(i THE SCRAISTTON. TEIJJITNE-TIIURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20, 18!Ji. be UisitoFS ji - A YACHTING STORY. By A. T. QUILUER-COUCH. m (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Ba;h" eller.and are printed InTheTrlbune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance In the leading dally journals of the large cities). V J Passing back through the main cabin I paused to examine one or two of the fittings particularly a neat glass fronted bookcase, with a small side board below It, containing three drawers and a cellaret. The bookcase was empty and clean swept, as also were the drawers. At the bottom of the cellaret I found a couple of flags stowed a tattered yellow quarantine signal tightly rolled Into a bundle, and a red ensign neatly folded. As I lifted out the latter, there dropped from its folds and fell upon the cabin floor a book. - I picked It up a thin quarto bound In black morocco, and rather the worse for wear. On its topside It bore the (OP Her rv I I'ickcJ It I p. following nscription in dingy gilt let ters "Job's Hotel, Penleveu. Visitors' Hook. J. Job, Proprietor." Standing there beneath the skylight, I turned its pages over, wondering vaguely how the visitors' book of a small provincial hotel had found its way into that drawtr. It contained the usual assortment of conventional praise and vulgar jocosity "Mr. and the Hon. Mrs. Smith, .of Huddertleld, cannot speak too highly of Mrs. Job's ham and eggs. Sep. 15, 1SS1." "Arrived wet through after a 15-mile tramp along the coast; but, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Job, was soon steam ing over a comfortable fire. John and Annie Watson, March, 1SS2." Note appended by a humorist: "Then you sat on the hob, I suppose." There was the politely patronizing entry: "Being accustomed to Wolverhamp ton, I am groatly pleased with this const. F. B. W." The poetical effusion: "Majestic spot! Say, doth the sun in Heaven ' Behold aught to equal thee, wave-washed Penleven?" etc. Lighter verse: Here I came to take my case." (Old joke in margin by another hand: "Shall I not ache my knees at mine Inn?") "Aprreeably disappointed to find no fl "Mrs. Job, your bread and butter "Is quite too utterly, utterly utter! "J. Harper, June, 3, 1883." The contemplative man's ejacula tion: "It Is impossible on viewing these cyclopean cliffs, to repress the thought, How great is nature, how little man!" (Notes in various hands: "So it Is, old chnp! Try Hudson's Extract!" and a reproof: "Shut up! can't you see he's suffering!" The last entry was a brief one: "J. MaeGuIre, Liverpool; Sept. 2, 186." Twilight forced me to close the book and put It back In ts place. As I did so I glanced up lnvolutarily towards the skylight as If I half expected to find a pair of eyes staring down on me. Yet the book contained nothing but these mere trivialities. Whatever my apprehension, I was, as J. Harper would have said, agreeably disap pointed. I climbed on deck again, re locked the hatch, replaced the tarpau lins, Jumped into the boat and rowed homewards. Though the tide favored me It wan dark before I reached 'Mr. Dewy' 8 quay door. Having, with some difficulty, found the frape, I made the boat fast. I groped my way across the back premises and out Into the gaslit streets and so to the Ship Inn, a fair dinner and a sound night's Sleep. At 10 o'clock next morning I called on Messi's. Dewy &Moss. Again Mr. Dewy received me, and again he apol ogized for the absence of his partner, Who had caught an early train to at tend a wrestling match at the far end of the county. (Moss was becoming Immense.) Mr. Dewy showed me the sails, gear, cushions, etc., of the Siren. Everything was in surprising condi tion. I told him that I meant busi ness, and added: , "I suppose you have all the yacht's papers?" He stroked his chin, bent his head to ne side and asked: "Shall you require ihem?" . . "Of course," I said. "The transfer must' be regular. We must have her certificate of registry at the very least." "In that case I had better write and pet them from my client." "Is she not a resident here?" " "I don't know," he said, "that I ought to tell you. But I see no harm you are evidently, sir, a bona fide purchaser. The lady's name Is Carllng ford a widow residing at present in Bristol." "Ths Is annoying," said. I; "but if she lives somewhere near the Temple Wead station, I might Rkip a train there and call on her. She herself de sired no delay, and I desire It just as little. But the papers are necessary." After ome little demur, he gave me flhe address and we parted. At the oor I turned and asked: "By the way, Who was the fellow on board the Siren last night as I rowed, up to her?" He gave me a stare of genuine sur prise. "A man on board? Whoever he was, he had mo business there. I look after fhe yacht myself.' Dewy's versatility was uncanny. I fled to the railroad station. Soon after six that evening I knocked at Mrs. Oarllngford's lodgings in an un attractive 'street, of Bedmlnster, that unattractive suburb, ' A small maid opened the door, took my card,-and showed me Into a small slittlng-room on the ground floor. I looked about mea' round table, a horsehair couch, a walnut sideboard with glass panels, a lithograph of John Wesley being res 1 ; 1 r 1 I r J ' Book. cued from the flames of his father's rectory, a colored photograph As the door opened behind me and a woman entered, I jumped back almost Into her arms. The colored photograph staring at me from the opposite wall above the mantel-shelf, .was a portrait -a portrait of the man I had seen on board the Siren! "Who Is that?" I demanded, wheel ing round without ceremony. But if I was startled, Mrs. Carllng ford seemed ready to drop with fright. The little woman she wuis a very small, shrinking creature, with a pallid face, and large, nervous eyes, like a hare's put out a hand against the jamb of the door and gasped out: ' "Whywhy do you ask? What do you want?" "I beg your pardon," I said; "It was merely curiosity. I thought I had seen the face somewhere." "lie was my husband." "He Is dead then?" . "Oil, why do you ask? Yes; he died abroad." She touched her widow's cap with her shaking finger, and then cov ered her face with her hands. "I was there I saw it. Ah!" She drew back a sudden breaith as if stabbed. "Why do you ask?" she repeated. "1 beg your pardon sincerely," 1 Bald; "It was only that the portrait re minded me I thought but my busi ness here is quite different. I am come about the yacht Siren which you have advertised for sale." "My agents at F have full in structions about the sale." "Yes, but they tell me you have the papers. I may say that I have seen the yacht and gear and am ready to pay the price you ask for Immediate pos session. I said as much to Mr. Dewy. But the papers, of course" "Are they necessary?" "Certainly they are. At least the certificate of registry or, falling that, some reference to 'the port of registry, if the transfer is to be made. I should also like to see her warrant, if she has one, and her sail makers' certificate. Messrs. Dewy & Moss could draw up the inventory." She still hesitated. At length she said: "I have the certificate; I will fetch It. The other papers, if she had any, have been lost or destroyed. She never had a warrant. I believe my husband belonged to no yacht club. I understand very little of these mat ter.." She left the room, and returned In five minutes or so with the open docu ment in her hand. , "But," said I, looking over It, "this Is a certificate of a vessel called the Wasp." "Ah, I must explain that. I wished the boat to change her name with the new owner her old name it has asso ciationspainful , ones I should not like anyone else to know her as the Wasp." ' "Well," I admitted, "I can understand that. But, See here, she Is entered as having one mast and carrying a cutter rig." "She was a cutter originally. My husband had her lengthened in 1SSC, I think by five feet, and turned her into a yawl. It was abroad, at Malaga" "A curious port to choose." "She was built, you see, as long ago as 1875. My. husband used to say she Who Is Thrit ? was a broad boat for those days, and could be lengthened successfully and turned into quite a hew looking vessel. He gave an entirely new sheathing, too, and all her spars are new. She was not Insured, and being in a foreign port, it was understood he would have her new ly registered when he returned, which he fully Intended. So no alterations were made In the certificate here, and, I believe, her tonnage is still carved up somewhere inside her." This was true enough. The figures on the certificate, 29.&G, wore those I had seen on the beam in the forecast!". "My husband never livid to reach England, an'J when she came baci to F ,' though she was visited, of course, by the custom house officer jind coast guard, 'nobody asked for certificate, and so the alterations in her were never explained. " She .was laid up at once In the F river, and there she has re mained." Certain structural peculiarities in the main cabin scarcely noted at the time, but now remembered served to con firm Mrs. Carhngford's plainly-told story. On my return to London that night I hunted up some back volumes of Hunt, and satisfied myself on the matter of the Wasp and her - owner, William Carlingford. And, to be short, GOOD SPIRITS follow (rood lienlth while low spirits, niolnneholla, impair ed memory, moroeo, or Irritable temper, fear of imnend- intr calamity and a thousand and one derange ments or hotly ami mind, result from pernicious, solitnry prac tices, often Indulged in .tiy tnoi youiifr, tiirpuvh ignorance of ein ruinous conne- lucuoes. Nervous debil ity, and Ions of manly in....... n,t InfMullinillll, result from such unnatural liutiltn. To reach, rccltiimand restore such unfortu nates to health anil hunpliuns, is the aim of nn association of medical gentlemen, who hnvo prepared a treatise, -written in plain but chnsto IdDKu&ffo and treating of the nature, symp toms and ourubUlty, by home treatment, of Uch diseases. A copy of this useful bonk will, on receipt' of this notiee, with 10 cents in stumps, for postage, be mailed securely sealed In a plain envelope.. Address. Woiir.D's Diri'ehsaky Ukoical Association, llullulo, N. Y. Ik the transfer was made on a fresh sur vey, the check sent to Mis. Carling ford, and the yawl Siren passed into, my hands. All being settled, I wrote to my old acquaintance, Mr. Dewy, asking him to fit the vessel out, and find me a steady skipper and crew not without some apprehensions of hearing by return of post that Dewy nnd Moss were ready and willing to sign articles with me to steer and sail the yacht In their spare moments. Perhaps the idea did not oc cur to them. At 'any rate they found me a crew, and a good one; and I spent a very comfortable three months cruis ing along the southwestern coast, across to Scllly, from Seilly to Cork and back to Southampton, where on Sept. L'9, INil, I laid the yacht up for the winter. Thrice since have I applied to Messrs. Dewy and Mosa for a crew, and uUvays with satisfactory results. But I must pass over 1892 and 1S!3 and como to this summer; or, to be precise, to Wednes day, the 11th of July. We had left Ply mouth that morning for a run west ward; but the wind falling light toward noon, we found ourselves drift ing, or doing little more, off the en- erance of the small fishing haven of Penleven. Though I had never visited Penleven I knew on the evidence of countless picture-shows that the place was well worth seeing. Besides, had I not the assurances of the visitors' book In my cabin? It occurred to me that I would anchor for nn hour or two In the entrance of the haven, and eat my lunch ashore at Mr. Job's hotel. Mr. Job would doubtless be pleased to re cover his long-lost volume, and I had no more wish than right to retain it. Job's hotel was unpretending. Mrs. Job offered me ham and eg.s and, an an alternative, a cut off a boiled sliver side of beef, If I did not mind waiting for ten minutes or so, when her hus band would be back to dinner. I said that I would wait, und added that I should be pleased to make Mr. Job's acquaintance on his return, as I had a trilling message for him. About ten minutes' later, while study ing a series of Clerman lithographs in the coffee room, I heard a heavy foot step in the passage and a knock at the door; and Mr. Job appeared, a giant of a man, with a giant's girth and red cheeks, which lie appeared to Inflate s a preliminary of speech. "Good day, Mr. Job," said I briskly. "I won't keep you from your dinner, but the fact is, I am the unwilling guardian of a trifle belonging to you." And I showed him the visitors' book. I thought the man would have had an apoplectic fit there on the spot. He rolled his eyes, dropped heavily upon a chair, and began to breathe hard and short "Where where?" he gasped, and began to struggle for breath "Listen," I snid; "for some reason or other the sight of this book dis tresses you, and 1 think you had better not try to speak for a bit. I will tell you exactly how the book came into my possession, and afterward you can let me have your side of the story, If you choose." And I told him just what I have told the reader. To be Continued If your salary is small cat 'h Quaker. . Saves Doctors , r .l 15.. .,.' l,:il i ysi ueiiiiMb aiiu uuiLiiiaa iuiu iijn V! Sold only In a lb. Packages. M Enoomto it th Highest Msoimi AimomTira rf1! IVty fa 1 ib ti n MWr rvIA'j Wf... - ......in KJ '3, iMlTAMm will euro JOU. A wonderful boon to mitTorora fvlk ;n 'ni urns, anro i nrimc, rsO-l Hnflrienr:i, lOrnnchUl.t, f rem folds, tlai'oTlii'iiat, 75.- I crJSAY KF.Elt. A:!m;li In pnoket. rcadT to rr en tlrt iMdiemien of e rpmnnT v)nv-nirni. tn rt nfliiard Vuo (Torto JrVvmnnooC t'nrc. Sr-tlnftotlonpinirr.ntiv:doruioroyrelurii!pd: Prloi K'M'U. Trial fivn nt DruRlKis. ltinlsrerod lniill, CO couts. H. D. CliJKUAH, Kir., llrot htn, Kick., U. 1 4, MFSITHfll Thn Riircit and nsffst rcmwlT for lilt. 11 inUL ail skni itliisnnoa. P;eiemn, lira. Suit Rheum, oM Knrfls, iturns, Cms. XVonilnrrnl rcai eilYf.ir PII,l:s. r'rlco, S.I els. nt Dnik- ri ft! gitaur hy mnll prepaid, Aildrecananl nvn, D)vii.l. Fcroaloby tvlatthews Bros, and John H. Phclas. DR. HEBKA'S H K I'.r aim Bemovc t-'mcklr.?, F!mp!nj. Livor Moles. Uliwl-Voadt, Sunburn ana I an, (.no. re gtores the skin to Its crlnfr nal frCKbncss, proautt. -1,.,. n,l hr'.lthv VITUt ...j v imnamtlo::s and rwrfnciiy hrvrmte.1. At oil cirugisiit, or mulled fur SOcii Bead (or cicala;, VIOLA SKIN 60AP lnplr InMBpnmblo M Ikln purmtng 8op, aululri4 ftw tha toll, nrtd r.'ltt:3ut a rltiU tta th t'jrwry. Atrljtely puw ywl diiktty Ditfli cued. AtdronUts Price 25 C:,to, G. C. EllTTNER & CO.,Tci.t0, 0. For sale by Matthews Bros, and John K. PhclDs. Thin Famous Remedy cured qulokly aril !t' irtimeriMy nil nervouti 1rpiiso9, Mich ait Wetik Memory, T.ons or lirnln Power, l'oncltiohft, Wu!:o fuliioKH, Lent Vitality, nlithlly eiilnloiiii, evil dreiHUH.ImiiotnncyuiKt wanting tllttuugeBrtiuwrl by youthful ernm or piccKwn. t'onmlhH i?n otiliitos. Is a nervu tncilofiml hionl hiilhtpr. AfakoHthe pnlnuml puny Hirmiff nnrl plump. Kuelly cnrrleil In vontpneUct. ml per noxi O lor 5, lly mall prepaid wltb a written Ktinrnnten tn citrn or money refunded. Write for Iron nivfUcnl lionk, pent ponied In plain wrapper, which oou. tnlna toHtlmoiilnlti nud tlntinolal rcforeneen. No chnrgn ti'r eouHiiltntlona. Rcware nt tmihi ffott. Sold hy our arivHrtlxoil nuontH, or ndilrsno NEUVICaKl'.l4;0.,MaaonloTuuiple,!lilaujro. BOLT) IN RCRANTON.PA., H. 0. PATfDFItWN WASIIINUTON.COK. BPRUUE, DKUUUISi'S. I ililfi? f 1 Qaake 1 1 OATS H Cautoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta r.al Cbildren. It contains neither Opitna, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' usa by Millions of Mothers. Cast oria destroys Worms aud allays fevcrishncsa. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Dlarrhcon and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach ani howcl3, giving healthy aud natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is ni exjt Kciit medicino for chil dren. Mothers havo repeatedly told mo of its good effect upon their children." Pr.. 0. 0. Osgood, . Lowell, Mom. " Castoria, la tho best remedy for children of which I am acqur.iuled. I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers willcoiisiiler tho real I Interest of their children, nnd uso Castoria iu Bteadof thevariousquackiiostrumswhieliaro destroying their loved ones, by forclnjopliim, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby gendiug thorn to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kinchelok, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, Ti Murray Street, New Yor?: City, THIS ELEGAMT H With Modern improvements and 40-foot lot for nine hundred dollars ($900.00.) WHERE? On Race street, near entrance to Driving Park. HOW? S31 1 ISI IF ($200.00) and the balance in one, three or live years with payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly FULL PARTICULARS CAN BE HAD at the office of H. B. and map of Lot and Floor Plan can be seen at the office of the Green Ridge Lumber company. , READ THIS AGAIN It's no dream, but it procure a home for so in coiiiLL CO., VAKOTicinnEna' Aohnts roa TRENTON IRON G0.'S WIRE HOPE. VAP3 ALEN & COS ST EL NAILS. OXFORD ?M CO.S EE8CHAHT BJR IROII. ) REVERE RUBBER COS BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "KCYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEitiENT. AMERICAN BOILER CQ.S "ECONOIuY" HOT AIR FURNACES. Gira iron co:s BUIiiOY RADIATORS. W m 6 M HflUE YOUR M if . bomsw i m tm with , p I'M TJnld Tact HI Steel Ccn- HiSf Anlinfln?' U df tcretl, Self- M Hh j J 1 I Detachable' ffl JSllUlHJ 3 , J (I 111 H1L W Scranton, Pa, 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. Castoria. " Castoria Is eo well adapted to cliildren thai I recommend It au superior touny prescription known to me." IT. A. Arcdhr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians iu tlio children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outsldo practice with Castoria, and although wo only bars among out medical supplies what is known as regulai products, yet we oro froo to confess that the merits of Castoria lias won us to look with favor upon it." Umtcd Hosr-iTiL and DisFEtisir.T, Boston, Moss Allen C. Surra, Prei., If Reynolds, Republican Building, is one chance in a lifetime to little money. SUPERIOR T ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Lino of 1IIIIIS' 1 I IBS' SUPPLIES. SsnaraBOF ALL KINDS. Maurice River Cove, Blue Point and Kockaway . . . CLAMS MEDIUM AND LITTLE NECK, Ail kiuds of Fresh l'isli, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Shrimps; at PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE. Ilave yon Sore Throat, Hmplos, Copppr-Colorort ?tota, AclieB, Old Horos. Uloors In Mouth, Kulr Kttlttnn? Write Couk Kemody o., WOT Mm onlcTrmplo'hlcnito.l II. 4ot proofs of cures. I'MpUul fr500,0M, Pntientnoured nlneyrara I HUNDRED DOLLARS mm m RAILROAD, TIME-TABLES Ccntrttl Kailr,oad of New Jersey. ( Lelilhand b'uHiiuiiliunna Division! Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TI .M 10 TAHLK IN Ke'l'KCT NOV. IS, 1S94. Trains leave Seianton lor Pltlston, V.'llkes-Hane, etc., ul H.M, 6.15, 11.30 a.m., li.iu, 2.W), li.i'.'i, D.oii, T.xs, ll.n'i p.m. Sundays, 'J.iki n.m., I.en, 2.1"i, 7.10 p.m. ror Atluutic i:ity, a.m. For New York. Newark und Elizabeth. i.20 (extness) a.m.. 1J.45 (exniess with Huf- fut pnrlur ear), 3.05 (exi'lessj p.m. Sun day, a. in p.m. l'or Jlaueh Chunk, Allentown, Pethlo hem, Kaston and Pliilinleliililn, 8.20 a.:u.. la.ti, o.c,), o.uu (c'ceepi I'lillutieipntuj p.m. Sunday, 2.15 p.m. Kor Lomr Hiiineh. Ocean Grove, etc.. at 8.20 a.m., 12.ir p.m. For Keaiihi!,', Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a.m., 12.40, 5.00 p.m. (Sunday, 2.15 p.m. For roltxville, 8.20 a.m., 12.45 p.m. Heturnlnsr. leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m., J. id, j. so. i.iu (express wun isuuui urlur ear) p.m. bimuuv, 4..i0 a.m. Leuvo l'hilailelnliia. IteadiUK Terminal, 9.00 a.m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sumluy ti.27 a.m. rhroucli tickets to nil points nt lowest rates may bo luol on application In ad vance to tho ticket nKont at tho runt Ion. H. V. BALDWIN, Don. Pass. Asent. J. H. OLHAUSEX, Gen. Supt. Irj l-i tinr Nov. 18, 1S9I. Train leaver Seianton for Philadelphia and New York via D. K; H. It. It. at 7.4ii a.m., 12.03, 2.M and 11.38 p.m., via 1)., U. U YV. It. IS., C,M, S.l, 11.20 am., and l.li'i p.m. Leave tierautou lor I'ltlston anil wiiiios- Hurre. via l U & V. It. K.. 6.W, S.Od, 11.20 a.m., 3..r0, C.U7, 8.i0 p.m. j!.-:tve Kerantou lor wtilto Haven, iia- zleton, l'ottiivlllu and all points on tho Heaver Meadow ana i'otlsviue nraucnes, via 11. & W. V. H. H., li.to a.m., via 1). & II. It. K. at 7.1.) a.m., 1 2.iri. 2.3S. 4.U0 p.m., via 1).. 1.. & YV. It. 11.. COO. t'.oii. 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.G0 p.m. l.eavo seranton ror net uennm. r.asion, ReudiriR, ilarrisliui-g and all Intermedial;) points via D. & II. It. U l.ii a.m., J2.03, m. 4.00, ji.asTi.m., vie. u., 1j. Ac v. k. it.. 6.W, S.3, 11.20 n.m., l.Il'l p.m. e.-ive rieranlon lor TimKlincnocK, 10- wiinna, Klniirn, Ithaca, Uenova. and all intei meillato points via V. & H. II. It., 8.4.) a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., h. ii YV. It. It., 8.0S, 9.H a.m., 1.3e p.m. Leave Berantoii lor tioeiiester. nuuaio. Niagara Falls, Petrolt, I'hieaijo and all points west via 1). & H. 11. It., S i") a.m., 12.0.). s.iu. ii.ss p.m., via i., 1j. &: v. 11. it. ami I'ltlston Junetlon, S.1'8, !).D5 a.m., 1.10, 8.r." p.m., via E. & W. V. H. It.. 3.41 p.m. lor i-;imira aim trie west via aaiamanca, via 1). & 11. K. It.. S. tr. a.m., 12.0:", G.Oj p.m., via D., I). & YV. It. li., S.OS, 11.55 a.m., 1.3!), and ii.07 p.m. I'll man panor ana Kieemnc or ij. v. chair cars on nil trains between L, ft H. Junetlon or Willtos-Harre and New Y'ork, l'hllaclelphla, uullalo, anu suspension Bridyo. ItOLl.l.N H. V 1 L,lil. It, Uen. HUPt. CHAR. a.LKK.Gen. Pas. A;;t., I'lilla., Pa. A. W. NONNEJlAf HKlt, Asst. (Jen. Pass. Agt., tioutli licihlchcm. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Trains leave Scrnnton as follows: Ex press for Now York und all points East, 1.40, 2.00, 5.1D, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.; 12.55 und 3..VJ p.m. Express ror liaslon, Trenion, riiiiaiioi phia and the south. 0.13. 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., 12.55 and 3.50 p.m. wiiKhinKton una way stations, .i.iw p.m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 0.10 p.m. Kxpress for Ilinnhamton, Oswego, KI- mlra, Cornirifr, iiath, Darsvlllo, Moiint Moirls und Iiuffalo, 12.10, 2.:i.i n.m. nnd 1.1:1 p.m., maliinir close connections at mu falo to ull points in tho Went , Northwest und Southwest. Hath accommodntiorr, 9 a.m. I'lnsjrmmlon and way stut'ons, 1 2. T7 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 5.15 p.m. lilnhamtou and Elmira Express, 6.00 p.m. r.xpress lor oriianu, Syracuse, uswcw TJtlca. and Kiclilicld Springs, 2.35 a.m. and 1.21 p.m. Ithaca, 2.:tu ami natti n.m. ana 1.24 p.m. Eor Northuiribirlnnd, I'ltt.ston, V.'ilkcs Eurro, Plymouth, ltloomsbiirfr and I'an ville, making close connection:! at North umberland for Willlamsport, HarrlslmtK, Bnlliir.oro, Washington and tho South. Northumberland und Intermediate sta tions, 0.00, 9.50 a.m. and 1.30 and 0.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and inter-, mediate stations, 3.00 and 8.C2 p.m. Pullman parlor und sleeping coaches on all express trains Kor detailed Information, pocket tim- tables, etc., apply to 11. U ,'Miitth, city ticket otllee, 32S Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket office. DELAWARE AND HUDSON ItAIL ItOAD. Commnnclni; J.Iondr.y, day, July 30, all trains willnrrive at new Lack awanna avenue station ns follows: Trains will leave Scran- tnn ntutlavt for i Virbondule und in termediate points at 2.2V, 5.13, 7.01, .'!5 and 10.10 a.m.. 12.00. 2.2J. 3.55, 0.10, 0.15, 7.20, 9.10 nrt 11 ?il n tn. l'or rarvlew, Waymart p.iid Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m.,12.W, 2.20 and O.ii P'?or Albany, Saratoga, .the Adironducka nnil Montreal nt 5.15 a.m. nnd 2.20 p.m. Kor Wilkes-Harri; and intermctllaln lints at 7.45, 8.15, 9.38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.00, 1.20. 2.38. 4.(W. f-.iu. u.u... !).io ar.u n.;! p.m. Trains will arrivo. at Scranton atatiort from Carbondalo and Interniediato points at 7.40, 8.40, 9.34 and 10.40 a.m., 12.00, 1.17,2,31 8.40. 4.64. 5.K. I.lo. D.il aim 11. 33 P.m. From Honesilale, Wavmart and Far view at 9.31 a.m., 12.00, 1.17, 3.40, 0.50 aui 7.45 n.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, ctc.j nt 4.0-1 and 11..'13 p.m. From Wilkcs-Haire and Intermediate points at 2.10, 8.01, ui.05 and 11.55 a.m., l.Wj 2.14, 3.uJ, n.iu, ij.us, v.iu anu ii. io p.m. ErRANTOiV ElVISHON. Ill ICUcct Sept. IGCli, 1891.' North I;-iiehI. South Hound. M 205 2031401 Oiti04 20tl as Ir-hi 6tation9 fw 3 2 P. w 5 'Twins Pally, $ 5 fti w y. M Kxci'pt i-tunday; 5Q l III AriivTi j'ave A il .... 7q... N Y Franklin St .... 7 in .... .... flU .... West 4-.ild' 1 .... 75") .... .... 70U .... Wochuwtal .... 810 .... p M J III Arrive Leave amp m .... VaO fl'i liaTieock June. Oim Sio .... 810 10.1.... Hancock 00(1 Sit .... 7.W V.'.Vi ... Utirli-lit 01S !!,' .... 751 1'Mil .... rrc.-fton'l'arlt O'.'.-. 2:n .... 745 I'J 4i) .... Como 0 3-: 2 41 .... 7 3H 13 2J .... Povntello -10 Si 5,1 .... 73') T31S .... IVhnoiit 0 -15 8 5t .... 7'--.1 1-JIH .... rie.iiunt.Mt. 0B- 8IVi .... 710 I'UOO ... Uni.indalo fti.W 8(W .... 70H 114;i A M ForsetDity 710 8 10 p K 051 1131 91"' ('iirl)oii(inlo 7UI 831 R-'!l 8 IS f 1130 Ul-J White Urid.-re 7 27 fHIH 5 37 f43 fa (1 i Slay Held f 7 3 ! I'3 13 f 5 43 641 Hit Oil') Jeruiyn 731 Hfj 6 45 Oai 11 IS H.Vi ArehilwM 7-l-i 3.M 5 51 03i fills 8.M Winton 74i 354 551 0'J!i Ull 8.M) J'eckvillo 7 -IK 3511 5 50 65 11 07 8 11 OUplunt 7 52 4 01 6 04 0 Ul 1105 841 liickwa 751 4 07 8 07 610 11 01 83.) Throop 750 4 10 610 614 111V) B :5il Providence 800 4 14 014 fllia f 1037 8 33 l'ark I'laca 8 ft! f4 17 610 8 10 10 55 iS.) Scranton 8 05 4 20 6lW p m a M A )i Leave Arrive A u p M p il All li'nlna nin daily except Hiniday. f. ir;iii(lca that trains stop on signal for pas Benireiu Secure rates via Ontario & Western before purchnsliHt tickets and save money. Day aui) cilljbl hUprets to the West. J. 0. Andeunii, flen. Fass. 'Rt, T. Fll'woft, Dlv. Puss. Agt., Scranton, Pa. Erit and Wyoming Valley. Tralna leave Scrnnton for Now York and Intermediate points on tho lOile riill road lit O.Sj a.m. and 3-1 p.m. Alno for llouenilale, lluwlcy and local points ut G.:i;. 9,45 a.m., und 3.24 p.m. All tho nhovo hi-o through trains to and from Honemlale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barro at C.40 a. m. and 3.41 p.m. Ladies Who Valuo A refined complexion must use Pouont's Fow 1 der. It produces a soft and beautiful okla. 1 1 ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAYDECEMBER 20, Eotura Eni?agoincnt of tho Coroio . Opura Succoss, m PRINCESS Words and Murin by W'illard Kpenser. u-tliQi-of Tho Llttlo Tycouu." This is tlio oridiual nnd only company pro touting this opi'i'.t nnd tho sumo wliioti up pearod in this city a urmtli ago. WITH THEIR OWN ORCHESTRA. PMCES-Flrst Floor. 81.50. $1.03: Balcony Sl.ltl, 7fo. undrUc; Unllory. 25e. Mate of seats opens Tu --siny, Doo. 13. THE FROTHINGHAM. CflRHELL.'.jjHIVERSITY Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24 SEATS $1.00, 75c, 50c! and 25o. Salo of seats opens Friday. Dec 81, at 9 a. ui. Chocks t'iven out at 7 a. ra. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday, A SPECIAL GUARANTEED A'rntACTION' The raino oxcellont company. Correct and Miii)illc;ut appointmonts. New Musical IJunilors. Choice, Chasto and ltetlned. ADMISSION, 10, TO OR 30 CENTS Two performancea dailyat2.S0and8.15p.ra. Next Attraction-"The Indian Hero." CHRISTMAS, 1394. We Are Headquarters for DoiSs, Toys, Sleds, Skin Horses, Iron and Wood Toys, For the Holidays. Bl'YEKS FOB THE Trade, Sunday Schools, Etc. Should call early to secure prompt Our Line of Candy IS THE LARGEST AND BEST WE EVER HAD. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 UCKAWANSA AVENUE. STEEL ROD, SILVER HOUNTED, LEATHER CASE AND OTI1EK GOOD STYLES OP UHBRELLAS AT CONRAD'S. WHEN THE IlItlMLS The goods arc yours at your own' price, if you happen to be the1 lucky bidder. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALES of C. W. Freeman's valuable and,' high class stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Bric-a-Hrac, etc THIS SALE IS POSITIVE, as the store is rented, the fixture for sale, etc., and Mr. Frccniaa positively retires from business. AUCTION SALES 3.30 AND 7.30 P. M. Private sales at less than cost price during the intervals between. auctions. COL S. H. McKEE, AUCTIONEER. CALL UP 3682. i CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r, ' In tlio Urciid llilitary Comedy-Drama,
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