The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 19, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Cleveland's baking pow
derSdoes not contain a
particle of ammonia, alum
,or any adulteration.' ' " .;'
N Every thing used in mak
ing it is plainly printed on
the label.
f (Pura
. (Sure) y
Food raised with it re
tains its natural moisture
and flavor.
Cleveland Halting rainier Co., New Yoi It,
Successor to Cleveland Ilrotheri.
120 Wyoming Ave
Ara and lucan
descent Light In
coiirly all parts
oi me city.
Cur Incandescent System is absolutely eafj
No Oriental opium-scented linen
frayed, fretted and worthless, but all
returned fit for wear, ironed with care,
and all of it there.
EsssaAUNDRY. 808 Penn Ave. A. B. WAR MAN
Rum and Bweepera for the Holiday
trade. "Gold Medal" Bweopora m
tw.lvo fancy woods fur Christina Uiftg
city notes.
Toy your poor tuxes und save costs.
Professor Weston last evening ad
dressed the Men'8 guild In Penn Avenue
Baptist church upon "Tho Church and
Young Men." His remarks were prac
tical und Interesting.
County Treasurer-elect Charles H.
Bchadt subscribed to the oath of of
fice yesterday nnd later In tho day It was
filed with Prothonolary Pryor. Mr.
Schadt is the first of the Incoming officers
to die his outh.
The free kindergarten will have their
Christmas celebration on Thursday at 318
Washington avenue, at 10.30 a. m., und at
the Second church mission chupel at 3.110
p. m. All Interested are cordially in
vited, f
Edward Clark, who was convicted of
attempting to criminally assault 10-yeur-old
Alice Powers, of Jermyn, and sen
tenced to spend two years and two months
In the Kastern penitentiary, was re
leased yesterday, his term of Imprison
ment having expired.
P. H. Coyne yesterday entered a Judg
ment of Jj.OOO against P. H. Clllgallon and
had an execution issued on It which was
placed In the hands of the sheriff. A levy
was made on the Btook In Mr. Oil
gallon's store on Spruce street, which
will be sold one week from today.
The joint streets and bridges committee
did not succeed In awarding tho contracts
for the bridges last night. It was found
that the specifications did not call for as
phalt flooring and the counrllmen were
unable to decide Just where they were at.
They will meet again Friday night with
the city solicitor.
Alderman Donovan on Monday, at the
request of Henry J. Krennan, Issued a
warrant for the arrest of E. D. Lathrope,
C. E. Lathrope and W. M. Lathrope, ed
itors and proprietors of the Carbondale
Leader, on a charge of. criminal libel.
They entered ball yesterday before Alder
man Jones, of Carbondale.
An interesting meeting will be held to
night at 7.45 o'clock at the Oruce He
formed church, Wyoming avenue, when
the friends of F. C. H. Drey will assemble
to wish him Qod speed before leaving us
a "Kingdom Tidings Missionary" to
China. Kev. D. M. Stearns, a former pas
tor of the church,-will be present at the
meeting, and his old associates will have
an opportunity of renewing their ae
qualntunce. A regular meeting of Scranton council,
No. 44, R. and 8. masters, was held at Ma
sonic hall on Monday evening. The fol
lowing officers were elected for the ensu
ing Masonic year: Comp. Charles 11,
Derman, T. I. a. m.j Comp. John W. Dus
enbury, D. I. a. M.j Comp. Henry Archer,
P. C. of W.; Comp. R. A. Zimmerman,
treasurer; Comp. W. Haydn Evans, re
corder; Comp. F. L. Brawn, representa
tive to grand council. ,
While Dr. W. F. Brady wag driving In
his buggy down 8outh Washington ave
nue yesterday a man named King, of
Ablngton, drove Into the buggy anil took
off the hind wheel. Dr. Brady Bworo out
a warrant before Alderman Fuller against
King, but at the time he was not aware
of his name. Later on In the afternoon
Officer Thomas Jones arrested the ne
Xendant and locked him up In the police
station, his wagon and team being placed
in Summer's livery stable.
Inquiring Into the manner of Miss
P.rldget Casey's death, who was killed
last weeR on the Delaware and Hudson
railroad tracks near tho Providence depot,
by being struck by a passenger train, the
coroner's Jury met last night and heard
the evidence of the trainmen. The Jury,
consisting of A. P. O'Donnell, J. P. Neary,
T. J. Flannery, J. D. Ferber, Thomas H.
Hull and Ueorge Donnelly, returned a ver
dict exonerating the trainmen of engine
No. 1C from uny blame.
John Boyle O'Reilly counsel, Young
Men's Institute, elected the following of
ficers last night: President, M. A. Mc
Olnley; first vice president, James L.
Guynor; second vice president, Edward
O'Malley; financial secretary, John J.
Varley; recording secretary, John J. Uro
gan; treasurer, Thomas 1'. Qorden; mar
shal, 10. P. Mitchell; outside sentinel, Dr.
F. L. McGraw; medlcul examiner, D. J.
F. Sultry; chapluln, Rev. J. A. O'Reilly;
executive committee. James Kagen, Ed
ward O'Malley, Thomus P. Mullen,
ThomuB Uorden and K. J. Murray.
Another development was witnessed in
the case of John llanlon, of the City
lioardlng house, who was arrested re
cently by Otllcer Flaherty for making a
charge of blackmail. After the arrest,
Hatilon reiterated the charge and stated
that ex-OHicer John B. Coslett was the
one who had levied blackmail. Coslett
swore out a warrant against Hunlon upon
a charge of libel. Upon being arrested
yesterday Hunlon waived a hearing und
N. Surovltuh became ball In the sum of
M.500 so thut Hunlon will now be com
pelled to appenr in court to answer
charges preferred by Officer Flaherty and
ex-Otllcer Coslett.
At a meeting of the Scranton Engineers'
club laBt night the following officers were
nominated for 'the coming year: James
Archbald, president; F. V. Oerecke, vice
president; 11. W. Rowley, secretary; Ar
thur Livingston, and C. C. Conklln, corre
sponding secretaries; A. H. Storrs, treas
urer; John Svenson, W. A. Muy and T. J.
Foster, executive committee. The elec
tion will be held the second Saturday in
January. F. W. Oerecke, ex-superlnlend-ent
of the Chicago water works, delivered
an informal talk upon tliu pumping fea
tures of the Chicago company's plant. C.
C. Hanson, of the Itigersoll-Sargent Com
pressor company, of New York city, nnd
O. Slumped, of the Frazier & Chalmers
company, of Chicago, were present ns
Pabst's Milwaukee Beer, cool and spark
ling, ut Lohman's, Spruce street.
St. Luke's Women's Guild W ill Provide
Meals for Sixty Families.
Once more the good Indies of St.
Luke's Women's guild are exerting
themselves for the benefit of the poor.
This year a Christmas dinner will be
provided fur about sixty families Irre
spective of creed or nationality.
Contributions will be received at 325
Washington avenue on Friday, when
the committee In charge will be present
tj arrange the gifts as they are re
cleved. The ladles of the guild have
unsual facilities for ascertaining those
really deserving of gifts and their dis
criminating work has been highly ap
preciated. All contributions of grocer
ies, meats, vegetables and other ar
ticles, which will assist to make up a
Christmas dinner, will be thankfully
I.uckawannn und Wyoming Coul Vullcjs
doing Into Idleness.
On Saturday many of the collieries
In the Lackawanna and Wyoming coal
fields, Including all the miners of the
Lehigh Valley company In the state,
will suspend operations and remain Idle
until Jan. 2.
The object of this is to give the coal
companies athanee to clear the market
of the stock yet remaining on hand.
For the past two months the coal trade
was very dull owing to the glutted mar
ket. The companies want to have a clear
field so as to estimate the output for
the coming year. By reiualnng Idle
for about ten days. It Is thought that
the new year will be begun with an
empty market.
Santa Clans couldn't' make a wiser
choice of a gift for his little friends than
to present them those funny, droll und
mlrth-commundlng "(Jileer People." All
parts can now be had at The Tribune
business office.
The large Furniture Warcrooms of the
Scranton Cash Furniture Store will bo
open evenings until after the holidays.
An Indian Princess In Town.
Dllrllur tha u-atfr In Aln.ra s. llnnnnA
window cun be seen Moraklnl, an Indiun
Princess, und her llttlo airl muklnir bas
kets. She belongs to the MlumlB. once a
powerful tribe Inhabiting the country
i-.,ot r,F lAliliai,,lu nr.... I . U -
n'-1' i .ii.inji.uitin, living III IliB
Indian Territory, huvlng been removed
there hy tho government. Customers can
nrili.l nnv kind nf n hnitL-n. uml l.ut.A 1
mudo while they wait. Humpers, square
or round, ruper, non-lion, move Holder,
Wnrlr Miiukntu tn In. tVta In,ll...,u
and sold ut remurkably low prices.
null of F.xcelsior Athletic Cluh.
T)n not fnrcrpt in nttcnil thn olnvnnth nn.
nuul ball of the Excelsior Athletic club
ut Music hull on Christmas night. The
musl - will be furnished by a first-class
A Ilundsomo Wutch.
This watch Is a fine, solid irnlil wntrh
throughout. A first-class movement.
Stem wind and set. Guurunteed a time
keeper, for J12. Others charge (18, Duvi
dow Bros.
Stewart, the Wyoming avenue Art
Deahr, Is headquurters for line picture
frames. Call and Inspect his large line
of White and Gold, Ouk Gilt, Bilver nnd
Gold Mounted.
Money Loaned. Hard Times
Do not visit Duvldow Bros. Plenty monf y
to loun at Duvldow Bros, on diamonds,
watches, Jewelry, etc.
The ilew Webster Dictionary, bound in
Leather, for 60 cents, at
Magnesia end Magnuhcstou Sectional
Orders for breakers, houses and stsum
plants generally, solicited.
Successor to Macau & Co.
J. 8. REYNOLDS, Manager,
321 Center street.
21'i pounds fine granulated sugar for 11.
Excelsior Diaries for 1895.
All kinds of Ktnhlmm. Enarrnvlnini nml
Water Colors at Grlflin's new studio, 209
Wyoming avenuo.
For Vflrlotv. nnnlllv nml rnlnp It la nnl
necessary that we call the attention of
the public to ony other place In the city
but Davldow Bros.
Finest line of Davis' Automatic Ink
stands at REYNOLDS BHOS.
Still B-Rlnglng.
Davldow Bios. 85c. alarm clocks.
I am prepared to receive a limited num.
ber of piano pupils. For terms, etc.. nd.
dross Richard F. Lindsay.
822 Mulberry street.
Or at Powell's Music Store. "
Ynsetulrcs, Something Intlrcly New.
Exquisite designs. Davldow Bros.
Beautiful Wuter Colors. Fac-simlles.
Photogravures and Etchings, Framed and
That Is ."What a . Proposed Orquniza
tion Will Korh For.
Movement Will Be Non-Sectarian and
NonPolltlcal-ProJcct Was Discussed
ut Last Night's Meeting of Men's
League of Buptlst Church.
The question of municipal reform Is
under consideration bv the executive
committee of the Christian Endeavor
union, the Young Men's Christian as
sociation and other kindred associations
with a view to taking united action for
the improvement of local government,
It Is arranged that Itie aflillated asso
elation having charge of the move
merit rfiall be non-sectarian and not
ullled to any political party. The de
tails of tho organization which tire be
ing drafted by the Christian Endeavor
City union are not yet ready for publl
cation, but the object in view will be to
secure a clean and .honest administra
tion of local government.
It is not alleged that any definite
charges of corruption are to be made
against anyone, but it Is believed that
If honest, sincere men work together,
unworthy men can be kept out of
office and If they do succeed In running
the gauntlet of th voters they can be
prevented from working Injury by cor
rupt practices. The common council
has, in particular, been mentioned by
the promoters and will no doubt receive
the attention it seems to deserve.
The movement was discussed at
meeting of the Men's guild at the Penn
Avenue Buptlst church last night, but
no definite action was taken In the mat
tcr, the larger movement being already
in the hands of a formidable organiza
The detailed programme of procedure
will be announced at an early date and
its publication Is awaited with consider
able Interest by a large number of citi
zens who have for some time been agi
tating the formation of an or
Huiirond . M. C. A. Brings the New York
i'liiliiurinonic Club to Scrunton.
One of the most deserving Institu
tions In Scranton Is the Railroad tie-
partment of the Young Men's Christian
association. The work they are doing
in the railroad shops and among the
trainmen Is wonderfully practical.
Over M0 men are enrolled on their
membership, and as many more pass
under Its Christian Influence every day.
Once in a great while the Railroad de
partment asks 'the public for their as-
slstance In pushing on this work. They
always give something fo: what they
get, and this season they have secured
the well known New York Phllhar
monlc club, whom Scranton people can
never get tired of hearing, to give u
concert for them In the Frothinghnjn
iiiruier, iuuiiuuy, Jan. L'l.
The club is made up this year of the
following: Eugene Welner, the flute
virtuoso (the Now York Herald says
he Is the best flute player that New
Yorkers have ever heard); Frank S.
Porte, the renowned violinist; Henri
Hangman, the vlollncello virtuoso, the
pupil of the greut Leipzig conserva
tory; Sol. Marcosson, violin virtuoso;
Paul Mende, viola, of Dresden; Paul
Rohmlg, double bass, who was for
several years the first nnd solo bass of
Dr. Von Bulow's orchestra In Ham
burg, and Ruhensteln's orchestra in
Petersburg. Miss Clara C. Henley will
be the singer. This talented young
llady has a wonderful soprano voice. It
is umicuit to imagine more perfect In
tonation, more brilliant vocullzation
or. In fact, more marvelous voice pro
duction, than hers. Persons who wish
to hear this concert again must buy
tickets early;, the theater will be crowd
ed with people. It will be the musical
society event of the season. '
The following society ladles are the
patronesses, nnd are working unceas
ingly for Its success: Mrs. II. M. Boles,
Mrs. W. F. Hallstead, Mrs. James P.
Dickson, Mrs. E. N. Wlllard, Mrs.
James Archbald, Mrs. George L. Dick
son, Mrs. Frank M. Jermyn, Mrs. L. G.
Labur, Mrs. G. M. Hallstead, Mrs. E. L.
Fuller, Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mrs. C. L.
Frey, Mrs. Everett Warren, Mrs. John
Simpson, Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Mrs. T. H.
Wntklns, Mrs. J. A. Lansing, Mrs,
Thomas Dale, Mrs. Frederick Holdry,
Mrs. William Frlnk, Mrs. W. H. Free
man, Mrs. John Loomls, Mrs. J. P.
Acker, Mrs. N. Y. Leet, Mrs. Alfred
Hand, Mrs. R. W. Archbald, Mrs. G. H.
C'atlln, Mrs. Wlllian Connell, Mrs. L.
S. Onkford, Mrs. E. B. Jermyn, Mrs.
Kzra H. Ripple, Mrs. K. li. Sturges,
Mrs. Horace E. Hand, Mrs. Thomas
Dickson, Mrs. E. K. Crothamel, Mrs.
David Brown.
2Hj pounds fine granulated sugar for $1,
A Fine Gold Watch
For gentlemen, Elgin or Waltham move
ment. First-class and warranted, $27.50.
Duvldow Bros.
There's no better Xmas present for the
little ones thun Pulmer Cox's "Queer
People." All purts are now on sale at The
Tribune business olllce.
l'ino Solid Gold 14k. Watches
can be had at Davldow Bros.
Fur Capes and Cloaks.
Out assortment for Christmas Week Is
very complete.
Fur Capes, $7.00 to $."i0.00.
Jackets, $5.00 to $20.00. '
Also lorge assortment of Fur Scarfs and
Small Furs. v '
G. W. OWENS, Cloaks and Furs,
60S Spruce St., Court House Square.
1847 Rogers Bros.' Tea Spoons,
Trlple-plute, $1.50. Davldow Bros,
Cnulns, Ladles' Necklaces,
Lorgnettes, fobs, silk vest chains, hair
chains anything In the line of chains can
be found at Davldow Bros.
Finest lino of Calendars ever shown In
the city at REYNOLDS BROS.
Sterling Silver Watch Pockets.
Call and see them. Somothlng' new.
Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. ave.
Ladies' l ino Solid Gold 14k. Watches,
Set In diamonds, pearls, rubles, sapphires,
emeralds, etc., can be found at Davldow
Fancy Waste Paper Baskets.
Davldow Bros, in the Lead.
Their holiday stock has drawn the larg
est crowd of any store In the city.
No Better
for the
Little Ones.
All parts on sale now at The
Tribune business office.
Thomas E. Shea and fl capable com
pany presented at the Academy last
night the dramatized "Monte Crieto" to
an enthusiastic audience.
The Impersonation by Mr. Shea of
Edmund Dantea was such as would In
dicate the continued success and pro
ficiency of one who has already at
tained a high histrionic rank. The
company was well balanced and merit
ed the applause accorded ithem. The
stage scenery and accessories were
more complete and historically correct
than are usually presented by even good
traveling companies.
Miss Eleanoro Mayo, the young
prima donna now slngng the title role
In Wlllard Spenser's comic opera, the
"Princess Bonnie," Is the daughter of
Frunk Mayo, the romantic actor. She
Is about 20 years old and extremely
beautiful. During the six months' run
of the "Princess Bonnie" In Phladel
phla, Miss Mayo was the recipient of
much social attention from the laud
ing families of the Quaker City. In
fact, she was the sensation of the hour,
und constant receptions were given in
her honor. The "Princess Bonnie" will
play a return engagement at the Acad
emy of Music on Thursday evening.
The war drama, "Llbby Prison," will
be seen at Davis' theater Thursday,
Friday und Saturday afternoons and
evenings. The Hlnghamton Republi
can says of the company that will be
seen here In it: "The principal actors
In this drama were Miss June Agnott
and Joseph Clifton and were ably sup
ported by David Murdock and I. R.
Dellie, who took leading roles. Miss
Agnott captured the audience with" her
cleverness, und John Morris, who took
the part of the Irish comedian, kept
the house In a continuous roar of laughter."
Rcuutlful Imported Goods for Holiday
Presents ut 308 Spruce Street.
Owing to lack of space to nccommo
date the lurge stock of beautiful goods
purchased by Mr. Eugene Kleberg on
the occasion of his recent visit to
Europe, I have opened the store, 30S
Spruce street (old postolllce building),
with the rarest stock of imported
Chlnai vases, lamps, bisque goods, etc.,
ever brought to Scranton. These goods
were all selected with exquisite taste
and are admirably adapted for holiday
They must be sold and prices have
been marked exceedingly low. Remem
ber the place.
Charles Tropp, Commltttee,
308 Spruce street,
. .
.Miner Injured und His Laborer killed at
August Micutklcwlcz, a laborer, was
killed by a full of roof In the William A.
colliery at Duryea yesterday morning.
He leaves a wife In the old country.
John Foy, the miner by whom Mi
cutklc.wicz was employed, was Injured
by the same fall.
Santa Claus couldn't muko a wiser
choice of a gift for his little friends than
to present them those funny, droll and
mlrlh-commaiHtlng "Queer People." All
purts can now be hud ut Tho Tribune
business ofllce.
Wo Can Sell
you a gent's gold-filled wutch. Elgin or
Wultham movement, guaranteed, $lu.0(l; a
perfect timekeeper. Duvldow Bros.
21 'a pounds lino gruuuluted sugar for $1.
Wc Are Very Ittisy
but huvo a lurge force of extra clerks.
Everybody will be waited on quickly ami
goods delivered promptly. Please order
as eurly In the week us possible.
Hair Pins. Side Combs,
fnncy belts, muff-holders, collarettes, pin
cushions, needle cuses, napkin rings ut
Duvldow Kros.
A l.udics' Fine Sterling Silver Watch,
$1.75; guaranteed a perfect timekeeper.
Davldow Bros.
Oxford Bibles and Family Bibles ut
Fine Solid Gold Kings for l.udlcs
And misses, $1.00 only. Duvldow Bros.
Pillsbnry's Flour Mills have a capacity
of 17,600 barrels a day.
21'a pounds fine granulrted sugar for $1.
- '
Opera Glasses
at Davldow Bros.
Engraved cards at REYNOLDS BROS.
.Money, Money, Money, Money, .Money,
money, money, money to loun ut Davl
dow Bros, bunking establishment.
Episcopal Prayor Rooks and Hymnals.
Sterling Silver Key Chulns
at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. uve.
Sterling Silver Hook Murks
at Davldow Bros., 217 Lacka. ave.
T. H. McClintock.
has Just received a large lot of Palms,
Ferns, etc., for holiduy presents and In
terior decorating.
Cuthollc Prayer Books, lurgest line In
the city ut REYNOLDS BROS.
... ..
F.vcry Article Purchased
nt Davldow Bros. Is guaranteed as repre
sented or money refunded.
Sterling Silver Don-lion Spoons
at Davldow Bros.
Leather Traveling Cases, Collar nnd
Cuff Boxes.
In Cusc of a Pinch
leave your valuables at Davldow Bros,
bunking establishment.
or approved credit for
thirty days, one and
the same. We are an
Grocery house. The largest
and most reliable ou fine
goods in N. E. Penna. Our
wholesale prices as low as N.
Y. markets. Our retail prices
v lower than any house in the
State. Prices cheerfully giv
en. 'All mail orders care
fully and quickly executed.
All freight charges paid.
E. Q. Coursen
District Assembly, Xo. 16, Kniijhts of
Labor, Takes a Decided Stand.
Soy They Are I'sing Funds of Order for
Selfish Purposes, and Local Knights
Believe the Tiino Has Come to
Cut Off Further Supplies.
A special meeting of District Assom
bly, No. 16, Knights of iLabor, v.-us heW
In this city yesterday at which It was
decided to practically withdraw from
the national assembly of the Knights of
Labor. Local assembly, No. 222, w-as
expelled from the district assembly. It
Is claimed that for some time past It
has exlwted only on paper and that those
connected with it have been a disturb
Ing element In local Knights of Labor
matt ms.
The it-solutions are strong and ford
bleand make damaging charges against
the national officers of tho Knights of
Labor. About ia month go the general
assembly of the Knights of Labor con
vened at New Orleans. T. D. Hayes,
master workman of District assembly
No. 10, was selected to represent thit
body, but he would not be allowed to
participate in the deliberations of the
general assembly, which greatly in
censed the local Knights.
Ever since the split in the Knights of
Labor, District assembly, No. 16. has
steadfastly remained true to Powderly
and consequently became Involved in
difficulties with the general officers of
the order. The culmination of these
strained relations was the action of th
assembly yesterday withdrawing from
the general assembly.' The resolutions
udopted are as follows:
Whereas, The vilest method resorted to
by the Tammany regime of New York, as
exposed by the Lexow committee, were
not more dishonorable or unworthy than
those to which our general ofllcers re
sorted that they might retain their places
Their object in winning to bo retained
Is that they might have something to
trade on nnd sell during tho coming
presidential election of lS'.fi. In view of
the circumstances Bet forth above we
Resolve, That the body known as Local
Assembly No. 222, which does not, and has
not for years, held a meeting, be ex
pelled from District Assembly 1G, with
the brand of dishonor on all that Is left
of It.
Resolved, That as the power to lend In
fluence to truckling knaves, whose aim is
to barter the suffrages of the citizens of
this order, comes from tho membership
which contributes Its revenues, und !i
tho best menus of thwurtlng the schemes
of designing scoundrels, is to cut off
their revenues, we pledge ourselves not to
pay another cent of tax to the present
general ollicers and we urge upon our lo
cul assemblies not to do so.
Resolved, That we will remain steadfast
to tho preamble and principles of the or
der, and that we will do all thut honor
able men can do to mould them into law.
' Resolved, That we call upon members
of the order everywhere to refuse to con
tribute another cent to the men who have
squandered our resources In the erection
of gas machines and other private enter
Resolved, That we will hold ourselves
ready to co-operate with other parts of
the order In the effort to reornanize the
various purts Into a solid compuct whole
where selfish schemes will not usurp the
rights and privileges of the muny who
Resolved, That we caution tho people of
Lackawanna county not to pay any heed
to future efforts of slippery political
charlutuns who may use the nume of this
order, or uny of Its parts, in loctil u (fairs,
District Assembly U! will maintain Its ex
istence as a Knights of Luhor organiza
tion, and while the public may be treated
to proclamations from alleged assemblies
the gcnernl officers will receive no reve-
nfies from assemblies which exist on pa
per and whoso only strength lies in wind.
Wood and Brass Easels.
Fine Solid Gold 18k. Rings.
can be had at Davldow Bios.
Fountuln Pens, Gold Pens nnd Pencils
l:qiiislte Dccorntionsand F.ngravings
Cun be seen on Davldow Bros, watches.
- -
Catholic Prayer Books.
Now Is the Time to Look for Your
W. W. Berry
Has a larger stock of Novelties
than ever before. RIGHT IP
TO DATE, with everything new
Lackawanna Ava
i Li 1
If (I
Is receiving' daily all the lat
est novelties in
When in need of something
late in the Jewelry line call
and see Rogers' stock before
making your final selection,
as he cau show you the latest
and a large assortment to se
lect from.
Including the painless extracting of
teeth by an entirely new prooeia.
We had thought that
with a store four times
the size of our old one that
we could accommodate ev
eryone, but we find that
even now we are crowded
afternoons and evenings.
We would ask as many
as can to
Green and Gold Store Front
24 lbs, G. Sugar, $1.00
31 lbs. C. Sugar, 1.00
Fresh Eggs, per doz. .18
Choice Mixed Candy, lb., .07
Choice Mixed Candy, 4 lbs.
Mixed Nuts,
Mixed Nuts, 3 lbs.,
Peanuts, 3 quarts
Walnuts, per bushel,
Butternuts, per bushel,
Almonds, per pound,
Sweet Florida Oranges.
sweet Flonda Oranges. 2 doz .20
Fer box, - -
Tangeriens, per dozen,
Per iBox, half size,
Malaga Grapes, per lb.
Fine Chocolates, Bon-Bons, French
A'ugas, Taffys, French Fruits, Xut Can
dies, Nutter Cups, Etc., Etc., in excel
lent quality and great variety. We are
unquestionably Headquarters this year
in this line of goods.
F. P. PRICE, Agent
WBBP Dunn's
Will be1 open evenings
until 8 o'clock.
Mi M. at
We cau suit you in Shoes and will deal lightly with
-our pocketbook.
1 1
Of what to buy as Christmas Presents. Now let us remind you of a
few things that are very useful and durable, and would be very much
appreciated as a gift at this time of the year. Just think of a man's
Mackintosh at $8.00 or 10.00 as good as a $15.00 garment, or an ele
gant Umbrella.. Wc have them mounted with elegant handles, silk
covered, from 1.00 up, and then our Cloak and Fur departments are
full of desirable goods. Do yon know that we have more Cloaks and
Capes in our store than any three stores in the city.
Consequently, ours is the stock to select from and our prices are
right Almost forgot to mention that we have a splendid line of Neck
wear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, etc.
Astrakhan Circular Capes
$9.08, worth $18 00.
Wool Seal Circular Capes
$18.1)8, worth J30.00.
Electric Seal Circular Capes - 1
$19.00, worth $35.00.
Persian Circular Capes
$(5.()0, worth $95.00.
BrotfB Marten Circular Capes
$35.00, worth $50.00.
60 dozen Fine Neck Sean's with Ani
mal's Heads ut $1.49, worth $3.00.
50 dozen Baltic Seal Mulls
$1.49, worth $3.00.
50 dozen Children's Sets at
98c, worth $2.50.
3 dozen pairs Electric t eal Gloves for
Gentlemen $2.49, worth $5.00.
The balance of our Cloth Coats and
Capes we will oil'or for 5uc. on the
We will sell for less than 50c. on the
138 Wyoming Ave.
Have your Furs repaired by the only
Practical Furrier in the citv.
Coats and
Fine Tricot Cloths
In Colors Brown, Blue
and Garnet
Sffiv. $4, $5 fli$B
i $10 fll $12,
And as High as $20.
Clothiers. tttersA Fumishera
0 LOVES Reduced Prices
'.o make room for entirely
new stock of
during the month of December
Corner of Lackawanna and
Wyoming Avenues.