The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 24, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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teaspoohful of j ' L
does more ar.etter. work i
V than a heaping , A j
" teaspoonful of others, "51
Cleveland Taking Powder Co., New York, Jy
t!ine nipnnniirc
rmc lnjimniuc,
120 Wyoming Ave.
Arc and Iuoan-
de-eut Lights in
nearly nil yarts
of the city.
oilier. :
Our Incandescent Sy.t jiu is absolutely safo
No Oriental , opium-scented linen
frayed, fretted and worthless, but all
returned tit for wear, ironed with care,
and all of it there.
308 Peon At - A. B. WAR MAN.
Hugs and Sweepers for the Holiday
trade.- "Gold Medal" Rwpopors in
twelve fancy woods or Christmas GitH
city mm.
fay your poor taxes and save costs.
' Attorney IX J. Reedy has removed his
Otllce to the Commonwealth building.
Some kooiI seats for the Cornell concert
tonight at the l-'rothlngham are still un
sold. Eleven cases, mostly for drunkenness
and disorderly conduct, were heard by
Mayor Connell In yesterday 'morning' po
lice court,
One hundred and' twenty-seven Kills
are registered in the St. Luke's Industrial
school with a start.' of twenty-live olllcers
and teachers.
Christmas dny at St. Luke's church: 1!
a. m., holy communion; 8 a .m, holy com
munion; 10.30 a. m., morning prayer und
sermon and holy communion.
The Bcranton Vitrified Brick company
on Saturday Increased Its capital stock
from $r,l) to "ifl,nw. Several valuable
Improvements will Immediately be made
in the plant.
K.xchanges at the Scranton clearing
house last week were as follows: line. 17,
1M,089.W; Dec. IS, $150,148.83; Dec. 19, 1(10,
m.M; Dec. 21), $131,970.44; Dec. 21, $127,14(1.71;
Dec. 22,; total, $8.,8,073.I.
The Christmas celebration of the Homo
for the Friendless will be hold at the home
lietwecn the hours of 5 anil 7 o'clock this
evening. Friends are Invited to attend
and send gifts as early as possible today.
Alderman-P. De I.ncy, of the Seventh
Jward, has received a letter from a
friend In Wisconsin Informing him that
I D. Nogel, a former resident of Lacka
wanna: county, was recently elected sher
iff of Buffalo county, Wis,
The hours at the nostofllce on Christ
mas day will be as follows: The general
delivery, stamp nn1 carrier windows will
be open from 10.30 a. m, to 12 m. Money
order and register windows dosed, ail
Oay. 'o dellvry w'll be mpVle hv Vlt-J'Imv.-
ioi p,e W. 'Tw I sber ., US' d "ft yet.ts,
of Peckvllle. hose, toes were crushed by
the cars. Saturdny evening and who was
taken to the Lackawanna hospital, where
the foot was amputated, sustained the
operation very encouragingly for one so
old. There is no doubt about his recov
ering. . ,
At 3.45 o'clock this afternoon in a special
car over the Lackawanna rond the Cor
nell Glee and Banjo clubs will arrive.
Many .of the alumni will meet them at
the station. HcTanton has been honored
by the first concert of the college perform
ers who will go from here to New York,
Brooklyn, Washington, Pittsburg, Cleve
land, Rochester and the west.
Most effective work Is being accom
plished by the Olrls' Friendly society of
St. Luke's church in relieving women anil
children stranded in the city. The socle,
ty hove engaged n room nt the St. Charles
hotel, where IWo Women Rnd eight chil
dren hava recently been provldod for.
During the1 month of Januury the society
will hold an entertainment for the pur
pose of replenishing Its treasury," anil
there Is no doubt 'that success will smllH
on their efforts.
When tonight over a thousand Incan
descent electric lights are burning in
Music hall, the Christmas eve ball of
Electrical Workers' local union. No. I1,
can be better imsgined than described.
For several days the decoration comoilt-
lee 1ms been cniruited In prciiarlna- for one
of the most kuIii labor union ball of the
(fason. Messrs. Powderly, Jones and
Callahan are announced as the speakers.
H. It. Stork, James Murphy, Wllllum
Parr, Patrick Cnnii'bell, Jami'S lliirdlntf,
ltobcrt Hoblnson. John Ilwllly and J lurry
.Mannti-k comprise the decoration com
mittee. .
Pabst's Milwaukee Boer, cool and spark
11ns, at Lohmun's, Spruce street.
W. C. Wceden, the well known revival
ist singer, will spend a two weeks' visit
In the city at an early ilntc. and will
have charge of the musical arrangement
of a series of revival meetings ut the Sec
ond l'resbyterlan church.
Tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock a sun
rise Drnver service will be held ut the
1'enn Avenue Baptist church under the
auspices of the Christian Endeavor city
union. All members of the society are re
HiKH'tfully requested to attend.
Itev. D. C. Hughes, T).D., will read a
paper In.-fore the Baptist Pastors' union
this morning on "Dispensation of the
Logos." Dr. Hughes will leave on Wed
nesday to attend the annual meeting of
the American Bible union at New York
Next Sunday morning at St. Luke's
church Kev. Bishop Kullson will ordain
liev. A. L. 1'rbun to the full orders of
priesthood. Mr. I'rban has been won
derfully I'.ucccBsful in his work at Dun
more und is building up u powerful con
gretlon from a very small beginning,
An edifying and instructive programme
bus been prepared for the Christmas ex
ercises of the Sunday school of "Little
England" Evangelical church. The ser
vices will be held tomorrow evening.
When a cordial Invitation is extended to
all to participate In the pleasures of the
On Christmas day the offerlngsl at St.
Luke's church will bo devoted to a noble
object the Bupport of aged clergy and
widows and orphans of deceased clergy.
The scholars of the primary department
of Elm Park Sunday school held a very
pleasant and seasonable entertainment on
Saturday afternoon In one of the class
rooms, when a large number of gifts were
Y'esterday a general consensus of opin
ion prevailed that the Christmas music of
1894 far excelled the programme and ren
dition of previous years. The selections
were more than excellent, as will be seen
from the reports, while the music was
selected from the compositions of the
great masters of the present as Well as
of past days. No one can but admit that
the choirs were so well trained that the
selections were rendered with compara
tive eaflo and devoid of all strain. Scran
ton Is to he congratulated upon the great
advancement In the musical world which
has been displayed. Chrlstmnstlde serves
as an appropriate milestone to record the
progress of successive years and the sub
stantial progress of 1891 Is one which can
without hesitation be claimed by the mu
Blcal profession. , '
At the Catholic, Episcopal and other
churches tomorrow morning the Christ
mas music will be continued, when appro
priate prayers and services will be ob
served. At the Church of the (lood Shep
herd the day will bo ushered In at mid
night by the celebration of holy commun
ion. At St. Peter's cathedral Ut. Rev.
Bishop O'Hara will sing pontifical high
mass nt 10.30 o'clock and Impart the papal
blessing. Holy communion, with full
chorul Bervlce, will be celebrated at St,
Luke's, St. David's und the Church of
the Good Shepherd at early service and nt
10.30 a. m. The various churches have
been beautifully decoratod by the ladles'
societies. Bpeelul Christmas services will
also be held at the Ornce Reformed
church at 10.30 a. m.
A l.nrgc Stock of Goods to Select From,
You can get your Christmas presents nt
wholesale prices at fill Lackawanna ave
nue. A large stock of Celluloid Front
Albums, and nil kinds of Plush Albums,
Swiss Music Boxes, Fancy Baskets. Also
a large stock of imported Pictures
Framed, We nre lenders In low prices.
Come and look through our store.
. M. KOHN. 511 Lncka. ave.
Xmas trees, holly, roping, wreaths, nt i
the Boyd property, Washington uvonuo
next to "lllll & Connell's.
The New Wobster Dictionary, bound In
Leather, for 50 cents, at
Pico Tickets to Skating Kinks.
See C. M. Florey's adv., page 3.
Santa Clans couldn't make a wiser
choice of a gift for his little friends than
to present them those funny, droll and
mlrth-commandlng "Queer People." All
parts can now be hud ut The Tribune
business ofllce.
Itoll of 1 xcclslor Athletic Cluh.
Do not forget to attend the eleventh an
nual bnll of the Excelsior Athletic club
at Music hall on Christmas night. The
music will be furnished by a first-class
Have Yon Seen -
iho'e btinds-oir.e line- of d!riond s'S'l
pins siti I'Nirtf. thai Dav'Uow Io. carry'.
Exceislor Diaries for 16. .
Gold Headed Canes,
neat and nobby patterns. Davldow Bros.
.MilRncala and Magnabcjtos Sectional
. . Coverings.
Orders for breakers, houses and steam
plants generally, solicited.
Successor fo Macau & Co.
J. S. REYNOLDS, Manager.
' 321 Center street.'
Never Ucforc Heard of :
Solid silver, silver tenspoons worth $(!.C0
for $3.99. Davldow Bros.
I am prepared to receive a limited num
ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc., ad
dress Rlchtrd F Lindsay,
82$ Mulberry street.
Or at Powell's Mnslo Btore.
bronze Statues for Mantel Clocks. .
Thes statues make appropriate Xmas
presents. Davldow Bros.
Beautiful Water ' Colors, Fac-slmllcs,
Photogravures and Etchings, Framed and
Cnframed. '
, . .... PRATT'S BOOK STORE..'
They Kent to the St Charles Hotel
and Blew Out the Gas.
Their Plight Was Discovered Just in Time
to Save Their I.lvcs-Sturted at Once
for Their Homes in Susque
hanna County.
About S o'clock Saturday morning two
Forest City citizens called at the St.
Charlei hotel and requested Clerk Flan
nary to how them to a room. They
wked to b called at I o'oloolc in the
mornlnj, They wart aailytiad to room
No, H on tba top story and retired.
The porter, Thornae Btanton, on hU
rounds yesterday morning detected a
strong odor of gas and notified Mr.
Keogh, the proprietor. Together they
wont from room to room but could not
locate the point from where the deadly
fluid wua escaping until they reached
almost the last room on the top flour.
When Mr. Keogh knocked on the door
there was no response and he crept on
a chair and looked In over the transom.
He beheld two men stretched at full
length on the Moor, apparently dend.
Mr. Keogh burst In the door and wns
horrified to lind the two sleepers rigid
and cold.
He rushed to the room of Coroner J.
A. Kelley und acquainted him of the
state of nffulrs. 1 Dr. Kelley after a
half hour's energetic treutment su
cecdeil in resuscitating one of them.
The other showed signs of life a few
minutes afterward, but It was two hours
before th.-y recovered consciousness.,
and only fur the constant uttendnnce of
Dr. Kelley and the remedies he pre
scribed, the population of Susquehanna
county would have been' two less.
The men registered as Joe Campbell
and M. Hengle, Forest City. Mr. Keogli
Inquired which of them blew out the
gas. "Why, I did, said Campbell, "and
I hed to climb on a chair to reach the
gol dern light."
Coroner Kelley stated that if the men
were In the room for thirty minutes
longer their friends would be soon ap
plying for letters of udmlnlstration on
their estates. What siived their lives
was a broken window pane which al
lowed some of the gas to escape. Thcv
took the first Peckvllle car out of tnw-n
and said they would walk from Cur-
bondnlu to Forest City.
First Section of the Main Casting Hull Ar
rived ut the Site ut Moosic on Sutur
duy. The new Iron building of the Honta
Plate Glass company arrived at the
company's works, at Moosic, Saturday,
The dimensions are 140x112 feet. The
building is the first of several sections
which will comprise the main casting
hall of the plant.
This structure, the frame of which Is
steel, covered with corugated Iron sides
and roof, was built by the Berlin Iron
Bridge company of EaHt Berlin, Conn.,
one of the largest bridge and structural
iron builders In the United States, hav
ing an immense plant, -which contains
the most Improved machinery known
to modern science.
The annealing ovens at the Moosic
plant are now completed. They con
tain over 350,000 bricks, and are con
sldered by experts in the glass trade to
be a valuable improvement in the pro
cess of cooling or annealing sheets of
glass and holding them true and even
requiring less grinding and polishing
to finish up. The molting, furnace is
well under way, und will be complete
by time the Iron workers have finished
erecting the building.
in the pot house, which was finished
Borne time ago, two experienced pot
makers are engaged In building the
vessels of clay, In which the glass Is
melted. The big machine is in full
working order and ready for the glass,
and as soon as the melting furnace and
the building are complete, the plant
will be ready for operation.
Rev. P.J. Golden, Appointed Assistant in
Willlninsport Parish.
On Saturday Rev. V. J. Oolden, of the
Cathedral, left for Wlllliimsport to be
come the assistant of Father Harvey
pastor of that parish. Since his ortll
nation Father Golden has been sta
tloned at the cathedral, and he whs the
private secretary of Bishop O'Hara
during that time.
He leaves this city with the well
wishes of all its people, who will be
pleased always to hear of any success
he may meet with In the Muster's vine.
10,000 Pairs Nearly Gone.
Today the 5-Bros. will make a "clean
sweep" of the balance , Look for us In
the morning. Don't miss this chance,
$1.50 slippers will now be sold for "5c; $1.00
slippers for 50 and 60c.
Chimes of Normandy.
In consideration that Monday night
falls upon Xmas eve, the rehearsal of
"Chimes of Normandy" will held on Wed
nesdav night at Music Hall nt 8 o clock.
Go to Duvldow Bros, and Inspect
their handsome stock of holiday goods.
Kings, I'lnln Kings, Stone Kings,
rings that nre chased, rings that ni
neat. Duvldow Ilros.
Fnr Capes and Clonks.
Our assortment for Christmas Week I
very complete.
Fur Capes, $7.00 to PO.OO.
Jackots, $5.00 to $30.00.
Also lorge assortment of Fur Scarfs an
Small Furs.
O. W. OWENS, Clonks and Furs,
G05 Ppruce St., Court Hoti Sow?,
imported Bock Hoer
; on diauaht at Zenke's.
i " 1
i Gold Pens, Gold Ponc'R '
Oold glove buttoners, Davldow Bro;.
You Con Buy the nest Cigars
for the least money at Coursen's.
' Br. Gibbons,
of Now Yorh olty, will bn In his Bcranton
office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon
day from In the morning until V in the
evening. ; ' . ,
- ' l rcsh Iton Bonsond) Chocolates '
mada Saturday will arrive this morning,
$5c. per lb., finest rnndy made. Coursen.
Leather Traveljng Cases, Collar and
Cuff Boxes.
rrtATTs book storr'
There's , , ,
No Better
Present '
for the
Little Ones.
All parts on sale now at The
Tribune business office. ' .
(Published In response to many letters.)
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; '
The stockings were hung by the chimney with enre,
In the hope thut St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced through their heads;
And mnmmu In her 'kerchief, find 1 in my cap.
Had settled our brains for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
1 sprang from my bed to see what was the matter;
Away to the window I flew like a flash;
Tore open the shutters, und threw up the sash.
The moon, on the breast of the new-fallen snow, 1
Cave lustre of mid-day to objects below;
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer,
Willi a little old driver, so lively und quick,
I knew In a moment It must be St. Nick.
More rupld than eagles his coursers they came.
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name
"Now, Dasher'., now Dancer! now Pruncor! now Vixen!
On, Comet! on, Cupid, on Donder and Bllxen! 1
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now, dash away, dash away, dash awuy all!"
As the leaves thai before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with nn obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the slelsh full of toys and St. Nicholas, too.
And then, In a twinkling, 1 heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As 1 drew In my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound;
He was dressed all In fur from his head to his foot.
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes und sunt'
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like u peddler just opening his park.
His eyes how they twinkled; his dimples how merry;
Ills cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry;
Ills droll Utile mouth wus drawn up like a bow,
And the heard on his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight In his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He hud a broad face, nnd a little round belly
That shook, when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.
He was chubhy and plump a right Jolly old elf,
And I laughed when 1 saw him in spite of myself.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head .
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.
He spoko not a word, but went straight to his work
And filled ull the stockings then turned with u Jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all Hew, like the down off a thistle,
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight:
"Huppy Christmas to all, und te drove out of sight:
Clement C, Moore.
If You Noticed Coursen's
Saturday you saw a lively store.
Wood and Brass Easels.
Holly wreaths at Clark's are fine.
Fountain Pens, Gold Pens nnd Pencils
Watch Boxes In Sterling Silver
and sliver-plate. Davldow Bros.
. - - -.
Holly by the bunch ut Clark's.
Catholic Prayer Books.
I nJics, We lluc Silk Gurfcrs
With sterling silver buckles. Davldow
There's no better Xmas present for the
llttlo ones than Palmer Cox's "Queer
People." All parts are now oil sale at The
Tribune business office.
Solid Silver Teaspoons
Each and every spoon guaranteed solid
silver for $3.99 a set, worth W.50. Duvl
dow Bros.
Finest line of Davis' Automatic Ink
stands ut REYNOLDS BROS.
Xmas trees at wholesale at Clark's.
Finest line of Culendurs over shown in
the city at K10YNOI.DS BRU8.
Gentlemen, Do Not llcsiftc
Where to buy your cuff buttons, when
you know thut Davldow Ilros. line Is the
largest nnd most complete In the city.
Fancy Waste Puer Baskets.
Oxford Bibles and Family Bibles at
Plllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17,500 barrels a day
Engraved cards at REYNOLDS BROS.
Onlck Sales and Sninll Profits,
Best goods for least money. Coursen.
Episcopal Trayer Books and Hymnals.
T. B. McCllntock.
has Just received a lurge lot of Tulnis,
Ferns, etc., for holiday presents and in
terior decorating. '
Catholic Trayer Books, largest line In
the city at , REYNOLDS BROS.
Musical Instruments, llunjos, Guitars,
Mandolins, Amerlcnn pinkes. Davldow
-fi Buys fine mixed in
ynH handsome boxes. 5 lbs.
for $1.00.
QCn' Buys the finest candy
uJui niade. Fruits 25cto 35c
E. G. Coursen
"Wloncr llccr."
During Christmas and the Holiday week
the E. Robinsons Son's Brewery will put
upon the market for their customers an
Extra Brewing of the finest Beer ever In
troduced In thlB section of the country.
Drink "Wiener Beer" from the E. Robin
sons Son's Brewery.
How to Carry Matches.
Never carry matches loose in your
pocket, but be provided with one of Davl
dow Bros, handsome sterling silver match
Now Is the Time to Look for Your
W. W. Berry
Has a larger stock of Novelties
than ever before. RIfillT IP
TO DATE, with everything new
Lackawanna Ave
Is receiving daily all the lat
est novelties hi
When in need of something
late in the Tewelrv line call
! and see R.ower;1' stock before
making your final selection,
as he can show you the latest
and a large assortment to se
lect from.
lr at PrawDt tti Moat Popnlar tad rrtftmd bj
buduif AUUU.
' , Wtreroems: Opposite Columbus Manumtnt,
tflB Waahlngton Av. Sor&nton.Pa,
Including tbo painless extractlnt of
teetb by an entirely new process.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
1 ' 139 WYOMING AVE.
We had thought that
with a store four times
the size of our old one that
we could accommodate ev
eryone, but wo find that
even now we are crowded
afternoons and evenings.
We would ask as many
as can to
Green and Gold Store Front
Today at the
0. S.W00LW0RTH
mm mm u rto
illlf' HA1S
fefel AT
Will be open evenings during the monfh of December
until 8 o'clock.
We can suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with
your pocketbook.
DA MIOnrCD'O Corner of Lackawanna and
DAIMIO I LnO; Wyoming Avenues.
Of what to buy as Christmas Presents. Now let us remind you of a
few things that are very useful and durable, and would be very much
appreciated as u gift ut this time of the year. Just think of a man's
Mackintosh at 'JS.OO or $10.00 as good as a $15.00 garment, or an ele
gant Umbrella. We have them mounted with elegant handles, silk
covered, from $1.00 up, and then our Cloak and Fur departments are
full of desirable Roods. Do yon know that we have more Cloaks and
Capes in our store than any three stores hi the city.
Consequently, ours is the stock to select from and our prices are
lie, tit. Almost forgot to mention that we have a spleudid line uf Neck
wear, Gloves, Handkerchief:), etc. '
nn . 1
Astrakhan Olrcular Capes
$J.98. worth $18.00.
Wool Seal Circular Capes
3lS.t8, worth J 30.00.
Electric Seal Clreulur Capes
19.00, worth $3r).00.
Persian Circular Capes
$5.(H). worth $95.00.
Brown Marten Circular Capes
$35.00, worth $30.00.
50 dozen Fine Neck Scarfs with Ani
mal's Heada at $1.49. worth 19.00.
SO dozen Baltic Seal Mufiu
$1.49, worth 13.00,
50 dozen Children's Spts at
!IS3.. worth S2.M.
3 dozen pairs EleUlrio r'Bul Gloves for
ueuuenien w. w, worm fo.uu.
The balance of mtr Cloth Coats and
Capes we will oll'or for 50c. ou the
We will sell for less than 50c. on the
138 Wyoming Ave.
Have your Furs repaired by the only
I'lactical Furrier in the citv.
Fine Tricot Cloths
In Colors Brown, Blue
and Garnet
5Ey.M,$5 fit $6
SI, $11 10 $12,
And as High as $20.
Clothiers, HsitersAFurni
IflWCQ At Greatly
LUf LU Reduced Prices
o make room for entirely
new stock of