THE SCKANTOX T1UIJUNE TUESDAY MOUXIX(i, DECEMIiElt IS, 1ST). 7 LUCE BROS.' CASH STORES, 122 N. MAIN AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. 303 WAIN STREET, TAYLOR, PA. IS. IS. 251 25f 25C S, 4 lis. Dales. ' 25G We have a large assortment of Can dies at prices that will please yon. Remember This THAT Is the Place to Purchase CHRISTMAS PRESENTS PICTURES We have them in Etchings, Engravings, Water Colors, Prints, Photographs in all Prices from 25c. to 5 100. MOULDINGS For framing Pictures. They have the largest and most complete stock ever shown in Scranton. ARTISTS' MATERIALS For Oil, Water or China Paintings in boxes or in tubes. ' STEWART'S M Store, 218 WYOMING AVENUE. Don't take your eye off the main chance ! Don't miss the opportuni ty of your life ! We oiler our beautiful stock of HOLIDAY GOODS At prices that will make tliem jump. Now is the time and thin lathe place to buy the newest and best in J Suitable and appropriate Gifts for all tlio People. Tho latent designs and nicest Goods in great variety. Good and appropriate presents, just what everybody wants, and At Prices You Can All Afford! We will do Better by you in Quality and Price than any one else. t J, 1: STEWART'S ART STORE tWELRY 1 If you are asking yourself where you can buy BEST aud CHEAP EST this season, you can get your answer by calling on C.W. Freeman Corner Penn Avenue - and Spruce Street. GN OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Passing Events of the. Day on the West Side of the'City Noted. LAST 01 UNIVERSITY LECTURES Delivered by Colonel Spraguc on Oliver (ioIdsmiih-Deutli of John T. Seunlon 1'iank Uriinisky Arrested for Wife llcuting-Officcrs KleeteJ. A larpe number attentieil tho sixth and hiKt lecture of the University Kx teiisl'in course, niven in the Welsh Cal vanlxtlc chinch, last evening, by Col onel Homer I. SpraRUP. Ph. I). The subject was a continuation on the life and character of "Oliver Goldsmith." Taking up the thread from the previ ous lecture, Dr. Sprague said: "The seven stages of young (ioldajnlth's life were: Childhood, preparation for col lege, college education, professional study, vagabondism, light against starvation, and his period of author ship. Ills four springs of actions were: Unthinking benevolence, love of wis dom, unwoi'ldliness, and passion for foreign travel." John T. Scanlon Head. John T. Scanlon, a well known young man, died nt the hotel of .1. .1. Clottings about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, after a few days' illness, lie was a son of the late Martin Scanlon, of Lnfa yette street. Mr. Scanlon was about 21 years of age, and was widely known. He was connected with St. Patrick's church. Ills step-mother resides on Lafayette street. Recently John went to work for Mr. nettings and became too ill to be removed. Death resulted from heart disease. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning. A sol emn high mass of requiem will be cele brated in St. Patrick's church, lnter ninnt In the Hyde Park Catholic ceme tery. Wife lieater Arrested. Frank Drynlsky, of Jackson street, was arrested last evening by Ollicer Markee at his home. A young son of Prunisky's came to the station house and told the ofllcer that his father was drunk and beating his mother. Oflicer ICvans went to the home, where he found Drunlsky very abusive and his wife sulTerlng from kick's and blows. Thle wife beater was escorted to the station house nnd will have a hearing this morning. Hrlef Notes of Interest. fieorge AVatklns, of Washburn street, Is ill with pneumonia. Miss Amy lluber, of Danville, Is the guest of friends on Lafayette street. Daniel Moses, of South Main avenue, is a candidate for alderman In the Fif teenth ward. Louis II. Howell, of Washburn street, has returned from a visit with friends In Kingston. Special exercises will be held In the Welsh Calvanlstlc Methodist church on Christmas night. Mrs. II. F. Reese and children, of Washburn street, left yesterday to spend the holidays with her parents at Mahanoy City. George Jones, of South Sumner ave nue, has returned from Milwaukee, Wis., where he Intended to reside. He will remain here. The members of the Scranton Street Raptlst Sunday school are requested to meet in the church on Thursday even ing to rehearse Christmas carols. Tho funeral of the late Daniel James, of Lafayette street and Everett avenue, will occur this afternoon. Interment will be made In the M'ashburn Street cemetery. n. The funeral of James Hart, who died at the Hillside Home, will occur tomor row afternoon from the home of his father, Hugh Hart, on Sherman ave nue. Interment will be made In the Hyde Park Catholic cemtery. Staff Captain "Walsh, of Xew York city, will be at the Salvation Army bar racks this evening. Captain Walsh Is a reformed minstrel. He will entertain the audience with banjo selections and have entire charge of the meeting. The funeral of Miss Annie Hammett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Ham mett, of North Rebecca avenue, oc curred yesterday afternoon at .1 o'clock. Rev. D. C. Hughes, pastor of the Juck osn Street Haptlst church, officiated. Interment was made In the Washburn Street cemetery. The Sunday school of the Plymouth Congregational church has elected the following officers for the ensuing term: Superintendent, A. 13. Eynon; assistant superintendent, Ellas K. Evans; secre tary, "William Harris; assistant secre tary. Everett Davles; treasurer, Miss Grace Evans; chorister. David Owens; organist, Miss Winnie Stephens; assist ant organist, Miss Annie Williams; ex ecutive committee, Miss Lizzie A. Evans, Mrs. W. J. Morgan and Charles E. Daniels. Side Business Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are lust lovely. Jon vlnco yourself by culling ut Starner',1 Photo Parlors, 101 and lu3 South Main avenue. HOHSKSIIOICINO N. Bush, prartlral horseshoer. Work done only In a first class manner and guaranteed satisfac tory. Shop, Tiice street, close to North Muln avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coff.-e of the day. For sale only at K. W. Ma son & uo. i-ine uroeertes, uu bouw Main avenue. SRCOND HAND FURNITURE - Cash for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Cull and see tho stock of J. C. King, 1021 and 10:6 JackBon street. WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds. 2H North Main avenue, and see his complete line of Wall Paper, Paints and Winnow shades, just opened with new stock. PLUMBING-Wllllam . D. Griffiths. 11.1 North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed. OYSTERS R. E. Davis' market house. Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits. Oysters served in every style. 310 North Main avenue, next to Clarke's. Fine assortment of calendars, 1895. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Music lloxcs Exclusively. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschl & Sons, manufacturers, 1030 Ctiostnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestral organs, only 5 nnd J10. Spoclalty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and Improved with new tunes. Rare Collection of Books in Holiday Bindings. FRATT'8 BOOK STORE. What would make a more appropriate Xmas present than a choice Etching. En graving or Water Color' Stewart, In the V. M. C. A. building has a large display of Hne pictures at the lowest prices. Beautiful Juvenile Books. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. liny the Weber and get tho best. At Guernsey Bros Picture Framing at Griffin's new studio, 20!) Wyoming avenue. . . Rocking Horses and Shoofiles of all Slues and Styles. PRATT'S BOOK STORE., LURED FROM HOME. Sud Tale itcluted by .May Campbell, of Wilkcs-Barrc, In Police Court.'. May Campbell, was arrested on Oak ford court on Sunday night tn a drunk en condition by Officer Bloch, and If the story she told at the police court has any semblance of truth, another black deed must be added to the record of Clara WelcheL the Center street dive- keeper, whose unsavory reputation Is already well known In 'the city. May Campbell alleges that Miss Welchel brought her from Wllkes- Harre Saturday night to take her to -i friend who wanted a good servant and, was prepared to pay good wages. She arrived at Clara's den at 2 o'clock on Sunday morning and soon discov ered the character of the place and made her escape. Every effort was made to dotain her in the house of ill fume, but the girl fruMlrated their ef forts and wandered about until Sunday night when she went to a saloon on Penn avenue for lunch and was drugged by some men. She was arrest ed and could not recollect anything when she recovered at the police sta tion. Mrs. Duggan took Miss Camp bell to the Home of 'the Good Shepherd yesterday afternoon and is convinced that the girl has been the object of a cruel scheme to launch her Into a life of shame. - SHERIFF TAKES CHARGE. Shocnuni J. it. Cohen becomes Finan cially Embarrassed. "The Famous" shoe store at 326 Lackawanna avenue was closed by Sheriff Fancy last evening on execu tions Issued on the following judgments: Joseph Levy $ I.OIH) (10 Joseph Levy 1,000 00 Joseph Levy 1.l 00 Joseph Levy 1.000 00 Goldsmith Bros ."IS 04 Goldsmith Bros l.fim) 00 Goldsmith Bros 2,000 00 Goldsmith Bros ,tW 00 Isabella Cohen 5.000 Co Coleman Cohen 2,700 CO M. Brown 1,000 00 E. C. .Mortis 2,.V 00 Total S2J.24S 01 Sheriff Fahey will sell the stock next Monday. NORTH EM) NOTES. Mrs. Owen Cox, of Wayne avenue, Is seriously ill. The Traction company is putting In a switch on Main avenue, near Throop street. Dr. Sullivan, of Wayne avenue, ex pects to leave this morning for Haiti more and Philadelphia. The choir of the Welsh Baptist church has began to rehearse the can tata, "Daniel In the Lion's Den." The Crystal Literary club is rehears ing "The Woven Web," which they ex pect ito produce Christmas night in Company H armory. The choir of the Christian church are rehearsing the cantata, "liynta Claus on Time," which will be given Christ mas eve, In the church. The North End Crescent foot ball club go to Olyphant Saturday after noon to play with the Adonis club, of that place, on their own grounds. The Crescents are In line condition and ex pect to play a good game. Thursday will be donation day with the Green Ridge Presbyterian chutch. it is the custom of the church that In place of giving the scholars Christmas, scholars and teachers bring an offering to the church some time before Christ mas, which are distributed to the needy. The fuficrnl of Miss Bridget Casey, of Mary street, who was killed on the railroad hist Friday, was held yester dny morning. A requiem mass was celebrated in Holy Rosary church at 10 o'clock. The coroner's jury viewed the remains and adjourned until to night to hear the testimony of the fire man and engineer of the train that killed Miss Casey. IOMORlTDOIXtiS. Michael Munley Is visiting his parents in otwn. John Jenkins was a visitor at Taylor yesterday. Mrs. Brelgcl, of North park, Is visit ing In Philadelphia. The Spencer Coal company paid their employes Saturday. Harvey Jones Is very sick of typhoid fever at his home on Brook sjreet. 1). J. Smith Is suffering from an attack of grip at his home on Cherry street. Miss Emily Flynn leaves today for New York to spend several weeks with rela tives. Martin McLane, an aged resident of this town, living on Chestnut street, died yes terday morning. Peter Conrov Is the happiest man In town. A young daughter has arrived at his home on Blakely street. Gipsy Grove and No. 1 breaker of the Pennsylvania Coal company are working this week. Bunker lllll und No. 5 are Idle. Albert Wagner Is grading his yard and making improvements on his property, corner of Green Ridge and .I'.lakely streets. The following are the officers of the Presbyterian Sunday school: Superin tendent, G. W. B. Allen; assistant superin tendent, 11. A. Maiee; secretary and treasurer, 8. B. Buckley; assistant sec retary and treasurer, M. L. Speck; lady superintendent, Mrs. Close; librarian, A. C. Smith; assistants, Harry Smith nnd L. L Snyder; superintendent primary de partment, Mrs. H. A. Malce; assistants. Mrs. Curdy and Mrs. Ripley and Miss Sarah Mjili-e. An Indian Princess In Town. During the week In Mears & Hagen's window can be seen Moraklni, an Indian Princess, and her little girl making bas kets. She belongs to the Mlamls, once a powerful tribe inhabiting the country west of Pennsylvania, now living In the Indian Territory, having been removed there by the government. Customers can order any kind of a basket and have It made while they wait. Hampers, square or round, Paper, Bon-Ron, Glove Holder, Work Baskets, etc., made by the Indians, and Bold at remarkably low prices. Tho Only Manufactory in fcscranlon. 518 Lackawanna Ave. RARE ATTRACTIONS FOR THE HOLIDAYS it In addition to our ready-made atm-k. our SPECIAL ORBKK depa tment cannot fall ti intiireat vou. Nj such variety of CHOICE HANDLK8 AND FABRICi wa ever befori shown in .1.1. U W.. .Il.ll 1 ... I bills viij, " " ' w Kinu lu IIKVU r you cab. whether yon purchase or not. t Repairing, ite-coveriug equal to new. SILK LAMP SHADES All our own make nlisolufeV ntie m.aM for STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE. . CHAMBERS NEWS OF THE SOUTH SIDE Very. Tine Concert of South Sitle Choral Union at HiilHps' Hull. TWO 'SMALL CHILDKEX .LOST Their .Mother Was I'nable to Kind Tlicin After Scurching All of Yesterday -Operation on Michael Duvitt-I'u-ncrnl of rdunrd Stclndcll- Phillips' hall was crowded last night nnd not one who was present went away dissatisfied. Tho concert of tlio South Side Choral union was the at traction and a very fine programme j was produced. The first number was a quartette by Miss Lizzie Franz, F. K. Bennett, James Farrer and J. W. Herg hnuser. May Jordan sang a solo and D. C. Richards a duet. Then a solo by Edwin Howen, u duet by Misses Eva Harvey-nnd Delia Moore, a solo by D. Jordan, a recitation by Miss Annie Phil lips and a selection by the Columbus quartette ended the first part. A selection by the Haydn Hanjo and Glee club opened part second. Miss Maggie Williams sang a solo, a duet by Dan and Maggfe Jordan and a banjo solo by Professor Mangan were the next nttmbirs. D. M. Davis sang a solo, a duet by Messrs. Williams and Richards, a solo by Miss Maggie Jor dan, a trio by Messrs. Williams, Davis and Richards, preceded the closing number, which was the Gloria from Mozart's Tweirih mass by the entire choral union. Tills is the piece for which they will compete In the Taylor eisteddofd on Christmas day. little Children Lost. Passengers on Conductor Rreen's car yesterday about noon were not a little excited by the story of a woman who gave her name as Mrs. Judge and she said that two of her little children had disappeared from their home and she was unable to find them. . Some one told her that the youngsters were seen rambling in the direction of Minooka and she went up there and inquired among the lesldents. No one was able to give her. any information and she returned home almost broken hearted. She did not seem to be known by any body, although she said she lives on l'.rook street. The police were notified und they have endeavored to find the wanderers. Both are little boys, one aged 7 years and the other aged 5. They were thinly chid nnd wore the ordinary garments of children of their age. A ('use of Appendicitis. Three doctors operated surgically yesterday afternoon on Michael Davltt, of Pear street, und they report that his health will begin rapidly to recuperate. Davilt was suffering from appendi citis and has been troubled with it since summer. Dr. Manly was sent for and he told Davltt that he would have to undergo an operation, as he was sulTerlng from appendicitis. He brought with him Drs. Hons and Walsh and to gether they performed the operation. Shorter Paragraphs. Joseph McDermott, of Forest City, spent yesterday with friends on this side. Miss Bridget Manley, of Archbald, Is visiting Miss Margaret Roche, of Cherry street. Miss Niille Hreen, of Jermyn. is spending a few days with Miss Kate Reardon, of Crown avenue. The Cedar Avenue Methodist Fpl.sco pal church choir is rehearsing a special programme of Christmas mucls. The second complimentary social of the Star Social club will be held nt del-mania hall on Christmas eve. The funeral of James Connolly, of Minooka, will la- held this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Minooka Catholic cemetery. The funeral of Edward Stelndell, of 172S Cedar avenue, will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made In Forest Hill cemetery. Miss Florence Tomklnson, secretary of the Young Women's Christian asso ciation, Intends to have the New Yenr's Day exercises at th rooms this time surpass anything held heretofore. . TUB WAY to reach catarrh Is through the blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla, by puri fying tho blood, removes the cause of the disease and permanently cures catarrh. Take only Hood's. HOOD'S PILLS act easily, yet promptly and effectively, on the liver and bowls. VThen TJaby wm sick, we gave her Castor!, Whoa she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Wlicn she became Mies, alio clung to Custoria, Vfceu kho had Children, ulio gave thuu Cuaturla E. J. FIRST CLASS 528 Spruce St, Scranton, Pa. DKITRR DtlOE CO.. Ino'p. CpHn1, l,000,(M. 11EST 1.(10 SHOU IN THE WOULD. "A dollar tavtd ii a dollar tarntd." i ThUTdlri' Solid I 'roncU Ion(ola Kid Bat. ton Boot dellnrcd frm anywhore In the U.S., on ncaipioruaan, uoocyuratr, or roiiai nou ior ai.ou. Kqtuli every way tha boo la old In nil null alorea for J.60. Wa make thla boot ounalrea, thareforo wa guar antit thojtf, ttvli and wrar, and If any oim la Dot aallafled wo win rtrnna tna money oraanaanotnrrpair. Optra loo or common Benae, wiaina v, i. a, a Bit. altaa 1 to S ana bait StndyowlUt; u n iron. Illuitratcd Cata logue FREE Dbcier Shoe. CisygSBUfc II, VERY I ?tl i'MX ti I' - TV ax k. d fiict k, i w w DR. E. GREWER, The Philadelphia Specialist, und his asso ciated stall of English und Oermun physicians, are now permanently loeuled at Old Postoffice Building, Corner Penn Avenue and Spruce Street. The doctor Is a graUuau of the L'nlver slty of Pennsylvania, formerly demon strator of physiology ami surgery at the Medico-Chlrurgietil college of Philadel phia. His specialties are Chronic, Ner vous, Skin, Heart, Womb and lilood dis eases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are'it of confidence, sexual weakness In men ami women, bull rising in throat, spots flouting before the eyes, loss of memory, unablo to concentrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for performing tho actual du ties of life, making happiness Impossible, distressing the action of tho heart, cans lag flush of heat, depression of splrltH.ovll forebodings, cowardice, tear, dreams, mel ancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought.deprosslon, constipa tion, weakness of tho limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately ard be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored. Weakness of Youii"; Men Cured. If you have been given up by your phy sician call upon the doctor and be exam '"ed. Ho cures the worst cases of Ner vous Debility. Seroftda. Old Sores, Ca tarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affec tions of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Cancers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strlctlv Kacred ami conlldenl.-.. Office hours dally from l a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 9 to 2. Enclose flvo 2-cent stamps for svmtpom blanks and my book called "New Llfe" I will pay one thousand dollars In p'old to nnyone whom I cannot cure of FPI. LEPT1C CONVULSIONS or FITS DR. E. CRKWER Old Post Ofllce liullding, corner Pcun avenue and Spruce street SCRANTON. PA. POULTRY ID CAME OF ALL KIN Maurice River Cove, : Oyster; Blue Point and Rockaway . CLAMS MEDIUM AND LITTLE NECK, Ail kiwis of Fresh Fish, Lobster, Hard Crabs, Escallops and Shrimps; at PIERCITS MARKET. PENN AVENUE. I His v LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufn turors of tlio Celobratel PILSENE LAGER SEER CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum HOTEL WAVERLY Kuropeun Plnn. First-class Hur at tached. Depot for Hcrgner & Kngle'i iannnaeuser ueur. I. E. Cor. 15tb and Filbert Sts., Phila. Most desirable for residents of N. 13, Pennsylvania. All conveniences for travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twollth und Market Street station. Desirable for visiting eeruntoiuans nnu people in tne An thrucite Region. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. REV1VO REST0RE3 VITALITY. Made a v feWell Mar lit Day, 16th l)uy, of Me. Trie uheat 30th lav. prodncea tlio above reaulta In 30 doya. It a ti powerfully aud nulcklr. Curra when all others fall Young meu will 1-ovaln tbeir lost mauuood.and old racu will recover their votitMul visor by utlni Hi. V 1 1 u. It quickly and surely rcntorra nervoun now. Lout Vitality. Inmolciicv. N'lalitly KrulwlonH I.ot Power, Failing Mnuory, Wasting Diseases, anu ail carets ot aoir-aliiuo or cicc.r aud llldiBcretlon which uullta one for study, butlueas or marrlaci). It uot only cures by starting at the tost of disease, but io great nrrvutnnio aud blood builder, bring let back tha pink clow to pale checks and re storing tha (lie of youth. It wards off hwanttr and Consumption. Insist on having HKVI Y(, no oinor. It can be earned lu vest pocket. By 1,00 par packouo, or six, for SS.OO, with m post tire written guarantee to cure or refunt' the money. Circular free. Address '0YAL MEDICINE CO.. 03 Rlvor St., CHICAGO, ILL rot sal j Matthew! Broa Drvrcla' Scrautou . Paw Enaoaeio it tmi HisHttr Msaiaai Auntaamsa uiinuLinnmn HFHIUPHFrtEURAUiW M m-vl J .- -ID'S MINTHOI t J(iJ 'H. lNHAt.a-n will oure you. il Jfl 3wwondoriul boon to aufleren VU Car AT froraColda. Bora luanrnru. Bronchi!!., olIUYt'CVm. Jltnr,U irnniillaUrfHrf. An efficient l-omnil. f,ni.0nltit ... n.m In poret.niaflT to TJ on Brut Indication of did. Contlnneil tiae KflTecta FfiraiKiieaa Cure. Bntlifaotlon guaranteed or money rafundod. Prlea. 69 eta. Trial free nt Pruejl.n. Keulatxred nisll, CO cent. LtC06KMlf klr.,UmlUri,jck,U.l.t ClTaKMAIT'ai UEMTH0L T,8u,,urSft nd ifc,t remedy for WUI1 1 nuL, n akin disease. Eciema.lteb.Halt nneumnid Bore, Hums, Cut. Wondrnil rem dy for PII.KS. Price. tS ots. nt Drug-n a I SI Efts or by fnitll prepaid. Adrtrew asahoya. DftUBl Fof lty Matthew. Brot.and John mm nt rnip. - . ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TU I IDCHAV nCfC M DtrO Oft Roturn Enscaifcment of tho Comic : ui'ura duccuhs, Words aud Muin ly Willard Spenser, au- iuui yn iju L,uue lyooon. Tlli IS tllft nrio-ittftl nnl ntilv nmnnv rri. fntlfillL. tltix illt,. 14 n,wl II... a.m... u-l,t..h n ... pearod in tnis city u liuntli ato. WITH THEIR OWN ORCHESTRA. PRICES -First Floor. HI..M. l 01- Rntcnnv. 31.00,; Uallory, 2:.c. nuie ut Beutsupens Tuesday, Dec. IS. DAVIS' THEATER Monday. Tuesday und Wednesday, Deo. 17, 18 and 19. TUo Iiieomtinroljlo Terpsichorean Marvel THE ARTISTE SUPREME GYRENE THE MARVELOUS DANCES, AN'D HER HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE CO. Ilornnmo nlono should ha n aunr.inhui flint til Ih will liu one nf the Uncut oiitertainineiita of tills Reason. The furor created on lier lurmer visit was u notnlile incident iu that tora. The press was unit in pruuoaiicini; her abso lutely liuique. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances dallyat2.30andS.ljp.m. OUR ill II The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Poitlvlv cure nil lisimo arisinc from IMPURE BLOOD, &UCH AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick und Norv ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dys Persia, Fever uifd Ague, Serofti la, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Diseases. 12. M. IIETZEL, AGENT, 330 LBCKKWANNi AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. DUPONT'S MINING, OUSTING AND SPORTING Manufactured at the Wnpwallopen .Mills, Lu zurna county, rn., imu r.t Wil mington, Dciare, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Gcncrul Agent for the Wyoming Dibtriet. 118 WYOMING AVE.. Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. Auenciks: Tnrs. FORI). littston. Pn. JuHN B. SMITH & SON, Plymouth. Pa. E. W. WUI.U(tAN. Wilkoa Barre, Pa. Agents for tho lteiauno Chemical Com pauy a llittli Explosives. nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of tho best quality for domestic life, and of all hIzos, delivered In any lart of the city nt lowest price. Orders left at my Otllce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Hear room, lirst lloor, Third National Hank, or sent by mall or telephone to tho mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be imuh for the tale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Complexion Preserved DR. HEBRA'3 i VIOLA GEEI Romovca Fracklen, Pimploa. Lhar Mole. Elachhead., Sunburn and Ten, and re- atirti lhA alttn In Irani-Id. Di Iresaneui, proauclng a iretfv j'aiK; cioar and healthy com-!. tTOsJv' .!...(. C,.nrin,tillifnnn1 preparation end perfectly harmles. At all frugglsti,orinaUodiorSOcu). Bcud lor Circular, VIOLA 8KIN SOAP "flr Insnpanbt. u a BtlD urlr,lo Roip, aiMqua tat tb. tollM. and vllboot a rtfit fur the f.iwry. Ahmlutolr f.ur and ddlMM audi, cud. At dnn-.l.m Prloa 23 Cent. G. C. BITTNER & GO.,Tci.ioo, O. . For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Phoirjs. CHARLES II. SCH ADT. THE PRINCESS BONNIE HERBS, Ho, ROOTS ST r.".' C. H. SCHADT & BRO. INSURANCE - AGENCY. Room 2, Library Building, Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. REPRESENTING: American Fir Insurauco Company of New York. London Assurance Corporation of London, Knglaud. Kun Fire Insurance OIUco of London. England. West Chester F'ire Insurance Company of Now York. m - t.,a aui m in buk If - 1 WAGON MAKERS' f WITH SUPPLIES. t j Hold Fast , x MR fpnhpnilpr S Pn Sharpenins, .J'J , ) i 1 IV I V Detachable f J V lw UU UU U UUi Vi HORSE if J) shoe ,-:: CALKS Z' D. L FOOT AGENT. Livery AND n li Everything First-class and Care Given All Orders. 1533 CAPOUSE AVENUE. 0 Mi SPRUCE STEET. We Make a Sjicclally oftho Old Fashion V Neverslip f Horse Shoe Calks. k jn RUB. Assisted by Robert C. Kelmer, V. S. OFFICE: 311 SPRUCE ST. Office Telephone, 12(it. OFFICE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. u MANUFACTURER OF STRICTLY HAND MADE . . . . HIGH CLASS CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, &c. Piano, Grocery, Brewery Wagons, Drays, &c. Manufacturer of Russian Sleighs. 421 SPRUCE STREET. JOHN A. SCHADT. Established 1857. Established 1720. Established 1710. Established 1S37. SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of fliLimin) Scranton, Pa. Jllll.l HORSE SHOEING HI INI 11 UU luLUll,