THE ' SCRAXTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORXIXG, DECEMBER 18, 1S94. l Forgotten Hero's ' Neglected Grave Disiiraccful Condition of the Tomb of General Samuel Meredith. HAS NO SUITABLE MONUMENT The Last Westing Place of tho First Treas urer of tho I'nited Stutes Is I ncared for-A Kcflcetion I'pon the Patri otism of I'cnnsylvunlu. At the outskirts of a mapln grove that fringes a broad meadow on the beauti ful hills of northeastern Pennsylvania, ntr Pleasant Mtmnt.stunds a plain mar ble Flab that marks the almost forgot ten spot where for nearly a century has slumbered one of the heroes of the Rev olution who was also prominent In the g-uldance of the affairs of the newly or ganized government at the close of the euecessful struggle for Amoriean Inde pendence. The weather beaten, moss covered stone that peeps through a Ufa of weeds presents a mournful ap pearance on the little neglected plot that seems about the only forgotten spot in the vicinity where well culti vated fields and neatly kept farm houses are the admiration of visitors to that most delightful portion of Wayne county. Apparently forgotten by those who should keep his memory ever green, the illustrious defender sleeps peacefully on through the chang ing seasons, unmindful of the howling blasts of winter or the noontide song of the bobolink that breaks upon the prevading stillness of his tomb In the balmy days of summer. The unpre tentious slab that stands in the midst of tangled musses of wild shrubbery bears this simple Inscription, which would attract no attention from the visitor unacquainted with the history of the man whose crumbling remains repose beneath: SAMUEL, MEREDITH, DIED FEBRUARY THE TENTH, 3817, K THE 7CTII YEAR OF HIS AGE. But the good citizens of Pleasant Mount, the beautiful little hamlet sit uated about a mile from the grave, are ever ready to give information concern ing the career of the patriot who spent the waning years of his life amid the delightful surroundings, and never tire of relating incidents of life at "Hel mont Manor" that have been handed down from generation to generation, nnd today they speak reverently of the man whose kindly deeds were perform ed long, long ago and whose earthly career was finished almost before the birth of the oldest inhabitant. A half century or more ago Pleasant Mount, as a relay Btatlon on the Newburg and Ovvego turnpike, was a locality of con siderable importance in that portion of "Wayne county. Five coaches dally bowled along the turnpike carrying distinguished passengers and valuable fxpress and mail matter. The residents of the place then had better opportuni ties, for the period, of holding Inter course with the outside world in their own territory than at present, when the distant whistle rf th locomotive U about the only reminder of these days of progress and improvement which have left them fur in the rear. .Merely a Shadow of Its 1'ust. The tally-ho coach and prancing eteeds are no longer daily visitors to Pleasant Mount, and the bulk of store trade which gave life to the town has drifted elsewhere. Its availability as a home town or summer resort, however, has been heightened rather than diminished by the ubsence of nearly everything that would make the village attractive from a business point of view, and visitors . . -1 fv.v. The Neglected (iruvc. are Invarably attracted by the peaceful surroundings of the village on the hills. The remnants of the past generation of Pleasant Mount are of an extremely social turn and Mic'r minds are stored with Interesting anecdotes nnd reminis cences of other days. From the oldest Inhabitants who kindly rehearse tradi tions and furnish data the visitor Is able to gather facts concerning the career of the forgotten patriot. General .Meredith's Career. General Samuel Meredith, the first treasurer of the United Suites, came of an Illustrious family and could trace his blood direct to the royally of Wales. Ills father, Reese Meredith, came to Philadelphia in 1730. In the year of 1755 he met and formed the acquaint anceship of George Washington and a friendship sprang up between them which lasted through life and was taken up by his son. The elder Mere dith was a staunch advocate of Ameri can Independence and was a firm friend and advisor of General Washington in the darkest hours of struggle when the torch of liberty seemed In danger of being forever extinguished. He never lost faith In the cause, and gave sub stantial tokens of his sincerity by a contribution of $25,000 ito bo used In clothing and feeding the Revolutionary soldiers at Valley Forge. General Meredith was born In Phila delphia in 1741, and was educated at Chester. His public services date from 1765 when he attended a meeting of merchants of Philadelphia to protest against the Importation of teas and other goods that bore the obnox ious British tax-stamp. He signed the resolutions which were adopted Nov. 7, 1705." On the 19th of May, 1772, he was married to Margaret, daughter oil Dr. Thomas Cadwallader, of Philadelphla.chlef medical dlrectorof the Pennsylvania hospital. He Joined the "Silk stocking company" In 1775, nnd was made major. He distinguish ed himself In the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and In October, 1777,wascom missloned general of the Fourth bri gade Pennsylvania militia. The troops under General Meredith performed ex cellent service at Brandywlne and Ger mantown. At the close of the war ho was twice elected from Philadelphia county to the Pennsylvania colonial assembly. In the spring of 1780 General Meredith and his partner, George Cly mer, each contributed $25,000 to the gov ernment fund. General Meredith, like his father, wai a firm and trusted friend of Washing ton, and In August, 1789, was appointed surveyor of the port of Philadelphia by Pftsldent Washington, He served until September, when he resigned to accept the appointment as treasurer of the United States, which had been urged upon him by Washington. Treasurer Meredith entered upon duty at a time when the financial standing of the country was anything but en couraging. Impoverished by the ex pense of the war the treasury of the newly formed government was In condi tion to need the most careful and con servative management. General Mere dith's fitness for the trust was recog nised by not only President Washing ton but others prominent In the estab lishment of the government by the peo ple. In 1774 General Meredith purchased large tracts of land in Eastern Penn sylvania lying In what are now th.' counties of Schuylkill, Pike, Monro.', Lackawanna, . Luzerne, Wyoming, lirad foul and Wayne, owning nearly SO, (Kit) acres in Wayne alone. On his retire ment from olllce General Meredith sought seclusion and rest at "Hel mont Manor," a beautiful country home situated on the hillside about a mile west of the village of Pleasant Mount. Scene ut Pleasant Mount. Here, surrounded by the comforts and luxuries that could be obtained In the early days of the present century, the patriot passed the closing years of a life of activity amid peaceful surround ings, revered and honored by his rustic neighbors who were recipients of many kindly courtesies at his hands. Gen eral Meredith, during his retirement, was frequently visited by his former political associates and "Belmont Man or" was famed among the social lights of the young government for the hos pitality of his master and mistress. General Meredith is described as hav ing been tall and commanding in per son, with a light blue eye and kindly face upon which was rellected the in domitable will of the Ideal man. Why Not llnild u .Monument ! The spirit of the master of Belmont Manor passed to the great beyond In 1S17 and that of his faithful life com panion followed In the year 1S1!0. In compliance to expressed wishes during his lifetime the remains of General Meredith were laid to rest on a little declivity on the foothills of the Mooslc range, overlooking the head waters of (lie Lackawaxen. Not many seasons after the sod was green upon the grave of the loving wife who had shared his Joys nnd sorrows, the descendents f the patriot drifted away; the property pussed into strange hands and the lonely graves on the hillside were for gotten. "Belmont Manor," once the pride of Pleasant Mount, went to decay and was finally destroyed by fire of a mysterious origin muny years ago. Not a stick of timber remains today of the once beautiful mansion which sheltered one of the nation's most open-hearted nnd generous defenders. Hank weeds flourish within the crumbling founda tion walls and toads and llzzards are living sentinels that guard the fast dlrappeaiiing remnants that tell of the scenes of 4lfe and brilliancy that have long since faded. In 1S77 the patriotic citizens of Pleas ant Mount Inaugurated a movement with the view of providing a suitable monument to mark the resting place of the man Whose life and purse had been ever ait the call of freedom's cause. A committee was appointed und the leg islature was asked for assistance. But the call was unheeded and the matter was finally dropped. The grave of the friend of Washington, the patriot Whose memory should be honored by every true American citizen with reverence almost equal to thn,t accorded the name of the father of his country, Is today neglected and forgotten. The fact that no suitable monument marks the last resting place of General Samuel Mere dith Is a blot not only upon the state of Pennsylvania but upon the whole United States as well. " Killngham Tracy Sweet. 1UI.L JOXLS OX LONG HAIR. How the foot Hall Crac Affects the Texan Memhernf Our Staff. Editor of the Seranton Tribune. Sir. in connection with foot ball might It not .put some restraint on the brutality of the play, and, possibly, do away with a silly fad to a large extent, If the different schools und colleges em bodied among their rules one requiring the ptudents to Indulge in a hair-cut about 'once a month? Or lot some modern Delilah take an ux and go forth on a hairy hunt among those wretched travesties on Samson of old. It would seem us though a padded cup or something of that character, If extraordinary protection to tho head is necessary, might Improve on the ap pearance of u creature of the Nine teenth century something that could be removed when not In use, thus do ing away with the present appearance of the average foot ballist umong us, who now looks like a relic of the remote age of barbarism dropped into the midst of an advanced civilization? The Idea that now seems to prevail among the long-haired cranks Is to let the hair grow until It gives the appearance of a most ferocious wild animal; nnd then to part It In the middle, making a good Imitaitlon of one of Darwin's con necting links. In olden times, at the period when our ancestors had begun to think that death wus too severe a penalty for or dinary theft. It was customary to pun ish fiheep-Btenlers by nailing them by their ears to a gate post. This general ly resulted In tearing awuy the liga ments and consequently slitting the ears. In order to disguise this tell-tale evidence of crime, It became customary among certain gentry to wear their hair long enough to cover the ears. It may be that what la considered a fad of the present Is simply an heredit ary taint that has appeared after many generations, and one for which the unfortunate victims may hold their forefathers responsible. If h, they are truly entitled to sympathy Instead of ridicule and censure. BUI Jones. 1()VT WEAR CORSETS. " Venus Didn't; and Venus, You'll Agree, Wasn't Had Looking. From tho Minneapolis Tribune. Did Venus wear a corset? Did her hips bulge out like an apple from Its stem? And while we're talking about corsets, do you see any real good In them? Does their benefit compensate for their harm? I will admit that they are of use to the fleshy woman; but again, they helped to make her fleshy while wearing them before they be- came an absolute necessity to her. You will admit that there are no other wo men who dress so carefully, so artis tically and sensibly as actresses. Their work requires absolute freedom of the physical members and support for the back and sometimes shoulders. And they get It, too. There Is not the least bit of false pride or mock modesty about them, for they study the demands of their physiques as a Jockey does a run ner. And you would be surprised to know how many women of the stage dress and act wrlhout corsets. Miss Marlowe, Mrs. Potter, Miss Ter ry and hosts of well known American aotresses and singers have discarded bones and steels and lacing and use some one form or another of hygiene waisls. Many use only the Empire, and we are given to wondering how stage women all have such (splendid and supple ligures. Do you suppose Resale Clayton could sweep the Btage with he: curls if she wore corsets? There ure a whole lot of brains amongst actresses, und their discarding of corsets shows one phase of them. 1 may be a crank on the corset quos- tion; I can't help It If I am, but I loathe them and I wish that the generality of women along with their good sense In the adoption of the equestriennes and their discarding of underskirts, would go the one necessary step further and put olT corsets. Your gowns will fit Just us well and you would have freer mo tion, deeper breathing capacity, fresher faces, blighter minds and beside, give some depth to the woman's Improve ment fuds. It becomes a matter of health and judgment and happiness, If you only look Into It to see how they go. Look around town and, see if you can't find something more comfortable, healthful, and quite as serviceable as those nerve destroying corsets. From the time you take off your corset for good your health will begin to be better. LITTLE JOHNS' CHRISTMAS. We got up a-purpoxe, Jos' fer little Juhnts, you know; His mother wus so pore and all, and had to manage so Jes' lwln' a war-wldder, and her pension mighty Bllni. She'd take In weavln', er work out, er any thing fer him. And little Johnts was puny-like but law! the nerve he had! You'd want to klnilo'plty'hlm, but couldn't very bud His pants o' army blanket and his coat o' fuiled blue Kep' hlntin' of his father like, and plly wouldn't do! So we collogued together, ono't, one win tertime, 'at we Jes" me anil mother and the girls, and Wilse, Jolm-.luck and Free Would Jine und gel up little Johnts, by time 'at (iirisnms come, Soma sorto" (loin's, don't you know, "at would su'prlse him some! And so, all on the quiet, mother she turns in and gits Some blue-Junes cuts and makes a suit; und then sets down and knits A pair o' little galluses to go 'long with the rest And puts in a red flunnel-buek, and buckle on the vest. The little ftdler'd be'n so much around our house, you see, And be'n such a he'p to her and ull, and handy ns ronld be, 'At mother couldn't do too much fer little Johnts No, sir! She ust to Jes' declare 'ut "he wus meat- and-drink to her!" And Plney, Lido and Madeline, they watched their chaneo and rid To Fountulntown with Lljey's folks; and bought a book, they did, O' fairy tales, with pletur's In; and got a little pair O' red-top boots at John-Juek said he'd be'n a-piieen there. And Lido got him a little sword, and Madeline, a drum; And shootln'-eraekers lnwzy-duy! and they're so iliingersome! Ami Plney, over' time the rest would buy some other toy, She'd take a tern in then and buy more candy fer the boy! Well, thlnks-snyr.-I, when they got hack, your poeketbuoks are dry! Hut III tie Johnts was there hlsse'f that il I Well, ull of ukep' mighty mum, tel we got him awuy liy tellln' him he shore and come to-mony t'hrlsmus Day And fetch his mother 'long with lilr.i! And how he se'td ncrost The iields his low head, in the dusk, Jrs' like a streak o' frost! His conifer! ftettern us he run ami old Tlge, don't vou know, A-Jumpln' high fer rabbits and a-plowln' up the unow! It must a-be'n most ten that night afore wo got to bed Wit h Wllse and John-Juek he'ppln' us; and Freeman In tho shed, And Lltle out with tho lantern while he trimmed a tinismUB-treo Out of n little scrub-ouk top 'at suited to a t! All tight I drenmp' o' hearln' things a- Hkulklni round the place And "Old Krlss," with his whiskers off ami freckles on his face And reindeers, shaped like shavln'-iiosses ut the coopor-shop, A-stlekln' down the chlmbly, with their heels out at the top! Ry timo 'at mother got me up 'twas plum daylight and more Tho front yurd full o' neighbors, all u- crowdliiround the door, With Johnts's mother leadln'; yes, and little Johnts hlsse'f, Set up on Freemun's shoulder, like a Jug up on the she'f ! Of course I cun't describe It when they all got in to where We'd conjered up the Chrlsmus-troe und ull tho tlxln's there, Fer all the shoutii o' laughture clappln' hands, and cru'ckln' Jukes, Was heap o' klssln' Roin' on amongst the women-folks: Fer, lo-beholil'ye! there they had that yonng-un! And his chin A-wobblln'-Uke; and, shore enough, ut lust he Blurted In And sleh another bellerln', In all my mor tal duys I never heerd, or 'spect to hear, In woe's app'inled ways! And mother grabs him up and says: "It's more'n he can bear It's nil too sudilent fer the child, and too HH'prlslu'l There!" "Oh, no It uln't" sobbed little JohntB- "1 nln't su'piisert hut I'm A-cryln' 'euuso I wutched you all ami knowed It all the time!" Jumes Whltcomb Riley, E1STEDDF0D1C 1IIM0K. There Is Plenty of It in Almost Any Welsh Gathering if You know Where to Look for It The licccnt Allcntown Song Fes tival and Some of Its Amusing Incidents. From the Pittston Gazette. , With a capable conductor In charge, there Is, perhaps, no publie gathering so productive of amusing Incidents as the eisteddfod. In fact, bright witti cisms and brilliant repartee are two of the peculiar features of the Welsh musical festival not only among the hills and dales of Wales, where many, many years ago It found birth, but also In those sections of our own land to Which the eisteddfod has been trans planted. Oftentimes do elsteddfodie scenes even reueh the dramatic, as at Allcntown the other day. It was dur ing the afternoon session. Dr. T. ('. Ed wards, of Kingston, one of the bright est and best conductors In the country, was in charge. The contest for the soprano solo prize Wjs on. Two bad sung. The third was singing. Sud denly a crackling noise was heard at the top of the vast market house, und a circle of plastering fell, filling the air with dust nnd forcibly reminding some of the people of the sudden drop. The audience of 3,000 people trembled. A glance upward showed a huse hole In the ceiling. Protruding from the aper ture was "a hoof, attached to which was a human leg,"as one witness mu morously put It. The great audience knew not what to expect, nnd the panic fever wus 4n the atmosphere. Then it was that the coolness and quickness of the conductor came Into play. Dr. Edwards was on his feet in an Instant, and through the large hall resounded the clear announcement, calculated to reatore quietness and save the eis teddfod, that "it is all right; the venti lation for which we asked has come." The absurdity of the situation, with a human leg protruding from n hole in the celling, dawned upon the confused throng, nnd, Instead of a panic, there was round after round of applause at the sharpness of Dr. Edward's wit. An Investigation revealed that the ubi quitous) small boy, with a pardonable love for music, had by some unex plalnable means secured entrance to the garret of the hall, with a view to the enjoyment of the eisteddfod through eye holes, of which there were several in the ceiling. Missing his foot ing on the rafters, he stepped through the lightly constructed celling of lath and plastering, with the amusing re sults above stated. But for the readi ness of the conductor, there Is no tell ing what serious effects might have followed the sudden break In the pro ceedings. Less causes than a human leg seen through a hide in the celling have resulted in disastrous panics in public places, and those who attended the Allcntown eisteddfod say that the audience were getting Into that un easy slite of mind that precedes confu sion when the conductor came forward with his solution of the mystery. An Old-Country l'pisodc. Even more dramatic than this was the scene at the national eisteddfod in Wales two years ago, of which Dr. Ed wards tells. In the little Welsh princi pality on the other side of the Atlantic, the national eisteddfod brings together lovers of the festival from ull parts of tihe continent. Far away America, even, Is usually represented. At this particular time 15.000 hud gathered un der an Immense canvass, with a great tarpaulin for a center-piece. It was an enthusiastic throng. All entered Into the spirit of the occasion, and every succeeding competition but heightened the enthusiasm. Suddenly, during tho progress of the afternoon session, a furious wind and rain storm came on. Before the people were fully aware of what was coming, the storm was upo'i them. The wind, In a frenzy of fury, tore from Its fastenings the heavy tar paulin, stripping It Into ribbons, and scattering the fragments throughout the neighborhood, as If to evidence Its superior power, while the poles, uplifted from their fastenings, swung madly hither and thither among the panic stricken throng. Briefly, one woman was fatally Injured, ami many suffered more or less serious injuries. The rain continuing In all Its fury, the frightened people huddled together on platform nnd under remaining canvas, and the wounded having been cared for, the eis teddfod work proceeded. Terror, how ever, had taken hold of the people, and failure stared the eisteddfod in the face. Then Conductor Edwards put his wits to work. He secured the attention of the great throng, and putting his well known eloquence and pathos Into splen- i did use, he recited to the throng the j story of a victim of the panic who was still In their mldt. It was a hlghjy colored recital. The Doctor expended his vocabulary In securing words suf- flclenlly vivid to describe the wretched I condition of this abandoned one naked. lifeless, bleeding, with broken libs and distorted body. Tears, warm and fast, flowed ere the Doctor had computed his patluitie tale. The result can better be imagined than described wh.'ti the conductor brought forth from Its hiding place under the table drapery the sub ject of his pathetic address, In the rhape of the sorriest-looking umbrella that the eyes of the people had ever be held. Once a respectable-looking re treat from storm, the umbrella had passed through the panic, retiring from the conflict without a Btltch of cover, with tibs broken nnd bent out of shape, and not even tho handle Intact. Flour ishing the remnants of the umbrella before the throng, the Doctor command ed their sympathies in Its behalf, and was met by what was probably the most wonderful demonstration of en thusiasm ever met with In elsteddfodie circles. The dilapidated umbrella, In the hands of a brilliant conductor, paved the life cf a great national eis teddfod, and It proved very successful, despite the accident of the day. BYROX'S EXAMPLE IMITATED. Tho ThlrJ Anniversary of n Dog'B Death to lie Celebrated vvllii Pomp. Tho third nnnlvrrsnry of a (Iok'o death will bo observed with blub, honors In Provident. Hi'IIb will be tolled, an ecdotes of the deceased will bo recited and anthems will be mine; In praise of his deeds; food, raiment and money will be distributed among the poor whom he loved, and there will be a speclul service at his prove, over which a lofty column rises. The dog was Jumbo, a magnificent specimen of tho St. Pernard breed. The celebrated theoBophlst, Plavntsky, was positive that Jumbo was existing; us a dog through some misfortune, and that he had a previous existence as one of the in iRlit lest of men. The person who Is at the head of all the arrangements for the celebration is II. O. I.. Dorsey. At the banquet tiipe will be the prin cipal dish. Jumbo was Inordinately fond of it. Out of respect for him It will be served In a dozen different styles. The guests will bo fourteen, the number of years Jumbo lived as a dog. On this occasion Mr. Dorsey will an nounce the Intention to bequeath a sum of money for the foundation of a re treat for homeless dogs, to be called i"The Jumbo Refuge." , , , L.T. PaOne (Telephone 14 14) 41 7 and 41 9 Spruce St., SCRANTON, PA. 1858. 1894. NORTHWESTERN Hi.11 mm cot in of .Milwaukee. Wis. W. J. WELSH, General Agent Cm LACKAWANNA, LUZERNE, MnRTUAMDTitM bounties. WYOMING, ' 514 Spruce St Seranton, l'a. Opposite Court House. Assets Jan. I, 1 804. . $114,07 1,1 82.1)8 Liabilities Jon. 1. 1894 . 52,7 1 2,7 JH. 1 H Surplus on 4 per cent. basis, 1 8114 1 1,338,450.80 Number of policies in l'orcc 1:10,410 Amount Insured . . :I25,1 52,047.00 Accident Insurance Carry the best or none at all. The Uest is the Cheapest, Pays $l,ooo,ooo Annually in Claims. Tin; Travelers' Insurance Co. J.IS1R!,.S3E SCRANTON. THAT'S MY BUSINESS And my customers say I know my business, I sell Mackin toshes, UmbrelluH, Hats, Neck wear aud Underwear at very low prices. IT'S YOUR BUSINESS To look at our stock before you buy your winter supply, for'the quality and price .will help you get rich. McCANN, THE PENN AVENUE HATTER, 142 PENN AVENUE. STEEL ROD, SILVER HOUNTED, LEATHER CASE ASD OTHER GOOD STYLES OF UHBRELLAS AT CONRAD'S. CHRISTMAS, 1894. We Are Headquarters fo? Dolls, Toys, Sleds, Skin Horses, Iron and Wood Toys, Etc., Etc., For the Holidays. BUYERS FOR THK Trade, Sunday Schools, Etc. Should call early to secure prompt service. Our Line of Candy 13 THE IJVROEST AND BEST WE EVEH HAD. J. D. WILLIAMS 5 BRO. 314 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TNE OBLEBXATID It tt Preicnt the Htt Popnlar nd rrefimd by Leading Aittoi. Wtreroomi : Opposite Columbus Monument, 90S Washington Av. Soronton.Pa, liver) We are now Showing one of the TOYS AND i L 1 Ever Seen OUR STOCK OF DO AND VARIED. YOU CAN SAVE FROM 20 TO 25 PER CENT. BY. BUYING OF US Dolls from 5c. up. Clidrcn's Porcelain Dishes from 5c. up. Child's Tables, large, for 24c. Doll Carriages from 24c. up. Nickle Stoves for 49c. Drums from 25c. up. . Hobby Horses of all kind. Great Assortment of Albums from 50c. up. Ladies' Tlush and Celluoid "Work Boxes from 75c, up. Large lino of Baskets from 4c. up. Just received, a line line of Parlor Lamps worth $1.75 for $1.23. 121 AND 123 Perseverance Home Office: COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON, PAJ Matures Its Certificates by the ven Payment System So Unique and Popnlar, in amounts of 250 AT A DEFINITE MONTHLY COST. NO ASSESSMENTS. New MeiriDers at Once in Line ol Popent. ED. C. DEAN, BAZAAR largest and most complete stocks of fl D in This City. PENN AYENUE. $1,000 750 500 o HOE General Secretary.