THE SCRAJsTOX TKIBUXE WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1894. LUCE BROS.' CASH STORES, 122 N. MAIN AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. 303 MAIN STREET, TAYLOR, PA. 318.111 iil is, M 4 Ds. Cfiolce Mixed Candy, 25c Bes: Bes PS 6 is. 8, 4 IS. DM, 25G I On We have a larc assortment of Can dies at prices that will please you. ON OTHER SIDEJF CHANNEL I'assing Events of the Day on the West Side of the City Noted. BIG PIGEON SHOOTING MATCH Took Plii co on tiuminon's Records .Muda by the Sportsincn-I uucruls of .Stewart Sauscnbuch unJ Uunicl James -Officers Elected. About 200" people witnessed a sweep stake pigeon shooting match, which took place on Monday afternoon on Gammon's hill. There were six entries for the match, namely; Dave Nichols, Van Bergen, Alex Phillips, Sim Davles, Fry, of Taylor, and Clem Marsh, jr. Kach man shot at nine birds. Davles killed nine straight; Marsh, eight; Fry, seven. The remalnding contestants killed from three to six. Eighteen dol lars In prize money was distributed among the three winners. On New Year's Day Clem Marsh and Sim Davis will shoot at seventy birds each, on Gammon's hill, for $100 a side. Stewart Sausenbach Hurled. The funeral of Stewart Sausenbach, the young man who died at the home of his parents, at Jackson street and Bromley avenue, on Saturday after noon from lung trouble, took place yes terday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family home. Rev. Mr. Stubbleblne, of the Calvary Reformed church, offici ated and preached an eloquent sermon, paying a high tribute to the excellent qualities of the young man. During the service a quartette, consisting of Miss Ethel Rlnker, Mrs. W. II. Snover, Mrs. Albert Lewis and Mrs. F. P. Knauss, rendered several hymns. The floral tributes consisted of a pil low. Inscribed "Brother," a wreath and bouquet. Interment wns made In the Forest Hill cemetery. E. M. Brownell was .flower bearer. The pall bearers were: Robert Cooper, Harry Reinhart, Samuel Case, John DeFiigh, George Ace, and Judson Titman. - ' Funeral of Uunicl James. The many friends of the late Daniel James, of Everett nvenue and Jackson street, who died at his home on Sat urday last, assembled at the family home yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, to pay their last tribute to the departed one. Services were conducted In English by Rev. D. C. Hughes, pas torof the Jackson Street Baptist church, and by Rev. W. S. Jones, of the First Welsh Baptist church, in the Welsh language. Both clergymen spoke on the excellent qualities of Mr. James, who had been a pillar In the church for many years and a promoter of Chris tian work. The floral tributes were of excellent design. The Ancient Or der of Britons, of which the deceased -was a member, were in attendance. The pall bearers were selected from the lodge. Interment wns made In the Washburn Street cemetery. liricf Notes of Intercut. Tho Sabbath school of the Seranton Street Baptist church will meet tomor row evening for the rehearsal of Christ mas carols. Davldow Bros. Fine Studs. Robert Morris lodge. No. 58, Order of American True Ivorltes, will hold a book social In their rooms tomorrow evening. Davldow Bros, for Lorgnettes. The funeral of John Curtis Frees, of Jackson street, who met death In the Continental mine, will take place to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment in the Wnshburn Street cemetery, Motorman Alex. McTuggart, of the Luzerne street line, hns resumed duty after a long illness. Tortured with Rheumatism tor a Quarter ofaCentHrj. Relief Came at Lust to the Patient Sufferer Haw Site Wus Cured, Sarah II. Smith, Plnevllle, Bucks County, Pa., says: "I was a great suf ferer from rheumatism. I had the dis ease for over twenty-five years, and the torture I have undergone the ptiBt quar ter of a century no pen could describe. Every attack I had, my entire body was racked with pain, and I was In a terri ble condition. I tried doctor after doc tor and every remedy that could be sug. Bested,, but all with the same result None of them ever gave mo the slight- est relief. I had had the disease so long that It had become chronic when I began to use Munyon'a Rheumatism Cure. It was not long before I felt a great deal better, and after using It n short time the rheumatism left ma. 1 1 have not had a trace of It' since, and am convinced that I am permanently cured." Munyon's Rheumntlsm Cure Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu - matUm cured In from one to live duys. It never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness In any part of the tody In from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swollen Joints, stiff back, and all pains In the hips and loins.- Chronlo rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain . In the back are speedily cured. Munyon'a Homoeopathic Home Rem edy Company, of Philadelphia, put up BDeclflces for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly RACKED for 20 cents a bottle. Thostereoptlcan exhibition which will be given In the Simpson Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow evening promises to be. entertaining and In structive. Davldow Bros. Fine Silverware. 1 Davldow Bros. Wedding Presents. St. Brenden Crfuncil, No. 243, Young Men's Institute, will give a select social In Mears hall on Jan. 11. Davldow Bros. Wedding Rings. Mrs. C. J. Hansom, of Lansford, re turned to her home yesterday after a three weeks visit with relatives on this side. Davldow Bros. Holiday Goods. Philip Davles, of Eynon street, will return today from Exeter' Academy, Vermont, to spend the holidays with his parents. Davldow Bros, for Diamonds., Davldow Bros. Guiib! Guns! Guns! Davldow Bros, for Gold Rings. The members of the Plymouth Con gregational church have elected the fol lowing .- officers: Deaoons, Thomas Eynon, Samuel Savllle and Arthur Lewis; standing committee, Z. A. Stover, Samuel B. Powell and Morgan P. Daniels; music committee, Miss Martha Vaughn, TV W. Phillips and A. B. Evnon: wavs and means committee, James Phillips,' D. Williams, James P. Harris, Albert Carson and Miss Jennie Lewis; clerk, Miss Lizzie A. Evans; financial secretary, Walter Wllklns; treasurer, Samuel H.' Powell. Davldow Urns. Italian Vases. Davldow Bros.- Bronze Statues. Hyde Paek lodge, No. 339, Free and Accepted Masons, have elected the fol lowing officers . for . the ensuing year: Worthy master, John H.. Reynolds; senior warden, Daniel H. James; Junior warden, William Parsons; treasurer, William It. Williams; secretary, Charles E. Lannlng; trustees, Alfred Godshall, Evan S. Jones, sr., Charles R. Pitcher. They will be Installed at the next meet ing. Davldow Bros. Silver novelties. Davldow Bros. Silver Seals. West Side, lluslncss Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. Tney are lust lovely, con vince yourself by calling at Starner'H Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. HORSKSHOEING-N. Bush, practical hoi'seshoer. Worn none only m a nrt class manner and Ruaranteed satlsfue tory. Shop, Price street, close to North Main avenue. , GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcolled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Ma son & Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Muln avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE - Cash for anytning you nave to sen, furni ture, Stoves, Tools, elr. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and lU-ti Jackson street. WALL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds, i worm Alum avenue, aim see nis complete line of Wall Paper,- l'alnts and Window Shudcs. Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113 North Main avenue, does Ilrst-class Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Kitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house. Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Oysters served In every style. 310 North Main avenue,' next to Clarke's. NORTH EM) KOTES. Miss Margaret Jacobs returned to her home in Nantlcoke yesterday after a brief visit with friends here. The members of ithe flnanolal commit tee, of the benefit festival of David G. Evans, are requested to meet in the library rooms In Osterhout's building tomorrow evening. The Delaware and Hudson Canal company has put In new walks near its trucks on Dickson avenue. It has also made a number of Improvements around Its yard o.t Green Ridge. Great preparations are belnff made by the ladles of the Welsh Congrega tional church for the old-Onshloned Welsh tea whloh they intend to give New Year's eve and all day New Year's Communications for The Tribune can be left at the Lewis drug store on Provi dence square, Jehu's grocery store on Wayne avenue,. Hangi's grocery store on Dickson avenue, and Siekler's drug store on Providence road. Rev. Jeanette Olmstead, of Gustavus, O., for many years national lecturer of the Women's Christian Temperance union In the social purity department, will leoture In the Puritan Congrega tional church tonight on "The Ideal In Social Life." - ' - Patrolman Reese G. Jones found a young Swede, about 18 years old, wan dering around town about 10 o'clock yesterday morning looking for Belmont Street. He was unable to either talk or understand English, out Officer Jones, with the assistance of Mall Car rler McGeary, carried on a conversa tlon with him in German. They found out that while the Swede's ticket read Providence, Penn., It was Providence, R. I., that was meant. He claims to be looking for an uncle, who Js manager of a large factory there.' His hand baggage Is now in the station house, but his trunk Is In the Lehigh Valley station at Plttston. Gentlemen, Attention! Do you know we carry twenty thousand fine Key West and Imported. Cigars? Our box price Is the wholesale price. 10. G. COURSEN, $0.00 to California Is the price of double., berth In Tourist Slleping Cur from Chlcugo on are famous Phllllps-Rock Island Tourist Excursions. Through cars on fust trains leave Chi cago Tuesdays via Fort Worth and El Puso, and Thursdays via Scenic Route, Write for particulars to A. Phillips &. Co., Ill sontn isintn street, I'mnicielplila. JOHN SEBASTIAN, G.P.A., Chicago. Chronic Rheumatism Cun lie Cured. Dr. Potter's Rheumatic Pills, a radleal cure for chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism In the hips. and all diseases depending upon or having their origin In Trio Acid Diathesis. They act direct upon the blood and kidneys, eliminating the uric add, the cause of all Rheumatism, etc. If you are suffering from Rheumatism take Dr. Potter s Rheu. matic Pills. They have cured cases of years' stumling and will not fail to cure you. Price, $1 a box. For sale wholesale and retail by Matthew Bros,, Seranton, Pa. l ine Solid Gold Kings Set with Stones, $1.00. Davldow Bros. Fine assortment of calendars, 1895. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Music Boxes Inclusively. Rest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschl A Sons, manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won- d erf ul orchestral organs, only K and $10. Specialty: Old musle boxes carefully ro paired und Improved with new tunes. . Rnte Collection of Books In Holiday Bindings. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. What would make a more appropriate A mas present than a cnolce Etching. En- graving or Water Color? Stewart, In the Y. M. C. A. building has a large display of line pictures at the lowest prices. Beautiful Juvenile Books. - PRATT'S BOOK BTORE. Any tho Weber and get the best - At Guernsey Bros Picture Framing at Griffin's new studio, iV9 vvyuiiuus HVUIIUU, Rorklng Horses and Shooflles of all Sizes and Styles. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE Christmas Anniversary of Cedar Ave nue Kindergarten School. I WILL BE HELD NEXT SATURDAY Rev. Rogers Israel Will Address the Chil dren -Lackawanna Knitting Mills Go ing to Shut Down-Simon Sclicucr Retires from Business. Next Saturday afternoon the pupils of St. Luke's Cedar Avenue Kinder garten school will observe their Christ mas annlversnry with an entertainment of vocal and Instrumental music and refreshments will be served. The rieeu slon will be a noteworthy- one In the history of the school. Such a pro gramme wilt be given, In which all the pupils will tuke part, as will show ull who attend the progress the children have made In their kindergarten studios. The entertainment ,wlll open at 6 o'clock In the afternoon und will last about an hour. Prominent mem bers of St. Luke's Episcopal church will be there as Invited guests. After the exercises the children will be ad dressed by Rev. Rogers Israel. Shut-Down at tho Woolen Mill. It is announced that the Lackawanna knitting mills, on Brook street, are get ting In readiness to suspend operations after the first of the year. The prin cipal work being done at the mills now Is the clearing up of all the stock on hund. This will be bad news to the number of employes engaged at tho mill; but it is believed that the suspen sion will be only temporary and not of any length. It will be remembered that It Is usual for the mills to ekise for a brief period every year and that must be the reason of the present an nouncement. Simon Sclicucr Sells Out. Saddler S. J. II. Scheuer, of Cedar avenue, hns disposed of his stock and fixtures and has retired from the busi ness. Two energetic young men com prising the firm of Schmidt & Blege will succeeed Mr. Scheuer. The business Is an old and established one and the retiring proprietor was quite sut-cessful. Mr. Scheuer hns not decided what his future plans will be. Shorter Paragraphs. - A regular monthly meeting of the stockholders of the Seranton - Axle works will be held at the office of the works tomorrow afternoon at 2, o'clock Davldow Bros., pickle castors. Davldow Bros., for fine goods. Silver (Davldow Bros.') novelties. Davldow Bros., silver thimbles. Davldow Bros., cake baskets. Holiday (Davldow Bros.') goods. The two children who were lost as re ported in this column yesterday did not belong to the family of a woman named Judge but to Mrs. Thomas Joynt, of Stone avenue. The youngsters were re turned home lute In the evening by a man who found them wandering on the street. Davldow Bros., watches repaired. Davldow Bros., for belt pins. Davldow Bros., for bargains. Davldow Bros., for oyster forks. Davldow Bros., for orange spoons. Davldow Bros., coffee spoons. Rudolph, the 3-year-old son of Chris tian Dlnkle, of Rink place, In the Nine teenth ward, died yesterday morning. Interment will take place In Plttston Avenue cemetery tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. . , Davldow. Bros., tea table spoons. Davldow Bros., nut picks. Davldow Bros., nut crackers. Davldow Bros., for onyx clocks. ' Davldow Bros., for marble clocks. Davldow Bros., for shirt studs. Diphtheria Is raging on this side, the physicians report, and one out of every live families has some one of the house hold down with It. A preventative given by the physicians Is the wearing of warm flannels about the chest. Davldow Bros., for cut glass. Davldow Bros. Manicure Sets. Davldow Bros. Scarf Pins. Davldow Bros. Necklaces. Davldow Bros. Link Cuff Buttons. Davldow Bros.- Cuff Buttons. Beware of Imitations. Rogers spoons can be bought for 50c. a set, but Davldow Bros, are the only ones the eity selling 1S47 Rogers Bros, triple- plated teaspoons for $1.60. DIX.MORE DOINGS. Frank BUckens Is out after several days' Illness. Dr. Chamberlain Is ill at his home on Bloom street. , Charles Nemeyer is homo from La fayette college. Miss Kate Meyers, of Moscow, is vlslt ng Mrs. R. Gllllgan. A select social was held In Odd Fel lows' hall last evening. 'Rev. R. Hlorns, of Seranton, will lec ture for "the Loyal Legion Saturday evening. . - -. Charles Cole Is home from Princeton, spending his holiday vacation with his parents. Charles Cole, a farmer living at Mos cow, was arrested Monday noon for In sulting a young lady who was waiting Those Queer People There's No Better Christmas Present for the 1 Little Ones. All parts on sale now at The Tribune business office. The Only Manufactory la Seranlou. CHAMBERS 518 Lackawanna Ave. RARE ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS In addition to our rendy-mudo utork, our SPECIAL OKUKK depai tinent cannot fall tn interest you. Nj uch variety of CHOIOB HANDLKS AND FABHICs u var btjfor. showu in this city, We abnll ba Kind to have yon call, whether you purchase or not.' Bspalring, Ke-ooverlng equal to new. SILK LAMP SHADES All our own make, abnolutolv une otmiod for STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. 11! on the table where he stopped for din ner. Cole gave bail before Justice Cooney to appear for trial. Frank Stephens, of Green Ridge, is giving his newly purchased house a new coat of paint. Prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church this evening will commence at 7 o'clock instead of 7.30. , The Prohibition club held a business meeting at Loyal Legion hall Monday evening. They will meet again Jan. 9. Miss Mame Biglan, of Drinker street, and Peter Duggan, of Hyde Park, will be married this afternoon at St. Mary's church. The robbery case has been settled that occurred at the Corners Saturday night Mr. Nonck, the farmer who was robbed of his watch and cash, offered to Bettle for $25 each, which the pris oners, Parfrey and Philbln, patd. The funeral of Martin McLone, who died at his home on Chestunt street Monday morning, will be held this morning at 10 o'clock from St. Mary's church, where a solemn high mass of re quiem will be celebrated. Mr. McLane was the borough's oldest resident. He was born In Klllbride, County Mayo, Ireland, In 1S07. In 1832 he removed to this country and located In Seranton, where he livod for three years. He then moved to Dunmore and engaged in mercantile pursuits, which he fol lowed until 1877, when he retired. Ho had been a resident of Dunmore for more than sixty years. Mr. McLane was at one time associate judge in the old city court of Seranton. IF YOU NEED a good medlc-lno to purify your blood, give nerve strength and build up your entire system, take Hood's Sarsapurllla. it prevents sick ness by making pure blood. HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head ache, Indigestion and biliousness. 25c. A l ady's Open l uce Stem winding watch. Guaranteed a per fect timekeeper for $3.50. Davldow Bros. Kings, Kings, Rings, Rings, Rings, Rlnus, Rings, Rings, Rings, Rings, Rings, Rings, Rings, Davldow Bros., Rings, Rings, Rings. When Baby was slot, we gave her Castorta, When she was a Child, ho cried for Castorta, When sha became Miss, she cluog to Castorla, Vtocn the had Children, ihe gave them Castorla- Have now- completed their arrangements tor tne noiiuays, snowing the largest unu most complete stock they have ever dln pluyed, consisting of WATCHES I Which they have In great variety. All groades In Gold, Silver and Gold Filled Cases. Having had numerous concessions from manufacturers, they have given their customers the full benelits of them making the prices of the best watches nearly as low as are asked by others for a very inferior quality. DIAflONDSt Having made our purchases before the late raise of 15 per cent. In tariff and hav Ing been VEKV PARTICULAR in select Ing only perfect stones of a line color and cut, we arc sure we can satisfy the best of Judges as to price or quality. We have them mounted in Brooches, Rings, Ear rings, Studs, Scarf Pins and in nearly all articles of jewelry. SILVER Is now very cheap. We have It In a thousand shapes, from a rake basket to a toothpick. A WONDERFUL variety. People are ASTONISHED when prices are mentioned. RICH CUT GLASS A brilliant and dazzling display. Low prices for labor and perfected machinery have done wonders with the prices. FINE JEWELRYl The finest on earth. Hundreds of styles of STONE RINdS! New und beautiful. Opera Glasses. Chains, Lockets and Charms. BANQUET LAMPS And Onyx Top Tubleg. All new and ele gant designs. Art Porcelains, all brought In since the new tariff went In effect. CLOCKS! Poroeluln, Onyx, Murble find Gilt. Wo huve BIG BARGAIN'S in a lot of Marble Clocks, Just received. Less thun half price. They are fitted with the best Amer ican Jeweled movements and are about as cheap as a good commun clock. They are well worth looking at. All nre invited to look at our display, whether purchuslng or not. At the oid stand. 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. N. A, WERT'S (ii 1)1 WYOMING AVE., SCRANTON. STEINWAY & SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH i BACK STULTZ 2 BAUER . and Others PIANOS Alao a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, MUSIC, ETC. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish lngs and apparatus for keeping jneat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave). DEW com 1 51 Emergency Kospi Doctors and nurses realize tho necesst ty of counteracting tho effects of the shock" which accompanies all aeck'.out and surgical cases, and which more of len proves fatal than the original cause. Animation is temporarily suspended. Something must bo dono to start "tho wheels" going again, as it were. Tho stomach is iu no condition to digest a sufficient amount of food to nourish the other organs of the body, so they resort to Bovinino tho original raw food, because the least amount of it contains tho most life, strength und blood-producing qualities of anything known to medical scienco. It will, unaided, sustain strength for weeks, und can be retained by tho Weakest Stomach, Bovinino is not a nicdicino, but a builder of flesh and bone, und a nmkci of blood. For all cases of sickness, chronic invalids, infants or tho aged, it is indispensable. 25,000 physicians en dorse it.' Sold by ull druggists. Thi Bovlninu Co., New York. OUR NATIVE ME The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will PoMUtdIv cure nil dlssniei arising trom IMPURE BLOOD, SUCH AS Rheumatism. Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv ous Headache, IMeuralgiu, JJys rerHla. Fever and Antic, Scrofu la, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, NervouH Affections, i.atari li, and all Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. 1IETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. If you would have the LARGEST Amount of heat from the LEAST Amount of fuel, you must nave a Howard Furnace. Foots & Shear Co ink OF SCRANTON. WILLIAM CO.NNF.I.L, President. GEO. U. C ATI. IN, Vice-Presidents t , - WILLIAM II. PLCk, Casulcr, DIRECTORS: William Connell. James Archbald, Al fred Hand. Ueore II. Cutllii.'llcury Uclin, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. The management of this bank points wlthprldoto ltd record during the panic of 189.S, and previous punics, when spec ial facilities were extended to Its business accounts. . OF ALL KINDS. Maurice River Cove, Blue Point and , Rockaway . . . Oysters, CLAMS MEDIUM AND- : LITTLE NECH tal HERBS BARKS l SSI f?PLQ POULTRY 1 All kiuils of Fresh Fish, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Shrimps; at PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVENUE. China Close ti reduced IS to 40 per cent Dec. 10, 1891. Removal Sale i of Furniture at HULL & CO.'S, 205 WYOMING 'AVENUE. Fine Dretuinz Tublen greatly reduced In price "WELL, SIR" "Spectacles 1" Yes sir! We have a specialist here to fit you who does nothing else. Sit right down and have your I J IT f eycs littci' in a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. A Decided Mora In the BlcAtes trade baa set In and It will pnv vrm to exutuina the stock of JUKIBCH'B. at i; S giiruce strout. Fine line of ruperior pockot cutlery, razorx, etc.. for Holi day trade, Quiiaatid ammunition at bottom flmires. Altn Bonis aecond band boels at prices that will astonish you. Seeing ie bulierlug Illtil ??S(dP rfWiir F-'IiW'" Wmi mi f i I I ir f inii I 1'T , TP IE EMIT mi With Modern improvements and 40-foot lot for nine hundred dollars ($900.00.) WHERE? On Race street, near entrance to Driving Park. HOW? PAYMENT ($200.00) and the balance in one, three or five years with payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. FULL PARTICULARS CAN BE HAD at the office of H. B. Reynolds, Republican Building, and map of Lot and Floor Plan can be seen at the office of the Green Ridge Lumber company. READ THIS AGAIN It's 110 dream, but it is one chance in a lifetime to procure a home for so little money. 'Ulfd Wso a Full Line of ff ' BLACKSMITHS' AND 1 WACON FMKERS' I ' WITH ii! SUPPLIES. J Hold Fast ' i j V; 1 HORSE fV ' DR. E. GREWER. The Philadelphia Specialist, and hla avso cluleo mall of UnKlluh and tier man physicians, are now permanently located at Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn The doctor In u eraduao of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator ot pnysioiogy anu surgery at tlia Medico-t'hlrui'gioal college of Philadel phia. His specialties ure Chronlo, Ner vouy, Bkln, Heart, Womb and Blood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are of confidence, sexual weakness in men unu women, ban rising in throat, sputa floating before tho eyes, loss of memory, unable to concentratu the mind on ana subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, und dull distressed mind, which minis tnem ror perrormtng the actuul du ties of life, muking happiness Impossible, distressing the action of the heart, caus ing flush of huut, depression of splrlts.ovll forebodings, cowardice, leur, dreams.mel nncholy, tire easy of company, feeling aa tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipa tion, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us Immediately) nrd be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored.' Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam td. Ho cures the worst cases ot Ner vous Debility, Scrofula, Old Hores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eye, Ear, Nose nnd Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers una Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred nnd conlklcnlt. Ofllee hours dully from 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stumps for nymtpom blanks and my book called "New Life " 1 will pay one thousand dollars In cnll to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPI LEPT1C CONVULSIONS or PITH. Hit. E, GREWETt Old Post Office Building, corner Penn avenue and Spruce street, SCRANTON, PA. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domestli use, and of all sizes, delivered in any part of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, lirst floor, Third National Hank, or sent by mail or telephone to the iine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made for th lale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. THE OELIBXATIft PIANOS Ice it Prcwnt the Molt Popnlar wd rrtferrei by Leading Ariuu. Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, SOS Washington Av. Seranton, Pa.' T SUPERIOR. TO ALL OTHERS. Seranton, Pa. HUNDRED DOLLARS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers