The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 20, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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as. Ha m k. 25c
i, &
is. n
4 is. Dies, 25C
111 HI UK W f, IM
We have a large assortment of Can
dies at prices that will please you.
Tossing Events of the Day on the
cst Side of the City Noted.
Thoso IV ho Will Purticiputo in Tlicin,
Funeral of John T. Sconlon-Inter-inent
In Uyde Paris Ccractery-Rcs
ignatiou of Alurvlu Stccnback.
Tho pupils of Intermediate A depart
ment 4rt No. 18 nohuol will hold puMc
exercises on Friday afternoon at 1.30
o'clock. Parents, controllers and friends
are invited. Among the features will
be patriotic addresses by Attorneys A.
J. Colborn and E. D. Fellows. The fol
lowing programme will be rendered;
Song, "Moonlight on the Lake," school;
uddress of welcome by Chairman Max
Phillips; solo. Miss Eva Kittle; recita
tion, "Money at Interest," Miss Esther
Pecldns; dut, Misses Mattie Thomas
and Annie Williams; recitation, "The
Fate of Sin," Miss Laura Wallet;
violin solo, Willie Jones; recitation,
"Leak in the Dyke," Miss LydU Da-
vles; ong, "Forgive and Forget,"
school; tableaux, "The Hiftng Sun,"
Edgar Powell; quantette, "Katie's
Secret," Misses May Jones, Huittle
Jones, May Illcliards and Mary Phil
lips; address, Eugene D. Fellows; Kong,
"Star Spangled Banner," school; drill,
"Manual- of Arms," twelve boys; ad
dre-ps, A. J. Colborn; drill, girls; eolo.
"Whisper In the Twilight," Miss Mat
tie Hughes; recitation, Eddie Davles;
character gong, "The Workers," tiohoul;
duet. Misses llattle and Nettie Jones;
recitation, "Your Mission,". Miss Jen
nie Williams; duct, Eddie and Edith
Davles; recHatinn, "A Complaint,"
Rhys Powell; song, "Jmhnny Schmok
er," boys; recitation, Miss Edith Da
vles; wishing song-, boys land girls;
tableaux, "The Nations;" song,
"America," audience.
John T. Scanlon Buried.
St. Patrick's church on Jackson
street contained a large number of peo
pie yesterday- morning at 9.30 o'clock,
Bit the funeral of the kite John T. Scan
lon. The remains were removed to the
ohurcfh from the home of J. J. Gettlngs,
on Wesit Lackawanna avenue, where
the young man died. After a service
of prayer, Rev. J. R Whelan delivered
a sermon, taking 'his text from Job,
during which he deslginated life as
fihort and uncertain, as was shown In
the case of youn;r Mr. Scanlon, who had
just entered In the path of life. The
floral offering enslsted of a hand
some pillow. After 'the services the
funeral contege moved out to the Hydi
Park Catholic cemotery, where inter
ment was made. The pall bearers were
Edward Oallskl, Michael McCann, Jo
seph Leonard, Eugene Cosgrove, Jo
seph Gallagher and Patrick Duffy.
Permanent Man Resigns.
Mar, In Steenback, who, for six
months, has been a permanent man at
the Franklin Engine house, resigned
on Saturday evening. Mr. Steenback
gave no reasons for his sudden de
parture. There were two permanent
men at the house, the other being John
Klme. Another man has been appoint
ed temporarily until Frank Hutchinson,
who has just received the appointment,
takes his place. During Mr. Steen
back's short stay at the house, he and
Mr. Klme put In many original Im
provements, including a patent np
paratus for pulling off bed clothes
when alarms sounded. The Franklin
Fire company will elect officers for the
ensuing year on the second Tuesday In
January. ,
Officers Llected.
The following officers were elected on
Tuesday evening by the members of
Hyde Park castle, No. 38, Ancient Or
der of the Mystic Chain: Sir knight
past commander, T. E. Lewis; sir knight
commander, Lewis Costlett; sir knight
vice commander, Edwin Davles; sir
knight first lieutenant, John Moyle; sir
knight staff. Edwin Jones; financial
scribe, David E. Williams; treasurer,
W. W. Hay ward; recording scribe,
David T. Evans; assistant scribe, W. L,
Steenback; Inside guard, Harry Davlus
outside guard, Thomas R. Jones; chap
lain, William Birch. Installation of
officers will be held on New Year's
Brief Notes of Interest.
Mrs. D. M. Jones, of South Man ave
nue, is recovering from an illness.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Wymbs, of Jack
ion street, were in Honesdale yester
Miss Margaret R. Edwards, of Wash
burn street, is recovering from a severe
Chauncey II. Derby, of Price street.
has assumed charge of the Courier-
Special holiday exercises will be held
In the sohool room of David Owens at
No. 14 school on Friday afternoon.
John Morgan and Henry Waltersof
Morris court, have returned from a
hunting expedition In Pike county.
Keystone lodge, No, 37, Loyal
Knights of America, will give a ball
In Mears' hall on the evening of Dec. 31
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carlton,, of
Schnell's court, have returned home
from a visit with relatives In New
Mrs. George W. Jenkins, of South
Hyde Tark avenue, has returned from
Columbia county,' where Bhe attended
the funeral of a relative.
Star of Hope lodge. No. 107, Amerl
can Protestant association, will hear-
after meet in Evans' Instead of Will
lams' hall, on South Main.
' Robert Morris lodge, No. f8, Order of
American True Ivorltes, will conduct
a book social In their club rooms next
Thursday. Refreshments will be
John Marchant. of the Fifth ward, Is
not a candidate for common council.
Mr. Maroliant states that he had no
time to devote, and this compelled him
to withdraw. "
Daniel Davles, superintendent of po
lice at Liverpool, England; was the
uest of Police Olllcer Thomas Jones, or
North Sumner avenue. Mr. Davles left
the city oiii a western trip.
The funeral of John Hart, of Sher
man avenue, took place at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. Services were held
In St. Patrick's church Jjy Rev. Father
Whelan. Interment was made In the
Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.
Charles E. Daniels, of Division Btreet,
is a candidate for common council In
the Fifth ward. Mr. Daniels has been
secretary of the West Side board of
trade for two years and a half, and the
Republican league since Its orgjinlza
ton. The Epworth league of the Simpson
Methodist Episcopal church will hold
an entertainment In the church this
evening. There will be a stereoptlcon
exhibition by Messrs. Call and Vorhls.
Many beautiful Bcenos will be given
with dissolving 'effects, Interspersed
with amusing pctures. An admission
fee of 15 cents will be charged.
The following compose the new Iv-
oiite Olee club, which has just been
urmed In counecton with the Robert
Morris lodge of Ivorltes; Walter Jones,
Emerson 1). Owens, Joseph Evans,
Walter Davles, Will Reynolds, Clwllym
Williams, Ueorge T. Griffliths, Ed
win O. Peters, Eddie James and Llew-
llyn Davles. A special meeting of the
club will be held this evening..
West Side DusiiiCNS Directory.
PHOTOOKAPHF.H Cabinet Photos, J1.40
per dozen. 1 ney are jusi loveiy. con
vince yourself by culling at Starnei-'s
Photo l'urlurs, lot and 103 South Alain
HOUSESIIOKINO N. Bush, practlcnl
lioiseshoer. VtorK none oniy in a uim
cluss manner and guaranteed satisfac
tory. Shop, Price street, close to North
Main avenue.'ERIK8 Revere ' Standard Java
("oftee is unexcelled, l lie leaning conju
of the day. For sale only at F. VV. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South
Muln avenue.
for anytmiiK you nave lo sen. furni
ture. Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J. O. King, luil and Hoi
Jackson street.
WALL PAI'ER-Go to Fred Reynolds,
200 North Muln avenue, una see nis
complete line of Wull Paper, Paints
and Window Shudes. Just opened with
new slock.
PIXMiSINO-Willlnm D. Griffiths, 113
North Muln avenue, does llist-cluss
Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed.
OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house.
Healer in Foreign and Domestic fruits.
Oysters served In every style. 310 North
Main avenue, next to Clurke's.
This evening a return engagement
will be played at tho Academy of Music
by tho "Princess Ronnie" company.
The optira Is by Willard Speriser and Is
staged in a gorgeous manner. The
company that present:! it Is of unusual
excellence and Is headed by the young
prima donna, Eleanwe Mayo and that
prince of comedians, Frank Daniels.
The opera Is one that Improves with
acquaintance. Its full beauty Is not
always appreciated on a first hearing,
Many of thise who heard It when pro
duced her a few weeks ago were among
the first to secure sea'ts for the return
I! !
Next Monday evening the Cornell
Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs will
appear at the Frothingham. They
come with the prestige of their great
success of. last year when everybody
who lieu: I them was delight id wilth
their concert. In making up- the pro
gramme they have left out all the old
college "chestnuts" and adopted new
and in some cases original songs. An
excellent topical song has been kindly
furnlrfhed the clubs by Thomas Aubrey,
of Saint Luke's ctioir. The clubs are
olng to try to rival the best English
chorus boy choirs In the rendition of
Christmas carols. With a large, en
thuslasttic audience, a fine programme
and a chorus of about thirty voices the
performance next Monday evening will
probably be the most enjoyable of any
thing of trhe kind that was ever given
in Scranton.
Joseph D. Clinton's company will pre
sent the celebrated war drama, "Llbby
Prison," at Davis' theaiter during the
latter part of the week. The drama Is
full of realistic scenes which portray
the various episodes of the soldier's
life In a most vivid manner. The com
pany, which is not unknown In Scran
ton, is an excellent one and well quali
fied ito present the popular drama. ,
A Voluntary Statement.
Mrs. Ella R. Nolan, of 209 State Btreet
Auburn, N. Y., suys:
For the past seven years I have been a
great sufferer from "heuniatlsm and rheu
matic gout. My an . les, feel, wrists and
hands wero Bwollen to an enormous xlz',
and I was unable to bend a joint of them.
I was compelled to crawl on my hands nnd
knees. A greut part of the time I was
confined to my bed, unable to help my
self in the least. I had the best medical
attendance, but obtained only temporary
relief. One day a gentleman calling upon
some business, seeing my helpless condi
tlon, said:
"If you wil gft some of Dr. Potter'n
Rheumatic Pills, I think they will cure
I did not have much faith, but 1 was In
such a helpless condition, could seurcoly
move about, could not closes my hands at
all, got up and down stairs sideways, tint
I thought I would try the pills. Accord
ingly, I got two boxes of Dr. Potter's
Rheumatic Pills, and after taking them
three days, the pain all left mo nnd has
never returned even In the dnmppst
weather. Of course I was encouraged and
kept on taking them, and am entirely
cured. I have now taken six boxen, and
can do nil my own housework without tho
least pain. The swelling is all gone, can
movo my Joints naturally and feel as well
as ever I did. I cannot say too much In
praise of Dr. Potter's Rheumatic Pills
and will gladly sec any one who will call
at my house, 'M State street, and verify
the truth of this statement. 1 heartily
recommend Dr. Potter's Rheumatic Pills
to all who suffer from rheumatism.
They arc a radical cure for rheumatism
l,l..n,n.n t'ltaiimiitlum ffnut nhmi
IHIIUIItlllfltUI J HUM. . ...... . t,w,., , ,.-
matle gout, both acute and chronic, and
nil diseases depending upon nnd having
their origin In the uric diathesis. Price,
$1.00 a box. For sale by Matthews Bros,
wholesale and retail, Scranton, Pa.
Fine assortment of enlendars, 18.13.
Tho 5 Bros.'
"Slipper Palace" charms everybody. 10,000
pairs of slippers to loo it at.
Muslo noxes Exclusively. '
Best made. Play any desired nuinbor of
tunes. Gautschl & Sons, manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derftil orchestral organs, only 5 and $10.
Specialty: Old muslo boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Rare Collection of Books in Holiday
Slippers! Slippers!
10,000 pairs of slippers for half price at
the 6-Bros.
Beautiful Juvenile Rooks.
Lieutenant Zang Kill l'ay Attention
to Tramps at Cinder Dump.
Patrick Casey Throws a Lighted Lamp at
Ills Wife and She Has Him An
rested-Royal Arcanum Elected
Officers for Year.
There is every reason to believe that
the burglaries lately attempted on this
side, one or two of which were partially
successful, have been the work of the
gang of hobos that make their head-
quarters at the cinder dump In the
upper end of the Twelfth ward. These
wandering denizens have become so
bold that not a day goes by which does
not report that a committee of them
has made requests at the buck doors
of the houses, and their requests are
made in a very peremptory manner.
Lieutenant Zang went to their quarters
a few weeks ago anil became convinced
that an organized gang of them in
tended to make the warm Burround-
ngs of the cinder dump their station
for the coming winter.
The same evening with a pijuad of
olllcers he visited the place and they
were rewarded with the capture of four
professional tramps. For a few days
the depredations in parts of the South
Skle ceased, but It has been learned
that another gung has taken the place
of those lately arrested, nnd the new
comers are to all appearances more
vicious than any that has yet paid the
lace for a visit. The police are on the
lookout for them and expect to make
a haul either tonight or tomorrow
night, unless the tramps have taken
warning and moved.
.More of Casey's Troubles.
Patrick Suarrowpolnt Casey slept
last night In the Alder street lock-up
und Maria May Glllnrd Casey, his wife.
will appear agulnst him at police head
quarters this morning. The charge
agulnst him Is a very serious one, that
of throwing a lighted kerosene lamp ut
his wife. When he flung the lamp ut
hertherehappenedtobe another woman
In the house, a neighbor who lives
across the street, and was attracted by
Mrs. Casey's screams and the furious
and drunken ravings of Casey. She
was standing close to Casey when he
caught hold of the lamp and she
grabbed him by the hand, which caused
him to lose his aim, and the lamp went
to smash against the wall. It set fire
to the wood work and a little difficulty
was experienced in quenching the
At this stage of the game Mrs. Casey
sent a messenger alter Pntrolmun l!o
lund and the tumultuous husband had
taken to his heels before the officer ar
rived. About 8 o'clock last evening
Patrolman Roland observed his pris
oner going toward the house, and he
waited until he got inside, then lie
pounced down upon him and had him
under arrest before the bewildered
Casey could persuade himself about
what was the matter.
Koyal Arcanum Meets Officers.
At a meotinc held last night in Frue-
han's hall an election of officers took
place In Electric City cantle, No. 1j41,
Roval Arcanum. With not more man
one year's existence this castle Is now
quite firmly established on a solid basis
and lias a flourishing membership. The
olllcers elected last night to serve for
the coming year are ns follows: Regent,
Henry ,T. Spruks; vice-regent, Edward
Goddard; orator, Frank J. Dickert;
treasurer, Ambrose Herz; secretary,
Emil Bonn; collector, Harry K. Klau
minzer; guide. Oscar Grambo; warden,
Edward Pashkowskl: sentry, Edward
Mah-ar; and trustee, C. G. Boland. It is
an unusual thine that a meeting of tho
castle goes by without the Initiation of
ut least one and sometimes as many as
a half dozen members.
Shorter Paragraphs.
Columbus council, Young Men's In
stitute, will elect officers next Monday
James Connell lodge, Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows, met last night and
conferred the Initiatory degree on two
Rev. E. L. Santee, pastor of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, Is
arranging a special programme for
Ohrlstmars services.
John P. Donahoe will arrive home
from New York Saturday night to
spend the Christmas holidays at his
home on Stone avenue.
Patrolman William Gscheldle has not
been on duty In a week owing to an at
tack of sickness. He Is almost recov
ered and will be at his po;it In a few
The Hickory street line will be opened
for travel today. The branch car will
meat all South Side cars coming anl
going at the Intersection of Cedar ave
nue and Hickory street and the pas
sengers will be transferred at that
point. The round trip will be madp In
fifteen minutes. The car wilt run as
far as Crown avenue and Beech streot,
which Is the fai'ttiest the lino has been
Sheriff I'alicy and Others Considering tho
The Carbondale papers during the.
week contained articles Betting forth
that Sheriff John J. Fahey was nbout
to embark In the ale brewing business.
Last night the sheriff stated that hi
company with a few other gentlemen
he, a few days ago, Inspected suitable
sites for a brewery at Carbondale.
The advisability of forming a stock
company to erect an ale brewery at
Carbondale had been considered, he
said, but as yet nothing deflnte had
been done. It will take him several
months to wind up the business of the
sheriff's office, nnd until that Is done
he will have no time to devote to any
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted aud ner
vous; are getting tliiu and all
run down; Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh aud plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
A Popular Rajlrood Man the Recipient of
John Hlney, the popular and obliging
dispenser of tickets and general In
formation at the Central Railroad of
New Jersey's Scranton depot, was re
cently surprised by a number of his
friends who are likewise employed on
the railroad, The object of their visit
was to present Mr. Hlney with a hand
some easy, chair.
The chair Is of the Qneen Anne style
and Is beautifully covered with deli
cately tinted plush, ft has an ad
justable back and footrest and makes
a parlor ornament that any man might
be proud of. Mr. Hlney thanks all
those who had a hand In surprslng him
and tenders unto them the compliments
of the holiday season.
He Suys That He Was Maliciously Prose
cuted. AttorneysJohn M. Harris, C. B. Gard
ner and K. F. Boyle sat as a board of
arbitrators yesterday and heard the
evidence In the tresspass suit of
Stephen Atherton against John Mc
Giaw. Damages are laid In the sum
of $1,000.
It Is the outgrowth of a suit brought
by McGraw against Atherton over n
dispute arising from the question of
ownership of a horse nnd carriage.
Atherton claimed thecarrlage and when
he refused to deliver it to McGraw the
latter sued him and now Atherton is
suing for damages on the ground of
malicious prosecution.
' -
Plcusunt Time In Conservatory Hull Last
The Pocono Haymakers' association,
No. 2.'!0,i, Improved Order of Red Men,
held their first monthly entertainment
and basket social last night, at Con
servatory hall, 402 Lackawanna, ave
nue. Haberatroh's Zither orchestra,
the Aeolian Glee club, A. J. Harber and
Miss Jessie Turnbull were among those
who contributed to the evening's pleas
ure. The baskets were auctioned off by E
L. Haas and quite a neait sum was real
ized. Professor Johnson theft took
charge of the piano and dancing was
indulged In until an early hour. The
affair was very successful and the gen
tlemen In charge are to be congratulat
e:l on ithe result of their efforts.
Palms at Clark'n for Xmas presents.
Mrs. Vetter, of Dickson avenue, Is
visiting friends in Honesdale,
Attorney C. H. Super has returned
from a business trip to Cincinnati, O,
The Green Ridge Gun club Is arrang
ing to hold a tournament In the near
Miss Edith Greoly, of Vassar college,
Is spending the holidays with her par
ents, on Monsey avenue.
An adjourned meeting of the Green
Ridge Prohibition league will be held
In the league rooms Monday night.
The Ladles' Aid society of the As
bury Methodist Episcopal church In
tend to serve a dinner ut the church on
New Year's Day.
Lucius Kennedy and N. F. Stahl, jr.,
of Trlneetnn college, and George antf
James Sanderson, of Cornell, are spend
ing the holidays here with their par
ents. A bazaar will be held at the residence
of S. P. Hull, on Sanderson avenue,
Saturday, for the benefit of the Green
Ridge library. It will be In charge of
Mss Florence Hull.
Owing to the large number of pupils
In the night school recently opened In
the Dickson avenue annex of No. 2S,
another room was opened luBt evening
In charge of II. G. Dunning.
Martin V. Applomun, of Parker
street, while going to work yesterday
morning, slipped while near the Leg
gett's Creek fan house, and fell down
an embankment, badly spraining his
James Murphy, of the Hlghworks,
was Injured at the West Bridge Coal
company's mine yesterday by a pre
mature blast. His left thigh and collar
bone were broken. He was attended
by Doctors Sureth nnd Dawson.
H. M. Bansen, of Delaware street, re
moved his family to Boston yesterday,
where they will reside In the future.
Mr. Bansen Is a representative of the
Lock Haven Furniture company nnd
has been assigned new territory.
The Liberty Hose company elected
the following officers at their annual
business meeting, held last Tuesday
night: President, Gordon WThrighter;
vice president, J. K. Smith; secretary,
A. J. Phelan; foreman, M. H. White;
first assistant, J. B. Blrtley, and trus
tee, D. B. Blrtley.
The following officers have been
elected by the General Phlnney Engine
company fur the coming year: Horace
Altemus, president; John Llsk, vice
president; A. R. Slmmerell, recording
secretary; George Bailey, financial sec
retary; J. H. Seward, arensurer; George
Bailey, foreman; M. II. Bessecker, en
gineer; E. J. Goodwn, fireman.
Mllfred Smith was tried before Al
derman Bailey last Tuesday night on
the charge of desertion. He was ar
rested In the afternoon by Constable
Seward on a warrant sworn out by his
wife, Katie Smith. They have been
married about seven months, but are
unable lo agree. He was -held In $.100
ball, but couldn't get It, so she with
drew the charge rather than have' him
committed to the county Jail.
A mule at the Von Storch colliery ran
away Tuesday morning and Thomas
Williams, of Warren street, assisted In
trying to catch him. The mule stood
when It got to the Nay Aug avenue
bridge and Williams tried to catch hold
of the bridle, but his clothes became en
tangled in gome wire which was at
tached to the harness and the mule
took fright and ran off dragging him
for a number of blocks, completely
tearing his clothes from his body and
badly bruising his, besides Injuring him
THE MOST remarkable cures of scrof
ula on record have been accomplished by
Hood's sarparllla. This medicine Is un
equalled for diseases of tho blood. Take
only Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS are hnnd made, and
perfect In proportion and appearance.
Diiy Iho Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros
Picture Framing at Orllnn's new studio,
209 Wyoming avenue.
Rocking Hot-res and Shooflles of all
Sizes and Styles.
Million ludr ferna at Clark's for Xmas
When Ca'oy M ilck, wo gara her Astoria,
mien uho was a Child, the cried for Cutoria,
When she became If las, she clung to CastorU.
Vhan she had Children, iht gavs tuio Uaitorl
Steel Billet Fell on Ills l oot at tho North
. Works. '
Yesterday morning Frank Shlffer, at
one time a prosperous contractor of
this cHJ, was injured at the North
works by a steel billet falling upon his
foot. It was Mr. Shifter's first day at
work. He was taken in the ambulance
to the Moses Taylor hospital, where
t'.e physicians, after examining his In
juries, fonounced them not Berious.
No bones f the for.t were broken, but
t'.u flesh was terribly crushed.
Mr. Shlffer had the contract of build
ing the sewer In the Thirteenth dis
trict, and before the work was finished
mental troubles affected him and he
'had to be removed to the Hillside
Ponderous Miglnc Being Added to tho
Scrunton Traction Company's Plant.
One of the biggest and most massive
pieces of machinery Is being put to
gether at the Providence power house
of the Scranton Traction company.
When finished und equipped with dyna
mos Its purpose will be to generate
motive powr for the propulsion of the
trolley ears.
Owing to tho number of new lines
lately opened the engines now furnish
ing the current are Inadequate to meet
the heavy strain. The new engine will
not generate power for , any certain
line; the electricity coming from It will
help charge the feed wires on every
line In the city.
General Manager Beetem expects the
engine to be In working order In about
one month.
Will He Considered at a Meeting of Chau
tauquu Class.
The Chautauqua class of the Young
Wroman'sChrlrtlanassoclatIon will give
a public meeting at 205 Washington
avenua Friday evening, Dec. 21, to
which members of Chautauqua circles
are especially Invited.
The evening will bo devoted to a con
sideration of English history.
Miss Marie Bronson is 111 at her home on
Elm street.
Mrs. Monroe has gone to New York for
a winter's visit.
Dr. Harry Beyea Is very 111 at his home
In PblladeUdiln.
Benjamin Evans, of Plttston, was In
town yesterday on a business trip.
A. 11. olliver Is on a business trip to
York, Philadelphia and Baltimore.
A. H. Allen, of Drinker street, has
moved Into his new house on Dudley
Mrs. E. W. Bishop, of Georgetown, was
visiting relatives In town the early purt
of the week.
Misses Hannah and I. yd la Langan, Julia
Murray and Frank Muhon attended a
funeral in New York city yeHtonlay.
Howard Bone Is homo from Pennsyl
No Better
for the
Little Ones,
All parts on sale now at Thk
Tribune business office.
Oillce and Parlors at Weslinin
.ster Hotel, Scranton.
An Eminent Physician Who Tell?
Disease ut a Glance Without
Asking Any Questions,
Looking at the Tongue
or Feeling the Pulse.
No examination necessary No Informa
tlon from the patient no previous knowl
edge of the case.
Kvery ache pain nnd disagreeable
feeling pointed out and described bet
ter than the patlertt can themselves.
The greatest wonder of modern science
In dlugnoslng dlseahe will tell plainly
whether the disease Is curable or not ; and
if curable how to euro It.
No person should doctor nny further;
nor take nny more medicine before con
suiting him.
tfll nro surprised nt his wonderful
knowledge of disease his plain, concise
explanation of its cuuko and effect as
well as at his marvelous power In healing
"Free Test" consultations daily for
both ladles urn) gentlemen from 9 a. m. to
8 p. m.
Seo dally papers far an account of tho
marvelous cures performed by Dr. An
drews, eminent physician, ut Hotel West
minster, Scranton.
The Only MauuTactory
iu Scrunton.
518 Lackawanna Ave.
In uddltlon lo our resny mnde stock,
our hl'KClAL tli-iiii' tmniit
runnnt fail in Interest you. Nj inch
KABRICj wan ever befoM nliown In
tills city, We Khali 1 iclad to Lava
yon cab. whether you purchase or not.
Repairing, Ho eovering equal to new.
All onr own mnke. absolutely nne
a.iaied for STYLE, QUALITY and
PRICE. , .
vanla State college spending his vaca
tion with his parents on Ulakcly street.
A branch of the ladles' auxiliary to the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen was
organized In Odd Fellows' hall Sunday
evening. ;
Miss Hume Blglin, of Drinker street,
and Peter Duggan, of Hyde Park, were
married at St. Mary's chu
lurch yesterday
The funeral of Martin McLane, of
Chestnut street, was very lurgely at
tended at 8t. Mary's church yesterday
morning at 10 o'clock.
The pupils of Miss Walsh's elocution
class are making great preparations for
their entortalnment to be held In Munly's
hull on Now Yeui's night.
The members of the Dunmore lodge.
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, are
working hard making arrangements for
their grand bull, whic h will be given In
Odd Fellows' hall on Chrlstmns night.
Miss Annie K. Heardsley, of Mill street,
and Charles F. Keller, of Sc ranton, were
married at the home of the bride last
evening by Rev. J. W. Wllllums. Frank
Footo acted as groomsman und Miss An
nie Keller as bridesmaid.
Beecham's pills are for bili
ousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick headache,
bad taste m the mouth, coated
tongue, loss of appetite, sal
low skin, when caused by con
stipation; and constipation is
the most frequent cause of all
of them.
Book free; pills 2 sc. At
drugstores, or write B. F. Al
len Co., 365 Canal St., New
Have now completod their arrangements
for the holidays, showing the largest und
most complete stock they have ever dis
played, consisting of
Which they have In great variety. All
groades In Gold, Sliver and Gold Filled
Cases. Having had numerous concessions
from manufacturers, they have given
their customers the full benefits of them,
making the prices of the best watches
nearly as low as are asked by others for a
very inferior quality.
Having made our purrhuses before the
late raise of 1.1 per cent, in tariff und hav
ing been VKHY PA UTR'l'LAK in select
ing only perfect stones of a fine color and
cut, we are sure we can satisfy the best of
Judges as to price or quality. We hive
them mounted In Brooches, Kings, Kar
rlngs, Studs, Scarf I'ins and in nearly ull
articles of jewelry.
Is now very cheap. We have It In a
thouxand shapes, from a cake basket to a
toothpick. A WONDKUFrL variety.
People uro ASTONISHED when prices
are mentioned.
A brilliant and dnzzllng display. Low
prices for labor anil perfected machinery
have done wonders with tho prices.
The finest on earth.
Hundreds of styles of
New and beautiful.
Opera Glasses.
Chains, Lockets and Charms.
And Onyx Top Tables. All new nnd ele
gant designs. Art Porcelains, all brought
in since the new tarltr went In effect.
rorcelaln, Onyx, Marble nnd Ollt. We
have HIU BARGAINS In a lot of Marble
Clocks, Juut received. Less than half
rice. They are fitted with the best Amer
ican Jeweled movements und are about its
cheap uti a good common clock. They are
well worth looking at.
All are Invited to look nt onr display.
whether purchasing or not. At the old
Yes sir! We
have a specialist
here to fit you who
docs nothing else.
Sit right down
and have your
eyes fitted iu a
scientific manner.
A Podded Movo in the Skates trade htt net
n nnd It ill pnv v u to etunilne tho stock of
Jl'RISOft'S. hUHS Sprues atreot. Fluo linenf
rnporlor pocket cutlery, razors, etc.. for Hell
day trade. (Inns aud ammunit'on at bottom
flitnr-M. AH" aome second hand hnclsat
prices that will astonish you.Seuhig is believing
W;L 'Douglas
4i4.p Fine CAif &Kujgarh
iV' BpnrrtoN mih
You can saro money hjr purchnilnt W. In
lluualua Hbuea. ,
Bccauie. xrt are the lurgeit manufacture of
advertlicd ihoet In the world, aud Ktinrnutee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices nnd the middleman's profit. Onr shoes
equal custom work fn style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at lower price for the valua given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cauuot supply you, we can. Bold by
i ilTai 1 yivf ' t.,
I tav bn auffriDff ten
ytxri with fcrjalpslm. Har
taken doctors' lnedlcluw and
ptut mvdictnes of most all
kluaa. bat nans aeomtd to do
mo as? good. I finally UUi
uo my mlud to try burdock
JBlood Bittora, Bv used four
bottle of B. B, S., and tbluk
myiolf nt!rl nnrod.
Mas N, J, MoOatly,
Sutviot, Baavar Co, P.
' The
AS t in.
I give the f ollAwlnp; statement unasked. -1
have bwii a aufl'eier tor so Iohb a time
und have pni so much money with oo
callod speoiiillst und each tlmo have boeu
dlnaiolntod und niiided, that it wan with
a (food di al of doubt that I called on Dlt.
HACKKIt. Hut knowliiK of some of tho
cuii:H ho nuitiu li! thlH oily lour ymr.i unu,
und the coiuiilriice of the ptoplo of fierari
ton In him then, 1 rcaolved to try him.
It was u lucky move for rnc. 1 was
troubled with dizzlncsx, spots floating be
fore My eyes, bad dreams, melancholy,
easily startled when spoken to, no deslra
to exert myself und tn-cd on the least ex
ertion, especially In the mornlni;; had
no pleasure in company; vory neryou
nnd ultuK'Jthpr was a complete wsWk.
Hut llianlis to Dlt. HACK1SK. I urn today
a well man. I would advise all young men
sufferins as I did to cull Immediately; in
43 days I (.rained In flesh IS pounds. For
obviou:! rc-apons I prefer to withhold my
name, but If any who suffer will call on
bit. HACK V.R at tho Lackawanna .Medi
cal Institute, be will furiilsh my nama
und uddress.
EXAMINATION KP.KB und conducted
fn German, Welsh or EiiKliah.
Send for 'Our fiook" on nervous dis
eases of men. Office, 327 Spruce street,
oii'FICK HOUitS-S a. m. to 8 p. in.
Sunday, 111 a. in. to 2 p. in.
The Great Blood Purifier and
Liver Regulator.
And will Poitlvlv cure nil disease' arising
Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder,
Li'cr Complaint, Sick aud Nerv
ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dys
pepsia, Fever and Ague, Scrofu
la, Female Complaints, F.rysipe
las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh,
and all Syphilitic Diseases.
AAA I f AVIIltlVllfl tirtiiie
0JU LHbr.WHn.l NlLHUC.
Call and Get Circulars.
GEO. H. CATLIX, Vice-President.
WILLIAM li. PECK, Cashier,
William Connell, Jaracs Archbald, Al
frcd Hand. Ueorge li. Catlln, Henry Belin
Jr., W illiam T. Smith, Luther Roller.
Tho managonicnt of this bank point
with pride to its .record during the pan la
of 1803, and previous panics, when spec
ial facilities were extended to its business
Also a large stock of first-clas9 -
tra, at Prawns tlis Him Fonlar and Fwfirrta tt
Loading ArUsia .
Warsraomi: Oppsflla Columbus Monumaot,
200 Washington Av. Sorartton.Paj
ills WIS Of II IN