THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1S94. GORMAN'S Highest of all fa Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report ' i Matchless Coat Values Another Rare Owportunity Is Presented This Morning in Stylishly Made Ladies' Coats The Prices Are the Lowest of the Present Sea son, Right from a maker who was glad to avnll himself of our offer. He had too many garments and too little money, and thus e purchased upon our own terms. Kuvh wrap Is exquisitely mado and trimmed In the latest fashionable style; the materials are the best and such as have found Kieut favor anions the ladies of taste. Such of fering as theseTiave not been shown in Beranton this year, 40 Inches Ions, double breusted, lurgo sleeves and tlght-lltting. Regular prices until now were (12, $17, and $1:0. USEFUL fIS HANDKERCHIEFS, Remarkable varieties and values have teen brought here for the hollduys. The prices are conspicuous for their smull ness, while the qualities and styles oc cupy the highest placo known to Hand kerchief manufacturers. LADIES' HOSIERY LADIES' UNDERWEAR MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S GLOVES HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS HOLIDAY LINENS HOLIDAY RIBBONS Every color for decorating, every kind. UMBRELLAS From the best makers. The assortment is particularly Interesting, as It Includes all grades from the ordinury to the line3t. Open Evenings I'ntil Christmas. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has hud long and varied ex perience In ho.ipltul and private practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, prcmuture weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catnrrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning, (Its, epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youth, lost mnn hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting Men Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Coturrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who lshes to be permanently, quickly anil cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE D0LJ,AH8. Tha doctor has discovered a Bpecllic for this dreaded disease. Tou can treat and euro yourself and family with it at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatment Tree. OFFICB HOTRH-Dnllv, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. HOLIDAY CQ0D3 1 CHAIRS, OTTOMANS, v HASSOCKS; CARPET SWEEPERS, RUGS, MATS, ETC. MM Special prices on all the above goods for the Holidays. J. 5cott Inglis Carpet and Wall Paper, 419 LACKAWANNA AVE. four doors above Wyoming Uoua. Inexperienced. Prom Harper's Ilazar. Mr. Shrimp My dear, I don't seo how you hud this counterfeit bill passed on jroul Mrs. Shrimp Well, you don't let me see enough money td enable me . to tell the difference, ' 1 ' Ilisfrnnclilscd. -From the Chicago Record. Miss Muysoit Did you register? Miss Nuwoman Certainly not. The clerk at the place of registration wanted me to take off my hat to be sworn, and there wasn't a single looking gluss thura that I could sec to put It on with. I ABSOUITEIV PURE TUNKHANKOCK. Surveyors are at ' work gettlns the grade of the streets, preparatory to Betting estimates ojt cost of laying sewer pipes. This Is a move fti the right direction and raises the hope that something in that line will be done speedily. Mrs. Fred B. Ulller, of Carbondale, Is expected at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage tomorrow. Charles Eaton, a denf mute living at the home of his step-father, Jmhii Valentine, near Vose, left this morning for Palatka, Fla., where he will remain some time for the benefit of his health. Ills brother from Kansas will meet him there. The annual election of officers for Tunkhanock lodge, No. 2".4, Knights of l'ythius, will occur this evening. The Patriotic Order, Sons of America, will elect Wednesday evening next. Isaac Freeman, the man who was so seriously Injured by, falling from a loaded wagon a mouth ago, lias so far recovered as to hobble down town once more. .Messrs. Little and Bardwell, who are gathering up the ballot boxes, will tlnis'ti their work this week. Miss Lizzie Kittrldge, who has been studying and teaching In the kinder garten school at Scranton, Is home for the holidays. Louis Ansart has returned from sohoul at State College. Mr. V1 throw, the Texan, whose wife Is Just burled, will go to North Carolina lu a few days. Further developments In the Water man murder case may be expected at any moment. W. S. LVWItt has removed his saw mill from the James Donley farm to the Judson Kintner farm. E. O. Williams, of Wyaluslng, by his attorney, W. H. Thompson, brought suit yesterday against the county through the county commissioners, Charles Wheelock, A. M. PoWltt, and Henry Bunnell, for $j,000 damage sus tained by falling from a bridge be tween Lnceyvllls and Skinner's Eddy. The accident occurred on the night of Oct. 4. 1891. The bridge Is about twenty feet above the waters of Tus carora creek, which It spans, and, ac cording to the complaint, Is situated at an abrupt turn In the road, Is narrow and unprotected by guard rails, and was not, at the time of the accident, In proper repair. On the night men tioned, he came driving along with a companion, and there being no lights, he was'unable to see his course and was pitched livto the bed of the creek, iv celvitifr Injuries which, he alleges, he has not yet recovered from and which may be the Immediate cause of his death It Is Intimated that he fell off the approach instead of the bridge, Which, If true, would throw the suit onto Bralntrim township, as the coun ty has nothing to do with keeping the approaches In repair. A writ emanating from Sheriff Knapp, but appearing by use of John B. Fassett, has been served upon Philander' Strickland, of Sprlngvllle. Strickland attended the sheriff sale of the Burson store building, on War ren street, last spring and bid freely upon the property. It was finally knocked down to him at what was con sidered a good price. Not coming around to fix up the papers nor settle for his purchase, the sheriff again ad vertised and resold the property, serv ing due notice upon Strickland that If it did not bring as much at the second sale as at the first the latter would be liable for the difference. The second sale fell short about a thousand dollars, and this action on the part of the sher iff is to recover, as stated. Charlie Little has become a law stu dent In the ollice of W. E. & C. A. Little. Mis. Ilobert Stonier, wha was wid owed a year or two since, will break up housekeeping this week. W. S. Tompkins was up from Pitta ton last night. Uclicf in Sit Hours. Distressing Kidney and Iiladder dis eases relieved In six hours by the "New (ireta South American Kidney Cure." This new remedy Is n great surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male or remnle. It relieves re tention of water and pain In passing It almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 125 Penn ave nue, Scranton, Ta. CAKKOXDALE. Yesterday morning at 2 o'clock oc curred the of Ellas Thomns at his home on Klver street, at the nge of "l years. Dece-asod was born In Wales, and has resided In Carbondale since ISM. Funeral will be held Saturday morning. . Mrs, Ann Casey died Wednesday af ternoon at her home on Oordon avenue at the age of 05 years. Funeral will be held this morning at 9 o'clock. Inter ment In St. Hose cemetery. Joseph Herbert, of Dundalf street, called on friends In Jermyn yewterday. The public schools will close for their holiday vacation today. The Crescent club will celebrate on New Year's eve In their parlors on South Main street. William Poedrlch, a miner employed at the Northwent, was severely Injured on Wednesday afternoon. Ho was brought to Emergency hospital. Miss Janette McMillan, of New York, Is home to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan, of Church street. The firemen's fair In the W. W. Watt building Is one of the principal attrac tions of the week. Mrs. George W. Bly and little son are visiting relatives In Green, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Swartz and child will leave tomorrow for Elmlra, N. Y., to spend Christmas. While endeavoring to make a coup ling in the Delaware and Hudson yard Wednesday evening, Charles Vincent, of Conduotor Itobert's train, sustained a badly smashed hand; an amputation at the forearm was done at the hos pital. 1 B. n. 1111 spent lant evening with his family in Plbttiton. MONTROSE. ; Mrs. J. M. Jefferg .died yesterday at 11 o'clook a.' m.' She had been an in valid for some time.' She was a lady of a retiring disposition and lmij very many, friends who mourn her death. She leaves a husband and three chil dren, Winnie end Estella, students at the Wycmlng seminary, nnd a youn;; daughter at home. The funeral ser vices will be held at the residence, on Powdta Church street, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The remains will be taken to Lynn, where further services will be held In the MethodiMt Episcopal church at 2 o'clock In .the afternoon. Wert Conklln, a student In the Phila delphia Dental college, is at his home to spend the holiday vacation. Alonzo Lowe and wife, of Elk Lake, were In town yesterday. The new Methodist parsonage Is now ready for the masona to put on the plaster. It Is modern in its make up from cellar to garret. Will Dennison, of FaVtoryvllIo, will spend the holidays with hla parents here. rv 4 VI Itev. II. II. Harris left Wednesday for Now York city to meet his wife, who Is expected homo from her Euro pean trip on Saiturday. Thomas Price, of the Sibley, a young lad about 15 years of age, employed at the Austin Heights mine as a driver boy, was killed on Tuesday evening ut about 0 o'clock. Young Price was tak ing his mule to the barn after lvis day's labor, when a dog besau barking. The mule became frig'htened ' and daubed down Itlne .Ftr.J.t, ithrowirr Wie .boy from his position and the boy catching his fmit In thw traces was drasg-Hl iiini some distance to his dcalh. Professor D. E. Jones litis moved his family to Liiflln, where he will take clJarge of 41 company store under the Greenwood Coal company. Born To Mr. and Mrs. James Mor ris, of High street, 011 Tuesday, a Fan. Thomas Frauds) and Miss Sarah E. Davis, two well known young people of this place, were married Wednes day. The ehlteddfod which will be held at Wtbei's rink on Christmas Day, will be one of the grandest musical affairs ever given in ithis place. Miss Belinda Manley, of Arehbald, Was a visitor ait the home of James P. Law, on Hlehmond street. The Mlnses Lizzie Iteese and Lizzie Endurline will leave for Philadelphia on Saturday, to spend a few weeks. The Price Library association elocu tion olass met Wednesday evening at the llbi'ary hall. The rehearsals 01' dramas are progressing rapidly under Miss Tillle Lewis' direction. The German Hose company, No. 1, paraded the streets Wednesday headed by the Taylor Silver Corn; t band. Fred Williams, of Scranton, was a visitor here yesterday. , John M. Harris Is visiting Philadel phia. Clarence B. Johnson, of Wllkes-Barre, state vice councilor of the Junior Order United American Mechanics, paid a visit to Lackawanna Valley Council, No. 81. He delivered an excellent ad dress at the business meeting of the lodge, which was llstenedto very at tentively by all members. At the close of the meeting a banquet was held at the Price Library Association hall, where the evening was pleasantly spent In speech-making. Harry Cardwell, of Parsons, was a visitor here yesterday. NEW MIL F0U1). L. S. Brown was in Susquehnnna this week 011 business. The revival meetings at the Methodist Episcopal church are; in session this week and are proving very Interest ing. J. D. Belknap, of Syracuse, is in charge. Dr. D. C. Alney was in Forest City Monday evening attending Masonic ceremonies. ' ) ) Avery Barrett, of East New Milford, who was taken to Philadelphia some three weeks ago to be treated for gan grene, died In the hospital at that place yesterday forenoon a few hofirs after the amputation of the deceased mem ber. He was 67 years of nge. liis re mains will be brought to this place for Interment. D. B. Ueplogle, of Scranton. and Miss Belle Trumbull, of this place, were united In marriage at the home of the bride last evening. After the reception at the house the contracting parties took the evening train for an extensive wedding tour. Charles Qulnn Is buying the cigars. It Is a boy. Mr. Hall, of East New Milford, while experimenting with some blasting pow der to see If It had gathered damp, sud denly discovered that it was In working order. He Is so us to be out ugaln, but his physiognomy bears the appearance of having been In conflict with the fol lowers of Sitting Bull. Miouinntisui Cured in 0 Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarlcablo and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause unci the disease Immediately disap pears. Tho first doso greatly benefits, 75 rents. Sold by Matthews Bros., Drug gists, Scranton. 110NESDAL1. Isaac F. Ham nnd Hubert Menner are home from Slate college. William Swirt. of Harry. Illllman col lego, Is home for the holidays. Edwin B. Twltmcyer, of Lafayette college, Is home to ppgnd his vacation. Ernest L. Brown returned home yes terday from the New Yorlt College of Dentistry. Grace church Sunday school will hold Its annual children's Bervlce in the church Christmas eve. Preparations are moving along rap idly for the nnnaul hop of the Exchange club, which will be held on Dec. 2S. The dance promises to be n very elaborate affair. The Honesdale graded schools will to day close for the holidays. , The Bed Men's ball will bo held New Year's eve. The grand concert in tho Methodist church will take place on the evening of Dec. 31. . George Weston nnd Augustus Thomp son ure home from Yale college. Mother! .Milliter !! IMothors!:! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha been used for over tlfty years by mil lions of mothers for their chlldron whllo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Bold by druggists In every part of the world. Ha sure and ask for "Mm. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tiiko no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. ' Merely Down. ' From tho Detroit Tribune. ,' " ' "' Their lips met. "The goal at last," he murmured. "Touchdown," she observed, svrntly, cor recting him In accordance with hor under standing of the foot ball terminology. riTTSTON. As the municipal election draws nigh the question heard on all sides Is "Who will be the Hist mayor of Plttston city?" Among the names prominently mentioned for the olllce are M. AV. O'Boyle, Thomns Mangan, Benjamin Harding, John J. Hart, Hon. John T. Flannery, Dr. C. J. Barrett, "Squire Gibbons nnd ex-County Commissioner Thomas English, it is a pleasure to note that for tho first time in years the "stay at home" citizens are alive to a proper sense of their duty and are determined not to allow the ward heeler and his henchman to run things as it suits their sweet will. WIDTH AM) WISDOM BLEND. Tho IVillcrlun Axiom Proved In the His tory of Celebrated Women. A great many ladles labor under the Impression that flesh Is Inimical to beauty, and not a few of them put them selves to great trouble sometimes they seriously Injure their health trying to get rid of what they consider their superfluous flesh. The attention of such Is called to the conclusions of a recent writer In a society magazine, who, from a historical review of the prominent women of ancient, mediaeval and modern times, concludes that most of the female beauties and celebrities of the past and present were, or are, dis tinguished for their portliness. Thus, Agrippina, Nero's mother, was fat. Cleopatra, the serpent of the Nile, was small and stout. Laura, Petrarch's muse, was fat, fair, with blond hair. The Marie Flummetta, whom Boccac cio loved, was a brunette and stout. Elizabeth, the virgin queen, was tall and plumplsh, with thick red hair. Mar guerite of Navarre was fat. All Rouben:V women, except his wife, were fat. All Titian's women, except the Madonna, were portly. Catharine of HiiKsiu. after her portraits, was tall and fat. Louisa Strezzl, for whom Alessandro Dl Medici died, was given to embonpoint. Josephine Beauharnnls, the indolent Creole, afterward Empress of the French, was fat and perfumed. Marie Antoinette was tall of Etature, majestic and rather inclined to be stoutish. Mine. De. Stael was small, dark and fut, with a small head. George Sand had a beautiful head, but was fat and small. Heine said of her: "The build of her body has the appearance of being a little too fat, or, ut least, a little too short; the head alone only bears the cachet of the Ideal." Queen Isabella of Spain is fat; Queen Victoria the same; Queen Margherlta of Italy Is certainly going on the same way, and most of the great singers have always been noted for their embonpoint. (lot liven with the Court. From the New York Tribune. An Interesting story is told of Ephralm Flint, the veteran lawyer of Dover, Me., w ho died recently, lie was once fined by a county Justice of the peace for con tempt of court in telling the maglstrato too bluntly whut he thought of one of his decisions. Mr. Flint was not taken back by the justice's order to his clerk. "All right," he suld, "1 huve got a note in my pocket against you which I have been trying to collect for the last ten years, and I'll Indorse the line on it. I never expected to get that much," and, suiting the action to the words, he pulled out the note and made the indorsement. Only Nat urn I. From the Detroit Tribune. Once upon a time a traveler took a sleeping ear, and being greatly fatigued, presently retired. "Tliis pillow," he moaned, after a few restless hours, "feels almighty small." The pillow felt that a great injustice had been done It. "Anybody would feel small," It protest ed, "after being brought in such frequent contact with porters as I am." This fuble teaches that people some times get blamed when they don't really deserve It. - A n in Dlplomucy. From the Boston Courier. Bibsan Frocks This cake Is awful nice, mamma. (Silence). This cake Is awful nice, mamma, "Well, what of it?" ' v "Oh, nothing; only when the new min ister says it you always ask him to have more." igHCiiHHUiHIKIllHSHZHiiSnUSlMgSU THE BELL only and alone liad the . stocks, as The Wcanvell Kelt Co., . Brodek Firudrntlial & Co., Hyde Park Clothing Siore, g 1 iioisBii"iiir! M tJ9 The stocks of the last two mentioned consisted of the very best and choicest grade or Clothing, anil having baiight them for less than half their actual value, wc arc now offering them to the public on the same basis Ono Lot Hoy' Kilt Capo f)QC Overcoats, regular pilce 25 JO Hoys' Double ISrensletl Vniou Ctoiniero mul Cheviot Suits; iilso Hoys' warm mid Durable Cairn Overcoats, rostular luice, fiOO and $3.00. . . . . , lloyn' Fine A IN Wool Cheviot ami Owslniero Rocfur Suits; also Hoys' Melton and Kersey Ulsters, value $j.0U, Men's Slnple nml Double Hrensted Cassitnero nnd Cheviot fcultt; also Men's Black aud Blue Overcoats, value $3 aud Men's All Wool Cheviot nnd Cusflmere Sack or Cutaway Suits; also Black aud Bluo Kersey Overcoats, value $12.00, Men's Extra Fine Black aud Blue Clny Worsted Cutaway or fnelt Bull; also Fine Blue nnd Black Kersey uud Mul tou Toole Overcoats, value $20.00, .... Sip of tin Boll. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. HxCSS3aSCI32BS3aaS1113S2EEi!IBIB8iaSIZBBllS!SISaaiIIIII!ll!3BlEBESUIIliaB3SBEEEIBIlI3l THE DICKSON M A SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers K01STIMG AND PUESPING MACHINERY. 1 . General Office: SCRANTON, PA. Mr, P. W. Xush Aualomiiik, Feiio, A Wonderful Cure Ulcer in tho Stomach Hood'3 Sarsaparllla Restores Flesh Strength and Health. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: " I feel It my duty to siiltciliig humanity t 3ivoa statement of tho woiulcrfid cuiu Howl's Sarsapaiilla. brought about for me. Over tv.r years aso I became 111, due to mi ulcer hi m: stomach. I had six or seven different jiliy:; alalia, whoso standing was of the highest, 1 1. tliey did not euro me. I wis broken dowr. i. health mid lost la weight from 145 to 118 Pounds. I coul.l hunlly'cct around, ami after sufferlr tsvereiy for about a year, 1 coirmcnced tnkli . iluod's Uarsaparilla. Altc? the first bottle 1 1 ur.n to feel like a new num. 1 j m-chascd m. Sooffs8 Cures other hottlo and had not taken hall' of it when I was cured of my trouble. I am now lu hcallli hack to my old weight villi nml nttc miing rei; ul.irly to my work. I firmly believe Hood's Hi". nipiullln saved my life." r. W. Jtrsn. Ana! mink, rcuusylvunki. , (let Iluod's. Hoo0'o Pills are hand made, and perfect Id lU'opoi'Uou and apiieiuuucu. 'ibe. per box. eMooeig Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowcallh Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MAD13 AT MOOSIC AND RUSH DALE WOKKS. LaflHii & Itand Powder Co.'l Orange Gun Powdef Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives CALL UP 3682. ! OIL 1 B CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING AH J?'le,away with ly the use of HART MAN'S 1'ATKNT PAINT, which consists of InRrcdicnts well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick (IwellnRs, which will prevent absolutely uny crumbling, craclt iir or breaking of the brick. It will out last tlnninif of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed onn-lll'th that of tho cost of tlnnlitfr. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contracts taken by AN TUN IO HAHTMAJIN, 627 Birch OL grit anil courage to buy three entire follows : 10 West Third Street, Xew York Waverly Plaek, New York 1H South Mln Avenu?, Scranton I One Lot of Boys' Doublo fnJ Breasted Bulls, worth $1.73 UU B $1,15 2.85 4.75 7.G5 11.37 Iff ill Y m N U FACTU R I N G CO PA., Manufacturers of LEADERS OF i8 ' CP C3 ! 12&8 cs tf3 en-" CH2 & o tf I IP -II 400402 Lackawanna Avenue. A LARGE ffl mm ill to, ununcio iu ruito 3 AT SPECIAL PRICES. 3 r- - . i O SSI1 DISPLAY OF S .aOMlV vliOOllS 3 HOW READY '1111111 II SGI D THINGS 11 wn c Hanging Four Shelf Book Rack, $3.50. Big Value, $3.50.' A Graceful Four Leg Table, $1.90. And Four Fold Screen Frame, all of exceptional values and of latest patterns. FANCY ROCKERS, Plush and Leather Seat, $3.00 to $290 each1 EASELS, In Bamboo, Oak and White Enamel. BASKETS, Hampers, Waste, Work and Fancy Baskets. Step Ladder Chairs, Card Tables. KERR & SIEBECKER 406 AND 408 LACKA. AVE. IIGIlfitlfL And our Grand Holiday Display is ushered before you in all its brilliant glory. Don't be dazzled when vou cuter our store (as it's far superior to our .last j-ear's display), aud goods are so much cheaper. Come here any, clay and take your time to look. Our store is a GRAND FREE FAIR, without the raffle aud wheel of fortune fiends. Go upstairs. There you will also see beautifully fitted up departments. And iu the basement the same way, but more of the solid aud substantial. Our Credit System ? Oh I yes ; that's in the same working order as heretofore. We want you to make use of it. We extend goods to you as liberally that way as though 3'ou paid cash. Hundreds upon hundreds of Onyx Tables, Lamp Stands, Lamps, Shades, Clocks, Ornaments; thous ands of Chairs, Fancy Gilt Chairs, Rattan and Up holstered Rockers, Solid Oak, Birch,' Maple and Ma hogany Rockers, iu antique and novel designs. Book cases with desks and without; Ladies' Fancy Desks in different woods, Music Cabinets, Ladies' Toilet Ta- bles, etc., etc. Nearly five thousand of the handsom est and loveliest things you ever set eyes on. Come and walk through. We'll welcome you. LOW PRICES. Fair STOCK OF 3tf D GOLD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers