Jennings, the
popular young lumber dealer, of Me
hoopany, to Miss Maggie Townsend, of
Philadelphia, will occur In that city on
Wednesday next. The twain have
hosts of friends In this section who
offer their warmest congratulations.
A. O. Colvln, of Factoryvllle, was
here Saturday.
Charles E. Ionian and Mips Georg).
anna Strong, both of Windham town
ship, will be married tomorrow.
Freeman Welch purchased the prop
erty belonging to his late wife's estate
at the executor's sale.
Sterling silver novelties, magnificent
line. Davldow Bros.
' Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Oreta Bouth American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of tho urinary pas
pages In male or .female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 120 Penn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
The programme of the concert to be
given at the Methodist Episcopal
church New Year's night will consist
of: Cornet solo, Professor Rubensteln;
"Simple Simon," Trl-Valley Male quar
tette; "Peace on the Deep," full chorus;
recitation, Mr. Bleck; solo, Mr. Rey
nolds; "Now By Day's Retiring Lamp,"
full chorus; piano quartette, Misses
Conger, Brady, Baker and Freeman;
solo,. Miss 8. Ada Davis; "Sailor's
Chorus," Trl-Valley Male quartette;
violin duet, Miss Campbell and Mr.
Gramb; recitation, Mr. Bleck; "The
MldBhipmate," Trl-Valley Male quart
tette; "Unfurl the Glorious Banner,"
full chorus, Diagram at Buel Dodge's
drug store, now. open.
Sterling silver novelties, magnificent
line. . Davldow BroB. .
Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! !
Mrs. Wlnalow's Soothing By nip ha
beon used for over fifty yoars by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect lucoesi. It loothti
the child, softens , the gums, allays all
pain; cures wind colic, -and la the best
remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists
In every part of the1 world. Me sure and
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup,"
and take no other kind. Twnnty-iiv cents
a bottle.
Miss Cora Estabrook la home from
the Millersvllle State Normal school to
spend the holiday vacation with her
mother, of Garfield avenue. .
E, L. Peck arrived in this city Satur
day to spend. Christmas with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Peck, of Wash
ington street.
Mrs. Martha Searlea returned to her
home in West Plttston Saturday even
ing, after a month's stay in this city.
Mrs. Llbble Burryman, of Plttston,
spent Sunday with relatives In this
Mrs. Jessie Williams, of Connecticut,
Is In this city, being called here by the
serious Illness of her mother.
Harry J. Vandermnrk, of Lexington,
Ky., Is the guest of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Vandermark. of Washington
street, for a few days.
Mrs. John Mitchell, Mrs. James Ken
nedy and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, of
Duntnore, were in this city Saturday
attending the funerat of Ellas Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Morss and son,
Kendall, will spend Christmas In Utlca,
with the former's mother and sister. 1
William D son of Mr. and Mrs.
David Lewis, of South Church street,
died Friday night. Funeral will be held
this afternoon (Monday) at 2.30 o'clock.
Joseph, the 6-year-old son of James
Vaughey, of Lincoln avenue, died at an
early hour on Saturday morning of
diphtheria. The remains were Interred
the Bnme afternoon.
Arch Law, of Plttston, was in this
city on business on Saturday.
Joseph Hoole Is in Buffalo to spend
Christmas with his parents.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith,
of Cemetery street, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles O.
Avery, of Garfield avenue, on Thursday
afternoon, a daughter.
Miss Allle Price was tendered a sur
prise party at her home on South
Church street, Thursday evening, in
honor of her sixteenth birthday.
Guests were present in large numbers
and the evening was pleasantly passed.
An elegant repast was served at 10.30
James Murrin, who is attending
school at Georgetown university. In
Washington, D. C, errived home Fri
day to spend his holiday vacation
with his parents, on Seventh avenue.
Miss B. Casey, of Scranton, is In this
city to spend the holidays with friends.
The last of. the course of lectures on
"Shakespeare," given under the aus
pices of Archbald University Extension
center by Colonel Homer H. Sprague,
was delivered on Wednesday evening
before a large and appreciative audi
ence. The lecture related particularly
to the later years of Shakespeare's life
the period of Hamlet. Caesar, Lear,
Othello and other more romantic
plays.' Mr. Sprague spoke at length of
the qualities that distinguish the later
from the earlier plays of Shakespeare.
There was nn improvement in their
moral tone, he said, and a reverence
for sacred things not evident In his
early works. There was less grossness
MAVINd purchased tb
1 atoek aod rented the
Shoeing Forge of William
Sluiao & Sou, I eball now
give constant attention to
sboelng bora in a practi
cal ana sclentino manner.
Quick work and good is th
motto. '
ifju fyiuiiiiii
Bare too Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored
Spoil, Aches, Old Horei. Clcera In Mouth. Hali
Kalllnft? Write Cook Uemedy Co., S07 Mat
sonlcTemple,('hlcat'o,Ill.,forproofaof curat.
Capital to0,000. 1'aUeutscured aloe years
3 B
Cheap Buying
THE BELL only and alone had the
stocks, as
The Wearwell Suit Co., -Brodek
Freudentlial & Co.,
Hyde Park Clothing; Store,
The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and S
choicest grade of Clothing, and having bought them for less than half 5
their actual value, we are now offering them to the public on the same basis jjj
B One Lot Boys' Kilt Cape (iQV
S Overcoats, regular price f 2 23 JO
Boys' Double Breasted Union Cassimere and Cheviot Suits;
ulso Boys' warm and Durable Capo Overcoats, regular
price, $2.00 and $3.00. . . . . .
Boys' Fine All-Wool Cheviot ami Cassimere Reefer Suits; also
Boys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $5.00, . . ,
Men's Single and Double Breasted Cassimere and Cheviot
Suits; also Men's Black and Blue Overcoats, value $8 and $10
Men's All Wool Cheviot and Cassimere Sack or Cutaway Suits;
also Black and Blue Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00, ,
Men's Extra Fine Black and Blue Clay Worsted Cutaway or
Sack Suits; also Fine Blue and Black Kersey and Melton
Poole Overcoats, value $20.00, . . . ,
i Sign of the Bell. 230
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
and more fervor. The plays of Shakes
peare, while not entirely free from
the flippancy of his time, were less
Offensive to refined feelings than the
majority of the plays of that, period.
Mr. Sprague does not agree with those
who consider Shakespeare as a man
without religion, and quoted liberally
from his plays to support his views. He
also spoke of the changes In Shakes
peare's style of composition and'of the
peculiarities of certain of the charac
ters he created. A brief discussion be
tween members of the circle followed
the lecture.
The course of lectures now closed has
been 'unexpectedly profitable and' an
interest in university extension has
been shown that is creditable alike to
the members of the circle and the peo
ple In general. There were a few who
thought that Archbald would not give
the movement the support it deserved,
but fortunately these pessimists have
been disappointed. The course has been
a pronounced success. Not a little of
the credit for this happy result is due to
Colonel Sprague, for it was owing
largely to his attractive qualities that
the Interest was sustained, and a desire
for the study of Shakespeare was awakened.
Ifm Anna Deemer
Paulton, Penn.
Weak Nerves
Numb Spells, Dyspepsia,
Poor Blood
Hood's Sartaparllla Cave Strength,
Removed That Tired Feeling.
" C I. Hood it Co., Lowell, Mum.':
" Gentlemen: I feel that I must lay a few
words about Uood't Sarsapaillla, ai I think it it
the best medicine I have ever taken. I had dys
pepila, and my nerve were weak, my bloori
also lu bad condltloA, and 1 was troubled wilt
'lumb spalls when I would sit or He down.
I Was So Weak
that I could hardly walk across the house when
I began to take Hood's Barsapurllla. 1 have
now used ssven bottles of this medicine and
have gained lu strength, can du all lay work
and not get tired, am ever so much bet
ter lu every way." Mas. Anna Deemehs,
faulton, Pennsylvania. .
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly aud
lEkleuUy, on the liver and bowels, SJo.
Moosic Powder Co
Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g,
Lafflln A Rand Powder Co.'i
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Batteries, Fuoes for explod
ing butats, Safety Fuse and
Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosive!
Cheap Selling
grit and courage to buy three entire 5
tollows :
10 West Third Street, New York g
Waverlj Pliu'k, New York s
114 South Main Avenue, Scranton s
I One Lot of Boys' Double f 'AC E
j Breasted Suits, worth (1.75 Uv S
11.37 1
' General Office! SCRANTON, PA.
Ihe rair
1 400402 Lackawanna Avenue.
1 , IB 1
Holiday vGooto
1 ill EMI
Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50.
Big Value, $3.50.
A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90.
And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional
values and of latest patterns.
Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $25.00 each?
In Bamboo, Oak and
Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets, Step
Ladder Chairs, Card Tables.
406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE.
And our Grand Holiday Display is ushered before you
in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled when you
enter our store (as it's far superior to our last year's
display), and goods are so much cheaper. Come here
any day and take your time to look. Our store is a
GRAND FREE FAIR, without, the raffle and wheel
'of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also
see beautifully fitted up departments. And in the
basement the same way, but more of the solid and
substantial. Our Credit System ? Oh ! yes ; that's
in the same working order as heretofore. We want
you to make use of it. We extend goods to j'ou as
liberally that way as though you paid cash.
Huudreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp
Stands, Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous
ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan and Up
holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch, Maple and Ma
hogany Rockers, in antique and novel designs. Book
cases with desks and without; Ladies' Fancy Desks
in different woods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta
bles, etc., etc. Nearly five thousand of the handsom
est and loveliest things you ever set eyes on. Come
and walk through. We'll welcome you.
White Enamel.