I Alcott's, Heimburg, Roe's, Bulwer, Dickens, Corelli, Thackeray, Hugo Rollins, Scott Guizot's, Tinsau's, Ruskin's, Muhlbach, Dumas, Eliot's, Cooper's, James ancl nlany others. Oxford Bibles, Oxford Reprints, International Bibles, New Prayer & Hymnals, Photograph Albums; Graphoscopes, Family Bibles, Catholic Grayer Books. 2 LAC K AWA N N A English People Admire Cleveland Tky Also, for Selfish Reasons, Admire Our Democratic Tarty. COMMENTS ON OIK ELECTIONS TI:o Ilritislicrs Cnnnot Sec Why Wc Should Spoil Their Anticipated Coin incrclul leasts at America's J x pcusc Miss kiiiser unj Royalty. London, Dec. 3. I have had a very in teresting time this week explaining our American polities to the English girls here nt our house. They have seen, in my Ameriean newspapers, that a party t ailed Ri publicans huve won the day, tremendously, In the elections in my country lately, and so I have been plied with questions every day and put through as vigorous an examination as a.ny American girl ever had on this subject, I am sure. To begin with, 'they have, from hearing bits of their ciders' conversation, I fancy, or from the English papers, perhajts, somehow gotten a certain fondness for Grover Cleveland, and for the Democratic par ty In the United States. They think that this party is the best for them and their interests, as, perhaps, it Is. I have been laboriously explaining nil I know of the differences in the platforms and principles tf these two parties, and of some of the little parties which we have had cropping up lately, too. I do not know much about politics, but what I know I certainly had to teach to these Inquiring Engllshors here. They are very loyal to their country's interests, niid are really sorry that our tariff will have to be reversed again soon, to suit the new party. The Interest which they take over here In our politics Is surprising. I have met a great many different people who have, as soon as they found that I was an American, mild something about the result of the recent elections a.t home and asked me If It would af fect their markets very soon, and so forth. The English all are in low with our Democratic party, and It must be because of its loose protective policy, I suppose, RS they all say their times are so much better when that party Is in office than when we have the Re publlcnns ait the helm. Of course, I tell them that we really cannot run our country to suit theirs, and if their mar kets are affected by our frequent changes of tariff, why, they must only have to "watch out," that's all, and not depend upon us to feed their poor and underpaid workmen by fostering too jnuch free trade. Lively Tea Tohlo Debates, have great talks. We have ac tually become heated in our arguments nt the dinner table o' nights, over these things, but It Is all great fun, It sharpens one's wits so to argue. They have told me some interesting things about their method of conducting elec tions, which Ideas' I admire very much. For one thing, at their elections here, it Is almost Impossible, nowadays, to use any sort of bribery. There Is a m.n called the "returning officer." an 'unbiased Individual appointed by the povernment, who Is sent down from London to any place where elections have taken place, and whose duty it is to discharge and publish all the ex penses attendant upon the recent elec tion there. Election expenses are not 3ES Bsssa GRAND DISPLAY OF Special Sale of Books, Pictures and Art allowed to excd a certain amount, nowadays, and very poor men can suc cessfully run for seats In the house of commons. Almost all of the labor can didates In the house now, for instance, are poor men. It is Impossible for a man to literally ruin his fortunes in an election over here, now, as has often been done in the past. Imagine, if not pressed for time, what a showing some of the campaign expense accounts of our American candidates for public ofllee would make if they were pub lished, its they are in every country over here. It would be hard lines on some of our politicians, I fancy. In the I.tiglish Shops. The shops are growing prettier and prettier as Chrlstmans draws near, and 1 waste all of my spare time looking at the enticing tilings and wishing. Everyone who has been In London will remember the lnrge number of shops over which they have seen the arms of England, 'the lion and the unicorn with the three feathers, and the invariable motto accompanying it and the legend underneath, "Hatter," or "Glover and underneath, "Hatter," or "Glover and Hosier," or "Purveyor" to "If. K. If. the Queen and the Royal Family," or "Hrewer to H. It. It. the Prince of Wales," or "Perfumer to If. It. 11. the Princess of Wales," and so on. This coveted distinction, my English friends tell me, (s won by petitioning the queen or the prince or princess to buy an ar ticle of a certain kind from the person desirous of the honor of being a "pur veyor" to their highnesses, and after that, they may use the English arms on their shop and wrapping paper, and be"court glover," or "court perfumer," or court anything else for that matter. It is not true, as pome of our party were told while touring this autumn, that these people must every year send a stipulated share of their gloves, or hats, or beer, or groceries, to the royal ties from whom they have received their letters patent. If there Is any one who profits by this proceeding it is the court officers through whom the queen must be appronched for the sup posed honor, and if the tradesman who has received It sends bonuses to any one It Is to the "middleman" concerned. It Is true that some persons of the royal family are very poor, compara tively so, at any rate, and all the Eng lishmen with whom I have spoken on the subject say that while the queen is Immensely weulthy, by reason of the estates whlchvshe has added, little by little during her long y,fe, to her other possessions, the other members of her family, especially her grand children, are quite poor for royalties. All of the children of the queen have a yearly "snlary," or gift rather, from the Eng lish people for their maintenance, and ail of her grandchildren have been pro vided with a like support, as one by one they made their appearance upon the scene. Stipends for Impecunious Princes, The lust gift which was mirtle for this purpose whs bestowed by parliament upon condition that the queen should ask for no more money for like pur poses during the remainder of her life time. These yearly stipends are not sufficient for a royalty, sometimes, and so if they want anything extra they must come and ask grandmamma, the queen, for it. She gives away very lit tle, the peopel say, and while not con tributing from her own Income for the welfare of her descendants, she has spent very little of it upon herself anil so has been quietly, as the years passed by, possessing herself of a great deal of property which makes her as extremely wealthy old womnn, even for a queen. Cm the other hand, her children and TJIE 6 CI? ANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNEKU. DECEMBER 18. 1S1J4. Pastels, Etching; grandchildren sometimes find them selves not so rich as they should like to lie, and have come to the pass of making capital of their royalty, such as driving out at the houses of the rich nobility, or richer commoners, and get ting paid for the honor which they pre sumably thus bestow upon their host and hostess! One of the ladies with whom I lodge here is a terrific Hadieal, whom I lodge here is a terrilic Radical, the swells. Whenever she reads in the London papers such an Itepi as "The prince and princess dined at Shoestring House with Lord and Lady Solo leather," she says, "Hum)! there's an other 300 ftom poor Lord Soleleuthor.' She thinks the queen a very selllsh old lady for not retiring from the throne and giving the regency to the Prince of Wales, as she, ns everyone knows, goes nowhere and does nothing, but maker, him go about opening hospitals, laying corner stones and making speeches the whole blessed time, almost. He Is really a very hardworking man, and does his best appearing anil speaking for the queen, and my friend rails greatly at her lazy majesty for still reigning and nt the same time, put her work upon the shoulders of her son, while giving him no share of her Income. The prince and princess are not the only ones of the royalty who dine out for a salary. They all do It, more or less, and the Teck family, the branch from which comes the present Duchess of York (Princess May), are so poor that they can be got for nothing, or almost nothing. My little Radical woman was telling us only last week of the terrible to-do which had just been raised in some quarters by the leajtlng-out of the fact that the Duke and Duchess of York, who were married a year or so ago, you remember, had recently sold some of their magnificent wedding presents on account of their being so "scrimped," so to speak. One of these presents was a splendid dining suite of solid mahogany " most beautifully carved by the workmen of the city Which presented It, and whose people became quite Indignant upon learning that their splendid gift had already passed out of the possession of the recipients of their generosity and loy alty. The Scotch girl here In the house is a rank Conservative and she and the Radical have some highly exciting and, to me, most enjoyable wordy fights over the table cloth. I Just love to hear them disagree. It is most edifying, I do assure you. When Koynlty Exhibits Itself. They all tell me that they often see the prince and princess, and the other lesser royalties about London and In the parks, especially during the season which, however, dos not commence until May, bo that, I dare say, I shall not have the pleasure of gazing upon their royal persons until that season of the year, when I suppose I may look upon their august presences at Concert Garden, where they often frequent the opera, which also does not commence until that time. So If everything goes right and Providence permits, I shall see a:nl hear Calve, the De Res-.ke, Melba, Eames, and all the rest of these .wonderfully gifted singers next May and June, and Incidentally re member, only Incidentally shall I look at their majesties in their boxes. Per haps I shall be so taken up with the artists that I shall never want a glance at the swells. I shouldn't wonder at all. ; I wouldn't miss a note of Calve's voice for the whole fifty or sixty of 'em, I'm perfectly sure. g I am very glad I do not happcfT to have been born a granddaughter of "Her Majecty, the Queen," as the Eng lish put it. They' lead such unsatis L Goods of fill Descriptions at Prices That Engravings, Water Colors, Facsimiles, Photograveurs, Artotypes, Pict ure Frames, Easel S"""rass, Oak White and Gold, Fancy Calendars, Xma's Booklets, Onyx Inkstands, Brass Inkstands, Wood Inkstands, Glass Inkstands, Diaries, 1895. AVENUE, factory, on-paiade sort of lives and al most its soon as they are born poor tilings their dear fussy old grandma sets herself to thinking whom they shall marry, and, as they dare many none but another royalty, and there are not enough of that sacred ar ticle to go around, why. they almost always end by marrying one of their own royal cousins. Poor things! Prin cess Louise, the one who married the duke of Fife, is the only sensible one of the lot, for slie married the one she wanted to, even though he was not of royal blood. My Radical friend says that, according ,to the royal marriage act, none of the queen's family dare marry without her consent, and as Prim-ess Louise had not obtained it, she marched herself boldly to her grandma and announced her Intention of marrying the duke of Fife; consent or no consent. .As she was a great fa vorite with her majesty and a very strong-willed person, the queen gave In and allowed her to engage herself as she liked. It happens (that the duke could not propose to her, ns It is not etiquette, you know, so the poor prin cess had to sort of do it herself, I guess, or smooth out the way for him simieliw, just as her grandma did when she became engaged to the Princess Consort, llfty yeais ago and more. London Musical Kvcnts. I have been to several concerts this week. One was at the Imperial insti tute, a great big fairyland palace, which Is sort of a club house, I think, and does for the rich what the People's palace does for the poor. The concert was an orchestral one, and was In an Immense marble hall, perfectly beauti ful, and everybody there was in even ing dross. It was lovely to see all the pretty women and beautiful dresses and dazzling Jewels, and so forth. We had very good seats and I enjoyed my self way up to the skies. The next night I went to a lecture, the first of a series of twelve by Dr. Bridge, the organist of Westminster Abbey, and it was illustrated by some of his lovely little choir boys and a magnificent bass. They sang examples of certain forms for us. The next one is a Mozert one, and will lie given on the anniversary of the death of that old master, next Wednesday. I am go ing to them all, if I have to miss lessons for them. The next night I had the great pleas ure of listening to the great London Symphony orchestra, led by Henschel, the gifted singer, composer and leader. I heard Agnes Jansen, the Swedish mezzo, and better yet, llerr Popper, the German 'cellist Who has produced some of the best things in the world for the solo 'cello. He played a perfectly de lightful suite of his own, called "Im Wald," accompanied by orchestra. I never henrd anything daintier in all my life. I was in a perfect frenzy of de light when he had done, and made just as much noise as I could among the thousands that were making noise to help make him repeat it, which he really did. Last night there was another con cert at the Academy, and tomorrow I am going with my dear Miss Radical Richmond to hear a lecture on the orchestra by a famous lender here. Miss Radical, who happens to be the talented leader of an orchestra herself, has been chosen to Illustrate this lec ture with tho instruments described My goodness, as they say in America, what good times I am havlngl The girls here call me by several nick names, the last one of Which Is "Con certsc.htuok!" They say it most actual ly describes my present condition. Sadie E. Kaiser. n flnfiqtie Ctirios o Aged Qtiebec Some of the Entcrtainini Historical I'osscssions of the Fortress City. BRAVE MONTGOMERY'S SH'OKD The .Museum of the I.itcrury and Histor ical Society Contains This and Many Other Souvenirs of the Curly Pioneer Times. Special Correspondence of Tho Tribune. Quebec, Dee. 3. Every visitor to tills antique city is interested In the ancient city gates. Even in their modern at tire, they remind one of the old military regime, ns they form a part of the reconstructed line of fortifications. A rich history is attached to these gates, and to them the eye of the visitor is especially drawn. None of the original gates, with their old grass-grown walls, Is left standing. Prescott and St. Louis, In 1S71, yielded to the necessities of a later civilization, preserving, however, much' of their unique military charac ter, nnd memorial structures and pic turesque archways have been rebuilt In a style that does credit to the taste of the publle-sprlted citizens of Quebec, of the public-spirted, progressive citi zens of Quebec. A magnificent new portal of masonry, with towent and 'medieval appur tenances, was erected on the site of the St. Louis gate in 1S77 and 1S79; also an other very Imposing entrance, called Kent Gate, was opened between this and St. John's gate at the same time. The foundation of St. Louis gate was laid by Princess Louise; and as a me morial of her father, the Duke of Kent, who was at one time commander of the Iiritlsh forces in Canada, Queen Vic toria contributed generously to the other, which was named in his honor. It is a very interesting piece of feudal architecture, with turrets, arrow-slits, etc. St. John's gate is a strong nnd grace ful structure, though more ancient In style. It was erected In 1X69. From the top oi eacn gate one gets gooo views ot the oddly planned streets of the Upper Town. Palace, Hope, Prescott and Mountain Hill gates, the picket flanked structures which marked the era of 200 years ago, were removed In 1S73, and have never been restored. In ye olden days the gates were closed at sundown and opened at sunrise. Some Ancient Kellcs. Quebec Is a city of relics, both archi tectural and antiquurlan. As a matter of course many of the antiquities of Quebec are well worthy of study. Not only In public repositories, but in the homes of many of the old families of the city also are found rare treasures and heirlooms, with many quaint old bits of furniture and bric-a-brac. Quite recently a small mahogany cabinet or cupboard, said to have belonged to Chaniplain, was discovered; certainly the style of workmanship marks the founder's era of nearly three centuries ago; also a combined toilet and writ ing case, said to have been In possession of General Wolf, and the sword he car ried when wounded In 1759. Another Is General Montgomery's sword, found near him when he fell. These and other ancient relics are deposited for Bafe keeping in the museum of the Literary and Historical society, at Morrin col Will lis You Buy Decorated Placques, Leather Goods, Lap Tablets, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Celluloid Goods, Smoking Sets, Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Fancy Mirrors, Games, Sleds, Rocking Horses, agic Lanterns, ON lege, also the brass cannon captured of the Americans at Hunker Hill, In 1775. These trophies were on exhibition at the dominion fair, which was this year held in Quebec, under the distinguished patronage of the governor-general. A description of the Interesting and im posing opening ceremonies of the pro vincial exhibition, by his oKeellency, the governor general, and Lady Aber deen, which v.e witnessed, may appear in another letter. Interesiitij; Street Kainhles. St. Louis suburbs and St. John's sub urbs are two distinct quarters of the Upper Town. A stroll along the ram parts, between St. Louis and Kt. John's g.ites, where one cannot be driven, re pays tihe sightseer, and to witness a sun set from the heights, is indescribably enjoyable; one feels elevated, bi,th physically and spiritually by sight of those peaceful blue mountains upon the horizon and the quiet St. Lawrence flowing far below. '"Forest and river and mounlailn and cultivated broad acres combine to make a gorgeous land scape." We found It a fatiguing ramble up and down hill, and in some places It be comes a scramble over bits of wall and across cannon ditches, where the harm less looking smooth bore guns so peace fully repose. Take time to sit here and there, and youwill enjoy the lights and shadows on the distant hills, viewed from different points. One observer says) "The mountains have a kaleido scopic habit of sliding behind one an other, or jostling each other to peer over eutih other's cthoiildci-s, and many other little tricks which make them fascinating In the extreme." Passing through St. Louis gate, on the Grand Alice, we first behold the provincial government buildings on the right, and on the left the skating rink and drill ih:.!l. in front of the latter is the Short Wallaek monument; beyond is the Duke of Kent's residence; Gray Nunnery; St. Bridget's Orphan asylum, (Catholic); Female Orphan asylum, (Protestant); Ladles' Protestant Home and tihe White Nuns' Home, distin guished by a white cross on top of the building. Just above the nunnery Is the Convent of the Christian Brothers, facing on the glacis of the rampfit; also near by is the Convent of the Good Shepherd, with its 71 nuns, !!0 penitents and 500 girl students. I'.etween the Anglican cathedral and Dufferln Terrace Is the handsome new court house, built In 1SS!. Beyond Is tho Masonic hall and the Young Men's Christian association. Opposite are several old time structures-tho old St. Louis hotel land the am l-n t drown lands building, and a quaint little building, (No. 39 St. Louis street, now used as a barber shop) In Which Mont calm held bis last council of war an old curiosity shop erected in 1000, and near by a cemetery which dates back to 16:!.r, and the old government build ings of MSG. Quebec's Antique Stores. Sauntering about the city, the Ameri can tourist will constantly meet with curious and unaccustomed urohitectural sights, and quaint business people, showing a great contrast to those found In American cities. We visited several curiosity shops, museums, various dry goods warerooms nnd fur stores, nnd for lack of space will mention but two; Ca.rsley's "Bee Hive" Is a foreign look- lag building, packed from cellar to gar ret ulmost exclusively with foreign goods, done up iln foreign locking pack agesmostly English stamped as but few Ameriean fabrics are used In Que bec, and exhibited to the foreign -customers in a style entirely foreign, when Fine Writing Paper, Gold Pens, Fountain Pens. PA. contrasted with our American ideas. This is said to be the best and largest dry goods house In Quebec. The greater and more interesting es tablishment is Renfrew's Ancient Fur store, located Just opposite the Basilica. There is nothing to compare of com pete with it in New York, Boston, Chi cago, Philadelphia or San Fransisco. It is a curiosity to visit Its large antlqua workrooms, and especially the drying rooms, filled with the finest skins that the Hudson Bay regions and the Lab-, rador coast can provide. Here Is said to be found the greatest quantity of moose, deer, and cariboo heads and antlers In America, besides buffalo, seal wolf.-beaver, fox, bear, lion, tiger, leop ard, polar bear and musk ox skins, suitable for rugs and robes. Tills Ilrnl buys its pelts direct from the Indians In the Interior, ami the employes, who speak both French and English, tell many stories of the customs of these primitive people, who have become nearly extinct in eastern America, which seem almost Incredible. Their stock of snow shoes, mocassins, to boggans and Indian curiosities excites the admiration of every visitor. I must acknowledge tills Is the place to buy both ladies' and gentlemen's furs of every description, especially during the summer months, when they discount largely to tourists. This firm are "Furriers to the Queen" and royalty of Canada. Their exhibit at the World's fair excelled even that of Russia, The Parliament IimlJings. Wo visited with much Interest the Provincial building. It is located on high ground the site of Champlaln'sj fort and the old Episcopal palace Just outside of St. Louis gate, on the Grande Alice, built In 1S70. It Is a spacious editlco as well as imposing; the style Is that of the Seventeenth century (French). It forms a massive square of which each front is 300 feet long and four stories In bight ; built of gray stone. It contains not only the legislative chambers, but the depart mental oinces. The court covers 1.200 square feet. The legislative council hall is commodious, upholstered and carpeted in crimson, with a very large throne, over which Is a canopy, sur mounted by the arms of the United Kingdom. There are spacious galler ies for visitors. The hall of the house of the assembly is upholstered In green. Back of the speaker's chair Is a line of Corinthian pilasters upholding a pediment, em which are the royal arms. The libra ry, which contains 65,000 volumes, oc cupies an apartment on the first floor, nnd is rich in French Canadian liter ature. Portraits (life size) of Queen. Victoria her coronation, at IS years, her marriage, In 1S3! and widowhood, in 1S77 adorn the walls of tills ancient library. On the outer walls of this structure, in a nei-ss, are life size statues of Wolf, Montcalm, Lewis, El gin, Frontenae, Laval, the Indian Lor ette, and other French and English, worthies. The walk, on the ramparts Ine-ludes the Grand Battery, and winds up with a turn on the Terrace nnd a long rest In the governor's gardens. John E. Richmond. - The Deepest Mine in 1'innca. The ileenest coal mine In Franca (by some authorities said to be the deepest In the world) is lit Andre ilu Portler. The mine Is working with two shafts, one 2,9-i:! feet deep and the other Too latter shaft is now being deepened and vlll reach the 4,0nn-foot level by July, W The yearly product of this mine Is llkl.i'uO tons of coal. The leiiiurk-.iblo feature of tho mine Is the coimmnulve ly low tem peratureseldom rising ubovo 7o dcGi-ui'S Kuhrenhclt.