The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 22, 1894, Image 1

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    5 ;
Folltiqat Influence Prevails Over Merit
in Police Promotions.
Offleers with a "Pull" Not Particular
' Aoout Violating Rules-Benefits of
, Joining the Pequod Club-Proper
Place to Buy Mluerul Water.
By the United Press.
New York, Dec. 21. The principal
witness before the Lexow committee
today was Police Captain Max Schmitt
berger. He testified that In the last ten
years, despite the Introduction of the
civil aervlce system, political Influence
prevailed over merit In appointments
to the police force and In promotions.
In addition, a man who sought promo
tion has generally had to pay for it
Captain Schmlttberger said there were
certain persons known as go-be'
tweens," who received and turned over
this money paid for promotions to the
persons who got It. The only name he
could give of a go-between was Charlie
Grand, ex-Commissioner McClave's
secretary.- In regard to the clubbing
and other violations of department
rules, the new men are the worst, be
cause, getting their appointment in the
way they do, they don't feel so much
responsibility they are more lndepend
' "What has been the" attitude of this
latter class when on trial before the
commissioners for an offence against
the laws of the land?"
"They seem more Independent, and
eeem to think they ought to be pro
tected. They depnd more on their pull
than their defense to get out of It."
At his junction and just as Captain
Schmlttberger's testimony promised to
become sensational a recess was taken
After the committee re-convened
Schmlttberger resumed his testimony.
He testified that Wardman Price,
now captain, looked after the disorderly
houses. Asked why so many houses
were allowed to run In that precinct,
he replied: "Because they paid for
"Who was the man to whom the pro
tec t Ion money went directly?"
"Captain Williams."
"Would it be possible for these places
to run openly without the tolerance of
the captain?"
"No sir, it would not."
Schmlttberger was not Instructed by
the captain to levy tribute. He was on
larceny and such offenses. He was pro
moted to be roundsman by Commis
sioner Wheeler because he found the
commissioner's dog. . ,
Captain Schmlttberger' testified that
he was told that It would be better for
him to join the Pequod club, because
Commissioner Sheehan was., president
of It Other captains belonging to this
club. Wer .T)lv.vrs..PricB and SHulp
Liquor dealers were compelled to buy
Louis MUnzlngers mineral waters.
, Munzlnger was secretary of the Pequod
Williams In the Net.
Schmlttberger, as he proceeded In his
testimony, Implicated Inspector Will
lams' deeper and deeper and also drew
Inspector McAvery Into the net.
Schmlttberger testified that he collect
ed money from the policy shops, pool
rooms and disorderly houses In his dis
trict and In return they were given
police protection. He collected as high
as $S00 a month and of this amount he
paid Williams $200 a. month.
. Ho did not try to levy tributes on the
liquor saloons In his district, as he un
derstood they were directly under the
protection of Tammany hall and In re
turn for that organization's protection,
assisted It politically.
Schmlttberger eald he was trans
ferred from one district to another at
he request of the Liquor Dealers asso
. elation, because he was too active In
making arrests for Illegal liquor selling.
, He had received orders from Commis
sioner Martin not to Interfere with cer
tain disorderly houses In his district.
On one occasion he received a com
plaint against a woman named Sadie
v West at 234 West Fifty-first street. He
sent Officer Casey to the house, and
when Casey went to the door the
woman told him she was a friend of
Commissioner Martin and It was better
to see him before he would do any
thing. The officer told me, and the
next day I received a message from
headquarters from Martin. I went to
see him and he asked me, did I send a
man around to Sadie West's. I said I
did, as I had received a complaint about
the house. Martin said I should warn
the officer and apologize to the woman
the next day. I protested, but he said
I should do as I was told. I sent around
Casey and he had to apologize to the
woman the following day for raiding
the house.
Georgians Was Exempt.
"Did you ever hear of Georglana
Hastings, oi tne xwenty-seconu Y was
asked Schmlttberger,
"Yes, sir." k
Did she pay."
"Mo, Mr; sue was exempt. She Is a
. peculiar character and some of the
gentlemen who visited her house would
not like to see their names In print.
got the tip frorn Captain Devery that
If I Interfered with her I would burn
my fingers."
"Were you not Informed that certain
public-officials vlsltei her house?"
"Yes sir."
"Officials that graced the bench."
"Yes, sir."
, "I do not want to. bring In names,'
said Mr. Qoff, "because Oeorglana
Hastings Is under Indictment. We have
proof that one- night when a bench
warrant was about to be served two
public officials, one. of whom was a
judge of - -court, was In her house.
The warrant was not served because of
these officials' Influence. It may be
necessary, however, to mention their
names, but we will try to avoid It If
.Chairman Lexow also advised that
private Individuals should not be In
troduced unless It was absolutely ne
.The captain then made an Important
"I Uilnk," said he, "that Superln
. tendent Byrnes Is on honest man and
' means to do what is right If he was
permitted to do so."
"Do you think the police force Is
"I think It Is rotten to the very core.
' Mr. Goft asked for an adjournment
.until Wednesday next. . .
Turkey Shows a Disposition to Slight the
United States.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 21. The state de
partment has not learned that the Otto
man Porteiias given the requested sanc
tion for Consul Jewett to accompany
the commission to Armenia as an Inde
pendent commissioner, as directed by
the president, or that Turkey has
reached any definite conclusion In the
It is officially known, however, that
Minister Terrall 1b pressing the grand
vizier for, action on the president's
Mrs. Catharine Dcllart Becomes Tired of
- ' Llfo and Hangs Herself. ' '"
By the United Press.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 21. Mrs. Cather
ine DeHart, a widow and of melan
choly disposition, committed suicide at
her residence in lower Alsace, two
miles east of this city, by hanging her
self in her bed room. She was 76
year old and In good circumstances.
Mrs. DeHart had attired herself In
white and carefully combed her hair
before ending her life.
But for Exports of Gold and I'nccr
turn Financial Legislation Indications
Would lie F.ncouraging.
By the United Press. .
New York, Dec. 21. R. G. Dun & Co.'s
weekly review of trade tomorrow will
But for the large exports of gold and
uncertainty about financial, legislation
the Indications would be more encour
aging. Some Increase is seen In orders
given to manufacturing works, though
until the year ends the force actually
at work naturally diminishes. The holi
day trade has been rather poor at
most points, partly owing to mild
weather. There Is distinctly more con
fidence shown about the future demand
for Industrial products, though prices
are not better. Domastlc exports In
crease a little, though exportable sta
ples are not better In price.
Money continues to accumulate here,
and there Is no enlargement In the
legitimate demand for commercial
loans. Prices of agricultural products
do not Improve. Large orders for man
ufactured products have appeared, and
yet, except In boots and shoos, tle gen
eral tendency If prices is downward.
Nothing is doing in steel rail Is, and
business In sheets and plates Is light.
Competition between the works In op
eration for business Is not enough to
keep them employed pushes prices In
many lines below the. ordinary , cost of
The volume, of railway traffic west
bound shows encouraging Increase over
last year, but east-bound tonnage Is
small. From Chicago by rail It is 33
ner cent, less Mian last year, and 38.5
per cent, less than In 1892, and earnings
UIUM far pttM (vrUnlinltlicC fcro otoly
per cent, more than a year ago, and li.a
per cent, less than In 1892. The. stock
market has been stagnant ratner man
week. Sales are very light, and mainly
in the speculative industrials, which
are BO cents per share lower for the
week, while railroad shares are 69 cents
per share lower.
The failures for the past ween nave
been 349 In the United States, against
344 last year, and 36 in Canada, against
37 last year.
Attorneys DcBlre an Opinion on
Strikes from Higher Courts.
By the United Press.
Chicago, Dec. 21. The attorneys of
the convloted officers' and directors of
the American Railway union have at
last decided what legal course to pur
sue. They will apply to the suprem
court for a writ of habeas corpus with
out going through any of the inter
mediate courts.
The main thliTg sought la to put the
higher courts on record as favoring a
construction of the law, which abso
lutely prevents strikes as they are
ordinarily conducted by orders from
some recognized person or persons in
Ills Failure a Surprise.
By the United Press.
Wllkes-Barre. Dec. 21. R. A. Mitchell,
dealer in furs and cloaks, was closed by
the sheriff tonight on judgments amount
ing to nearly 15,000. Mitchell came here
from York state three months ago, aoing
a good business. His lauure is a sur
prise to the business community.
Another Furnace Started.
By the United Press.
Reading, Pa., Dec. 21. The Leesport
furnace, which has been Idle for three
years, has started up, giving employment
to about sixty men.
John Habag was drawn Into a coal
pocket at Jedd colliery and smothered to
John Reese has been arrested at Eliza
Mbth, N. J for robbing freight cars at
Easton. i
During the last month fourteen applica
tions for divorce have been tiled In the
Schuylkill county court.
Many Blair county hotel keepers have
been swindled by a man who presents
checks drawn on a Philadelphia bank.
Lancaster's Young Man's Christian as-
soclatlon' has purchased a lot for $00,000
on which will be erected a six-story build
ing.. .- k...
There are at present nlnety-slx pa
tients In the State hospital at Fountain
Springs, originally built for fllfty-slx pa
tients. '
The Carlisle town council has offered a
reward of I'M for the arrest of an Incon
diary who has made two attempts to fire
a building. .
George Steafanko, who shot and killed
Stephen Nagy in Perth Amboy, N. J., on
Deo. 7, has been arrested at Blackwood,
Schuylkill county.
'While hunting rabbits James Bayt, of
Troutvllle, Clearfield county, accident
ally shot himself In the right leg and
died from loss of blood.
Lebanon's board of trade will ask con
gress to provide for a new government
building and demand that councils build a
new olty hall and secure a better water
H. L. Snyder, of La Jose, Clearfield
county, accused of mailing obscene let
ters was In Altoona held In (1,000 ball for
his appearance at the nosslon of the
United . States circuit court to be held In
Bcrantoa In March. .
A syndicate, heanW'tiy' Blt. Butler,
editor of the Bradford Era, and J. N.
Perrlne, business manager of the Oil City
Derrick, has purchased a tract of 1,600
acres at Southern Pines, N. C, and will
go into the fruit Industry. ...
Mr. Springer's Amendments to the
' Carlisle Scheme.
Mr. Mcl.aurln, of South Carolina, Males
a Vigorous Attack I'ponthe Policy of
the Party a Financial Quest
tions and Predicts Disaster.
By the United Press. -
Washington, Dec.- 21. The substitute
for the pending currency bill laid be
fore the house today by Mr. Springer
consists of the amendments which have
been agreed upon by the. Democratic
members of the committee; others that
were suggested by Secretary Carlisle,
the author of bill that has been un
der consideration all week, as well as
certain features of the Carlisle bill
which It has been deemed advisable to
retain;. After laying the substitute be
fore the house, Mr. Springer briefly ex
plained the important changes made In
the Carlisle bill and their effect as fol
lows: ' '
First-Permitting the deposit of cur
rency certitlcates. under section 5,193 of
the revised statutes, to secure circulation
as well as the deposit of legal tender
notes and treasury notes. These certl
flcates represent legal tender notes ac
tually held In the treasury and the effect
of depositing certificates is, therefore, the
same precisely as to require the deposit
of notes.
Second So amending the present law
as to permit state banks to deposit legal
tender noteB and procure these currency
certificates In the same manner that na
tional banks are now permitted to.
Third Dispensing with - the provision
which authorizes an assessment upon the
national banks to replenish the safety
fund for the redemption of the notes of
failed banks and. In place of this provis
ion, Insert one providing that the collec
tion of the one-fourth of a cent, tax for
each half year shall be resumed when the
safety fund-Is Impaired and continued un
til the safety fund Is restored.
Fourth Authorizing the comptroller of
the currency. Instead of the banks them
selves, to designate the agencies at which
national bank notes shall be redeemed.
The effect of this will be to secure the
redemption not only at the office of the
bank, but at other places accessible to
note holders.
Fifth Dispense with the provision com
pelling existing national banks to with
draw their bonds now on deposit, and
take out circulation under the new sys
tem, and In lieu of that provision Insert
one permitting the banks to withdraw
their bonds, If they see proper to do co,
by depositing lawful money as now pro
vided by law, and then to take out circu
latlon under the new system if they
choose to do so.
Sixth Providing that the notes of failed
national banks which are not redeemed
on demand at the office of the treasurer
of the United States, or an assistant
treasurer of the United States, shall bear
Interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per an
num from the date of suspension of the
bank until the thirty days after public
notice has been siren that funds are on
hand for their redemption.
This Imposes no obligations upon the
part of the United States to use its own
funds for the redemptions, as the safety
fund Is In the hands of the treasurer
and he will redeem notes out of that
No action was taken on the substitute
but It was agreed it should be printed
In bill form and published In the
Mr. McLaurln (Dem., S. C.) made a
vigorous attack upon the policy of the
Democratic party upon financial mat
ters In the past two years and ventured
the prediction that If this bill became
law at the next election the people
would wipe out the last remaining ves
tige of the Democratic party.
General Sickles (Dem., N. Y.) created
much amusement by his answer to a
question by General Henderson, of
Iowa, as to what was his attitude
toward the bill. H.e said that while not
approving many of the provisions, nor
agreeing with the reasons advanced for
Its passage and reserving to himself the
right to vote upon it as he saw fit, when
the time for voting came, he stood with
the committee on banking and currency
in favor of the measure.
Bills were passed permitting laborers
from foreign countries employed by ex
hlbltors at the Atlanta, Ga., exposition
to be held next year, to come Into the
country and remain during the con
tinuance of the exposition and also to
permit articles Imported for exhibition
at the Portland, Ore., exposition, also
to be held next year, to come In free of
custom dues.
A bill was also passed for the relief
of ' homestead settlers in Wisconsin
Minnesota and Michigan, who suffered
loss of life or property In the forest
fires of last season, by extending the
time In which they make final proof of
location and permitting them under
regulations to cut the burned timber
on their lands.
A concurrent resolution was agreed
to providing for the holiday recess of
congress extending from Deo. 22 to Jan.
3. This passed by a vote of 172 to 12.
Two of the Boldest Hold I'p a Manchester
Grocery Store.
By the United Press.
Wichita. Kan., Dec. 21. Jack Harris,
alius Tulsa Jack, and Bitter Creek, two
of the boldest members of the Cook
gang, who were seen riding through
Arkansas City yesterday, came this
way yesterday. They rode Into An
thony, Harper county, this morning
and one of them entered the barjlf, evi
dently with the Intention of robbing It.
There were too many people present,
and the bandits,, after surveying the
ground, mounted their horses and rode
rapidly away. On reaching Manchester
they went Into Bland's general store
and at the point of revolvers made the
proprietor hand over what cash he had,
which was $30.
Without being molested, the bandits
left, going In a westerly direction to
ward the Sante Fe.
Photographic Experiment In Jamestown's
Tragedy Fails.
By the United Press.
Jamestown, N. Y., Deo. 21.The ret
moval of Mrs. Shearman's eyes for a
second photographic experiment was
not rewarded with success. The eyes
were covered with a coating which
prevented- discernment -of the figure
seen yesterday afternoon. Various
chemicals were tried to clear the eyes
but failed and the experiment was
abandoned. Coroner ' Bowers, . Fred
Marsh and Sheriff Jenner said today
that they would take their oath that
the figure was plainly vlBlble before
the eyes were taken from the body.
The coroner thinks It was a mistake
to remove the eyes, that If the eyes
had been undisturbed the photographs
could easily have been obtained. Much
interest was taken In this experiment
and the outcome will be a disappoint
ment to many who expected to secure a
photograph from the eyes, with the
hope of getting some clew to the mur
derer. -
Mossillon Miners Advised to Keep at
Work I ntil Further Orders.
By the United Press.
Masslllon, O., Dec. 21. Henry Mullen,
president of the Masslllon Miners' Dis
trict organization, has Issued this bulle
tin: "We will call a district convention
very soon and arrange for future ac
tion. Miners will do well to keep at
work until our district meeting Is held."
Frank Morun Freshens I'p the Town by
Letting the Blood Out of Several Citi
zens with Ills Knife.
Special to the Scran tort Tribune.
Plttston, Dec. 21. A fight occurred
on South Main street last night, that
came near resulting In murder. The
principals were John Burns, Mike
Burns, Frank Moran and Thomas Ger
rlty. From what information that
could be obtained It appeal's the Burns
brothers met Moran and Gerrlty In
front of George O'Boyle's saloon. The
crowd got Into an argument that finally
resulted In blows being struck. Among
those struck was Moran. He pulled a
knife and proceeded to carve up his
assailants In true Turkey fushlon. He
attacked John Burns first and with two
swings of the sharp steel carved two
gashes on the cheek and chin that re
quired eighteen stitches to close.
Mike Burns, a brother of the Injured
man, attempted to take his brother's
part, and had one of his thumbs almost
severed. Gerrlty received a kick in the
chin that loosened every tooth In his
head. It Is feared his Jaw Is broken.
When Burns sank exhausted on the
curb from loss of blood, with the object
of finishing him somebody burled the
blunt end of a Jlmmey or rock In his
head. The Injured men were taken to
the hospital and are considered badly
Burns Is about 40 years old, works as
a moulder at TouhlU's found-, and
boards with his brother, Michael Burns,
of Oregon. Gerrlty is about 26 years
old, and hails from Sebastopol, where
Moran also resides. Moran was ar
rested some months ago on a charge
of robbing several liquor stores, but
was acquitted. After stabbing Burns
Moran made his escape.
Mr. Bnrtlott Soys tho Nicaragua Scheme
Is Bound to Go Through.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 21. John R. Bartlett,
chairman of the stockholders' re-organ-
lzaitlon committee of the Nicaragua
canal, In an Interview today, said that
the whole of the Nicaragua snares at
his disposal had been taken In England.
He could have sold many times the
amount of shares he possessed had they
been available.
The results of his visit here, Mr. Bart
lett nays, has been, so satisfactory that
there Is nothing left to be done and
the building of the canal, with or with
out the assistance of the United States
congress, has become a certainty.
The Moslems Protest.
By the United Press.
London, Dec. 21. A meeting was held In
the Moslem colony of London today at
which it was resolved to address a mem
orlul to Lord Klmberly, foreign secretary,
protesting against the groBs mlsre-jn
sentatlons of the Moslem law and re
ligion which are being made for political
purposes In connection with the alleged
Armenian atrocities.
'i 1 .
Reserve Still Shrinking.
By the United Press.
Washington, Dec. 21. The treasury has
lost in gold withdrawals today l,400,ooo,
leaving the reserve at the clone of busi
ness 188,900,000. There was a large gain
from mintage sources else the withdraw
als would have decreased the reserve to
nearly moW.OOO.
The Junior Order United American Me
chanics has decided to erect a National
Orphans' home.
Rev. Dr. Burtsell denies that Dr. Mc-
Glynn has recanted the doctrines of
Henry George.
Charles Hart, who pleaded guilty of
murdering the Good children at Paulding,
O., will be hanged April 20.
Commissioner Llnson has sent his re
porton the District Attorney Fellows In
vestigation to uovernor tower. ,
Of three cases In diphtheria-scourged
ABhtabula, O., which received antl-toxlne
treatment one died and two will recover.
John Crawford &. Son, of Buffalo. N,
Y., have- been awarded the contract for
the monument to mark the birthplace of
George Washington, at Wakefleld, Ya. -
of the Scranton Bicycle
Shocking State of Affairs Kcvealed
at Pottsville.
Former Inmate of the County House
Places Steward llartman in an I'nfav
orablo Light Tho Steward and
Directors Make No Defense.
By the United Tress.
Pottsville, Pa., Dec. 21. The Investi
gation Into the charges made against
Steward Hartman and Poor Directors
Day and Ebbing and other olflcinls of
the county almshouse was opened this
morning In the court house. The In
vestlgatlon Is conducted by William
Wilhem, attorney for the county audi
tors. Messrs. Samuels and Jenkins
were in attendance, but Auditor John
E. Doyle, the Democratic member of
the board, did not appear.
Six witnesses were examined this
morning. The first was Manager John
F. Finney, of the Miners' Journal,
whose testimony was not of a start
ling character, as he only heard rumors
that the girl. Lizzie O'Brien, who had
made charges against Steward Hart
man, had-made a second affidavit, In
whleh she exonerated Hurt man and ac
cused others.
Dr. P. H. O'Harn, the almshouse phy
sician,' testified that It was true that
female inmates of the insane, depart
ment were sometimes undressed by the
keeper at the requst of his wife.
Almshouse Clerk John J. O'Connor
told When the O'Brien girl was ad
mitted to the Institution and when dis
charged. She was for a time in the
Insane hospital, her mind being af
fected, but was afterward In the main
building.- Her mother Is now In nn I
Mrs.' Begley, an inmate, testified ,to
seeing Steward Hartman drive off with
Lizzie O'Brien and another girl, and
come back with the O'Brien girl. W.
F. Voute, a cripple, who Is an Inmate,
was also sworn, and he testified that
he knew the O'Brien girl by sight, but
had never seen' her with Steward Hart
man. He sutd he was surprised when
he read the rumors in the paper. The
witness was stood aside as Attorney
Wllhelm said he wanted to see him
alone. Neither Hartmun nor the poor
directors appeared at the Investiga
tion, nor wera they represented by
l.Izic O'llricn's I.lfc.
The afternoon session was devoted
almost solely to henring the testi
mony of the principal witness, Lizzie
O'Brien. The girl stuted that her father
died when she was 3 years old, and that
she had been practically nn orphan
because her mother had been In an In
sane asylum ever since. Lizzie, who
Is 1,6 years old, said she was betrayed
by a man named Flynn. She was nd-
mltted to the hospital at the almshouse
on Aug. 25. Three weeks later she was
transferred to the main building by
Steward Hartman, and she swore that
he took her to her room and kissed
her. She also testified that on three
different occasions she was taken to
Pottsville by Hartman and they met
at the same assignation house every
time. He gave her small sums of
money, and after she had left the alms
house for good and could not get work
she went to live In a house of ill fame.
She changed her boarding house and
was visited once by Hartman, who
occUpl"d a room with her and gave her
money. ''he also ' testified that he
scolded he, , or being In such a house.
Lizzie then told or her living as a
housekeeper for a widower In Frack
Vllle and how she was taken to St.
Claire, where she was asked by Hart
man to make affidavit that he had not
had Intercourse with her and she said
she took the affidavit liocause she liked
Mrs." Hartman.
A little girl who stopped at the house
of assignation designated was put on
the stand, recognized Lizzie and cor
roborated much of her testimony,
When the little girl had told her story
the Investigation adjourned to meet
next Wednesday.
Transferred tho Stock.
By the United Press.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 21. The failure of
the State bank at Crawford and the fj'ht
ot us president, AiDert wnippie, ip
decidedly sensational In the ropo'
amlner A. F. Brink filed with . State
banking board. Mr. Brink says he found
that the stockholders were almost equal
ly culpable with Whipple. C. II. Deltrleh
and W. E. Alexander, he says, by threats
and a six-shooter, compelled Whipple to
cancel their stock and pay them cash.
The assets of the bank are worthless and
stockholders will get little or nothing,
Whipple has been traced as far as Chey
enne. Reception to Musicians. -By
the United Press.
' Horrlsburg, Dec. 21. Governor and Mrs,
Paulson will give an Informal reception
at the executive mansion next Wednesday
afternoon to the members of the State
Muslo Teachers' association.
Sophomore and Freshmen CIusscs
dulgc in u Fight.
By the United Press.
Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 21. A lively
slugging match took place this morn
ing In the study hall of Franklin and
Marshall college between the sopho
more and freshman classes. The fresh
men have been prohibited by the sopho
mores from carrying canes, every In
fringement of the order bringing down
rough treatment upon the offender.
The classes met this morning as they
came from their study rooms and a row
which was hardly short of a riot took
place. The members of the faculty
present were quite unable to suppress
It for upwards of half an hour. Sev
eral students were severely used up
during the melee.
A Mad Dog Causes Wild Incitement in a
Jersey Town.
By the United Press.
Salem, N. J., Dec. 21. The wildest ex
citement prevails here. This usually
sleepy old. town Is all stirred up. A
mad dog got loose today In the streets
and bit sixteen residents of the town.
Among, those bitten were Professor
Storle, principal of the high school;
H. F. Slckler, member of city council;
Dr. J. C. Robinson, James Ayres, E. S.
Carter, Jacob Schrler, Charles Smlthi
Charles Bacon, Mrs. Miller, Lewis Neil,
John Hart and others. Six of the vic
tims of the beast were so badly bitten
that they went to the Pasteur institute,
New York, for treatment.
Every local doctor and druggist In
Salem was called upon. The wounds
of all of the sixteen were Immediately
Terrible Tragedy Kcvealed in a Dispatch
from Ida Levin.
By the United Press.
Baltimore, Dec. 21. Mrs. Simon Belt
received the following dispatch from
her niece, at Chuivhland, Va.:
'Papa Is killed. A' negro who assaulted
mother cut his throat with a razor and
the doctor could do nothing. Mother Is
also at the point of deatn. Come and see
her before she dies. He sere to come at
onoo as I am alone here nr.d don't know
what to do. "Ida E.-Levin."
David Levin, the young woman's
father, was formerly a merchant of
this city. He went south about eight
years ago. He conducted a notion store
at Churchland, which Is about twenty
miles from Norfolk, and It is said had
accumulated considerable property.
General Hastings Has Had a Prolonged
Social Session.
By the United Press.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Dec. 21. It Is under
stood from an authoritative source
that Governor-elect Hastings has found
It necessary to call a halt upon appli
cants for office and their friends who
have dally been besieging his home at
He will devote the remainder of the
time before Inuuguralton day to pre
paring his inaugural address and ar
ranging personal and business mat
ters. His time since election day has
been given almost exclusively to his
In Honor of Curtln.
By the United Press.
' Bellefonte. Pa., Dec. 21. An Interesting,
as well as affecting, memorial service In
honor of ex-Governor Curtln was held
hero this evening In the new armory un
der the auspices of Gregg post. General
James A. Heaver presided, and brief ad
dresses were made by General Hastings,
General Beaver, Dr. George W. Atherton,
Professor John Hamilton, Judges A. O
Furst and John G. Love and others. The
matter .of tho (Curtln monument was
taken up and discussed, and arrange
ments made to push the movement at
Asbingcr Still Lends';
By the United Press.
Philadelphia, Dec. 21. In the six days'
bicycle rare at Industrial hall, Ashtmcer
still leads by a good margin, with Fos
ter second and Gannon lust. The score
at 11 o'clock tonight was: AHhlnger, l.lGj
miles; Forster, 1,125; Gannon, 1,000.
It Is proposed to make the holiday re
cess of congress from Dec. 22 to Jun. 3.
A bill to give General Hanks widow a
pension of $1U0 a month has passed con
Collusion between Internal revenue of
ficials and white caps In Georgia Is cost
ing the ofllciuls their places.
A department of commerce has been
suggested to relieve the treasury depart
ment of one of Its numerous bureaus.
Solicitor Reeve, of the treasury hus de
cided that the publication In book form cf
fac similes of united States coin Is not a
violation ot law.
The nomination of Charles D. Clark, of
Chattanooga, Tenn., to be district judge.
has been reconsidered, because of charges
of unprofessional conduct Hold against
him. '
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; pre
ceded by showers in the early morning;
variable winds, becoming westerly.
Holiday Good
A Short Story Is Best.
Silks and Satins
Black and Colored, in latest
i Housekeeping Linens
Are always acceptable, Fancy
Embroidered Linens in Scarfs,
Squares, D'Oylies, Pillow
Shams, etc.
Elcjrant Hand
Embroidered Handkerchief.
Ileal Lace Handkerchiefs in
Valenciennes, Duchesse
and Point from GSc. tip.
Is unsurpassed, from our 43
cent School Umbrella to the Fine
Snitalfield's Silk.
Kid moves, Tans,
Terfumery, Etc., Etc.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
i l ami oh
for your liny get him a pair of
Storm King Boots or a pair of
Shoes that will stand all sorts of
pport and protect the boy's health.
Whalsale and Retail.
Holiday Goods
Our doors are open to every
lover of the beautiful, and we
welcome all to see and enjoy
the largest display of Holiday
Goods that was ever put oil
exhibition in this city.
Take a
Look at the Diamonds
in Our Window
' Can show
more inside.
you many
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L "